9 Common Methods to Generate Quality Backlinks

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Organic traffic is driving traffic from search engines like Google to your website. For that, you need to get your website ranked higher on the Google search engine result pages. This is possible by making some efforts. Though content is still the king, building backlinks do help increase the chances and make a significant difference in getting more organic or search traffic from Google. Here are some ways that you can use to build quality backlinks to your website. ~ Ed.

We are in 2020, and building backlinks is an important process for driving organic traffic to websites. This is because backlinks are an important metric that Google uses in its organic ranking algorithm.

If you have just built a website and are struggling to generate good traffic or your organic traffic has declined, then you have to look into building quality backlinks. 

However, many websites are building backlinks the wrong way, and this leads to negative results.

Although there are many resources on the internet regarding backlink building, it is always important to be able to discern the best practices that would make your site traffic grow organically.

In this article, we would be providing extensive backlink building methods that have been proven to work.

We have compiled nine of the best common methods that can be applied to websites with minimal fuss.

Compose Articles with High-Traffic Keywords

This is backlink building 101, as this method helps bring organic traffic to your website.

Since the Google search algorithm uses keywords to categorize web pages and related articles, this is a good strategy to implement. Thus, it is vital that you do some backlink research on high ranking keywords in your niche and write articles using them.

However, that does not mean that you should stuff a single article with multiple keywords.

The best way would be to have multiple articles with different keywords; you can then link each article to another one by using hyperlinks. This way, you would be able to generate more internal traffic as readers click on the links to gain more information on various keywords.

Use Keyword Tracking Tools to get Brand Mentions

This follows the first method of composing articles with high traffic keywords. Keyword tracking tools are nice resources that help track major keywords.

After composing your high-traffic keyword articles, track them with free keyword tools. Google Daily Digest alerts are useful means of tracking keyword mentions.

Monitor the alerts insights and reach out to new blog posts and articles through your content for maximum brand exposure. This is an excellent way of generating quality backlinks.

Broken link building is a strategy that is utilized by only a few, but works when applied properly.

Websites that have large resources suffer from broken links, due to the constant movement of links within the site. When you click on a broken link, you get redirected to a 404-error page, informing you that the content you’re looking for no longer exists. 

The way to approach this strategy is to identify the content on these websites and offer the site the opportunity to replace their broken link with a link to similar content on your website. This approach works most times, as you’ll get high-quality backlinks while the site owner will have fewer broken ones.

Compile a Database of Resources

You can create a database on your website using different information from other authors within a particular field. This should be done in an attractive, user-friendly way.

You could publish a top 10 or 20 list of statistics or surveys regarding a high-keyword topic within your niche.  Therefore, you will be able to get quality backlinks when other websites use such information in their blog posts.

Implement Skyscraping Content

Skyscraping is an increasingly popular concept that many use to generate backlinks. It is essentially the process of looking for content within your field and creating similar content. If the content is popular, you can create something similar that would be ranked on the same page as the original content. 

For example, if the initial content is “10 ways to lose weight in 30 days,” yours could be ‘’20 ways to lose weight in 30 days.’’ You can generate organic backlinks this way when users search the relevant keyword.

Ensure Your Website Has a Unique Brand

This is essential, as the name of your website, for example, could give you an advantage over similar competitors.

If your website name has major keywords within your field, you will get organic traffic and backlinks, as it would constantly be on the first page of relevant search results.  So, that is one area you can look at when trying to build backlinks.

Infographics have become one of the popular ways of generating traffic and gaining backlinks. This is because the use of visuals is attractive and easy on the eye.

It is always advisable to ensure that your infographics provide relevant information for your target audience. You can search for trending topics and craft your infographics by using statistical data.

There are tons of online infographics directories that you can submit your infographics for greater outreach.

Promote Your Content Through Roundup

A great way to get good backlinks is to promote your content by reaching out to bloggers or websites that run weekly or monthly roundups.

A roundup is a cluster of resources within a specific field or topic. This is an excellent strategy to implement on websites that have huge traffic.

Google such websites by using the relevant keyword you want plus roundup. Then, submit a link to one of your best articles, and if the website finds it useful, they may link back to you. This is a cool strategy if done right. 

Guest Posting

Guest posting is regarded as one of the best ways to get excellent backlinks to your website. It involves creating content for other websites to build backlinks to your website.

Most websites are open to guest posts, and this is a strategy that can be used to develop backlinks to your articles and website. You must research the sites that you want to guest post for, as they should be within the targeted niche.

Write an excellent article and insert links to where you want before pitching to the website.

Wrapping Up

The nine methods given in this article are excellent ways of producing quality backlinks and increasing brand awareness online.

All you need to do is apply the methods effectively, and you will reap the rewards in due time.

Over to you

How do you create quality backlinks for your website? Share your tips and experiences in the comments.


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at corrections@aha-now.com. Thanks.

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