How to be the Perfect Woman

Woman on beach showing how to be the perfect woman

Being a woman is wonderful. But how to be the perfect woman? If you think of this question, you’ll find the answer in this post. A woman is full of inherent qualities and potential. She has all the resources and it all depends on how you make use of it. You can become the perfect woman or the worst. The choice is yours. Here are the best steps to help you make the best choices and take actions that will make you shine as a perfect person and spread happiness within and around you. ~ Ed.

This post is for all the women in the world because you’re beautiful and wonderful! Now, it’s time that you become the perfect woman.

Before we move forward, I want to ask – how do you picture a perfect woman?

No, I’m not talking about having the perfect face or body. There’s more to a woman than that, and I hope you’ll agree.

A perfect woman is difficult to find, as the definition of the perfect woman differs in various cultures, societies and places.

However, we can agree on some common criteria and values that would define the most adorable and complete, or the real woman within us. I believe that every woman can be a perfect woman if she wants to!

An instant question might arise in your mind – who wants to be a perfect woman, and why? Why can’t I just be my ownself?

While I’d love to know your views on this issue, I’d let you know what I think.

To me, being a perfect woman is all about evolving yourself as a person. In other words, trying to become better. It’s about improving our personality and total wellness. It’s about trying to do good and put in your best in what you do.

Since I’m playing the role of a woman in this life, I’d better play it well and strive to be a perfect woman. Fair enough, don’t you think so?

I hope this post gives you some food for thought, or some aid for action, and would help you bring out the perfect woman within you.

How to become a Perfect Woman?

Let me reiterate that there is nothing perfect in this world, and we cannot become perfect women or men either.

However, we can do our best to improve ourselves and explore the real woman within us with conscious efforts, tested methods, and proven simple ways. This would help us become something close to a perfect woman.

“A perfect woman, nobly planned, to warn, to comfort, and command; and yet a spirit still, and bright with something of angelic light.” ~ William Wordsworth

Who is a perfect woman?

What defines you as a perfect woman? Is it your marriage, children, family, success, achievements, passion, or wealth?

The woman within you knows that these questions need much thought, so let’s begin by understanding what a woman is after all!

A woman is a beautiful, marvelous creature, often mysterious, interesting, and unusual! She has a strong character and personality, is consistent, has a variety of interests outside and within her family and home, and has more to her than meets the eye!

The perfect woman has a purpose and meaning to her life, and she possesses a depth of personality and character, and is interesting to get to know.

She conducts herself with patience, honesty, integrity, and lives life with passion, love, intention, peacefulness, and steadfastness.

A perfect woman has qualities that make others notice that she is not shallow!

“The strength of a woman can carry the weight of the world.” ~ Sarah Pezdek-Smith

11 Steps to be the Perfect Woman 

Are you the perfect woman you always wanted to be? Do you have what it takes to bring out the real woman within you? Do you know the ways you can use to transform yourself into a perfect woman?

This post finds the answers to these questions, and reveals how to be the perfect woman, and be a happy woman that you deserve to be.

Look After Yourself

A perfect woman is fit and healthy. So, maintain your health and fitness by having a well nourished balanced diet, and take care to exercise on a regular basis. Not to forget to drink at least eight glasses of water a day!

You could try walking, or going to the gym, or any kind of game or sport to remain fit and active. Remember, an active body leads to an active mind and nurtures the real woman within you!

If you look good, you’ll feel good, and vice-versa. So, if your hair are curly or wavy and you think straight hair makes you look beautiful, then get a keratin treatment for smoothing and straightening your hair and protect it against any damage.

A woman has to feel good about her, and one of the things that you can do is to dress in something nice and look attractive with a little bit of makeup; after-all looks do matter! It sure boosts the confidence of the best of women!

And yes, hygiene counts a great deal, so don’t forget to shower daily and wash your hair on a regular basis. Use a light deodorant or perfume as well.

Skincare is equally important and you’ve to chose the best methods for it. These days, there is no dearth of products to take care of your skin. Do you want to get rid of the dark circles under the eye or you want to know how to get rid of your freckles? There’s literally a product option that fits practically any budget for every skin issue.

If you would rather spend a little extra, a pumpkin cleanser will remove unwanted residue and bring cleansing hydration. Go ahead and pamper yourself with luxury self care.

Though these are not things to list out as I’m sure most of us take care of our hygiene, but as I was listing out the points to be a perfect woman, I mentioned it here.

Get Rid of Bad Habits

A perfect woman has self-control. You need to get rid of bad habits to strengthen the real woman within you. And, you can do this by quitting smoking and drinking, or doing it in moderation.

Besides, no man would like their perfect woman to get drunk, nor would they like their woman to smoke excessively. Even if you don’t really care about what men like or want, you surely do need to think about your own health.

Quit all other bad habits like watching excessive television, being an Internet addict, using too much of  cell phone, and other such things that stop you from achieving the mental and physical state of a perfect woman.

Don’t be Rude or Nasty

A perfect woman is emotionally well developed. To nurture the real woman within you, try not be rude or nasty- as people like to see a woman as a sensitive, caring, tender, and loving person.

Isn’t that her true nature? In the changing modern values, some might’ve different views, but being a woman myself, I make sure the woman within me is loving and kind hearted, and I treat other women and men likewise.

Avoid Being Too Materialistic

A perfect woman is a woman of substance. This doesn’t mean that a perfect woman has to be materialistic – in fact, a perfect woman is never materialistic and doesn’t speak too much of money or other related things.

Yes, money is important, but speaking about it all the time will only make you more materialistic, greedy, mean, and money oriented.

A perfect woman has a strong character, and virtues are her best appeal.

Be Ready to Change

A perfect woman is always learning something new. To unveil the real woman within you and help become a perfect woman, always be ready to change. Accept and adjust to life and whatever changes it brings forth.

Any kind of change that is for the better is worth going in for. Remember, as a woman, you have a larger responsibility and role that consists of your family, kids, and your home.

Personality Counts

A perfect woman has a good personality. The personality of a perfect woman would outshine everything else. You may have the prettiest face in the world, but if you are unpleasant or remain moody, you are far from perfect!

To develop the real woman within you in order to become the perfect woman, build up your confidence by getting involved in positive things and activities. Learn to control your temper, mood swings, and try to be friendly and as welcoming as possible.

Yes, we all do have our down moments, but a perfect woman will have the personality to carry off all the flaws with grace, and turn them to her benefit.

So, to become the perfect woman, keep your stomach in, chin slightly tilted, shoulders back, and carry a positive attitude all the time with a smile on your face!

Use Positive Affirmations

A perfect woman believes in herself. She would always use positive affirmations, even if she is faced with negative people or thoughts around her. That is what brings out the real woman within her.

If you’ve doubts about yourself that you are not a perfect woman, then try something out like looking yourself in the mirror and no matter how you look, tell yourself that ‘I am beautiful’, and do it every day! It is an instant booster!

No matter what, believe in yourself and your capabilities, and the world will change for you!

Fear Nothing

A perfect woman is fearless. Tough to do, but a perfect woman is the one who would take the bulls by the horns!

Being a woman you may fear certain problems that come in your life, but you need not fear, instead stand tall and fight it out in such situations.

Be ready to equip yourself with qualities, abilities, tools, techniques, or whatever it takes to counter the problems you face.

Instead of worrying about things, find out the root cause of the problem, and take steps to overcome them. The woman within you is stronger than you imagine, and you can become the perfect woman that fears nothing!

Learn to Take Compliments and Things in Your Stride

A perfect woman is always positive. She will always take everything that comes her way, in her stride. The woman within you will know how to take a compliment, without compromising your self-worth and self-respect.

There would be people passing comments at you that you may not like. They may say things like ‘You sure look good’ or ‘Hello beautiful’, or just about anything that actually compliments you, but you don’t like hearing it from strangers. Yes, you have an option to strike back, but that would just leave you being like them!

Instead, accept the fact that yes, you do look good! You have beautiful hair, your eyes are beautiful, your skin glows, your hands are well manicured. So, take it as a compliment, say thank you and move on!

As a woman you know you don’t have to stay there and converse with people who passed such remarks, nor do you have to blush. Simply accept that you are a nice piece of art or creation, smile, and walk away feeling that you are a perfect woman!

Appreciate Yourself

A perfect woman appreciates herself. She never forgets to appreciate herself or others, and values the efforts she puts into her work and family. The woman within you knows that without you there is no him, no family, and no kids.

The perfect woman is someone who deserves respect and admiration for everything that she does. And not to mention the wonder women who juggle between work and their homes, as well as manage their family and kids.

Value Your Family

A perfect woman is a family person. The most important aspect to bring out the real woman within you and become a perfect woman is to value and look after your family.

Managing my kids, home, and working alongside is something I have learnt to do, being a full time freelance writer. And for me, family always comes first, no matter what the circumstances.

A perfect woman cares about building a strong bond with her husband if she is married, and doesn’t quit when things get rough.

The woman within you knows that you are also an anchor, and your kids mean the world to you. They respect you for your love, firmness, and kindness.

The perfect woman would always be there for her kids and family, and tries to spend maximum time with them, be there for her children, their school, and their extracurricular activities.

Wrapping Up

I could carry on forever about how to be the perfect woman, but I’ve to stop myself. I’ll end with a collection of qualities and actions that can make you one of the best persons and a perfect woman.

A perfect woman is also a woman with great power that energizes the perfect woman within her. She is a woman of meaning and positive influence.

“We never know how high we are till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies.” ~ Emily Dickinson.

So far I have come across one such perfect woman – my mother, who was a true woman of substance. She was strong in character, values, morals, principal, and was humble, loving, spiritual, and lovely. She had the most beautiful personality, and I have always admired and wished to become like her.

So, wonderful women – cherish every single day of your life, by believing in yourself, and feeling happy for what and who you are. Marvel at your achievements, no matter how small or big, and feel proud of them!

Am I a perfect woman? I wouldn’t say perfect yet, but I do make my efforts to improve and change for the better, and I know that perfection would just happen. If I’m able to make my own life and the lives of others happy and peaceful; I wouldn’t hesitate to crown myself as a perfect woman!

Don’t try to look like a perfect woman; be a perfect woman!

“I am a woman in process. I’m just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Over to you –

Are you the perfect woman who follows your heart, never gives up, and can do anything? What makes you the perfect woman and motivates you to be the real woman within? Share your story or views about what makes you that ultimate woman in the comments below.

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