What Is Your Most Prized Possession in Life

Girl showing her most prized possession in her hands

What is your most prized possession? Well, it would be something that you may not ever want to lose, or things that make you feel happy, lucky, special, and superior, right?

This question may make some of you think of your latest gizmos, mobiles, laptops, cars, jewelry, and so on. Mostly our prized possessions are materialistic objects.

They need not be new, as your treasured possession could also be an old object, even an antique or ancestral object.

Of course, that is the default thinking everyone has, myself included. Your prized possessions are always worldly things, and there is nothing wrong in that.

These objects help you associate with special memories, certain events, or a specific time period of your life.

They are not just material objects but have a symbolic significance that often change your mood, make you feel good or sentimental, or even inspire or motivate you.

What Most People Consider as Prized Possessions

My wife, Harleena, treasures the things passed on to her by her mother, of which some were passed on to her mother – by her mother.

I keep some notes that I wrote as a teenager and get nostalgic when I read them. It takes me back in the past and makes me marvel at the development of my thoughts and identity.

There are also people who are possessive about their specific body parts that attract others. These prized possessions become a source of pride, self-esteem, and confidence to them.

Some value other people or relationships more than material objects. For example, a mother may consider her child as the most prized possession.

You start valuing your relationships as you grow up and your focus of possession becomes more abstract than material.

You may also find people who are possessive about the recognitions they get from the community, their status, and titles that they add to their names.

So it more or less zeros down to things, people, body, and name that people generally consider as the most prized possessions.

That’s all okay. Such considerations are good if they are helpful.

However, if you observed, most possessions that we consider as special are related to our mental qualities and recollections.

Therefore, it is necessary that you need to be mentally healthy in order to acknowledge the special status of your possessions.

Really, these prized possessions would render useless if you cannot relate to them. They would be meaningless if you are not in a state to remember or value them.

Considering these aspects, your real prized possessions may be something else that you probably take for granted.

They are your mind and memory.

Now, probably this sounds way too simple, stupid, or even a satire.

However, the fact is that your mind and memory are the two prized possessions you have without which you cannot function normally.

Let’s learn what happens when you lose what you consider as your most prized possession.

“You cannot cherish your possessions if you do not have a sound mind and good memory.” (Tweet this)

What Happens When You Lose Your Prized Possession

Whatever your possessions are, whether materialistic or not, you can lose them.

When you lose your material possessions, it might hurt you. However, you get over it soon and may get back the things with money.

If you lose your status or title, it may lower your prestige or damage your reputation. You can always work and earn back your lost name and fame.

Your prized possessions or treasures in form of people are hard to get back once lost. It takes lots of time to recover from this loss, but eventually you get back to your life.

You can re-acquire things, rebuild relationships, restructure your specific body parts, and re-work to earn name and fame.

But what happens if you lose your mind or your memory?

Losing Your Mind and Memory

If you lose your mind or memory, then you cannot use or enjoy your things, relationships, body, or the fame that you had acquired.

Do you now realize why these should be your most prized possessions?

Of course, your life itself is most valuable, but we’re discussing about the most valuable things within your life.

You can do without some of your body parts or senses. But without your mind, the ruler or controller of your senses, you’re good for nothing – even with all the senses intact.

Your entire identity hangs by the thread of your memory. Lose your memory and you lose your name, fame, achievements, accolades, and relations.

In that state, your bank balance also becomes irrelevant because you probably won’t even be able to sign your checks, or even understand the value of money.

Losing your mind or memory may cause you to suffer a permanent damage, irreparable loss, or terminal illness leading to disablement.

You just CANNOT afford to lose them – simply because it is not easy to regain them.

I also thought of adding money and then making it the vital 3Ms in life. But then you can always regain or re-earn money – it’s lack or loss will make your life difficult but you’d still be yourself. Wouldn’t you?

I hope you’re not running blindly after money and risking your most valuable possessions.

The greatest danger of losing your mind and memory is that you lose your identity.

Strange, isn’t it? The whole life you work hard and make all the efforts to create your identity, which in fact and indirectly becomes your most prized possession.

But when you lose your memory, you forget who you are, who your relations are, and what is the value of things that you possess.

When you lose your mind, you retain your memory and the senses, but may not be able to use them to make them enjoyable and meaningful to you.

Harleena has written a post about losing your mind that will help you realize the importance of mind.

I want you to read that post, reflect upon the topic, and discuss in this forum.

My next post will be on the ways to take care of your most prized possessions – your mind and memory.

I want you to enjoy and value your life and help preserve your identity by leading a mentally and physically active and healthy life.

The purpose of my post was to remind you of the reality, make you aware, and help you to be happy.

Having said all this, it isn’t bad to consider your grandpa’s pen or your mother’s necklace as prized possessions, but the crown for the most prized possession may go elsewhere. What do you think?

Share Your Thoughts –

What are your most prized possessions in life?

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