5 Tips to Develop Your Inner Strength and Power

Inner Strength & Power

Inner Strength & Power


Have you ever wondered how to develop your inner strength and power? How many times have you wished that you had more willpower or self-confidence, inner strength and power? How often have you lacked inner strength and power, or lacked enough persistence to follow your decisions and plans?

Inner strength and power is not something that you are born with, but it can be developed like any other skill. Your inner strength consists of self discipline, self control, willpower, detachments, persistence, peace of mind, and the ability to concentrate.

Your willpower on the other hand is the inner strength to take actions, make decisions, manage and execute any task, regardless of any resistance, difficulties, or discomfort. It is the ability to overcome temptations, negative habits, laziness, and to carry out actions, even if they are tedious and unpleasant.

Once you train and exercise your willpower, you will be full of courage, strength, and assertiveness. As your inner strength and power grows, it will become easier for you to get rid of attitudes and habits that are a hindrance in your way to a better life.

Our inner strengths, experiences, and truths cannot be lost, destroyed, or taken away. Every person has an inborn worth and can contribute to the human community. We all can treat one another with dignity and respect, provide opportunities to grow toward our fullest lives and help one another discover and develop our unique gifts. We each deserve this and we all can extend it to others.” ~ Mark Twain

Listed below are 5 tips to develop your inner strength and power, thus enrich your overall life.

  1. Practicing Meditation

One of the best ways to develop your inner strength and power is to practice meditation as it helps you relax in many ways, provides relief from stress, and boosts your energy levels. A few relaxation techniques you can follow are:

  1. Breathe Deep

Learn the art of deep breathing appropriately, so that your inner strength and power are enhanced. The demand of oxygen for your brain increases, when you feel tensed, whereas shallow breaths reduce the intake of oxygen that leads to suffocation of the brain cells.

Breathe through your nose until you feel full, though not excessively so. While you deep breathe, your abdominal area will increase and your chest will rise. While exhaling, draw your lower abdominal area in, followed by the upper. Stay in that position for half a second, and then continue with the exercise.

  1. Laugh Freely

Laughter helps a great deal in boosting your inner strength and power, as it causes the release of endorphins. Having a good laugh makes you feel good about yourself, which makes your energy levels rise.

When you genuinely laugh, there is a rise in your blood pressure and heart rate that makes the blood flow more efficiently throughout the body. Remember, that more blood flow results in higher energy levels.

  1. Forgive  Easily

If you hold a grudge against anyone, the pent up stress can make you feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulder. Such a feeling of emotional drain can be very unproductive and can completely consume you, thus it is better to forgive and let go.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you should forget what hurt or angered you; instead you should be the higher person and show that nothing can keep you down. It takes you beyond the role of being a victim, and places you in the driver’s seat. You should not be a victim, instead, take control of the situation and expend your energy elsewhere.

  1. Handle Obstacles

Learning to handle obstacles is the best way to exercise your inner strength and power, stand your ground, and succeed. The world presents you with various challenges so that you learn how to develop mental strength, grow more confident and strong.

To succeed in overcoming obstacles, you need to have the inner strength and power to stick through any adversity. You must have the mindset to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles, and have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around. Take action and overcome them!

Your personal success and personal failure, all start in the mind. Success in life is about managed thoughts, focused attention, and deliberate action.

You need to eliminate negative beliefs that have been holding you back from reaching your goals, by tapping into the power of your unconscious mind. Your inner strength and power develops by overcoming inner resistance.

How do you develop your inner strength and power? What helps you achieve it, and how do you get inspiration to achieve this strength and power?


Photo Credit: Evgeni Dinev

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