4 Personal Qualities That Can Make You Successful

woman encouraging personal qualities improvement

How to be successful – this was the question that once used to intrigue me, but not any more! That’s because I learnt that there is much more to success than what meets the eye.

Can personal qualities make you successful? Yes, they sure can!

It’s all about your personality or personal characteristics, besides your personal development and self-improvement efforts.

Many people still think that its money or educational qualifications alone that will make them successful.

But, they are mistaken as the reality is that it’s the personal qualities and characteristics that help you in achieving success.

No, I’m not in any way undermining money or education because they are also important.

However, history is witness of uncountable stories about people who achieved success without the help of these two clutches.

You can stand on your strength and unshakable belief. Once you do that it really doesn’t matter whether you’ve money or not.

It’s a matter of your personal grit and grade of qualities that you develop with your own efforts.

Are you wondering how do you do that?

It’s simple – by improving yourself, and of course, by following these self improvement tips. 🙂

“I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright

Self Improvement and Your Life

Ironically, not everyone believes in self-improvement or even personality development for that matter. There are contrasting viewpoints about improving oneself.

Some out rightly reject it as a useless concept labeling it ‘for losers’, while some treat it as an important aspect of life and regard self-improvement as the ‘winners potion’.

Isn’t that a contrast in the view point and attitude of people?

And, why not! Each person is entitled to have his or her views and perspective of life.

However, it’s generally observed that successful people believe in evolution and progress, and they make efforts to improve themselves.

By saying this I don’t mean that those who never use any self improvement tips don’t ever improve or progress.

In fact you all change your life, knowingly or unknowingly, willing or unwilling, because change is the essence of life.

If the change is positive, then you’re progressing and there is improvement in your life.

But if you try implementing a few tips that help you with the act of improving your life, there are more chances that you’ll progress positively.

Even more, such guidance on how to improve yourself acts as a catalyst, and helps you to be successful with less effort and time.

This post intends to equip you with certain ideas about your personal qualities, which I believe if you internalize, will act as a strong guiding force to help you improve and make your life better.

Self Improvement

What are Personal Qualities

These are the personal characteristics that make up your personality. These qualities of your personality are the basic ingredients for personal development.

Some of the examples of personal qualities are adaptability, ambitious, confidence, courage, honesty, positive attitude, punctual, and tolerance.

There are plenty of other personal qualities and characteristics that you can find in the list here.

Such qualities are what make you stand apart from others and make you a person of substance.

Awareness about these personal traits can help you in your personal development, in your daily life, work, and in picking up a career as well.

“Nothing endures but personal qualities.” ~ Walt Whitman

Relation Between Personal Qualities and Being Successful

Many people attribute their success to destiny.

Well, no doubt the idea of fate or luck is interesting and provides consolation at times.

However, I personally believe destiny is what we make through our efforts, without the fear of failure.

To begin with, I believe it’s logical and wise to work on something that we always have with us – our self.

Your “Self” is a ground of full potentiality and unlimited possibilities.

Any seed that you sow in it will unquestionably grow into a fruit bearing tree. You just need to make the best of your efforts to nurture and be the ideal gardener.

Interpreting the analogy, the seeds are your beliefs, ideas, and intentions. The fruit is the success you wanted to achieve and the trees are your dreams realized, or what you wanted to become.

And, the nourishment is your personal qualities that I’m going to talk about in this post.

The more you improve yourself by developing your personal qualities, the better you nourish yourself and increase the chances of reaping the fruits of success.

Now, if you’re convinced that your personal qualities can make you successful, we’ll go ahead and discuss some of the essential ones.

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” ~ Mario Andretti

4 D’s – Devotion, Dedication, Determination, Discipline

Develop 4 Personal Qualities for a Successful Life

Your life has many dimensions – emotional, personal, physical, social, spiritual, and others.

Each dimension has many personal qualities, which depend on your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level or state.

I believe there are four core personality characteristics that play a crucial role in preparing you to achieve success. These are the 4 D’s:

There are the traits that you need to develop to be more result-oriented and successful.

Though these D’s aren’t my original discovery, but I’ve regrouped, redefined and analyzed them with a new perspective to make them more meaningful.

These are not any abilities or skills that you acquire, but qualities of your personality that you develop.

The best part being that anybody can develop these personal qualities. All that it takes is understanding and a strong will, and then success is yours to keep.

Before going any further with the self improvement tips required to be successful, I suggest that you first analyze and decide what you want to do and become in life.

Your personal development campaign would largely depend on that.

“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.” ~ Abdul Kalam


Devotion is all about giving.

When you are devoted, you give something entirely that is yours – you devote your house, devote your time, or even devote yourself for some cause.

This is the best sacrifice you can make, and if you’re devoted, you’re ready to give what it takes. You feel it’s your duty or moral obligation to be committed.

It’s like giving something without the intention of taking it back, and making it your priority as well.

It’s a quality of commitment that becomes a way of life. The term devotion also has religious connotations and means the feelings of ardent love, usually for God.

Besides care, attachment, and loyalty, devotion is also about dynamism, enthusiasm, and zeal with which you work.

In fact, devotion also overrides and goes beyond drive or passion.

When you’re devoted, you’re driven by a force that’s more consistent and powerful. You then become more dynamic and self-motivated.

You devote yourself only when you deeply and seriously believe in something, and trust that its prospects would be far better and greater.

Be devoted to what you’ve decided to do or become in life. I devote my blog and time to help people, and the more I give the better and happier I feel. How about you?

Self Improvement Tip: Develop the personal quality of devotion, then whatever you do will be with all your heart. You’ll work as if you’ve limitless resource at your disposal. You‘ll be committed, spirited, happy, and successful.


Dedication is a pledge you take to carry out your devotion.

When you are dedicated, you are completely devoted and have faith in someone or something that you bind yourself with.

If you look up the dictionary, you’ll find that devotion and dedication almost mean the same, and are synonyms of each other.

However, there’s a subtle difference in their nature that turns out to make a huge difference in the results of their use.

Dedication is more like being focused with a high degree of commitment, and it’s like narrowing down from the broad spectrum of devotion.

It’s about actually putting yourself to work for which you’re devoted to with dynamism. Its action oriented.

Dedication is the act of commitment, while being dedicated is to assign and commit yourself.

I’m self-motivated to commit myself to blogging and I give my time to actually write for my blog. Or, I can say that I’m devoted to my blog and I write dedicatedly for it.

Self Improvement Tip: Develop the personal quality of dedication, and then you’ll be committed to do what you’ve planned. You’ll have more chances of being successful.


Determination is the making up of your mind to achieve something that you’re dedicated to.

When you are determined, you force yourself to work for a cause and show your firmness of purpose. It is the much needed push.

This personal quality requires you to be decisive and dynamic. Taking firm decisions and abiding by them is the hallmark of determination.

Basically, determination is all about your strength of mind and will power. It’s about the drive with which you’ve to be persistent and carry out your dedicated task.

With the persistent determination or tenacity, you can achieve any goal. And, determined people never give up even if they’re faced with obstacles and problems.

Being determined means you’re ready to persevere and make constant efforts, because you’re driven or highly motivated to achieve success.

Determination also shows that you have unwavering faith in yourself and the purpose to carry out a task.

It makes you diligent so you can steadily continue and complete a task despite any difficulties.

I’m determined to continue blogging and produce quality content despite the problems that I face. My determination stems from my dedication and devotion to my blog.

Self Improvement Tip: Develop the personal quality of determination and then you’ll put your heart and mind to any task you do, even at times of adversity. You’ll feel capable of winning and achieve success.


Discipline is the control and regulation of yourself, including your actions and behavior.

By discipline you mean self-control and adhering to the rules and regulations that are enforced to facilitate achieving of success.

Self-discipline is required in any field, stream, line of work, whether at home or outside. You need to be disciplined in your personal and professional life – don’t you?

If you wish to be successful in life, you need to be disciplined or do your task as you’re required to do.

Being disciplined helps you have an unwavering mind. Conversely, if you’re determined with all your heart and mind, then you’ll follow a disciplined life.

When you’re disciplined, sometimes you’ve to forego the immediate satisfaction and endure through hardships. But that’s what makes you stronger – isn’t it?

It is also useful in creating new and good successful habits to improve yourself and develop your personality.

Time management is a form of self-discipline. I use it to create my routine so that I can make best use of my time and be on the path to success.

Self Improvement Tip: Develop the personal quality of discipline, and then you’ll be able to work at your optimum level and potential. You’ll achieve self-control that will lead you to success.

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” ~ Jim Rohn

These tips for personality development and self improvement are for everyone.

Want some more inspiration and motivation? Then just watch the video for more secrets of success. 🙂

TED Talks ~ Richard St. John ~ Secrets of Success ~ YouTube video

You’ve read all about the core personal qualities that can help anyone to be successful in life.

You are successful if you’re devoted, dedicated, determined, and disciplined.

You can add more personal qualities to the above mentioned list but your life becomes much easier and happier even if you incorporate these 4D’s into your personality.

So, what are you waiting for? 🙂 Reach out for your success! 🙂

“There are four pillars, on which you can build the platform, to reach the zenith of success: Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Determination” ~ Lakkoju Goutam

Over to You –

Do you believe in self-improvement? If yes, then share the self improvement tips you follow to develop your personal qualities for success. Which characteristics would you like to add to the 4D’s so that it can make your life easier and happier? Share in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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