How to Live Life to Its Fullest

girl trying to live life to its fullest

Let me directly ask you – do you live life to its fullest? Or do you feel there are many things that you still need to do.

I know that some of you’re going to say that you aren’t living life to the fullest because there are so many things you desire to possess, places you wish to visit, and people you want to meet.

With so many expectations you feel that you can never really live life to its fullest.

But life is full of surprises and suspense. You don’t always get what you plan for in life, and sometimes the day you wait for never comes.

I remember this wonderful quote from the movie Forrest Gump that goes like this –

“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” ~ Tom Hanks.

You can’t wait for any particular day or occasion to feel that you’re living life to the fullest.

In-fact, you need to take each day of your life as a new chapter you read of a book – a new page every day. That’s really how to live life to its fullest. Are you doing that?

The meaning of your life is what you make or create every day with your thoughts, words, and deeds.

Every person is given 24 hours a day – no more, no less, for as long as they live on this planet. However, people live as though they’ll be here forever.

Though you shouldn’t live in fear or worry about dying, but those wanting to live life to its fullest should determine what they really value and live with intention.

Or else, they’re destined to struggle through and waste the days.

Don’t blame people if things aren’t the way you want them to be. It’s your life, your choice, and your decision. So, choose wisely.

“Make every day your masterpiece.” ~ John Wooden

5 Ways to Live Life to its Fullest

There are certain things you can do to live life to the fullest. Though the list is an endless one, but here I’d share just a few ways that I feel make a difference.

1- Live each day

I’ve always believed in living in the moment, the present, the NOW, and I’m sure most of you must know that because I keep repeating it so often.

You need to live each day as if it were your last, and live it to the fullest. Just like they say – yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift – that’s why it’s called the present.

Don’t hang onto the past, nor stress out about the mistakes you’ve made – take them in your stride and learn from them.

Each day brings forth new opportunities, it’s a new start with options waiting to be explored. So, be present to enjoy each passing moment. Do you do that?

2- Find your purpose in life

Your physical life started when you were born, but your real life starts when you discover your purpose. What is the purpose or mission statement for your life?

Mine is to help people by touching their lives in more ways than one, and help them achieve their highest potential so that they live their best lives.

All of you are here for a purpose, but how many of you really know and understand your purpose in life? So, you need to find something that gives meaning to your life.

It could be your parent, children, spouse, grandparent, friend, teacher or neighbor. Or it could also be your work, occupation, or something outside your work that makes a difference to others.

The meaning of your life is what you have to decide. Once you find something to live for, you will live better. Set your goals and move towards them by taking small steps, one at a time.

3- Remain positive

It’s rightly said that if you focus on good thoughts – good things will happen. The Law of Attraction surely works here. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just be, say, think, and do positive things.

I know it’s not always easy and we all do tend to think negative at times. Let those thoughts come and go, and like they say it’s all in the mind. You have the power to change your negatives to positives.

Try resolving the root cause of any bad or negative thoughts, and cancel each one with a positive affirmation. With time, you will feel better.

Look to the brighter side of life, and remember that things could’ve been worse than they are now. Look at the glass as half full, instead of seeing it as half empty.

4- Appreciate the little things in life

Stop rushing through life and stop a while to appreciate things around you. See or do things in a way that you’ve never experienced or done before.

Just open your eyes and heart and find the beauty in the smallest of things that surround you. Be part of something you believe in and find meaningful.

Take a fresh look at the clouds, the sunrise and sunset. Or see the beauty in the plants, tress, flowers, and how they sway when the wind blows.

Observe the various forms of life like the insects, animals, birds, and humans. When you do all of this, it clears off the monotony that kills the joy of living.

Don’t do things for the sake of doing them or because you have to do them, instead do it because you love or want to do them.

Also, take nothing for granted. Instead, appreciate those around you, whether they are your family, friends, pets, house, or the world. So, appreciate them while you have them.

5- Listen to your heart and soul

Listen to advice, but remain confident in making your own decisions. Listen to your own heart and soul because that seldom goes wrong. Use your instincts – don’t let others tell you what to do.

Don’t let desires, obsessions, and possessions possess you – free yourself from them. Hear your inner voice, and if need be accept change and adjust to life, taking it as a positive change.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~Winston Churchill

What YOU Can Do to Live Life to its Fullest

Some more steps that YOU can take for living life to the fullest –

“The purpose of life is not to be happy; but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” ~Leo Rosten

I think living life to the fullest doesn’t mean spending more or less of money. It doesn’t mean buying expensive things, or buying cheap ones. It doesn’t involve anything about spending money at all!

Remember, it’s not always about the money – sometimes you have lots of money and yet you’re not able to live to the fullest.

To live life to its fullest for me involves learning something new and doing something constructive and worthwhile. It involves stretching my emotions and trying to understand things as others see it.

A great life just doesn’t happen – it’s created. If you want to live life to the fullest, you need to take specific steps to make it all happen.

The choice is always yours. You can either sit there and do what you’ve always done and get the results you’ve always got, or you can start with a new beginning by starting today to live a better life. It’s up to you.

So, if you aren’t living life its fullest – act NOW! We live only once, so let’s life our lives in excellence 🙂

“Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.” ~ Grandma Moses

Over to you

Are there things you’ve put off that you need to be doing? Or are you pursuing your dreams and living life to the fullest? Share more ways how you live life to its fullest in the comments.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos, 123RF Stock Photos

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