Alcohol Addiction Recovery: Treatment Options to Reclaim Your Life

Woman hiding her face with hands in front of alcohol bottles for alcohol addiction recovery

Alcohol addiction can be overcome. There are many ways and programs of alcohol addiction recovery that can help you live a sober and happy life. And, there’s no shame or wrong in undergoing any alcohol recovery therapy. Or, even going to an addiction treatment center. Anything that helps you recover and lead a normal life is good for you. Here are a few alcoholism recovery options that may help you. ~ Ed.


We do not hesitate to rush to the doctor at the first sign of physical illness or pain, but often hold back on seeking help for mental health and addiction.

Actually, the stigma behind alcohol addiction can lead addicts to feel shame about needing treatment.

In fact, addiction does not exist in a vacuum. Rather it is a complex diagnosis.

Substance abuse is usually connected with trauma, mental illness, or unresolved family or personal issues. This is why it is so hard to go about recovery alone.

Luckily, professionals are working towards non-stigmatized, patient-centered treatments for alcohol abuse. There is no shame in needing multiple forms of treatment or trying out multiple treatments until you find the right one for you.

Below are some of the most successful treatment programs.

Support Groups

Support groups can be an integral part of recovery. Hearing similar trials and tribulations from people who are going through the same struggles as you can be inspiring and motivating.

There are several different support group formats. Finding one that fits your personality and morals is extremely important.

The following are a few examples of support groups for those struggling with alcohol addiction:

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Almost everyone has heard of AA and for a good reason. It is an extremely successful 12-step program that aims to give members a sense of community and control over their lives.

AA is accepting of all ages, races, genders, sexualities, and religions. Their only requirement to join is a desire to remain sober.

Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS)

SOS serves as a non-religious alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous.  AA accepts all people regardless of their religion, but it does have a spiritual undertone to their program.

SOS focuses less on spirituality and more on finding support from other members.

Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART)

SMART is a flexible program that can be done in-person or online.

It prepares members to be on their own and use self-help strategies to manage emotions, behaviors, cravings, and motivation.


Addiction is not a sign of poor character, but rather a disease of the brain that has a negative effect on behavioral and emotional health.

One-on-one and group therapy provides helpful coping strategies and insight into the roots of alcoholism.

There are several types of therapy that prove beneficial to treat addiction.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT has proven successful for not only treating addiction but also almost every mental illness.

The success of CBT stems from the fact that it gives patients the tools they need to succeed outside of therapy.

CBT focuses on the connection between thoughts and actions. Changing thought patterns can help create replacement coping mechanisms for drinking.

Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Originally created to treat Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT has proved to be an effective treatment method for alcoholism.

DBT focuses on utilizing strategies for mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and communication to encourage a balance between accepting oneself and making positive behavioral changes.

Contingency Management

Contingency management is essentially a synonym for a rewards system. Small, attainable goals are set for remaining sober.

Once goals are met, small rewards reinforce the behavior of remaining sober. Goals can be increased, and rewards can be faded out over time.

Alternative Therapy

Some people find success from alternative forms of therapy.

Animal and art therapy, exercise, and maintaining a nutritional diet have proven beneficial for some looking to overcome alcoholism.

Treatment Centers

There is often a negative connotation to going to a treatment center. It may feel as though it is a sign of being a failure or that you should utilize them as a last-ditch effort.

To the contrary, treatment centers can serve as a fresh start and are often the most important catalyst for recovery.

Recovery centers have evolved greatly from restrictive hospitals and rehab programs. Rather than shaming and serving as a prison-like environment, most sober living environments are comfortable with around the clock support.

Modern treatment centers understand how difficult breaking free from the depths of addiction can be. They know the addiction does not exist in a vacuum, and that the root of substance abuse needs to be identified and treated first and foremost.

Wrapping It Up

Addiction can feel like a bottomless pit with no way out. With treatment and having the proper support circle, anyone can climb out of addiction.

There is no shame in getting outside help. Support groups, therapy, and treatment centers offer a non-judgmental treatment environment and are the first step on the road to recovery.

I hope this post helps you with your alcohol addiction recovery journey.

Over to You

Have you ever used any alcoholism recovery programs? If yes, please share your experiences and views about them.


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at Thanks.

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