What Moves You

What moves you and forces you out of bed in the morning- inspiring you to become a better you, a better friend, a better lover, or a better parent?
What is it that inspires you and keeps you MOVING?
What moves you and makes that place in your heart shine with a warm light that sometimes feels unbearable?
What fills you with the immediate knowing of magic, possibility, and God?
When your heart feels this way take good notes, as you might discover what in life is calling you!
“The best ideas must move you before they can move someone else. And so you must begin at your core. Find that thing that causes a lump in your throat and moves you deeply—then work from there.”-Blaine Hogan (Untitled, Thoughts on the Creative Process)
I love this quote that is a call to inspire, a reminder to not go numb, instead to passionately create.
What at the end of the day touches your heart and refreshes you? Is it an object, a song, a quote, a memory, an action?
Or is it a good tune to start your day, a good read, a good movie, a sunny Sunday, a good walk, communicating with your loved one? What moves you to have that moment of inner peace, where you are able to connect to yourself?
“Do what moves you and keep moving.” This simple statement inspires me and helps me remain focused on what will make me happy.
However, when I am moved, I am also able to help others (“do what moves them”) and get a sense of happiness that few ever experience.
Once you are able to empower yourself to accomplish what makes you happy, automatically the people around you are influenced and want to achieve the same.
Thus, when you make yourself a better person, you care about making those around you better.
I personally feel that what touches, inspires, or moves us is usually what we need to create more in our life. Connecting to what moves us on a daily basis helps bring meaning, purpose, and fulfillment into each passing day.
Your choices are yours alone and you need to follow what moves you. It causes a ripple effect in our energy field, generating the energy in others.
We are trained to think that we need to fit a traditional mold or follow a certain model in order to get a job, to make money, to get hired, to be successful.
We focus mainly on trying to fit others’ expectations that we hide our true colors, the ideas, and dreams that make us stand out and move us.
We fail to recognize that it’s exactly those unique things that make us who we are. They are what make people want to connect with us, like us, and work with us.
For me, I get moved by the smallest of things and though it is tough to mention all of them here- so just naming a few:
- A tender look.
- A gentle touch.
- A loving smile.
- A soft-caring heart.
- Unexpected kindness.
- Sharing quality family time and togetherness.
- My mother’s memories.
- My father’s care and love.
- My husband’s undivided time, love, and attention.
- My daughter turning back from her school just to wish me for my birthday.
- My kids offering to cook up a meal and set me free.
- My pet’s expressive eyes.
- A pleasant surprise that gives you happiness.
- A kind, generous, compassionate, caring, loving heart.
- Simplicity and honesty of people.
- Friends who take you for what you are.
- And of course my writing and work!
At times there are other issues that move me like-
- Poverty and seeing so many children and families living in hardships.
- Animal cruelty where animals are neglected, ill-treated, or abandoned.
- Environmental issues like the eco-system and global warming.
- Places where women are still not treated well or at par with men.
- Grief and problems of others undergoing hardships, pain, and traumas.
What moves you may be different from what moves me, but the philosophy behind it and the dedication to being your true self and living your best life, is the same.
Figure out how to share a part of yourself with the world, and go for it. Those that matter will love you for it. So, what moves you?
Photo Credit: 123rf
Its so easy to get stuck in a habitual rut were you are just going through the motions, but I’ve learned the hard way that you have to thrive to survive. Its not enough to do your best; you must also tap into your values, your desires, your needs and your talents.
One thing that moves me is writing. In most conversations my main objective was to listen and so I tried to talk only when invited to. Writing has reconnected me to my voice and my self-confidence. I’m a little rusty but it feel great expression yourself, especially now with the help of social media to make connections to people who appreciate your words.
I like the topics you write about and honest approach. I think it puts people at ease and ready to open up, even if its only to themselves.
Being moved by life is what keeps my passion alive. I’m fortunate to work in a job that moves me every single day. Watching my students become lifelong learners causes me to race to my job on most days! The gleam in a kiddos eye when they understand a concept is awesome. Having my hubby walk me to my car every day makes my heart just melt.
There are times when I have to look for what moves me. I really try to be aware each moment of the day. When I sense distress physically, spiritually, or mentally – I stop and listen in order to reconnect with my passion for living.
Your blogs are great because they always cause a moment’s reflection. Thank you for that!
xo Karen:)
Hi Karen,
Glad you could relate so well this post 🙂
Yes indeed, if your job becomes your passion as you love it so much, it does move you. I guess just to see your students become better by the day must be making you so proud.
Hubby walk you to the car sounds so nice – you are indeed very lucky! I think if we sit and think about what moves us, we do find the answers because there is always something that does, doesn’t it? Every small thing matters I’d say.
Thank you for saying that, and it’s when friend’s like you inspire and motivate me, that I’m able to carry on my path. I appreciate you 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Your post are so inspiring even if they’re already about a year old. We call these timeless posts.
I was going through your lists and I noticed that if I were to list mine it would be the same as yours.
I greatly admire also persons, old persons, who still love each other throughout all the years. At the age of 84 and 82, they still hold hands and embrace each other. These are my parents. They, however, told me that their life was not always smooth, and I was a witness to this. But at the end of the day, they settled their differences and told themselves that they have vowed to love each other, “till death do they part.”
It’s a vow that they inculcated in their minds-no thoughts of divorce. They have to make up for their misunderstandings because they’re together forever.
Glad you like the posts, and yes, I prefer to keep them all evergreen Jena!
Nice to know that you found the list similar to yours. I guess these same things move most of us. 🙂
That’s right, there are so many elder lots who are still in love and seeing them is truly an inspiration for generation nowadays. One should learn the lesson of love, respect, trust, and understanding from them – isn’t it? I liked the vow your parents took, which should be what we need to do also, so that leaves us no option but to accept and adapt to each other. My parents aren’t that old, but I’ve ALWAYS seen then to much in love – right till the moment my mother breathed her last. They remain my role models.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
What a great, inspiring post!
For the last few years the only thing that has moved me is worry about my husband and the financial plight that we are in. I just want to help but there is nothing really that I can do apart from be there for him.
Your post has opened my eyes to what I can achieve and what I can do on my own and hopefully together we can lead better lives.
Welcome to the blog Cindy!
Glad you could relate to the post and it moved you in some ways as well. I can well understand all that you and your husband must be facing, though being there for each other helps a great deal, and you are doing exactly that. There could not be a better way to help out, and your emotional support would mean a great deal to him during these tough times.
Nice to know that the post helped you in some ways, and am sure with passing time you would be able to achieve a lot of success and lead better lives. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hey Harleen,
This might sound weird but my friends belief in me keep me moving. There are so many times when I might not believe in myself, but the fact that my friend keeps that trust in me and has me all going is quite a motivator in itself.
Also, my work is another aspect which has me moving. All in all there are many things which help me move, but the most important thing is that we keep moving! All the time! 🙂
That is indeed wonderful Hajra!
I guess your friends must be so special that keep you moving and inspired all the time. It does happen with most of us when we have our down times and look up to others for inspirations.
Sometimes its our parents, family members, spouse, kids, and of course our friends who are always there to give us that extra push required to move on in life.
Yes indeed, work does move most people and they are able to so well relate to it. Nice to know that you too feel the same way. I also believe that as long as people or something move you, you are on the right track!
Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂
I love this post! What makes me move out of my bed? My dog actually! Lol! I’m not kidding! She’s the one who wakes me up early in the morning because she wants to pee. And she will never stop waking me up until I got out of bed. And of course, my work. I love what I am doing, and am excited everyday to go to the office.
Glad you liked the post Jasper!
On yes, pets always move us for sure- the first thing in the morning! My dog is similar to yours and their needs or demands cannot be ignored. Nice to learn that you are driven and moved by your work, and like what you are doing as well.
Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
What a lovely post! I love your list, simple but powerful. What gets me out of bed in the morning is anticipation of work. I’m interested to know what tasks are assigned to me for the day and what new skills I can learn. So very different from the dread I’ve always felt with my last job.
I am moved by that perfect moment when I see my kids laughing, happy and content, or sleeping peacefully. Simple joys like watching my pet cat’s antics, having a cup of hot chocolate early in the morning while basking in the peaceful surroundings. So many little things that many of us may take for granted and yet these are the ones that can empower us.
Thanks for sharing this moving post.
Welcome to the blog Theresa!
Glad you liked the post and could connect with it. Work is a moving force for many people, and something they do look forward to that gets them moving. And if you are liking that, as its away or different from your previous job, then it sure must be really something you are looking forward to.
Yes indeed, simple joys as you mentioned, the laughter of our children, the antics of our pets, the rustle of leaves, the blowing of the wind, sharing a cup of hot coffee with your dear one, are all the things that are something I can well relate to as well.
Thanks for adding more value to the post. 🙂
Wow, Harleena, what a touching and inspirational post! I love your list, it’s poetic how you describe the joys of your life.
I also am embracing the joys of my life right now. It’s exciting to get up in the mornings these days. But I look back on my life and remember the tough times and wonder what got me out of bed during some really challenging days. I don’t think I ever struggled with that issue, even when times were the toughest. I was always ready to tackle the days, even when I wasn’t sure how I would make it through. And that’s the thing, no matter how tough the day ahead is, it will end eventually to lead to a new day.
I hope for you, Harleena, that your days are many and filled with joyous reasons to greet each morning!
Glad you could resonate with the post and found it a touching one as well Carolyn!
My list is just my inner feelings penned down and shared with everyone. It’s nice to learn and know a little more of your life, away from the tech. world where you are a sure wizard! I guess you had a good hold on your feelings, emotions and understood life well- thus never really got affected during the tough times. I remember a perfect quote for this that goes something like this – tough times don’t last, but tough people do!
I think we all are given that inner strength and power within us to handle and deal with life at various situations. Some are able to tap it, while others succumb to the pressures. I love your last line that no matter how tough the day has been, it will end eventually and lead to a new day- beautifully said- and so very true, giving lots of hope and inspiration. The clouds always have a silver lining!
Thanks for the kind words and adding so much value to the post 🙂
Hi Leena,
I have loved reading this post because it has really ‘moved’ me. Thank you as I really needed to hear this. I think this is one of your best posts! I can really see your heart here.
I know that meditating moves me to inspiration and to inspire others. It moves me to motivation and to motivate others. I am going to find that small thing that will help me to be more consistently uplifted to begin the day with a smile.
I don’t usually remember what I dream about, but I know last night must have been something bad or negative because it was hard to get out of bed. Thank you for reminding me how beautiful life can be if I only smile!
Love this post! I will be keeping this. Sally
Glad your comment came through the spam, and am sorry that it took this long Sally!
I am so happy that you could resonate with the post and found it moving enough, and it was something that you needed to hear. Thanks for saying that you find this one of my best posts, as it is wonderful bloggers like yourself and so many others that find the goodness in other peoples work and find them worthy enough.
Meditation does give us a chance to introspect and go within, and that gives us the inner strength and power to help, inspire, motivate, and connect with others in a better way. It does uplift us.
We do have our trying times Sally, when we do turn negative or feel down. At such times, anything that we find we can relate to, or what moves us or touches us- is a blessing in disguise. And you do have a wonderful smile, so keep smiling and spreading your charisma with everyone.
Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂
The most subtle gestures make the biggest difference, and stir the deepest emotions in ourselves. Super points Harleena, thanks for sharing!
Welcome to the blog Ryan, it sure is nice of you to visit!
I am sorry for the late approval of the comment, as it was lying in the spam that I just saw. I love those lines- the most subtle gestures make the biggest difference and stir the deepest emotion in ourselves- so very true! I think it’s all about the life’s little things that really move us- they don’t have to be big things or huge achievements.
Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂
True Harleena,
Sometimes simple things get us moving and make us motivated.
Thank you for the post 🙂
Welcome to the blog Farouk!
Yes indeed, sometimes the simplest of things touch, inspire, motivate and move us. Those very things remain close to our heart as well.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Wow, what a wonderful post. I guess I’ve never really thought about it until reading this. So, what moves me.
I would have to say mostly that I just love life, I’m so grateful for all that God has blessed me with, I love helping people, the unconditional love of my dog and my Mom and the love of my family and friends. Those would be the highest up there on my list. By the way, I enjoyed reading yours too!
Thanks for making me take the time to reflect on this.
Glad you liked the post Adrienne- as coming from you, it means a lot to me!
I guess till we really take out out the time to sit back and go within ourselves, it is tough to decipher what really moves or touches us. Incidents and people in life do move me a great deal.
I thought of the post as soon as my daughter turned back while going to school on her vehicle, to wish me on my birthday and the following day, which was the day my mother passed away many years back. Both these incidents moved me to tears and I knew I had to pen down my feelings in the form of these words.
Your helping nature is well known to everyone Adrienne and I can vouch for that, while being grateful for the smallest of things is wonderful. I did read about Remi and know your love for dogs, which is something truly beautiful, and so is to have a great family and of course friends who take you for who and what you are.
Thanks for adding so much more value to the post 🙂
What moves me is reading words such as what you wrote here!
I do from time to time pay attention to what fills my heart, but your blog post has inspired me to pay more attention. My heart soars when I am surrounded by a large body of water, when I listen to the rustle of leaves, when the notes resound from a church choir’s song or a blues band reaches deep inside me- these are some of the things….
Most certainly, my day job does not move me, and therein is my current challenge.
Welcome to the blog Jean!
I am glad that the words and post moved you, and the blog as such inspired you as well. Rustle of leaves, the silent waves, and the chirping of birds makes my heart soar as well. I guess we are touched by things that move our heart, which certainly is experienced when we are at inner peace with ourselves- away from our jobs. However, for some it is their job and work alone that moves them- so, each one to their own!
Thanks for commenting 🙂
I agree with Jean, Harleena – your writing moves me!
I’m like you – creating things for other people to enjoy is what really moves me. Unless I’m creating something I tend to feel a little adrift, hollow. Luckily my work demands creativity from the moment I wake until the moment I collapse into bed at night!
Welcome to the blog Brett!
Glad to know that my writing moves you- that sure is motivation enough for me! I can see that we do have some things in common- the nature to help or get across other people, trying to reach them and help out in whatever small possible way. I too feel my day is made if I have touched someones heart or moved them through my posts or deeds.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
Really love reading this post of yours!
And to answer your question, it’s my family that moves me. Always will be them!
Welcome to the blog Edmond!
Glad you liked the post and could relate to it. Oh yes, family and my kids always come first for me as well. Small deeds done by anyone of them moves me a great deal as well. I guess that is how we bond and connect more each day.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
Being a trainer for over 15 years I am moved to get up and help as many as possible reach their goals and to understand the importance of staying healthy. After losing both of my parents it has driven me even more. I am now involved in a program to help cancer patients exercise. I lost my mom to breast cancer so doing this program is my way of honoring her courageous fight. This was a great post you have written.
Welcome to the blog Mike and glad you liked the post as well!
To help people through your training programme to achieve their goals and remain healthy is sure inspirational, and glad to hear that it moves you. Sorry to hear about the loss of your parents, though I am sure your mother would be proud of you for the noble cause you are working at. I also lost my mom to lung cancer a few years back, though she remains my guardian angel – and is always with me.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
Posts like this are like dancing in the rain and good conversation.
I really enjoyed reading this Harleena 🙂
Glad to know you could resonate with the post Sarah and liked it as well!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I am often moved by stories and movies of people overcoming adversity. Reading and watching the right ones can often bring tears to my eyes. The emotions are simply overwhelming.
I notice that what follows these inspiring stories are usually actions on my part in accomplishing something in my day. A better post, an inspired slide show, a new way to plan things, commitment to be a better parent and so on.
Inspiration truly moves us.
People, movies, stories, incidents, and life do inspire most of us Jimmy.
Nice to learn that you are deeply moved to the point of tears that shows the effect they have on you and how much they inspire or move you. I like what you mentioned that its your own actions that you accomplish during your day that somehow connect and moves you.
Yes indeed, it could be the smallest of things I think anything that motivates or inspires us- moves and touches us deep within as well.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
Harleena, aloha. What a beautiful post. It moved me.
What gets me out of bed in the morning, what moves me is knowing that I have the day ahead of me to do what I want. Each and every day I know that I create the day that is most satisfying for me.
Harleena, it literally makes my heart sing when I can connect people in mutually beneficial relationships, when I can help people learn or understand something that is of benefit to them or when I am able to help people achieve what is important to them.
Spending time with those who matter to me, enjoying long walks and sitting quietly with my cat all are essential elements in my day.
Thank you so much for causing me to reflect and appreciate my life.
Best wishes to you, Harleena, for a terrific next week. And, again, thank you for this magnificent post. Aloha. Janet
Aloha Janet!
Glad you found the post worthwhile enough to have moved you as well- I feel the purpose of the post is accomplished if it has touched anyone’s life.
I think each morning when we open our eyes is a blessing in disguise and to be aware and thankful for the Almighty that we are given a new day- a new life- another day to accomplish what we like. A new day moves me too and gives that push to start the new day by giving it my full.
I love your blog for the help and support it provides so many and the very fact that we build our relationships based on that. I guess if you are able to share a little bit of your time with those who matter, hear them out, and just be with them- makes all the difference. And yes, pets help us in ways we actually can’t describe- as at times its their simple silence that speaks volumes and gives us the courage and strength to move on.
Thanks so much for adding more value to the post and hope you had an enjoyable weekend as well 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Well that is an easy question for me, my daughter moves me 🙂
When I feel overwhelmed or lack the energy to keep going on a certain project I simply unplug and spend some time with her. The world stops and I enter her world, which always amazes me.
I guess one of the reasons I moved and changed the way I work was to spend more time with her. Working from home I can choose to disconnect form this online world and really spend time living 🙂
Thanks for this great post which reminds me why I do what I do!
A very warm welcome to the blog John- it sure is nice to have you here!
It is indeed so sweet that you are moved by your daughter- she sure must be adorable! I think most parents crave for that time to spend with their children, though few are able to find the quality time with them. It does seem wonderful to enter your child’s world and for once experience and undergo what they feel- it is a great way to connect with them.
Spending more time with my family and kids was on my priority list as well- that being the reason that I switched from a full time job to working from home as well.
Thanks so much for adding more value to the post 🙂
I’m with John.
I’m moved by my children, more than anything or anyone else.
In particular (and though I have five amazing and inspiring kids), my daughter Julia moves me.
Julia has Down syndrome.
She gives everything her all; she loves unconditionally; she never holds grudges; she finds beauty in the mundane; she is more honest than anyone I know; she values feelings over things and invests passionately in her relationships – she is a blessing in my life in every possible way. And whenever I feel tired or overwhelmed or depleted, I think about her persistence and commitment to life, and I am moved.
Our children do move us Ruth!
I guess being mothers or parents, being touched or moved by their smallest of deeds, their questions, answers, happy or sad moments- just about anything connected with them- moves us. And you have 5 of them to move you all the time!!
I can understand well why you are specifically moved by Julia- she has that extra ‘something’ that others don’t, which makes her so special. She surely must be an inspirational child and adorable as well. What a wonderful blessing in disguise it is to have her as your daughter, which again most parents would crave for ( I would!)
Thanks for adding more value to the post by sharing about your kids and life 🙂
Hey Harleena,
Great headline and you delivered too. Love the way you balance the good and bad things that motivate us to get out of bed!
I start the day with a walk on the beach and that motivates me to hop out of bed early before it gets too hot.
I look forward to creativity at work and fun connections online.
On the low side I am positively motivated by the fear of not achieving everything I want to:)
Thanks for sharing and caring. The world is really a better place when you can hang out with like minds. I appreciate you:)
Warm welcome to the blog Annabel!
Glad you liked the post and could relate to it. What a wonderful day to start the day with a walk on the beach, as it sure must be providing you with the required motivation and inspiration for the day. Likewise I start my day with a brisk walk early in the morning that sure gears me up for the rest of the day!
Yes, the world is sure a better place to meet like minded friends. Thanks so much for stopping-by 🙂
Mmmmm….what a wonderful article to read. And you know what moved me as I read this – your list. Really, just reading that – and letting your words reach to my soul – was such a moving experience. And the thing is – I believe that by reading that list, I get a bit more of a glimpse into who you are. And that…is beautiful…
Harleena, thank you for writing this – and for making me think more deeply about what moves me…
Nice to know that you liked the article Lance!
I guess the post does give a peep into the kind of person I am, as I so often do get touched and moved by the smallest of things. It’s so kind of you to say that you got moved by my list and I am happy that it reached your soul and touched you in some way.
Thanks once again for stopping-by 🙂
Great post Harleena.
Coffee gets me out of bed. 🙂 And also the belief that I have an abundance of time and energy to create a positive impact on/in this world.
I am moved by injustice. I can’t stand it, I can’t tolerate it, and I stand for Justice in my life and my actions. There are so many causes out there that need people like us to help them achieve their goals.
Glad you liked the post Justin!
Oh yes- how could I forget the very basic tea and coffee- that DO get us out of bed- the first things in the morning- great reminder! Injustice in any sphere I think is intolerable- the one doing it as well as the one bearing it up.
Thanks for the great reminders 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thanks for making us think about this, for it ties into the gratitude equation. I get out of bed each morning to write, and I am reluctant to go to bed at night because I am still writing. I am moved that so many children suffer silently within their own homes for years. I am telling their stories so we adults will better understand that children are not as resilient as we might like to believe.
I get excited about sharing things and ideas and by connecting with people. I especially love the connections I am making on Google+ and all the wonderful things people share.
One of the things that brings me great contentment and peace is brushing a horse and talking to it before putting on the saddle and going for a ride in the beautiful countryside on Waiheke Island.
Sometimes it takes many years to break out of the mold that others have fashioned for us or their expectations of how we should live our lives. It is therefore wonderfully freeing to do what we truly love to do.
Thanks for your thoughtful post.
Glad you could resonate with the post Juliet!
Writing surely seems to move you as one of the things! Connecting with people and sharing their lives or ideas especially on Google+ sure is exciting, after all it was there that we met!
Brushing a horse and talking to it reminds me of my pet dog as I do the same with him! I think pets understand our body language and the way we convey our thoughts to them. I love your way of finding peace and contentment through this medium- it sure is nice.
Yes, it does take a lot of introspection and courage to break away from our set molds or pre-fixed ideas to do what we want to do or things that move us, which finally are the ones we succeed in as we enjoy doing them the most.
Thanks for adding more value to the post 🙂
I really appreciate you encouraging us to reflect on this, Harleena. Truthfully, I needed a lot of time to reflect on what moves me, but when I finally came to the realization, it was as if I should have known all along. What moves me is supporting or helping in any which, way, and form!
More personally, I am also moved by laughter and touch. =) I love connecting with others and finding positivity for myself through smiles and hugs!
Glad you could relate to the post Samantha!
It is indeed true that we really don’t get to know what actually moves us, till we stop to think for a while, or make the deliberate effort to go within ourselves to find out what touches us the most. Having a helping and supportive nature sure speaks volumes about your nature, while your sweet smile does show through your picture!
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
I have my own reasons that moves me, but because these aren’t uncommon reasons just like everybody else, sometimes I feel like I’m not doing the right thing. Just like what you’ve said, we tend to follow the normal routines, to listen to other’s opinion and disregard our own feelings, our thoughts thinking that it’s the right path to choose.
I must admit that I used to be like that when I finished my college. But as I started my journey and tried to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing, situations pushed me to the life that I truly desire. To be honest, after I choose the things, all the persons that let me move, I felt that satisfaction, that happiness… which will lead me to a fulfilled life. But then again, just like what I’ve said, sometimes I have those what ifs especially whenever I’m feeling that others have better lives than me because they have chosen to work outside.
Other people do influence us in some way or the other, though we should not let them and should have your own dreams, goals, and things that move or influence us. Of course, take suggestions, and learn from others, but finally follow your heart!
We all do undergo the feeling as you mentioned about not doing the right thing, but then I think we just need to follow our heart and go for it- once you start doing what you like or what moves you, you begin liking it and believing that what you are doing is the right thing.
Although tough, but it works best not to make comparisons with others or how well they are doing. There is no end to thinking about the ifs and buts of life, and if we think much about them we ruin our daily living. Its best to follow your own path patiently, carefully, and find contentment in what you pursue.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
You’re right with following what my heart speaks. Honestly, I’m totally relying on my feelings rather than my mind. Fortunately, I’m following my heart and very happy with it despite of all the challenges that come to my life.
Thanks for your kind words!
I have mostly followed and done what my heart says Audrey.
It is very rare that my mind takes over the heart- which does happen when there is some client, business, or work to be done. But then, there too if the heart says yes, the mind goes along with it. I guess when you DO rely on your feelings and inner-self, you can never go wrong, and even if you do, you know that it came from within and something that you wanted.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
This my friend was a very moving post, for me. I loved it, Harleena!
You know, I set out after my mother passed away to find out this very question. What I learned was, I am moved by making other’s happy. I am moved by being a listening ear. I am moved by making others feel uplifted and knowing that they can face anything that this world can dish to them. If I can make someone smile, my day feels complete.
When I took noticed at all the things that moved me, I knew that writing was my calling. Mainly because my writing moves me. It gets me up in the morning, and puts me to bed at night. I literally have to pull myself from it. It is my gift that was given to me by Mother and the Most High. And it is one that I want to use for the betterment of the world.
Thank you for such an awesome post; I see that writing moves you as well. This post truly proved that. 🙂
Glad you were moved by the post Deeone!
I guess we both lost our mothers and that loss did teach us a great deal- to seek the meaning of life, go deep within and a great way of expression through writing. Giving back to others, making them happy and smile, thinking about others before yourself, and being a patient friend or partner sure speaks volumes about you- and I find myself lucky to have such a caring-moving friend!
Yes your writing sure is awesome and moving, as it releases your inner self that you share with all of us. Sure was a mothers gift of love to her son!
Thanks for adding more value to the post 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Everyone morning I wake up, log onto my iphone and hope I got some new blog engage members or customers. This is what keep me going and what makes me remain positive. I can’t wait until I get to a place in life where I can make blog engage my full time career. I love blog engage and all our members, every day I get to meet new people and comment on some of the greatest blogs. I couldn’t ask for a more inspiring reason to wake up and go to work every day knowing soon enough I will work for myself.
Warm welcome to the blog Brain- it sure is nice to see you here!
Your work moves, inspires, and motivates you- that being the reason Blogengage is where it has reached today- to such great heights, which is all because of your dedication and hard work. I guess anything that moves or drives you becomes your passion that you start liking, and that is what makes you succeed in it as well.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
This probably sounds weird or almost stupid, but my job actually moves me.
I work on some exciting projects as well as get to interact with our amazing community. (I mean if you are in it, it must be good. Right Harleena?)
I enjoy the challenge and growth I am learning from my profession and meeting amazing people along the way. It’s something I haven’t experienced at this level before.
Oh yes, work does move many people Bryce!
It is not weird at all as these are the people who make it big and reach great places if it becomes their passion! Glad to know about your projects and challenges you face everyday- I guess that’s what makes you what you are- as it moves you and you would go all out to do anything for it.
Thanks for stopping-by 🙂
My job moves me too. Thank God!
Isn’t this great?
That surely is great Jodi!
Nice to know that you job moves you,m as it does many other people. I guess as long as we do things that move us and touch our hearts, we are on the right track.
Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂