Table of Contents
What is your most prized possession? Well, it would be something that you may not ever want to lose, or things that make you feel happy, lucky, special, and superior, right?
This question may make some of you think of your latest gizmos, mobiles, laptops, cars, jewelry, and so on. Mostly our prized possessions are materialistic objects.
They need not be new, as your treasured possession could also be an old object, even an antique or ancestral object.
Of course, that is the default thinking everyone has, myself included. Your prized possessions are always worldly things, and there is nothing wrong in that.
These objects help you associate with special memories, certain events, or a specific time period of your life.
They are not just material objects but have a symbolic significance that often change your mood, make you feel good or sentimental, or even inspire or motivate you.
What Most People Consider as Prized Possessions
My wife, Harleena, treasures the things passed on to her by her mother, of which some were passed on to her mother – by her mother.
I keep some notes that I wrote as a teenager and get nostalgic when I read them. It takes me back in the past and makes me marvel at the development of my thoughts and identity.
There are also people who are possessive about their specific body parts that attract others. These prized possessions become a source of pride, self-esteem, and confidence to them.
Some value other people or relationships more than material objects. For example, a mother may consider her child as the most prized possession.
You start valuing your relationships as you grow up and your focus of possession becomes more abstract than material.
You may also find people who are possessive about the recognitions they get from the community, their status, and titles that they add to their names.
So it more or less zeros down to things, people, body, and name that people generally consider as the most prized possessions.
That’s all okay. Such considerations are good if they are helpful.
However, if you observed, most possessions that we consider as special are related to our mental qualities and recollections.
Therefore, it is necessary that you need to be mentally healthy in order to acknowledge the special status of your possessions.
Really, these prized possessions would render useless if you cannot relate to them. They would be meaningless if you are not in a state to remember or value them.
Considering these aspects, your real prized possessions may be something else that you probably take for granted.
They are your mind and memory.
Now, probably this sounds way too simple, stupid, or even a satire.
However, the fact is that your mind and memory are the two prized possessions you have without which you cannot function normally.
Let’s learn what happens when you lose what you consider as your most prized possession.
“You cannot cherish your possessions if you do not have a sound mind and good memory.” (Tweet this)
What Happens When You Lose Your Prized Possession
Whatever your possessions are, whether materialistic or not, you can lose them.
When you lose your material possessions, it might hurt you. However, you get over it soon and may get back the things with money.
If you lose your status or title, it may lower your prestige or damage your reputation. You can always work and earn back your lost name and fame.
Your prized possessions or treasures in form of people are hard to get back once lost. It takes lots of time to recover from this loss, but eventually you get back to your life.
You can re-acquire things, rebuild relationships, restructure your specific body parts, and re-work to earn name and fame.
But what happens if you lose your mind or your memory?
Losing Your Mind and Memory
If you lose your mind or memory, then you cannot use or enjoy your things, relationships, body, or the fame that you had acquired.
Do you now realize why these should be your most prized possessions?
Of course, your life itself is most valuable, but we’re discussing about the most valuable things within your life.
You can do without some of your body parts or senses. But without your mind, the ruler or controller of your senses, you’re good for nothing – even with all the senses intact.
Your entire identity hangs by the thread of your memory. Lose your memory and you lose your name, fame, achievements, accolades, and relations.
In that state, your bank balance also becomes irrelevant because you probably won’t even be able to sign your checks, or even understand the value of money.
Losing your mind or memory may cause you to suffer a permanent damage, irreparable loss, or terminal illness leading to disablement.
You just CANNOT afford to lose them – simply because it is not easy to regain them.
I also thought of adding money and then making it the vital 3Ms in life. But then you can always regain or re-earn money – it’s lack or loss will make your life difficult but you’d still be yourself. Wouldn’t you?
I hope you’re not running blindly after money and risking your most valuable possessions.
The greatest danger of losing your mind and memory is that you lose your identity.
Strange, isn’t it? The whole life you work hard and make all the efforts to create your identity, which in fact and indirectly becomes your most prized possession.
But when you lose your memory, you forget who you are, who your relations are, and what is the value of things that you possess.
When you lose your mind, you retain your memory and the senses, but may not be able to use them to make them enjoyable and meaningful to you.
Harleena has written a post about losing your mind that will help you realize the importance of mind.
I want you to read that post, reflect upon the topic, and discuss in this forum.
My next post will be on the ways to take care of your most prized possessions – your mind and memory.
I want you to enjoy and value your life and help preserve your identity by leading a mentally and physically active and healthy life.
The purpose of my post was to remind you of the reality, make you aware, and help you to be happy.
Having said all this, it isn’t bad to consider your grandpa’s pen or your mother’s necklace as prized possessions, but the crown for the most prized possession may go elsewhere. What do you think?
Share Your Thoughts –
What are your most prized possessions in life?
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
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You are absolutely correct. Now that I had time to think about things, I agree that the mind and the memory is your most prized possession. A loved one had alzheimer’s disease and him having not recognizing me was painful but thinking what he might be going through was even more so. Knowing what your values are, what is important to you and having the memories of family and friends are truly your most prized possessions.
Hi Vinay Sir,
Whenever if someone asked me before to list my most prized possessions I would immediately talk about my precious, costly and rare materials I possess. But after reading this post and Harleena mam’s post I think I will possess my 5 senses – the most.
You have rightly stated that mind and memory are and should be the most prized possessions of our life because even if we lose our apple products it can be purchased back again, but if we lose our mind and memory our life will come to a point where we won’t be able to feel and think about anything.
I loved the to read how important it is to take control of our mind and memory. And what happens when we tend to lose them.
That was an outstanding post and something we all need to follow and realize. Thanks 🙂
Very nice to read this article,
In my opinion everything that amuses us without the application or may be intervention of money are priceless deeds to cherish.
In other terms if you are “not materialistic” money can play only the role of timesaver..
All other things/events need time investment..mmm and time is priceless.
Mine is actually a collection of every greeting card I’ve ever been given since I can remember… in an effort to capture something you cannot hold in your hand. A moment, a feeling, words that will bring that sensation back, front and center and remind me why I was so important to ONE person at ONE moment.
Hello Vinay Sir,
After reading your each post,I always learned new aspects. Really a great post. Always eager read your posts.
Hello Mr. Kachhara,
I never knew you were married to Madam Harleena until I saw this in the post; ‘My wife, Harleena,….’ wow! that’s great. It is nice meeting you.
Can I please move back to the issue on board? Pardon me for being inquisitive. Hahaha!
You couldn’t have said it anyway better other than this. Many would have said they valued their life the most but what is life when the mind and memory aren’t working?
Thanks for this and please do have a great week. Please my regards to your wife and Mother of Blogging.
Possession is one of the words that never can be defined.
Just as you said, sometimes a lot of people think it’s deals to have a lot of material things such as devices like laptops, tablets, or even an iPhone.
Well, that’s not true. Sometimes even a rich man can feel he has nothing in this life, but also sometimes poor man is enjoying life to the fullness.
I agree with your thoughts about this article.
Thanks for sharing this!
Keep rockin’,
I found this post shared on
Interesting article. Life gets really difficult when you loose your memory. I followed one of the famous skier from Switzerland how hard it was to recover from an accident where he lost his memory. It was hard work to get back.
Hey Vinay,
I’m a new reader and happy to have found you.
These are great tips – thank you. I’m impressed by your blogging.
Thanks for the tips and I look forward to reading more posts in the future!
Excellent blog, Thanks so much for sharing
Hello Vinay Sir,
I have become fan of your articles even though its a second article on Aha! Now.
While going through this article, each and every lines were making me node my head to say that yes Vinay sir is right.
Now a day people including me are focusing only on materialistic life they are not even aware about the most prized possessed by them for which they must look at and take care of it.
Even though for me my family and friends are the most prized possess because even if I lose my mental stability they will be always there to take care of me at all time, but still I completely agree with your point that our mind are one of the most prized possess in our life to which we must take care of.
Thanks for sharing such an awesome explanation.
>SK Lohar
This is a great article and something I strive to emulate. I have only been blogging for 2.5 months and write personal introspective pieces. I just signed up for DoSplash, but the only category my work seems to fit in is other. Should I consider this site and abandon DoSplash or do both. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate any help you can give.
I recently obtained an autographed copy of one of Lisa Jackson’s books. She’s been a favourite author of mine for as long as I can remember. Thanks to blogging and social media, I was able to connect with her online. In fact, SHE responded to a blog post I wrote, which basically said that I’d be willing to do an exchange: a review and blog post in exchange for an autographed copy of a book! 🙂 How cool is THAT? 😉
Your perspective, Vinay, partially coincides with a belief of mine which is that Alert Attention is the mother of all intelligence. Alert Attention is our most valuable asset as what we put our alert attention to, expands. With my believing this, I trust that if I lost my memory, I’d be okay with it as long as I retained my ability to be, to be in the now, to be the part of me that is beyond memory.
Thank you for making me think about this topic that deserves more attention than I’ve been giving it lately. It reminds me of the advice I learned from a memory expert that said learning other languages and using your non-dominant hand are two things you can put your alert attention to that help you build a more resilient mind.
Time to go dust off my Rosetta Stone French course and start using my left hand for my silverware. 🙂
Hi Vinay,
Some times we walk without any track. If train will not run on their tracks then it will never reach at their destination. So, we should also make our mind so creative with the help of normal activities. Morning walk, sports, puzzles etc keep our mind fresh and sharp. We should give our 100% then we can get %75-80.
~Diana Hardy
Hey Vinay,
Good to see you again and this is an interesting topic.
When you put it this way then I can definitely see that losing your mind would be the worst thing because of how valuable it is and we really are no one without it.
Luckily though most people will never have this issue and those that do have absolutely no control over it. My sister-in-law’s mother had Alzheimer’s and passed away last year. She was only in her mid 70’s and it was really really sad to watch her sink into a shell of the person she use to be. She didn’t know any of us, didn’t recognize us at all. It’s a horrible way to leave this earth.
I can say my family is blessed that no one that we’re aware of has ever had it. I hear it skips a generation so I don’t see this being an issue for me. I like to just add that although I don’t view my family as a possession they are the most important things to me over anything else in this world.
It will be interesting to read your follow up.
I hope you and Harleena are having a wonderful week and thank you again for this topic.
Hi Vinay,
I cannot agree more with you, our mind is the most prized possession we have. Without our memory we are NOTHING. No matter how much money you have, even if you own the whole world, without your mind, you OWN NOTHING at all.
Anyway, it’s good to read your 2nd article. Perhaps, Harleena can concentrate more on her cooking, right? Btw, is she going to do a YouTube video on her cooking series?
…it’s kinda getting late on my end. Have a great evening.
Hey Vinay,
Great to meet you!
And may I had that this is great that you are joining your wife Harleena on this blog. This tells me that you both are a great team!
I never thought about losing my mind, but after reading this I can see how vital it is. The only experience I have is my grandmother losing her mind before she passed away. She was in a home and the only thing she could remember were things some 40 years prior to her death. Plus she started seeing people from the past that already crossed-over. The only thing that she would do to keep her mind health was to make quilts.
As for myself, I just stay busy. I’m always exercising, reading, playing piano and congas. If not my hobbies, I’m trying to figure out how to solve a computer or network problem at my job. Yes, I learn if you go into stagnation, then you start to deteriorate. This is why it’s wise to make every effort to keep your mind active and alive!
This was a great topic and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Hi Vinay,
You have hit the right target. Most of us feel materialistic things as the priceless possessions and run after it. But to enjoy everything in life you need a healthy mind which stores memories in it. Without a healthy mind you are more of a zombie and without memories there is no value to life. Very inspiring!
Hi Harleena,
I have traveled a lot and moved often. I have lost many of my personal treasures. Its to the point that very little captures my imagination. I sometimes wonder if there even may be something wrong with me that I don’t collect anything or have any personal possessions I would really miss if lost or stolen. I guess my answer to this question would be family, my dog penny, and my website. and I guess my own good name and reputation are part of the website. I know that when someone criticized my site for having many broken links on the party rental companies pages i felt a little bit of anger. well thanks for making us think about this. Looking forward to your post on protecting our minds and memories. take care, Max
Hi Vinay and Harleena,
We develop very strong bonding with several things in our life. Sometime we notice how much associated we were with a thing once we lose it. So the biggest point of realization of a prize possession is when you lose it.
Maybe it is not rule of thumb but I observed this is common trend in our society. We recognize the services of great people when they die. While living they keep pining in obscurity and no one much are about them.
So either it is living being or non living being we come to know its worthy when we lose it. Lucky are people who do value a thing when they have that thing and not only enjoying possessing it but keep caring it to strengthen their association with it.
Thanks a lot for sharing a post on apparently very light topic but it has much food for thought and especially for those who are deprived of the feeling of joy on their most prized possession.
Hi Vinay,
Wow – what a question! Got the wheels turning immediately, that’s for sure. 🙂
You are absolutely correct when you state that material objects have a symbolic significance that are associated with certain events or specific time period in your life… so very true!
When I hear a certain song, it immediately triggers A time, place, and people that are associated with having heard that song for the first time, or perhaps enjoying that song in a special setting.
I absolutely agree that your mind and memory are the most prized possessions for anyone. Of course, good health to enjoy using our mind and making memories is necessary and goes without saying.
I have been thinking a lot lately about balance in life – between work and leisure–the things that matter to us most, and the “why” of what were doing, and have put out content lately to help remind folks to keep the main thing the main thing. Remembering the why behind what we’re doing is essential in order to keep balanced.
My most prized possession is freedom of time and space so that I can enjoy my loved ones. Not material goods…
I know several families who have aging family members suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and it is very sad to see them lose their identity– and heartbreaking for the loved ones should not be recognized anymore.
Thank you so much for this very inspiring article –I’ll be sharing for sure.:-)
Have a wonderful rest of the day.
– Carol Amato
Hello Vinay and Harleena,
A very thoughtful post, which means you had the mind to create and formulate your thoughts.
Losing memory, dementia, and alzheimers rob people of their precious memories, their functionality and a meaningful, quality life. When I first pondered the question, I thought of things that money cannot buy, such as dignity, integrity, happiness. But of course, without presence of mind, one would have no awareness of such things. Our mind is our most prized possession.
Kind Regards,
You have some key point pointed out here Vinay,
I have seen people who lost something so dear to them that at the end, they lost their minds. It happened to my friend… But he gradually grew back to his sense after some much care from his friends and close relatives.
my family are my prize possession. and i know how it’ll feel if i lost them.
Thanks for the post and hope you do have a nice week ahead…
Vinay, I can’t narrow down my prized possession to just one thing but I can totally understand your selection of the “mind and memory” because of your mother’s suffering with Alzheimer’s. For a few years, I volunteered at a program called “Art’s The Spark” held by and at the Orlando Museum of Art. It was an amazing program for people suffering with Alzheimer’s and by volunteering I became totally awakened to this horrible disease. Because I volunteered over a long period of time, I saw first hand how it robs them of their dignity, identity, and quality of life. I certainly became more appreciative of having my mind and memory and realize that life can change within moments.
Hello Vinay Sir,
I totally agree with you. Our mind is our most prized possession.
All the power lies in our mind. No matter how strong our body is, but if our mind doesn’t tell us how and when to use it, our strong body is useless.
Hi Vinay,
That is a reminder that we often forget what is “most” valuable possession for us. The mind and memory controls all the senses in the body and without them all material possessions cannot be achieved.
I often get scared when I see mentally disturbed patients or those suffering from issues like dementia or Alzheimer’s. I see them as people that have lost all there is to be when it comes to meaningful life. Hence, if possible, we should avoid losing our minds and memory!
Yes, we should thrive to always promote a life style that keeps our mind and memory healthy. I completely agree, they are our most prized possessions!
By the way, you are husband to Harleena? Well, I think she is your most Prized and treasured Possession! 🙂
I upvoted this post in kingged where it was shared for Internet marketers.
Hi Vinay,
I remember very well that you had posted an awesome article on Father’s Day. Glad to see you again. Harleena is so blessed to have such a wonderful spouse!
While I was reading this article and the discussion that follows, the thought that kept reverberating in my mind is the age old adage we had learnt in school: ‘health is wealth’. At that stage it looked quite weird and was beyond my comprehension but now after having lived more than half my life, clinging on to my precious possessions, I firmly believe that health is the MOST precious possession. Only if we are healthy, we can enjoy all other blessings of life. Even a little headache reminds us that every other possession, whether material or physical is immaterial!
Thanks for a thought provoking question.
My most prized ‘possession’ is me. My body, my mind, my thoughts, my attitude. My best friends grandmother told me that everything I needed, I had within me. That I was strong enough, good enough, resourceful enough, to take care of my child and my life. I love what I do to earn a paycheck, and I make the time to be around the people who lift me up. I let those around me know how they are cherished and loved (if they truly are cherished and loved!) and I am finally comfortable in my own skin. It has been a tremendous journey, and I greet each new day with gratitude.
Hi Vinay, Welcome to Aha-Now!
I know you’ve been working behind the scenes for a long time but it’s great to “meet” you for the first time!
You’re right, I have seen many people who had terminal illnesses whither over the years. They did survived but when their minds gave out they soon died. Very, very sad.
We can work to keep our minds sharp by doing puzzles, reading, and learning new information. You’re also right, we shouldn’t take our minds for granted!
PS I have a question about the new commenting format at this site. If we want to get notified of a reply to our comments do we need to subscribe to email notifications of all comments? What does “Notify me of follow-up comments” mean?
A very heart warming post Vinay,
Indeed, we all have those things that we value most of which we cannot just afford to lose. If you talk of material things, i think i can’t afford to lose my laptop, ipad and mobile phones because they’ve become parts of me:).
But on the contrary, our mind should be our most valued possession because as you rightly noted here, things will never be the same if we lose our mind but material things can still be replaced.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Theodore,
You’re right – you can’t afford to lose all the material objects you mentioned, but even if you did, you can acquire them back, sooner or later.
But, if you lose your mind and memory, it becomes a tough and impossible task to be yourself again. We think alike on this matter. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Hello Vinay,
This is a very nice article to read. I notice all around me that people think in terms of “things” they own. This person buys a new car, that person a new tv and an other buys a new expensive watch. It makes us forget what the most precious things are in life. And I totally agree that your mind and your memory are very precious possessions. Without them we cannot function properly.
Around me I see people neglecting these things. They, for example, drink a lot, smoke or eat unhealthy food and with this they are destroying their most precious gifts.
Besides health, mind and memory I must say that relationships with humans are extremely precious. I am lucky enough to have a great, amazing girlfriend by my side. She is truly my most precious “possession” (although not the appropriate word, but you’ll probably understand). It’s amazing to find somebody who can be your soul mate and who you can share happiness and also your sorrows with.
Great article and I’m looking forward to reading more of your articles!
Warm regards,
Hi Bastiaan,
Material desires are endless. Desired objects are plenty. It’s not bad to possess them, but you also need to live rightfully and carefully so that you’re in a state to enjoy these objects that you acquire.
Mind and memory are one of the most precious gifts as you point out. And health too. Relationships may not be possessions but are truly precious. Yes, that’s not the right word to use, I can’t find an alternative either, but I get you.
I’m glad you like the article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Hello Mr. Vinay
I am in total agreement with Mr. Enstine. You are both excellent writers. I can learn from you and Ms. Harleena.
Hi Gladys,
Thanks for appreciating our writing. I’m happy that you like it. We all have so much to learn from each other, isn’t it? 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello Sir, good to see you again here.
Prized possession ?.. Yes the answer varies but time to time, situation to situation but what you are pointing at is the real thing without which all are so called prized possessions are worthless. What can be replicated or reproduced or regenerated can be a contender to the title but can’t win the game. Without mental fitness neither can we achieve any of our goals nor can we keep our other attributes safe.
As far as I am concerned for me my relations are worth the Title. Selfless relations are not bound by blood and family boundaries. My prized possession are my family and Friends without whom I can’t imagine life. Look at friends (I speak of the genuine-at-heart ones ) they bother about us , care us , love us and feel happy for us without havind any reasons to do so. That’s why they made it to my list. They are not bound by blood relations, nor by greed still they care for us because they love us as we are. Well, I can speak volumes on the topic but am not going to eat away all the space here. LOL.
Hi Swadhin,
You’ve summarized the topic nicely. It’s all about the importance of mental fitness. You can admire all of your possessions if you’re mentally healthy.
Family and friends are the best, no doubt. Though we should not try to possess people as that leads to obsession and later many other problems and sufferings. Possession increases attachment, and then detachment creates sorrow.
You’re talking about true love and real relations, and I agree that they’re not bound by blood. It’s good to be connected to people who believe in being selfless.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Hello Sir, Yes I completely agree with you people are not to be possessed as this leads to many other wrong things that are often not invited. And about mental fitness all we can say is if we are not mentally fit we will not enjoy ourselves even when we are in the best part of our life. Thank you for the advice and I will surely treasure it. 🙂
Fabulous post Vinay and one that makes you take a moment and really think.
For me, and this may sound cheezy, but my most prized possession is my life itself. I cherish my life and feel if we don’t value “life” as a possession, it can very easily be taken from us, as has happened to my most immediate family. I wake every morning and give thanks for another day of breath. That in itself, to me, is a prized possession.
Thanks for a fab post!
Hi Bren,
Of course, life is so important and you need to enjoy and live it rightfully. I like your perspective of treating life like a prized possession, so that you treat it nicely and dearly. Else, you take it for granted and destroy it with your misdeeds and bad habits, right?
No one will disagree that every breath is a gift and the least we can do is to be grateful.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts. 🙂
This is such a powerful reminder, Vinay.
My most prized possession is my health! I try not to take it for granted. Without my health I would be limited in my enjoyment of all those things you mention. Next, my people and relationships which really aren’t possessions at all. After living with less money during and after my divorce I learned that $ is what I refer to as a ‘renewable resource’. So no need to panic and feel hopeless on less money. Just try your best to renew it…Thanks for a wonderful post!
Hi Lisa,
That’s a great one, health is definitely very important. We all have heard this many times that health is wealth. It’s not only physical health but mental health as well.
I totally agree that money is a renewable resource. It’s no use worrying about it and then losing your health for it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great week ahead!
Hi Vinay! 🙂 Harleena is the voice and charm behind this blog, so when it’s someone else on her behalf, it’s a bit strange, yet refreshing. So welcome! 🙂 Quite a thought provoking one! Well, I think prized possessions can be both materialistic and intangible stuff – my camera and my laptop are important to me, because they fulfill my creative urges – they have given me my individual identity. Of course, my family is my MOST prized possession – they are the ones who share my joys and sorrows, my victories and disappointments… But, I guess, the most prized possession is the LIFE that we have got to live. Each morning when we wake up, it’s important to thank God for adding one more day in our lives, which is not the case for many!
Hi Renuka,
Well, be rest assured that Harleena is still the voice of this blog and I’m not writing on her behalf. We might be alternating the postings so you get a variety of views and voices. 🙂
Thanks for your welcome. I think you’re right that literally anything can be your prized possession. Family and relationships definitely top the list.
Life is indeed invaluable and the biggest gift that we all have. The fact that we’re alive is indeed a miracle, so what else can be more valuable.
Great thought. Thanks for sharing it. Do have a great week ahead!
Hello Vinay,
So nice to meet you. I wholeheartedly agree with you. My aunts mother suffered from Dementia and I got to witness episodes in which she loses her memory. That had to be one of the most painful things to watch, especially when she realized the events that occurred. She felt helpless and I think that has to be the worst feeling ever.
I have to say my most prized possession is my family and the relationship I have with them but I do appreciate my mind.
I like to exercise my mind by reading books and playing thinking games like memory and crossword puzzles.
I have been forgetful lately and it scares me to think that I could be losing my mind. It’s like you said, once we lose that, we are good for nothing basically. Perish the thought.
Wonderful post Vinay! Have a great week and say hello to Harleena for me :).
Hi Corina,
I’m sorry your aunt has to go through this suffering. Dementia is bad and even the workaholics are vulnerable if they don’t live a healthy lifestyle and keep themselves mentally fit.
Of course, the family is more precious than any material object. It’s good to know that you prize your relationships.
It’s even great to know that you take really good care of your mind by engaging it in activities.
Some forgetfulness comes with age, so I guess that’s very normal. But yes, losing the mind and memory is really bad.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Harleena says hello back to you. 🙂
Hmm, thought provoking question Vinay 🙂
I have never really taken the time to think about giving that much value to anything that I would later consider as my most prized possession. Especially when it comes to material stuff, I’ve learned a long time ago not to do that.
I have experienced first hand the fury of a few hurricanes, and with one of them, had my house roof blown off from over my head and lost everything I had accumulated for years. That was traumatic in itself. Don’t think it would be a good thing for anyone to lose their mind or memory either.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. Looking forward to your upcoming post.
Hi Yvonne,
I guess you do the wise thing to not give much value to the material stuff.
You’ve experienced really rough weathers and I’m sorry about what happened to your house. It indeed sounds very traumatic and I’m glad you’re past through it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day ahead!
Hi Vinay,
For me, this is your first article and I guess this is the change Harleena was talking about before going on vacation? 🙂
I am thrilled to know that you have now joined hands on this blog and I am sure this is going to add tremendous value to an already buzzing community Harleena has built.
As far as my opinion goes, the most prized possession we have is “Now”,the time we are alive, this very moment because everything else is always at risk. All that we have or can have, is at risk. The only thing we have which is so precious and most of us take for granted is – this very moment.
The best thing we can do is the give all we’ve got to this very moment and make it the best time we have ever had. Isn’t that what “Aha-Now” really intends to teach? 🙂
Hi Kumar,
Since this is my second post on the blog, I’m not the real change. In fact, we added up a community section for enhanced interactions and a forum for better discussions after the vacations.
Apart from that, which you’d have noticed, the commenting system has changed.
I was earlier working at the backend and taking care of the technical aspects. It’s great to share the posting platform and other responsibilities with Harleena.
Coming to your answer, I think it’s just great. Most of us lose the present moment.. we either think about the past or worry about the future. The “NOW” is what matters, and to make it more comprehensive, it’s the choices you make in the NOW that create your future. You’ve put it rightly that we tend to take the present moment as granted.
You’re absolutely right, this is what “Aha!NOW” is all about. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great week ahead!
Now, this team (Vinay & Harleena) is becoming more interesting Vinay. I think this is your second article I’m reading here. You both have such wonderful writing qualities.
When I started reading this post, I said I was going to say NO because you mentioned material things while I was thinking my family is most prized. But as I read further, I remember people have lost their families, gone through very tough times but finally ended up rebuilding a new family. Job in the Bible is an example.
He did not lose his mind or memory. That’s why he was able to rebuild a fresher family.
Perfectly correct. Every other thing once lost can be recovered but the mind and memory are too expensive to toy with.
Waiting for your next post how to give the best attention to my most prized possessions
Hi Enstine,
It’s Harleena & Vinay, she comes first. 😉 Thanks for your kind words, and we promise to keep you entertained here at Aha!NOW. 🙂
It’s good to consider your family as the most prized. Not many people do that. But your own mind and memory remain the most valuable possessions.
You’ve aptly used the example of Job in the Bible. You need to do everything necessary to keep your mind and memory intact, and then you’ll always have opportunities and possibilities.
Modern psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, and scientists are trying their best to help those who lose their mind and memory, but as you say, it still remains too expensive to toy With. It’s better to go for prevention than risk yourself with the cure.
Good to know that you’re interested in the related future post. It’d come out soon.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Do have a good time ahead!
Hi Vinay,
So very true. Having a mother in the last stages of Alzheimer disease, I know fully well what losing your memory and mind do to a person.
When you lose your memory you lose EVERYTHING. Eventually you do not remember what ever you’ve been part of in your life and evenutally don’t recognize the people you once knew and loved most on this earth.
If you ask me there isn’t anything I can think of that’s worst than that. when we lose that most precious possession there is nothing else left.
Nice meeting you at Harleena’s.
Hi Sylviane,
I’m sorry for what your mother and the family had to go through. No one would want to suffer from Alzheimer’s. I hope the scientists and doctors will come up with some kind of therapy in the future to revive the patient’s memory.
Just recently I read a news report about the US military researchers experimenting using brain implant to restore memories for patients with brain injury and dysfunction.
But for now, its best to improve your lifestyle and lead a good life to minimize your chances of losing your mind and memory, and I hope you would agree with that.
Thanks for sharing your views. Have a good day! 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
I am so sorry about your mother. My grandfather had Alzheimer’s (at least we think he did, he died a long time ago) and the gradual loss of mind and memory is heartbreaking. You’re right, we can survive if we lose our limbs but not our mind.
Like Slyviance Nuccio, my mother too is struggling with Alzheimer disease. While we are still in the early phases, I can see her slipping away from me on a daily basis…what a truly horrible disease! I agree with both Vinay and Slyviane….I can always figure out a way to make more money…but loosing precious memories and the ability to communicate with those I love it my #1 Prized Possession!