How Do You Transmit More Than Genes To Your Children

mother holding two joyful kids in arms

How much do our children take after us?  If someone were to ask you this question, you’d probably think about genetic inheritance.

For example, if both parents have blue eyes, most likely the child will have blue eyes. If one parent has blue eyes then there’s a 50 percent chance that the child will have blue eyes.

It there’re health issues running in the family, this can also be transmitted to your child.

Your height, body shape, and other physical features, all can be transmitted from parents to children.   But that’s not the only things that parents transmit to their children.

There are other factors which you can transmit to your children that could turn out to be much more important in their life than genetic inheritance.

What else do we transmit to our children? To find out keep reading.

We Transmit More than Just Genes to our Children

Indeed, we transmit way more than our genes to our children. As a matter of fact, there are things that you could transmit to your adoptive children just as well as your biological children.

Whether they are your biological or adoptive children, you transmit those things to them all day long every single day of their childhood.

Unfortunately, there are still too many parents out there who are not aware of this, and therefore, are affecting their children in ways that they probably wouldn’t wish for.

Here is what your children will inherit from you just as well as your genes.

Let’s find out how you transmit those factors to your children.

How do you Transmit your Beliefs to your Child

You may be under the impression that your child will pick up on what you’re telling them more than anything else, but if you believed such thing you would be wrong.

Children pick up way more on their parents’ beliefs and actions than on what they just tell them.

In other words, the “do what I say, not what I do” doesn’t work well with children at all.

For example, if your child knows that you have a weak personality; all your verbal threats to make them behave will go to waste.

On the other hand, if your child knows that you have a strong personality, you won’t even have to threaten him or her at all to get listened to.

Whatever strong beliefs you have about yourself and about life, you will transmit to your child.

If you are an honest person, you don’t have to ever mention the word, you will automatically transmit honesty to your child. However, it also works the other way around of course.

Whatever belief you have about respecting others, respecting the planet you live on, your approach about money, etc., all are strong beliefs that you carry around and transmit to your child whether you are aware of it or not.

It took me to reach age 27 to realize that I had my mother’s beliefs about money. What about you?

Have you thought about some beliefs that you might be carrying around because they were transmitted to you by your parents?

Are such beliefs serving you well?  Are they valid beliefs? If you are a parent, what type of beliefs are you transmitting to your children?  Those are great questions to ask yourself.

How do you Transmit your Emotions to your Child

Whether you are happy, anxious, jealous, upbeat, depressed, positive, negative, etc., you will transmit your disposition to your child.

When I was a child, because of life events that my mother went through, she became a very anxious person, to the point that it became chronic.  As a child I picked up on that anxiety and became very anxious as well.

Looking back, and with my knowledge of the law of attraction, I can see how this anxiety was a factor in attracting bullies into my life at school.

As a result of all such anxiety accumulated from both what I picked up from my mother and what I was experiencing from bullies at school, I developed a stomach ulcer that became full blown at age 16.

What you need to realize as parents is that results do not show up from one day to the next, but they snowball to a climax, which if you don’t pay attention to or just ignore, you’ll never understand where they came from.

For example, a child may show some aggressiveness or lack of interest in school, but if you don’t try to discern the roots of the problem, you’ll never be able to fix the issue.  Such issues and problems don’t just happen on their own, there’s always a cause.

Remember that if you experience any strong negative emotions or stressful situations, you will transmit those negative vibrations to your child which in time will translate to negative results.

If you experience difficult times as parents, you must child your children that as much as you can.  Just being aware of this will help you in doing so.

How do you Transmit with your Words to your Child

I think that today, given the information that’s available to us, no parent should be ignorant to the fact that their words do affect their children greatly.

Tell your child enough times that he’s good to nothing and it will be so.  However, even without going to such extreme, you can damage your child’s spirit in smaller ways that can go a long way when it comes to their achievements or lack thereof.

There are some words that parents should use very carefully; a few of them are as following. 

Be careful

For example, the expression “be careful”.

While it’s OK and even necessary to use the expression be careful to warn your child from potential danger at times, it shouldn’t be over used, because it can make a child very fearful from trying new things or very nervous each time they do try.

Even much later in life, they will hear that “be careful” voice subconsciously and it can be preventing them from achieving big goals in life.


Statistically, a child hears the word NO over 3 times more often than the word YES.

Because of security reasons, the word no may have to be used once in a while, but if you can avoid using the word no and substituting it by another word of some type, or a more fancy explanation that will be very beneficial to your child now and for the rest of his or her life.

Remember that the word no is a negative word, and the less we use it with a child the better it will be for them in the long run.

I’m going to hit you

When I hear a parent tell their child “I’m going to hit you” I have to say that it gives me the shivers.

How many people do you tell that you’re going to hit them, or smack them when they make a mistake or don’t act the way they should? My guess is no one; right?

As a matter of fact, that’s against the law to hit someone in any developed countries.

Yet, parents say this to their own children, whom they love, on a regular basis.  And what’s more is that some parents don’t only threaten their children, but actually hit them, while feeling totally justified.

The truth of the matter is that there’s something truly wrong with this.  As a matter of fact, recent researches have shown that hitting a child affects his brain. For example, a slap in the face can both affect a child’s brain emotionally and physically?

Threatening and hitting a child teach them that they can do the same to others, and that’s an OK thing to do, but most of all it affects their subconscious mind and brain in a very negative way.

A child that has been threatened and hit too much can become an abusing spouse, parent, or both. 


Everything you ARE, DO, or SAY has a huge impact on your child.  While you can’t control what you transmit to your child genetically, you can control what you transmit to them otherwise.

You transmit way more than genes to your child. You transmit your personality, your way of life, your actions, your beliefs, your emotions, and your words.

It’s up to you to make sure that you transmit positive things that will help your children to live the best life they can live.

Over to you –

Were you aware that you transmit to your children more than just your genes? As a parent, what do you do to make sure that your child leads a better and positive life? Share in the comments below.


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