SYPS: Resolve Lifestyle Problems to Make Your Life Better

Man indicating no lifestyle problems in life

Did you know that most of the modern day diseases occur due to lifestyle problems? This certainly is alarming, for which you need to know more about the right way of living.

In this “Share your problems and solutions” (SYPS) post, I’ll discuss the lifestyle issues that you face, and how you can avoid and neutralize them by changing your lifestyle.

I’ve written many posts about lifestyle – about how you can lead a healthy lifestyle and make your life better.

You can, to a certain extent, blame the modern technology to adversely affect the way you live. However, it’s not that lifestyle problems never existed before.

Basically it’s the faulty habits that in a way invite problems in your life, whether in the presence or absence of modern technological equipment’s and services.

It drills down to the choices you make and the amount of self-discipline that you exercise.

Factors of a Faulty Lifestyle

Research studies have found the following factors that lead to a faulty lifestyle:

These major faulty habits make your lifestyle faulty. They also cause the diseases of modern age, called the occupational lifestyle diseases.

I’ve discussed such issues in detail in my post – “What stops you from living a healthy lifestyle?

There I’ve enumerated the ways to live a healthy lifestyle, and an acronym to always remember – DEAL. Read the post to find out more about it. 🙂

Lifestyle Problems – Actions That Make Your Life Difficult

Lifestyle problems are the things you do as a force of habit that has negative impact on your life in the long run.

The most common lifestyle problems are:

These are certain habit and actions that we go on doing and repeating in spite of being told not to do.

Believe me or not, these have negative implications on your mind and body – eventually you become weaker and less in control of your life.

Let’s have a look at the impact that your faulty lifestyle might create.

10 Major Lifestyle Diseases

The most common lifestyle ailments arising due to lifestyle problems include:

Occupational lifestyle also causes these most common diseases:

Scientific research indicates that the lifestyle also plays a major role in predisposition to diseases like cancer.

If you wonder, what a bad lifestyle can do to you, then read this.

Possible Solutions to Lifestyle Problems

It is tried and tested that changes in your lifestyle can help you overcome a number of problems or diseases.

Here are some of the lifestyle changes that you can implement in your daily life.

–          Do not spend too much time slouching in front of the TV or PCs

–          Avoid eating food while watching TV

–          Participate in a physical sport or activity that you enjoy

–          Have family outings and play fun games

–          Have frequent hikes and picnics

–          Avoid a regular diet of junk food

–          Do not overeat

–          Include physical activity in your daily routine

–          Have a proper balanced food diet that fulfills your body’s nutritional needs

–          Avoid long sitting hours – remember, sitting is killing

–          Take frequent breaks that involve physical movements

–          Use an ergonomic chair to have the correct sitting posture

–          Do not smoke or do drugs

–          Avoid binge drinking

This is not an exhaustive list. You can keep adding to the solutions for the lifestyle problems by sharing your experiences in the comments.

One thing that becomes obvious is the lack of awareness of lifestyle problems among people. It is important NOT to have a sedentary lifestyle.

Most people don’t take the warning given by the health and diet experts seriously and later succumb to the resulting complications.

For example, a seemingly insignificant negative change in food habits has led to an increase in the number of heart patients.

High intake of cholesterol and levels of blood glucose coupled with drinking, smoking, lack of physical exercise become high risk factors as they give rise to the problem of being overweight.

Obesity becomes the nurturing hub of many lifestyle diseases.

The alarming trend is that even the young are becoming obese, and the lifestyle diseases are rising in people below 40 years of age.

Bloggers are highly susceptible to acquiring the lifestyle problems if they don’t adopt a healthy blogging routine.

Even the developing and third world countries are catching up fast with lifestyle diseases by leading a faulty lifestyle.

What should be the lifestyle that you should follow?

Ayurvedic Lifestyle – The Solution to Your Lifestyle Problems

Is there an ideal lifestyle? Though you can have your own variant of a lifestyle, there are certain elements that should always be present in any lifestyle.

You can read all about that in my post – Are you living an ideal lifestyle?

The ancient Indians realized the problems of lifestyle and came up with a solution. They devised routine and dietary guidelines to follow for all.

The Ayurvedic lifestyle divides the daily routine into two cycles consisting of 3 time zones of 4 hours each:

Cycle 1

6 A.M. to 10 A.M.

This is the time to wake up, go for a walk, exercise, meditate or say your prayers, get ready, have light breakfast, and start work.

10 A.M. to 2 P.M.

This is the most productive and creative time of the day. Do your important work during this time. Also, have your food near noontime.

2 P.M. to 6 P.M.

This is the time to take some rest, or do the not-so-important work.

Cycle 2

6 P.M. to 10 P.M.

Evening times is to recreate, socialize, practice yoga or go for a walk, meditate or self-reflect. You should have dinner possibly around or before dusk, do some reading or pursue your hobby, and sleep early.

10 P.M. to 2 A.M.

This is the most crucial sleep phase to refresh and rejuvenate – don’t ever miss it.

2 A.M. to 6 A.M.

This is the time when your body does the entire repair and maintenance work. It is also the time to wake up early before dawn.

If you follow such a routine, you lead a balanced life. A balanced daily life routine has the least possible chances of presenting problems in your life.

As for the food habits as advised by the Ayurvedic lifestyle, just follow these simple rules:

–          Eat only when hungry

–          Drink lot of water to remove the toxins from your body

–          Have a diet full of seasonal fruits and vegetables

–          Don’t eat much of fried and sweet food.

Of course, this is just a rough routine. There’s more to the Ayurvedic lifestyle along with specific conditions and exceptions that you may find here.

A healthy and balanced lifestyle consisting of a balanced daily routine and food habits will keep your body metabolism and other processes in perfect condition.

Share Your Lifestyle Problems

What are the lifestyle problems that you’re facing? Are you unhappy with your daily routine or confused whether you’re following a healthy lifestyle or not?

Do you have problems about following guidelines of living or are certain daily routines not working for you? Have you acquired any lifestyle diseases and do not know how to get relief or proper treatment?

Ask your questions and share your experiences or story with everybody.

The exchange of thoughts, views, and experiences might do some good, to you and others. Know the mistakes that you or others have been making, to put your life onto the right track.

How to Share Your Lifestyle Problems

Simply express your heart and mind using words on the comments below.

It would help if you follow the following format so it is convenient for all other readers to read, understand, and reply to your comment.

1)      Describe your lifestyle problem as the title.

2)      Write your problem or experience in detail.

3)      If you’re a reader and wish to reply, please do so in the same thread by clicking “Reply”.

4)      Subscribe to the comments if you wish to be notified of the replies or other comments.

You’ve the right to remain anonymous on the “Share your problems and solutions” posts if you’ve any privacy concerns.

To The Vibrant Aha!NOW Blog Community and Others

It’s time to contribute and help others.

You’re rich with life experiences and probably gone through the problems mentioned above or shared by others. You might also have found the solutions that work for you.

Well, then why not share them with others and gift them the freedom from their lifestyle problems.

If you’re looking for solutions, then please read this disclaimer before you proceed. I do not guaranty you a perfect solution and it’s always best to seek advice and help from an authorized or expert counselor.

However, I hope we can all help each other to understand our lifestyle, and make our lives easier and better by getting rid of the problems of a faulty lifestyle.

Over to You –

Do you’ve a lifestyle problem? What are you doing about it? Do you believe you can avoid the lifestyle diseases by changing your lifestyle? Share in the comments.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos

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