7 Things to Tell Your Children About The Purpose in Life

mother wants to tell her children the purpose in life as a role model

Give your children wings to fly


As a parent you know there are a lot of things to tell your children so that they are successful and find a purpose in life.

Well yes, telling them about the birds and the bees is one aspect, but this post is about the other important aspects of life.

My children are teenagers and I’ve been feeding them with information about life as and when appropriate.

Recently, I told some facts about life to my kids as I felt they needed a direction that would later help them find their purpose in life. Perhaps you can also relate to some of the points mentioned.

Lessons About The Purpose in Life

Here’s what I told my children about what I feel every pre teen, teenager, or adolescent child should know. May be it could help some adults too!

Did your parents also share similar things with you when you were growing up? Do you think they have helped you achieve your life’s purpose?

As an adult you can let all of us know too!

1. There is a purpose in life

There is a reason for everything in life.

All birds, insects, and animals have unique features and skills. They carry out special functions with which they help the nature and environment in some way or the other.

Similarly, every person is unique and has different interests, passions, desires, and skills. Each one has a useful purpose of life while living in this world, with a specific role to play.

You need to find what your purpose of life is. Read books or seek information on the Internet about successful people and their purpose of life.

Ask your teachers or us parents to help you answer your questions, and solve your queries about life and its purpose.

There are many ways to live your life. Finding your purpose gives you direction – tells you which way to go, and which path to follow.

It is not necessary that you become a celebrity or achieve fame to find your life’s purpose. Instead, you’ll feel good if you become somebody that makes a positive contribution to the world.

Have focus in your life – know what you want to be.

2. You ARE special

To be successful you need to know who you are, what is special in you, and what you want to do.

Yes, you’re special. You’ve some unique qualities that set you apart from the rest. You can do things, and do wonders.

You might want to do many things but it would help if you shortlist them to a few only. Then find the people who are the best in those areas.

Learn about their skills and habits. Find out how did they become successful and what they did to become successful.

Make them your role models and follow in their footsteps. But first know yourself.

You should be ‘YOU’ and not somebody else. Understand yourself by observing what you like to do and what gives you happiness.

3. Two lives to live

Everybody has got two lives to live in the same life – personal and professional lives.

Your personal life consists of having friends, family, and relationships. These are important support pillars of your life.

It is your values and principles that will shape you as a person and evolve you as a human being.

Your emotions are very important, which you need to understand and develop. Try to understand others by placing yourself in their shoes.

Empathy and sympathy will develop compassion in you. Kindness and humility will make you a good person.

Pure and true love will fill your life with happiness. Be honest with the one you love, whether it is your parents, friends, or life partners.

Your professional life consists of having a career. You’ll need a job to finance your activities and sustain your family.

It is what you learn in school and college that will help you take a job and make a career. You’ve to study and learn the skills well to have a good career.

To be really happy and successful in life, you need to have both – a good personal and professional life as well.

If any of these two lives have problems, you may not be completely happy. You need to make your life whole by doing what it takes to have successful personal and professional lives.

4. Fight the fear

Sometimes in life you’re haunted by problems caused due to fear. This often stops your progress or hinders you from doing what you want to do.

You may feel that you cannot do the task and find it as too difficult. You might ignore some important tasks just out of fear of failure.

Know that fear is a state of mind. Your mind is the engine that powers your desires and drives, and it can make you feel bad or good as well.

Your mind is the result of your thoughts. You can operate and change the state of your mind with the help of your thoughts.

If you think positive, you’ll have a positive mind that will always try to achieve what you want. If your thoughts are negative, they’ll stop you from achieving your dreams.

Besides fear, wrong habits become the biggest obstacle in your life. Never do things that harm or disturb your life.

You need to train and control your mind to be successful. And, you’ve many tools of life to help you achieve this objective.

5. Tools of life

Self-belief is the biggest and most powerful tool of life that will help you do or be anything that you want.

Believe in yourself. Know and believe that you’ve immense power within yourself. Believe that you can do anything that you want, if you want it enough.

Have self confidence. Be confident of your skills and talents, your abilities and capabilities. Feel that you’re something and act with total conviction.

Be disciplined. Discipline is self-control – of your thoughts, feelings, desires and actions in all aspects of life.

Choose good habits. Habits are behaviors that become repetitive. Have a routine that makes you do good things daily, which will help you achieve your aim or purpose of life.

Be determined and have a strong will power. It will help you to avoid distractions and keep doing things that are required of you for creating a happy future.

Respect yourself and have high self-esteem. Never think lowly of you – you are valuable and that is why you’re here in this world.

Have good and positive attitude. Your attitude defines success or failure. Develop an attitude that supports your aim and purpose of life.

Use self affirmations: Use the power of positive thoughts by thinking positive and self motivating statements in your mind.

6. Pitfalls of life

In the path of reaching your desired destination that fulfills the purpose of your life, you’ll find many pit holes like bad habits and bad company.

Avoid them. Else you might hurt yourself badly.

Never give in to drugs, and don’t get friendly with cigarettes and alcohol. Smoking and drinking are bad addictions that can destroy you and your life.

Lack of interest and lack of discipline may make you a loser. They may divert you on a negative path, or force you to live a compromised life you don’t like.

It is essential to keep the control of mind in your hands otherwise it can take you for a ride and make you fall for senseless desires and waste your crucial time.

Always remember that lost time can never be regained. If you procrastinate, are careless, or don’t value time then you may’ve to face a bad time in life.

At some moment in life, you might indulge in wrongdoing and still not accept or realize that, unless you’ve some values and principles in life.

7.  Principle of life

There are three important things you do – think, speak, and act.

Make it your principle in life to watch your thoughts, words, and actions. If these three elements are in line with your aim of life, you’ll achieve success and find your purpose in life.

Always think big, constructive, good, and positive. Your words carry the intentions of your thoughts. Words become actions, which then are an extension of your thoughts.

Thought is the primary tool that can make, change, or even destroy your life. Purify your thoughts and believe in their power.

Read, understand, and memorize this quote:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Develop a good character and conscience that always keeps you in check, helps you in difficult times, and lets you hold to your values even in times of temptations.

I told my children to make their best efforts and not think about the outcome. Keep giving the best every moment – every time, and they’ll only get the best sooner or later.

Tell your children to think before they speak or do anything, so they can assess if what they do is polite, useful, and helpful in achieving their purpose of life.

Children are our future. They don’t know much or the reality of life. We can help them know part of it to prepare for life if told when they are young.

I wish my children remember this talk about life and implement it. I wish your children too imbibe the good points into their life that will help them find their purpose in life.

Over to you –

What do you tell children about their life? How should they prepare for it? What do you think they should know to be successful and achieve their purpose of life? Share your thoughts.


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