Table of Contents
Have you ever had the feeling that you are always short of time? Ever felt you knew how to stop rushing through life and just be in the moment? You are not alone!
When was the last time you took a moment to enjoy your morning cup of tea or coffee? Or just sit with your spouse and start the day being with each other?
When was the last time you felt the falling rain on your face? When the last time you saw the dew drops that made you feel good?
When was the last time you really saw the beauty in nature and enjoyed being present to experience these simple things?
Have you ever tried slowing down and just taking a backseat to enjoy the little pleasures in life?
“We are always getting ready to live but never living.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ever noticed how hurriedly the days seem to pass by, and you still feel there is so much left to be done. Doesn’t it always seem that there is so much to be done, yet less time do it all?
I have that feeling so often, and am always running against time because I am rushing through life, which I know I shouldn’t.
This post is a reminder for me, and all those who also feel that their days fall short to do all that they want to do.
I know I need to slow down and take things as they come, and make attempts to live in the moment. Do you?
What Does it Mean to Rush Through Life
Simply put, when you rush through life, you forget to live NOW.
It means you aren’t able to take out time to enjoy your mornings, instead, are always in a rush to go off to work.
It means not being able to enjoy what you like doing. You don’t appreciate things around you, nor the outdoor, and don’t spend time with your loved ones.
“Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.” ~ Will Rogers
Instead, what do people rushing through life do?
They are always working, connected to their laptops or PCs, or on their mobiles and iPhones.
Or they are checking their emails, blogging, commenting, multitasking, on social media, and keep working endlessly without a break! I am a lot like that – are you?
Such people just don’t wait to stop and think how and where life is heading. They don’t have the time. Are you such a person? If so, why are you always rushing through your life?
Why Are You Always Rushing Through Life
Let me ask you a few questions and tell me what your answers were in the comments – here they are.
- Do you keep running from one task to another in an attempt to complete your never ending list of to-do things?
- Do you hurry through your talks with your spouse, family, kids, or parents?
- Are you always in a hurry to keep up with friends, whether they are online friends or the offline ones?
- Do you face relationship problems when you aren’t able to devote the required time with your partner, because you are over-worked and lacking in time? Be true to yourself and answer this one!
Talking about the present, tell me how did you spend your day today?
Does your typical day start something like this – waking up, rushing through shower, getting the kids ready (if you have small kids), breakfast, if possible exercise, starting work – at home or driving to office, checking emails and social updates, meetings, doing real work, rushing through lunch, drive back home, watch TV, have dinner, and feeling flat off to bed late at night, only to wake up early morning again!
Your day might not be exactly like this, but I’m sure it must be quite similar.
Don’t you follow such a routine day in and day out, when suddenly one day you feel burnout? What happens then? You realize how many years have passed by just following this same monotonous life.
People nowadays are stressed, overworked, and over-scheduled because they are involved into a lot of things.
They have lots of work, and have to be part of communities, kids, family, social events, and other activities. Even ABC News reported how American’s are working longer hours than ever before.
“Men, for the sake of getting a living, forget to live.” ~ Margaret Fuller.
Haven’t you forgotten how to slow down and enjoy life? I think so, because of the hectic lifestyles you and me lead.
Coming to think of it, why the rush? Can’t things wait? Are there really things that need to be attended to straight away at the cost of other important things in your life? Think about it and let me know below.
So what do people like you and me do about it? We try to understand what happens when we rush through life.
What Happens When You Rush Through Life
When you rush through your life as it is, you miss out on the journey. You miss out on living in the present. You miss out on those precious moments of life.
Yes, you are all busy in your lives with lots to be done each day and no moment to spare. But it’s also important to set priorities in life and take life as it comes, instead of rushing through it.
You might feel something needs to be done right away, and at the cost of your family or other important tasks; you get down doing that particular thing. But was it that important after all?
Couldn’t it wait or be avoided?
You may make such a decision because you feel you have to. It’s almost like putting all the ingredients of a recipe together in a pot without realizing or tasting what you’re cooking!
You just follow the recipe exactly the way it was supposed to be followed, even when you know that a little more salt or less of pepper is what it needs.
Similarly, you don’t listen to your own body when you exercise or eat food, and tend to do things you’ve been doing since ages – don’t you?
You are afraid to try out new things because you feel that the old ones are tried and tested, and someone way back in time said that was the right way to do it all.
Or because you really don’t have the time to try something new and different – as you are forever rushing through life and don’t have the time to shape your own life yourself.
How about slowing down a little, taking risks, challenging what’s been done before, being a little wild, and letting everyone call you a little ‘crazy’?
“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi.
Try out these ways to stop rushing through life and see the changed person you’d become.
Ways to Stop Rushing Through Life
As I mentioned before, this post is also a reminder for me to take life a little slow and not really get caught up trying to do everything, all the time.
You know that stress is bad for you, yet you prefer staying up to date, or you fall behind. You try doing many things to work faster, yet you fall behind because lots of people are working smarter.
You feel you’d be slower than them if you don’t jump on the bandwagon. So, what do you do? You become mechanical – almost robotic!
In the process, you forget to take care of your basic needs like sleep, proper diet, exercise, and fresh air. This is also a reason why you feel slow, unmotivated, unproductive, and restless. Sounds familiar?
“It is important from time to time to slow down, to go away by yourself, and simply be.” ~ Eileen Caddy
Here are some ways of stop rushing through life and enjoying it as it comes –
1- Slow down by doing less
Hard as it may sound, this is the first thing you need to do – slow down your pace by doing less. Focus on doing what’s really important, and leave the rest for later.
You also need to eat slow instead of gulping your food in because that way you don’t enjoy your food, nor feel the flavor and texture. You aren’t being mindful when you eat fast.
Similarly, drive slower and appreciate nature and your surroundings, instead of rushing through always.
Spend more family time, instead of just short-talking with your kids and family. Love slower, instead of hurrying up your act.
Simply put, just put your heart and mind when you do things. See the difference it makes to your life!
2- Plan your day and make your list
Planning out your day makes you less stressed for accomplishing your work because you know what you have to do for the rest of the day. You learn how to manage your time well this way.
Don’t make a long list or else you might feel overwhelmed and stretched far again. Make sure what you plan are small and achievable goals for the day.
Scientific studies have shown that those who spend less time at their office or work, and more time relaxing – are more effective and productive.
Take short breaks between work to stretch your body, close your eyes, breathe, which can reduce the pace with which you deal with the rest of the day.
Also, remain organized in your work place by removing all that you don’t need so you don’t rush through when you need something.
You will be less hurried, more productive, and happier when your physical work spaces are clutter-free.
3- Do one thing at one time
Learn to let go of multi-tasking and concentrating on doing just one thing at a time.
That’s because when you multi-task, you don’t enjoy what you do as you try doing many things together.
If you are working, keep your TV, phones and emails OFF, and when you are watching TV or spending time with your loved ones – keep work away.
This one’s again a reminder for me too, though I remain focused in what I do but still need to get better in this area.
4- Balance out your day
Life is all about making the right choices and balancing things out. Take out a little time from your busy schedule to work, play, relax, and be with your family and loved ones.
Focus on people and be there when you are present with them. Don’t talk to them while talking on your mobiles or working.
That way you are there, but your mind is on things you need to do. You might listen, but you’re really thinking about yourself and what you want. Just shut off the world when you connect with those who matter.
Maintain your friendships and relationships because life is also about family and friends, and taking out time for them. Perhaps over the weekend, if you don’t have the time during the week.
5- Take out time for yourself
Take out a few minutes a day for yourself too. Even 15 minutes a day to go within and just enjoy the fact that you are doing great and loving your life is a good way to find peace within yourself.
How can you find this quiet time for yourself?
By turning off the TV, cell phone, computer, and all your work, and just doing something that you like or want to do.
It’s good to sometimes enjoy life’s simple luxuries and pamper yourself. Here are some ways to take out some ‘me’ time, though you can add a lot more to it –
- Share a chocolate with your loved ones
- Enjoy a new hairdo or makeover
- Read a good book
- Listen to music
- Meditate
- Yoga
- Spend time with your pet – I do, with my dog 🙂
- Take up a hobby daily
- Play with your kids
- Spend time with your spouse
- De-stress and completely relax at least once a week
- Go out and enjoy nature. Try hiking, fishing, boating, and sightseeing if you love the outdoors
- Take a stroll, and if you know the benefits of walking – walk through and explore different paths
- Or anything else that makes you feel good
Notice the small things in life that you wouldn’t otherwise. You can find them when you are away from your work or doing something you love doing.
What fun it would be to have such a ‘me’ time. You could just wear what you feel like, eat, drink, and make merry all day long.
Of course, without any Internet, or laptop – this means no social media too! Ah…I wait for that day!
6- Learn to give up on one thing
There’s a lot to be done, isn’t there? I feel like that so often. But can I really do more than I’m actually doing? I don’t think so because I am stretching myself quite far already. How can I or you change that?
That can be done by trying to give up just on one thing from your schedule.
If you visit social networks thrice a day, make it twice. If you visit 10 blogs daily, cut then down to 7 or 8. If you go to the gym daily, make it 5 days a week.
Small differences in your lifestyle will change your life.
When you reschedule your time like this, you’d find more time to relax and recoup. So, learn to schedule less and do more with the time you have.
7- Don’t procrastinate
Some people procrastinate their work time, which causes them to push their work to be done later. What time do they take out to do such work? They use their relaxation or entertainment or the ‘me’ time.
Instead, do the work you planned for the day, so that your time remains yours and you end it feeling satisfied. More so, you’ll not fell stressed or guilty of leaving work pending for later.
8- Learn to say no
Some of you might be having a problem saying no or refusing favors asked of you. Even though you don’t want to disappoint your friends, you need to prioritize and refuse them from time to time.
Just be honest as your friends will understand, especially if you can’t attend a get-together, event, function, hangout, or any such thing. Remember, it all comes down to managing your time yourself.
9- Finding joy and living in the moment
There is a lot of joy in each day, provided you look for it.
It could be a new flower blooming in your garden, a toothless grin from a 90 year old, kids cooking a meal for you, or just about anything that make you happy.
Learn to appreciate these precious moments life puts forth you. Go with the flow and do just what needs to be done. Take each day as it comes – as if it were the last.
Be mindful of whatever you do at the moment. Yes, your mind races towards thing that need to be done, or thoughts about the past – bring yourself back to the live in the present moment.
Do whatever you do, with love. Like when you are cooking, instead of rushing through it and thinking it to be a boring chore that you want to end quickly, really get involved.
Enjoy the aroma, the spices, the sizzle, the sensation of chopping the vegetables, or tasting the food when it’s done. You’ll learn to take each task as an enjoyable one, provided you think positively about it.
Change what’s in your power, and leave the rest – just let it GO! You can’t change people, or things, but you can change the way you react to them.
Most importantly, when you find yourself rushing through life and stressed out, stop and just breathe – then take a few more deep breaths. Notice how the stress reduces.
That’s because you focus on breathing, and pull yourself back to the present. You slow down your pace. Try doing it right now and feel the difference. 🙂
“When you calm your body & your emotions, you restore yourself, and restore peace to the world around you.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Although I write about this, I know my hubby would say that I don’t follow this one! That’s because I love to plan and execute my day or else I really can’t work efficiently. More so, when I plan it reduces my anxiety.
I don’t like sudden changes, but I understand that life happens, plans change, and sometimes things are out of your control.
You need to accept life and adapt to the changes that take place. So, I am slowly learning to do all these things too. How about you? 🙂
Call to action
Imagine a world where everyone slowed down a little – the drivers, housewives, businessmen, and motorcyclists. For starters – there would be fewer accidents and so much more time to connect!
When you jump from one task to another and forget what you just did, or which direction you just came from, you lose awareness of everything around you, thus lose to live in the moment.
You create a vicious cycle for yourself where you find yourself running after time. And as you hurry, you make mistakes, achieve little, and take much more time doing the things that need to be done.
Sounds familiar? Is that how you become sometimes? So, what can you do about it?
Slow down, and resist the very thought of rushing through.
Step into the present; be aware, alert, and conscious. When you are focused, you can make better choices and feel much more in control.
Remember, when you slow down and enjoy life, your will reduce the stress and tension that comes across in your work, family, and relationship. It would give you immense happiness and satisfaction.
So, stop rushing through life, because in doing so, you are missing out on a lot of things that matter.
“You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” ~ Walter Hagen
I value my Dad’s words when he said that life isn’t a 100 meter race, it’s a marathon – you need to run long not fast. For that, you need to be like the tortoise – be slow, be steady, and win the race!
Are you ready for changing your life for the better? Let’s make an attempt to win this long race together 🙂
Over to you –
When was the last time you lived in the moment? Why are you always rushed for time? What ways would you suggest to stop rushing through life and enjoy it? Share in the comments below.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
Hi Harleena,
I really enjoyed reading this post and I can identify with many of the points that you are highlighting here!
Talking about multi tasking….many people strive to be able to do multi tasking, yet I recently watched an interview with neuro scientist dr. Caroline Leaf, where it was mentioned that multi tasking is actually not such a good practice. The brain is designed to be focused on one thing at a time and therefore it is better to focus on one activity to achieve better results.
I also appreciate the point you made about us not being able to change people or things, but we can choose how we respond to them. That is exactly what its all about, isn’t it? Its about the way we respond.
Thank you for sharing, Harleena.
Have a great day,
Wow I love your article. You reminded me to stop and take a break. You are right, we spend most our times rushing through life without enjoying the beauty of the current moment. I will surely start adopting these tips. Thanks for the awesome article.
Harleena what a great subject… I think its so important to realise that we should take every minute as a blessing and not trying to wish our lives away….wish it was nearly time for my holiday…. wish it was home time… wish it was weeekend …. just appreciate today and every minute in today for today:o))
Welcome to the blog Gaz!
Glad you liked this subject of discussion today 🙂
I agree with you, we do need to appreciate the passing moments and make the most of what we have in time, and just stop rushing through life and live in the present.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Love the advice here. I\’ve definitely been guilty of rushing through life in the past. One technique I use to get control of this impulse is the Pomodoro Technique, 25 minutes of focused work with a 5 minute break. Combined with a highly pared down to-do list, doing Pomodoros forces me to take breaks periodically and not overschedule my time. Thanks for the great post, Harleena!
This sentiment or thought, call it what you will has been so succinctly and beautifully encapsulated by William Henry Davies in his poem “What is this life if full of care, We have no time to stand and stare…”
Yes, today it is all about rush and advancement in technology has only added to it. Somehow making people think on auto that everything has to be done immediately without planning out without prioritizing. There is this mad dash and urgency to do everything and meet some common deadline for all the things the necessity of which may not even exist except in our minds.
I mentioned the technological advancement; however Davies wrote these words way back in 1911 and the irony of it all is that Davies spent part of his life as a tramp. The sentiment expressed by Davies in his poem is shared by the quotes mentioned in the blog and again these were thoughts of great minds of the 19th century. During that time and era we would think that comparatively there wouldn’t have been so much rush and mad dash for everything as is today. However there were other factors and basic everyday concerns that made people focus on making a living rather than be able to live a life. The time world was being built. Every age has its concerns.
There is a similar thread running across centuries in the way we chose to live or approach life and this is because we always let ourselves be more affected with life’s concerns but never by life’s beauty.
~ Hemangi
Hi Harleena,
Yes…yes…yes…YES!!!!! the answer is YES I feel rushed all the time. These past few weeks I did. Had a wedding to go to, shopping for the wedding, practice singing for the wedding, babysat my daughter’s baby, cook, clean the kitchen, clean the floor, I’m EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! Because of all these little trivial things, my work is behind schedule. I thought 4 weeks ago I was 3 weeks ahead. It’s amazing when suddenly the wind just blew me away on another direction…WHOA!!!!!!!
And so a consistent schedule is a MUST.
They said that the BUSIEST person in the world is the MOST organize person in the world. And so I started to write my TO DO list again. Not on my computer. Not on my iPhone. But the old fashion way — pen and paper!!! Where I can read ’em on my desk. Cross out the ones I’ve done. Starred the HIGHEST priority. And so forth. I think so far TIME isn’t my best friend.
I always give my daughter & husband my first choice when it comes to spending time with family. But many times my daughter will come over and ask me, “Mom, you wanna go shopping with me?” And since she doesn’t see me go to a 9-5 job, she prolly think I can jump out of the office anytime of the day and do all the FUN things with her. And though I don’t mind doing this…I found myself being behind when we do this like 3x in a row. Monday…Tuesday…Wednesday… I wanna help her coz I know she doesn’t get a break from her baby. But then many times I end up jeopardizing my own health.
Migraine. Headache. Stress.
I see myself catching up my work past midnight. Still here I am reading blogs after 1:00 to 3:00 in the morning!!! Sometimes till 5:00 and I see the light on my window…”Hey!!! I forgot to sleep!!!” And soooooo lately TIME and SCHEDULE aren’t my best friends. Again this is the Time Management, what you are talking about.
I’d say my time is very inconsistent these past few weeks. And that’s prolly why I have been depressed about so many things in my mind. Bad for my health. Bad for my mind. So many negative things creep in, it’s not fun at all. Anyway, I am just blabbing here. It feels good to get this out of my chest. Thanks for touching this subject.
You definitely caught my attention on this topic. So far I am still waiting my husband to get out of the hospital, since he work on PM shift. And I wish you have a great weekend.
Hi Harleena,
These days life has taken a new course or I mean to say is a new direction, previously people had love for each other and the quest to get a job or work for the family was all within a time frame. People had all things sufficiently to crater the needs of their family. But now it is not the same, if we have to get our daily food then we need to work work and work.
To spend time with our loved ones has become so desert, as this competitive world has drove their children to residential type of colleges and as soon as they finish their studies TOFEL GRE and go abroad and where is the time for parents to spend with their children?
I have personally met many parents who say next I am going to put my child in residential college because they should get IIT or Medicine but no parent said that I want to let my child take his or her favorite route. One of my student very brilliant girl she topped the school said I am not interested in studies I feel like taking rest but I cannot as my father want more out of me. I couldn’t suggest anything I said if you want to settle well then you need to study so study as per your fathers wish. Even before the results were out many parents joined their children in various colleges. This June 10th they are going to start their college life.
I really don’t know how to figure out to stop this rushing time. Your tips were cool like spending time with our pet, go for walk, listen to music spend time with your spouse but I hardly find people who do these, I think I should at least do those things now and then. I believe if at all money is self sufficient then we can enjoy the pleasures of life else 9 to 5 job and the same routine what you have mentioned in the post morning till we go to bed in the night. Sometimes pressure was so high I felt like if this could be the last day of my life or if it is the end of the world how good but still one more day comes and we have to live no option.
Should change the way society thinks…
Thanks for a touching post Harleena…
Hi Harleena,
Thanks for letting me know that you need a teacher for Transcendental Meditation, at least for the early stage. I read that it’s best to have a teacher, but I was skeptical. Now I know it’s important. 🙂
*I’m glad to be back too! I don’t know what happened because I was receiving your blog posts, but then they stopped appearing in my inbox. I resigned up and your newsletter was in my inbox this morning. 😉 I have a lot of reading to do.
That’s what they recommend because they give you certain ‘mantras’ that are based on your personality, age etc. (for those who believe in it). Thought their training program carries on for a longer period, you could opt for the shorter one – just for this one main reason. How to practice etc. you can learn more of that from their main website too.
I’m sorry about that, I guess I have been trying different services, some worked, some didn’t do that well. I too wasn’t all that regular with the newsletter, till I made up my mind to re-start it all over again. I wonder if you have these posts coming to you through RSS (till end of June at least it’s there, then that too closes – so I’m on the look out for a better option). Yes, lots to catch up with 🙂
Take care, and have a nice day ahead 🙂
Hi Harleena,
The last time I lived in the moment was when I lived in Arizona.
I am rushed for time when I have a lot on my plate. It makes me anxious, as if I won’t be able to complete everything.
One way I want to stop rushing through life is to learn about transcendental meditation. I’m researching it and have signed up for a newsletter about it. I haven’t meditated in a while, and I keep hearing how great transcendental meditation is.
I’m willing to try anything if it will improve my quality of life.
Have a great day!
Hi Amandah – nice to have you back 🙂 are surely not alone to feel that way. Tough for me to think when I lived that ways too 🙂
That’s what exactly happens. We all have our own share of work to do, and with time work only tends to increase, which does make us anxious because we find it tough to fit it all within those same 24 hours we had earlier. We can’t do everything, nor can we be everywhere, and if we try to – it all gets too overwhelming.
Oh…good you are trying out Transcendental Meditation, because I used to do that too, though been a while since I practiced it. Yes, you do need a teacher for the initial days, but it is the best one I liked too. My Dad started me off with it, and he’s reached the Siddhi stage now with time – sure has it’s plus points.
I agree with you there – anything that improves the quality of life should be tried. I guess that’s one good way to stop rushing through life 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and have a nice day as well 🙂
You caught almost everyone of us in this Harleena.
But I must say right now, as I read this post, I’m living 😉 I’m home with family – my wife and daughter and just here reading this post with me. After this comment, I’m going to publish the winners of my most recent contest on my blog. Then I’ll be off the computer to catch some more fun with my family.
Yes! I used to be stupidly rushing through life but early this year, I made Wednesdays my days off to be with family and relax, and it’s been an exciting experience throughout.
This post is not only good but also exciting. Why because you brought out a problem, showed how this problem affects us and then gave a solution to the problem. That’s what I call exciting blog post.
Thanks for confirming my Wednesdays 😉
Hi Enstine,
Ah…I too am caught into this one, though am learning to take hold of things now 🙂
That’s so nice to know that you are home with your family, and I’m sure you must be creating the right balance between work and family, or else it becomes all too much to handle. I know you have learnt to stop rushing through life now 😉
So, today was a Wednesday, and you were here, or perhaps after this post your day off starts – I like that. I think everyone needs a complete day off to unwind ourselves, and each time I think of doing that myself, I just get caught up in something or the other – back into it all. Seriously need a get-away break now!
Nice to know that you could relate so well with this post. Yes, I face the very same problems and was sure might be in the same boat, so one can relate well that ways. And those solutions are reminders for me too, so when I write about them – I’m reminded doubly to follow them 😉 But yes, it all does come down to managing your time and striking the right balance so that nothing or no one suffers – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. Hope you have a lovely day off with your loved ones 🙂
It feel like rushing but for me is not. Working hard couple of days without pause, just eat and work and sleep and than work… eat and blah blah blah
Considering like an stupid plan but to stand out from the crowd we have to work harder that them to get noticed. Our efforts will never fail in this way.
Best regards from I. C. Daniel
Hi Daniel,
It’s nice if you feel the way you do, in-fact I’d say you are very lucky to not feel rushed as compared to most of us.
Yes, that’s what most of us do, work eat, sleep and this routine carries on endlessly till, either we fall sick, or just get burned out and leave off everything. Very few are able to carry on, which they do, provided they learn how to manage their time well enough. It all does come down to time-management – isn’t it?
Working hard or should it be working smart? Either ways, a combination of the two, where you can find time for yourself and your loved ones is what we all need to do. We need to balance things out at all fronts and stop rushing through life to live happily.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
It’s funny I just had a discussion (okay, argument) with my wife about this. Not necessarily the “rushing” aspect of things but my poor time management. If I added up the time it would take to do all of the tasks I have committed to (or that she has committed me to), I could be done easily.
However, your number 7 (don’t procrastinate) gets me. Telling a procrastinator to not procrastinate is almost like telling someone suffering from depression to cheer up. It is a real struggle. I don’t want to do those things. I want to do the fun stuff, the good stuff, the stuff that matters. I don’t enjoy doing household chores, I want to solve the worlds problems. I want to write. I want to pastor. But I can’t do that until the dishes are done. So I rebel, and shoot myself in the foot and waste time doing everything else but what I need to do. I really need to grow up and get hold of myself.
Thanks for the post (and the space to vent). Now, dishes await.
Hi Dwayne,
Sounds like a good co-incidence 🙂
Ah…I also have few such talks with my hubby about time management and we keep trying to tell each other how best we can, or need to manage our time and share things to be done between the two of us, just like most couples.
I liked what you said about procrastination, and this is exactly what happens with those who procrastinate because they really don’t come to know that they are doing it, while the other person who isn’t a procrastinator can get quite frustrated!
Ah…I can so well relate to that because I get a lot of those kind of feelings too at times, but then when I know I’m committed to my readers and this blog, or that I have deadlines to meet – I just put away all thoughts of doing what I really want to do, and get down to work that I have to do. I see no other option thereafter. There is a lot of difference between what we want to do and what we have to do, and somewhere along the line we need to balance the two and move on with life – isn’t it?
Your wife’s lucky as you help her with the household chores I’d say, though we have a part time helper who takes care of the dishes and cleaning part at least, other than that we’ve kind of divided what each one does, which also includes our kids and talking or taking care of them. So, it’s actually a matter of getting used to doing what you have to do, and it’s better to do those tasks as soon as you can, so that they are done and over with, which gives you time to do what you feel like doing, rather than taking them as chores or procrastinating them and then hearing from our spouses 🙂
You are always welcome to vent and rant and just talk your heart out, and you know that. And don’t take those dishes as a daily chore, just take them as things that you have to do, and once you do that, you’d start doing them much earlier, quicker, and even have time for your work.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I think as I started working, it made me rush through the days 😉 You know, I thought of finishing off work ASAP to do my blogging stuff. But it didn’t work out. My girly said I don’t remember anything when I work 😀 And you were suggesting not to work hard too. Hmm… I feel I’ve did a lot of work in a day back then when I did blogging and freelancing more, though I’ve been working hard at work.
Anyway as you noticed recently, I was bit off from work and hanging out with friends and loved ones too. Now I do work too and more active on other activities. Today we are having a religious holiday here and I’ve been helping to decorate home and create lanters while I’m following my work schedule, though I’m bit late to comment on blogs. But worth it 🙂
Yeah Harleena, we need to stop and think for a moment what we really doing 🙂 Else we just following the race blindly. Isn’t it? I thought what everyone said lately. I’ve got food for thoughts from your earlier time management posts and some other readings.
I admit that I used to procrastinate. Donna gave me some advises when I told about it in a comment and now I’m happy to say that I’m not what I used to be 😉 Applying what I read and heard always brought me few step ahead from where I’ve been.
I feel if we enjoying our moments and live in ’em without missing responsibilities, time management is working for us Harleena 🙂 I still believe sometimes we need to do hard work for good, but we should know when to and when not to, isn’t it? 🙂 I agree, it’s confusing, but observing and inspecting changes will help find the ’causes and will lead to alternatives.
Finally, I feel now get to know more about balancing while doing more work and enjoying life 🙂
You have a wonderful weekend ahead with your family Harleena 🙂
Hi Mayura,
You’re not alone to feel that way 🙂
When we are working and have a lot to accomplish it does look like we have to rush up things or then we might tend to leave off some work along the way, if there is lots to catch up with in a limited time period.
I can well understand your busy state nowadays, and to do all that you are doing, along with blogging isn’t easy either. I surely don’t blame your girly for thinking the way she does. This happens with me sometimes too and my kids and hubby say the same thing when I overwork or have deadlines to meet.
Yes, perhaps you were working harder earlier, but may be that time you didn’t have a family or your girly around, who are also people who need your attention, and you really cannot ignore them – isn’t it?
I did notice that and I liked the little change of scenario for you, or perhaps this post came at the right time to make you realize to stop rushing through life and take it a little easy 😉
I think it all comes down to time management and how we learn to divide our time for a little of everything. Yes, work is always priority and should be done as soon as possible, but if other things also need your attention, then a little time needs to be given here and there too.
Nice to know about the religious holiday and your participation in it, which I’m sure your parents would appreciate and value too. Yes, blog commenting IS actually the thing that takes a chunk of my time too, and now that I’ve started taking things a little slow, I noticed I’m using my weekend for commenting on my old posts at my blog. But there is no other time other than this, and I think as the comments increase, the amount of time you spend on each one does take your time, whether you like it or not. Unless of course, you and me become like those people who reply in 1 or 2 lines, which I don’t think we can ever do, no matter how much of our time goes into it – isn’t it?
I agree, we are just following what others do, or we try to race with others and in the meantime we don’t realize how and where our life is heading. Each person is different, and what suits them and how their lives are, we cannot compare, nor ever be like them. I see many bloggers do a lot of things, but if I start doing all of that – where is the time I’d ever have with my family or kids or hubby.
Something or the other we have to let go, and choosing that is what we call prioritizing and making the right choice from the many at hand. Even if we don’t want to, we have to because it’s not really possible to be all over and do everything. Yes, some people do that, but then either they don’t have families to take care of, or they aren’t committed to anyone, or then they are doing so much not knowing the health issues that they might face some day. It all comes down to the choices we make – doesn’t it?
I’m so glad if these posts you read here and at other blogs can help you in some ways, because I do know from experience what I face, and I like to share it here so that anyone in a similar situation might take a note. It’s nice to see the overwhelming comments on this post as people could so well relate to it as they are in a similar situation, or then have learnt to go through it.
Yes indeed, time management IS the key factor. While work is important for everyone, but to decide when to start it and when to stop is what makes a lot of difference. That’s why we see people working from a 9 to 5 job, work only during those hours, and are paid, and those companies survive well too because they have set timings for things. My hubby often tells me we too should apply that to our lives and close everything after a fixed time to spend in doing other things beside work. I’m thinking of implementing and trying out this way too, but for that I know I’ve to cut down on things that I feel I can and that they won’t make much of a difference to my life, and all of us have such unnecessary things we often do that we can cut back on – don’t we?
We all need to balance out our lives, and just let those precious life’s moments pass us by, only to realize years later when we grow old what all we have missed in life. Take each day as it comes, work and live it to the fullest, set your work and family time, do things that are important first, and let go of those that are beyond your control, or take them up when you have a little free time (the key things to sum it all up!)
Thanks for stopping by and adding value to the post by your wonderful comment, as always. Have a lovely weekend too because I know you also need one 🙂
What you have said applies to most of us.Frankly,I am very busy and someone asked me,busy with what? I dont know.
I think the world is becoming too competitive and materialistic.To be in the rat race and succeed one forgets athe art of living
Hi BK,
Oh yes – and that includes me too 🙂
Ah…we all are busy – all the time! If I ask my kids for something – they too are busy, so it’s kind of become the norm nowadays. We forget to live in the moment when we rush through our busy lives, only to realize years later what a mistake it all was.
I hope this post helps people realize that they still have time to stop and smell the roses, only if they make that sincere effort to change themselves.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
You sure have the conversations going here don’t you!
Okay, I don’t think I rush through life although I still don’t think there are enough hours in the day. I have learned some time back to slow down and smell the roses. Of course you happen to know why too! Yep, I don’t take life for granted and I don’t worry about things that are out of my control. I live in the present moment for the most part and just enjoy each day as it’s presented to me.
Rushing around does no good and who needs the worry and stress. It will get done when it gets done. Now I’m “trying” to create my product but I’m still in the writing everything down phase, thinking how I’m going to put this all together, getting the right title, etc. but you know what! I might not be on the schedule I had hoped but I also am not going to feel rushed about it either. It will get done when it’s suppose to.
Thanks for having a wake up call for many because I know so many people just seem to be going on just one speed and that’s very very fast.
Great share Harleena so now we just have to get everyone to take your fabulous advice.
Hi Adrienne,
Absolutely! I guess this post struck a chord with all those who need to stop rushing through life and learn to take it easy 🙂
I agree with you there – it does seem like time always falls short, though I’m glad to hear you aren’t the kind to really rush through your life. Yes indeed, you’ve been on the path most of us are travelling on, so you do realize the importance of taking out the time to smell the roses. Living in the moment and enjoying each day as it comes is the key.
However, when we tend to get lost in work and want to achieve more than we possibly can, we face problems in all spheres of life. Just as you mentioned, rushing through and worrying for things that are out of our control has no meaning, as it just adds to your stress levels and creates health issues. I so agree with you that things will happen when their time comes. You or me trying to rush them through leads to nowhere.
I can understand what you mentioned about your product and I’m glad you are taking your time getting it all together. It surely is something we are all looking forward to now, and wish you the best with it.
I do hope this post reminds people who are rushing through their lives, to slow down and take life as it comes. Yes, do your best without losing out on life’s precious moments, which once pass – never return.
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This was wonderful post and the advice you shared is something we can all learn from, myself including.
As I was reading your post, it made me remember of certain books I’ve read on spirituality and my own experience of what happens when we’re constantly doing things and rushing on in life. If one has kids, families and dependents then certainly one has to do activities to help them. However, it is when we get caught up in work-related activities and create so much attachment to the thoughts of how we need to do more, that we create problems for ourselves. I really am beginning to see through direct experience that when I want to do more, and make more plans for the future, it is in those moments that I know I’m not satisfied with the present moment, when in fact all there is, is the present moment.
Thank you.
Hi Hiten,
Nice to know that you could resonate with the post so well 🙂
Ah…I should’ve guessed that you’d know about all of this from the number of books you read – and write of course!
Yes indeed, things get tougher if you have a family and kids, besides work to manage because you are answerable to them before anything or anyone else.
You nailed it right there when you said that we tend to get caught up with work and the thought of how we need to do more, which creates problems for us. Because once we start we never know when to stop!
Yes indeed, we often tend to spend time thinking and planning much ahead in time, or dwell in the past memories, and in turn forget to live in the present, which just seems to be slipping away faster than we know. I hope this post makes people slow down a little in their lives and live in the NOW.
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post 🙂
Hi Harlenna,
I have to say that I’m a little bit of both. I am rushing every day of my life, but I also take the time to slow down at some point each day as well, for my own sanity.
Taking the time to live in the moment is very important, because the moment is when we “live” we don’t live in the past or the future. A lot of people live by default totally forgetting about this fact. That’s sad, but many people spend a life time not living, ever, in the moment.
Thank you for reminding us to do this, Harleena, as it can improve our way of life greatly!
Hi Sylviane,
That’s interesting to be a blend of both 🙂
Yes, we all need to stop rushing through life and take breaks in-between or else it can all get overwhelming at times.
I agree with you there – we should live in the moment not in the past or future, though we come across so many people who dwell in their past or think much ahead into their future and in the process, forget to live in the present.
I hope this post is a reminder for all such people to appreciate and value what they have with them, rather than run after what they don’t.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us. 🙂
These are useful tips on how to stop rushing through life. I am currently working on #8 – Learn to say no. This is something I find very difficult, letting some people down. After carefully reading this, I have learnt that it all comes down to managing my own time.
Thanks for the share.
Hi Seun,
Nice to know that you found these tips useful 🙂
Ah…that’s a good point to start from I’d say. If we can learn to say ‘no’, we can save so much of time to do things that we really want to do because we would be taking up those on a priority basis – isn’t it?
I agree that it’s not easy as we feel we are letting people down or hurting their feelings, but just as I was mentioning in an earlier comment, I deny doing their work that very moment, though readily do it during the weekend or when I have time for it. This gives me time to focus and complete what I need to get done first.
Oh yes…it is all the time management game and how we learn to handle things that need our attention first.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. 🙂
Dear Harleena
I love this article! Many years ago I realized that I did exactly that, always rushing through life. Never truly experiencing the moments that I was in!
I did some personal development on mindfulness and life changed! What a big difference when you live and truly embrace each moment. Being present in the moment also makes me feel like I have more time.
Thank you again – it’s a great topic and I hope many people will get some value from it.
Have a great day!
Welcome to the blog Lisa!
Glad you liked the post, and it’s nice to know that you’ve been through the phase – so you understand that there’s no point in rushing through life. 🙂
I agree with you there. A change in the way we think, our attitude, and lifestyle is what we all need to start experiencing and taking life as it comes. It surely does give us more time at hand to do things with more focus and concentration.
I also hope this topic about how we all need to stop rushing through life helps people slow their pace and learn to live in the present.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This post is really interesting. Well, this is life & everyone is Rushing Through their Life. Everyone wants to be aware, no one wants to be back ford. Life is going to change on day by day. There is much competition in life & just for competition there is Rushing on every platform. People are more & opportunities are less, so it’s also a big reason for Rushing but your tips are really appreciable. These are best & great tips to top Rushing Through Life.
Welcome to the blog Vivek!
Glad to know that you liked the post. 🙂
Yes, most of us are rushing through life, without really realizing all that we are missing along the way. I agree that there is a lot of competition all over that makes it all the more tough for us to keep up with things, but will you win the race even if you run so fast? Won’t there be several others running much ahead of you each time? I guess what matters most is learning to keep your pace that you know you can handle and enjoy the journey 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Great post Harleena,
Some people call me crazy and not being real, but I’m living the life the best way I can now which is to my liking. But I do have those spurts of getting busy which I can enjoy. And sometimes I get business to the point to where I forget which way is up LOL.
But for the most part I try to take advantage of exercise, dancing, going for walks, listening to music, playing my instruments, reading a good book at starbucks and so on and so forth. Life can get hectic if you let it. But one thing is for sure, when you actually slow down and clear your mind, you become more intelligent. At least from my experience. Example, If I don’t practice piano for a week, I can come back stronger. I do believe this is the case for anyone.
But your dad is right. Life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. So why not be like the tortoise and win the race. Enjoy the journey. You’ll have less regrets when you do!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sherman,
Glad you liked the post 🙂
I would say you are indeed lucky to live the life you wanted and wished for – though wondering how do people think that your’e crazy!
I guess getting busy and involved in work is part of our lives, but what matters most is that we know how to get away too – isn’t it?
Ah…you are already doing everything to pep you your life! Yes, as you rightly mentioned – life can always get hectic if you let it and don’t take such get-away breaks.
I agree with you there and that happens because when you slow down, you learn to focus on doing just one thing at a time, instead of multi-tasking, which instead diverts your attention on so many things at a given time.
My dads words of wisdom come from his many years of experience, and I do value those a great deal. I do plan to keep going in my shell off and on like the tortoise and enjoying the slow journey, instead of the racing ahead like the hare – win or no win, does it really matter if we come to think of it 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post 🙂
You put the article at right path. Yes. Thease days life become more mechanical and many time we tend to incline where ever it drags us.
Most of us forgot “WHAT is real meaning of Life” 100% True. Due to the current life trend we need everything become fast. Kids time, Parents and Grand parents sharing moments all becoming like dream and we most of us just focus WHat’s next?! 🙂
When we realize nothing going to wait and your days gone with wind. Music, Yoga, kids time, parents sharing, books reading, nature life, animal care these are all very few to point where the real life lives.
Thanks for sharing the interesting article Harleena 🙂
Hi Manickam,
I agree with you there – life IS becoming all the more mechanical and most of the times without our noticing it.
No one can really understand life or it’s meaning, but we can all learn to change ourselves so that we begin appreciating the little moments life puts forth us – isn’t it? Most of us know what we need to do, yet finding the time to do what’s important also in life is something we neglect. I wish this post helps people to understand that they need to stop rushing through life and learn to take it easy, because you only live once – isn’t it? So be sure to make it worthwhile. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I will use your post as a reminder to take more time for myself and make a doable list. Forget the things that are not in my power. Enjoy the journey and the ride through life. We can be so concerned about the destination that we miss the journey. Thanks for the tips and the reminders.
Hi Jennifer,
Glad to know that you could resonate with this post. 🙂
I’d be more than happy if you can use it as a reminder to make your doable list, because I know it works.
Absolutely! Forget things that are out of your control, while embrace those that you know you can handle and manage well enough. I would say keep your learning curves open, because the more you read, the more you learn. However, being humans, we all have our limitations of doing everything or being all over, and it makes sense to learn to let go a few of them to give you a little time for yourself and your loved ones.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Makes sense Harleena,
To be honest with you, I always rush through life, and that’s something I need to take control of. I always eat very fast and gulp my food just because I’m in hurry or It’s getting late for something, It actually became a habit now. Bad habit, I know!
Planning a day makes difference really, It has been only 3 months now I started planning my day, and creating the list of tasks to be done at morning makes my life so easier.
Loved all the quotes in the post, enjoyed reading it.
Hi Ehsan,
Nice to know that you could relate to this post 🙂
You aren’t alone. I guess you can make that out from all the wonderful people who’ve left their comments above. Ah…eating food in a hurry, or having it while surfing online, or then while watching TV are all not to be done. I know we do this to save on time to do other things, but then we forget to be mindful in what we are doing – isn’t it? Just like we focus and concentrate when we work, we need to take care and be fully present in other tasks we do, which includes eating, sleeping, exercise, and most importantly- maintaining our relationships.
Oh yes…planning your day and prioritizing what you need to do helps a great deal for your efficient working. However, we should make such a list that we know we can accomplish, or else what’s not done keeps piling up for later and that does cause other stresses in life.
Ah…you know I can’t do without adding a few quotes in my post as they add more meaning to it I feel. Sure am glad you enjoyed the post 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate you taking out your time to comment because I know you are a busy person 🙂
I have to confess, ‘I do not hurry anymore.’ It helps because the kids are grown, but even when the grandkids are here I know not to hurry. In the morning I get up and have a cup of coffee with hubby before he goes to work. I do work on my blog during the day. However if I am needed to babysit, I take the time for it. Or if my youngest daughter calls and wants to take a walk around our favorite lake I do. I do have my set time of getting off the computer about 5:30. Sit and talk to hubby when he gets home from about an hour and then have dinner. I have no problem if my schedule does change when something unexpected comes up, I have learned to go with it and enjoy it. Life is to good to hurry through it.
Hi Debbie,
Nice to know that you don’t hurry anymore 🙂
Yes, it does help once the kids are grown up and have found their own lives. With grand-kids around it’s all the more enjoyable I think because they teach you to live and just be in the moment – don’t they? And they have their own parents to take care of them, while grands pamper them nice and proper – I see that with my Dad 🙂
I like the fact that you are around your family members and spend time with them, or are present whenever they might need your help, which is just the way it should be I would say. Ah…I wish I had my set time to get away from my laptop, but now I’m slowly learning to do that and cherish the moments that life puts forth us. I guess that’s what life is all about – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your words of wisdom with us 🙂
The what happens when you rush through life part was really brilliant. The main point here is we miss the journey and that is where life really is. The fun, the responsibility, those tiny little life lessons, relationships and what not. So basically the journey itself is life isn’t it?
I for one have never ever rushed through life. Several of my friends and family members always warned me against my ‘slow-going’ attitude. However they were always surprised to see me do my things on time and with great finesse as well.
Teenagers do that all the time, they are poor at planning and always love blaming the society and the system for their shortcomings rather than assessing themselves for a change. I hope this post serves a worthy reminder to them. I’ll do my best to share it as much as I can.
Good post this,thanks for sharing!
Hi Aditya,
Glad you liked the post and could relate to it 🙂
I agree with you there – the journey is what we need to enjoy, rather than the race to the end. Yes – the journey is what life is all about, though we need to live it to the fullest and not the way we currently are.
I understand your point, and this is what people often mistake if they find a person being a little slow, because they are rushing through life themselves. I guess sooner or later the very same people realize why they too need to stop rushing through life and learn to take it easy. The efficiency and productivity in-fact gets better this ways, just as you mentioned, though you do need to let go of a few things that you were doing on a fast track – isn’t it?
Ah…the teenage years are such I would say because at that age they do little of introspection, nor do they realize the value of time. However, like everything else, it’s said there’s a time for everything, so perhaps their time too comes – in time again. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing it, with the hope that it helps others 🙂
Hello Harleena,
You are right again, No matter what we do i life, we need to have time for our family our our-self, and procrastination is one of the main reason why most people rush through life, the work they are suppose to do at the office, they postponed it and they end up doing it, when they are suppose to have time with their family.
Thank you for this great topic, this deserve a share
Hi Temilola,
Yes indeed, family and our loved ones should always come first, or else the whole purpose of our working goes a waste – isn’t it?
I agree with you about procrastination, and often time most people DO carry their work home, or those who work at home postpone things to do a little later, and they often use the time that is rightly should be spent with their loved ones and family. Hope more people would realize this fact and they stop rushing through life.
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing this post too. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Your article is really superb. I got feel while reading your article. Because i am running a epublishing and data entry concern from RAAM IT Solutions. I am the proprietor and CEO of this concern. It is my own company. Actually i come to my office in morning 7.00 am, and went to my home at 8.00 or 9.00 pm. I am missing the love and caring of my sweetheart. Till now i didn’t understand the feeling of my sweetheart. By reading your article i understood what is going on in my life.
Hereafter i am going to enjoy all the things happening around me. i have to give up some important things to be happy. Because, money is not only the life. A life comprise of loving, caring, respecting others etc… Nice post harleena… I enjoyed very much.
Welcome to the blog Nirmal!
Nice to know that you liked the post and could relate to it 🙂
Ah…I can see the busy life you lead too, and it gets tough to get away from work, more so if it’s your own business – isn’t it? I agree, we tend to neglect our loved ones and often take it for granted that they will understand, whereas that doesn’t work. I’m glad you could find something of value from my post and would reach out and connect with those who matter in your life. 🙂
Yes indeed, we all have to give up a few things, or change and reschedule them for later because there are other things also that are important than work, and I guess you agree with me there now. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Excellent advice, Harleena!
I used to be just like the person you described; a corporate, burnt out workaholic. Then, I lost my job in the recession of 1992 and came to realize that person wasn’t the real me at all. Although several years of financial hardship followed, (my husband lost his job in the same year), I started a home-based business, we eventually got back on our feet and life is enjoyable now. The older we get, the more we understand that life is short and must be savoured.
Hi Debbie,
Glad you liked the post, and I can see how well you can relate to it – having been there and done that too 🙂
I guess once you undergo all of this is when you learn to stop rushing through life and live through each day and learn to let go of a few things.
Sorry to hear about all that you underwent, but like they say there’s always a reason for why things happen, and He always has better plans chalked out for us. I’m so glad things are working out well for the both of you 🙂
I so agree with you, but I wish we all don’t have to grow old and then realize the short life we all have to live. Hope this post reaches out to those who are leading such busy lives that they don’t have time to stop and smell the roses.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your pearls of wisdom with us 🙂
Hello Harleena Singh,
What an excellent topic you choose! yes.. now a days we are always rushing through life. But there is no perfect reason.
I think the main reason we don’t have proper planning & proper implementation. Sometimes I think that if there is more than 24 hours in a day 😉 I also tell lots of people in modern world we are busy for nothing.
To make our life steady & disciplined I think we need yoga & meditation. Rushing through life can’t give a fruitful result rather sometime it brings disaster.
You have added some good points how to Stop Rushing Through Life. I hope everyone must follow these to live a perfect & happy life.
Hi Ahsan,
Glad you liked the topic, and yes, I chose it seeing the busy lives all of us are leading – almost robotic – isn’t it? 🙂
I agree with you there. If we plan and chalk out our priorities, and do just do those first, we would be more productive and happier. Ah…you wish we had more than 24 hours, but would you be less busier than you are now? I doubt it, because the achievers just work for a very few hours a day, and spend the others hours doing things that matter.
If we don’t take care of our health and fitness, we will surely lead to a burnout disaster sooner than we can imagine. Yoga, meditation, music, games, or just doing things that you enjoy can make your life much better.
I hope people realize the importance of letting go of things that are beyond their control, rather than trying to be in control of everything because that will have an impact on their lives.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
OMG, you hit the nail on the head with this one Harleena.
I can definitely relate to all that and I am guilty of all the questions you asked here. I am just running after the time and rushing through life and to no avail. Still I feel there is no enough time for all what I need to do and I think there will never be enough time.
You are right here, life is too short not to enjoy and live the moments because the moments that pass by will never return. So many times when my husband or kids ask for something, I answer them later and they answer me back it will never happen because you will never have the time. It saddens me. I should try my very best to slow down and follow the tips you provided here and give up something every now and then and enjoy my family as today they are here and one day every one of them will move out each with his/her own life and I will not have these moments back. OMG, just the thought of it now gives me goose bumps.
This is the second reminder in 2 weeks as Donna also wrote something similar a few weeks ago “Are you owning your business or your business is owning you?” It is time to heed the advice.
Thanks Harleena for such a great reminder! Great Post Indeed.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
Glad you could relate so well to this post, just like others too 🙂
You’re surely not the only one who feels time running out even when you try your best to make it all work. I agree that even if we are given double the number of hours we now have, we won’t find them enough. I think it all comes down to the attitude and lifestyle we lead, along with knowing the right time management skills – isn’t it? Life doesn’t come easy – nor is it easy to be everywhere all the time. We do need to make our choices if we really want to enjoy like and not just let it slip by.
Ah…I can so well relate to that because the same scenario is at this end too! The word later never really works out and sadly, we just keep passing on the things that we know we need to pay attention to also, but we don’t because most of those things aren’t really our priority as they are concerned with our family, loved ones, kids, relationships, all of which we assume will be understood. Like you, even my kids aren’t with me for long, and in-fact my elder one leaves for her switch over to living a life of her own when she goes on for further studies. Just this one thought make me sit back and think of how much time I have left with her. I guess, taking slow and enjoying these passing moments is exactly what I’m going to do now on.
I agree, something or the other might take a back seat, but I’m sure none of them would be more important than spending time with our loved ones, and each one of those things we otherwise do, can be done at a little later time. Or even if we skip those, we need to ask ourselves, will it really make a difference to our profession or career, which I doubt.
I remember Donna’s post too, and I think sometimes we need such reminders to make us realize and think again about how we really want to live our lives – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Appreciate your lovely comment 🙂
Hello, Harleena.
A great read for everyone. You are right! We are just rushing through our life. Most of us worry about making money sacrificing our health until we are old and in the end, we spend all our wealth trying to get a single day of health.Not only that, While doing that we are missing the pleasure of simple things.Thank you.
Welcome to the blog Achari!
Glad you could relate to the post, and yes – we all need to stop rushing through life and learn to take it a little easy. 🙂
You’re absolutely right ! Most of us are running after money and make compromises in things we shouldn’t like our health, sleep, exercise, family, kids, and relationships, which are much more valuable than money – isn’t it?
What worth is all the money if we don’t live long enough to enjoy it? Nor are we able to live those precious moments that just pass by never to return again.
I do hope the post helps people realize that there is actually no need to rush through life, and even if they let go of a few things – nothing is lost!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Well, well, Harleena – I was just rushing to leave a comment on this post, when I forced myself to stop and have a break. I could feel my stiff neck and shoulder pain coming on and knew I’d already been online too long.
Like your other readers, I can only too easily relate to this post and even though I currently have a physical problem that alerts me to the fact that I’m spending too much time online, I’m still finding it difficult to ease up.
I did have a rest when I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago, but even then I felt under pressure to respond to comments on my blog (would you believe it, I hadn’t written a recent post, but some guys were busy working their way through my back catalogue and leaving me loads of comments!) I was also conscious, throughout my holiday, of the extent to which I was getting behind, which sometimes made it difficult for me to relax properly.
I think one of the problems with online work is the relentless, 24/7 nature of it – which means that if you don’t keep on top of emails and social media messages on a daily basis, it can seem like a mountain to climb when you get back in the saddle.
I’m really making a concerted effort to stop racing about and I’ve just started incorporating some meditation into my morning routine. I also relax by gardening, reading, playing the piano (really badly!) and walking the dogs – in fact, were it not for my dogs needing regular walks, I think I’d have completely seized up by now!
I also make sure I spend some quality time with my husband each day – and he’s a great help, often checking whether I’ve been spending too long online without a break.
Writing plans and lists can help, but you need to be careful you don’t set yourself unreasonable targets – I’m having a break from my daily ‘do list’ for the time being, because I found I was never getting through it all and it was becoming another pressure. That’s partly because some things are difficult to predict a timescale for – for example, when I started getting quite a few comments on my blog posts, I hadn’t accounted for the amount of time it would take me to respond to them.
Speaking of which, I don’t know how bloggers like you and Adrienne cope, responding so thoughtfully and thoroughly to such huge numbers of comments – you’re amazing!
Anyway, as you can tell by this rambling response, this is an issue I haven’t quite cracked yet, so I’m only to grateful to you for all the tips in this post, Harleena – thank you 🙂
Hi Sue,
That sounds such a co-incidence that you DID take a break just before reading this post, which talks of just that. 🙂
I do hope you are feeling better now and the technique you are using with the timer is helping you with the stiff neck and shoulder pain. I know how painful they can be, especially when you sit too long at the computer.
You’re surely not alone because all of us need such reminders to stop rushing through life because of the kind of lifestyle we all lead, or the way we manage our time while we are online.
I can so well relate to the mental pressure that I also face when I am on a holiday – the comments on our post and even being unable to visit other blogs – it all just keeps adding to our stress levels, which is the saddest part at times. Oh yes…those who leave comments at the old posts also add up, and they keep trickling in daily. Sometimes I do wonder whether we should close the comments to old posts, but some people say you shouldn’t, while others say you should. Until we find a valid reason we just can’t I guess, and those few I make sure to keep replying as they come or they just vanish with the other comments showing up.
You nailed it right there when you mentioned about keeping on top with the emails, comments, social media, because if you don’t you have loads piled up when you return. This is one reason I always do carry my laptop even when I’m on a holiday, though my hubby always says just let it be, but I know what I’d have to undergo when I see piled up work – something I just don’t like.
Loved the ways you are incorporating to take it a little slow, and playing the piano sounds so interesting – wish I could! Oh yes…had my dog not been there I wonder if I’d ever moved out too, though my hubby and kids also take their chances to walk him around. I agree with you there – my hubby too is the one who pull me away from work or else I just lose track of time sometimes.
Yes indeed, planning and making lists should be of those things you know you can achieve in a day. I also don’t really pen them down daily, but they are in my mind and I make sure I don’t make huge plans for the day, though there’s a lot on my otherwise to-do list. But just like my Dad and hubby say – take one day as it comes because you need to run a long marathon, not just a race – I’m trying to do just that now. 🙂
I sail in the same boat regarding comments, Sue, and that’s why now I’ve just decided to take up the comments when I have the time for them, even if they are a little late, so that other things that need time aren’t neglected (that’s why these are being replied to 1-2 days late!) I AM learning to practice what I preach in the real sense and learning NOT to compromise with things like my sleep, health, kids, family, and other things. And it hardly really matters coming to think of it – isn’t it?
Ah…don’t say that, because I see the awesome replies and comments that you too come up with at your posts, and even whenever you visit any other blog. I am nowhere where Adrienne and her speed. I think she is a thorough professional and totally focused and never really stops till she ends all her comments. I on the other hand, might take up the ones that come during the same day as I normally put up my new posts in the early evening hours so after a few comments I do sleep off for the night! Alongside the comments, I also spread the word around on the various social media platforms so that it reaches out before the next day, which is when I just sit the replying of comments. However, I’m trying to take them a little slow now and not really replying them all immediately – let’s see how it all works 🙂
Ah…I love your ramblings and sharing all of your thoughts for me. I know it takes you time, and it also takes me time, but I don’t think we’d have it any other way – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. I appreciate the time you take to write such thoughtful comments, Sue 🙂
Thanks for that lovely, reassuring response Harleena – and thank you for not replying straight away – it makes me feel much better – let’s have a more leisurely sail in this boat, eh? It’s safer, and we’re less likely to crash 🙂
I just thought of trying out this way for a change and seeing how it really works, and I’m glad it’s working out just as well, and giving me time to do things I needed to do also, besides blogging!
Sorry for the long reply – I just got a little lost answering to yours and realized only later as to the length, then thought about your neck pain, and felt bad in-case I aggravated it as you would have to read it all.
Oh yes…let’s enjoy the journey, instead of reaching the destination in a hurry – much safer and better for all of us. 🙂
Thanks once again for your kind words 🙂
When people ask me if I have been surprised by anything about retirement, I answer yes, there are still only 24 hours in the day. I had no idea!
I really did think that when I retired, I would have all the time in the world to do all the things I want to do. I found instead that I was busier than ever. This made me really stop and think about time itself and how we perceive it.
Now it’s more important to me to enjoy the moment, to stay open, to pay attention. If I don’t get something done, too bad.
Hi Galen,
I can understand you saying that 🙂
You sound so much like my Dad when he retired! Yes, those initial days were good to unwind, but within a weeks time he was back to where he was, though busier than before. We had to talk him out of a lot of things and told him to take it slow, as that’s one reason they have a retirement age – but he is still very much the same, though lessened on a few things.
I like what you said about – if I don’t get something done, too bad 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hello Harleena,
This is so true for me! I am always on the go everyday. I don’t get to enjoy my mornings anymore and I know I should take it slow sometimes. I will follow your tips. Thank you!
Welcome to the blog Sharky!
Glad you could resonate with the post 🙂
You are not the only one who needs to stop rushing through life and learn to take it a little easy, and enjoy the moments, because such is the case with most of us, if you read all the comments here. Hope these tips help you in more ways than one.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Thank you for the reply, Harleena. And thank you for the tips.
Most welcome Sharky, and I’m glad you liked the tips.
Thanks once again 🙂
I think I am like that as well. It seems as if I am constantly doing something on the computer typing like a fool. I think I am going to take it easy from now on. I like some of the ideas such as listening to music or doing some yoga. Thanks for the suggestions Harleena.
Hi Shalu,
I think all of us are able to relate to this post on stop rushing through life, because somewhere or the other we ARE rushing through it without knowing it.
Just as you mentioned, our computers or the laptops are hardly ever switched off, and I was amazed at what Babanature mentioned above that he leaves his for just one hour! Where are we really thinking of anything else other than our blogs, ranks, comments, posts, updates? I started even noticing that this was all I was talking of with my kids and hubby a few days back, when I realized this have to slow down, or it just won’t work that long 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and I also hope you learn to relax a little and take out time to smell the roses, or else what worth is this life if we really can’t live it fully – isn’t it?
Excellent advice! Growing up in NYC where life is on such a fast pace, I remember as I read your post how I used to rush and never enjoyed myself. I was stressed all the time.
This was a lifestyle engrained in me and I did have to do some work on myself to change.
I have not rushed my life in 30 years since I started my first offline business. My time was mine and clients had to work around that. I was growing up my daughter and didn’t want to miss anything in her life so when someone asked “what are your hours?” I just told them I was flexible.
Now in the past 3 years I’ve been on line, I still am in control of my day. I have to admit I let it get out of hand and was heading for burnout last year, but I listened to a hypnosis program that was designed for the internet marketer to focus and create time.
Because my husband and I are in the same business, we wake having our morning coffee together on the back porch, smelling the flowers and watching the birds. We mastermind what we are going to do for the day and write it down.
We do a check list and voila…the day is great.
I love the suggestions you have above, especially saying “No.” So many people need to learn how to do that!
Hi Donna,
Glad you could resonate with the post 🙂
Life IS hectic nowadays, and such is the case all over the world now I think or perhaps it’s the kind of lifestyles we all are leading. And yes, we do feel stressed out and tired, or tend to reach to the level of complete burnout unless we don’t take timely action.
I’m glad you managed to take hold of things, and yes, my hubby too keeps telling me that people have to learn to work around the time that suits you best – not you working around theirs. I’ve started doing that and am seeing a major difference too. It all does come down to suiting your work timings within those 24 hours, and learning how to manage your time best, because those many hours are all we have to do everything…how you use them is what matters 🙂
Ah…love that and I’m going to make my hubby read those lines and make an effort to sip tea the same ways. Perhaps the morning hours have been rushed ones for me as it was always about getting the kids ready for school etc., but with them on their own a little now – such a time IS very much needed, and it does start off your day on a much better and positive note.
Saying ‘no’ is a great time saver, even though it’s not easy for some people like me. But just as I was telling Corina above, people come to understand and respect you better when you say ‘no’, though I don’t completely refuse them, instead, take up the required work a little later or over the weekend when I have the time for it. Works well.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your words of wisdom with us. 🙂
Having just returned from a week offline, I can definitely say taking some time to get away from it all is just what the doctor ordered for me 🙂
I can’t remember the last time I had a week off and my husband if worse, his last vacation was in 2009 so it was a much needed vacation for sure 🙂
The hardest part for me is saying no. I love to help people and willing to help out any way I can. I know I have to let go of some projects but I feel like I’d be letting folks down…weird?
The best part of my day is the morning. I’m home alone, the house is quiet and I can work out on the treadmill without being interrupted. It’s a stress reliever and gets me energized for the day…and losing some weight is a plus! 🙂
Thanks for sharing these suggestions with us. It’s a great reminder to “stop and smell the roses” 🙂
Hi Corina,
Ah…that’s news to me, though I hope you are feeling better now as you mentioned it was something the doctor asked you to do 🙂
I can understand how life just gets in the way. I’m glad because of the kids and their vacations, we do take off for a week ten days in a year too – something that all of us need from time to time – isn’t it?
You’re not alone to feel that ways because I’m another one like that, but I’m learning to say ‘no’, though refusing in such a way that their work is also done, but not immediately – over the weekend or when I can take out time for that. This isn’t just related to work, but also to my offline friends and family, and they all are very understanding of this fact now. I think it’s just taking a stand and change our way a little – not a complete change over I’d say. 🙂
That’s the best time to do anything you really want to do I think. I make use of my mornings for writing purposes when the kids aren’t home, though after I return from my brisk walk – sure is needed to keep the weight under control 😉
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post 🙂
Hello Harleena,
I feel like i am the most busiest man on earth 🙂 . I hardly leave my pc to catch an hour free time, maybe because i have a target but i know it is very bad. Many girlfriends have left me because i don’t give them time.
I just feel like if i leave my pc, i’ll be a minute behind and still, i know it is very bad because i am removing my self from my social life. which is bad…
Thanks for the tips my friend, i should practice what you’ve thought 😀 thanks
Hi Babanature,
I can so well relate to that as sometimes my kids call me ‘the busiest mom’ too when I get so involved in work that many things get ignored, which I know is bad.
I’m glad I’m not that bad…lol…and I don’t think you should work so hard that it might affect your health one day. Remember, everything in moderation is the key. I so agree with your girlfriends decision in this one! Wonder whether your wife and child also complain sometimes – they must be 🙂
This is called addiction and I am slowly getting addicted too, so I wrote about it to remind myself in the way of reminding others to move away. Because work never ends, in-fact with time it keeps becoming more and more. The more you do, the more you feel you have lots more to do! It IS a vicious cycle, which only you can break. I guess when you know what IS bad, you also know what IS good and what you need to do – right?
I hope this post helps you make the right choices, as it’s helping me too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with all of us 🙂
The last time I lived in the moment is today. I try to do things mindfully. You are right to do only one thing at a time because you can’t multitask. It is only shifting your focus rapidly. I know for myself I get a lot more done when I just focus and do something. I am going to try to give up going online so much today and work on writing 2000 words today. THanks for the post.
Welcome to the blog Sebastian!
That’s awesome I must say if you are really in the now 🙂
People do manage to multi-task, and yes your rightly mentioned, it’s actually their focus and attention span that changes more than anything else. Also, I don’t think they really remain as mindful than those who do things one at a time because they are fully focused on doing that one task and do it pretty efficiently as well.
Ah…I liked what you wrote about not going online and writing those many words. I do that too, and this 3000+ words is an example of that 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
You are welcome.
Wow I didn’t know it was 3000 words. Great job on keeping it engaging.
Thanks Sebastian – most of my posts do cross over 2000-2500 words, and this one went over 3000. You’re right – people don’t come to know of the length or word count if your content keeps them engaged 🙂
How true these words are. So often, and I hear it from my friends, they are always so busy with “other” things that the “family” time slips away. I’ve had this happen all to recently, thus me decided to forego one of my blogs so I can enjoy spending time with my dog more. It’s sad when I pick up my phone or laptop and he gives me the saddest eyes as to say “Momma! Please play MORE with me!” Life was slipping away and as you know, dogs don’t live as long as humans.
I’m trying to do more things “mobilely” than on my laptop, thus making blog posts a bit shorter and to the point and if I can’t do it on my mobile, than maybe I shouldn’t be doing it all? Maybe I should take that extra 5 minutes walking my dog or that extra 5 minutes sitting my my hubs, in his den, teasing him about something.
Life can be gone in a blink of an eye. It’s time I quit letting it pass me by.
Fab post Harleena!
Hi Bren,
You’re right – we often get so involved in our work and doing things that we ignore our loved ones because we take it for granted that they are always there and would understand. Often times, realization strikes when it’s too late in the day.
I know about your blog and I think it was a very wise decision so that you can spend more time with your family and dog, and I don’t really think it would matter much, instead, you’d be more at peace with yourself for doing what you felt was the right thing to do. Ah…I can so well relate to those looks…mine does the same though he’s aging now. And I have my kids to see to as well, so I also keep trying to find ways to stop rushing through life and be with them, because they too would find their own lives and move out pretty soon just like all kids eventually do.
I liked your idea of making the posts shorter, and I think that would be a good idea, especially for a person like me who’s yet to learn to write short…But I see your point that when you do that, or bring about more of such time saving changes, you can spend the same time where and how you want to – like with your hubby and Titan. It all does come down to the choices we make in life and I think you’ve made the perfect choice 🙂
Loved your last line about life passing by so quick, and you quit letting it pass by you. I think you are going to do great.
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. I do think your decision is the right one 🙂
So many great points here Harleena – lots to apply!
I really enjoyed “Do one thing at a time”as often I am found doing ten things at once! It’s so great to slow down and just really focus on one thing – and give it my all. It gives me more energy. I think women especially have a hard time with this one, but I’m grateful for the reminder!!! xo
Hi Karen,
Nice to know that you could resonate with the post and liked these points 🙂 aren’t alone when you talk of multi-tasking because just as I was telling Theodore – most bloggers do that because of the limited time they have in hand and the amount they have to achieve within that time period. Yes indeed, women and mothers have a hard time with this because they need to see to a lot of things at home too, beside their work. Nevertheless, if you are able to plan and chalk out your daily routine, you can easily get things done, though take them up one at a time as you’d be able to do them faster.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. 🙂
This is a wonderful reminder to slow down and appreciate the gifts around us. If we already know that we should be doing these things then why aren’t we? How come we tend to rush through life and not appreciate the beautiful things that we have (ie…family, friends, sunrise, etc…)? This is a hard question to answer yet peace and happiness may lie in the answer. Thank you for the beautiful post, Harleena!
Welcome to the blog Jeff!
Absolutely! The aim of this post is to help people stop rushing through life and take it slow. 🙂
I liked your question, and I think the reason we don’t do what we know we should is because not many of us really know that we are doing something wrong by rushing our lives right through as it’s become so much a part of their daily lives that they live day in and day out, till one fine day realization strikes them. Also, because we prefer to keep doing what we have been doing for years – remain caught up in the rut of life without wanting to think of the consequences.
When we rush through life – we just see work and nothing else but work. Where do we have time for family, friends, or appreciating things around us. I wish more of us would give this a serious thought and pledge to get better.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I enjoyed your post; a reminder we need to not only hear, but practice. I work on being mindful by beginning my day with thankfulness for being alive, and work on my breathing,taking time to enjoy something in nature,look for an opportunity to do good and chocolate and red wine helps too:)
Welcome to the blog Diane!
Nice to know that you enjoyed this post 🙂
That’s wonderful indeed if you are already doing all of the things you mentioned. Guess you don’t really need to worry as you are living in the moment already! Ah..chocolates and red wine…sound tempting!
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
A very good job Harleena,
This post is so inspiring that i feel like reading it over and over again. I do agree with Theodore that, this is the kind of post we all need from time to time to keep us motivated.
I also agree with you that, if we can know how to manage our time very well, not being in a haste all the time then, the world will indeed be a better place.
There is absolutely no need to always be in a hurry, it will only cause untimely death which is not what any of us want so, lets all be very careful with life so that all our efforts will not be in vain.
Thanks for sharing such an awesome post :).
Hi Peter,
Nice to know that you liked the post 🙂
Thank you for those kind words, and I hope all that’s written here does help you in more ways than one. Yes, sometimes we do need such reminders to stop rushing through life and taking life as it comes instead. Tough as it may sound, it does work well for your overall health and happiness.
It’ actually not the lack of time that we so often talk of, which is the problem. Instead, it’s the way we manage the time in hand in doing things that matters. Here I feel that if we are a little planned, organized, and systematic in our approach, we can achieve a lot in less time.
Oh yes…being in a rush always has it’s impact on the world too. Not to forget the way people change when they are overworked and stressed out. All of this is an open invitation to major health issues and like you mentioned, untimely death when things get too far. I do hope people realize this fact and make amends in their routines to slow down a little in life.
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
To be honest with you Harleena,
I can’t remember the last time i lived in a moment, maybe before i started blogging :). But, that’s true.
Wow, I’m giving this post award…The Post Of The Week :). This is the type of post we should be reading once in a while to get back on track. I’m guilty of most of the things you mentioned here and i don’t like it.
You know, most of the time, we bloggers always mistake activity for achievement and its very bad. Its always good be mindful of how we spend our time and when we’re squandering time thinking we’re being productive.
I’m the master of multitasking 🙂 and, i will have to stop it. Most of the time, i will be doing all sort of things at the same time like replying to my comments, chatting on facebook, commenting on blogs, replying to emails and so many other things. You will me having up to 15 tabs open in my browser and before you know it, my computer will start hanging :).
Men, i always think that i don’t have enough time to do what i needed to do while we all have lots of time. The funny thing is that, once you have such attitude, even if they should give you all the time in the world, it won’t be enough for you.
And this is what kills most people all the time…. Stress. We’re always over stressing ourselves all in the name of being productive. I can’t even remember the last time i went for road walk.
This post of your has really made my and I’m taking corrections immediately.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Theodore,
You are not alone to feel that ways for sure because so many of us are living such lives 🙂
Ah…thanks for the award, makes me feel on top of the world! You’re right, we do need such reminders to get back on line- not to mention that it’s a reminder for me as well. I felt all of these things happening to me so shared it with everyone here in the hope to create awareness and to let others know that there IS a way to get out of this rut of life.
I know no one likes to lead such a life when you can’t stop to smell the flowers, or appreciate all that you have got. Yet, we are all living such lives. Perhaps this post might remind us to let go a little slow and stop rushing through life. The choice is always in our hands – isn’t it?
Most bloggers I feel are multi-taskers (except for the ones who have already achieved what they set out to), because in the limited time they have, they need to accomplish a lot. They need to be present and do much more than they possibly can, or the fear of not being able to catch up with things lingers in their minds. Oh yes…with so many tabs open mine hangs or slows down too sometimes!
I repeat – I am a lot like that too, and have lots of tabs open when I am online, though close them all when I write, or then I really cannot remain focused. Even now, I know there are 101 notifications coming on FB, but I’ve closed all social medias, because I want to focus on replying to these comments first, and then head there or else I’d have so many pending comments! (See – I’m already trying to NOT multi-task after writing about it here!) 🙂
You raised a very good point about no given time is ever enough. Even if you had 30 hours a day, I wonder whether time would be enough for a person who doesn’t know how to manage time. It IS the attitude and the way you work that makes all the difference. I won’t say that there are set rules we have to follow because each one has their own way of working. But somewhere along the line we need to create a balance so that we take out time for living our lives too, and not just keep working all the time. We need to slow down – another reminder for me!
I agree, all of this does tire us and leads to an almost burnout situation, which just adds up to the stress and anxiety that plays on our health. Hope this wasn’t the reason that you were unwell recently? Over-worked? And surprisingly, the most productive people are those who work for a limited period of time or few hours, and rest of the time they do other things – surprising isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by leaving such a heartfelt comment. I do hope you stop rushing through your life too, and take it a little slow. 🙂
I felt like this was written for me! I left the house this a.m. seeing flowers blooming and wondered “when did that happen?” But no time to enjoy them.
I do try to stop and take pics of nature at times – it seems to help me live more in the moment and relax. But doing less sounds wonderful. I have a 4 day weekend ahead and maybe I could start a new habit in that time. I have to figure what that one thing to give up will be.
Great post!
Hi Lisa,
I knew most of us would relate to this one, knowing the hectic lives we lead, which isn’t easy 🙂
I agree with you there – we often are physically present, yet we aren’t there mentally, and that’s the saddest part. It happens with me also and I think that’s what’s called being in the moment or being mindful. And why does that happen? Because our minds are forever running far ahead – thinking and planning of what all we need to do.
You are lucky that you find time to take the beautiful pictures, which I’ve seen you share on FB. It’s literally been ages since I last saw my camera! I know doing less sounds nice, but how many of us are really able to do that? I try to, but somewhere down the line it all just becomes so overwhelming at times.
4 day weekend – wow! How’s that? And yes, perhaps picking up a new habit every day would be a nice change from the ordinary. up something you do daily isn’t easy either because you get used to it, or the routine you follow. I tried this one and though it takes a few days to get used to it, but you get so much more time in hand to do things you like doing.
Thanks for stopping by, and I’m glad you liked the post too. 🙂