Simple Steps to Finding Happiness in Life

people expressing joy on finding happiness in life
“If you want to be happy, be.”- Leo Tolstoy
Are we really happy? What does it mean to find happiness in life? We all have our mood swings and days when we feel unhappy due to various reasons. We are not able to carry on living in that unhappy state for long, thus try to find happiness. Mentioned below are simple steps to finding happiness in life.

1-Find Happiness Within Yourself

Nothing can bring you happiness but yourself.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

As quoted above, no one other than you yourself holds the key to finding happiness in life. How you handle your happiness is your responsibility, and you should not blame others or circumstances if you are not happy.

2-Be Grateful

Realize and count your blessings. Appreciate and acknowledge that there are many things we should be grateful for, though we often choose to forget or ignore them.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t   have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”- Frederick Keonig.

Remember, everything in life happens for a reason, and that is what makes you stronger.

3-Do Not Compare

Stop comparing yourself with others, whom you feel are happier than you, as you would only feel frustrated or envious of their happiness. You can never say what others are undergoing, nor can others judge your situation, its each one to their own. Just be your best, and happiness would quietly come and sit on your shoulder.

4-Learn to Give

We tend to think that we would be happier when we receive things, whereas the truth is we are happier when we give, which though difficult to accept, but is an essential key to finding happiness in life.

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”- Mark Twain.

Lend a helping hand to someone in need, which could be a friend, family member, stranger, or donate to any kind of charity.

5-Spend Time With Your Near Ones

Spend quality time with your loved ones, as time is something that money cannot buy. Find happiness in life by valuing relationships that give more happiness, than any other materialistic things in the world.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.”- George Sand.

6-Meditate and Look Within

Seek inner happiness and peace, by introspecting within or meditating. When we are disturbed, praying or meditating helps us clear our thoughts and mind. Slow down your pace; take some quiet time out from the day for soul searching, to listen to what your heart says.

7-Learn To Let Go

Just let go of things beyond your control and learn to focus on the things that are under your control.  Trying to change things beyond your control will only frustrate and disturb you further.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”- Epictetus

To find happiness in life you need to change yourself, your own behavior or outlook towards life, rather than trying to change the other person or the circumstances.

8-Forgive and Forget

To forgive is human, to forget divine..”- James Grand.

Finding happiness in life can be so much easier if you learn to forgive others and yourself. Forget their past mistakes, and forgive them. If you have committed mistakes in the past, forgive yourself and release the burden.

9-Know Yourself

Accept and admit your weaknesses to yourself. You maybe cheating on your partner, or have a bad temper- admit and accept it. There are many things beyond your control, accept those, and admit or face up to the wrong things you are doing, and make amends to find happiness  in life.

To know the true reality of yourself, you must be aware not only of your conscious thoughts, but also of your unconscious prejudices, bias and habits.”

10-Share a Smile

There are times when we may not be happy, but share a smile still, as you never know another person may need it more, and may find happiness in your smile.

If someone is too tired to give you a smile, leave one of you own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who have non to give.

Though I don’t say I apply all these simple steps to finding happiness in life, but yes, I do try and follow most of them, and they do work! So go ahead, try them out, and find the true meaning of living a happy life !


Photo Credit: Danilo Rizzuti

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