Operation Mobilegeddon
Aha!NOW introduces blog services for bloggers with a self-hosted WordPress blog.
1. Faster Blog
2. Mobile-Friendly
3. Secure Site
Faster Site Loading or Speed
- Google wants the sites in its search index to start rendering within 1 second.
- Google has made site speed as one of the ranking signals.
The message is loud and clear – you have to make your blog fast, or face the risk of being dropped from the Google SERPs.
What would you prefer?
If you want to have faster site loading speed, then we can help you.
We have done it with our own site (Read this Aha!NOW post) and we have a detailed post on this topic.
You too can speed up your blog by following the instructions on these posts.
We would be happy if you can help yourself. But if you feel this is something that you want someone to take care of on your behalf, we will be glad to serve you.
Important! Making your site fast mostly results in higher rankings and more site traffic. This is proven and true.
Contact us at blogservices (at) aha-now.com to avail our services or fill up the form below.
Give us just a few hours, and we will enhance the speed of your blog
Better Mobile User Experience
- More visitors view sites using their mobiles.
- In fact, the mobile searches and users have surpassed their desktop counterparts.
The mobile users have some specific demands and needs to be met so they can easily and smoothly browse through your site.
Google has defined and explained everything you need to do as mentioned on this Google mobile site page for webmasters.
The blogs that fulfill all the conditions laid out by Google will receive the “Mobile-Friendly“ tag on the Google Search pages.
Now, your mobile pages should also be AMP enabled. If you’ve activated AMP on your site, your site pages will get priority in the mobile search index and the users will see the “AMP” tag on the Google Search pages.
If your blog and its pages are mobile-friendly, AMP enabled and load fast, they will get preference to be included in the new Search Index by Google meant only for mobiles.
Secure Site for Safe Browsing
Google has spelled it out that it wants the “https://” tag on the sites that appear on its Search pages. It’s even going to become a strong ranking signal.
If your site is secure, it creates a safe browsing experience for the visitors. They become worry-free and the Google search page lists become more reliable.
You do not necessarily have to spend money on buying the security SSL certificate for your site, if that’s what is stopping you from make your site secure.
We’ve the complete solution to make your site secure and safe for your visitors.
- We can help you make your site faster.
- We can help you make your blog “Mobile-Friendly” and AMP ready.
- We can help you make your site secure.
If you’re interested in availing our free advice or premium services, please fill up the form at the bottom of this page.
Before you fill in the form below, read the honest reviews of those who bought our blog services.
I hired Vinay to help me improve the speed of my business site, Wording Well, Because I’m not very technically adept, I also hired him to help me with a few other problems I had regarding this site.
I was very impressed with the work that he did. When he finished each task, he provided me with a detailed report, which included screenshots. In addition, he gave me some suggestions for things I could do on my own to make my blog maintenance easier. I was very grateful for these! It showed me that Vinay truly cared.
Furthermore, Vinay was extremely professional and courteous throughout each interaction we had, and performed all services in a timely manner.
Vinay even discovered the root of a major issue I was having that I simply couldn’t resolve, no matter how hard I tried. With his assistance, he isolated the problem and my stress, pain, and angst were alleviated!
He’s now my go-to guy when I run into technical problems, and I’d highly recommend him to anyone, especially those who don’t want to deal with things such as configuring plugins, fixing scripts, and altering the coding of your site.
Hire Vinay. He’ll make your life easier. He’s worth every penny, and more.
Lorraine Reguly, Owner WordingWell.com
Read this detailed post on her experiences and tips on increasing website speed – 6 Tips for How To Improve Your Website Speed
“My website went from slooooow to speedy and efficient after working with Vinay. My rankings and traffic shot up after optimizing the site and correcting all of the errors Google found. Vinay knows what he is doing! He works efficiently and explains everything and is extremely patient with the non-technical blogger (like me!). He is worth a hundred times what he charges. Hire him!”
Jodi Aman, Owner JodiAman.com
Contact us at blogservices (at) aha-now.com to hire us.