Poor Communication Leads To Relationship Problems

A couple communicating with each other to avoid problems in relationship
The problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.”George Bernard Shaw

Communication skills are vital for a healthy relationship, especially when one realizes that poor communication leads to relationship problems. The closer we are to someone, the more easily we are hurt and tend to hurt the other also. Remember to be kind in your words, as it is not what we say, but rather the way we say it, that often hurts another people.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”- Mother Teresa

Most couples feel that their partners should know what they are thinking, thus refrain from communicating their wants and thoughts to them. This kind of poor communication leads to relationship problems.

3 Ways to Avoid Poor Communication

Mentioned below are a few ways to avoid poor communication that can lead to relationship problems.

1.Listen to Your Partner

Listening to your partner is the most effective way to prevent any kind of relationship problems. By listening I mean to listen to your partner with true dedication, paying undivided attention to the words that are being said by your partner, taking care of the expressions or tones that go along with the words.

Couples tend to interrupt their partners and don’t fully understand or listen to what their partner is saying, instead prefer putting their view point first. Such kind of one sided poor communication leads to problems in relationships, as you are not making an attempt to share your partners’ feelings, ideas, wants, and emotions.

2.Introspect Yourself

We tend to point fingers to our partners first when things are not smooth in a relationship, and point out their flaws instead of introspecting ourselves and our shortcomings.  It becomes harder for us to accept criticism and our faults, because no one wants or feels they are wrong, and this is where you need to face the truth.

Communication is about helping each other by seeing things from each other’s view point, and avoid misunderstanding that lead to uncalled for arguments.

3.Take Out Time

Take out sometime during the day to talk to your spouse or partner, and talk without distractions. Talking and keeping your channels of communication open prevents you from growing apart.

Do not think that if you ignore a problem long enough, it will go away on its own, as it tends to create more gaps between couples. Don’t think of what you are going to reply while your spouse is talking; instead pay full attention to what is being said.

Similar to a plant that needs to be watered daily, a relationship also needs to be worked upon, nurtured, and nourished, or it will wither away and die. You have to accept the bumps along the road, and remember poor communication leads to relationship problems, so keep your channels open and remain honest with your spouse.

When you need to correct someone, be resolved not to do so in a blaming manner. Before criticizing, view the situation from the other person’s point of view. Then be careful to speak calmly and tactfully. Carefully edit what you say before you say it.” – Rabbi Zelig Pliskin
Over to you – 
Do you feel that poor communication results in relationship problems? How do you overcome such communication problems  Share in the comments below.
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