
How To Avoid The Negative Effects Of Technology On Life

Table of Contents Decoding Today’s TechnologyWhat is Technology?Advantages of TechnologyDisadvantages of Technology1. Big Brother is watching your every…
A cartoon showing a man addiction to his smartphone

Technology has become an inseparable part of our life, and we need to adapt to it in a way that we don’t harm ourselves.

Rohan takes us through the past and present of technology, and discusses its addictions and affairs in our life. – Ed.

When was the last time you traveled on foot rather than using your car?

Do you consider yourself as a genius because you have Google to answer all your queries?

Is your worst fear a black screen and a lost charger? Are you the kind of guy who falls asleep reading your Twitter timeline?

Almost all the things you use today in your daily life are a result of technology. Technology has completely changed our lifestyle. It has drastically changed the clothes we wear, food we eat, the way we communicate, our health etc.

The first thing I do after getting up in the morning is checking my messages. Do you share a similar habit?

For years, many great thinkers have already predicted that we humans are going to be ruled by technology. And that is what is happening in the 21st century.

Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. Technology too has a lot of negative effects.

The drawbacks of technology on our environment, health, behavior, relationships, business, education, society, etc. cannot be overlooked.

Almost every action or activity we perform nowadays is somewhere associated or dependent on Technology. Thus making us addicted to it.

The situation becomes even worse when we have to rely on technology to think, work, communicate, or even breathe.

Our brains have been so badly engaged with modern technology that despite its negative effects, we get a superficial rewarding feeling. And we compulsively respond to that feeling to get even more of it.

Poster with a quote by Einstein on technology and its impact on humanity


Decoding Today’s Technology

The Human history has witnessed many ages including the Ice age, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, etc. There are many more ages to count if we consider them nation-wise.

Every age was responsible for bringing up a new technology. Technology is ever changing.

These days we often get to hear or read that currently we are witnessing information age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age), Internet age or technology age. Okay, I know you have some more ages to add to this list, popping up in your mind. 😉

But I think our ancestors have already gone through the information age. This might come as a surprise to you, but that is what I think!

The great paintings and carvings are the best example of ancient Information age. The graphitized walls are indeed information. So do you still think that the existing age is an Information age or beyond that?

In my opinion, it is the TECH age we are going through. What is TECH age?

TTechnology becomes


EExploitable because of the

CCheap rates and

HHigh availability.

In the 21st century, the 7,279,236,500+ human population (the plus sign indicates that the population is still growing at the moment) surprisingly witnessed a substantial decrease in the price/rates of technologies.

Moreover, they became highly available for the common man to afford. Most individuals or families started having their own Car, Computer, Multiple Laptops, Tablets, Smart Phones, Television, etc.

This is the reason I will call this century as the “TECH” age.

Everyone is now easily able to access modern gadgets and the Internet. A few years ago, in the early 2000s, there was an increase in the popularity of the Internet café’s.

But with the decline in the Internet prices, many of them have already shut down or are facing lack of users. This is all because of cheap rates and high availability.

General masses can now instantly get connected to the world resulting in more business opportunities.

With large world population using the internet, it gives rise to many cyber crimes.

According to Wikipedia, the top four countries having the maximum Internet users are China, India, United States and Japan. These four countries face the maximum cyber crimes each year compared to other countries, where the Internet is still considered only for business use.

Manufacturing tech products with cheap prices leads to higher demand among the people. This is the main reason technology is being exploited more and is less used for meaningful purposes. Thus, the name “TECH” age is well suited to describe this current phase.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against technology. I just want to emphasize that we should use technology responsibly in the best way so we don’t harm ourselves from its negative effects.

Poster with Bill Gates quotes about using technology as a tool and not a teacher

What is Technology?

Actually the word technology comes from the Greek words “techne”, which means “craft” and “logy” which means “scientific study of”.

So technology means the “scientific study of craft.” Here craft means invention. 

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industries.

In today’s world when we think of technology, the first thing which comes in our minds is the computer, mobile phones, heater, cars, etc.

However, technology is a broader term which not only deals with computerization or high-tech inventions, but also with all the other inventions which improve our lifestyle. In short, every useful invention can be considered as technology.

Majorly we tend to relate technology to the virtual world.

We can hardly imagine our day without the latest innovations. The world will come to a halt if we dump our modern tech devices and tools.

There would be a point in time in the future when we would feel helpless without technology.

In fact, some of us are feeling it right now, as they think of it.

Advantages of Technology

Technology has done wonders. It is a great boon not only for humans but also for the entire world species. Technology has increased dramatically.

I am sure you all know very well about the advantages of technology, so I am not going to delve much into this aspect.

Let’s just have a quick look at the wonders of technology in our lives:

  • Technology has made it possible for us to reach a larger audience from greater geographic locations. Television and the Internet has shrunk not only the space, but also time.
  • It has surely fostered e-learning and e-commerce. Students from geographically isolated regions can now connect to their mentors with a single click. That is amazing, isn’t it?
  • One of the most important impacts of technology in business and education, is that it has decreased the use of paper and other related costs.
  • Contribution of new Technologies in the field of Health and Medicine is noteworthy. This has increased the average life expectancy.
  • Ten years before nobody thought of having a vast social network, but kudos to Social Networking for helping us connect with the world on a single click.
  • Technology has successfully replaced humans with machines. This reduced the cost of production for the manufacturing industries.
  • Lastly, it is all because of Technology that you are reading this post.

Poster with a quote about the wrong use of technology

Disadvantages of Technology

As I have mentioned before that due to cheap rates and high availability, people are getting addicted to technology.

The biggest drawback (or rather I would say the failure) of technology is that humans are not able to realize when to limit its usage.

Do you remember this famous Native American proverb? – “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” 

Although technology impacts us positively, but at the same time it can be the biggest threat to our existence.

Below is a list of the disadvantages of technology that can have a catastrophic effect on the world:

1. Big Brother is watching your every move

In the future, the omniscient surveillance system will be able to track every part of your life.

Yes, the technological devices will know us better than our friends or family. In fact, that phase has started already. The complete end of privacy is near, and absolute surveillance is coming soon.

This is probably the darkest side of technology. The BSIA (British Security Industry Association) said that there are 4.9 million cameras installed that is one for every 14 people. Isn’t that too much security?

2. Awful addiction

Its the 21st century, and we are dependent on technology for almost everything.

However, most of the time addiction to technology is under-acknowledged. I guess we all are addicted to phones. The condition gets worse when we start feeling a vibration of our cell phones even if it is not vibrating.

It happens with me, and I am sure most people reading this have already witnessed this feeling once in their life.

Did you know that a man died after playing video game for 40 hours continuously? Are games more important than life?

3. Technology is the main reason for health degradation

Sitting is the new smoking”, I am sure you would have come across this sentence at least once while reading health magazines. How can sitting degrade your health?

The more you sit, the lesser is the blood circulation in your body. Constantly starring at the screen of your devices can lead to neck and head pain.

It can result in headaches and poor eyesight. Not to mention, that the excessive use of the Internet is linked with depression and obesity.

Constantly starring at the bright screens can hamper the release of melatonin – a hormone responsible for sleep and wake cycles.

4. Man is no longer a social animal

Extensive use of technology can lead to poor social skills.

Nowadays, even business meetings are conducted over Skype or chat rooms resulting in lack of personal touch. 

The membrane between the online and offline world is getting thinner and thinner. I am sure in the future, it will completely disappear, making it hard to communicate offline.

With constant and high use of modern gadgets, we often make ourselves isolated from the world.

Imagine yourself walking on the street with your headphones on and enjoying the music with no fear of getting hit by a lamp post. This is what is called being isolated from the real world!

5. Our very own humanity is at stake

With the advancements in manufacturing technology human workers are hardly given importance or expected to work as efficiently as a robot.

On humanitarian grounds, are these kinds of expectations justified? 

We are constantly exposed to violent video games and violent videos on TV, YouTube, and movies. Why violence and drama is widely accepted when it comes to reality shows? Also, why are action movies with brutal scenes considered as a source for entertainment?

Social media is indirectly or directly promoting Narcissism, which leads to Narcissistic personality disorder.

I think these days we give more importance to our Social Media home pages that our home sweet home.

6. Internet brings out the worst

I think many of us have started living a dual life because of the Internet. Some people are completely different from what they try to be on the Internet.

Normal human beings should act the same online as he or she does in real life.

I have a real life story to share with you.

A couple from South Korea got so engrossed with a computer game, which involved raising a virtual child that they left their infant baby unattended while they were at the Internet café. In short, the girl was starved to death while her parents raised a virtual child in an online game.

This couple was so addicted to the game that they started living a dual life – one offline and another online.

7. Lastly, with the rise in usage of  technology, there’s a rise in crime

During the 26/11 terrorist attacks on Mumbai, the television and the Internet greatly helped the terrorists to keep an eye on the army activities. The technology has surely given a boost to information warfare and terrorist attacks.

Some countries use technology to spy on other countries; this creates political tension between countries. Furthermore, nuclear warfare can be the reason for mass destruction in the future.

I guess we all are aware of cyber crimes also known as computer crimes.

Such crimes include online bullying and harassment, fraud, cyber terrorism and warfare, hacking, cracking, cyberstalking, phishing attacks, identity theft, etc.

Poster with quote saying that modern technology owes ecology an apology

How to Unplug From Technology

Technology is surely influencing our business relationships, agricultural patterns, education system, Human health and behavior and the world as a whole.

It is good to embrace new technologies but getting completely dependent on them without overcoming their drawbacks is harmful.

It is indeed the need of an hour for humans to keep thinking and formulating a sustainable solution for all the technological problems.

Necessity is the mother of invention. It is important to invent and shape technologies in a human-friendly way.

After all, humans are supposed to rule over technology and not get ruled by technology.

We can’t control the government or the others. But we can do the things that we are in control of to safeguard ourselves from the negative effects of technology.

I would like to share some general tips that can help you to unplug yourself:

Quick Tip #1: Understand what are you addicted to.

The first step to avoid being slaves of Technology is to identify what are the technologies you are most addicted to.

It could be anything like television, internet, and video games (BTW before you question yourself let me answer it; Yes, The Assassin’s Creed is a video game. Just saying!).

Quick Tip #2: Do not allow addiction to hijack your brain.

Prevention is better than cure but if you are already affected you need a cure.

Don’t allow technology to take over your life. Before it starts impacting you, start reacting to it. I know it will not be easy to walk the path to de-addiction, but you can take help of a specialist or a de-addiction center. Yes, you heard it right!

Nowadays, Internet de-addiction centers are specially set up to handle people with Internet addiction disorder.

If you become restless and irritated when your Wi-Fi or 3G network suddenly goes off, then you need to improve as soon as possible because this can result in impulsive behavior.

Quick Tip #3: There is no “ Like” or “Share” button in real life!

The real life is completely different from the virtual world. Not everyone would “Like” you in the real world but do “Share” your happiness no matter what.

I know you have fewer friends in real life compared to your virtual world.

However, the ugly truth is that whatever is real will stay forever, and you need to bring the virtual friendship out of that digital box in order to make it real!

Quick Tip #4: Technology is making you stupid, so stop being a Goldfish! 

I know there are many things we really don’t know about, and Google is the best way to get information about them.

However, don’t you think searching everything on Google is being stupid?

God has gifted you with a brain, so why not try engaging in real life conversations to ask for solutions. This might initially make you look stupid but at the end of the day you would be smarter than your very own Google Granny.

Do not multi-task; this will stop you from being a Goldfish. I think you know what the average memory span of a Goldfish is.

Quick Tip #5: Emails are important but not more than your mental health.

Schedule your email-checking time. Do not keep a tab always open to check your emails and reply to them as soon as they appear.

Don’t worry; the world will not come to a halt if you do not reply to emails instantly.

Checking mails constantly can actually make you feel stressed. That is the biggest reason for you to be unproductive during your work hours.

I recommend you to schedule checking your emails after every 2 hours if your work is highly dependent on mails or check them five times a day. 

Quick Tip #6: Start dieting even if you are already fit! 

Yes, you need to start a “digital diet” regardless if you are fit or not. What is digital dieting?

Digital dieting is nothing but refraining to use any technology that you are addicted to, or you feel that you might get addicted to for a specific period; preferably 24 hours a week. 

Quick Tip #7: Out of sight is out of mind.

Be relevant and stay active! (Sounds contradicting but its true!)

Before you start your “digital diet” ensure that you place all the addictive gadgets out of your sight so that you do not get tempted to use them.

One more tip I would like to give you is that be active and make your presence – offline and online, relevant enough to get yourself noticed by others.

You can make yourself relevant offline by making new friends, getting interested in them, and being alert!

When I say you need to be active online, I mean you need to log in to all your accounts after a specific period. This could be after every 4 hours, when you take a break from your daily routine.

If you have your online business which demands your presence, you can do this every hour, but not too frequently.

Reply to everything including emails, updates, posts, etc. in an hour or two and save the rest of the time for doing something productive.

This could be things like updating your blog with a new design, learning a new language, learning or investing in some new ventures, etc.

You can use an automated tool or service to post updates on your behalf. This works like a charm!

Okay I have a presentation to share with you. It’s all about the impact of technology on our lives that we need to learn to take control of.

Making it possible! 

I have a mantra to share with you. But before that, I would like to share one of the Charles Darwin’s theories: “Survival of the fittest.”

The modern technologies have proved this theory partially wrong because even the weakest can continue to survive because of the wonderful advancements in the medical technology (also called as health technology).

So here is my mantra that will help you survive this TECH (Technology becomes Exploitable because of the Cheap rates and High availability) age: “Survival of the smartest.”

The more smartly you use technology, the better your life would be.

All the best ~ let’s unplug from the TECH age and start a revolution…

So, what are you waiting for? Go Outsmart your Smartphone!

Now it is your turn to take the conversation further!

Hey, thanks for reading, I’d love to know your thoughts on this post.

Over To You –

Are you addicted to technology? Do you have any ideas to improve the negative effects of technology? Share your opinions and insights in the comments box below.

Photo Credit: Rohan Chaubey, FreeDigitalPhotos


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.

  1. Tip 3 is in accordance with my own thinking, almost everybody just want things on bed, it’s becoming a new trend that we’re ordering stuff from eBay and other Online stores and even don’t want to walk to the super store of our town. Google and internet is making us lazier and I think it’s the major reason of deceases among us.

    1. Hi Hammad,

      Haha yes I agree that everyone wants everything quickly with no extra efforts.

      With the increase in online shopping, there are very high chances of scams and fraud.

      So one must always be careful.

      Talking about quick tip #3, our life is not a part of facebook where only like is the option. People may dislike us or we may hate others so this proves virtual world is far different from the real world.

      Thanks and happy holidays. 🙂

  2. That’s a great post Rohan, and Harleena.

    I agree that this is a real problem. I sit with real people in social situations/at meals and they are continually checking their phones, Facebooking etc. It’s terrible, (And, OK, if a text message comes in on my phone I will check it too, so I’m just as bad.)

    I suppose I’m “better” online and writing, because I’ve always been very shy, even as a child, and found it easier to write than talk. So it’s not new, but technology – I have to admit – is making me worse.

    To start my own “break-free” I have recently joined a couple of “real people” networking groups, as I was starting to feel a bit isolated from actually speaking to people. I’ll admit, I’m finding it strange. But it’s OK, we all have our phones on the table – just in case LOL.

    Harleena, I haven’t forgotten that standing PC thingy I emailed you about. Just waiting for someone to be about to set it up for me!

    Thanks for a thought-provoking article.


    1. Hi Joy,

      Belated happy birthday. I hope you had fun. 🙂

      Technology does isolates us and its great to have groups in real life to share our thoughts and talk with real people.

      The real danger from constant use of social networking sites is that there are possibilities that the language can get degraded with the use of short forms and some weird words.

      Thank you for sharing the post. Happy Holidays!
      – Rohan Chaubey.

  3. Hello Rohan,

    I have seen you as the winner on Aha Now. I am happy to see your post about technology. I am also a technology addicted, but not too much. Technology is providing us new products daily which are making our life more easier and luxury. We can not give time to our kids just because of technology.

    Thanks for sharing this post. God bless you.

    ~Dr. Diana Hardy

    1. Hi Dr.Diana,

      Nice to meet you. Technology has made our lives more easier and luxurious. At the same time it is making us more dependent on gadgets and machines.

      And yes quality family interactions has surely suffered due to technological advancements and with their increased usage.

      Thank you so much. Happy Holidays.

      – Rohan Chaubey.

  4. Hi Rohan,

    I was eagerly waiting for your guest post. I am sorry for the late reply. What to say about this post. WoW!!

    In this current world, every one are addicted to technology. Though technology has many advantages, we should not forget its disadvantages. Especially in our day to day life.

    Good work. Great post bro. Enjoy your weekend


    1. Hi Umapathy,

      Awh that so nice to read that you were waiting for the post. No problem, I know we have lots of work to do and it takes time to read and comment.

      It is important to not let technology take over our lives. And for that I have myself started to follow what I preached in the post.

      Going out for a walk and not using gadgets while communicating with people are some other ways to unplug ourselves. 🙂

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a nice Sunday!
      – Rohan Chaubey.

  5. Hey Rohan,
    I am not at all surprised to read the post of such high caliber from you. Way to go Man!!
    Firstly I loved the acronym TECH….very apt and innovative!
    Secondly I loved each and every point you made there especially “Sitting is new Smoking” I laughed and at the same time was amazed at your brain storming. It is absolutely true. I firmly believe that the technology is ruining our personal health and personal relations together.
    I could also relate to what Mr Vernon said, when all the family members instead of chatting or spending time together are now just busy on their gadgets. Even at times my me and my husband do so and lately we were shocked to see my 4 yrs old joining us in the gadget war. Now more than us he has become addicted to his tablet. He will not play out or do colouring or whatever…just games and cartoons on tablets.That reminded us that we need to give rest to our gadget and spend some family time and now we silent our phones and all after 9 at night, just to teach my son that family time is more fun than his tablet.
    OMG!!I can write so much on this…LOL!!
    But just wanted to say, that I loved your post Rohan and could totally relate to it. Will also try to work up on the remedies you gave and I wish and hope I can save my son’s childhood at least for a few more years before he becomes a TECH slave.
    Keep up the good writing!!

    1. Hi Dr.Arpita,

      Thank you for appreciating the post and recognizing the efforts behind this. This would have not been possible without the help of Harleena ma’am and Vinay sir.

      I too loved that phrase “Sitting is the new smoking”. Actually Harleena ma’am had written a post on it. You can go though it to find out more.

      Yes I agree. Family members are often found busy with their own gadgets. In the SlideShare, I have shown a pic of a family where kids are busy on their phones and parents are watching TV. And this is the reality of the modern families. So there’s hardly any quality interaction taking place between family members.

      I can very much relate to your comment. I used to love painting but nowadays I never get time to paint anything as I am so busy on blogs and social media. 😥

      Yes, this is a relatable topic and we can keep on discussing it.

      Thanks a lot for an honest appreciation. I hope you are having a great Sunday! 😀

      – Rohan Chaubey.

  6. Hi Rohan

    Sorry for replying so late and Congratulations for guest posting in this awesome community. I love this topic as it is one issue that is trending in our world.

    Technology can be a double edged sword; it depends on how it is used. It is true that technology has made space so small. There are so many wonderful things that can be done just with a smartphone. However like you have mentioned, there are drawbacks in technology and you have listed them in this post.

    You are right that we are in the tech age. I agree that there should be a balance in our lives even when we are using technology and Bill Gates quotes is spot on that technology is a tool. Thanks for the insight. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Ikechi,

      No problem. We have so many things to do and there are times when we can’t commit ourselves.

      Thank you for the congratulations. 🙂

      Addiction to Technology is one of the Buzzwords we got to hear in 2014 and this will continue its Buzz in the coming years as well. 🙂

      Technology was always made to ease our lives but sadly we have used it to degrade our lifestyle.

      No doubt it has done wonders. But at the same time it is the biggest reason for lack of physical interactivity in the modern world. People can suffer increased narcissism and cyberbullying through increased social media use.

      It is important to understand our addiction and curb it as soon as possible. Lets Unplug!

      Thank you for reading the post and sharing your views. 🙂
      – Rohan Chaubey.

  7. Hi Rohan,

    A big congratulations to you for being the winner of the November Guest Post. What an honor and a well deserved one! I am glad there will be a technology category, as it is evident we will learn a lot from this category.

    You are correct, Technology definitely is a huge part of our lives now. There is no way of getting away from that. When I think about it, I don’t think I could even function now without my computer, the internet, and my cell phone – As crazy as that may sound!

    As a blogger technology surely helps us expand our reach. We all can remember the days that all we could do was reach people via email and that was not easy. Nowadays Social Media gives us the opportunity to truly expand our reach.

    I love the fact how technology teaches me everyday also. If I need to learn about a subject, I have endless resources right at my fingertips online. No need for me to run down to the library and try to look it up in a book, that probably is years behind anyway.

    But as you mentioned, there are some negative aspects to technology and a big one is our health. Sitting in front of the computer and not getting proper exercise surely happens a lot these days due to technology and we have to be mindful of that.

    I agree that we cannot let technology take over our brains. It is so easy to get addicted to technology and forget that we have real lives also. Before you know it you are home all of the time and never away from your computer. We have to have balance and be mindful that there is life outside of technology.

    Awesome article my friend!

    1. Hi Nathaniel,

      Thank you so much for the congratulations. 🙂

      Absolutely! Each of us get a feeling that we might have to live like stone age people if we throw away our modern tools.

      I am also quite amazed to see the growing popularity of social media. Just imagine instagram has 3 million users, twitter with 250+ users and facebook with millions across every country. That is so amazing, isn’t it?

      Yes, learning has become more faster but at the same time too much data or information causes confusion as well.

      Thank you so much. Happy Holidays. 🙂

  8. Hi Rohan,

    This blog keeps growing, and now a technology category. That’s great. The slide show is great, by the way.

    Technology is has become a huge part of everyday life. When you ask people what is the most important piece of technology they have integrated into their life, they say, #1 response: My cell phone. #2 My computer. #3 The internet.

    For me it’s definitely my computer and the internet. I would not “exist” without them 🙂 it seems. However, I have to agree with Bill Gates, technology is a just a tool, we need to remember that.

    At times technology can take too much place in someone’s life if we’re not careful.

    Excellent post.

    1. Hi Sylviane ma’am,

      Yes, Aha!Now keeps upgrading with new features and that’s what makes this blog more exciting.

      I am glad that you liked it.

      Technology has expanded itself to limitless extents. And my answer would be the same as yours. We are very much dependent on phones, computers, laptops, internet,etc.

      Yeah I can understand your dependability on the internet and computer completely. Because I am too an addict and finding my way towards de-addiction.

      Thank you so much. Have a great day.

  9. Hi Rohan,

    You bring up some great points! In fact, over the last few months I’ve been getting into the habit of keeping the phone in the other room and my tablet far away!

    It’s so tempting to work when it’s family time and it’s even more tempting to get sucked into the web and become distracted.

    For me, it’s becoming more important to exercise, socialize and spend family time without my technology around!!!!

    I really appreciate your post and I’m to share it now. This one needs to be read and taken to heart!

    ~ Don Purdum

    1. Hi Don,

      You are doing so well for yourself. It is really hard to unplug but not impossible. Good to read that you are trying your best to keep the technology away to find happiness in life.

      Thanks for adding some to-do activities to unplug – Exercising, socializing and spending time with the family. 🙂

      Thank you so much for sharing and appreciating the post. Happy Holidays!
      – Rohan Chaubey.

  10. Hi Rohan

    It is great to see you as guest author and obviously you will get more fame after interacting with the wonderful community of this blog.

    Big bravo to you on writing such a comprehensive post after doing extensive research as each point has a freshness in terms of info and idea both.

    We need to learn how to use technology to avail its benefits and need to learn how to use technology carefully to stay away from its harms.

    Like every discipline technology is also not an end itself but simply a source to achieve the higher end of ease and happiness in life.

    Yes its scope was broadened very fast and a huge number of options invented into it and people fail to realize their excessive use may put harmful effects. That is why initially there was lot of confusion if it is good or bad.

    Every activity has a point of saturation and after that it starts to stabilize. Dot Com Bubble is the glaring example of this fact. Now people have realized that cyber technology is not any magical thing which can turn every impossible into possible.

    So it is time to again realize the power of mind that still has supreme command over all types of technologies and disciplines.

    Thanks a lot for sharing such a thought-provoking post I am still unable to come out from it.

    Have a great weekend

    1. Hi Mi Muba sir,

      Thank you so very much for appreciating the post. 🙂

      I agree to you. After all it is human who built or invented the technology and not technology that invented human beings.

      Realizing when to limit the usage is the key to unplug.

      I am so happy to read your comment. Especially you saying those words sounds like this was really a good post.

      Thanks a lot for sharing your insights and have a wonderful week ahead. 🙂

  11. Hi Rohan,

    Once again you have given me exactly what I needed; a reminder that there is more to life than technology.

    Last weekend me and my wife Nicole went to the country to pick up our puppy and on the way we seen a telephone booth. I was so excited. I should have taken a picture of it because you might to too young to know what I’m talking about. 😆

    Although the the benefits are great we can’t ignore technology liabilities. Study last year showed that texting while driving is the leading cause of death among teenagers.

    I wrote a blog about it myself awhile back called technology friend or foe?
    I got the idea when I notice my family in the living room together and we were all occupied with laptops or cellphones.

    Great post reminding us we have to be more mindful how it has changed our lives.

    1. Hi Vernon,

      I think we all need to not let technology take over our life.

      Haha I know what is a telephone booth but sadly never used it. 😀

      The advantages as well as disadvantages both cannot be ignored and are in relevant numbers.

      Yes, it is so dangerous to text while driving… Also texting while walking can prove to be fatal.

      Oh, I will check that post when I will visit your blog. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your views. Have a nice week ahead. 🙂

  12. Hello Ronan and welcome to Harleena’s blog.

    Technology have played a huge part in our lives. There is almost nothing you want to do in life that doesn’t involve technology.

    Technology is part of us now, so being addicted is part of the game 🙂

    I do love the post and how you go about it. So for that, I say a big thank you.
    Do have a faithful weekend ahead both of you.

    1. Hi Babanature, I am Rohan from India nice the meet you. 🙂

      Absolutely! Technology is everywhere. The greatest discoveries done so far are all because of technology. The average human life expectancy got a great boost when Medical technology improved and introduced systems which can support life.

      Yes, agreed. technology is indeed part of us and we are even transforming ourselves using technology. Surgeries being the biggest example for this.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I am grateful to get your vote of confidence.

      Have a great day you too… (Oni a dara o)
      – Rohan Chaubey.

  13. Hello Rohan Chaubey,

    The post is certainly tells about the latest use of technology gadget of modern people. Now a days we pass lots of time with technology like laptop, tab, smartphone etc. But there is far difference from real life to digital life. You mentioned this perfectly with lots of exclusive quotes.

    I saw there are lots of people who cant sleep without checking FB status & when he woke up he again check FB. It is a wastage of time. We must use technology properly. Otherwise it will kill our time & destroy our health.

    Anyway, we must use time properly & Have a happy weekend 🙂

    1. Hi Ahsanul Karim,

      We do tend to over use gadgets. And certainly we do ignore our health over tech.

      Haha yes people are too addicted to social media. The best advice I can give you is that, do not check your gadgets for an hour from the time you wake up and also stop using the gadgets an hour before you go to sleep.

      I recently tried this and the result is a sound sleep and a happy day!

      Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Nice to meet you.
      Have a nice day! (Aapnaar deen-ti bhalo katook).

  14. Hi Rohan,

    I liked the points you mentioned specially #2 from the disadvantages. I want to add a few extra lines to the point.

    I personally think, addiction has both good and bad sides. The bad sides are mostly health related. We can pass through serious health issues for unstoppable tech addiction especially non-stop working for a very long time.

    But the good side is, addiction helps us to success. If you’re get addicted to what you would, you might never be successful. Anything excessive is bad but if we can use that addiction to be prosperous within the limit, we might reach where we never thought.

    By the way, thanks for a nice practical post.

    1. Hi Friend,

      How are you? Thanks for reading and leaving an awesome reply. 🙂

      I am glad that you liked the post and also thanks for adding more value to it. 🙂 I totally agree to your points. 🙂

      Have a nice day! (Aapnaar deen-ti bhalo katook). I hope you understand this. I am learning it.

      1. My pleasure Rohan. (Ekti sundor nibondho likhar jonno apnake onek dhonnobad). I’m happy that you’re interested in bengali. If you need any help in bengali, I’d be really happy to do for you.

        1. Yay! Thanks a lot. Since you are a member of Aha!Now I will always feel free to disturb you via PM(Private Messages).

          Nice to meet you. 🙂

  15. Mind Blowing Post, Real Time Research, Perfect,
    Don’t have most words to explain…

    1. Hi Satya,

      Nice to meet you. And thank you so much for reading the post.

      Have a good day!
      – Rohan.

  16. Hi Rohan,

    That’s…that’s a wonderful guest article on Aha-Now. Do you plan it or is it just comes to you by default to excel the debut on other sites? Coming to the article, you have very precisely differentiated the pros and cons about technology. You know what, the reason why there are restriction to the age to use certain kind of technologies on the internet and and computer is the fear same as giving a sharp knife into the hands of children who don’t know how to use it safely to get the job done.

    I feel that the technology is also a knife with two sharp edges and the way you use it is a total personal choice. The bad is the choice the worst will be the consequences, the good you choose it for, the best you can get from it.

    You have got a beautiful writing style buddy and I truly admire it. All the best for the future articles on Aha-Now and have a great blogger life ahead 🙂

    1. Hi Sasidhar,

      Awh! I was eagerly waiting for your comment. 😀

      Thanks for the appreciation. I have already said that you are my blog star and one of the best friend among the bloggers. I get inspired by reading tech blogs like your Amfas Tech – My Favorite!

      Yes, I agree to you that technology is indeed a knife with 2 sharp edges. And I loved the way you explained your point by giving an example of knife.

      Thank you so much and shubha dhinaṅ. 🙂

      1. Hi Rohan,

        I’m so delighted to hear that from you! Indeed it was the purpose I started it in the past and it seems like have been fulfilling! Thank you so much! You made my day again!

        Have a great weekend 🙂

  17. Exellently written masterpiece Rohan. All the points that you have discussed here in this post is nice and has some value in it. Refined one.

    Meanwhile I tagged you in one of my post. Expecting your opinion on the same dude.

    1. Oh my God! What a lovely surprise to see your comment here Gowthama. Thank you so very much… 🙂

      Thanks for reading this post and mentioning me in your blog. It is always a pleasure visiting your blogs. And I am so happy that you tagged me there; will read it as soon as I find some peace in my inbox. 🙂

      Intha Nal Iniyia Nalaga Malarum. I hope you understand this and teach me some Tamil. 🙂

      – Rohan Chaubey.

  18. Hi Rohan,

    Your post on technology is very well put together and would prompt the readers to think before using various tech inventions.

    Yes, technology has become a part of our lives and we can no longer ignore it. If one is running a business then online presence seems like a must have.

    Though, it has its advantages, but sometimes, some incidents make me wonder if disadvantages are overshadowing the advantages.

    However, one can’t blame technology as how it’s used solely depends on the person using it.

    The one or rather two aspects worry me the most are, health issues and constant surveillance. And of course, whatever we post or write online stays even if we delete it.

    After starting my blog, at one time, I used to check my mobile immediately after waking up for notifications. Not a good habit! I only stopped when someone started dumping their negative drama on my doorstep.

    Reading something like that first thing after waking up is a sure way of destroying your day.

    From then on I started what you’ve so appropriately named ‘Tech-dieting.’ (I wondered for a moment after reading the headline that if I probably have switched to another article while reading ;D.)

    It’s not necessary to be able 24/7 even if you’ve a business that depends on your online presence. One can always take a break to go out in the real world.

    I’m not saying people online are not good/nice. I have met many nice and supportive people here.

    But have also met the kind who only wants to waste your time if you’d allow them.

    So setting boundaries and knowing exactly why you’re online helps. In addition to finding people you really want to hang out with; this applies to both offline and online worlds.

    Excellent post and slide presentation!

    Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

    1. Hi Priya ma’am,

      Nice to see your comment and shares. 🙂

      I totally agree to your points that sometimes the disadvantages seem to have greater effect than advantages.

      The way we use technology is our own choice. Yes, whether we get listed on search engine or not doesn’t matters… whatever is posted online stays online. And the modern widgets and tools can track so many personal information without our knowledge.

      Recently, SlideShare launched a new feature of tracking analytics. Previously it was was Pro accounts only. But now the details are so much deeper. They show the location and Internet service providers as well. While most of the sites we log in or visit captures our IP address and information like location, ISP, etc. others invade privacy asking for personal data and then selling them without our consent.

      I can completely relate to your problems. Some come online to remove their real life frustrations because they are BIGGER failure in real life.

      Haha congratulations on reading a 3200+ words post. It had 2 parts one disadvantages and other how to unplug. 😀

      Wow! That was a great point you added… We need to know why we are online. This will surely help to unplug. 🙂

      Thank you for sharing and appreciating the post. Also a BIG thanks for adding more value to this post.

      Happy Holidays. 🙂

  19. Hi Rohan,

    I am glad to meet you here, you have some sound advice to offer, which would be so useful for youngsters! We all learn as we grow up that excessive use of any thing needs to be curbed.
    Technology is here to stay and I feel there is nothing wrong with it. It is man who misuses, exploits and tries to plunder every good thing.
    Saying that we breathe through technology is taking things too far! A serious patient may need technology to breathe, not all of us!
    Yes I agree with Einstein that ‘our technology has exceeded our humanity’…had he lived to see the modern aps, he would have said some thing more!!

    Despite the excessive use of technology, man remains the same…creative, analytical, adventurous and emotional, craving for friends and society, the best teaching is still imparted by human minds and the children are groomed with love.

    Thanks for the warnings, Rohan! Have a nice day and stay blessed.

    1. Hi Balroop ma’am,

      Nice to meet you too. 🙂

      Yes, technology turns out to be bad or good based on its usage.

      I read my post more than 11 times but I could not find where I have written that “we all need technology to breathe!” Some serious patient and in some cases of addiction we might need tech to breathe. And of course not everyone would need it!

      Yes, Only humans can have real emotions and I guess there would be no technology that would ever take the place of human emotions.

      Thank you so much for your insights. Have a great week ahead. 🙂

      1. Lol!! I know technology can do all that!! I know youngsters are smarter!
        So that is why it took you 3 days to reply!! Stay blessed! You seem to be quite promising for the technology!!!!

        1. It took me 3 days to reply because I had to write for someone and reply to the mails to save my copyrighted material. Also there is a sharp decrease in temperature at Mumbai so I am not well. I think I should have written this at the end of every comment because there are possibilities that other commenters would have thought the same as you.

          I hope you understand atleast now why I didn’t replied to the comments which required special attention.

          And in my opinion, experience is more valuable that the quality of being smarter!

          Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂

          P.S. The reason behind extensive use of exclamation marks is a mystery for me.

  20. Hi Rohan,

    You have defined the pros and cons of our digital age perfectly. The scary aspects are the loss of privacy although I still believe much of that is our personal choice. For example how much we share on facebook, instagram, twitter are telling as to maintaining some privacy. Hacking is a huge issue as well. People with web cams need to keep them unplugged while not in use as there is a risk of them turning on without your knowledge. Scary. Addiction is also important to avoid as you mention. Lots to think about here, Rohan. Thanks for this excellent post!

    1. Hi Lisa ma’am,

      As everything in world has negative and positive impacts, technology too has its brighter and darker sides.

      Yes, I agree that allowing others to invade our privacy is our personal choice. A few people share lots of things online which should never come up publicly. And you have pointed a nice tip to limit our shares in order to protect our privacy from getting invaded.

      Yes, someone hacking the working of web cams is really scary… :S

      Thank you so much ma’am for contributing your thoughts here.
      Bonne journée!

  21. Thanks +ROHAN CHAUBEY for this well researched well written informative piece,

    Congrats my boy for this prestigious offer you bagged from Harleena Singh and Vinay of AhaNOW. I could very well relate to some of the areas you mentioned in the post. Yes, we need to have a regulation or control or break LOL

    Thanks Rohan for the notification, This is my preamble comment:-) I will come back with a detailed feedback shortly.
    Keep it up!
    Keep going
    All good wishes
    ~ Phil

    1. Hi Philip sir,

      Thank you and I was lucky to have Harleena ma’am and Vinay sir’s help and support with this one.

      Waiting and excited to hear from you soon. 🙂

      It was nice to receive your good wishes. Thank you so much for this short message. I was really pleased to read this. 🙂

      Have a sweet day!

  22. Sometimes it’s really hard to unplug, especially when your business revolves around technology. However, I’ve learned to take frequent breaks. I used to sit at my laptop for hours on end. I am pleased to say that I don’t anymore! I now get up, stretch, go for a walk, and I’ve found that I’m more productive as a result.

    Great post and great tips!

    Nice to meet you, too. 😉

    1. Hi lorraine ma’am,

      Yeah I can understand your point. It is good to read that you are now easily able to limit the usage. I am too finding my way out and following what I preached.

      Thank you so much for reading the post and dropping this lovely comment here.

      Bonne journée!

  23. Hello Rohan,

    Nice to see you here on Harlena’s blog. I have heard about this “Sitting is the new smoking” thing right here and it scares the bejeezus out of me! Yeppers Technology is a good thing but then again we do need to be careful HUH?

    Thanks you so much for the Awesome post, I am sharing this one my friend!! Chery :))

    1. Hello Chery ma’am,

      Previously smoking was considered to be the worst addiction but with the technological advancements, sitting can now be the worst thing ever.

      Technology is indeed a great boon for humans. It has done wonders in our lives. And its advantages cannot be ignored at all.

      Thanks a lot for reading, sharing and dropping a nice comment.
      Have a wonderful day!

  24. Hi Rohan and Harleena,

    How exciting that there is now a tech section at Aha-Now! What a wonderful addition to an already marvelous website!

    You’re right, Rohan, there are many dangers of overusing technology. HBO recently had a movie about the Korean parents called, Love Child. The horrors of bullying online, terrorism and hacking make technology seem like a nightmare.

    But there is also much good that comes from technology. Like Bill Gates, I think of technology as a tool that must be used skillfully to benefit individuals and society. My father always said, “Too much of anything can kill you.” My version is “all things in moderation.”

    Technology also can benefit lives as it guides us to our destination, connects us to loved ones far away and allows us to shop online for items that may not be available locally. We can share photos with loved ones in a matter of seconds, bringing a smile to their faces.

    Thanks for the reminder, Rohan, that technology much be respected.

    1. Hi Carolyn ma’am,

      I am too excited to have my guest post as the first post listed under the technology section. 🙂

      Thank you for letting me know about that documentary film. I searched for it and I was so saddened to read about it.

      I loved your father’s and your sayings. And I strongly agree to it.

      I think we can surely over come addiction if we moderate its usage.

      Absolutely, we can get in touch with our dear ones in seconds. Moreover, students who are geographically dispersed can benefit from e-learning. 🙂

      Thank yo for stopping by and I wanted to let you know that I visit your blog regularly and I’m enjoying your posts. 🙂
      Have a great day.

  25. Hi Rohan,

    Congrats on your first guest post about tech on AHA 🙂 . Nice that you’ve well described step by step about the technology stuffs.I like the word that you’ve said “Sitting is new smoking”. Most people do it and it most likely to be usually one for the people in IT technology and to be frank that I also addicted to sitting. Every one is in this world trying hard to achieve something and now it seems to be like that with out the technology, Man can’t do his things. I agree that technology is only for human’s life to make it easier , but we should make sure that it wont’t purges our self in to it.

    Thanks for your great post and in need many of the tips that you said, I will put a word to my friends 🙂


    1. Hi Siva,

      Thank you. Sitting is indeed new smoking. You can go through the Harleena ma’am’s previous post to know more about it. The phrase is associated with a link in the post. 🙂

      Haha in fact we all are addicted to sitting. Exactly, I agree that it feels like we can’t do anything without using tech.

      Thanks a lot for reading and expressing your views. It was nice to hear from you.

      Good Day!

  26. Hyy Rohan,
    Excellent Post…n nice acronym for tech….keep it up….

    1. Hey Soham,

      I am so happy to see your comment here. 🙂

      As you may have guessed, I was greatly supported by Vinay sir and Harleena ma’am. 🙂

      It was nice to receive such words of appreciation from you.

      Have a nice day.

  27. Great post, Rohan!

    This is really so relevant. We all are addicted to technology in some way or the other. In fact, we simply can’t live without technology. So, we owe so much to it, that we should treat it well and not put a bad name to it.

    It is imperative in today’s time to know your limits, restrict yourself, and control your usage of technology. You’ve aptly summarized that we should drive the technology and not be driven by it. We need to be in total control of it, then be controlled by it.

    Or, in other words, we need to be in total control of ourselves, our mind, thoughts, reactions and responses. In that case, you’ll always act responsibly and in a controlled manner and technology will always be a tool, aid, or a helpful friend.

    I think you’ve rightly raised the addiction alarm as that’s the worst negative effect of technology. What you need is self-discipline, and a better self-understanding. Then even if TECH becomes free, you still will be in total control of yourself.

    I agree that there should be times when you totally unplug yourself from technology – you should do it on daily basis. Also, randomly keep yourself away from the technology devices or services, so you attune yourself to their absence.

    Addiction is bad, in whatever form, and being smart is the way to go! But I need to confess here that my job keeps me glued to my computer and the Internet and I check my emails like frenzy, but I can tell you that I’m not addicted to them. I ain’t a goldfish either, you can judge so from the length of this comment. 😉

    Thanks for the wonderful slideshare too and for creating this important awareness about keeping ourselves safeguarded from the negative effects of technology.

    1. Hi Vinay sir,

      Firstly, I would like to say that I am so happy to see you as well as Harleena ma’am commenting on this.

      Technology is surely something we cannot avoid. And as the famous quote says,”Technology is only good when it brings people together.”
      Previously, we have witnessed so many important decisions around the world that were taken by using social media and internet.

      I don’t remember correctly but I think it was 2008 or 2009 when internet was greatly used for the success of the Obama Campaign.

      Also recently our Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a website MyGov to help citizens to give their opinions to the government. That is amazing, isn’t it? Technology if used for great purposes like this then it is surely a boon.

      Technology do has a tons of advantages but at the same time its disadvantages cannot be overlooked.

      I agree to you that usage should be controlled and technology should be used as a helpful tool.

      An emotional intelligent person with self control, self understanding and logical reasoning can de-addict himself easily.

      Haha you aren’t a goldfish for sure in fact I think you are gifted with a sharp memory to manage so many things efficiently. 😀

      Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and guiding me. 🙂
      ❖ East or West Aha-Now is the best ❖ [ Old one but I guess this conveyed my feelings].

  28. Hi Rohan,

    Its great to see you writing a guest post here on Aha-Now. Its a really nice perspective that you have presented here and undoubtedly I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Technology definitely has some cons but its Pros far far outweigh them as you would agree.
    I would like to offer some personal perspective on the points mentioned in the article.

    To answer your first 3 questions,
    I personally am quite active and have a habit of running (usually 10km a day but at least 5 if not injured) and prefer to walk around 2 km of my house. But outside of my personal self I totally agree with you.

    I usually use Google to suffice my curiosity and then get lost in the infinite web its spiders have created. Never really thought anything lol.

    Fear of black screen an a lost charger? Yup, definitely. I am addicted to gadgets without a second thought.

    Although all of these points are accurate I have a little more perspective to add to some.

    1. Big Brother is watching your every move – Big brother watching every move may be a problem right now but it probably will not be much of a problem in future with much more open societies. In fact watching every move can help governments in several ways. It can help corporations provide much more targeted products and services ultimately resulting in better quality. We already provide a lot of private data to facebook and Google all the time and we reap their benefits as well. Its the same with physical trackability of humans. In my opinion this trend towards much open societies is for the good.

    2. Awful addiction – Addiction to technology definitely have their pros and cons.

    3. Technology is the main reason for health degradation – No doubt that technology is main reason behind health degradation.

    4. Man is no longer a social animal – Very true it has decreased the physical social interaction.

    5. Our very own humanity is at stake – While I totally agree with the statement but would have to disagree on the point of manufacturing. Advancement in manufactring technology are definitely replacing the humans jobs but its just half the picture and far from negative impact. When we think of it we tend to think about short term loss. But in the reality it is the reason that we are where we are today. Automating the manufacturing capacity increases the efficiency manifold which exponentially increases the production which spreads and kickstarts the industrial revolution that in turn increases the economy manifold. And onviously it is the only reason that we live a lifestyle much luxurious than kings and dictators of yestercenturies. In fact, it takes care of the basic human needs very efficiently and enables humans to do much more creative, expertise and research oriented jobs speeding up the innovation process and obviously world economy as a whole.
    The reason for humanity at stake in my opinion and also as ‘Elon musk’ stated recently is from artificial intelligence getting to be more intelligent than us in future.

    6. Internet brings out the worst – Internet definitely brings out the worst in digital world but it also gives them an exhaust to release what they have stuffes in them and makes that person is less likely to hurt in the physical world unless it influences someone else obviously.

    7. With the rise in usage of technology, there’s a rise in crime – There is definitely some crime because of it but overall it has overall the justice system in ways we could not even imagine before and helped helped in crime reduction much more. Again, big brother does a good job in this case.

    So, if we think of a broader indirect implications of the aforementioned points they actually aren’t that negative. Its mostly the resistance to change that we face.

    But nonetheless, negative impacts should be minimised as much as they can and these tips are just great in doing absolutely that:

    1. Understand what are you addicted to – Acceptance is the key here. If you know what you are into there half the battle is won just there.

    2. Do not allow addiction to hijack your brain – That is right, we should take a break sometimes in order to refresh ourselves and gain some other perspective.

    3. There is no “ Like” or “Share” button in real life! – Even I have noticed this trend of too much virtual friendship and too less real one. Some people are missing out a lot in my opinion.

    4. Technology is making you stupid, so stop being a Goldfish! – Haha! I am the prime example of that.

    5. Emails are important but not more than your mental health – Yup, emails are very important for work but when someone sends you an email they are perpared to give you time for it.

    6. Start dieting even if you are already fit! – Again, regular breaks are much needed no matter what it is.

    7. Out of sight is out of mind. – It is actually a neat way to follow the no contact rule.

    Conclusion is pretty darn accurate here. The best part here is that we can actually use technology to fight the negatives of technology. It is built for efficiency and let use help it in just that.

    It was a great share as usual Harleena! 🙂 Always love to see the tech posts! 😀

    1. Hi Navneet,

      How are you today? 🙂 Thank you for the appreciation.

      Its nice to read that you run 10kms a day. And walk 2km to reach your home. I can hardly imagine when was the last time I injured myself or by some means. But yes I too love walking especially in the early morning when there is no traffic and sun rising from the east. What a pleasant experience it is!

      Nice to see your opinionated comment. Okay I am replying to it sequentially as you did. 😀

      1. Big Brother is watching: I partially agree to your views. Privacy invasion is a BIG problem. I think you would have read about the Facebook secret studies… They take our data and conduct secret experiments on users… Is this justified?

      If companies start tracking their employee activities this would lead to low morale and employees might feel that they are less trusted by their bosses.

      So there are 2 sides of the coin. One depicts the darker side and the another one depicts a brighter side.

      Our very own humanity is at stake: I respect your opinion. But technology is actually destroying the jobs. Now you might feel its Okay to have manufacturing industries robotized but later in future we won’t need teachers, web developers, etc. All these jobs can also be done using robots or automated software.

      Digital technology and automation threatens jobs and there would be a point in time in future where human will have to do nothing. Absolutely nothing!

      Thank you so much Navneet for reading and expressing your thoughts. Also a BIG thanks for giving your valuable time to read and comment on this post and recognizing the efforts.

      Have a great day ahead!

      1. Hi there again Rohan,

        It was a great reply clearing and further strengthening the point you mentioned in original article.

        I am guessing you are referring to the study conducted by facebook in January 2012. While it can not be justified but it is not a new thing either Marketeers,advertisers and specially mass media does that all the time. It is not because of technology but because of human nature and desire. Technology just provides it with scalability. You are definitely right two sides of a coin but we value the transparency it provides more than a some loss in privacy that can be neutralised as well.

        Technology is not actually destroying jobs but replacing them with newer ones. It creates new jobs that most people can’t even imagine today. That perceived loss of jobs results in rapid innovation resulting in even more jobs. This is strengthened by the fact that 50% of the jobs that are done today didn’t even exist 50 years ago. And there is a multitude of job industries that are in the fray now like 3d printing, nanotechnology, advanced robotics, big data, etc. I presume you are talking about the point of singularity, an enlightened society. If we do not have anything to do in future we would have everything to do and fire our curiosity to a whole different level. Maybe we will collectively reach to the top of Maslow’s need hierarchy. In the short term, yes it is a threat to jobs but in the long term there are much better prospects. But the fear is definitely justified since that transition is definitely not going to be easy at all.

        Again thank you for writing the wonderful article and taking time to write the beautifully contextual reply as well! It suely makes us more aware of the implication of best thing that happen to us. Undoubtedly made me think as well.

        Have a nice weekend! 🙂

        1. Hi Navneet,

          It would surely create new jobs but at the same time the employees will need to learn new skills. Thus, causing to create lesser opportunities for employees older in age.

          According to a post published by Business Insider on Jan 24 2014, 47% Of Jobs are at high risk of being destroyed by robots.

          So yeah technology is truly a threat as far as jobs and employment are considered.

          I agree that privacy is invaded by humans but this doesn’t change the fact that this is done using technology itself. 🙂

          Thank you for taking time to discuss upon this topic.
          Happy Holidays!
          – Rohan Chaubey.

  29. Wow Rohan! Way to go 🙂 A well- thought out and well researched post combined with impeccable writing! Well I hate to admit it but I’m also kind of addicted to the internet and a few days back when I was thinking of blog content, it hit me! 🙁

    I realized I was googling every topic which came to my head and had inadvertently stopped thinking of what I could write in the first place! Your post has made me even more determined to unplug and slug it out! Thank you for a wonderful Guest post and here’s wishing you all the success!!

    Peace Out,

    1. Hi Nik,

      Thank you for the appreciation. But I can assure you that it was a team effort by Harleena ma’am, Vinay sir and me. 🙂

      Haha I too feel the same but the reality is that we all are addicted to it. If we are not addicted to internet we might be addicted to some other modern technology but some addiction in this TECH age is very commonly seen.

      Yes, its hard to unplug but not impossible. 🙂

      It was so nice to hear from you. I’m grateful for your wishes.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to drop me a kind comment.
      Have a great day at work.
      – ROhan Chaubey.

  30. Hi Rohan,
    What a splendid post indeed! Buddy I am impressed and amazed by your writing. In many ways inspired also. 😀
    So this is a post that every man and woman can relate to. We have really become the slave of machines in an attempt to making them slaves.
    I am not that kind of guy that sleeps during reading twitter feeds but I am surely the kind of one that loses his sleep during checking his witter feeds.

    Obviously We are being watched and are constantly under surveillance. I remember a meme which had a child saying Obama “Dad says you are spying on us” to which obama replied “HE’s not your dad!” lol

    And though technology might be bad it has certain good sides too. I know you are aware of the benefits technology has on us! SO its how we use…we can choose to place a gun on technology’s shoulder or choose its gun on our head!

    1. Hello bud(Swadhin),

      Awh! I am glad that you liked this post and I feel so good to see you inspired by reading this.

      We have really become the slave of machines in an attempt to making them slaves. ~ Agreed!

      I too skip many things over being online and I am too an addict and trying to find my way out.

      Yes indeed we are watched! Whenever I travel using local trains and buses in Mumbai I get too nervous when I see cameras at some places. And it is hard for me to imagine going to a country where every corner is watched and monitored. I don’t know whether they work or not but still I get nervous seeing them.

      Haha I loved the words written on that meme. 😆 Very apt if current situation is referred to.

      Thank you for reading. And your comment lightened up my mood. 😀

  31. Hi Rohan,

    This is a really detailed post. I think as long as humans continue to think rationally and use technology only as an enabler, we will be fine.

    But the risk of getting carried away is very much there. And you have outlined some mitigation strategies really well.

    Thanks for the deep insight into a topic that needs to be addressed Now.

    1. Hey Pragati ma’am,

      Agreed to your advice that we need to think rationally while using technology otherwise we will lose our two main characteristics of being a human being that is – being rational and social.

      Thank you so much for expressing your views. Have a great evening.

      Glad to connect with you.
      ~ Rohan Chaubey.

  32. Hi Rohan,

    I’m so glad to welcome you as a guest blogger on Aha!NOW. You have been a real GEM of the ABC and now you’re the star of the day at Aha!NOW. 🙂

    Your post is so relevant to today’s world and I’m sure it will remain meaningful for a long time to come.

    You’ve dealt with the subject in detail leaving no stones un-turned. 🙂 Technology is good and so essential to our life, and living in the modern world. But you are so right that we need to be aware of its negative impact on our life and avoid them.

    I liked your acronym for TECH.. it has really become a common person’s toy. While that is good, its the same case as that of a knife, which is useful until it is misused.

    In case of misuse of technology, you don’t hurt the other person but only yourself. We do hear about FOMO.. the selfie craze.. and what not. So many people get addicted to the toys of technology and its sad that they make their life dependent on technology.

    I know these are your personal views and people may have contradictory views to yours, but I understand your concern, and that is a genuine one. We need to live a balanced life – use technology in moderation and not get too dependent on it.

    As you say, we need to be smart, and rule the technology and not get ruled by it. Thanks for this awesome post and now I’m sure you’re ready to face the volley of comments, especially as we also started a brand new niche of “Technology”, with your post today. So, take the center stage while I’ll be coming only to welcome the newcomers.

    Today’s your day, Rohan. Have a blast and best of luck! 🙂

    1. Hi Harleena ma’am,

      Thank you so much ma’am for giving me this wonderful opportunity to guest post on Aha!Now. And also thanks for being so patient, supportive and encouraging.

      Thanks you Vinay(@vinzen) sir for bearing with me. 🙂 [I know he won’t comment that is why I am mentioning him in this reply]

      Yes ma’am, I agree to your comment that technology has become a common person’s toy. In India government tried to giveaway gadgets like laptops to students; even before they fix the poor condition of the public toilets.

      We can’t even say that humans are dependent on technology. We are more than dependent on it.

      I am excited to read what others have to say. 🙂

      Yes, I saw that new “Technology” section which is highlighted in blue.

      Again, thanks a lot for everything. 🙂

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