Accepting the 7 Links Challenge

hand putting challenge alphabets

I have been blogging for nearly 2 years on my own blog and have worked as a freelance writer on numerous writing projects for over 7-8 years now. I actually decided to start blogging when my dad suggested that it would be a great way to express my thoughts and ideas.

Another reason that prompted me to take up blogging and freelance writing as a career was the strong urge within to do something creative. And, since I knew I had an inborn flair for writing that was passed down through my mother to me, picking up freelance writing wasn’t a difficult choice for me.

Most of my initial posts were generic and they didn’t get a lot of traffic or comments. So, I changed my way of working and interacting with people, and started sharing my own experiences with them.

Now I get more readers and more comments, which makes the blog a lot more interactive. And this is only my 34th post as of today!

The Challenge

I love accepting and taking up challenges, and to my pleasant surprise I was nominated by two wonderful people for the challenge!

Carolyn Nicander Mohr of Wonder of Tech, and Ntathu Allen from the crew over at The Next Goal, nominated me as one of the five people to take up the 7 link challenge.

It was very kind of Carolyn to nominate me on the first birthday of her blog! What a beautiful gift Carolyn, and I thank you for giving me this opportunity. And just 2 days back it was wonderful to hear from Ntathu on Twitter about the nomination- thanks once again!

This sure is a wonderful reason to go through all your older posts, and then pass on the torch to other deserving bloggers. More about the details of the rules can be read at The 7 Links Challenge – that was created by TripBase Blog.

The main aim of the challenge is to unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned, and create a bank of old but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.

The rules are as follows:

A- Blogger is nominated to take part.

B- Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog, sharing 1 link for each of the following category.

Most Beautiful Post

This is a tough one, because as a blog owner I always find something or the other beautiful in all my posts. But as I have accepted the challenge and have to choose one post, I would say that the post on 5 Tips to Develop Your Inner Strength and Power is the most beautiful so far.

I feel this is my most beautiful post as it very easily spells out the pragmatic and practical ways to gain more will power, self-confidence, inner strength and power. I guess everyone could beautifully relate to the tips mentioned in the post.

Most Popular Post

Ah..this is an easy one! The most popular post has been What Moves You– as I feel it relates to almost everyone.

The post is all about what gets you moving or what really inspires you. For most people it was their work, while for others it was their children, families, and various other things.

I suppose people really related to the post as is apparent from the comments left on the blog. It was indeed a pleasure to go through everyone’s comment and reply to them.

Most Controversial Post

I have yet to come across a really controversial topic on the blog, though something close to that would be My Wish List and Resolutions.

Although the post never had anything really controversial, a few people mentioned that they never really believed in making resolutions as they were hardly able to keep up to them.

However, for me, the wish list and resolutions were a reflection of my planning for my own personal development. And knowing how much I can achieve, I made sure that the resolutions were small achievable ones, which you can accomplish by taking one step at a time.

Most Helpful Post

I think most of the posts I put up are with an aim to help people, but since I have to pick up just one, it would be about the Benefits of Walking Everyday. I am a person who loves walking, so sharing my experiences with everyone was indeed a pleasure. And to my surprise, most of the people who commented on the post also loved walking!

I did mention a few benefits of walking that would help anyone, which is something everyone really liked. I guess it helped them a great deal. And those who had either forgotten about walking, or walking had taken a back seat in their lives- were once again reminded about its benefits.

Post Whose Success Surprised Me

I would say that the post that surprised me the most was How to Instill Gratitude in Children. I think firstly, people simply fell for the wonderful picture with the dog in it- something totally unexpected. And secondly, I loved the support and comments of the readers for the post.

I feel everyone was able to relate to the post in some way or the other, because gratitude is something that we all are taught when we are young. Similarly, all the other smaller values we are taught were shared in the comments, which made it a very interactive post.

Post I feel Didn’t Get The Attention It Deserved

There were a few in my mind, but as I have to share just one, I feel the post that really didn’t get the attention it deserved was Health and Fitness Tips for your Family.

I tried to share various tips that would really keep your family healthy and fit, but I guess people are already so knowledgeable nowadays!

Post That I Am Most Proud Of

This one is the easiest of all. It is none other than the post about my dad- My father, My Pride. There were no two ways about the feelings I have for my dad and how proud I am of his achievements. Besides that, the lessons I have learnt along the way are something that I shared in the post.

All the readers of the blog have been wonderful to support the post by sharing their awesome comments about my dad and the lessons I have picked along the way.

I guess they were able to relate to their parents, and learnt to convey what they feel before it’s too late.

C- Nominate Five Other Bloggers to Participate in the Challenge.

This surely is the toughest part, as there are so many wonderful bloggers in the blogosphere. But as this is part of the rule, I would like to nominate the following five and wait to see what links they share with all of us.

1- Steve Rice of True Spiritual Awakening.

2- Praveen Rajarao of Daily Morning Coffee.

3- Samantha Bangayan of What Little Things.

4- Justin Mazza of Mazzastick.

5- Marcus Baker of Vibe Up With Marcus Baker.

This list could have been endless and there are still so many wonderful bloggers left on my list, but this time I wanted to nominate those whom I have not nominated earlier when I received the Versatile Bloggers Award and the Sunshine Award.

So, there was my list of wonderful bloggers and my 7 link challenge. I guess this is a wonderful way to introduce the readers to new bloggers and help them to resurrect the posts that deserved more attention.

Have you been nominated earlier for the 7 link challenge? What was your experience like? Isn’t it a great way to get introduced to new bloggers and learn more about their challenging posts?



Photo Credit: Tungphoto

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