Creative Commons License
The entire pack of posts on this blog (Aha!NOW) by Harleena Singh and other authors is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Please remember the below-mentioned points when you copy the content of the Aha!NOW blog:
1) Keep the post intact and do not edit it except for any minor grammar or spelling mistake if you spot them.
2) Do not remove any existing links (internal or external) in the articles.
3) Add credit at the top or bottom of the post: “This post was first published on” and link “post” to the original post URL (make the link “dofollow”).
4) Include the “Author’s Bio” and give due credit along with the links.
5) Add a “Canonical Tag” on the post of your blog, where you copy the Aha!NOW post.
6) Include the image credit link if it is there in the post and if you’re going to use the image on your post.
I will explain this license in short – that all the posts published on this blog (Aha!NOW) can be used freely by anybody, but only for non-commercial purposes, provided the articles remains intact along with their existing links and the author’s byline/credits, and that the post where the Aha!NOW posts are copied duly inform Google and other search engines the whereabouts of the original article.
Author’s Name: Harleena Singh
Blog name: Aha!NOW – a Life blog
Blog link:
Short Bio: (as given below)
About Harleena Singh
Harleena Singh is a positive thinker and a freelance writer. She loves to write inspiring and thought-provoking posts on self-improvement, family, relationships, health, and other aspects of life. She’s also a blogger, who loves to share her blogging knowledge and experiences. Network with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
As search engines do not like duplicate content, you’re required to put a canonical tag in the post on your blog, where you copy my post.
If you’ve a self-hosted WordPress blog, you can use the Yoast plugin or other available plugins for this purpose.
The canonical tag is a piece of HTML code, which is placed on duplicate pages to let the search engines know the location of the original post. Each post needs to have a separate canonical tag, which is as shown below:
<link rel = “canonical” href= “the complete URL to my post” />
(Please replace “the complete URL to my post” text with the full URL of my blog post that you are copying)
This is an utmost important and essential requirement, else you can be charged with plagiarism and your site can be reported to the search engines like Google, to take disciplinary actions against you and your site.
If you do not know how to place a canonical tag, please use the help of an expert.
Do let me know and send me the link to your blog or site where you use my article, and I’d be glad to visit it and go through the other wonderful content you have!
Thanks 🙂
Note: You’re NOT permitted to include the Aha!NOW articles/posts in your “print” magazine. The permission is only for ONLINE blogs, magazines, and websites that do not use the Aha!NOW articles/post for commercial purposes, and follow the Aha!NOW copyright rules.
Please DO NOT use the posts on Aha!NOW without implementing the copyright guidelines in TOTAL as mentioned on this page, else I’d be forced to take action against you.
If you have any questions, please use the contact form on this blog to get in touch with me, or mail me at admin (at) aha-now (dot) com. Thanks.