
Welcome to the New Updated Blog!

A very warm welcome back to the new updated blog, and thanks everyone for helping me create this…
Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome back to the new updated blog, and thanks everyone for helping me create this new  Aha-Now moment!

As you all may have noticed, the blog was down for a few days as I was taking my time to shift the earlier blog onto WordPress, but am glad to be back on roll with lots on new things on Aha-Now.

 “To find what you seek in the road of life, the best proverb of all is that which says: “Leave no stone unturned.” ~ Edward Bulwer Lytton.

I can well relate to this quote, as this is exactly what I have been trying to do- leaving no stone unturned to turn this blog into something that would help most people, in my own little way.

As you can see I have added a few more niches to the earlier family and parenting niche. This was done with an intention to reach a wider audience and a platform to express my thoughts. I have also added a niche for give-aways and resources, which are still in their developing stages.

Please feel free to check out the about me section, sitemap, as well as the main niches. And if you noticed I have put up CommentLuv Premium on the blog- another reason to switch over to WordPress- so please do leave your comments and suggestions! I would love to have your feedback about how you liked the new blog and what more would you like to see on it.

People and life inspire me a great deal, and along my journey to seek- I have come across many new contacts who have unknowingly inspired me to make this move. I would especially like to thank Adrienne , Brankica and Sharon– amongst the many I have recently come across, for all their help and guidance.

Though this blog runs on the Genesis framework- as I wanted to learn more about WordPress initially, my blog for writers is getting ready and would be on the Thesis framework. So writers, bloggers, and dear readers, stay tuned for the other blog that would come up within a few weeks as well!

You would be seeing a few  more changes on this blog in the coming weeks, so please don’t be alarmed- as I am still learning my way about on WordPress! If you have any suggestions or ideas, please do let me know – as I would love to incorporate more things to make the blog better.

Thanks so much everyone for being so patient, and returning back to the blog. Let’s embark upon this journey henceforth together to make it a memorable one.


Photo Credit : Mumland

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  1. LOL! I will be honored! 🙂 At the moment I have promised five guest posts!My hands are occupied and I am lazy! 🙁 But I will find time definitely!

    1. Not to worry Hajra- it’s going to take time and by the time I have my blog ready, you would have overcome your laziness and would be ready for more guest posts 🙂

  2. Looks like you were in the right hands from the word go! Brankica is always a pleasure to be around and she is utterly helpful! Adrienne’s posts are so helpful, one couldn’t be asking for anything else! 🙂

    I haven’t come across Sharon, so yes, will pay her a visit soon. I haven’t seen your earlier blog but yes, you have certainly got the right balance of colors and features in this one! Making a change is a huge decision but yes, seems like you did it beautifully! 🙂

    1. You are absolutely right Hajra!

      Adrienne, Brankica, and Sharon were indeed wonderful and have been a continuous source of inspiration in my earlier days and even now, though as I visit so many more blogs and know more people- the list becomes endless 🙂

      Sharon is another freelance writer, though much more accomplished and has a wonderful blog- do check it out.

      My earlier blog was on Blogspot and had a background set in a beautiful leafy-autumn colors. But I knew I had to switch over to WordPress as I read so much about it all over, even though the earlier blog ranked well in the search engines. And am glad for my decision, as I can see things change a great deal.

      Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

      1. My earlier blog was on blogspot too and I just had to shift! Though there are some changes I am still working on, I am so happy with wordpress!

        1. I think shifting to WordPress is a wise decision, and I wish I had known about it much earlier. While the name for this blog remained the same, my writing blog now has a different name, which I too am working at presently. Once it’s fully ready, you are sure to be invited for a guest post 🙂

  3. Yes, migrating to WordPress is definitely the best choice that you will never regret. Your new design are nice and lovely. I also see that you had this in mind for Christmas/Winter! I hope to continue seeing more of your articles and works!

    1. Glad you liked the new-updated blog Ketones!

      Thanks so much for reaffirming that WordPress is indeed a wise choice, and for liking the design of the blog. Yes indeed, I enabled the falling snow-flakes just yesterday to give the blog a feel of Christmas and winter.

      Thanks for stopping-by. 🙂

  4. It’s so peaceful and calming here too. Just received your tweet on my cell phone as I was reading your beautiful blog nice and very appealing soft pink looks very lovely..

  5. Hi Leena-it looks great!

    I bet you’re glad to get that behind you. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing how you like it. Congratulations!

    1. Welcome to the blog Cathy- it sure is nice to have you over!

      Glad you liked the blog and yes, I sure am glad to have made this timely switch over to WordPress and am loving it!

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  6. The new design looks great Harleena. Congrats on making it happen: shifting to WordPress isn’t always easy, and you’ve included the most important elements of a quality WordPress blog.

    1. Welcome to my blog John!

      Glad you liked the design and approve of it. Yes, the shifting did take me sometime, being new to WordPress as well as Genesis, but this was again something I had been wanting to do for a long time. And am glad I went ahead with it.

      Thanks for stopping-by to comment- please do visit the blog again 🙂

  7. Harleena – now you can sit back and say “AHHH!!! Now I know why everyone was pushing me to migrate to WordPress.”

    Job well done girlfriend.

    It’s so peaceful and calming here too. All the best to your success.

    1. A very warm welcome to my blog Ileane!

      Yes, you are so right, now I know why everyone has been saying WordPress is much better and am glad to have migrated over! So glad you liked the blog and found it calming and peaceful, though am still learning my way about- being the first time on Genesis as well as WordPress!

      And congrats on yet another blog of yours on podcasting tips- you sure are full of surprises as well!

      Thanks for your valuable comment, and do visit the blog again 🙂

  8. Harleena, I love the move and I think it will be a great choice. Very pink.

    Thanks for all the kind things you’ve said about my posts so far. I’m looking forward to reading more of yours.


    1. Welcome Bryce- it sure is nice of you to visit my blog!

      Glad you liked the color, though I tried my best to lessen the pink- lest it becomes too girly! Switching over to WordPress was a long overdue move, which was just getting postponed- and thankfully it has happened now. Your blog sure is great and am looking forward to reading more of your posts on it as well.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your valuable comment 🙂

  9. This site looks nice. I like the picture frame graphic with your picture in it, Harleena. Keep up the good work!

    1. Glad you liked the site Bob, and welcome to my blog!

      Thanks for stopping by to comment and liking the picture frame with my snap in it- I liked the idea as well so put it up. Do visit the blog again for more stuff 🙂

  10. Wow Harleena. I bet the transition was smooth. Love the fact that you have chosen the Genesis framework. If you need any modifications or SEO help, do let me know. Glad to be of help.

    1. Welcome to the blog Eddie- it sure is nice to have you here!

      The transition was not all that easy, as I have been so used to Blogspot, though this was long overdue and am glad I switched over- something that was pending for a very long time! I am still learning my way about, and though Genesis is great but the coding part does get tough at times, as you do need to find the right codes for the right things. Just wish there was some place where I could find all the codes and fix up things faster!

      Thanks so much for your kind gesture of helping Eddie- would surely let you know 🙂

      1. I can understand…..I know of a few bloggers who find WP hard to work with when have used blogger. As for coding, you can find a lot of tips under the genesis customization category on my blog.

        1. Wow! That sure is great Eddie- I hadn’t seen that earlier! Shall surely look up the tips and let you know if I get stuck.

          Thanks so much once again for all your help 🙂

  11. Hi Harleena,

    Just received your tweet on my cell phone as I was reading your beautiful blog 🙂 nice and very appealing soft pink looks very lovely.. I blogged quite a bit until 2009 but then lost motivation but reading your blog and seeing the energy you put in it, I already feel inspired.

    Wishing you the best with your blogging journey!

    1. Welcome back to the new blog Pearl!

      I am so glad you liked the blog as well as the color, and it means a lot to hear from older friends who have seen the blog earlier- as they can be better judges! I can understand the lack of motivation- as it happens to the best of us at times, but am glad you feel inspired coming to the blog. It is never too late to restart from where you left off- as I have visited your blog and know it can do really well. So, hoping and wishing that you start writing really soon and enter the blogosphere once again!

      Thanks so much for visiting the blog and leaving your comment.

  12. YAY!! Congratulations! =)

    It’s great to see the blog up and running, Harleena! It looks absolutely amazing! I can tell that you’ve put a lot of time and energy into building the site. I knew that it would be one that Wow’d your readers. I’m so proud of you! I can hardly wait to see the new changes that you will be implementing into “Aha – Now!” as well. 🙂 Everything looks very professional, and the site itself seems very easy to navigate.

    I wish you all the best with this awesome endeavor. I’ll definitely be following along! Great to have you back in the blogosphere. 🙂

    1. Warm welcome back to the new blog Deeone!

      So glad you like the new look, and yes, it sure has taken away my days and nights! Guess, I wanted a different look and colors that matched well with everything. So, I went into hibernation- though it sure is nice to be back on roll! I would surely love your suggestions about what you would like to see on the blog as a reader.

      I am glad you find the blog professional and the navigation easy, though the real professional touch would come in the writers blog that would take sometime now.

      Thanks so much for your help and support as a friend- and for always understanding!

  13. I agree with Brankica, I love it! The pink is really pretty and kind of reminds me of you! I’m so happy you switched and so glad that we were a small part of that reason. As Brankica mentioned, if you run across any problems or just need some advice, we are both here for you.

    I can’t wait to see what else you’ll have in store for your blog and your writers one as well. I’m so happy for you and thrilled you made this big step. Congratulations my dear friend.

    Have a marvelous day!


    1. Welcome to the new blog Adrienne!

      I am so happy that you like the colors and the blog, and thanks for the compliment( I take it as that). Switching over to WordPress was the best decision I feel, as I already see things moving- and your posts have surely motivated me a great deal to make this decision. Brankica, Sharon, and you surely have guided and helped me in your own ways, and I remain ever so grateful for that.

      I am still learning the way about. especially the small coding part required for various things surely does take a lot of time. The writers blog would take a while- till I am thorough with this one!

      Thanks so much for your support, kindness, and help.

    1. Welcome back to the new blog Brenna!

      Am glad you like the new look, though you are most welcome to leave your suggestions to make it better.

      Thanks for commenting!

  14. Congrats, Harleena. This looks great; I can’t wait to see what you do with the writing blog. It’s a smart idea to try out both themes and then you can decide which is better.

    1. Welcome to the blog Sharon!

      I am so glad you liked the blog. I did think of putting up this blog on Thesis as well, but I was a little worried about the coding part, and being new to WordPress, thought it best to try out with the Genesis Child Themes and then move on to Thesis. The writing blog would be a surprise alright!

      Thanks for your valuable comment.

  15. Love it, I love the colors and the design and just want to wish you the best of luck with it. If you need any help, I am always here for you!

    1. Welcome to the new blog Brankica!

      So glad you approve and like the blog! Choosing the design and color was sure time consuming, but I did want to play with the colors and make it a little different from the ones I normally visit. Thanks so much for all your help,support, and guidance. I know I can always count on you.

      Thanks for visiting the blog and commenting.

      1. You know, I just nominated Brankica’s blog for the top ten blogs about blogging. You could do it too; will send you the link!

        1. That’s wonderful indeed! However, I got a mail from Sarah and she requested me to nominate her and I just did that today itself. So, I wonder if we can nominate two or more people.

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