SYPS: Are You Facing These Family Problems in Your Life

A girl facing family problems seeking help to solve them

Who doesn’t face family problems? Whether you’re a blogger, writer, marketer, businessperson, young or old, you can have family issues in your life.

Sometimes, these problems in the family can be overwhelming. They can disrupt your life and adversely affect your business or occupation.

So, what do you do in such cases? I’m sure you look for ways to deal with family problems. There could also be some people who find themselves helpless and just don’t know what to do.

Well, this month’s “Share Your Problems and Solutions” or SYPS post is all about family problems; knowing them, understanding them, and then sharing them with others to seek relief and solutions.

It’s an attempt to help you deal with your family problems. If you’re facing any kind of family issues and wish to find solutions, this is the place.

What are Family Problems

Family problems are basically differences in personalities, opinion, beliefs, and other personal matters that are triggered by incidents, events, and even misunderstandings.

These can occur between parents, siblings, relations, extended family, family friends, and other members related to your family.

I think a family without any problems is rare to find. But what matters is that the problems in the family are resolved before they flare up, isn’t it?

There can be arguments, heated discussions, fights, avoidance, and break down in communication among the family members in a family.

Read more about the family conflicts and the steps you should take to resolve them here.

Your family is important.

Undeniably, family is an important personal and social hub for any individual. Family is the most confidential and dependable resource that gives you support in your good and bad times.

Generally, your family is your best fallback option and your support net in any kind of eventuality.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t face problems with your family. But when that happens, you need to act fast and for sure to resolve them.

Else, pending family problems for long time estrange the family ties. In such cases, the family clan too divides into different groups to the extent that they become rivals or life long enemies.

Your family problems are unique to you.

They depend on so many factors that you know best. Let’s try to see a few of the family issues that exist as probably these can help you identify your problem.

“Peace and war begin at home. If we truly want peace in the world, let us begin by loving one another in our own families. If we want to spread joy, we need for every family to have joy.” ~ Mother Teresa

List of 30 Family Problems

There are a few problems in the family that I’ve seen people have, and some that even I’ve gone through in my life.

I know there’s a lot more to this list, so feel free to share your family issues in the comments below too.

1- You could be at loggerheads with your kin, brother or sister, or even with your parents over some petty or big issues.

2- You feel neglected and ignored by the other family members.

3- You are a single parent and have to deal with your children single-handed, and look after your kids or job. You might find my post on 9 ways to cope as a single parent useful at such a time.

4- You have parents who just nag and criticize, and you don’t feel they love and support you.

5- If you have parents who are overprotective or those who keep fighting with each other – all this affects the family and children too.

6- There might be family problems when a parent remarries. The children might or might not take on to the new parent.

7- You feel your family is delimiting your personal growth.

8- You’ve problems with your step-family life.

9- Your own family members don’t understand you and distances are created over misunderstandings.

10- Your family doesn’t make an effort to share things with each other or they create distances between relationships. You feel like a stranger in the family.

11- You feel there is lack of communication between your family members and you, or inadequate problem solving skills.

12- There might be in-law challenges, or perhaps you are living with your in-laws and don’t get along.

13- You have financial difficulties in the family, and this could lead to lack of resources, resentment, fights, and problems to deal with the daily expenses.

14- There are teen issues in your family and you might feel understanding a teenager isn’t easy. You might like to read a post on Is Parenting Troubled Teenagers A Difficult Task that I’d written earlier.

15- If you are living with grandparents, perhaps their interference is bothering your family oneness.

16- In some houses, grandparents are parenting grandchildren, especially where both parents are working. Sometimes it becomes too much for them, which their own children don’t realize.

17- You might have gone through sexual abuse within your family or extended family, or undergone an abusive relationship.

18- Your parents might be comparing you with your siblings or might be partial to one.

19- There could be family issues when there are big changes in the family, like the loss of a job, and a move to a different place. Or perhaps a mental or physical illness of a family member is an issue.

20- You might be a victim of domestic violence and want to share your story and find solutions with us.

21- To make ends meet, there might be unwanted separation due to your job. Sometimes if your partner doesn’t understand this could lead to family issues.

22- If you have family problems of addiction or perhaps alcoholic parents in the family, it can become very tough for the family members.

23- When there are problems between the couple, it might lead to divorce. In such cases, the whole family is affected. You might like to read a post on whether divorce is necessary or not.

24- Sometimes one of the parents is abused and suffers lack of self-esteem, and this can surely affect the entire family leading to problems within the family.

25- Lack of love and understanding between parents can lead one of them to have an affair outside their marriage. This can affect the family and perhaps even a breakup if things aren’t resolved.

26- Your parents argue, or you argue with your parents and there is disharmony and negativity in the house. There is unhappiness in such a house and you don’t feel like staying in such a house, do you?

27- Issues of adoption, in case a child is adopted and it doesn’t work with either of the parents or other family members.

28- Where both parents are working, the children are often ignored, neglected, or even stray and follow the wrong path if not checked. This could lead to major problems within the family.

29- Issues where children have lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGBT) parents. This might occur through foster or surrogate parenting, adoption, or alternative insemination.

30 – There are family problems due to excessive social networking  or any other problem in the family that is bothering you.

This list could be endless, isn’t it?

How to Solve Family Problems

There is no way right or wrong way that works in a family, nor are any two families alike. What works in one family, might or might not in another.

So, you shouldn’t try to copy someone’s family, nor think as to why you don’t have or have what someone else’s family has. This could also lead to family troubles.

Logically, you can take the following steps to resolve your family problems:

1) Acknowledge the problem

2) Accept the differences

3) Settle differences through communication

4) Improve yourself and forgive

5) Seek help by sharing your problems

Things may or may not work as per your plan. When emotions override your logical or reasoning ability, even the seemingly simple solutions appear like complicated knots.

You can go through more on how to deal with your family problems by viewing the sites here and here.

If nothing else works out, then you should take help from a professional family counselor.

Meanwhile, you can share your problems here and get family problems advice from those who’ve tackled the same kind of family problems.

“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” ~ Eva Burrows

Why share your problems

When you are faced with a problem in the family, you cannot ignore it because if you do, issues keep piling up. The small differences often accumulate and pile up to make a mountain out of mole heads.

Sometimes you are confused and unable to understand or decide what to do, or how to handle the situation. Family problems cause lot of stress if not resolved.

At such times, you can ask yourself – “Do I need help in understanding or resolving problems with my family? Do I’ve anyone to share my problems with?”

The best thing you can do is make efforts to share the problem with your family members. Make quality family time to spend with each other. Try talking to them, and if nothing works, share it with us here.

By sharing your problems you get to know different perspectives of the problem that helps you. Know that there are many others who’re undergoing similar problems or some have already passed this phase.

They’ve either made mistakes and can warn you about issues, or have taken steps and can now tell you so that you can help yourself.

Sometimes you need to share your problems in the family with others to find solutions. I’ve written all about it here – why sharing your issues helps you.

Where, what, and how to share your family problems

You ALL are welcome to share your family problems in the comments below – whether they are related to the ones I mentioned above, or any other you have.

It would be nice if you follow the following format so that it becomes easier for other readers to read and reply to your comments.

1) Define and write your family problem in the first line.

2) Describe and write the problem in detail in the next few lines.

3) Reply to comments in the same thread so that the commenter gets notified.

If you wish to be notified of the comments, you might want to subscribe to the comments.

You can also subscribe to all the comments to the post. This would help you to know the other family problems being shared.

You can also remain anonymous if you prefer that, and I’d respect your privacy.

“All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ~ Leo Tolstoy

Who can help you solve your family problems

I wouldn’t say that you’d find the perfect solution to your family issues, but we are all here to help you.

ALL the readers of the blog, the entire Aha!NOW blog community, experienced coaches, and other friends or readers of this blog. Because they all have families and might have gone through the problems you might be facing.

Before you proceed, do read this disclaimer.

I’d request you to stick to the topic of family problems this time. I’ll have other posts in the future for other related topics like marriage, friendship, parenting, and other aspects of life.

I hope you find your family problems solutions on this blog, and it brings happiness in your life. Remember, everything is possible if you are ready – this too shall pass 🙂

“Cherish your family, make time, have patience, and laugh often with them.” ~ B. B. Butler

If you wish to be notified of the next “Share Your Problem” post on Aha!NOW, which will cover another topic next month, subscribe to the blog below.

Over to you

Do you face family issues that are tough to share with your family members or others? How do you resolve such family problems? Share with us in the comments, so that we can all help you.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos

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