How to Ensure a College Education for Your Kid

A woman college graduate completing college education

Not every child is lucky enough to have a college education. As a parent of a newborn or small kid, you can make efforts to ensure that your child has a college education. All you need is some savings, some understanding of your own kid, and some motivation to give to your kid to pursue knowledge and their interests. Here are some tips to prepare for and ensure a college education for your kid, and a successful career thereafter. ~ Ed.

While deciding whether it is time to have babies, most people want to first make sure that they can provide them with the best chances in life.

This makes the decision that much harder since everyone wants their kids to have much better lives than theirs.

One of the most worrisome issues for parents is education.

In the progressively competitive days we are witnessing, education imposes a huge financial and mental burden to every parent from all social levels around the world.

As a parent, you want to make sure you are giving it your all when building a couple of strong wings for your children and then set them off to fly, hoping for the best.

To help you do so, here are some tips through which you can ensure a college education for your kid.

5 Tips to Ensure a College Education for Your Child

Every child deserves a good education and a fulfilling future. If you want to plan a college education for your child, then these tips will help you.

Start a College Fund

Once your child is born, you should take a trip to your bank and open him/her a college savings account.

College funds are a great way to save up without the stress since you are not consciously making the decision every month to save up.

As per common 529 plan information—a tax-advantaged college savings plan that offers financial aid benefits—the money you save up and later use for higher education is actually exempted from governmental income taxes.

529 plans can be used in almost all universities across all states in the US, and some foreign ones as well.

Have Your Kid Practice a Sport

Encourage your kids to practice sports to have the chance of benefiting from an athletic scholarship. These scholarships are one of the best ways to ensure your kids get great chances of enrolling at the college of their dreams without worrying about tuition fees.

Once your child picks a sport he/she likes, you can move on to registering them as a professional athlete to become eligible for an athletic scholarship.

There will be some subject and minimum grade requirements for them to fulfill; you can seek professional help to understand all the prerequisites for this kind of scholarship.

Pay Attention to Your Kid’s Talents

All parents like to believe that their children are special and talented. And that’s absolutely true—as a parent, your role is to observe from very early stages what your kid is interested in.

Are they more into numbers, painting, or music, or perhaps all of these? The important thing is to encourage them to develop their interests without pressuring them toward a certain path.

It is very tricky since you will want to make your child know that you support whatever they are passionate about, but also, you want to push them to fulfill their potential.

Seek professional advice on how to create that essential balance and incorporate it into every aspect of your parenting techniques.

Develop Your Kid’s Hunger for Knowledge

When your child is interested in learning and is curious about life in general, the idea of education will develop organically as part of their growing up. They will go to school, and naturally, start thinking about their college education next.

Also, when kids grow up listening to their parents’ stories about their fun and precious college days, they will look forward to having the same.

Always tell your kids about the close friendships you built and inspiring mentors you met during your college days to make them aspire to have that for themselves.

Make use of ‘bring your kid to work’ days and make him/her see you in your element just ‘adulting’—they will be proud and start thinking about how they can’t wait to have an office like yours one day.

Help Your Kid Submit a Unique Application

College applications are incredibly stressful for a good reason, and they are the one-shot your kid will get at leaving an impression on the admission officer in charge.

Unlike your days, most officers now are looking beyond transcripts and aptitude tests; they are more interested in learning about your kid as an individual, what they do with their free time, their aspirations, and so on.

When the time comes, you need to make sure your kid is putting enough effort into the application, showing their real personality without holding back.

Wrapping Up

When it comes to education, your child will need the financial and emotional support to embark on the challenging adventure that is college.

It will not come easy or cheap. However, remind yourself that you are in the same situation as many other parents around the world, and there’s more than one way to make things go smoothly.

Over to you

Did you plan to ensure a college education for your kid? Share your tips and experiences in the comments.


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at Thanks.

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