SYPS: 8 Types of Blogging Problems That Bloggers Face
Table of Contents
This is yet another “share your problems and solutions” (SYPS) post. This time, it’s the blogging problems that we’ll share, discuss, and seek solutions to.
If you’re a blogger, then you’re likely to face blogging problems. In fact, every aspect of life too has problems, isn’t it?
However, every problem has a solution, and finding it depends on your attitude, qualities, and skills, and of course, awareness.
If you’re determined and hopeful, you’re more likely to find the solution to your problems.
Similarly, when you face problems blogging – you need to first accept the problem, understand it, have patience, make efforts, and take help from other bloggers.
Remember, this too shall pass. No problem can hold its ground if you’re determined to root it out by using the right ways.
The Aha!NOW blog community is there to help out. You need to resolve your blogging issues to make your blog successful.
I suggest that you share your blogging problems with all other bloggers and that will have a multi-purpose end result:
1) Probably you’ll get to know that you’re not alone and others too face the same problem. This will give you hope that your problem will get solved.
2) Others who have faced similar blogging problems will tell you what they did to resolve them. Probably doing the same, you too can solve the problems you face.
3) All other bloggers will become aware of such problems, and they can be on guard and adopt preventive measures so as not to suffer from the same problems. This way you’ll be helping other bloggers.
4) It may so happen that what you considered a problem was actually a mistake that you were making. Other bloggers might point that out to you, and you can bring happiness back to your blogging.
I have also come across blogging problems, which I think can be categorized into different heads.
Types of Blogging Problems
Categorization and classification help us understand things better. It will also help you define your problem and seek solutions.
I find that there are 8 types of blogging problems that any blogger can face. However, there might be many more, so feel free to mention them in the comments when you share your problems.
Most bloggers face conceptual, design, ethical, financial, legal, marketing, search traffic, and technical related problems.
Conceptual Blogging Problems
Blogging starts with a concept or an idea. The very first problem that a blogger faces is deciding the blog niche.
I must confess, I had this problem, which continued for a long time in my blogging journey.
It was only recently when my lovely blog readers affirmed through the blog readership survey, that they liked my blog as it is and wanted me to keep it multi-niche!
Sometimes the trouble isn’t only about deciding the niche of your blog, because you many a times also struggle with post ideas. Don’t you?
You just can’t make out what to write next, and if that happens, you just write anything and your content quality suffers.
My friend Theodore wrote a post on this issue. I believe a blog plan helps you resolve this issue.
This year, when I wrote my post on life plan, I also made my blog plan. It gave me a direction, guidance, and helped me mark out my post dates as well as post topics schedule in advance.
Planning is crucial for your blog’s success, and if you don’t do that, then your blog could be in a pool of problems.
If you’ve any blog problems related to planning, then share it – and the ever helping readers of Aha!NOW might give you the solutions that you need. 🙂
Design Blogging Problems
Even if your content is good, it helps if your blog looks good too, isn’t it? Though many do not see an unattractive blog as a blogging problem, but it affects your blog in many ways.
It’s not only the readers but also Google that wants your blog to be user-friendly in terms of layout, colors, navigation, images, and fonts, which are all aspects of design.
You may not know how to design your blog properly. However, you can seek help from experts like my friend Angela, who is a website designer.
I think it’s good if you let your blog be easy on the eyes of the readers. It should not be congested, rather have nicely spaced out content and a feel good factor. 🙂
I think some of the things you should do to provide the readers a better experience on your blog are:
● Not confuse the reader with a flood of categories!
● Not fill up your blog with Ads, especially in the above the fold area. Google might penalize you, as it recently rolled a specific update just for that.
● Have more content in the above the fold area and have more text than the html code.
● Not have fonts that are too small or too large – keep them the usual ones you read online.
There could be several other factors and tips that need your attention, if you’re facing design problems on your blog.
A poor blog design can affect your search rankings, duration of the visitor’s stay on the blog, bounce rate, and even conversions.
Do you have any blogging problem related to the design of your blog? If yes, then share them in the comments and seek honest feedback!
Ethical Blogging Problems
What is right and what is wrong? This is a question that bloggers should ask themselves.
You create your image by the things you do, and the image you create among fellow bloggers is something you need to care about.
Some unethical ways I know of are –
● Copying the content or plagiarism.
● Adding the affiliate or third party links where they are not supposed to.
● Writing biased and manipulated sponsored posts and reviews.
● Spamming the post or comments with irrelevant link.
● Commenting just for backlinks by leaving 1 liner comments.
There can be many other examples. These are some blogging problems that the blogger needs to be aware of it, realize its harmful effect on the blog, and stop such practices.
Remember, you can’t fool people all the time. Especially when it comes to Google –if you wish to rise in ranks and revenue, just be original.
Always play by the rules. I expect my guest bloggers to follow my guest blogging rules to the “T”, and I too would do that anywhere I guest post.
Do you have any doubt whether what you want to do is ethical or not?
I read a post that gives a 10-point guide to ethical blogging. What are your thoughts on blogging ethics? To what extent would you go to promote your blog?
Shoot out your questions and let the bloggers give you their opinions.
Financial Blogging Problems
You want to start blogging or are already blogging and you feel the finances are low – now, that’s a major problem. I’m sure most of you can relate to that.
But hey! If you can’t raise the capital, you can choose the cheaper or free ways to blog until you make some money.
If you really want to have a good blog for your readers, then it does cost money. There’s no end to what all you can invest on, unless you decide to go the frugal and minimalistic way like Leo Babauta!
You can have the best web host, best plugins, premium themes, paid services, and most effective email marketing software etc.
But if funds are an issue presently – you need to adjust and make do with what you’ve and your present financial resources and conditions.
Similarly, as mentioned earlier, don’t try to fill your blog with ads just because you think you’ll make a lot of money this way.
Such a plan may backfire. Even the experts say that having fewer ads will get you more clicks, and it’s definitely not more the merrier case.
Did your blog get rejected by Adsense? Well, you still have a chance and all is not lost.
Making money blogging online is an art and a skill that you need to learn and it’s not a problem doing so. My friend Enstine wrote a guest post for me, and he can guide you too.
Tell us your financial blogging problems, maybe we can help out with some fresh ideas!
Legal Blogging Problems
Blogging is fun, but this can even put you in trouble if you’re not careful and not aware of the legal problems of blogging.
Practicing wrong techniques and implementing illegal ways to manipulate search engines will land you in trouble. Here are some examples:
● Some bloggers do not credit the images they use on their blog.
● Some even go to the extent to use entire posts that they copy from the blogs.
I see it as an offence when I find that people don’t follow my copyright guidelines.
In such cases, I’ve a right to complain to Google or other search engines. Remember, you can be penalized by Google for this.
Similarly, companies can sue you for illegally using their products or property. Besides giving credit and having a copyright policy advertised on your blog, you should also have the following:
● Have a disclaimer on your blog when you give any advice or have guest posts. It’s more important if you‘ve a medical or health related blog.
● Some European countries require you to let visitors know if you use cookies and other tracking systems. You should’ve a privacy policy as well on your blog.
I have a couple of posts that give examples and tips for legal issues, here and here. Hope they help.
Be very careful of the legal aspects and implications of whatever you do on your blog. Failure to comply with legal conditions will turn your blogging pleasure into blogging problems.
Did you ever face any legal problems while blogging? Share your experiences and questions.
Marketing Blogging Problems
Conceptualizing a blog is not easy, making a good blog is bit difficult, creating great content is even a harder task, but when it comes to promoting your blog – it almost seems like an impossible task, isn’t it? I can see you all nodding there 🙂
Perhaps reading my recent guest post on blog promotion on Jane Sheeba’s, the way I do it, might help you.
I know many bloggers, who feel that blog marketing is the biggest blogging problem that they face because it has become so diverse now.
Here are some of the blog marketing or promotion woes:
● The number of social platforms are increasing every year, but not the time that you’ve in your hand!
● Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ were enough to take your breath away. Oh, did I forget Pinterest and LinkedIn!
● But then you’ve the social bookmarking and sharing sites too like Stumble Upon, Digg, Reddit, Blog Engage, Biz Sugar, Klinkk, Do Splash, Kingged, and so on.
● Twitter has its own entourage in the form of Triberr, JustRetweet, Tweet Low, and others.
I must say that with regards to social marketing of your blog, it’s more the merrier. But what all can you possibly do in the little time you have in a day!!
There’s more – blog commenting, which for me takes most of my time. How about you? You need to reply to the comment on your own blog, and visit other blogs to comment as well.
Did you say you don’t get comment on your blog?
My friend Babanature wrote a post recently on this issue and what you can do about it. Even I wrote a guest post on blog commenting some time back that may help you.
Too much to do is also a problem, because it becomes difficult to manage. Do you’ve such blogging problems regarding promotion of your blog?
Are you confused about which marketing strategy to follow or how to go about it? Well, just ask – and we’d help you out. 🙂
Search Engine Blogging Problems
Getting organic search traffic is a BIG problem for most of the bloggers. How do you get high search engine ranking positions if you can’t use keywords?
Is SEO dead? Do we need keywords just as we did earlier? What’s the latest on SEO and search engine rankings?
● Well, who said you can’t use keywords. It’s just that you need to pick the seed keywords and grow a tail to it, like you sprout a gram or seed.
● Make efforts to collect other phrases that have similar meaning, and use them in the post that totally revolves around the seed keyword. You’ve to adopt the semantic approach now.
There’s more to optimizing your post for search engines, but you can just write great content and forget about the SEO.
I get about 35% organic traffic, and I don’t know much about SEO!
However, you can still ask your query and some expert may generously give you the tips, though different people have their own opinion in matters of SEO.
But organic traffic is strong and if you can’t tap it, you’ve a problem. Did you say you don’t get enough traffic on your blog?
Well, voice it out here and someone will help you out with useful suggestions.
Technical Blogging Problems
Technical problems that a blogger faces are wide and galore. You can have problems with:
● plugins
● codes, CSS, HTML
● web hosts
And all that technical stuff on your blog. I honestly DREAD those!
Sometimes the technical blogging problems are grave and beyond your control that some of my blogging friends recently faced. When your webhosts start giving you problems, you got nowhere to run.
Though my webhost is good for me, I did have my share of problems when my CPU resources and processes increased beyond limits and my site just vanished from the screen.
You might even make silly typing mistakes while writing or copying php, html, or css codes and find that your blog now only shows a line of code error and nothing else!
One of my biggest blogging problems is how to reduce the load times of my blog. As Google considers this as one of the ranking aspects, every blogger needs to worry about the speed factor.
What technical problems do you face while blogging? When you’ve them, you’re just frustrated and mad. But then who do you ask or call?
Share it all here!
Share Your Blogging Problems on Aha!NOW
Do you have any of the above blogging issues? If yes, then feel free to share them here. The Aha!NOW blog community has many bloggers who can help you deal with your problems.
What you need to do is share your comment in the provided format:
Title of the problem:
Description of the problem:
Also, make sure:
● When you want to reply to the problem, kindly do so by click on “Reply” directly to the problem comment put across so that your comment remains in the same thread and the original commenter gets the notifications too.
● You can even subscribe to all the comments to the post and be updated with all the questions that are asked by other bloggers. Being aware of problems is one way of safeguarding yourself, isn’t it?
I hope you’re able to identify your blogging issues. You can write them in detail so fellow bloggers can relate to their own blogging experiences and help you here.
I’ll list all the problems stated by the readers in my first comment and keep updating it so they are easier for you to find, read, and offer your help or opinion.
Let’s help out each other to make our blogging lives easier, happier, and simpler. 🙂
Over to you –
How long have you been blogging and what all problems did you face? Do you have any blogging problems that you’re facing? Share your blogging issues in the comments.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
Hi Harleena,
This post is legendary, I consider content creation as a problem most blogger face too. Its becoming seemingly difficult to create quality content on daily basis.
Most blog post are either spunned content or washed and rinsed ideas.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Mam,
My biggest problem is getting traffic to my blog, i am writing articles from last six months, i am promoting at all places but till now not crossed 5000 page views per month, sometimes i lose my self confidence by seeing Google analytics stats.
Marketing the blog is more important than anything, that’s why i read more articles on content marketing and web traffic.
Thank you for sharing this article.
Design problem is what I see very often in blogs.
I first came to realize it for typography. I’m sure this is a very important element which couldn’t be handled without experience. Without the touch of a professional web designers, I think it is really hard to find out exact matched fonts for a theme.
Typography is not just fonts and colors. Every single font and color has different aspects. For example, here are a few color theories:
Red is the color of energy, power, leadership.
Blue is the color of security, stability, loyality.
Pink is the color of romantic, love, feminine.
Hey Harleena Mam,
Firstly I’d like to tell that, in past I thought these problems are only associated to me but now i got to know that many people are having such problems.
Well, you have mentioned about design related problems, that’s really right. When I started blogging I used to change my design week after week which annoys my readers who are not loyal(Because I used to copy content like you have mentioned in other point). From past 6 months, I am not changing my blog themes and getting good results.
I had also faced ethical blogging problems. You won’t believe it what now i am going to say. Just 1 year ago from now, I used to paste links in the comment section(Only links). Then a great person contacted me(the blog owner, on which i used to do so) and he told, if you will do these stuff then you will not get success then i changed my strategies. 🙂
I haven’t faced Financial blogging problems. I use to adjust in what I have, i never take money from my Father/Mother regarding doing blogging(Except the computer and the starting internet bills) 🙂 Previously I used to blog on free blogspot blogs, after earning some money I had taken a .COM domain and after 2 months i had taken my own web hosting for WordPress. The feeling of purchasing something on our own money is really awesome. Isn’t it?
I faced less search traffic and blog marketing problems but slowly, slowly they are diminishing. I am trying day and night to over come my problems and to become a Pro Blogger. That’s all I can say.
Thanks for writing such a wonderful post. Waiting for your reply mam!
~Nitin Singh
I’m a newbie in blogging…….
Last one week….I’m struggling alone in the blogging river…..
Now after reading your article….that became a boat in the blogging river.
Thank you
It’s indeed a great honor to follow you with your aspirational blogging journey, Harleena Singh. Yet, the most common bloggers block is lack of patience which probably very few can win over. Yet, timing, contribution and readership maintenance should be done without fail. Thanks for such great article and at last I would really thank you for such great contribution, and I am really surprised that how you smartly covered such as long article without any fail.
Great indeed, have a great weekend 🙂
– Bishal Biswas
Oh boy I’ve had my share of blogging issues! I’ve been blogging for two years now, though I think my first 6 months shouldn’t count as I was truly clueless! I’ve had writer’s block – kind of in one now. I’m still recovering from an overly challenging blog crash that took weeks to fix and restore. And I’ve had hosting issues. Other than my writer’s block, I’m sure hoping I’ve got the other issues mended. I think I just need a vacation somewhere warm to thaw my brain out from all our cold and snow.
Hi Harleena,
I have to agree with everyone commented! This is an excellent topic and your post is very comprehensive as always 🙂 You know, everyone need a one-on-one sessions on critical problems.
When it comes to this kind of topic, it definitely gonna be time consuming. Isn’t it? Well, that’s how it goes with my Support section and have to spend more time than blogging itself. But it gives me a lot of pleasure as I can help someone. You are too kind to help everyone as you can and I know you are enjoying it too 🙂 May be if you can host a Google+ Hangout or so, I think you can save more time too.
As this on your blog and you are definitely gonna reply, the one and only question I wanna ask from you is how you land on recent blog posts so quickly? 😉 Quite a mystery my dear friend. Ha ha… You know the answer. BTW I feel like it’s your own Super Power 🙂 Kinda feel guilty not being able to. I’m too late to stop by on this one too. Sorry!!!
Actually, I feel good about myself when I look into problems that other bloggers have been having. I guess, as I’m a casual blogger, the risk is low and don’t have to push myself to publish often either. Even less maintenance as I’m on a free blogging platform. You know how it is for self-hosted blogs. Don’t you? 🙂 It’s totally a different scenario for those who thinking about making money, and blogging for business. Lot of work and problems to involve.
So far, most of the problems I’ve stumbled upon comes under ethical and legal categories Harleena. Spamming, copyright infringement and so on. Hence I maintain some strict but fair (as I believe) rules to keep things smooth and secure my blog, and keep in mind not to impose any legal implications when I generate content. Less dependencies are much better as I feel 🙂
Apart from ethical and legal, next thing is Marketing 🙂 I can manage when it comes to technical sort of aspects but spending time on promoting content is what I’m lack of. At some points I don’t feel like using some marketing tools ’cause I don’t feel ’em ethical at all. You know, one-to-one commenting, you share / I share sort of stuff. I get they do help spread the word, but I don’t feel like involving in such acts. May be I need to hire someone to take care of that aspect? On that, I enjoyed the recent guest post here, Harleena 🙂
However, there are some problems out of the blogging too. For example, still PayPal doesn’t support receiving money in my country, so I have handful of options when it comes to advertising. It’s not PayPal but the laws interfering here 🙂
You have a wonderful week there dear 🙂
Financial problems – well, I have faced this one in the past. It’s one among the reasons why I had to shutdown my second blog prematurely.
But, I have learned my lesson (I think). I want to sustain blogging through blogging – so, everything, from web hosting to plugins must be covered by blogging.
Hopefully, I will be able to maintain that for my new blog. I haven’t implemented any monetization strategies yet (things haven’t been going as I planned). Studies are a bit more tougher..and managing time is hard, mainly because of motivation. It’s easier to just watch funny videos online, after a long day at school and doing HW, than blogging. But, I have managed to keep up with commenting (so far).
I have made a change though…hopefully that change will give me enough time to manage everything more effectively.
Legal problems…I haven’t had any so far (And, I don’t want to have any in the future; one among the reason why I am participating in my one photo a day experiment).
On the marketing side of things, well, like I mentioned, I haven’t received the results I expected. I can’t blame anyone though, except for myself, since I didn’t invest enough effort; I didn’t manage my time more effectively.
On the technical aspects of things, I have found out that my webhost is really the best at what they do. Sure, they are good with customer service and all, but I have downtimes every day (1 or two minutes. It doesn’t matter much, but what if one day this extends to an hour or two? I have already faced similar experiences). It was my mistake for not researching properly (I had assumed the webhost maintained their reputation and service from last few years).
So, I have to move to another web host, soon.
Lots of work to do. They are not really problems…I like to think of them as challenges; they make life interesting (and frustrating in some cases).
Anyways, thank you for giving me an oppurtunity to share, Harleena! Appreciate it!
While i was reading through the lines, i could not help but laugh seriously. I was like “I really have passed through this problems and i hope i get what i want”. It is still very difficult to stay away from this bloggin problems. Thanks Aha
Great post Harleena.
This is my first comment to your blog. I started my freelancing career in 2011. Recently I have successfully launched my blog this year. As a newbie, I am facing a lot of marketing problem. Main thing is that there are less subscribers in my blog. Let me know how will I increase my subscribers?
Great article, I thought these problems were only with me, I am looking forward for some tips to get organic traffic on my blog. Thanks for sharing this article.
Hello Harleena,
This post is really great. I’ve been blogging the past 1 year and up to now I’m still facing the problem either. I left Blogger and now I’m thinking of moving to WordPress. Blogging is my hobby, but I also want to make money out of it. As I am not making money from my blog, I am working on android games blog, so tell me can i share APK file of games link.
You are a Genius! As bloggers we all run into problems. Creating this group is a fantastic idea. Ever since I came into the blogging world, I always found someone to lend a helping hand.
My journey didn’t start out easy, as many would say. But four years later, I Still need help on my blog.
Recently, my server was merged with another company. I couldn’t get anyone to help with some problems I was having. Plus, I have a membership site set up that could not go down for any reason. It was too important, more than my blog, because that’s where people come in for trainings.
I was beside myself! The man who built my membership site and all his techies couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t connecting to JVZoo. JVZoo couldn’t figure it out either. You could just imagine the anxiety levels!
But, as you say, there is always a solution to the problem. After weeks of this, I reached out to Kumar. Thank God … He fixed the problem in one day and now I am using his server. It is so worth it for me because Kumar delivers.
When it comes to customer service and your blog is in trouble, I strongly believe that servers these days do have many glitches lately. Not Kumar’s.
So, this place that you developed will surely be of great help, especially with the many talented and trusted people in your circle.
Many thanks,
Very nice blogging post Harleena 🙂
I’ve bookmarked this post two days to read it relax mind. Well explained and all possible blogging problems are consolidated here.
I do have Ethical and technical problems as am unaware of such stuffs. But am finding time to learn those properly and wanna be a professional blogger. Out of all, finding time for blogging is my top problem as I need to take care of my family and getting limited time to do blogging. I feel hard sometimes that am missing great things in blogging. Anyway, I was advised by Atish a lot and he taught me to take time out for blogging.
So, it would be really good if someone shows some valuable resources to overcome my technical blogging problems.
Thanks for this awesome post Harleena 😛
Hi Harleena, I know I wrote a comment earlier, but I was wondering if you could advise me. I am toying with the idea of moving my blog from Blogger to Before starting my blog I toyed with the idea of self hosting, but I lack confidence in my ability to do it as I am totally computer illiterate.
I am think maybe I made a mistake by starting on Blogger and should have taken the bull by the horns and self hosted. Could you advise me please, bearing in mind that I am clueless on a computer!
Thank you.
Hello Ma’am
Thanks for another amazing article. I think Every Blogger is facing 1 or more than 1 above mention problem because it is not so easy to follow all the rules of blogging as it can change any time. But Still article is very helpful as you describe the solution also with each blogging error. I really like to follow your ethics for blogging. Thanks Once Again.
Hello Harleena,
This post is really awesome. I have been blogging from past 1 year and till now I am still facing one or the other problem. I started from Blogger and now I am thinking of switching to WordPress. Blogging is my hobby but I also want to make money out of it. Since I am not earning any money from my blog I want to use free images. Can you tell me from where I can get good quality free images.
Hi Harleena, I clicked on your post whilst drinking my morning coffee to find it so full of handy info and other interesting post links that I could well be reading all day! I am new to the world of blogging and have a lot to learn.
At the moment I am using a free blogging platform, I did check out self hosting – I think that’s what it’s called – but it scared the death out of me, I like to write, but am clueless about HTML code, have no idea what CSS is and end up having a melt down everytime I check out my template HTML – although I did manage to insert Pin Interest logos onto my images the other day, using a code – celebrations all round!!
For now I have decided to stick with the free platform until I have built up enough confidence to self host.
Is self hosting as difficult as I am imagining or is it just me stressing?
At the moment I am forever tweeking the layout and look of my blog too, but I am sure everyone does that.
Excellent post, thank you.
Hi Harleena,
I love this topic. Your post is filled with great information!
The issue I have is being creative. I’m not good with html codes to design a logo or header for my blog. So I’m limited with what I can do. I’m also not good at the technical side of blogging.
Thank goodness we have a supportive blogging community who not only shares tips but they also get their hands in the mess and help fix it. I don’t know what I’d do without ’em :).
I’m going to finish reading the comments. I can’t wait for this Friday’s topic!
I hope you’re off to a great week my dear friend!
Hi Harleena,
I think as bloggers we’ve all run into some of these issues along the way. Of course when I read this title my first thing was hosting issues since that’s what I’ve been dealing with lately.
Of course my issues started with no customer support response which meant I couldn’t get my issues resolved because they wouldn’t respond to me. Then the server was hacked and more server issues with the new server occurred. Nothing of course I could do about it so these types of issues are beyond our immediate control.
Now that this is finally resolved I can say at the moment I have no blogging problem. That doesn’t mean I won’t in the future though!
Great series and I’m sure a lot of people are going to get some benefit from this.
Enjoy your week.
I think that nothing is more devastating to a blogger than the lack of consistency and perseverance in accomplishing his goal of regular blog posting. Many get impatient because they want to become successful overnight.
Most of the time i face the problem of time management, As i am a blogger cum IT engineer, So maintaining balance between both the work is really very difficult. Apart from this, I also face SEO related problem because as we all know, that Google is changing its algorithms frequently, So we need to maintain our blog as per Google guidelines.
Hi Harleena, What a great topic!
It seems as if all bloggers are having problems. It isn’t as easy as it seems, is it? I know Adrienne has been having serious problems with her hosting company but I’m hoping she has those sorted out now.
My biggest problem is one that hasn’t yet happened but is on the horizon. I switched to Thesis as a paid theme about two years ago but last year the developers launched Thesis 2.0, a completely new theme, and stopped updating the 1.x versions.
Thesis works perfectly for me, I can do so much without knowing coding. But at some point, my Thesis theme will break with an update of WordPress and I will have to switch themes. I hope I can be alerted to that before it happens, but that day will come sooner or later.
Having over 600 posts now, my changing themes will be a Herculean task that I don’t relish. If I could find a theme that would be easy to switch to and would give me the functionality of my Thesis theme, I would be very happy.
Thanks for covering this very helpful topic, Harleena!
Hi Harleena,
Your SYPS is taking on big heights!!!
Keep it up, as i said in my initial comment
This will surely a great help to the blogging fraternity!! 🙂
Recently we have migrated my contents from to a WP based web pages, and i could very well relate many of the things mentioned here, and am sure i can find some solutions too!! 🙂
Great help of sharing the problems and Solutions!!!
Great Idea
Keep it up
Bet Regards
I found this very useful as someone who just started a blog will get great guidelines from this article 🙂
I think the main problem that most of the bloggers now a days face is an original content.Don’t know how others will react to this point of mine but now what we see most the times in the blogs are mostly a copy of another copy and the it goes on. designing the blog is a difficult think but still it can be tackled but new and interesting concept is a nut job to crack.
Hi Harleena,
What a coincidence. I just shared about one of the biggest problems most bloggers face and that is the problem is Hosting! I struggled with it for years and then I found a new business to solve that problem for others.
Just today I launched my new website for the managed WordPress hosting service I have talked about in the past. It’s a great feeling!
Now, that brings me to what Stephen Covey said once, and I paraphrase – “The problem is not a problem. The real problem is the way you look at the problem.”
I struggled with different hosting companies for a long time and then I realized that I needed to do something about it myself. I come from IT background so managing technology and understanding what it takes to get in control, wasn’t a problem. I put my focus on solving the problem not just for myself but eventually for others well and I was able to come up with a solution. When you get a chance, please let me know your feedback.
So, I would say that hosting is one of the most important problems for every bloggers and happy are those who have things in place for themselves. What do you say?
Thank you for sharing this and this really is a topic that almost everyone relates to. Have a great weekend and a happy new week!
Hey Harleena,
I really like the way you’re doing things now. It shows how much you care about your readers and the blogging community as a whole. Now we bloggers have you as support!
As far as problems, I had my share LOL… from technical, ethical, conceptual and design. I do have some basic knowledge when it comes to my blog and I was able to fix the majority of my problems. I would say the most problems I had were with the themes I used and of course the notorious malware… I did work arounds for my themes, but I need to stop being cheap and purchase more solid themes. With the notorious malware I couldn’t have fixed them without the help of DeeAnne Wallace Rice. She pointed me to Sucuri Security that took care of the malware problems I had.
You know as I was reading this post, I didn’t realize how many different categories there were for blogging problems. I feel that i paid a lot of dues with my experiences from the problems and being able to fix them. Thanks for recommendation of people here that can help us out and I definitely appreciate you for making us aware of these problems!
Take Care and have a great week!
It’s possible to turn problems into assets, as with any writing.
I write a personal blog based on my career in low budget indie films, and I try to keep my posts to my experiences and not generic movie posts or thoughts on indie film in general.
I used to feel compelled to keep the posts tight and neat, but I’ve come to incorporate and embrace a sometimes more schizophrenic style that touches on literature, music, Zen and other topics – as long as they relate to my personal account having to do with working in the business.
In the end, I think it makes me unique. I think of long-time radio host Vin Scelsa, who has an audience who knows his music show will have book reviews and personal rants. It’s not for everyone, but it is his audience, as I have mine.
Hello Harleena Mam
Really, there are a lots of problem which we face while blogging.
regarding SEO,Coding,Marketing,Traffic etc etc.
Either we can go for paid service or we can take help of our friends and most important Guru is Google Guru.
How Can we forget it. Just enter the Query and we find a lots of solution.
You did great job mam.
Thanks for this
Hello Harleena Maam,
Very useful guide. When I used to be a newbie my friend told me to comment on other blogs to get backlinks. Then I got mad day and night commenting “thanks for sharing ” and “nice post” on every post but after some time I realised that wasn’t the solution. One should deliver relevant values to other’s blog so that it gets back same in return. Commenting one liners will not work.Really, I must say blogging is not one day game. One should be patient and deliver hardwork to get active return in the long run. Thanks for providing us such useful services.
Have a Great Weekend 🙂
Hello Harleena !
Design of the blog is one of the major problems that bloggers have to face ..and i’m one of them . My blog was penalized a couple of times by google for using a badly coded paid and free wordpress theme . I did a mistake of not checking the code even though i’ve have good knowledge of HTML,PHP 😛 . I will suggest bloggers to carefully choose a theme design to survive from the algorithm updates by google .Have a great week ahead 🙂 !
Hi Pramod,
I did read that badly coded and free themes can hurt your rankings but never till now read a first hand account of the problem. So did Google lift the penalty after you changed your theme or rectified the code?
Thanks for this valuable information and your suggestion to be careful about choosing the WordPress theme. I really appreciate it. You too have a great week! 🙂
Not every problem has a solution, yes blogging problems have solutions, free or paid there’s a solution, remains to find it. Design expert hard to find at cheap cost, plagiarism is gone, now is spinning popular 😀 , if you really want to start blogging than go like a pro or don’t go at all, you’ll fail or you face problems at avery step and they might make you stop blogging, those are small problems and cannot stop you blogging, bigger blogging problems are those when you have domain with Trademark, most likely you’ll lose your domain, means your blog no longer exist, hosting problems can stop you too, and that’s when you deal with copyright images as you mentioned Harleena, I don’t have a blog however I read and analyze bloggers for almost 2 years. Kind regards!
Hi Daniel,
Well every problem has a way to deal with it, and that may be according to our liking or sometimes not as we’ve to compromise and settle with whatever it takes to get rid of the problem. Not everyone can afford to pay for all kinds of blogging problems, so sharing and discussing them helps to have an insight into them.
Article spinning has been there for a long time, but now Google is smart enough to detect the similarities and variations if the spinning is not done smartly enough. I agree with you that a blogger who wants to be successful should take the path of a problogger.
Blogging problems and big and small, but if you’re well aware of them, you’ll not succumb to them. I think these are rare cases when a blogger has a domain with conflicting trademark issues, but its sad if you’ve to loose your blog for that. Hosting problems are common and sometimes too serious that you’ve to quit and take up another hosting altogether.
Don’t you think its high time that you too should’ve a blog? You can then easily implement your learning and be successful. 🙂
Thanks for your visit and sharing your information about different types of blogging problems. Do have a great week ahead! 🙂
About me and blogging, I study blogging niche and bloggers for 2 years by now, I don’t have a blog for personal reasons(can’t tell them as they are personal LO0ol), but that doesn’t mean I will not launch my own blog about this “blogging business” and how people so-called bloggers earn passive income in future. Thanks for reply, really appreciate your time, I know it’s so much time consuming the commenting process on your end because you have lots of loyal readers that deserve a reply. See you next time my darling. Always a pleasure reading you!
Hi Harleena, I think the worst problems I’ve had are technical. I recently hired Mayura to do some backend work on my blog and it was wonderful to not have spent the time on researching and trying to figure it all out. I have asked others for help in the past but don’t like to overdo that call for help either 🙂 It is nice that we can shout out to each other for occasional help. Sometimes things are simple but we just miss that one thing. I once had a problem on my retail site with an image and paying a fee on that taught me a great lesson about using images.
I feel for Enstine and others that do not have access to Paypal, that’s an issue. Maybe Paypal will revisit that in the near future. Maybe a bunch of bloggers can start a petition?
I hope you have a great weekend Harleena!
Hi Lisa,
Of course, technical problems are a nightmare of all non-techie bloggers. While my hubby comes to my aid for small things, but he himself is not a techie so those times when we have big problems are really bad. You’re right that often the problems are simple, but we miss crucial steps in resolving them and then it seems complicated.
I’m glad Mayura was there for you to help. Yes, its good to be of help to each other when in need and problem. Bloggers need to be very careful regarding the use of images and the copyright issues and for that reason, I never use the images found through Google’s image search.
You’ve got a great idea about starting a petition in case of problems faced by Enstine and others. Since there are great numbers of bloggers in Nigeria, I’m sure there could be a resolution in the near future.
Thanks for your visits and sharing your thoughts and experiences. I appreciate it very much. You too have a great week! 🙂
I hope Enstine sees this comment and can start such a petition, that would be helpful for them. I don’t use those Google’s images too, copyright issues too scary! Have a great week too Harleena!
The design end of things hurt me for a long while Harleena. I refused to get a new theme. I cheaped out lol…but my cheapness buried my branding campaign.
When I upgraded I saw an instant surge of success.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ryan,
It’s good that you could identify your blogging problem and eventually sort it out. Yes, actions like changing your theme can make a world of difference. I remember when I switched to my current theme early last year, there was a surge of traffic and interest.
Thanks for sharing your views and experiences. Do have a great week ahead! 🙂
Ryan, some of us make this mistake of believing that freebies and paid products are the same. If they were, then those products creators would be stupid to make the premium products more expensive. There are always some limitations with free products which you never know until you use the premium products.
It is always good to make some financial investments into your business, including your blog (because a blog is a business too). If you get a professional to design a logo for your blog, and also a pro to design the blog itself, it would surely stand out from the crowd compared to when we try to cut cost and manage the amateurish ones.
It’s good you have learnt from experience and your brand now stands out. I used to like freebies in my early blogging life, but later on as my experience increased, I dumped most of the free things I got and started going for something better. The worst I could do is to look for somebody who has a premium theme or plugin to get from but not to settle for free versions.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Do have a great day
My issue with Blogging is : not being able to see success with SEO and earning online.
I have been blogging since last 2 and a half years, It have been ups and downs but no stable solution to manage seo and build a healthy readership for my blog. Could you please guide me and let me know what is the thing that i am doing wrong?
Hi Devinder and welcome to the blog! 🙂
These are two aspects and two different problems; not achieving success with SEO, and not earning much revenue online, though these two can also be linked together.
I guess you need to explain your SEO process and what all do you do to earn money online and build healthy relationships online so other bloggers can help you. Blogging has its ups and downs and Google too changes its policies frequently, but you need to implement sound practices that takes care of the fluctuations.
Thanks and looking forward to your problem in detail. Do have a great day ahead! 🙂
yes mam bloggers faced more and more problems, some of the bloggers faced financial problems, many people asked me how to get money from blogging, now I suggested your post for answering the questions, you touch evry corner of blogging problems. thank you mam
Hi MVenkat,
Thanks for suggesting my blog to other bloggers for information on how to get money. Though presently I do not have the money making category much developed but there will be more worthy content in the future.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Have a great day ahead! 🙂
Hi Harleena
Blogging has lots of its own problems. In fact, the very idea of blogging maybe looks simple but is full of problems. I recently had a blogging issue but do not wish to disclose but managed to sort it out with the hosting company.
Hi Shalu,
Yes, blogging has its own share of problems like any other work or job, and we need to be aware of them so we can deal with them in a better way.
I’m glad your bogging issue was resolved. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Do have a great time! 🙂
Every single point you’ve mentioned in the post resonates with me and surely would resonate with fellow bloggers too. One that stands apart is copyright issue; it’s like people (who infringe on others copyright) want people to respect/understand their copyrights but if you ask them to do the same. Then all of a sudden they have different rules.
In my blogging life, so far it’s ‘the headache.’ In Jan 2014, someone stole my blog post and then refused to make changes that would benefit both of us. Here’s what I was asking this person to do: keep few good lines and provide a link back to my blog. Or simply keep few lines that would help his book.
Worst he never discussed any of my suggestions and had the nerve to ask me ‘what would you do if I refuse to remove the post? Or someone else picks up one of your book reviews in the future?’ In addition to saying things like ‘I have been doing it with other people’s posts too, they are not objecting. My marketing team has told me to do so. And what not.’ One of my friends after reading the emails said; this person’s trying to scare me. I was shocked!
(I browsed the internet for fellow book reviewers’ blog/website and came across quite a variety. Some were happy to post anywhere author asked them to and some refused to post it anywhere else other than their own blog/website.)
I so wanted to continue the chat and ask him ‘would he have dared to steal my post, if I had given his book less than flattering review?’ I didn’t talk to him instead took the discussion Google Plus. Before that I had a problem saying he stole my post, but fellow bloggers made me see it for what it was. And, kindly provided enough information for me to take action. All of them insisted that I file a complaint with Google. But instead I contacted the author one last time and informed him that I’d lodge a complaint with Google. I still can’t believe it how swiftly that one line worked and he removed the post from two websites he’d posted it on.
I learned my lesson and quickly published a review policy. Not that review policy is helping; even after saying ‘I agree’ initially, some authors think they can twist my arm into doing more, like posting on Amazon/Goodreads. I have stated it clearly that I won’t be doing any such thing. These people just don’t have respect for my blog posts that much is for sure. Or maybe they have no respect for their own words.
I think, it’s no longer a comment but an article :-). I wish, it’d help someone.
Hi Priya,
Copyrights should be respected, and if you want others to credit you, you should also do the same with others. I’ve my copyright rules mentioned on my blog and expect people to abide by them. When you’re getting some content for free, you should oblige the source with a credit or in the way it wants. Copying and pasting the entire post also causes duplication issues unless rel=”canonical” is used in the copied post settings. Otherwise such a practice would only harm the one who copies the post.
If someone has the cheek to say all that, I think its best to file you complain directly to Google and you did the right thing by giving one more chance to dialog. I’m glad your issue was resolved. A review policy is a good thing to add for those bloggers who do have reviews on their blog, and thanks for this idea and reminder. You’re right that such people don’t have values and do not deserve respect.
Thanks for sharing your problem and how you dealt with it. It’s an inspiring comment and I don’t think anybody will object to its length because of the value it offers. I’m sure it would help may others to take the right action in similar cases. Thanks again and do have a great day ahead! 🙂
Priya, some bloggers are just mischievous and lazy. They want to reap where they did not sow. They do some unthinkable things and criminally threaten the rightful owner of the property they have stolen.
I have had such issues a copy of times. I posted an article on Mybloggertricks (MBT) sometimes ago. A couple of months later, I was just playing with some keywords and suddenly discovered my article’s title was linking to another site. On careful examination, the guy had copied everything word-for-word, and was ranking more than (MBT). I contacted him and asked him to rewrite the post to make it unique, and also link to the right source. He struggled with it and eventually pulled down the post when he couldn’t do the necessary changes.
Same thing happened again around June/July 2013. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai of (MBT) gave me an invitation to write on the “Top 10 popular bloggers from Nigeria – 2013” A few weeks later, I found the same post on another person’s blog. The guy was so daft that he copied everything verbatim, including the pictures. He tried to be smart by reshuffling the positions of the people and then added just one new person. What really gave him out was that one of the persons I did not add his picture was also without picture on his own post. I contacted him to do the right thing. Initially he argued that he did not copy my post. Then I presented my facts and he now said the posts were different. I then gave him 24 hours to take down the post or face Google’s wrath. He acted within the next 2 hours and called to apologize.
Sometimes bloggers take one or two quotes from another source. Then occasionally you see a situation where they get a few points and re-write them in their own way and add their point of view. But the ones I can comprehend is the situation where someone who calls himself a blogger goes about duplicating other people’s contents and thrive on them. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
If someone copies your post and then he’s polite about the whole thing, you could give time to make the necessary changes you want. But whereby he wants to be stubborn about it, the best thing to do is make an official report to Google and let him go and defend himself or continue the argument with Google.
Good to know, you don’t mind me writing such a long comment, Harleena. I certainly got carried away. When I started, I never thought that I’d end up in such a mess (again). In my head, my blog is for the readers and by a reader. Where’s the trouble! But I can be so silly at times. 🙂
I’m learning that it’s not just about informing readers and if I want to continue, certainly can’t ignore how authors would respond to my positive review of their work. I go around giving due credit to authors and their works; even link my review posts to their official websites without them having to ask.
Also, I’m not charging authors because then I’d have to write only stuff that’s good. That I can’t and won’t do! I’d rather stop blogging about books. For the money part, I think there are options like Adsense & affiliate programs, this way I can maintain my freedom. Mostly I review books that I purchase or get from library to avoid authors. I’m also learning that fortunately not every author is like the one I had to deal with.
Hi! Efoghor,
I still can’t believe it how rampant copyright infringement is. And I can understand exactly how you’d have felt after finding out about your posts being copied. It’s a terrible feeling!
What annoys me is the fact that these people can actually argue & debate, despite being the one engaging in something that’s not acceptable. The very fact that they take down posts after some arguing, says it all; that they know they’re infringing upon other people’s copyright. I’m sure they’d not hesitate to sue anyone, who’d upload their work without permission. But for some weird reason have no problem doing the exact same thing with other people’s content.
I think one time was enough and surely won’t be engaging in talks with anyone, if in future I found out about copying of my posts. He/she would have to deal with “Google’s wrath” straightaway, and not me. I’m too lenient. That one incident has left such a bad impression on me that for the time being, I’m not going to entertain any new book review requests.
I mean, here I was trying to understand his point of view as a fellow writer and all he wanted to do was hurt my creation because that’d benefit his work. What kind of twisted logic is this, to hurt the one helping you?
(If one day I decide to go around reviewing my new phone, does that mean, phone maker would steal my review because I’m raining praises on its product?)
When I was going through that incident, I wanted to check Google for rankings. But later was so glad that I didn’t. Almighty Google had ranked both websites in its top ten search results and my original post was nowhere to be seen. I was being beaten by me! Horror!
I was feeling so bad that I’d have deleted my blog if had dared to look at the rankings, I was ready to delete the review post. Fortunately, fellow bloggers stopped me from doing that. According to them if I’d delete the post, then won’t have proof to file a complaint. I realized my emotional silliness and didn’t delete the post instead decided to look for a solution that’d be helpful in future too.
I have no problem with authors taking quotes from my blog posts to promote their books. If it’ll help them, great go ahead and quote but do mention the blog and don’t change wording. But don’t pick the entire review post. No paperback/hardcover or ebook comes with a 400-500 words review posts by reviewers/critics. Why it should be any different online? Few lines of recommendation are all that’s needed.
If they are possessive and protective about their work, then it’s time they understand that others are like them too. Not everyone is blogging to pass their time or to get free books.
Priya, it’s quite disheartening to know the extent to which people go in order to succeed. Unfortunately, some do this at the detriment of others. Everybody craves for fairness, but unfortunately again, the world is unfair. Trying to profit via another person’s hard work is very unfair and wicked.
It is painful when you see articles stolen from you ranking higher in SERPs and you the writer is treated as the thief. That is an irony!
The logic of the author in your case is quite illogical and holds no water. You don’t claim a right to somebody’s job because it is a review of your product. The best he could do is to pay for the copy right and own the review; but which you might as well not accept because of your policy of doing a thorough review without being influenced.
Writing is creativity and it must be encouraged. If it were so easy to write quality posts you wouldn’t see anybody stealing someone else’s job.
Yes, those who steal other people’s work or infringe on their copyright know what they are doing. Most times a thief wants to frighten the owner of the house to see if he could veil the truth. So those guys try to put up a bold face to see if you would bark down. But when you stand up to your right, they end up with explanations and apologies which are always too late.
However, reporting to a higher authority, in this case to Google, would always be the easiest way to settle the whole stuff and avoid further arguments. But I am of the opinion that the culprit be given ultimatum to do the necessary thing – rewrite the post or give credit to the original writer. But whereby he fails to meet the ultimatum or decide to engage in any form of argument, he should be reported straight to Google.
Efoghor, you’re right, issuing an ultimatum, is always a better option. I think, I have been playing the whole incident down but the fact is, it negatively influenced me. And I need to deal with the residual feelings.
Lol…getting an apology never crossed my mind, i was obsessed with not getting penalized by Google for content duplication. Also, apology never came and I’m glad I wasn’t expecting any. What’s the point afterwards anyways?
I don’t think i can say it better “You don’t claim a right to somebody’s job because it is a review of your product.”
Maybe they see it like this: if you’re not renowned reviewer/critic it’s okay to take. What would you do? Thankfully, we have internet these days to join hands with fellow bloggers. 🙂 The matter was resolved and I learned quite a few lessons.
Awesome post Harleena,
This is real life problem that we face if we are in blogging career. I personally faced financial problems in beginning too. It is on of the major problem of other bloggers too. In other hand technical know how is also one major problem but this problematic situation forces us to learn codes and programs. Thanks for this nice discussion.
Hi Atul,
I’m glad you like the post. Yes, there are so many problems that bloggers face while blogging, and financial problem too stops you from going full speed ahead and using the tools and services that you know could help boost your rankings and make the user experience better on your blog.
Regarding the technical problems, its not everyone’s cup of tea to learn codes and programs and it becomes a huge deterrent in making your blog successful.
Thanks for visiting and do have a great day ahead! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thanks for another opening so we can share problems and probably get (proposed) solutions.
One of the real problems most of us from areas not covered by Paypal is means of payment. Paypal is the most widely used Payment platform. That means if you can’t transact with Paypal, a huge part of your online business is being cut off. I’m saying this from experience.
There are of course some alternatives but most of the clients are not comfortable with these.
Since my personal Paypal account got limited last year (Paypal does not cover my country), I have witnessed a drop on my online earnings. I arranged for a friend’s account in the USA. Later last year, the account got issues with Paypal because access to it from an uncovered country (Cameroon) was tracked. This has let to a series of complications. I remember I lost some money in another Paypal account I was sharing with my friend, Theodore from Nigeria.
Right now, it still remains a nightmare for me and most of us bloggers in countries not covered. When I sold out EmFastIncome, it was a complete nightmare. The buyer was ready to pay by Paypal but I couldn’t receive the money. We finally settled on Moneygram which let to a loss of a huge part of the money.
I accepted to help a blogger friend receive his money and then transmit to him locally. The Paypal account I used in those days (That of a friend in the US) got issues as I mentioned above. That even let to more complications and they guy I tried to help does not believe me but instead tagged me a scammer.
So you see this is a serious problem for most of us in areas where Paypal is uncovered.
I know this may not be a problem we can quickly find a solution to but someone may have an idea what to do
2checkout does not accept anything Make Money Online so they are not an option here.
Anyone with a proposed solution?
Thanks for yet another opening to discuss real issues and seek solutions. Do have a wonderful weekend dear friend
Hi Muki, this you mentioned is a very “BIG” problem mostly for Africans, I have lost count on things I couldn’t get just because of this PayPal issue.
There is an online payment processor from Nigeria . They have a premium service that takes care of receiving and making payment to PayPal. I think for now, they are the better option.
Hi Harleena, thanks for such a nice work and giving us opportunity to learn and interact with each other.
This crazy thing called blogging has lots of challenges most of which you’ve just outlined in your post.
As the world around us changed, so also we will continue to experience new difficulties and great challenges.
Good to have people like you around to share your personal experience with us.
Thanks for writing, have a nice day.
Hey Shamsudeen,
Looks like onlinenaira can be a relief if well maintained. I just checked it and studying it. Let’s see how it goes
Nigerians are having it tough because of Paypal’s funny policies not to do business with us. This has led to some indigenous companies trying to create something ‘Nigerian’ that could help us out. If Paypal has decided not to look the way of a country with over 150 million people, they be know they are equally leaving a whole of money on the table.
Like Harleena rightly said, speaking with a collective voice might help us. I remember somebody tried to collect the signatures of internet marketers in Nigeria sometime ago to pursue this cause. I gave mine, but along the line, I lost track of the whole thing.
I have heard of Voguepay, cashenvoy, Netnaira, Etranzact, etc. I believe we shall get a very reliable solution soon.
Hi Shamsudeen,
I agree with you and Enstine that Paypal is a big issue at your end and there needs to be a quick solution, which can happen with the help of the government.
I hope your alternative arrangement works but I guess its charges would add to the Paypal charges, isn’t it? You’re right – blogging is crazy, challenging and sometimes controversial too. We can’t expect problems to disappear and stop them from happening, but I hope our discussions and sharing of information can help each other to face the problems and deal with them in a better way.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts and information. You may even want to read my reply to Enstine on this post. Do have a great day ahead! 🙂
Hi Enstine,
I agree that you’ve a genuine and serious problem as a blogger. If you don’t have a proper mode of payment, then your plans to make money blogging online suffers. Paypal is the international online payment system acknowledged and accepted by one and all, and I feel bad for you that you can’t use that in your country.
Yes, you do have alternatives like Skrill (earlier Moneybookers), Payoneer, Western Union, Payza, and Wire transfer that are internationally accepted, but then it really comes to your clients preferences and probably all of these aren’t really direct online in nature.
I do not know the reason why Paypal doesn’t prefer to operate in your country, but may be if all bloggers of your country get together and make a statement, it’ll be heard. I guess Nigeria suffers from the ‘Scammer’ image that it acquired due to mischievous and illegal activities of a small lot of people, isn’t it? But why should the larger lot suffer due to them.
Long back I once tried to convince my client for electronic transfer directly to my bank through my bank’s website, but since that required filling out the personal details during registration including the social security number, the client backed off. So, Paypal remains the only reliable and easy mode of International online payment, and this raises the need of another online payment system as an alternative and competitor to Paypal, isn’t it?
I had no idea about Moneygram but it’s bad that you lost money due to the transaction and its charges. This is indeed a serious problem and probably the government at your place could come up with some solutions if it is made aware and approached. A few years back, Paypal was blocked by the government in India because it suspected of it being used for money laundering activities. Since then, it is required to immediately and directly transfer the Paypal money to your local bank, which is tracked and audited. Probably similar solutions can work at your end too.
I do hope this platform offers good discussion and probable solutions to this problem. Thanks for visiting and sharing your problem. I hope the suggestion by Shamsudeen helps you.
P.S. I’d be glad if you can do me a favor and help Maxwell to resolve his problem as stated in one of the comments earlier comments in this post. Thank you. 🙂
I think one of the biggest problems a lot of people face with their blog is that try to be everything for every body. It’s important to really hone down your market, and decide who it is you’re speaking to. If you try to speak to everyone, you end up speaking to no one!
Hi Kelly and welcome to my blog! 🙂
I agree with you that it’s not possible for everyone to be everything for everybody. And you’re right in that it helps to concentrate or focus on one aspect that you’re good at. Your comment relates to me as I write on so many different topics catering to all types of audience. But the only problem I’ve is that I only get to write on one topic at least once in 2 months, except blogging, unless I plan to increase my posting schedule.
As I mentioned in my post, my readership likes my blog as it is, that is being multi-niche. I guess it also depends on the blogger’s motive or final objective – if you have to make money, then I too feel you should have a targeted niche for your blog. In that way, you focus on one single aspect of a select type of readership.
You made some great points and I really appreciate that. Thanks for visiting and hope to see you around. Do have a great day ahead! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Blogging sounds so easy and yet it is hard too at the same time. You can start a blog in less than 5 minutes! it’s AFTER you created the blog that comes the challenge. If you’re using wordpress platform in your own domain, this is even harder because you can encounter “brute force attacks”. You can blog in a 3rd party but Free blogging means THEY own your comments & posts. So forget that.
Your DESIGN plays an important role in blogging. It has to be simple. Easy to navigate. Not too many crazy advertising, banners running on top of each other. I tell ya I’ve seen blogs like these, banners after banners…I RAN AWAY FAST!!!!! No content and tons of banners. UGH. Horrible. Normally, on a WordPress blog, they show about 10-posts introduction which will lead you to read if you click “more”.
In my front page, I wanted to make it look more like a portfolio coz if I’m targeting clients like AT&T (for instance), I better have that great looking designs that’s easy to navigate or they’ll just pass me by.
Btw, thank you for the mention of my name. You are awesome!!! I’m *surprise* but it’s the kind of surprise I always like to see. I appreciate this very much. 😀
On the Google Analytics, I get about 36.2% unique visitors. Recently, I have purchased SEOPressor; I’ve learned this from Tim Bonner who created his first “niche website” and he used SEOPressor & Market Samurai together to get that “longtail keywords” and INCREASE his organic search. He only done it in 3-months, and after that his site is making $1000/month passive income. And so I want to experiment on this one too.
On my next post this Wednesday, I will talk about SEOPressor and show a video from Ileane Smith, which is also another SEOPressor user. She said, she gets 80% unique visitor and organic search, and she couldn’t have done it without the SEOPressor. Now I see what she is saying coz it’s so EASY to write using the SEOPressor tool. It’s very different from Yoast. SEOPressor is a LOT easier.
You know the hardest one for me to accommodate is the Affiliate Marketing. It could be that my niche is a little broad coz I’m talking both Design & Marketing. Marketing, per se, is a BROAD subject. There are all kinds of marketing: affiliate marketing, internet marketing, interactive marketing, inbound marketing, etc.
So, that’s probably the reason why I bought SEOPressor & Market Samurai to concentrate on this “affiliate products”. Choose that one product that really sells like hotcakes. Write a Killer content. Remove the dates, coz I don’t want people obsessing the dates and leave it on the Internet for awhile and see if “organic search” picks up. That’s where the “niche website” is coming in. I don’t want to have subscription on this or rely on comments. But like I said, pure organic search. Target the “longtail keywords” Find that keywords = high search, low competition. I believe that’s the ONLY way to do this affiliate marketing. Tim Bonner did it. Steve Scott did it. So now, I’m doing it.
Anyway, Harleena, this post is excellent. You, inviting others to lay their problems here and seek for solution is a GREAT idea. Thank you for sharing this with me. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Angela,
Absolutely right – starting a blog is a child’s game, but maintaining and developing it is what is challenging.
You can take strong preventive measures against brute force attacks and regarding free blogging platforms, I too started from Blogger blogspot blog and I shifted all my posts and comments from there to WordPress. But still, I agree with you that if you’re serious about blogging then you should avoid the ‘free’ theme and platform, if you can.
Thanks for sharing your expert website design tips with us all. Blog design and layout is all the more important now since Google started taking serious steps to consider it as a ranking factor. Easy navigation is so important if you want the visitor to stick on and move around your blog.
That’s what friends are for, Angela! I wanted to refer my readers to an authentic design place and expert, and you were the first one I thought of. 🙂
Yes, we did talk about LongtalkPro, SEOPressor and Market Samurai, and it’s great that Tim has benefited from their use in such a way. With all the changes and updates from Google, and the change in the way sites are optimized for search engines from the use of core keywords to a more semantic approach, I wonder how much these software will help us, unless they also update and upgrade themselves with Google’s new ways.
As for me, I too get about 80% unique visitors and 33% organic traffic, but I do not use any specific program or software. I personally never use Yoast’s guidelines to write the posts. I’m really confused if and what I should go for. It’s good that you too will be using it and I’d love to see how it improves your traffic and revenue.
You’re right that marketing is a broad niche and I didn’t know there were so many kinds of marketing as you mentioned here. It’d be great if these software can help you achieve your objective.
Of course, there’s no substitute for killer content. I too have removed the dates, but I read somewhere that if you wish to submit your blog for any award, they require the blogs to have dated entries. But I agree that the mention of dates can also negatively affect the mind of the reader, who might consider it as an old or irrelevant content and skip reading it.
Niche websites are a good idea and I’d like to see how they fare for you. I too thought of them but never got to really get ahead beyond the thinking stage. All I know is that if there are no social media and commenting commitments there, it makes life much easier and the task simpler.
The longtail keywords are very important, especially more so after the recent Google updates, and you’re right – that’s what going to help in affiliate marketing and niche websites. I wish you all the best in your experiment! 🙂
Thanks for your visit and sharing of your experiences, thoughts and ideas about more options and ways to create money online blogging. I really appreciate it all, and hope you’re having a great time! 🙂
WOW…that’s awesome, Harleena!!! If you get 80% unique visitors without using any software like SEOPressor, this is even better!!! 😀
Tell you honestly, I don’t know how to read my “organic search” on Google Analytics. Reginald Chan made a post about this, he said the way he increased his PR was, he edited all if his posts that’s receiving the MOST organic search. Then he did 3 hyperlinks which is “related” on each post that is within his site, and guess Google likes that.
With the SEOPressor, it teach me to do all that. I didn’t know that search engine look for H1, H2, H3, all related keywords. I didn’t know that if I hyperlink at least one previous “related” post to my current post, Google likes that. So many things that I wasn’t aware of. But then I’m always a student of life. Always learning new things.
With the Market Samurai, I’m still learning about this one. I’m pretty impress after seeing a video on YT. What it does, it acts like Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Since they took away the free GAKT, I dunno what “keywords” to look for before I write an article. MS replaced the GAKT, it tells me what competition I have out there, how many domains have used that same keywords, etc., etc. Pat Flynn, btw, said that Market Samurai is more advance than LongTailPro. So that’s always good to hear from an expert.
As far as being expert in Design is concerned, you’re fabulous! You made my heart grew twice. So nice for you to say that I was the first one in your mind. I’m honored that you trust me. Anyway, dear, will talk more later and have a Happy Sundae!!
Hi Angela,
I believe your traffic stats keep changing so while its good at present, you never know what direction it’ll turn to next.
You can view most of the important blog stats just as you log in and on the dashboard of your Google Analytics. If you goto Dashboards>Private>My Dashboard, you can see the Pie chart of your traffic types; organic, direct, referral, feed, and others.
Internal linking does help, and I read Neil Patel in one of his recent posts that you should be careful and smart about the use of anchor texts even when linking to internal posts. Of course, PR is mostly about the external links, but if relevant internal linking is missing, it hurts the PR.
I think any post about the basic SEO will guide you about everything you need to do. But I agree that software like SEOPressor might help you clearly mark out what all you need to do so you do not forget anything.
I’m sure Market Samurai is good too and anything that helps is great. I still use the free Google Adwords Keyword Tool, which is now called the keyword planner and I take my keywords from there. Did you mean something else by ‘free GAKT’? But yes, the other paid software certainly give you more in-depth and related information about the keywords and it is helpful. I don’t know much about them because I haven’t ever used them.
I know for sure that you’re a good person and I could rely on you for any services. And, I think that matters most when you’re dealing online. So, I’ve no hesitation referring you to others. 🙂
Thanks for your reply and you too have a great week ahead! 🙂
Hi Harleena; Thanks for this excellent post. I’m sure it will be the beginning of many helpful conversations.
problem title: generating income
description: I continue to have difficulty generating reliable regular consistent income. I help people sell amusement equipment and related items on a commission basis. I don’t charge to place the listing, but i did recently start offering the addition of a banner ad for $50. I would love to have a sponsor for the site blog or youtube channel. at the urging of some friends I even added a donate button and did receive one contribution so far. One way to increase income might be to lower costs. I want to travel to visit my clients and places of interest in the amusement industry for my youtube show. There are a lot of these locally in the houston area, but i need a driver and someone to operate the camera. Its been suggested that instead of trying to hire someone I look into starting an intern position and contact the local university film school departments. What would you think of this idea? And for those struggling with social media, I recently posted on my experience with Pinterest as a blind person. Several sighted people have told me they learned a lot from my post. I expected people to talk about my being an inspiration, but i didn’t expect to be thought of as an expert on Pinterest. Thanks for the kind offer to help us with our problems. Take care, Max
Hi Maxwell,
I too hope bloggers will use this platform to help themselves and others too.
I don’t think I’m an expert and the right person to help you with your problems of generating income, because I too am not good at that. But I feel that you’ve a highly specific niche, so I guess your expertise and specialization helps you there.
I think its a good strategy to offer additional services to your clients. I wonder if you can directly contact the vendors, people or companies that would be interested in the type of traffic that targets your blog and YouTube channel. Having a donate button is good, and it may be used more time, you never know.
I’d suggest a beginner to start at a cost with not much profits, but to cover up all the expenses you make. But you’ve been in your trade for a long time by now, and you better know how far you can go with lowering your costs. If you’ve had many queries but they weren’t able to convert, then I guess you’ve two alternatives – to provide extra services, which you’re doing now, or to lower the costs for a certain duration. You may contact again those who showed interest earlier with your new cost offer.
Would advertising your services on places where you may find prospective clients help you? Yes, that would be extra investment, but then it’ll probably open more markets and bring more potential clients to you?
I think its a good idea to have an university intern help you out, but it also depends on how professional you want your videos to be?
I’d certainly read your experiences with Pinterest and it’s good to know that people have found it useful and fascinating. Wow, if people talk of you being an expert then it really must be great, and I can’t wait to read it myself now!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your problems. I’m sure some other community member will surely help you and give you more ideas. Do have a great weekend! 🙂
Hi Harleena; Expert may be too strong a word, but a lot of people have said my post helped them understand Pinterest better. One woman even said she was going to open a new account after reading my post. Well I know I can’t lower my fees any more, so adding additional services will have to be it. I think I may have to even rethink my idea about free appraisals. I like your idea about a targeted email to vendors showing them my improved traffic numbers and site rankings. And I may offer them an introductory price on banner ads. My current goal is $50 a month so maybe instead of a free month i may offer a short term offer of half price if they sign up by a certain date. And with my predictable income free or low cost is it for now so an intern might be just the ticket. I don’t know if their work will be good enough. maybe you could check out my youtube channel and tell me what you think of the ones i have recorded from my home. the channel is midway marketplace I fought the idea of a donate button and was surprised that my first user kicked in 20 dollars. I just have to remind myself that it is a process that i have a good plan and that with more hard work an open mind and a loving heart i will get there. Thanks for the suggestions. sometimes just discussing something with another person who is having the same problem or who can remember when they did is a big help. Take care, Max
Hi Maxwell, I’ve yet to read your post on Pinterest but I’m sure you’d have done a damn good job at understanding and describing such that the readers were so motivated!
You know your business best and if providing additional services and communicating with potential vendors helps, then just go ahead with them.
I’ve requested Enstine to help you with your problem and may be he can give you a better idea about how to approach the advertisers and accomplish your monthly targets. You did read his guest post on this blog, and probably you can take some ideas from there.
I’d certainly check out your YouTube channel and let you know of my views. You’re right in that if you believe you’ve a good plan that you’ve devised after a great deal of deliberation and reasoning, you should go ahead and add some hard work to it and wait for sometime for results. I’d even suggest to implement some design changes to your blog, which could probably help you to convince your clients too.
Yes, and that’s the motive of starting this platform because I believe discussing helps clearing up our mind and structure our thoughts that in turn help us deal better with the problems and reach to solutions.
Thanks Max, and have a great day ahead! 🙂
hi Harleena; i read Enstine’s post a while back and have had a couple of emails from him. my niche is larger than i thought but it isn’t as easy to get the vendors in it to invest in advertising. its only after several years that more of the equipment owners are starting to accept that there is value in using my site even if it means having to pay a commission on sales. I don’t need to generate a lot of money from other sources it just needs to be reliable income to allow me to keep working at the level I think my clients deserve during the time between commissions. If I could generate $500 to $1000 every month, i would be set. of course, i know how many bloggers make no money at all from their blogs so bringing in this amount is a serious challenge. i know the blog theme could be better but i have talked this over with ashley faulkes and I have decided to stay with what I have as it is easy for me to maintain pretty much by myself. It is a low maintenance theme. I prefer not to have stuff on the site that I can’t keep up myself if i don’t absolutely have to. its kind of like when you see someone get a make over on a morning talk show and wonder if they will be able to keep up that look once real life sets in. smile thanks for the suggestions. For now will just have to keep pushing the rock up that hill. take care, max
Max, its good that you’ve been in communication with Enstine. You’re right in that its not easy to bring in investors for your advertising program and they need to have a strong reason to choose you over the many other blogs and sites. Target audience and the kind of discussions that takes place there do matter a lot.
It’s a great sign of success that many equipment owners consider your platform as valuable. I’m sure you can build upon this image and reputation. You do need a combination of these four kinds of advertising – Google Adsense, sponsored ad banners, sponsored posts,and sponsored reviews. You need to reach out to and search for potential clients for three of these methods. Yes, it is a challenge, but then you’re the one who can tackle challenges like a child’s play, isn’t it?
When I talked of blog design, I did not mean changing your blog theme, but considering changing the layout. I read that Google recently had an update that checks on your site layout. The above-the-fold area should not only have less number of Ads, but also, there should be more relevant content information viewable in that part of your blog. As for your blog is concerned, you’ve a big picture and the menu bar in this important area and no content except the online statement about your blog.
Though it’s not a major issue, but my suggestion would be to just reduce the height of your main image, by cutting out the mention of ‘The Midway Marketplace’ as it is already written as the site title appearing on all posts. That would help bring up some of the text into the above-the fold area.
I also feel the ‘subscribe box’ and the donate button can come in the area just after the post ends and before the comment starts, so they are viewed more and are actionable. This is a minor tweak and I’m sure your designer can help you with it. The rest of the blog including the theme is absolutely fine.
I hope my suggestions make sense and are of help. You too take care, Max! 🙂
Yet another interesting post Harleena,
These are all the problems we often encounter as bloggers and some of them are never easy to surmount which is why its good to avoid them especially the legal problems.
Coming up with a niche idea is also a pain in the ass but, its also surmountable if you calm down and think outside the box.
Also, some people too find it difficult to raise the capital to start a blog but just as you said, its good to always start with what you can afford at the moment and then, take things up later.
Thanks for sharing Harleena and happy weekend:).
Hi Theodore,
I’m glad you find the post interesting. 🙂
You’re absolutely right – it’s wise to avoid the problems and that happens when you make efforts to be aware. Of course, we don’t realize but legal problems are bad, and we should have our blogs complete and safe in all legal terms.
Yes, its not easy to decide on a niche. There are many factors that you need to take into account – personal interests, social cause, commercial interests.. and then which particular commercial niche to go for because there are many of them. I think the blogging niche already has a tough competition. You definitely need to think out-of-the-box.
I don’t know if people ever raise money for their blog, but if you’ve big ideas and plans, then it’s not a bad idea. It all depends how strong is your idea, plan, and how convinced you’re that it will click and you’ll mint money through it enough to easily repay the borrowed money. As for me, I just settle with what I can afford.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and views. Have a happy weekend yourself! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This is so informative in itself…I wonder what more could anyone say to report problems!!
Would you believe Harleena, that I just had a brainwave one day that I too should have a blog( I came across a few while doing some research for writing debates) and at that time I didn’t have any idea about how to create it and how it works. I am wonderstruck at the stage I have reached in self learning! I often pat myself for what all I could manage single handedly…even uploading my book on Amazon!! Touch wood, never faced any problem and now with friendly blogs like yours, I doubt I will face one.
I haven’t put any money into it so far, lets see how long it goes like that but I have one question…How long can you go on with a free theme?
I have heard about technical problems but I think we can cross that bridge when we come to it!
Thank you for sharing such an enlightening post…you are an Angel! Have a nice weekend.
Hi Balroop,
I’m glad you find the post informative. Oh, there can be many more problems and of different types, I’ve just quoted a few examples. 🙂
I believe you! It mostly happens like that – you’ve an idea all of a sudden, a strong urge or belief to do something, or may be you can call it an intuition, or your inner voice and force guiding you! So, blogging too happened to you like it did to me. 🙂
It’s great to know that you’ve managed it all single-handedly and kudos for doing that! It’s your confidence and spirits, and the belief in yourself that has made you reach where you’re today. You certainly have all the right to pat yourself! Just keep on going and doing all the awesome tasks, and I’ve got your back! 🙂
I started with free theme and blogging platform, that is Blogger or Blogspot. I shifted to WordPress as it was more professional at that time, I got to know it was better in SEO, and that most content writers used that as it was helpful to them. Since by then I was looking for long-term, I read other people suggest to have your own domain and web hosting, and be independently incharge of your blog. So I did that.
Now, it all depends on your aim and objective. If you just want to keep it a personal blog, are happy and content with the way it is, do not worry about rankings and all, then you may as well continue with what you have. As for the direct answer to your question – you can go on forever with a free theme, as far as the free theme and blogging platform exist! 🙂
Sure, that’s the attitude! You can always deal with the problems when you meet them, but of course it helps to be aware in advance and take preventive measures to safeguard yourself from the problems. 🙂
Thanks for your visit and your kinds words again. I hope I’ve been of some help and do have a great weekend ahead! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This is a great idea you had. Genius 🙂
Something that made me think the other day is what a blogger said, that keeping their blog up cost them money, and yet I have 3 blogs that really don’t cost me much money at all. So, my question would be what could be the reason why this blogger is saying that their blog cost them money to keep running? Just a thought.
One thing that really annoys me on my blogs is that back in the days I started them I had no clue about categories, so I have way too many and they are not good. However, my fear of changing them is that I may deleted some posts by error or that the page where the post was might become a 404 page. If anyone could bring me some light on that, I would love it.
Another problem I had recently enough, was when the creator of Thesis BlogSkin, Hesham, wouldn’t keep his word of taking care of what was needed in my back office and one of my blogs started having issues with plugin updates (because of the theme) and it all became a mess. Adrienne, had to install regular Thesis for me and remove the Blog Skin. I wish there was someone who could update those skins. I like them, but unfortunately Hesham is not a professional person, so I can’t deal with him.
Thank you for allowing to say all that 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
Wow, that’s a great compliment. Thank you! 🙂
Well, I’m sure the blogger meant the annual recurring expenses like domain name charges and web hosting charges. The expenses could also include monthly email marketing software charges, any SEO services charges, site back up charges, etc. Sometimes you also need to invest one-time in premium themes, plugins like CommentLuv, and any other fancy or essential addons or services that you deem necessary for your blog. So adding up, that could mean a lot of money, if your blog is not able to supplement that. It could also be that what you consider as little money turns out to be above expectations for the other person.
I really admire you running 3 blogs. So, my question to you is that how are you able to manage them! 🙂 I couldn’t keep up with my other blog because content creation and promotion for Aha!NOW takes all my time and I can’t even think of having a second blog! Where do you get all the TIME from! 🙂
Regarding the categories, if they show up in your post URL, I think its not possible to change them. However, may be you can redirect them to a new URL which does not have the category mentioned in them, as in my blog posts. You can use a simple re-direction plugin for that purpose. I can say that because I did just that when I shifted from Blogger platform to WordPress, and I had to redirect all my URLs. Having done that, you can always assign a new category to your posts. You don’t have to delete any posts this way. However, I’d certainly want that you seek an expert view too.
I’ve no contact with Hesham for a long time and have no idea what’s he doing or where he is nowadays. If you’re keen on investment, I can suggest purchasing the blog skins from the Thesis people themselves.
Hope I was able to help you in someway. Thanks for visiting and sharing your problems, I appreciate it. Do have a great weekend ahead! 🙂
Great post Harleena!
I’ve been blogging since 2008 and experienced all sorts of problems from technical to design. Luckily, I had someone to help me muddle through coding and backing up my website.
When you start a blog, you may not realize that it does take money. You have to pay for hosting and maybe a web designer (you could hire a college student). Then you may want to pay for stock photography, if you can’t find photos that are right for blog posts.
Thanks for this post. It reminded me that I need to update and post my Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It’s on my To Do List.
Hi Amandah,
I’m glad you like the post. 🙂
Great that you’ve had help and support in your blogging journey, which is really going strong.
You’re right, drops make up an ocean and initially you don’t have much idea what all expenses you’re going to meet for keeping up the blog. And, when that happens, you start worrying and thinking of creating money from your blog. I can say that for myself as I can think of more investment for my blog, which is all beyond my blogging idea that I started with.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Have a great weekend ahead! 🙂
You are right, Amandah. A lot of newbies don’t know that blogging involves money until they are into blogging. Unfortunately, freebies cannot take care of everything you need to run your blog. Sometimes you need to pay for photographs and publish your posts without unnecessarily linking back to the photo source.
There is no how you can manipulate the issue of hosting. If you try to do that, two things would happen – either you decide to go for the free platform like Blogger (blogspot), wordpress (wordpress dot com), etc or you go to some cheap re-sellers. What is the implication? Some of these cheap re-sellers end up destroying your blog. Some people have lost their entire databases through this process.
I think it is good for every blogger using the wordpress platform to have basic knowledge of HTML or coding. Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t have this knowledge (including myself). I am hoping to do something about this soon.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Have a lovely day.
I agree that money is a big issue when it comes to aspects of blogging. I think one key is paying for stock photography. When you are starting out it, you might not think it is worthwhile to pay for photos, but when you grow bigger, the legal implications could be dangerous.
I also wonder, when is the time to move from shared hosting to a dedicated server? 5000-10000 unique visitors a day or do it before, so you won’t have that down time for when you eventually have to move the site? Do you run a dedicated server Harleena?
Hello Harleena at some point in time, i did have a blogging problem that almost made me quit But that God friends like you and others.
The problem i had then was time management and nothing more…. when i started my blogging carrier, i already know my niche because i truly love technology, i still love tech that’s why i am in that niche 🙂
Thanks and do have a nice week ahead…
Hi Babanature,
You’re right, sometimes we aren’t best friends of our own self and fail to see our own problems. Poor time management can be a serious problem for any blogger or even a freelance writer. Not sure about others, but I too had a share of this particular problem in my career.
It’s good to know that you always had the right direction, as you know what you love and what you’ve to do. Many remain on crossroads and have difficulty what they should really do!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Do have a great day ahead! 🙂
Excellent, informative post as always, Harleena.
Like you, I prefer to remain eclectic and not be constricted by any specific niche. It’s been said this is not the best way to earn money from blogging, however, the blog is primarily my creative outlet and money is strictly secondary, at this point. Taking baby steps in that direction, so, we’ll see how it develops. 🙂 My biggest source of stress is the technical problems. Completely self-taught here, so those can often seem like major obstacles! For instance, my first update with The site kept crashing every couple of hours and it took several phone calls to the host over three days to get it resolved! Fortunately, issues have only been minor since then and contacting support usually fixes them. My friend Omid is also very helpful, when all else fails. 🙂 Am glad to report no problems at this time.
Hi Debbie,
Glad you like the post.
Like minds – my blog was also initially an outlet for my creative works and it never crossed my mind that I could even earn from it! I’m so grateful to my readers that they accepted the multi-niche factor of this blog with open hearts and welcome arms. 🙂
True, it is said that you should have a specific niche blog for a targeted audience, so you get targeted traffic who’d be interested in clicking the ads and banners etc. But I guess our blogs had to be this way, and we aren’t complaining, isn’t it? 🙂
You’re right – taking baby steps is the right approach, and if we use the right methods and employ the right strategies, and make use of the opportunities as well, then nothing can stop your blog from developing.
I too dread the technical problems. Honestly, I can’t face them without my hubby’s help. I too get to learn bits from him. It’s good to know that your blog is sailing smoothly and wish it be that way! It happened to me too recently that my site crashed frequently, and then I got to know the CPU resources were being used beyond limits. Later we found that the problem was due to a plugin, and it sorted out after we removed that plugin.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your experiences with blogging problems. Do have a great weekend ahead! 🙂