Get Online Help for Your Problems at Aha!NOW

black man seeking online help to solve problems

Whom do you reach out to for help when you’ve a problem? Mostly, it’s your family, partner, and spouse, isn’t it?

If it’s not the family, then you have friends whom you confide in and share whatever you want to share.

With social networking sites and blogging, it’s become easier to make friends even across the seas, and ask for online help or suggestions that you’d have asked your family or local friends.

People often ask me questions over the social media, on my blog posts, and even via emails about solutions to their personal problems.

Getting help online is convenient because you don’t have to step out of your house and can find online solutions easily.

While I’m no expert, I use my own life experiences and wisdom to help out whoever reaches out to me.

But I feel bad that though I do try to answer them all, at times I can’t due to time restraints. This made me think of starting a new feature on Aha!NOW.

It’s going to be an online help platform, where no question will go unanswered and every problem will receive a solution or practical suggestion, for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.

But before I reveal more about my plans, let’s learn why we should share problems.

“A problem shared is a problem halved” ~ an English proverb

Sharing Problems

You might have heard of the above quote before and experienced it in your life too. Sharing your problems DOES help.

At times, you need a non-judgmental listener, so that you can empty out your worries, frustrations, or fears, and just vent out. You need someone to talk to and lighten your heart.

When you share your feelings and problems, you’ll –

● Release the built-up tension
● See the problem clearly and in a new light
● Know that you’re not alone
● Seek solution

Before the pent-up feelings turn negative and harm you, seek a vent and release them. Share your problems.

You never know if someone might suggest something that could act as a solution and end your painful problems. You could achieve happiness just over a chat if you’re seeking online help.

Though I don’t guaranty solutions, but I’m sure that sharing your problems will lessen your burden, and you’d increase the chances of seeking a solution. It’ll keep you mentally healthy as well.

I’m referring to your general problems that you face in your daily life. The problems related to your family, relationships, work, health, and other aspects of life.

How do you share your problems? Well, there are various ways to do so, and here’s one of them.

I’d suggest you share all your problems, here at Aha!NOW. You read it right, here’s exactly how to do that.

“Every problem is a gift – without problems we would not grow.” ~ Anthony Robbins

Online Help from the Aha!NOW Blog Community

I’m starting a new section on the blog called “Share Your Problems”. That’s right, it means sharing with the entire Aha!NOW blog community. And, since you too are part of this community; this new blog feature involves you too!

Would you like to chat, listen, or give suggestions based on your life experiences to those who have problems and are waiting to get online help or solutions?

You’re ALL rich with your life experiences.

You have knowledge and information that can help somebody. There are people who’re struggling in life and probably don’t have your practical wisdom.

All I’m asking you to do is to share your wealth – the pearls of wisdom that you acquired over a period of time by laboring through difficult times and problems yourself.

Your 2 cents or practical suggestions could save people from going through hardships and waste their valuable time and money, or ruin their relations and life.

Not only you and I, every community member has valuable opinions, suggestions, and solutions that can help somebody in need and bring happiness into their lives.

Assuming you want to help and are wondering how you would do so – here’s the plan.

“Every solution to every problem is simple. It’s the distance between the two where the mystery lies.” ~ Derek Landy

Every month I’ll be posting one topic, and I’ll ask people to share their personal problems and life’s issues.

When you, as a solution provider, come on the post, you can choose to reply to any specific problem that you think you’re competent to answer.

You can even subscribe to comments to be informed if you’ve been replied to, or to know if there are more problems out there that you can contribute to with your suggestions.

You can choose to answer whenever you feel like or get time for it. This would be one way of giving back and helping others.

Of course, I’ll be there too and try to help out people with what I know.

Again, this is not in any way a substitute for professional help that people should get from a trained therapist or a counselor, if their problem is serious.

This feature is for not only the blog community members or regular bloggers, but you’re welcome to seek online help even if it’s your first visit to the blog. It’s open for everyone seeking help online.

You have me and the entire Aha!NOW blog community listening and ready to help you!

I’d request all community members, readers, and visitors to share what they know best from their life experiences to help those in problem.

You can be anonymous if you wish and think it will help you to be open and be yourself, as a solution seeker or provider.

I might still moderate the comments if they are worthwhile and conform to the ethos of the blog. I will remove the links of all anonymous comments.

“Share Your Problems” starts on Friday, 7th February with the first topic of “Relationship Problems”. You can seek solutions to your relationship issues and problems from all of us.

Of course, it would be up to you to choose the solution or suggestion that you think best suits you, and that helps you deal with your problem.

“Happiness is not the absence of problems; it’s the ability to deal with them.” ~ Steve Maraboli

Over to You –

Do you ever seek online help for your problems? Do you think it helps? If you don’t have a problem, would you help out those who’re in need? What do you think of this new feature on Aha!NOW? Share in the comments below.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos

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