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Have you thought of branding your blog or business?
Branding is giving your blog or business a unique identity. It’s about doing something that makes your blog or business different from the others in the same field, and makes yours stand out.
You may come up with many creative branding ideas for your blog or business to become special, popular, and desired.
The business directory defines branding as “The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers’ mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.”
So, what creative ideas do you have for branding your blog or business?
Branding Ideas for Your Blog and Business
The two things that come to mind as soon as you hear the term branding is a unique name and image, as stated in the branding definition above.
You knew it beforehand, but did you create a unique name and image for your blog or business? If not, then don’t wait for Christmas, do it now!
Here are the two most important branding ideas for your blog and business.
Brand Name
Nike and Adidas are brand names. You do not even need to think about what they mean or represent – it’s sort of eternally embedded in your mind.
These names are so popular and desirous globally that they have become objects of pride.
Do you know of any blog that has a unique identity by virtue of its name? Problogger, Copyblogger, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and so on.
You must have observed that branding happens over time. No name becomes famous on its own – it needs to be marketed.
The popular blogs I mentioned were able to niche out a special place by virtue of their content. They also kept marketing their blogs to reach the iconic status that they have presently.
Of course, only marketing does not work because you need to complement the branding with compelling content in case of blogs, and qualitative product or service in case of a business.
The name of our blog Aha!NOW was not created as a brand, but it became one with time because of its worth.
“Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.” ~ Simon Mainwaring
Brand Image
Your logo is the brand image. Coca-Cola is a brand name with a unique brand image, which doesn’t have to speak any words because it is so hard-wired in our brain.
Does Pepsi trigger thirst or your thirst gets associated with Pepsi? That’s the power of branding.
Creative branding ideas create permanent neural networks in your brain resulting in automatic and instant associations.
Your brand image needs to be marketed at every possible event and place that is directly connected with your target clients or customers.
You can even improve your brand image or logo over time as Coca-Cola and Pepsi have done.
At Aha!NOW, we also developed our blog logo and have come up with a simplified version. Take a look!
Could you think of more branding ideas for your blog or business? Let me help you by suggesting some.
Brand Marketing
Once you have your brand name and logo ready, you don’t just sit over it. You’ve to let the whole world know about it.
Even if not the whole world (that’s just a figure of speech 🙂 ), at least, you need to spread the word and the image to the ones who are important to your blog or business.
You need to develop a branding strategy and creatively think of ways to market your brand. How you market your branding ideas is the key to your brand success.
Branding companies help you in branding and marketing in more ways you can think of. It’s just a matter of how creative you can get.
Have you thought of getting your brand name and logo on your pen, letter pad, visiting cards, t-shirts, bags, calendars, key chains, stickers, and what else?
I’m sure you can think of more ways to market your brand like backpacks, mugs, clocks, coasters, mouse pads, plastic bags and what not.
Promotional merchandise helps greatly in enhancing and marketing your brand.
Can you think of more creative branding ideas? I’d like you to share in the comments.
Branding Your Blog
If you have a blog, you may find that not all these branding ideas work for you because your clientele or audience is mostly online.
You may think of branding your blog with a tagline, design, color scheme, and header, besides the blog logo.
That’s not all, even your writing style, your comments, and your personal profile image can be creative ideas to brand your blog.
Don’t believe it, then look at Harleena Singh (I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m promoting her but what I’m stating are facts that can help you as a blogger) – her comments and commenting style is well-known.
She got a tag of “Commenting Queen”, and as a result she got tens of mentions on other blogs and questions on this particular branding in many interviews that she gave.
This is personal branding, which is a part of your blog branding. Learn more from Donna’s post, on how to brand yourself.
Online brand marketing ideas
There are more creative ideas to brand your blog or business and market the hell out of it!
This post gives you almost all the creative branding ideas you can get under the sun.
Do you have a home-based business blog? Read this post to get more branding ideas.
Here’s a cheat list of branding ideas for you –
– Use hashtags on social media
– Pin your own images on Pinterest (Join Harleena’s Pinterest group boards and experience the promotional power of Pinterest)
– Sponsor contests and giveaways
– Use brand logo on blog post images
– Create infographics
– Promote videos
– Host webinars
– Write ebooks and 101 guides
– Do guest posts and podcasts
You can go on and on. These ideas and tips not only help create your brand but also bring traffic to your blog or website.
The secret to successful branding, whether for a blog or business, is to discover your story, study your audience or customers, make a promise and fulfill it, be consistent, have a strategy, and use all kinds of media to present your brand to people as often and in as many ways as possible.
Branding your blog or business will take much thought and time, and marketing it is more tedious and time-consuming. However, this exercise is worth your time.
“You now have to decide what ‘image’ you want for your brand. Image means personality. Products, like people, have personalities, and they can make or break them in the market place.” ~ David Ogilvy
Over To You –
Do you believe branding your blog or business makes a difference? What is your tip for creative branding ideas and your most favorite brand marketing method? Share in the comments below.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
You’re right in that you need to undergo a deep thought process as part of the brand development process. You need to project yourself and your blog as you really want, as it needs to be, and in the right manner. Thanks for sharing these details.
Hi Vinay,
Really a terrific post. I found it be one of the informative articles I have come across on the subject of brand building. I especially appreciate the concrete tips and resources to help build brand presence will also very helpful and surely be a reference for Branding Companies
Great post! Branding is essential it gives you a unique identity to your targeted market.
Thanks for all the insightful and helpful information that you shared on this very relevant topic.
I just got a logo for my website last week to complete my branding process. Again thanks for the valuable post.
Amazing blog! Branding is giving the company or any business its unique identity that will stand among the rest of the same field of expertise or products and services being offered.
Branding is important, it embeds a business into the subconscious of its targeted market, it makes a business unique, distinguishing it from every other business out there. The article is good, i agree with most of the ideas you mentioned about branding, you are doing a great job, keep it up.
Great post! Some very good ideas shared, I am in the process of building a brand for my blog and it’s reassuring that I am on the right track. I think that the main people forget that building a strong credible brand takes time and you should be prepared for that. Thank you again for your useful insights!
Hey Vinay,
I’ve gone through the entire post about branding a particular blog or thing through blog. It’s a useful piece of information shared in the post. Talking about my personal opinion, if you are good with something, you can make it a brand without a second thought. I didn’t know many of the things mentioned in this blog post. I got to know so many new things about building a brand and working on it. Thanks for the information!
Its not that easy to brand a blog like other aspects.
But reading this made me change my mind. Branding makes your blog Unique and “exist always”
Thanks for this informative post.
Hey Vinay,
A timely post for me. This is the topic at the forefront of my mind. Branding is essential isn’t it? I look at it like going down the Twitter time line. I breeze over a few and then notice that person or their logo I’m comfortable or familiar with and I tend to give them my full attention more so than those not so familiar.
Thanks for the cheat list – I certainly am heading in the right direction with the ideas I have to implement.
I agree it takes time and you have to put it out there to be seen. I am going no where – so I am not in a hurry. When I first started blogging my pace was fast, my actions faster but errors were made.
So I changed my strategy for consistency and a pace that delivered me and my brand.
Thanks for the post – it gave me a few things to think about.
Hello Vinay,
I’d say, this is a lovely post on branding.
I am still branding my blog, so i got me a new standout and simple logo to boost my branding process.
As long as people knows you with something, then i guess you’re pretty much a brand.
Thanks for a lovely post and do have a beautiful week both of you.
Thanks for the information on the cheat sheet about branding.
Your post relates to me because I am going to brand my blog in 2016. Just like you said branding is important and am still deciding what logo should I use. Of course, I would like to use my own design. We will wait and see. I believe it will be fun to do branding.
Have a nice Holidays!
Stella Chiu
Hi Vinay,
Great post.
I’ve been working on my brand this year more than ever before, because as you mentioned branding is very important and we do recognize brands in a flash.
I feel that as online business owners/bloggers we are all different and we each have something specific to us, so we can definitely use that for branding ourselves.
Thanks for the tips.
Hi Vinay
This post was done at the right time when I have been thinking much about branding. You are so right that brands have an emotional connection with the people and strong brands have continued to make their relationships with their fans stronger with so many techniques.
I saw the logo for Aha now and I was wondering if your changing the logo soon or it is a future action. The logo is cool.
I love the idea of branding a blog and I believe this would be my goal next year. I also like the pics on this post. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent post Vinay!
And first of all let me say, it’s been far too long
since I last stopped by Harlena!LOL!
So it’s really good to be back!And Vinay, thanks for sharing that
really informative infographic.
You just kinda take for granted all the changes and innovations, both Pepsi & Coke have steadily provided over the years!LOL!
But they’ve definitely been evolving over the years, just like we need to!Thanks for reminding us!
I would like to quote Apple Inc. Steve Jobs.. the name was the brand and that’s why after his demise also people are still crazy about Apple,even though not much advancement has been seen in last few iPhones or in their tech
Hi Vinay sir,
It’s so nice to see you writing at Aha!NOW after a long time. This post about branding really relates to me as I am thinking to rebrand my blog in the coming year.
I like your logo when it changes a while back, same is with the favicon, but having Harleena maam’s picture I thing would increase the credibility and relatability on a human level for the non blogger readers. However change is inevitable and lets see if this favicon will work well,( I hope it works).
On branding with Pinterest, I have no words to describe the images used by Harleena maam over here. Every image speaks about the post and yet is so beautiful that can be used separately too. Needless to say, these images drive huge traffic to Aha!NOW.
Having your brand on goods like, handbags, t-shirts is a marvellous idea. But I think you must have the location and situation to use it. In a market where no one understands what a blog or online product is, a t shirt with a logo holds no value.
I love these tips shared by you. I have saved a PDF copy of this post as I know it will help me a lot for branding. 🙂
Also, I need to be contacting with you in a short while regarding rebranding and domain name changes! I hope you don’t mind. 🙂
Thank you.
Hi Vinay, Yes, I did think about creating a brand when I named The Wonder of Tech. I was advised by an app developer to get the name Wonder of Tech across social media, which I hadn’t thought of. It’s very important to be consistent across social media so people know it’s you and your brand.
I was lucky, the name Wonder of Tech was available as a URL and everywhere I looked. I got a logo on Fiverr and made business cards. It’s actually fun to build a brand.
But you also have to be consistent as a brand. If you’re tweeting out under your brand, you shouldn’t be tweeting controversial opinions unless that’s what you want your brand to stand for.
You’re right, many people who are starting a blog may not think that far ahead. But as that app developer told me, you should plan to be big! I’m so glad I listened. Thanks for telling others to do the same thing, Vinay.
Hi Carolyn
You did create a brand and did take the initial required steps to go about the branding process. Getting your blog and social media names according to your branding strategy is essential. We learned this late and slow and it would’ve made a difference if we too had someone to tell us that.
Consistency matters and there are a lot of factors to consider when branding yourself and your blog. Many people start a blog as a hobby or to just test the waters, so they are not that serious about blogging and do not know if they will remain in the game for a long time. We are one of those people. But we suggest bloggers to start right, even if they might have a change of mind later and quit blogging.
Thanks for sharing your valuable advice and experiences Carolyn, I really appreciate it.
Hi Vinay,
You’ve given a lot of value here.
I’ll be honest and admit that I’m still in the beginning stages of brand development in regard to my own blog. I’ve put together some of my own designs to get things started, but I’m still open to new ideas.
This takes a lot of thought. We have to ask ourselves some pointed questions about what we’re looking to accomplish.
I will say, however, that it’s comforting to realize that so many businesses (including popular ones) had redeveloped their logos and themes over time.
This was a great post and I’ve saved it for reference.
Hi Dana,
Glad you found this post valuable.
It’s great that you’ve started on the process so that itself is a big thing. It takes time without much professional knowledge and help but you can get the things done slowly and gradually. Few of the first things are getting your logo, tagline, and brand your social media accounts.
You’re right in that you need to undergo a deep thought process as part of the brand development process. You need to project yourself and your blog as you really want, as it needs to be, and in the right manner.
One of my main motives to include the image of the evolution of logos of Coca-Cola and Pepsi was to make people understand that branding is a process and it’s okay to change with time and needs.
Let me know if I can help you in any way. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Vinay,
thanks for this post.
It’s not something that quickly comes to mind when starting a blog.
With the number of influencers out there, there is the temptation of copying what works for them.
Finding my unique voice and consistently communicating it, is my biggest takeaway.
Off to share this now.
Hi Ruth,
Welcome to Aha!NOW. I’d say that if you’re serious about blogging and wanting to niche out your own place, you need to be serious about branding from the very beginning. Having said that, it’s never too late to start. It takes time for amateurs and beginners to understand the why, what, and how’s of branding. Even till date, we haven’t been doing all that it takes for complete and effective branding but the process goes on.
You’re right about being original, having your own voice, and consistency. I’d add giving “value” to your readers and your “interaction” with them. All this helps you to be different and a face in the crowd.
Thanks for commenting and sharing.
Hello Vinay,
You’ve shared some great suggestions, thanks for the cheat sheet.
Branding a blog or business does make a difference in that our name is instantly recognized. I’ve been playing with the idea of creating mugs with my blog’s name on it but I’m still in the planning phase of the logo.
My favorite is sponsoring giveaways, although it’s been a while since I’ve done that. And contributing guest posts on other blogs has also been effective.
Thanks again for sharing all this information. I hope you’re having a great week.
Hi Corina,
I’m glad you like the suggestions – the list is not comprehensive but gives you some idea.
We were very particular on Aha!NOW from almost the very beginning to build a brand but we made many mistakes. However, we too observed that branding makes a difference.
Branded mugs are a great idea. Most online sites go for branded t-shirts. There are so many options out there but you need to assess if branding merchandise would really help you. It depends from site to site. Generally, you need to do a whole lot of brand development exercise before you get to this step.
Giveaways and guest posts are good enough for bloggers. The thing is to get your blog name synonymous to your blog niche or expertise.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. You too have a wonderful rest of the week.