Emily Smith
61 posts
A keen writer covering topics such as Internet Marketing, SEO, Travel, Beauty and the such. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her two kids in her past time.
Best Ways of Eco-Friendly Hair Care
Eco-friendly ways of hair care are to use homemade hair masks, natural ingredients, and sustainable materials. Checkout these eco-friendly hair care tips.
Inclusion in Action: The Amazing World of Wheelchair Tennis
Disability isn’t a barrier even in sports. Technological improvements in wheelchairs have made it possible to make wheelchair tennis an inclusive sport.
Business Trip To Berlin: Top 5 Places To Explore After Business Meetings
You can explore a lot in your business meeting trips to Berlin that include entertainment, food, and shopping besides doing business! Here are some tips.
How To Customize Your Home And Give It A Flare
You can do it within your budget. Just with some tips on careful planning and tweaking, you can upgrade your abode to a more comfortable and enjoyable place.
12 Fun Facts You Should Know About Tax
Taxation is a serious legal matter. No matter how much you want to avoid taxes, you can't get rid of them. But these tax facts may let you have some fun.
How to Decorate Your Home with Rugs
Rugs do make your home look beautiful if you use them the right way - buy the right rug and place it rightly. Read the tips to decorate your home with rugs.
How Healthy Is It to Sit Throughout Your Whole Shift
Sitting continuously for long duration is not healthy. It can adversely impact your health making you suffer. Here's why sitting for long time is not good.
Expert Diet and Nutrition Tips for Cat Owners
Know which food you can give to your cat, when and how much. Also, the foods you can choose as pet treats in these diet and nutrition tips for cat owners.
What to Look for in a Quality Pet Store
Where would you go to buy pet food and other things for your beloved pet? Of course, to a quality pet store. Know all the qualities of a good pet store.
Anti Aging Treatments That Might Interest You
To feel young, it helps if you look young. With the advancement of technology, there are plenty of anti-aging treatments to become young again. Know them.