How To Make Quality Family Time

For most of us, finding family time is difficult, leave alone quality family time. With our busy schedules, we tend to lose focus on spending family time with our loved ones, even though we want to.
Time is a precious commodity, especially for parents – and that is what often eludes us. Most parents always wish they had more time to spend with their families, but even if they can’t, it doesn’t mean they don’t love them.
I’d say creating quality family time is also an art because you need to craft it out of seemingly nowhere! You need to be creative in planning out activities and find ways to involve your kids in normal daily activities, without needing an extra time slot for family time.
Why Do We Need Family Time?
Spending time with your family is vital for the overall development and happiness of your children. Most kids let you know in their own ways if they feel you are not giving them enough time or attention.
Some kids tend to withdraw while others may “act-out.” A few kids may get into unnecessary fights, while some tend to bed-wet, cry, throw tantrums, which are some ways to get your attention so that they can enjoy ‘quality or focused’ time with you.
“Your children can be around you all day, but if you don’t spend quality time with them and you don’t pay attention to them and talk to them and listen to them, it doesn’t matter that they’re just around you.” ~ Brandy Norwood
I remember there was a time when I used to get too busy and involved in work, which is when my kids used to do things to distract me or get my attention – because I wasn’t giving it to them.
Thankfully now they are grown and have made me realize to stop all work and give them full attention, even when they don’t ask for it!
I guess children tend to think that if they can’t get your attention by doing something good, they can do so by doing something bad.
Thus, you need to start building relationships with your family early, which you can do once you are able to take out time for them.
There are some times when you may not be able to do it, but there are other times when you choose not to spend time together as a family when you could.
You may like to read my earlier post about why family time is important, after which I’m sure today’s post would hold more meaning as it would make you realize the importance of your family.
What Does Quality Time Mean?
To be able to take out quality time for your family is essential. But what does the phrase ‘quality time’ mean? To most people it means uninterrupted, concentrated time to spend with their children, family, spouses, and friends.
Quality family time should ideally be a relaxed one, free of conflicts, and the time when you can have meaningful conversations or do things with your loved ones.
It is often believed that this time should make up in quality for what is missed in quantity. However, you may not be able to spend that kind of time with your family, which then leads to guilt and resentment.
“Family isn’t about whose blood you have. It’s about who you care about.” ~ Trey Parker and Matt Stone
It even becomes tough to create family bonding time because as children get older, they get more engaged in other activities and school. And parents expect their children to be in a good mood if any event or activity is planned for the family as such, which doesn’t always happen.
However, to spend quality family time, you as parents need to set limits and rules that are maintained and followed, which makes children feel more secure and happy.
Also, quality time spent with your family doesn’t have to be a planned activity or a specific agenda to follow, nor do you need an entire day to spend some real quality time with your family.
Instead, it means spending time that is worthwhile and means something, which can be varied and spontaneous in length from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the circumstances.
Ways to Create Quality Family Time
Now that you know how important it is to bond with the family – what do you exactly do?
Well, there are various ways to have a nice time together with your family and kids. While some of them will leave happy memories imprinted in everybody’s minds, some will get embed and result in good habits.
1- Get the kids involved
A good way to maximize family time is to involve your kids in helping you with small errands. Some ways where kids can always help–
- Fold clothes and do their beds.
- Lay out the table.
- Put their toys in the proper place.
- Sort out their study table and books.
- Chop vegetables or fruits.
- Help you cook, or just as this video shows, you could enjoy cooking with them and teach them a few things too. Speaking of which, my kids love to cook with me too!
When you involve the kids, you turn the simple chores into family bonding activities where you teach valuable skills to your kids, and teach them to become independent also.
I started teaching my kids to help out in the household chores when they were small, and now it’s become a habit with them. Besides that we enjoy being and doing things together, which is what matters most – isn’t it?
To make family time fun, you can invent a family clean-up game, where elders and children compete to see who comes first by doing things the fastest, or make up a family song that you can sing while you work together.
Anything works, as long as it keeps you together as a family and makes your work enjoyable.
2- Completely unplug from the world
You don’t need occasions, vacations, or holidays to spend time with family. Simple things like gardening, Sunday breakfast, weekend movies or shopping, or having your dinner together can be taken as family bonding time.
However, ensure that whatever tradition you choose to connect, everyone, including parents and all other family members, respect a set time.
It should be a time when everyone should show up and disconnect from the external world. This means to ‘unplug’ – where there is no Facebook, no TV, no texting, no computer, no phones, no work, nothing, except spending time with family and enjoying being together.
3- Find ways to connect
When you want to connect with your family, you can find many ways of doing so like –
- Help your kids with homework.
- Enjoy a hobby together.
- Volunteer to help at school, or help kids with their extracurricular activities.
- Travel or plan a camping trip.
- Share your meals together.
- Walk, exercise, or walk your pet together.
- Lie on the couch, listen to and share stories, read books, and just talk to one another.
- Go out for picnics or visit places together.
- Have a family game night out together.
- Tuck your kids in bed and talk about the day.
- Plan a vacation or discuss about what you plan doing for the weekend.
Some more family bonding time activity ideas can be found here. And I loved this video about family activities that tells you about simple activities for family bonding like sharing family dinners, working together, reading to kids, driving together, and even wrestling!
“The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.” ~Thomas Jefferson
So, even though you have lots of distractions and busy schedules, it is possible to find that quality time for your family that’s important for children as indicated here.
You can take out the time for your family by adjusting your routine a little, which will give you the time to recapture and reconnect with your families. And don’t forget to become better parents to your kids too, something that all of us need to be!
There are many activities to share with your family, and take advantage of the quality time spent with your loved ones as mentioned here.
Remember, when you spend quality time with your family and kids, you give them the opportunity to learn and be heard. Also, when you connect, it makes your children feel loved and wanted. So, take time to enjoy your family, because this precious time once lost – never returns.
Hope that you never have to say –
“If I had my child to raise all over again,
I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I’d do more hugging and less tugging.” ~Diane Loomans
Over to you –
How do you take out quality family time for your loved ones? Do you believe it’s important to spend time with your family? Share your experiences and ways in which you take out family time in the comments below.
Eat together and listen to each other. Most children today don’t know the meaning of family dinnertime.
Read often.
Do chores together.
Help with schoolwork.
Start a hobby or project.
Play games.
Plan a family outing.
Encourage athletic activities.
What a valuable reminder, Harleena. I’ve been so busy over the summer I actually miss spending time with my kids (even if i see them every day. And my precious grandaughter. I think some quality time is in order. Thank you for this. xo
Just like always.. your post is awesome Mam.
I just get so engrossed when I start reading your articles. Your topic is great and so is the matter inside. I have this problem a lot. Can’t get out of my chair for about 14-15 hours. Family , friends and everything else is just gone at times.
Hey Harleena.
I completely enjoyed reading this beautiful piece.
These days, as I was busy, I couldn’t spend much with my parents. I really love them a lot. So, every weekend, no outings, no work, no movies, I completely spend time with my family.
Relationships are to be maintained happy, always. This is what I believe in. My girlfriend, parents, friends and every one; I always want to lead a happy journey with each of them.
Thank you.
Hello Harleena,
I was just browsing through your site and started reading this post. You share some great and fun things to try with the family.
I hope those who have young children will heed your advice and make time for the family because there’s a feeling you get when you don’t see your kids and it’s not a good one. I worked most of the time when the kids were little. They were latch-key kids for about nine years. They practically raised themselves. At that time I put my career and bills and material things first. Not that I didn’t spend time with the kids, but my husband and I had jobs that required us to work 12-hour days and we would compensate by buying them things. By the time I got home, they were already asleep and in the morning I was out the door before they were. Bottom line, the lack of family time started to affect their behavior and my two oldest kids ended up rebelling and acting out.
Fast foward to today and we’re in a totally different life-style. We’re now a one income family and I work from home. But I find myself trying to make up for lost time, doing things I should have done when they were little. I bake, I’m cooking, eating dinner together, and I even planned a Halloween night of movies, pizza, cookies, and passing out candy last year but that was nixed because they’re “too old” as they told me. But the youngest kids are excelling in school, involved in extra-curricular activities and thankfully, I haven’t had any problems with their behavior, leading me to believe it had to do with the family time we did or didn’t spend together.
Thank you for sharing your ideas, I’m definitely going to try them, even if they don’t want too, I’ll sneek it in without them realizing that’s what I’m trying to do :)…teens!
Glad to read this very nicely crafted post!
It means most to me especially when my family is away!
I’ve three daughters (triplet) 4yrs old now!
They use weird things to grab my attention. And I feel distracted – because I am not giving it to them.
Hope to come outta deadlock now 🙂
Glad you liked it Justin!
She has all the right to, though yes, a certain amount of understanding is required, especially if you are working to support your family.
However, there is no compromise on making family time or spending some time with your loved ones – isn’t it? After all it’s for them you are earning, and if you can’t devote time for them, what’s the use of all the money. 🙂
Balance indeed, is the key to making things work.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Great post again.
I know that my girlfriend gets very mad when I work all the time. She must understand that I am working to support us. I do understand that making time is important for a family and relationship to work. Balance is the most important thing…..
Thank you for the great post.
With the fast paced world we have now, we would be finding that we would be losing time to spend time with our family. Technology paved the way for this to happen. It made things be processed faster, even made our activities faster, and eventually made our life drift away faster. It would be disappointing if we find ourselves lost in this hurricane of a world without noticing who our kids are.
Glad you liked the post John!
Yes indeed, nowadays we need to find ways to make quality family time if we really want to connect and bond with our loved ones. Technology does play a part surely, though I feel if and when we want to create time for the family, we can. All that’s required is to schedule your work in such a way that everything fits in well. With that I’m sure your time chalked out for your family and kids would find ample place.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Been awhile since I’ve commented – been busy trying to stay connected with my kids! lol I especially liked your one on “unplugging”. I try to schedule at least one vacation a year where we unplug as a family. In fact, I just booked this year’s unplugged trip – a week in coastal Maine at a house with no wifi! Last year it was a river raft and camp trip into the wilds with no cell phone towers! The year before – an off-the-power-grid ecolodge in a jungle. Even had to use a boat to get there – no roads. It seems when our world spins away from us, as it often does these days, these trips mean so much for us to come back together as a family. Two weeks and counting to our next “unplugging”!
Nice to see you Carol!
Ah…that’s the best thing you can do and am glad you managed to find the time to connect with them. 🙂
Though I did write about how we ought to ‘unlpug’, but I yet have to follow that part myself! Totally cutting yourself off from everything, and just spending quality family time is what’s really required from all of us. I guess if we are able to schedule our work in such a way that we take out time for everything, it works best.
Wow! I love your ‘unplugged’ trips with your family – truly out of the normal and the real way to enjoy your holidays with your loved ones. I haven’t really tried such adventures, though your trips inspire me to do so.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. 🙂
I really admire you Harleena 😀 for this awesome post.
Spending time with my family is just one of the beautiful moments that I usually have, I just enjoy every part of it and it really gives me a lot of things.
When I get bored from working I go directly to sit with my parents and have a conversation that never ends 😀
Glad you liked the post Faisaal!
Happy to know that you also believe how important it is for all of us to spend quality family time, which is the only way you can really connect and bond with the ones you love – there is no other way. 🙂
I guess our families, whether parents or our family consisting of a spouse and kids is what and whom we really turn back to in time of need, and their support is something that’s always with us, no matter what – isn’t it? I guess your parents must be loving the time you spend with them and wishing you get bored often 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Nice to see you after long once again 🙂
I always love your insightful post, Harleena! You bring such a reminding awareness to subjects that we always need to consider.
I have practiced this one from the beginning of my writing career. I always unplug early on Friday and all day Saturday – set aside just for this purpose. I think that it’s incredibly important to ensure quality time is given to our loved ones – not to forget to have fun while chasing ones dreams and aspirations – and also, it’s important to rest; and what better way to rest, than to spend memorable time with the ones you love. 🙂
It’s not always the easiest thing to do; especially when the mind is playing back the many things you’d rather get done. However, it takes self-discipline and an awareness of the short amount of time we have to spend with those we love so dearly – and while we have the time to give it, we should give it freely and enjoyably. 🙂
While I don’t have children to spend that time with – you have reminded me of my nieces and nephews. Since I haven’t been to my hometown in about two years, it’s been about that long since I’ve seen them. A couple of them are even new to the world, and I haven’t met them yet. Hopefully that’ll change soon.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and tips with us on this, my friend. Another beautiful post. 🙂
Glad you could resonate with the post Deeone!
I know how important your little family means to you, and I have noticed you taking a complete off on the weekends, which is a wonderful time to connect with people you love. (Sorry if you had to stop by on a weekend to comment here though!)
You are absolutely right when you mentioned rest here, which is again something most of us forget to do – including me! I guess I need to learn from you and totally unplug from the Internet, to really call it a complete day off, which is what works best for our mind and body, kind of detoxification. And if you manage to take the day off with your loved ones, there can be no better way to make quality family time through any medium.
The mind is what comes in-between the matters of the heart – isn’t it? And it keeps stopping the heart from doing what it ought to do, which is what creates the problems. I guess we need to listen to our heart more than the mind and just go ahead and take the much required time off to spend with our dear ones if we want to really connect with them – there is no other way.
Ahh…I’m sure your nieces and nephews would love to see a ‘brand’ new you, whenever you plan to take a trip to their places, while the new ones would love to meet their uncle too. It’s all in the mind as they say, so when and if you want to change things – they change, or else we carry on living the robotic monotonous lives we presently live – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by. It’s always a pleasure to have you over. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I am not a father yet, but your post made me reflect on my own childhood. Growing up it seemed all the ‘entertainment’ we had was our parents. We did not have computers or cell phones or anything to distract from family life. Kids these days are so ‘plugged in’. My wife & I spend time together with our dog. We take long walks and talk in the fresh air. We love the ocean so we go to a little beach hide a way when we can. We love watching movies together, which is something we both look foward to.
Tell those you love you do. My best advice.
Glad you could relate to the post Akos!
Though you are not a father yet, but I can make out that you would make a loving and caring one. 🙂
Those good old times when we were away from the cell phones, computers, excess of television, or any of the latest technological distractions were the real golden times, when there was much more bonding with our parents, friends, relatives, and family too. That’s because we didn’t have anything else to spend time with, and doing so with the ones we love was the best way. But yes, nowadays such things aren’t possible unless you make an effort to connect with one another by leaving everything else aside.
I like the way you manage to create time to spend with your wife and dog, who are your family. And yes, you do need to express and tell that you love one another, whenever you can because life is so short and you can never tell about tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. 🙂
It’s a great post!!
I am one of those parents who always feel guilty for not spending time with my children. I tend to ignore them. I know how wrong that is. I never thought I could consider the little activities you mentioned as quality time spent with them, but when I read what you said, it makes sense. I will try to put more efforts in that. Thank you <3
Glad you liked the post Nikky!
You are not alone when it comes to spending quality family time, as most of us wish we could spend more time with our loved ones! You must be ignoring them as you are busy doing other chores, which may be important also. But I’m sure once you are through those chores, you would spend time with your family and kids.
Oh yes! Doing the smallest of activities together, or even the chores around the house like clearing up, cooking, gardening, or just about anything that all of you do together is spending valuable time with one another.
I guess when the family members are together, or you are with your kids, you can always discuss, talk, and share so many things with another. This is what we all do at home, though weekends are of course a wonderful way to unwind too. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Quality time for my husband and it usually involves doing things together that we enjoy like exploring new places (we are on the road a lot). For getting together with my grown children and their children, quality time tends to be centered around food, lol! However, even at a group event, I make a point of spending some one on one with each one.
Glad you could relate to the post Patti!
Ahh…I like that you manage to take out time for your husband, which must be because your kids are all grown up and now really with you, which is when you both can create more time for one another and do things you weren’t really able to do with kids around.
Cooking or eating meals together is a wonderful way to bond with your loved ones, and when everyone helps out and is in it together, it is all the more fun – isn’t it? I am sure your kids and grandkids must be loving to have you with them, whether you are all cooking or just being with one another.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Woohooo another epic thought filling heart warming post.
Harleena, I love how you weave your words together and offer us so much to ponder and reflect upon. Your questions, quotes and inspirations always make me stop and think and look at my life and way I am with my girls.
I do try to spend time with my girls yet I know there are many times when I “ignore them and dont have the time or energy” to give them the attention they need. That’s the beauty of children, they quickly let me know when they feel neglected, want my attention so in a way they are learning how to communicate and express their needs in a mature way. We have special moments and rituals which I try to stick too, simple things like tucking them up at night (even at age 18..I pop in and wish them good night, stroke their head, pull up the sheets, give them a foot massage and say a little prayer over them)
When the girls where younger, we had a family song..”We are the Allen Girls..” and we would go around the house singing and belting out our song, and when they take out their hair extensions, I always make the time to be around to help them wash their hair and brush and plait it up afterwards. So, it is about making time to recognise where they are at and finding simple everyday ways to communicate, touch and say I love you.
Thanks for your post.
Glad you liked the post Ntathu!
Thanks so much for your warm and kind words. I guess it’s mostly my own experiences that I like to add up with the other things that best relate to the blog, which makes it a little different. And yes, quotes are always a part because they do add a lot of meaning to what I want to convey. 🙂
I know how you love your girls and the amount of time you also manage to take out for them, which speaks volumes about you trying your best at being a perfect mom, which is something commendable. Ah…yes – kids have their own way of attracting our attention when they feel we are neglecting them, which is why we can never really neglect them for long. 🙂
Nice that you still manage to remain so close to them even when they are in their teens, something that I need to do. I guess when they grow older, their life is full of other kind of priorities and activities, which may or may not be part of us. It does take time and effort to communicate and connect with them, but it’s all worthwhile when they open up and share things with you – isn’t it?
Family songs are fun – aren’t they? I think we are able to relate more to them because it’s something we all do as a family, which bonds us further. And we do all this to devote more quality family time with our loved ones, which is what a family is all about. You are absolutely right about saying that we need to find family time to communicate, love, touch and be with each other, if we really want to bond as a family.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. Always nice to have you over. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Working is good for your health they say but too much work and not having time for your own family is a sad story.
My husband and I love nature like Indians, so when we take out quality family time we are so far from everything.
Thanks to nature.
Glad you could resonate with the post Sandy!
Absolutely! Too much work and no play makes Jack a dull boy as the saying goes, we do need to make family time with our loved ones if we want to connect and bond with them. Nice that you are fond of nature and love spending your time amidst it, which is a wonderful way to be away from all the other worries and stresses of life.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Great points, Harleena – and I love the wonderful quotes you’ve inlcuded.
Having grown up in a joint family, especially during times when technology was minimal, I was lucky to experience constant interaction with my uncles, aunts, cousins and extended family, which always came over during the weekends and summer vacations. We always had meal times together and evenings, before dinner, were spent together, sharing the day’s events and laughing a lot. Weekends were relaxed and part of the day was involved in playing carrom, chess, cards or some other indoor game – if we weren’t out on a picnic.
Family time, actively interacting builds a wonderful support group and a cocoon of love. Even when I grew up and started working after college, we continued to follow the “meals together” policy. We were always up to date with each other as a cohesive family. Once everyone spread out due to job transfers, we made it a point to meet at family events. And yes, we actually still use the Indian Postal Service to write letters and send greeting cards. The phone has made life far easier thanks to live conversations.
Today, I am happy to say that thanks to opting to work from home, I am able to manage my time in such a way that i work when my son and husband are at school/work – and when they’re home, we are together, involved in whatever activity prevails for that day. Nothing can compensate for loving interactions with family, because it is priceless. And life is all about love, right?
Thanks again, for a wonderful read.
Glad you liked the post Vidya!
I really can’t do without quotes I guess! They do take time hunting around for , but add more meaning to the post I think. 🙂
Those surely were the ‘good old times’ as they say, and yes, earlier when there was not much of technology or social media was limited, there was much more bonding and family time had it’s importance. Somehow, all that seems to be a thing of the past, and can only be achieved if we make that sincere effort to make quality time for our family – just as you all did with your cousins and relatives.
I remember our times too when vacations were something all of us looked forward to, as we got a chance to get away and had the chance to create family time for ourselves. And it added more meaning when we reached out and met our relatives, which made our extended families a part of us too – and then the never ending activities! Those were memorable days and something we do now too, but it has lessened down a great deal due to everyone’s busy lives.
I know how much you value your family time with your son and husband, as you share on your blog. Ahh…yes the joys of reading or writing a hand-written letter can’t be compared to the emails. I guess those added more meaning and emotions to the words that reached us – isn’t it? But that again is dying it’s natural death, unless we get down and make it a point to use pen and paper.
You are absolutely right – making quality family time is something that we all need to do because such time is priceless, and once lost – you can never get it back. What remains is just regret that you weren’t able to devote time for your loved ones when you could. For me too, opting out from a full time job was mainly because I wanted to give my undivided attention to my kids and be there for them. However, being a freelance writer isn’t easy unless you learn how to schedule your time online too, but any-day better than working out. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. Always nice to have you over. 🙂
You do have to work at creating family time. It’s so important. When I look back at my life growing up it’s the times we spend together as a family that stand out most in my mind.
Welcome to the blog Angela – nice to have you over!
Absolutely! Family always comes first, and even though we all have our own busy schedules, we need to create quality family time and start doing that early, so that we don’t have any regrets later.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hey Harleena, can I share a story with you about quality time with your kids?
Now I know this story is a little different and you might think I’m kind of nuts but I had a friend a few years ago who was an animal physic. She wanted to enhance her skills so she went to a workshop.
Upon returning she told me how it went and there was this lady there that had 3 kids and 2 dogs. Now the lady worked from home so she gave everyone the impression that she loved her animals and that everything was great. When communicating with the animals they let my friend know that they did not feel loved, that she ignored them the entire day and even ignored her kids when they were at home. She thought because she worked at home and was present that everything was okay.
I can see where many parents believe that just because they’re in the same room they think that they are being with their family and that counts. That’s not quality time and your family and animals can definitely feel neglected.
I love taking quality time to spend mostly with my Mom. The rest of the family will all get together for an occasion or event. But when we’re together, we’re together enjoying each other, finding out what we’ve been up to, etc. No one wants to look back on life and realize you never had enough time with the ones you love.
I hope everyone realizes this sooner than later.
Loved the story shared Adrienne!
I think the story explained everything in brief what I did here on the post about how important spending quality family time is, something that we all don’t realize till much time has been lost and wasted.
Just as the lady with 3 kids and 2 dogs thought she was doing a wonderful job by being a work-at-home mom, by being around her kids but not being a part of them or being able to spend quality time with them. And you are so right to mention pets here too, they are the first ones to sense things and need our full undivided attention, just as our kids do. I’m sure Kayla must be loving having you all to herself. 🙂
I know how much you value your parents and more so your mom after your dad, which must be meaning so much to her. That’s all parents and children want from us – a little bit of our time – quality time. It really doesn’t matter if we aren’t able to spend hours or days with them, but whatever little time we spend, we need to make it worthwhile.
Yes indeed, no one should really have any regrets later in life that they couldn’t manage or didn’t have enough time to spend with their families or kids. The time to realize things is NOW and we all need to make changes in our lifestyles if we want things to change – isn’t it?
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. Always a pleasure to have you over. 🙂
Great post!
I gave up my job and became a work-at-home mom to be able to spend more quality time with my family and I have no regrets at all. We love barbecues during weekends and the kids love camping. I love it when we all get to talk about how our day and week was.
Welcome to the blog Angela!
You did a wonderful thing, something that I also did when I left my full time job, just so that I could spend more time with my family and kids. I guess we all need to know more about our priorities and then make the right choices.
It’s nice to see you happy and content now when you do manage to spend quality time with your family, something that you would have missed had you carried on with a full time job.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Firstly I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a comprenhensive post. You included some excellent advice on the importance of spending time with our families and how to do so.
I loved the quotes you included and could really resonate with the one by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, and the one by Diane Loomans. The latter one really hit home for me, and reminded me of what a few senior people from my public speaking club have told me. They said one thing they regretted the most while they were chasing their dreams, and running their businesses was not spending enough time with their children.
This says it all for me.
Glad you liked the post Hiten!
I think as I am more into my family and strongly believe in the importance of family time, it all came through naturally. 🙂
Guess I can’t really do without quotes- so they do find a special place in my posts! And yes the last one by Diane is so true – something that most of us can relate to and learn from as well. Sadly, we realize the importance of spending quality family time once we lose that time in hand we have, or when we grow old and have the time – but only to spend with grandchildren.
I just wish and hope that everyone would value the time they have with their kids and families, and if they don’t have the time, chalk-out ways to make family time.
Thanks for stopping by. It’s always a pleasure to have you over. 🙂
I fall into that category of parents who wish they had spent more time just having fun with their kids. However, I’m trying to make up for it with my grandchildren!
Glad you could relate to the post Galen!
I guess most of us do feel guilty for not having enough time to spend with our kids, or enjoying their childhood. But yes, grandparents surely do cover it up with their grandchildren, just as you mentioned, which must be because you have more time at hand now than ever before. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I used to work non-stop but then I started to realize that my son was not getting enough time from me as he should have. It was because of this that I altered my entire schedule to work only a few hours during the day and the rest at night once he falls asleep.
Welcome to the blog Adam!
I think most of us are guilty somewhere or the other to not give enough time to our kids, especially when we know how important quality family time is. It does do wonders when we are able to reschedule our time and plan things in such a way that we can spend time with our kids and family. I am sure you must be finding a lot of difference after you altered your working hours. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena!
Nowadays parents are so busy that they dont even have time for their own kids. No wonder they are not getting along with their wonderful children, after all they are God’s gift. I just loved your post especially the part of “Ways to Create Quality Family Time”. Putting their toys in the proper place may give you a chance to have some little time getting along together.
Welcome to the blog Sunil!
Yes indeed, nowadays parents really don’t have the time to spend with their children, even though they may want to, because of their busy work schedules while trying to earn for their family and kids. It does cause a problem sometimes when they aren’t able to connect or reach out to their own kids.
I guess when you do anything together with your kids or family, you bond and connect with them, which brings everyone closer together and adds to the joy – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
BTW – Sorry for the late response as your comment was lying in spam, and is Techiebros your blog as I don’t see your name anywhere. But yes, I did see your comment at Adrienne’s blog 🙂
Yes Harleena! Techiebros is my blog only, its just that it is managed by me and my other 3 fellow mates. So we decided not to put our own names anywhere on it.
That’s wonderful Sunil!
More the merrier as they say, though I wish you would all have your names placed somewhere so that more like me know about all of you too. 🙂
I remember my parents through this blog post. They always make sure to make quality time for us even though they’re so busy with work. They also make sure that we understand those times that they’re not able to give us much attention during weekdays because of their work. We usually have the weekends for catching up and do activities together. 🙂
Welcome to the blog Sara!
Glad the post made you remember all the wonderful time you shared with your parents. Yes indeed, spending quality time with your family is essential and even if you can’t manage to take out time during the weekdays due to the busy schedule, a few moments of togetherness or the weekends do wonders to connect with your loved ones.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
It’s another beautiful post by you and I really liked the message inside this post.Spending quality time with children is the best way to understand them and you can also teach them good things which help them in their personal development. Lack of attention could affect their character and personality therefore it is not important to be just around your kids all the time but spending quality time with them is actually important.
Glad you liked the post Syeda!
Yes indeed, when we spend quality family time with our kids, we learn more about them and they are also able to understand us better. I think it’s the family bonding and the way we connect and interact with one another that matters most. I guess children have their own ways of getting the attention of their parents, which if not given could lead to problems in their overall development.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Totally. I do believe it’s vital to spend quality time. As you said, no one wants to think, if only I had them to raise again. I certainly don’t want to ever be in this position.
I love my kids and always make time for them. I jump into my teenaged daughter’s bed sometimes and we chat. I let my youngest read her books to me. I ask for help in the kitchen (this is when I hear all the gossip at school). They don’t want you to fix things, they just want to tell you who’s doing what. This is great information if you want to know what’s going on in your kids’ lives. It may be the only way to find out.
As you also mentioned, going for walks is great. I took them on one yesterday, and the oldest finished up the walk carrying her little sister on her back. It was so cute.
Glad you could resonate with the post Anne!
I think we as parents need to raise our kids such that we are left with no regrets whatsoever.
I love the way you manage to spend time with your kids, where each one of them is given the time and attention they need. We have to deal differently with each of our children, as teenagers are different from the younger ones. Yes indeed, doing chores together or cooking time with my daughters is the time they come up with the things shared in school or their friends.
Even otherwise, when we are travelling together or doing anything together, or just sitting and chatting with one another, especially when our kids know they have our full attention – they do love to discuss and talk about various things. Ahh…yes walks are a wonderful way to connect with one another- aren’t they?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. Always a pleasure to have you over. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I agree with that quote, just being around your kids all day doesn’t mean that you are spending quality time with them.
I think that spending quality time with children is very important to form their character and balance. Children who are neglected tend to have problems in school and with their temper as well. Extreme neglect can lead to emotional and personality problems as bad as creating very disturbed individuasl who end up committing grave crimes.
That’s why we have parents to take care of us as children, not only with food and clothing, but with tender affection, and interactions. When time comes for us to be parents, we need to do the same.
Thanks for this great post 🙂
Glad you could relate to the post Sylviane!
Spending quality time with your kids is so important, especially nowadays when they have so many other distractions that can keep them away from you. When we spend time with our kids, it does help in forming their character and personality. Or else, they have problems in their school, with friends, and even when they grow up to be adults, which leads to emotional and psychological problems as well.
I guess a lot depends on the parents and how they raise their children, who need all their love, care, affection, attention, and undivided attention, besides the normal food and clothing that’s provided for. And special attention has to be given to kids when they are young as those are their formative years, which should carry on right through till they grow up. I think a parents job never ends, as I see my dad look after and guide us even today. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with everyone. 🙂