Why Mothers are Special People

woman with baby on beach showing how mothers are special in a family

Mothers are special people in our lives and families, aren’t they?

I think certain bonds are very strong and cannot be broken, and the bond of a child and a mother is one of them.

Many recent studies indicate how important a mother’s love is and how it helps a child grow.

More the love and care given to your kids – healthier and happier they will be later in life.

Parental love, especially motherly love, is a great source of better emotional stability that reduces the chances of psychological disorders and boosts the self-esteem, which improves the health of a child.

Today’s post is in honor of mothers and a tribute to my mother, who was the most special person in my life till she passed away a few years back due to cancer.

“God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.”  ~Jewish Proverb

With Mother’s Day just round the corner I miss my mother more than ever and I know that just as my mother was special to me, your mother would be special to you. No one can ever take the place of a mother – isn’t it?

A mother’s love which is truly unconditional, her support that always remains with us – along with her forgiving nature makes her a very important person in our lives.

Motherhood is the most exciting, beautiful, painful, and difficult experience for any mother. I think you give it your best, yet you feel that you should have done better, or that there is something lacking.

Reasons Why Mothers are Special

Every one of us feels that our mothers are special to us and there could be many reasons for the way we feel. There are no words that can express a mother’s love, though I will try sharing a few things that make mothers so special.

“A mother understands what a child does not say.”  ~ Jewish proverb

1- Makes the most unique bond

There are some bonds in life that are irreplaceable – just like a mother-child bond. That strong bond is what often makes the mother feel the pain when the child falls and gets hurt, or spends sleepless nights comforting her child.

There is always a strong bond between the child and mother, which cannot be seen but is felt by both. Often time what the child feels or thinks the mother gets to know even without the child spelling it out.

I remember when I was young and if there was anything that I wanted or wished for, I don’t know how, but my mother was the first one to get to know of it. It was almost magical! I sure do miss my mom…

2- She is God’s best creation

Mothers are God’s best creations because of their enduring nature, their charm, their giving nature, their sacrificing, forgiving, and always putting others before themselves.

It’s only a mother’s love that is unconditional, totally selfless, and without any greed. Yes, fathers are equally important but it’s the mother who bears the child as they emerge from her body.

And she is the one who bares the pain and takes immense trouble to bring the child into this world and give life.

Not to mention those mothers who adopt or go in for surrogacy those are at par with mothers who give birth to their children.

Remembering my mother, I recollect her giving nature and how she would go all out to just share and donate things to the poor and needy. I wish I could be more like her. She was the best mother anyone could have.

3- Ability to Nurture

Nurture is inborn to a certain degree in mothers, which makes them so special. Even a small girl loves cuddling her doll or loves playing with babies, and this sense of nurture matures when she becomes a mother.

Those kids deprived of a mother’s nurture, the gentle speech, soft tones, the cuddling, hugs and kisses, sense a lack throughout their lives.

There’s even a special bond formed between a mother and daughter once the daughter herself becomes a mother. The mother is now known as the “Grandmother”, and she knows all that her daughter will undergo as a mother.

I remember the times when I was hugged, kissed, and cuddled, which made me feel so loved, secured, and protected. I have yet to learn to love my kids the way my mom and dad loved me, though I am trying. I realized the importance of my mother more after losing her, so value your moms while they are around.

4- An ardent encourager, appreciator, and protector

Mothers are so special I think because they joyfully encourage and appreciate anything and everything their child does.

I guess they are just so full of pride for the little achievements of their children, and can never stop talking or portraying their love for them.

Fathers are no less too, and often times it’s both, the mother and father who take pride and encourage their children to face the challenges and hardships and move ahead in life.

Most mothers are great protectors of their young, whether in the family of human beings or the family of animal kingdom as seen here. Mothers instinctively know when something good or bad happens with their child.

Remembering my mother, I clearly recall the time when I baked my first cake and it didn’t come out well and was half-cooked. My mom was so happy and proud of my achievement that she decorated and served the cake to everyone at home.
I can never forget what that moment did to me. My mother was a very special person in my life.

5- Instills values

Though a mother always loves her child but she doesn’t forget to instill gratitude and values nor does she forget to teach them all there is to learn about life.

She is the one who teaches them the right from wrong and good from bad, though of course some fathers also do equally well.

My mother was the most special person I knew because she inculcated some great values in me that have come a long way with me today. It’s because of her and my dad’s upbringing that I am an educated, independent woman today.

I remember when I was very small how I was taught to wish the elders. It took a lot of patience for my parents to get me around wishing everyone.
But those instilled values are what I still remember, and have done the same with my kids now. Mom I miss you and all your lessons taught.

6- Works round the clock

Mothers are special because they work round the clock without any complaints to keep you happy. They curb their desires to fulfill yours and do everything for their family and children.

Even if your mother is a working mom, she still manages the job, her house, and does all your work without you having to say anything. Speaking of which, I’ve always seen my mom enjoy doing housework without any cribs.

I think it’s a mother’s love only that easily gives in to your tantrums and cranky behavior, because she knows you and your mood swings so well.

Yes, fathers also do work hard and earn a living for their family, but they don’t really have to work as much at home, though a few fathers do help in the kitchen and housework.

Remembering my mother, I reminisce the time she was teaching and how she used to reach home and head towards the kitchen, just to be in time to cook us a hot piping meal when we returned from school.
She never really had a breather, and I’ve always seen her working. Even the time when she was talking to us, she always had her hands working at something. Only special mothers like her could do so much for their kids.

7- Always a friend and confidante

Relationships change when a child grows up and becomes independent. However, according to recent studies, whatever a mother has to say and her role as a confidante and friend remains essential to teenagers.

When mothers begin understanding teenagers, it helps the teens to shun risky behavior and build their personalities. Yes, it’s not easy to talk with teens when at that age arguments are more common than communication, but yes, wait a while and things settle down.

I remember the time when I was a teenager and how I used to disagree with most things that my mom used to say. But my mother was my best friend and guided be right through those teen years with ease.
I am on that same path with my kids now and hope I succeed like her. I miss my mother and her guidance that would have helped me raise my kids better.

There’s a lot to say and be thankful for, but how do you thank the very person who brought you into this world? How do you thank someone for feeling hurt each time you fall, for sleepless nights, for sacrifices and compromises made, and for a lifetime of worry?

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” -Washington Irving

I wouldn’t say that fathers don’t have a role in raising kids, because I have seen how my father has looked after us after my mom. His motherly love speaks volumes and cannot be mentioned in a few words.

Similarly, there are many single parents who are doing a wonderful job of raising their kids all on their own, besides the hardships they face – hats-off to all those dedicated and committed fathers and mothers!

For me, being a mother has been the most challenging, yet rewarding experience. It’s said that a mother’s love begins at the very thought of conception and never ends even after death.

Being a mother myself I just hope and pray I can be a little like my mother and make her grandchildren proud.

I miss you mom…

“Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.” ~ Sarah Malin

Bonus for you

To all you wonderful mothers out there who are doing a commendable job, here are some wonderful tech gifts for mothers shared by my good friend Carolyn at her blog.

Remember that a mother loves at all times, even when she feels under-appreciated  exhausted, and overwhelmed. So reach out to your mother, value her and her presence, and make every day as good as Mother’s Day.

Here’s a special tribute to all mothers on this special day – thank you for doing so much for us all the time, we appreciate and love you for whoever and whatever you are.

Happy Mother’s Day everyone!

Over to you

Do you feel mothers are special? What are you planning for Mother’s Day to make your mother feel special? If you are a mother or daughter, how have you dealt with motherhood or being a daughter? And if you are a son or father, in what ways do you feel mothers are special? Share in the comments below.

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