How to Write, Market, and Publish Your First Book

How to write, market, and publish your first book

If you want to earn name, fame, or money, then this is the post you should read.

It’s about writing your book. Not only that, this post goes deeper and further to reveal all the secrets of writing, marketing, and publishing your first book.

The firsts are always special in life.

Your first date, first job, first salary, first car, and so on. There’s one “first” in your life that is going to make a big difference and top of all the firsts of your life.

That’s your first book.

If you do it right, then it’s going to make you famous and earn you lots of money.

Yes, there’s a catch. I’m not going to hide it from you, and I hope you got it already.

It’s “if you write, market, and publish your book in the right way.”

Writing, marketing, and publishing a bestseller book are no easy tasks. There is an art and science of becoming a bestseller.

If you do not do it the right way, then you may not benefit from your first book as much as you should.

You don’t write a book every day, therefore, when you do, you should try to make the best efforts.

If you want to take your chances, then go ahead and read this post. You’ll get a lot of information you need to self-publish your first book.

Though too much is revealed in that post and you may feel you know it all. But still that’s not enough.

To make your best efforts, you need to learn from the best.

Learning From the Successful Bestselling Authors

It’s wise to learn from those who have walked the path.

If you want to make your book a bestseller, then you should seek the advice of the bestseller authors. Why – to know the right way to becoming a bestseller author yourself.

They can guide you with lessons from their personal experiences. They can give you valuable tips that you might have no idea if you’re going to write your first book on your own.

There are many bestseller authors that have learned publishing tips and tricks through experimenting and doing it the hard way, and they have repeated their feat many times implementing their knowledge.

Here are few of these bestseller authors who have turned their book into a successful business.

Bestselling Authors Who Became Famous and Rich by Writing Books

How many bestseller authors do you know?

Do you know T. Harv Eker, Hal Elrod, Gary Vaynerchuk, Gretchen Rubin, David Allen, and Perry Marshall?

Harv Eker is the author of the bestseller “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. This book appeared on the New York Times bestseller list and was #1 on the Wall Street Journal’s business-book list.

Hal Elrod is the bestselling author of “The Miracle Morning”, which is widely regarded as “one of the most life changing books ever written” (with 1200+ five-star reviews on Amazon).

Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial bestselling author starting with “Crush It! Why Now Is The Time To Cash In On Your Passion”, which was #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list for Web Marketing books. It also opened at #2 at the New York Times Hardcover Advice Bestseller list and #7 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List.

Gretchen Rubin, the author of many books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers Better Than Before, Happier at Home, and The Happiness Project. Rubin’s books have sold more than a million print and online copies worldwide, in more than thirty languages.

David Allen is the author of the phenomenal book “Getting Things Done” that ultimately became his business tool.

These are some of the people whose lives changed by writing a book. They become famous and rich.

These bestselling authors have understood what it takes to write and make their book successful. They have been able to replicate their success story.

These and many other bestselling authors, marketers, writers, and entrepreneurs have all come together on a single platform to deliver their best tips.

Imagine that Gary Vaynerchuk, David Allen, Michael Hyatt, Chris Brogan, Barbara Corcoran and so many other bestselling authors revealing their secrets and tips to you.

Not only revealing them, but also telling you exactly how to replicate their steps and methods to write a successful book that can help you build a business or make a name for yourself.

Writing Your Book

Do you know that Chandler Bolt used to literally hate writing?

Yes, he never liked to write. But he learned of ways that eventually made writing effortless and easy and he ended up writing five bestsellers!

One of the main problems with most people is that they fail to get started. That’s where David Allen comes to your rescue as he teaches you the “Getting Things Done” approach to writing your first book.

Jay Papasan will reveal the techniques of “The One Thing” to manage your time to finally write your first book.

Cal Newport will teach you how to eliminate distractions and then practice “Deep Work” to finish your first book.

While Gretchen Rubin will tell you all about the good habits of how to be a happy writer, Joanna Penn will equip you with fiction editing and writing techniques for your first book.

Other speakers include Jeff Goins, Ray Edwards, Eileen Wilder, Taylor Pearson, and more.

You’ll find at least one strategy or system in every presentation that you can put to use right away for massive results (like Jay’s time-blocking approach).

Know more by clicking this link.

Marketing and Publishing Your Book

Did you know that you need to start marketing your book even before your book is published?

You’re in the safe hands of Gary Vaynerchuk, the successful Internet entrepreneur having published four bestselling books, and Tucker Max, which sold 3 million+ books.

You already know the Pareto principle, right? Well, in this summit Peter Marshall will teach you the 80/20 of book sales and marketing. John Lee Dumas joins to reveal how to use the Kickstarter to crowdfund your book.

Grant Cardone will show you how you can use your sales skills to sell more books and eventually grow your company if you have one.

If you don’t have a business yet, these marketing guys will tell you how you can turn your book into a booming business!

Other speakers include Michael Hyatt, Pat Flynn, Bryan Harris, Chris Brogan, Carrie Wilkerson, Danny Ivy, Patrice Washington and many more.


Did you know that many of the above mentioned bestselling authors and entrepreneurs turned their books into a 6-figure business and a brand?

You too can do that if you listen to the success secrets and strategies of these speakers.

Jeff Walker will tell you exactly what he did to make $5 million from his book “Product Launch,” which is about an Internet millionaire’s secret formula to sell almost anything online, build a business you love, and live the life of your dreams.

Harv Eker will show how he built the largest success training company in the world using his book “Secrets of the millionaire mind”. Mel Abraham is there with his story of how he sold $500K in backend products and grew his business using a book launch.

Verne Harnish speaks about how he sold 250,000+ copies of his first self-published book.

This success summit is a rich resource of all about writing your first book, marketing and publishing it, and then monetizing it to bring you stream of passive income forever!

Over to you –

Have you thought of writing a book? Do you believe what all you can do with your book? What’s stopping you from self-publishing your book? Share in the comments.

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