What Moves You

What Moves You

What moves you and forces you out of bed in the morning- inspiring you to become a better you, a better friend, a better lover, or a better parent?

What is it that inspires you and keeps you MOVING?

What moves you and makes that place in your heart shine with a warm light that sometimes feels unbearable?

What fills you with the immediate knowing of magic, possibility, and God?

When your heart feels this way take good notes, as you might discover what in life is calling you!

 “The best ideas must move you before they can move someone else. And so you must begin at your core. Find that thing that causes a lump in your throat and moves you deeply—then work from there.”-Blaine Hogan (Untitled, Thoughts on the Creative Process)

I love this quote that is a call to inspire, a reminder to not go numb, instead to passionately create.

What at the end of the day touches your heart and refreshes you? Is it an object, a song, a quote, a memory, an action?

Or is it a good tune to start your day, a good read, a good movie, a sunny Sunday, a good walk, communicating with your loved one? What moves you to have that moment of inner peace, where you are able to connect to yourself?

Do what moves you and keep moving.” This simple statement inspires me and helps me remain focused on what will make me happy.

However, when I am moved, I am also able to help others (“do what moves them”) and get a sense of happiness that few ever experience.

Once you are able to empower yourself to accomplish what makes you happy, automatically the people around you are influenced and want to achieve the same.

Thus, when you make yourself a better person, you care about making those around you better.

I personally feel that what touches, inspires, or moves us is usually what we need to create more in our life. Connecting to what moves us on a daily basis helps bring meaning, purpose, and fulfillment into each passing day.

Your choices are yours alone and you need to follow what moves you. It causes a ripple effect in our energy field, generating the energy in others.

We are trained to think that we need to fit a traditional mold or follow a certain model in order to get a job, to make money, to get hired, to be successful.

We focus mainly on trying to fit others’ expectations that we hide our true colors, the ideas, and dreams that make us stand out and move us.

We fail to recognize that it’s exactly those unique things that make us who we are. They are what make people want to connect with us, like us, and work with us.

For me, I get moved by the smallest of things and though it is tough to mention all of them here- so just naming a few:

At times there are other issues that move me like-

What moves you may be different from what moves me, but the philosophy behind it and the dedication to being your true self and living your best life, is the same.

Figure out how to share a part of yourself with the world, and go for it. Those that matter will love you for it. So, what moves you?


Photo Credit:  123rf

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