10 Ways to Get Back on Your Feet

In rough times when you get down, use these tips to get back on your feet. You can change your life if you make efforts to take one baby step at a time.
Man happy with raised arms to get back on feet on top of a snow clad mountain

If you stumble and fall down, you get up and start walking again. That’s what you do with life when you get down in bad times – you get back on your feet with the help of friends, programs or through self-determination. You can change your life if you make concerted efforts, taking one baby step at a time. Here are some tips and ways of being a better version of yourself. ~ Ed.


Life has its ups and downs.

After experiencing a rough patch in life, it’s easy to get down for a while, even after the dust settles.

Whether your rough patch came about due to a family emergency, mental health struggles, addiction, financial trouble, professional struggles, or personal issues, it doesn’t matter.

Getting back on your feet from way down in the trenches is a difficult move to make, and it’s hard to make it happen all on your own.

But you can.

You can, by thinking strategically about your next steps and taking inventory of the external resources you have available to you.

This way you can find the help you need to move forward. Remember that even slow movement is still a progress, as long as it’s in the right direction.

By following these tips below, you can find simple ways to help yourself get back onto your feet after a rough time.

10 Tips to Get Back on Your Feet

Either by taking self-determined steps yourself, taking the support of a friend, or seeking help from a program, you can turnaround your life and become a better version of yourself.

Create Small Goals

Making change happen can feel grossly intimidating, especially when you’ve been stuck in the same spot for a while.

Instead of looking at the space between where you are and where you want to be as a scary difference, look at it as room for the opportunity to make lots of small changes. Then, begin with your small changes.

Make these small goals as micro as you can. This will allow you to celebrate the small successes, giving you more motivation to eventually reach bigger goals.

Things, like getting out of bed, going for a run, making yourself dinner, or spending an hour job searching, are small things you can work towards each day to eventually turn yourself around.

Force Change

Sometimes forcing change is the only way to create change.

That doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to do things you don’t want to do. It means finding something that might be an easier change to make at first and following through with it no matter what.

For example, forcing yourself to get up at 7 am each morning. You may not require yourself to do anything once you’re up but forcing the change of being an early riser may then encourage more change, like spending the morning hours working out.

Find a Program

When you’re in the depths of despair, sometimes a formal program is the only way to get the help you need.

If you’re struggling with addiction, perhaps a rehabilitation facility or New Life House sober living facilities are right for you. On the other hand, a less invasive program like Alcoholics Anonymous may be more beneficial to you.

Identify Informal Resources and Support

Just because you need help doesn’t always mean you need a formal program to get you there.

The informal resources and sources of support are all around you, you just need to identify them. Perhaps you have a friend who has gone through the same things you have. They may be able to offer insight and words of encouragement during hard moments.

You may also find the community in your church or a club. Things like this can make all the difference in getting back on your feet.

Establish a Mentor or Accountability Partner

If you can’t afford a formal program and are having trouble identifying external resources around you, you can at least find one friend or confidant you trust in to act as your accountability partner.

Simply asking a good friend or family member to help you reach your goals with gentle motivation can make a big difference. This person will check in on you and help you get back on the line if you should ever fall off.

When you’re facing hard times, don’t give up. By making small changes and planning strategically for a better future for yourself, you’ll wind up back on your feet in no time.

Find a New Project

Sometimes all you need when you’re trying to get back in the game again is something exciting to look forward to and that will motivate you. This doesn’t have to be a new job or moving homes; it could just mean finally working on the side hustle you’ve always thought about or learning how to make homemade bread for the first time.

Small projects can get you inspired to take on larger ones, and getting involved in something that feeds your soul will make you remember those good feelings and push you to seek out those feelings more.

Look Forward to Exercise

Exercise can be a real drag, especially when you look at it as a way to lose weight or “get in shape.” Instead, try looking forward to your exercise sessions as a way to release stress, get your body moving, give yourself feel-good endorphins and work your way to a happier you.

Does the gym make you anxious? Maybe the thought of attending a workout class makes you cringe? Find something to shake up the routine, like long morning walks or a trip to that rock-climbing gym you’ve always wondered about. Find what works for you physically and mentally and then make it part of your routine.

Make Friends with Nature

Spending more time in the great outdoors is a great way to improve mood and boost your connection to the world. Perhaps there’s a shady spot in a park near your house where you can read a few times a week, or maybe you found a system of trails to explore over time.

Finding new ways to inject yourself into nature could bring about a new sense of peace and serenity that you’re looking to find.

Create a Morning Routine

Morning routines can set up your whole day for success.

Instead of rolling out of bed and begrudgingly starting the day, try instilling a few luxurious moments with yourself by meditating and taking a long shower. Spend your morning slowly sipping on your coffee, getting in a good stretch, or planning out your day to come on paper.

By starting off on this note, you’re already on a roll to have a great day over and over again.

Follow the Footsteps of Those Before You

Know that you are not alone in the struggle to get back on your feet. Many people go through dark times and are able to find the light at the end of the tunnel again.

If you need inspiration, you can do some research on great people who have gone before you and have found success for a reminder that you, too, can do it.

Wrapping It Up

You can get back on your feet by taking baby steps to achieve big goals. You need to help yourself and not hesitate to take external help in the revival process.

The initial start might seem a drag but if you push yourself through, you start going and then there’s no looking back.

Self-motivation is the key to making continuous efforts – to keep yourself motivated and adhere to the 4D’s – discipline, determination, dedication, and devotion.

Over to You

Have you ever had a bad phase in life? What did you do to bounce back and reclaim your life? Share your tips and experiences in the comments.

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  1. i think the the advice about creating a morning routine resonates the most with me, i think its so important to start the day off in the write way, iam sure doing this sets you up for the day ahead. i also believe taking time to ponder the day ahead over your morning coffee, before rushing of to work leaves you feeling calmer throughout the day.Thank’s for a great read

  2. Hello John, absolutely great read. It is challenging to get on your feet after a adverse situation, you have shared some really amazing point. Often Creating a routine, working on small goal and achieving them is an awesome way to get started.
    Thanks for sharing your insights with us.
    Romil Rambhad

  3. Interesting read. When you fall down and have a failure in your life, it is very easy to give up and not trying again. What differentiates between the successful ones and not is that the successful ones keep trying again and again until he/she reaches his/her goal.

    It is very important that you get up as soon as you can when you fail. Your two tips on making small goals and follow the footsteps of those before you are very important things in my opinion to keep you motivated as the milestones of accomplishing small goals can motivate you further towards your success and learning from other people experience can be valuable and the thing which will drive us forward towards success much sooner by practicing what they do when they have similar problems such as us.

  4. In addition, I should say that everybody is the teacher of themselves, we should motivate ourself whenever we feel we are going down. I like they way you mentioned these points. Thanks for sharing with us. Will be waiting for more such kind of articles from you.

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