
How to Create Your Personal Place and Achieve Happiness in Life

You can be happy and successful in life by creating your personal place. Here is a review of an online course that will help you achieve your goals.
How to Create Your Personal Place And Achieve Happiness in Life

Are you happy with your life?

Well, let me rephrase my question.

Are you happy with who you are, what you are, and where you are in life?

You may find it difficult to believe, but the reality is that the more comfortable you are with yourself, the happier you’re in your life.

The key and control of your happiness lie within you and in your hands.

All you need to do is start with creating your personal place that will help you become what you want to be.

A place called success, where you deem yourself to be successful after you’ve achieved your goals.

Do you want to be happy and successful in life? If yes, then please read on as I’ve some information that you’ll find really helpful.


How to Create Your Personal Place

In this post, I’m going to review an online course of Concordia University that will help you achieve your goals. This is a free course, and you can avail it irrespective of where you’re located.

“How to create your personal place” is a course created by Dr. Kenneth Harris, Program Director for the Organizational Leadership & Administration Masters Program at Concordia University.

This course will help you learn about and develop inward and outward-directed strategies involved in finding this place for yourself.

After you complete this free course, you will be in a position to know yourself better and understand the path to success.

The How to Create Your Personal Space online course explores:

  • why having a personal place is needed
  • how to teach yourself to professionally grow
  • the importance of connecting
  • how to succeed with encouragement

About the Free Online Course to be Happy and Successful in Life

The How to Create Your Personal Place course consists of three lessons that deal with the three essential components of success, namely, Growth, Connect, and Encourage.


To know if you’re successful, you need to define or identify your destination. Since you’re also aware of your starting point, you can map out a path or the distance that you need to cover to reach your destination point.

You can now measure your growth. You can also decide which direction to take to be on the path to success.

This lesson helps you to know what you need to grow, how to grow, and be on the path to finding your personal place.


We are social beings. Even if you’re not an extrovert, being social will help you grow.

Networking, making friends, and meeting new people will help expand your personal network. If you’re a blogger, I need not emphasize more the need to connect with other people.

However, connecting with others is not easy for everyone.


This lesson will help you to learn to be comfortable and be able to connect with others, thereby being on the path to creating a personal place.


By helping others, you only help yourself. You can do that by giving and sharing with others.

You need to understand that your words and actions have an outcome and create an impact on another person. You can create favorable impact by encouraging others.

But how can you encourage others and what can you do for other people?

This lesson will help you to be authentic and be a light in the dark world, thus putting yourself onto the path to success with encouragement and creating your personal place.

Wrapping It Up

A personal place is a place where you’re comfortable with being who you are – a place where you deem yourself successful.

The way to finding this place is by growing, connecting, and encouraging others.

With the help of this mini online video course, you’ll learn to know yourself better and understand the strategic steps that you need to take to succeed.

I’ve personally reviewed the course and highly recommend it.

It is a is free course consisting of three lessons that are taken from Concordia University Wisconsin’s one-year Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and Administration (OLA), which is an alternative to an MBA that focuses on your personal growth and a leadership potential.

To receive this email course directly in your inbox, sign up here.  It consists of essays, videos, interactive polls, and download journals, and takes about 1 week and 3 – 4 hours to complete.

Whether you’re a self-help enthusiast, business professional, or interested in continuing your education, this course will help you achieve your goals in life.

Over To You –

Have you found your personal place? What is your strategy to be happy and successful in life? Do share your experiences and thoughts in the comments.

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Concordia, however, the opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. These are excellent points that inspire self-motivation. I consistently strive to discover joy in the simplest everyday activities and objects. Happiness manifests in diverse forms and pathways, contingent upon our ability to recognize and appreciate these authentic sources of happiness.

    A principle that I consistently bear in mind when I’m feeling down is that there are numerous individuals in our midst who endure greater suffering and pain than I. This realization provides immense solace!

  2. I loved how you explained this vital topic in 3 Simple words; Growth, Connect, and Encourage. Being aware of one self and taking action in the same direction is the center point of achieving happiness.

    Well shared Thought, Keep writing such valuable content with us.

    Romil Rambhad

  3. I loved the way you have explained the bonds with others and it’s effects on us and how can it turn our life towards a positive path. It is really great to go through this perspective when everyone is thinking of his self only and running behind materialism

  4. I do like the simplicity of the plan for the personal place, and I’ve just learnt how connection to other people and bringing meaning in your life helps reduce and even elminate addictions of all kinds, so it’s kinda a win-win situation.

    Plus, adding meaning helps overcome depression and may even resolve mental health problems, so thanks for posting.

  5. Great post, I guess I have found my personal place by living my own lifestyle. It would be possible only if the possible around you support you as “who you are” and encourage your goals.

  6. Hi Vinay, this is such a wonderful post. I hope everyone that reads it will put it into practice. I love the ideas you’ve shared with us. Looking forward to more of your articles. Thanks .

  7. Nice to know about this “How to create your personal place” course. Also great points mentioned in this post. Thanks for sharing this!

  8. Thank you for sharing this Vinay. I really appreciate your recommendation. Looking forward to learning lots from Dr Harris.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing such information that is very needed make a place of anybody’s own. If I’ve no place of my own, no ways to be happy in life.

    Sadhan Pal

  10. Hi Vinay

    Well-said by someone that one needs not to see where he is and should simply see where from he started and where is he now.

    If we just compare ourselves with others without knowing their starting points we may get mad because so many may be far ahead of us.

    Thanks for sharing such valuable info with a free course that I believe will make people realize how successful they really are.

    Many thanks for sharing.

  11. Hey Vinay,

    Our happiness is our responsibility and it sound a little like tough love but it’s actually just a reminder to us that our happiness is within our control. Really, great definition about personal place and i agree with your statement. Eventually, thanks for reveling a light on this topic.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  12. Hey Vinay,

    Creating a person place seems to be an easy thing. But there are many people who are striving to find themselves.

    Choosing your destination is easy but working for that is hard. Mapping the success rate is required.

    I am sure Dr. Kenneth Harris is going to provide the best solution in this course.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

  13. Hello Viney,

    What a nice and lovely topic on self development and self love.

    The friends you follow do determine your happiness. Some are out there trying to ruin the little happiness you have.

    As you’ve said, encouragement and connecting with people, loved ones are necessary to a path of happiness

    1. Hi Babanature,

      It’s good to see you here. Self-development is indeed crucial to success in life. One of the basics steps of personal development is to know and understand yourself.

      Of course, your company and friends do matter, and it’s always better to have positive and encouraging people around you. You need to avoid the negative in all respects.

      Yes, you’re absolutely right that you’re more likely and quickly to have happiness in your life if you’re surrounded by loved ones – people who encourage, love, and support. And if we expect so, we must impart it such!

      Thanks for sharing your good thoughts.

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