6 Best Free Blogging Apps For Savvy Bloggers

Table of Contents
Are you a professional blogger?
I mean are you one of the serious bloggers who turn their passion into an online business and actually make a living through it?
Are you a smart blogger too?
A smart blogger is also a savvy blogger.
If you want to be a smart blogger, wish to save time, and start blogging efficiently, then this post may be exactly what you’re looking for.
In this post you will learn:
- The shifting trends for blogs
- Why you should adapt
- Which apps to use
- How these can help you
As you read along, you will understand how much more efficient your daily routine can be and how little effort it takes from your end.
What’s New
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you must have heard of the invention of smartphones.
These revolutionary devices, which have now become so normal, that even our grandparents tend to FaceTime and Whatsapp us, have continuously evolved their technology.
At first, we only used our smartphones for the occasional weather check or a quick Facebook update.
Now we seem to spend more time on our phones than our actual desktops.
Adaptation in Blogging
With the change of the trend, you need to change your way of blogging.
But how exactly are you meant to achieve this and what tools are necessary to succeed?
The good news is, you probably already own everything to be the next big fish because all you need is your smartphone or a tablet!
The truth is, desktops and laptops are pretty old-fashioned by now, and almost everything can be done on a phone these days.
Whether it’s shopping, scanning virtual plane tickets, trading in the stock market or blogging, all you need is a phone or a tablet!
But with the phone, you need certain applications, which we’ll discuss in detail below.
The Blogging Apps You Want
1. WordPress
If you are one of 75+ million WordPress users, you may not know this, but they actually have an application on which you can access and edit your sites.
All you need to do is login with your already existing details, and you’re in. Now you can edit, create, and delete content, just like on your desktop.
You can also approve and reply to comments for instance. Having access to your phone is a lot easier than to a desktop and as we know, ‘time is money.’
Now that you can respond in no time, smoothen out mistakes on the go and upload media with your new app, you won’t experience blogging the same way.
This is especially great when you want to upload images you’ve snapped with your phone, as you don’t have to upload them to your desktop first then onto your WordPress account etc.
2. Pocket / BlogLovin’
As a successful blogger, it’s almost crucial to read other blogs and get in touch with other bloggers sooner or later.
Not only can this help you learn more, generate new ideas and possibly get inspired by others, it could also help you create new friendships!
Regardless of what niche you’re into, staying informed is always a good thing.
With the Pocket app or alternatively the BlogLovin’ app, you can now create a list of your favorite blogs, save certain blog posts you may want to read later, and even customize your interest.
These apps almost work like Netflix, so that you get sent other suggested bloggers to read that might interest you.
You can also access the saved posts later on when you’re offline, and read them on a plane for instance.
Alternatively, you can also snoop around and see what your friends or other bloggers like to read, thus further increasing your horizon and inspiration.
Both of these applications also work for your desktops, so you can sync all your saved files with one account.
3. Crowdfire
To keep up with the social aspect of blogging, you are probably familiar with Twitter and Instagram.
Spreading the word on these can greatly increase your social media presence and exposure, to millions of other people.
But it’s not always easy to filter out people you want to follow and those you don’t want to follow you back.
With the Crowdfire app, this now only takes a few taps of your finger.
You can easily be choosing people to follow, that liked a certain hashtag or follow certain trends.
On the other hand, you can easily remove hundreds of followers that aren’t following you back.
This is especially great for Instagram, as you’re only allowed to follow 7,500 people per account.
There are different types for this app, though. The free version has a set limit to follow and unfollow people.
This app also helps you schedule Instagram posts, so you don’t have to do it manually every certain time frame or worry about forgetting to post one.
Very handy application!
You can also access this application from your desktop if you fancy.
4. TagsForLikes
If you want your blog to go viral, you need to expose it to those that may be interested.
The best way to do that on Instagram is to use the right hashtag on your images and to make sure other people with that interest, see that image.
But typing out several different tags for each image is not only time consuming, but really annoying!
TagsForLikes can make your life a lot easier.
With this app, you can easily write down your favorite hashtags, save them and copy them whenever necessary.
It also gives you a good list of prewritten tags relevant for certain niches or categories, so you don’t even need to be creative.
All you have to do is go into a category such as food, for example, choose desserts, and copy all the hashtags.
Now you simply paste those to your ice cream picture, and watch as people ‘double tap’ away!
You may also have a look at the popular hashtags and occasionally use these for your posts.
5. Aweber
If you haven’t come across the term, “The money is in the list” you have now, and you will surely come across it again in your blogging life.
However, if you’re already holding a newsletter, you know how important it is to analyze your progress, and the given data as well as keeping your followers updated.
You want to broadcast routinely, ideally have an autoresponder and see what emails convert the best.
Personally, I’m using Aweber so I will talk about the features on their app. This doesn’t mean that the competitors don’t have similar features.
Quite the contrary, actually as MailChimp and GetResponse also have apps with almost identical features, just to name a few.
Although Aweber’s app is a bit limited, since you can only check all the data and see how it’s converting, it is still good to have.
You can easily switch from your different newsletters and see which subscribers opened certain broadcasts, how often, and how many times they clicked on the links provided.
If you want a successful newsletter, you need to make sure to write converting emails. Everything from the title to the context plays a huge role.
The insides found on the app can easily help you create the perfect mail.
6. Google Analytics
As a blogger, it is almost mandatory to have Google Analytics set up with your blog.
The amount of valuable information it provides you is near priceless enough and it is actually for free as well, so you really don’t have an excuse not to use it.
But besides the obvious, you should also be aware that there is a practical Google Analytics application you can use straight off your handy gadgets.
The app is almost as user-friendly as the desktop version.
If you have several websites, you can easily move back and forth to analyze your statistics.
What These Free Blogging Apps Can Do For You
Now that you saw the recommended apps and their functions, hopefully, you see the power they actually provide.
Instead of being limited to working on a desktop or laptop all the time, you can now be completely mobile with just your phone.
Additionally, you can connect with like-minded bloggers, inform yourself about new trends, and share your content faster and easier than ever.
This means more exposure and branding for you and your blog, and making your content more easily available for the growing mobile world.
Ideas that might pop into your head can be written down and saved as drafts with images you took from your phone.
Understand the behavior of your followers and get rid of those that aren’t useful to you.
All of the above and more with the simplicity of a handful of apps that are free to download.
Once you get the hang of it, you’ll have thousands of followers and readers in no time.
Most of these apps help you further increase your reach, and as you know now, people spend more time than they should on their phones.
Make them spend it on your content!
Over to you –
So what are you going to do?
Remain hard working and glued to your desk?
Or will you be location independent, connected and savvy instead?
Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.
Totally Agreed!! You have shared very accurate & much needed content. These Blogging tools are very much necessary for every bloggers
Thankyou for sharing
Hey thanks for amazing article. I personally use WordPress and its good. Is there any way to use wix or weebly in smartphone?
Installed all of them BTW thanks alot
Great read, Pau! Smartphone and mobile application development boost is really helping tech savvy bloggers to explore new dimensions of opportunity. Google Blogger and AdSense is also one of the motivation to keep alive the writing passion. Thanks for sharing the details.
Well, there are some Apps that can really help our fellow Bloggers to be more Productive and Apps like Google Analytics and WordPress App really do help us out to do our Work on the Go.
Cheers… !!
Great List,,,
Hy Esteban!
Thanks for sharing this amazing stuff!
Let me try some of them 🙂
Hi Esteban,
Even though I’ve written a similar article as a guest post, I must confess that you’ve included some useful apps I didn’t even think of.
I love the WordPress app, it makes blogging really easy for me. Anytime I need to do some quick editing on my post, I resort to using the app. It’s very convenient and saves time.
Nice Job
Hi Esteban,
Thanks for a very well written and complied list. AS a full-time blogger I also use a few tools. Except for Aweber, I’ve been using all other since some time. I would also like to add Google Keep, to take notes on the go. You really do not know when you have a Eureka moment! also, it helps in keep a tab on to-dos for the day:)
Yes every blogger must have this apps iam already using some of this i dont know about tagsforlikes,crowdfire i will try it.
Hey Karamath,
Thanks for your comment. The apps are pretty cool and I just started using tagsforlikes yesterday again for a new instagram account. Honestly saves me so much time!
Crowdfire is awesome too!
Hi Esteban Pau,
I was only using WordPress and Google Analytic App before reading this post. Thanks for this useful Article which helped me to analysis something in my Mobile.
Hi Saeed,
I hope you find great use in the other apps. Some of these are not relevant to everyone but they sure make a big difference for those who do use it 🙂
Hope you enjoy and thanks for your nice comment,
I love and believe in the saying of Saadi-“All things are difficult before they become easy.
That’s a great saying and very relevant here 🙂 thanks!
Real Time Saving apps WordPress and Aweber and Nice Sharing.Keep up it.Have a nice week ahead.
Hey Bilal,
I sure do save a lot of time. Already the fact that I don’t have to start up my laptop, wait for it to load, open the internet browser, login to my WP account and then check my stats…
No! With my apps I can simply unlock the phone and tap away with one finger 🙂
Thanks and have a nice week as well!
Nice article about Blogging Apps really helpful. Very impressive article I am now regular visitor of your website.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the nice comment!
Always happy to have a new regular on my site as well 🙂
Have a great day,
Esteban, Great selection of apps. Some I use, some I’ve heard of and forgotten about and some are new. As a WordPress web designer, of course, I love WordPress and Aweber is also my autoresponder of choice. I couldn’t agree with you more there. Love the TagsforLikes apps. Definitely need to check that out since I love taking pics and am really getting into Instagram as one of my social media favorites for 2016! Great article and thanks for sharing. Harleen, it’s good to be back here! Glad to see that you’re still at it!!!
Hey Jim,
I always forget certain apps that are catching dust on my phone ! But when I see them again I easily spend hours browsing through them.
TagsForLikes is definitely amazing if you want to increase followers and get more likes etc on your photos. Highly encourage using that.
I’ve personally been a bit absent on Instagram but it gets hard to juggle everything at once.
Thanks for your comment 🙂
Hi Esteban
You are right. These apps on a smartphone make any blogger productive. I have some of these apps and my smartphone and i must say that they save me time especially when I am not on my laptop.
Thanks for sharing. Welcome to Harleena’s blog and have a blessed week.
Hey Ikechi,
It’s quite incredible what technology can provide these days isn’t it?
Especially when it’s all for free you can’t complain at all!
Thanks for welcoming me and hope you have a great week as well!
Hello Esteban, Great list of apps for bloggers. I use WordPress and Pocket but really am interested in the tagging app.
I highly recommend Triberr as a go-to app for bloggers. You can have your articles shared by many other fellow bloggers and develop relationships with them. My traffic soared after I joined Triberr!
Hey Carolyn,
I’m happy you enjoy this list!
I tried joining Tiberr once but I didn’t really understand it. I might give the app a go. I read from a lot of different bloggers that it helped their content go viral.
Thanks for reminding me 🙂
Hey Esteban and Harleena ma’am,
I have used Pocket and it’s an extremely helpful app to save your webpages. I am not using most of the apps but after this article I am going to install them.
I use Tagstram app which is similar to Tagsforlikes, I am member of Crowdfire but I haven’t installed the app.
And off course I am using Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.
I think you miss the app IFTTT, it’s an awesome app and every blogger and marketer should use it for automation.
Thanks Esteban and Harleena ma’am.
Yogesh Shinde
Hi Esteban,
Nice to meet you here on Harleena’s place! I want to thank you for introducing me to a few apps that can come in handy for me.
I do work from home, so I don’t rely on my phone that much, But…when I’m away it only makes sense to use my phone. Who wants to carry around a laptop? Even though my mac is slim, it is still bulky to lug around.
Now that Summer is around the corner, I’ll be doing a lot of traveling and some of these apps are going to come in handy.
I like the idea of just tapping some followers away he he he.
Hi Donna,
You’re most welcome 🙂 happy to help people out when I can!
Very true, laptops are getting skinnier and lighter every year…
However they’re still larger than a phone no matter how thin and light they get!
Jealous of your travels but make use of the apps when you’re on the go 😉
Let me know how they treat you.
Hi Esteban,
Nice round up of apps for bloggers. When I came reading the title I thought you had a summary of apps that were best and applicable for all bloggers and helped them in terms of productivity or blogging experience in general.
I am app nerd myself and I don’t use any of them except for pocket and analytics which are great apps by the way.
Aweber paid and is meaningless for thousands of bloggers that don’t use the platform. 🙂
If I had to include anything, it’d be buffer, evernote etc
Thanks for the post.
Tweeting it. 🙂
Hey Swadhin,
I suppose only some of these app help productivity or blogging experience in general.
When I mentioned Aweber, I purposely mentioned that other email providers have apps as well. I think any blogger should know the potential an email list has (which is why I included it) and yea, unless you pay for your membership after the trial, this app is almost useless.
However I just wanted to let people know it exists regardless if they have a list or not.
I was hesitant about including buffer actually because Crowdfire is similar but it’s true, Buffer is a great tool as well and I do use it myself!
Thanks for your comment and letting others know about buffer and evernote!
Hey Esteban,
Great post. I have been in contention with this subject for a while now. I touch type and love how I bounce around the keyboard. I jump around on my phone as well, but no where near as fast as I do on my laptop.
As I know anything technologically new I seem to be afraid of I have been watching others. I get the phone is important to others, but I don’t want to be using such a small tool when I have other options. That is what I love about this day and age, we have choice.
Mind you the phone for pics and movies is essential and it reminds me that my phone requires and update. Thanks for sharing all the apps, I used it like a check list. I am going fine with all you have listed. Phew – I always read these tech savvy posts with care to make sure I am informed and not being left behind. Now I just have to get on this instagram. Thanks for the informative post.
Hi Rachel,
I get what you mean when you say you get scared of new technological devices. Especially when you observe others and they look like they’ve come from another planet when handling these.
But practice is all it takes to become just as good or fluent with anything.
You can’t ride a bike before falling down a few times right?
Feel free to add me on instagram if you decide to join (@mypathtopassiveincome)
Hello Esteban Pau,
Smart phones now have became one of the most needed device in our life.
Everybody, combing of every age group tend to use smart phone for being connected socially.
These apps should be included in your smart phones, if you are connected in blogging network.
But sometimes it’s pretty hard task to do blogging through your smart phones.
seriously I never tried to perform this task via my smartphone.
Crowd-fire is something what I got to learn new here.
Thank you very much for this helpful post.
Shantanu sinha
Hey Shantanu,
Smartphones is definitely the new must have device on a person. It’s almost like clothing that we can’t leave the house with.
As for blogging on a phone or even tablet, it isn’t my favorite task either but it’s good to have the availability when needed I guess.
Crowdfire seriously has some great potential!
Happy you enjoyed my post,
This is a good list of mobile apps. The ease of use and transition for mobile wins over desktop in a lot of ways. Apps are surely one of them. I use everyone of these. Just like a mechanic needs the right tools, so do we. And this is certainly some that you shouldn’t do without.
Very well said! I completely agree with the ease of use and the right tools!
Couldn’t have said it any better to be honest 😉
Thanks for your comment,
Hi Esteban,
Thank you so much for the useful list of apps for my smartphone. I am not a techy person so I rely on the advise of professionals who have checked out resources. I am going to use wordpress, crowdfire and google analytics on my smartphone and tablet.
As far as time management, I have learned that some things are more beneficial on the laptop. Some things are amazingly quick on the tablet and some work very well on the smartphone.
I really appreciate your help with this. Thanks so much.
Have a great upcoming week.
Hey Irish,
You’re most welcome for these apps. You’ll find that they’re fairly easy to get comfortable with and use.
If you’re not a techy person it shouldn’t be a problem as long as you know how to download apps and log into them.
The more time you spend using an app the more comfortable you get navigating them as well.
Glad I could help and have a nice week as well,
Hi Esteban
Thank you so much for sharing such a great list of the important applications. the problem is we people want to earn money but do not want to invest our time. i hope this app will help me more in focusing of my mission.
Hey Muhammad,
I completely agree with you. Also time is something we can’t buy back so anything to save us some more of it will be valuable.
Let me know how these work out for you. Hopefully you’ll get more money and save a lot more time with these new apps 😉
Hello Esteban,
This is a very comprehensive list you have here. I use Bloglovin and Pocket all the time. Pocket is one of my favorites. I put everything in my pocket. I haven’t heard of a few on the list. I will have to check them out. It’s always great to know about tools that will make things easier. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Hey Maketta,
Always happy to read such comments, so thank you for that 🙂
I have to be honest I’m still fairly new to pocket and Bloglovin’ but I can tell I will spend a lot of time with them.
It’s definitely great to save time with free tools!
Really good post you’ve written here. I think I will try some of them out.
Thanks Donmattz,
Let me know what you think of them and if they’re any useful to you.
Thanks for your comment,
Such great advice! I recently downloaded the Bloglovin’ app and it has definitely helped me remain more engaged within the blogging community. I wil have to download some of the others and give them a shot!
Bloglovin’ is awesome. I always find articles but lose them because I’m busy and doing other stuff when I’m working. But with the app I can easily pick them up later and start reading them when I got more time.
Love the sharing and suggestions as well!
Hope you enjoy it Stephanie,
These are best blogging apps for every blogger. All of them are amazing but I found Bloglovin is also best app that you have mentioned here.
Thanks for great share.
Hey Satya,
Really appreciate you liking this so much 🙂 happy you liked it!
Hello Pau,
What a nice list you’ve shared with us here today…
I do use the above mentioned apps you’ve mentioned here and also, I love the blogger app, the Webmaster app, Google AdSense app and also the tweeter app as well.
nice list…
Have a great weekend ahead both of you
Hey Babanature,
I guess you too enjoy the time these apps save you and the efficiency they bring to your life?
Thanks for the compliment!
I wish you a nice weekend as well,
Just loaded wordpress app – thanks for the advice..are you active on Periscope? any good for Affiliate Marketers do you think?..it’s another platform to try and to be honest I’m struggling to keep up.
I haven’t gotten around periscope quite yet! I know it’s just a matter of time before I get into it.
Maybe check out a few tutorials on YouTube maybe?
Hope you manage it soon enough 🙂
Great post. Am using Google analytics and am so addicted to it. Have not tried the others.
Hi Esteban and Harleena,
thanks for this great post! I’m certainly going to try the ones I’m not using already.
My favourite app at the moment is the getresponse app. My list is growing like crazy!
Best, Maaike
Hey Maaike,
Thanks for reading and enjoying!
Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about how you create your list? Mines got a very slow growth to be honest!
Also are you from Holland by any chance? 🙂
Hi Esteban,
Yes, I’m from Holland. It’s cold here 🙂
My list started off seriously since I use the SumoMe plugin on my (Dutch) site. The list on my English website is still going slow but I’m working on that!
Best, Maaike
Thanks Saurabh,
I guess TagsForLikes and Crowdfire are only really useful if you’re active on Instagram and Twitter.
However it’s always good to have more social media presence than less.
Wordpress app is definitely a great asset isn’t it?
Thanks for reading 😉
Impressive post, I use many of these apps, but there are some like TagsForLikes, Crowdfire that I didn’t try. WordPress is great App. Via this we can write, edit, publish posts quickly, and other apps are also very helpful for bloggers.
Thanks for sharing
Isn’t it amazing how mobile we can be these days? I haven’t tried most of the apps mentioned but I’m definitely looking forward to doing so now. I normally just use my phone to approve and reply to comments.
I’m definitely off to download some of them here. Thank you for sharing this Esteban! Keep it up.
Hi PJ,
I know it’s one of the reasons I love technology. I think I grew up in the perfect era where I got to see the start of PC’s, Laptops, smartphones etc.
I remember wanting a PC and never thought I could afford one and the same with everything else. Now it’s not only so affordable but so routine and casual.
The apps that exist are crazy as well. Let me know how these work out for you!
Thanks for your comment,
This is the first time I’ve heard about TagsforLikes.
Im downloading it now as I type this. That looks sweet. I’ve been looking for one and I never thought about searching in the app store. Silly me.
Thanks Esteban! Thanks Harleena for having him here!
Hey Dennis,
Glad to have shown you something you might find useful 🙂 I find it such a basic app and yet it’s quite handy.
Hi Esteban,
These are definitely great tools to use but for some reason I tried the Schedule in Crowdfire, it didn’t work at all? but it’s definitely great if its work. A very interesting app to use.
P.S If possible please leave a comment at my new blog post
Thank you so much
Hey Ih.louis,
I’m not sure why you’re not able to use the scheduleing feature on crowdfire. What exactly is the issue there?
Maybe I can help you out somehow?
Also sure I can leave a comment, where can I find the link to your blogpost?
Hi Esteban,
Congratulation on guest posting for AHA-Now and for the difficult task of choosing six of the best blogging aids. I’ve had experience with 4 of the 6 but had completely forgotten Google Analytics. I’ll definitely try that to see if it helps with understanding GA. I tend to get a bit lost with the desktop version via webmaster/search console.
A few others, with free and paid versions, I would recommend for helping with workflow are:
Newsblur – This is an RSS reader which I use to follow blogs. It helps with finding great articles to share.
Instapaper – Great for saving posts to read offline or filing for a future use. I use it to save the best articles that I share in my newsletter round-ups.
Thanks for the recommendations.
Best wishes
Hey Alan,
Thanks for the warm welcome on my first (of many) guest posts!
I think you might go either way with the Google Analytics app. Either you’ll understand it a lot better and find it easier, or you’ll get even more confused.
The way I see it, the app narrows down a lot of information and stuff because it’s trying to be more efficient.
Either way it’s a great app and you should at least have a look at it I guess 🙂
Thanks for sharing your recommendations as well. Will have a look at these and see what I can do with them!
Esteban Pau,These are all great Apps that I did not know existed and I am so excited to try each one out. Especially tag for like App. Google Analytic will be much easier on computer.
I’ve responded to commend and update draft using my phone while tapping into Word press this is handy feature for me. Thanks for sharing this information with me.
Very happy you find this post useful. I do find that Google Analytics is a lot clearer to view on a laptop or PC, but I am a lot quicker with it on my app. However it’s a bit more complicated finding the information you want to see on the phone.
Wordpress app however is a gem! Especially for me since my laptop is from 2008 and pretty slow, so jumping from tab to tab and different accounts can be incredibly tedious and on the phone it just takes a few seconds.
Thanks for your comment,
Thank-you for sharing this.
I’ll admit that I hadn’t started using a Smartphone until last year.
I don’t do any blogging with it (except to occasionally approve a comment), but I have a feeling I’ll need to get more involved in using apps since it’ll come in handy to have better access to the blog when I’m not in front of the computer.
Great resources. Thanks again.
I’m impressed with your late start in the Smartphone world 🙂 I’m a bit of a technology geek so I was an early bloomer!
Apps do come in handy a lot of the times so I hope these can save you some time and make your life a bit easier!
Thanks for your comment,
Wow. Great post!
How did I not know about the WordPress app before now?
Thanks a ton for sharing this, Estaban… and Harleena. ☺
Hi Lorraine,
Trust me, when I found out about the App, I fell in love with it. Especially because I have a few websites and I like to have an overview. On the laptop I tend to log in and open a tab per website.
On my app I just have to jump back and forth and I’m done!
Hope you can make use of it!
P.S.: It’s EstEban not EstAban 😉
Oops. Sorry, Esteban!
I think I had the Spanish words “estaba(s)” on my mind when I left that comment. I am attempting to learn “más español” these days…
Do you know other languages?
Hello Esteban,
A nice post indeed. I am not phone guy most of the times as I spend my most of the time with my laptop. However, I do use Google Analytics, Google Adsense apps on my smartphone.
However, the list you have share is bang on and indeed important for the bloggers.
Hey Atish,
I am one of those people that’s constantly glues on their phone (except when I’m with friends and family). So when I got into blogging this was one of the first things I was exploring.
I don’t use Adsense so much yet so I’m not familiar with the app, but once I get into it I will definitely have a look if you’re using it and saying you’re more of a laptop guy!
Hello Esteban and Harleena,
Congratulations on the opportunity to be a guest on Harleena’s blog.
Thank you for sharing these apps. There were some I was aware of like WordPress, Google Analytics and Bloglovin’ but I forgot all about them, thanks for the reminder.
I have never heard of Tags For Likes and Crowdfire. I’ll be checking them out.
I’m pretty much glued to my desk but now I’ll be able to venture out without missing a comment or new post. 🙂
Thanks for sharing! It was nice to meet you.
Hello Harleena!
I hope you’re having a great week my dear! Thanks for allowing Esteban to share his post here.
Hey Corina,
I have to admit that I actually forgot about some of these apps and they were just collecting dust in my app folders haha!
Thanks for the warm welcome by the way and I’m happy to have shared this information with you!
And thanks for your comment as well of course!
Great List of collection, I used most of them but frankly speaking I love using more through my laptop, I use pocket one for saving the article and take reference while writing. The google analytic app I don’t use on app mainly analytic need more data analysis with the reference of other data.Which is more easy to do in a laptop.
Hey Vipin,
Google analytics is a bit more narrowed down I guess but there’s still a way to see the same data you can find on the desktop if I’m not mistaking.
It’s just harder to get around. Nevertheless I always find myself checking it regularly.
But I agree that it’s more comfortable and clearer on a desktop!
Great list. Though I tried, I found it somewhat uncomfortable to blog through mobile. I read posts on phone but when I wish to leave a comment, it’s not that easy.
CrowdFire attracted me. I’m not using it yet.
Hey Suresh,
I agree that blogging especially when it comes to longer texts, is very tough to do on a tablet or a phone. I prefer to blog on my laptop.
However it’s great to edit few bits here and there if you’re on the go.
I fell in love with Crowdfire the first time I got my hands on it!
Let me know what you think of it!
Hi Esteban, I use three apps out of the six which you’ve listed. A year ago I used to spend a lot of time at my desktop. Later I discovered that almost all the essential platforms have their own mobile apps. Now I use my Laptop or the desktop to write, and everything else including social media is handled through apps. The biggest advantage is- I can access them even when I’m not at home. 🙂
I didn’t knew about the Pocket app. I’ll surely consider using it.
I use Crowdfire Earth. It’s the best social media tool I have ever used. I optimize all my twitter and instagram accounts using Crowdfire. It saves so much time.
Tagforlikes is another great tool. It’s easy to find hashtags for social media posts. I like the way they suggest hashtags under different categories and niches.
Harleena ma’am, I remember Rahul wrote a guest post on mobile apps for blogging at Aha!NOW last year. This seems to be an extension of it as some of the apps are paid on this list. 🙂
Thanks Esteban for the list! See you at social; I’m sharing this post on Twitter. 🙂
Hi Rohan,
It’s a pleasant surprise to have you here on Aha!NOW after so many months. 🙂
Yes, you can consider this post as an addition or extension to last year’s post on mobile apps. As per the author, all of these six apps are free to download and use. I guess you’re talking about the Crowdfire app, which has a free as well as a paid version. So, as far as you do not use the paid version, it’s free. Let me know if there’s anything else.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hey Rohan,
I think I have a very similar way of working on my blog. I only use my desktop to type out posts as I find it a lot easier to type out on a keyboard rather than a small screen.
The freedom these apps give you is pretty legendary and it really is great to have access to all the essentials when you’re on the go. Especially if you don’t have any wifi connection and you desperately need to make a few changes on a post for instance.
One question though, which app is a paid one? Besides the upgraded memberships of Crowdfire they should all be free to download for both Android and iTunes related smartphones or tablets.
Thanks for commenting and sharing,
Harleena ma’am and Esteban, Yes! Most of the apps are free. Crowdfire was introduced to me by a friend, and since it didn’t allow me to add 5 to 6 accounts altogether, their premium plans did, so I thought it only offers the paid version.
Oh yes, all the apps are free. What I heard is- you wouldn’t choose to download Aweber app unless you’ve an Aweber account (which is paid, except the trail version); is that accurate?
I see what you mean now.
I only used it for one Instagram and one Twitter account. But alternatively you can also log out each time and use different accounts.
It might be more inconvenient but it’ll stay free that way 😉
As for the Aweber app, I guess it wouldn’t make much sense to download it if you don’t have an account. But like you said the first month is always a free trial month. I find it long enough to see if you’re willing to commit to it or not.
The app however is always free haha