7 Harsh Realities Of Blogging That Bloggers Should Know

Table of Contents
- Debunking The 7 Myths of Blogging
- 1. Blogging is all about helping others, not self-promotion
- 2. Blogging is about informational content, not just great writing
- 3. Blogging is about becoming social, not being a solitary blogger
- 4. Blogging is also for search engines, not just for humans
- 5. Blogging is a serious job, not just a time pass hobby
- 6. Blogging is a tool, not just your business
- 7. Blogging is difficult, not easy as it might appear
If you are a blogger or thinking of venturing into blogging, then you ought to know these harsh realities of blogging.
Whether you just started blogging or are already a seasoned blogger, I think you all have gone through difficult times in blogging, isn’t it?
I think every blogger experiences the bitter truth about blogging, especially when they start blogging.
Blogging is good, but its better to know its practical aspects before plunging into it.
I’m sure even the existing bloggers would like to know them as there is always has a scope for improvement and no end for learning, provided you are ready to learn.
Most new bloggers get tempted with the myths of blogging and build wrong blogging ideas or strategies.
I don’t blame them because that’s what they have observed and learned from others.
As popularly known, blogging is maintaining a personal journal where you showcase your thoughts and views about various aspects of your own life, or things that affect it directly or indirectly.
Well, that may not actually be an ideal start; however, it also depends on your purpose of blogging.
Is blogging just a hobby for you? Or is it a source of earning, a medium to help others, or is it a way to achieve a set goal?
If you’re serious about blogging and want your blog to become successful, besides becoming a popular blogger – you need to think differently.
I agree that the meaning of success would differ from blogger to blogger, but the most basic and common aspect would be that more people visit your blog and read all that you write.
If you think people will come on their own to your blog and you’ll start making money overnight, you need to wake up!
You’ve to give in a LOT for blogging because there’s more to it than meets the eye!
Don’t think this is a post to demotivate you – no! I’m not discouraging you from going ahead with blogging.
However, I want you to be prepared and know the reality, so that you are able to develop a better strategy to be successful in blogging.
In this post, you’ll know what blogging is all about in a nutshell and might be able to clear your misconceptions by learning the secrets of successful blogging.
“Blogging is an art, same as any other method of self-expression. Some are better at it than others.” ~ Hugh Macleod
Debunking The 7 Myths of Blogging
As a blogger, you’re independent. You have the freedom to make your own way.
However, it would be wise to learn from the experiences of other bloggers.
Mentioned below are seven important realities of blogging that you should know to dispel any myths that you might be holding onto.
1. Blogging is all about helping others, not self-promotion
This breaks your first myth that blogging is self-promotion. Blogging is not about “me”. It’s all about “you”.
Why do you think anybody would be interested in your life and what you do or don’t do, unless you are a celebrity? How does your personal blabbering help the readers of your blog?
Having said that, being a hobby blogger, you’re do to do and write whatever you like.
But if your motive is to be a successful blogger and have a successful blog, then you need to rethink.
Your blog may be your personal diary, but the fact that you’re now in the blogosphere, requires you to cater to its readers.
If your blog has more of “you” and “your” words than “I” or “me” or “my”, then I’d say you’re well on track.
You need to learn to give more than receive, and believe me, you lose nothing by helping and giving more to others. Tweet
TIP: You should blog about your life and experiences in such a way that readers can take back something from your posts, which would help them change or improve their lives. Ask questions and put a “Call to Action” at the end of the posts.
2. Blogging is about informational content, not just great writing
Don’t get me wrong – you need to write well, use simple English, and the language should be free of errors. I personally get put-off when I see blogs that aren’t written and formatted well.
However, I often visit blogs where the language is far from perfect, yet they’re popular. It’s because the readers find substantial information and ideas that can help them.
Your writing style may depend on the kind of blog audience you have, as some bloggers might require extra ordinary writing skills to meet the expectations of their readers.
Having said this, it’s great if you can have a blend of good writing and good information, and definitely, deliver useful content.
You definitely need to improve your content by improving your writing process. Besides that, you should have a voice in blogging – your own voice that is unique and impressive. Tweet
TIP: Give your readers valuable information that they’re looking for, and they will keep coming back for more, even if at times there are a few writing errors. However, you must develop your writing skills over time and find your own voice.
3. Blogging is about becoming social, not being a solitary blogger
Even the greatest of content won’t directly bring people to your blog. This is another harsh reality of blogging. Tweet
Blogging is a social activity where all bloggers support each other. You just can’t create a blog, sit idle, and think your job is done – this may work only for a very few!
Such bloggers might have achieved their goals or are probloggers, or have a huge email list, or a large fan following. But this doesn’t work for most of us.
Being a blogger, you need to visit other blogs, develop relationships with fellow bloggers, spread your word in the blogosphere, and even help others to popularize their work.
The one thing that works in the blogosphere is reciprocation, especially for most bloggers.
That’s the way to go! I know I have always believed in this and even practice it to date. 🙂
The Aha!NOW Blog Community (ABC) is one such a place to achieve your social blogging aspect and improve as a blogger.
TIP: You should leverage the social media and blogging communities as much as possible and comment on blogs of other bloggers to build relationships. Do not forget to share their posts too, after all sharing is caring.
4. Blogging is also for search engines, not just for humans
Yet another bitter and strange blogging reality, but that’s how it works, especially for new bloggers.
Optimize your blog for the search engines and facilitate great user experience. Tweet
If you’ve done your content optimization task smartly, then people from search engines will get redirected to your blog.
Voila! You not only impress fellow humans but also make friends with the search engines. After all, most successful bloggers look for traffic, don’t they?
I know many bloggers tend to ignore search engines and keyword optimization, but then they suffer from less organic blog traffic.
However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t write for humans – you need to strike a balance such that it is not at all apparent that your article is optimized.
Remember, that times have changed since the Google ‘animal updates’ started to control and regulate the web in terms of SEO.
So, you need to keep abreast with the latest happenings in SEO and follow the latest trends.
TIP: Whenever you write a post, optimize it with a long tail keyword phrase that people look for in the search engines. Also use synonyms and semantic variations of your keyword phrase.
5. Blogging is a serious job, not just a time pass hobby
You know that by blogging here I mean successful blogging, that is becoming a professional and popular blogger, besides having a high ranked blog.
Do you think you can just blog whenever and whatever you like and expect to become a successful blogger?
Absolutely not! Blogging requires consistency, persistence and dedication. It’s a full-time job, if taken seriously. Tweet
In fact, blogging requires your undivided attention, if taken seriously. The components of blogging, namely creation, promotion, and administration take a lot of your time.
When I blog, I try to make it as helpful and useful as possible for my readers.
Sometimes that takes more time then expected. I know it’s bad, and lately I’ve not been very regular with my posting schedule too (thanks to the active and vibrant ABC!!).
However, I believe in giving quality rather than just focusing on punctuality. More so, I know you all understand, don’t you?
But if you can maintain both, that’s great!. 🙂
TIP: Manage your time by creating a daily schedule and distributing various blogging tasks throughout the week so that everything is taken care of. Quality is important, don’t compromise on that.
6. Blogging is a tool, not just your business
I know many of you will jump and say – blogging IS business. 🙂
Yes, blogging is a serious business, but it may not directly earn you a substantial amount of money, not initially at least.
You need to treat blogging as a means to attain the end, which depends on your personal expectation and needs. Tweet
I agree that bloggers who wish to make money, should blog with a business-like attitude, but you do not start and end with your blog, rather you go beyond.
Blogging helps you to develop relationships with clients and customers, and extend your business. This would in turn help you sell your products and services.
It’ll open up the communication channels that can pave the way to new frontiers and possibilities.
But remember that you won’t achieve success overnight. Just like everything else, blogging also takes time to produce results, so be patient.
TIP: If you wish, you can leverage or use blogging as a way to promote your business, products, or services. Your blog can help you create multiple revenue streams by helping you develop a mailing list.
7. Blogging is difficult, not easy as it might appear
Successful blogging is not a piece of cake. I know you didn’t want to hear this, but this is yet another harsh reality of blogging.
You need to keep blogging consistently – consistency is a virtue that makes you stand apart.
Being original and constantly on the lookout for opportunities might make you weary, but you need to go miles and miles before you achieve what you aimed for.
You need to be unique and different to stand out from the crowd. How else would your blog be different from the rest?
There are no shortcuts to success in blogging. Tweet
You can use a few tricks or apply some smart blogging tactics, but eventually blogging is hard work, just like any other career or business.
Approach blogging with diligent planning and rigorous hard work – be prepared for the hard times, for success comes to those who wait.
However, tough times don’t last, tough people do, and it’s a matter of time before you enjoy the seeds of success.
TIP: Just like you create a life plan and a business plan before you start a business, develop a blogging plan. List out your purpose, objectives, short-term and long-term goals, the tools and strategies you can use, and most importantly, define your niche.
“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” ~ Brian Clark
After going through this little write up, I hope you’re inspired.
If you are motivated, which would be great, then I hope you will follow all the tips and avoid the mistakes of blogging that many bloggers make.
I’m sure that if you recognize these harsh realities of blogging, you’ll achieve success and not get disappointed with it.
You can transform to become a really successful blogger, if you want to – it ALL depends on your will. 🙂
Share Your Thoughts:
What are your views about blogging? What were the harsh realities of blogging that you have faced as a blogger?
If you’re interested in some wonderful discussions, then join the Aha!NOW Blog Community (ABC), where you get all the answers and help to your questions. You can even promote your latest posts there to get a lot more eyes on it! 🙂
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
Hi Harleena,
I completely agree with your point. Blogging must be meaningful not just writing.
Amazing article.
You’re right and but most of the newbie bloggers think that they can make easy money or become successful in under night. But, the reality is it takes time.
Either way, thanks for sharing such an amazing article.
You have said all the truth about blogging. Only bloggers can understand these realities. If anyone want to start blogging then he must read this article!
Thanks for sharing these realities with everyone.
Very helpful blog. A new blogger should keep all these things in mind. Thanks for the post ma’am.
First of all thank you very much for this post. Being new to blogging these are the points that i will take care of. Thanks!
Hi Harleena,
There are reasons why I’ve been following this blog is getting a chance to read the thoughts and ideas behind this community. I’ve gone through every comments and get plenty of things to know about how a person thinks about a particular matter. I’ve learned so many things about blogging from here which is a good thing for any beginners. Thanks for everything!
Hey Harleena,
Another great post. My harsh blogging realities, gave me a big smack and shack up. I was busy searching for how to over come the three month doubt and the six month slump, when really I should have been researching blogging techniques and what was required. Because when I started I was a mess, overwhelmed – losing sleep, breathing deeply with anxiety. I had committed to something I had no idea about. I did not know of SEO, do you know I did not know a website and blog were the same thing. I point blankly refused to have a website (far too hard for my mind) and thought I was going with the easier option of a blog. I tell you I was spanked. However, while I am still a mild mess, blogging is no longer anything but learning avenues yet to be taken and I enjoy the challenges most days. You are so right this blogging business is not for the faint hearted, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Cheers
Hello Harleena,
First of all thanks for this awe-inspiring post on the harsh realitites of blogging.
There are so many bloggers mushrooming in our blogosphere, thus increase in competition to link first over the other in Google and search result rankings, then how it creates opportunity for new blogger?? Isn’t it overcrowding of the same piece of material in our virtual world?
Hey Harleena,
You had my had knodding all through the post. And you all ready know that I’ve been through the ringer.
But I do have to say that I appreciate the obstacles I went through because it made me a better blogger. I keep improving my writing and also I’m more educated on many topics and solutions. With that said you become more of a “wise person” that people can look up to. This is what newbies can expect if they stay consistent.
One tip you mentioned that I was doing a couple of years ago was that I was just writing to maintain a schedule more so than providing great, valuable content. Yes I haven’t seen a blog post written by you in a while but I figured you was busy with ABC as well as other tasks. But I already knew that once you publush a post it would be pact with quality and value! We all should have this mindset. Our readers come to our blog for guidance, quality and solutions. I believe we should focus more on this than trying to keep up with a schedule with less of quality blog posts.
Thanks Harleena for the share and this post was real motivating for me! Have a great week ahead !
Hi Harleena,
This is the reason i always visit this blog. I always find something what reading. I agree with all your points above.
Many people venture into blogging thinking its easy. Thanks for revealing the truth about blogging
very helpful blog. A new blogger should keep all these things in mind. Thanks for the post ma’am
Hello Maam,
Ultimate post indeed!
I truly agree with your words that blogging is difficult than it seems. It’s easy to say just publishing content is enough to build a community but there are many more tasks to be care of while blogging like.. SEO, Promotion, etc.
So, it’s a tough job but who is passionate enough can do it very well. And a great example of him is YOU! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this useful post! 🙂
Hi Mam,
Thank you so much for the awesome post.
Everyone thinks blogging is completely a sweet piece of cake, especially newbies. I also thought the same on the starting days.
These realities give a clear idea about what blogging really is.
Every newbie has a myth in their mind that blogging is all about money. They forget the hard work and patience behind rewards.
You are the right person to talk about helpfulness. I know very well that you help all other bloggers by means of comments shares and advices.
The sentence “give more than receive” really struck me”.
I started implementing Call to Action technique as well Mam.
Yeah, you are very much right. Everyome looks for informational posts. What to do with a pure personal post with nothing to bag and go?
As you said, a well formatted post is a welcome note to the eyes. It is you who taught me the importance of white space and short paragraphs. Thank you so much Mam.
You and Adrienne Mam made me understood the importance of developing relationships. I learnt to share other’s posts from you Mam. Thank you so much sharing all my posts as well.
Sad to say, I am a backbencher in the case of SEO. Didn’t start keyword research yet.
Being concistent is very much important, right Mam? I have just created a schedule and will strive hard to stick on to it.
In every post you remarks the importance of patience. Yeah, I understood nothing good comes overnight.
I really like the quote by Brian Clerk at the end.
Thank you so much Mam.
Blogging is hell of a serious job. Sleepless nights, working on weekends and sitting in front of computer for hours, developing good writing skills and a lot of research. If you can’t do all this, blogging isn’t for you! It’s not as easy as it sounds to others. You need to have a lot of patience for becoming successful in the world of blogging. Nice article! Keep them coming.
Being original in present world can be difficult because of too much competition in blogging industry.
Hello Madam Harleena, I agree with you informative writings rather than self promotion. Every thing is brilliantly placed but i think in the coming days blogging will be replaced by info graphic as you know the world is moving into a faster pace all are not interested in going through the huge information which is being replaced by visual content. Kindly give your input on the same… I am very much interested in listening about the visual content from you..
By the way, I do not completely agree with your fifth point where you said blogging is not hobby. Some people can also write a blog because of their hobbies and I donot think that blogging should be always professional.
How do you think?
Hi Harleena,
There is doubt, blogging has many myths behind.
Everyone think, blogging is nothing but writings. Fortunately, who think in this way are still living in the fool’s paradise.
As I think, blogging is the perfect combination of writing, sharing, communication, participation, optimization and forth on.
I’ve seen many bloggers that are just interested in making money. But they shouldn’t worry because soon they will come to realize a truth. And that truth will be their future key-power to success.
Hi Harleena Mam,
I am first time visiting on your site. I read all the points which you mentioned here above about blogs and agree with your opinions.
This is realy a great post. I like it.
Thanks keep posting….
Hi mam,, this is truly awesome post.. I really like it and I appreciate your writings 🙂
Hi Harleena,
You won’t believe. but this is the first time I am commenting on a blog. I have recently started blogging and am truely struggling with it. Your article is bang on point, as are so many of your other articles too.
The point which hit me hardest was # 3. Blogs are not for solitary bloggers and be being an introvert find it really difficult to social engage with people. I guess this is the most important thing at least for me. Everyday I go on twitter or read a blog I hesitate to comment. I have been on tribber but find it difficult to reciprocate equally there too…..
After reading your post, my resolution has just been more strengthened and here I am writing my first comment…
Keep up the good work!
Hi Harleena, I am agree with you that blogging is something make me feel happy.
I have read your many comments in Shalu’s blog. Nice both to see both of your;s article. Thanks keep posting.
Amazing post,I enjoyed great points and I Agree with your completely on all points. I am so glad to read this points “Blogging is about informational content, not just great writing”.
Thanks to share this useful points with us:)
Mohd Ariof
Hi Harleena,
Great post and simply mindblowing. Yes to be true blogging is not much as easy as everyone think. But still we set the proper startegy and goal we can definetely accomplish our goal. Building community is very necessary in blogging. We wish you to share more post like this in future
Thanks for sharing such an amazing post with all of us. i enjoyed to read your great content and as you mentioned that blogging is not an easy as its appeared so i definitely agree with your point because it’s most difficult job for newbies, when they start their first website but i think blogging is something like sharing our knowledge with whole world and building relationship with our fellows.
Great One Harleena,
There are so many people that enter the blogging world considering it to be an an easy way to earn money. But blogging has much more than meets the eye. Writing articles is barely 40% of the work. A lot of effort goes into community building, Seo, etc. And when people start to realise it they get demotivated and unltimately give up.I think ultimately consistency is the factor that keeps it running.
Hey Harleena,
I definitely fell trap to #6 and #7 in the beginning. I thought putting Adsense on my blog would be the way to quit my job and become self-employed. I probably was as wrong as I could have ever been. I got to a few hundred bucks monthly, but nothing that could seriously pay the bills.
You are so right that a blog is a tool rather than a business. Using it to promote services or products is the only one step in the process of making money online.
Thanks for debunking those myths!
OMG, I’m reading this and I’m like “that is so true!”
I’ve learned most of these the hard way. Now though, I am appreciating the beauty of blogging even the difficult parts.
Thanks for sharing these. I wish I read this when I was just starting. Could have saved me lots of time and hardships. Haha.
Hi Harleena,
What’s funny is that I wrote my own post in October titled 7 Certainties of Blogging and we touched upon some of the same things, only stating our opinions a little bit differently. I guess great minds think alike and like the number 7. lol
I will own up to one thing, that being that for most of my blogs I don’t see them as businesses at all. Overall, my goal isn’t to make money blogging, per se, but to use blogging to highlight my expertise and authority so that people will hire me in some endeavor. Not all my blogs of course but my main business blog, which has helped somewhat.
Other than that, we’re pretty close in belief on what blogging it about. That works for me.
Great Article, Thank you for providing these realities so that the Bloggers can know the fact.
Hi Harleena,
I like the quote you included about “self-expression”. For me, my blogging had a very slow start because I focused far too much on delivering carefully researched, factual information. There wasn’t a lot of my own passions, desires and personality woven into the knowledge and experience. It took some time for me – an introvert by nature – to realize that people engage with personalities, not information.
These are all very true. I never would’ve guessed how much time blogging takes. Especially as my audience grows I become more invested in improving with each post, which leads to me investing even more time. It’s completely worth it, but be prepared to spend a lot of time in front of the computer when you get into blogging.
People think that Blogging is the best way to get rich in a very short amount of time. Although, they don’t know that there’s never an overnight success in the blogging. We have to keep an eye on many things that help us become a professional blogger. Interesting read it was!
Hi Harleena Mam,
Once again i found an interesting post on your site. 🙂
I really like the nicely written post.
Especially i like the #5 that blogging is a job not just time pass.
Thanks for sharing…Please keep posting…
Hi Mam,
No doubt you have written an eye catching and high quality article. Agree with you completely on the second point. Blogging is just not about writing. It’s all about meaningful writing. A pro blogger always looks for what their readers wants, what they need. A true blogger doesn’t share data rather he or she shares information. We all know the difference between data and information very well. If you will give your time to blogging then only your readers will spend time in reading your articles.
thanks for sharing great tips for newbie bloggers
Hi harleena,
These are Harsh realities indeed, one of the realities have faced as a blogger is that you can not make it to the top in one day, you have to work hard and keep going no matter the obstacles you face, facing difficulties is a sign you are doing the right thing,with lot of hard work and commitment, then you can make it to the top.
Wow, this is a great post. I am also starting blogging as hobby, i wish ill make this as full time work as well. Anyways kudos for your blog. thanks
Harleena, as Angela said blogging is no easy work. It requires focus and dedication.
And as you also said there is need to build relationship along the way. And you harleena has done a wonderful work of this
I love these points Harleena. I am thirsty right now for the proper ways of blogging and you continue to quench that thirst but then I get thirsty again for more of your knowledge on this subject.
I like how you said there is a difference between being a popular blogger and a successful one. I also enjoyed the point you made about I and Me comments versus You and Yours. I think people will see straight through us if we focus our blogs on ourselves rather than helping others.
I am starting to work really hard right now on #3 which is all about visiting other blogs and building relationships. I have learned that those relationships are so very important and I am starting to really enjoy the people I am connecting with.
All of your points were so well articulated and I truly have taken them to heart. Thank you for sharing.
Hello Harleena!!
I have been reading your article and I have come to a realization thats its pure class. Now, whether people love it not, blogging is like a newspaper that provides information to the public and thats it.
Today more than ever, thousands of bloggers are getting into blogging because for the soul purpose of making ends meet.
When I was reading this article,I knew exactly why Harleena had written this because of her experience blogging over the years.
You have to understand that blogging is helping the community with relevant blogging tips or whatever a visitor may have searched for.
It will occur to you that one thing leads to another. When you do good to people automatically the idea of making money and been happy will vacate your mind because most people find joy in helping others.
So if all you had ever thought about is to make money blogging then you might as well find something else to do because blogging is love.
Like she rightly said to us, blogging entails a lot of work its not easy.People will get on your nerves and cause you to react because this is a global community you are dealing with.
What might be right to you might be wrong to the other person, so you can see from this that its not an easy task blogging. I recommend for you guys not to look at blogging as your business but as a tool or means to reach out to people.
I could not have agreed better with your points
Thanks for sharing:)
Hi, Harleena. This is an excellent post demystifying some things about blogging. Thanks.
Hi Harleena, What a great post there. I just joined your blog and community was introduced to this place by a blogger friend – thanks Shamsudeen.
All the myth mentioned in your post are 100% right. Most newbie bloggers don’t actually know what they are getting into. They have a lot of misconception about the subject of blogging. Some even think they can start a blog today and start receiving fat checks the following day.
If you don’t mind – To buttress your points, I have a post on my blog about the myth surrounding blogging, blogs, and bloggers. You can check it out.(link removed by admin)
Nice work Harleena. So far i”m enjoying my stay here and I can even see some familiar faces round here too. So definitely will be sticking around too.
Adegoke Ajayi
You are right Ngwu Chinedu Joseph , when i started my blog i was a part time blogger, i take it as a hobby, after one years i realized that only blogging can change my life. finally i become serious about this, now a days i get more visitors also audience response. When i receive hardly and become serious my blog boost properly then i continue my work properly, i treat it as my business.
omg… now i understood wy my blog is not doing good. Now i will definately do follow all your tip Harleena… Thanx a lot… !! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
So much learned from you here this evening. Some important lessons for me. One thing I learned and like is that there should be more ‘you’s in your writing than I’s. I like that and have now gone back to see if I was doing that. Discovered ‘some’ and now I know I need to change that. Great tip. Thanks.
Another great thing that I knew, but never heard it noted this way was ‘blogging is about becoming social.’ Never thought of it in those terms and it resonates with me. We are a community and now I’m seeing the support from various places. Nice when it all falls into place.
Well, that’s my take away and I love that I popped in to read. Great lessons. I still consider myself a baby blogger and I’m learning from the best.
Thank you. 🙂
Have a blessed week,
Hello Harleena Ma’am,
The all 7 points you have mentioned are exactly that points by which anyone can become a good blogger. I like the first point the most that the post must contain helpful information. These all points not only important for newbies but also for those experts who get diverted from the main motto of blogging.
Hi Harleena,
I agree with everything you have said. I am not sure what expectations most people have when they start a blog. I did not think it would be easy nor did I expect to make money from blogging the moment I started.
I started though to have “a home” for the network marketing business I was part of at the time.
I became part of a group online and there were people there who had just started and thought they would replace lucrative salaries quickly. That of course does not happen.
It sure is about social and without that aspect6 I am sure no one would get very far.
Thanks Harleena.
I agree with all your points.
If a blogger says that he is blogging for humans and not for search engines then that is a big fat lie because no matter what, every blogger wants to get placed higher in search engines.
Your article shows that real truth about blogging and should be read by every single blogger and marketer who works online.
I think it is a perfectly demonstrated article about the realty of blogging. Bravo!
Hi Harleena,
Wonderful Post and I enjoyed reading it and I was nodding my head all along.
I came to know all these realities after I got involved with blogging but not before and I had to discover it one by one as I go. Blogging wasn’t on my radar when I started and I never saw myself as a writer but seeing others talking about it as being a piece of cake and easy to do got me involved. As I went along, I discovered how hard blogging is and how much time consuming it is.
I have to be honest with you, I also sometimes get to the point where I ask myself, what did I get myself into especially when you don’t find the support at home, they think that you are online having fun or wasting time not working. It is sure lots of work and it is about others and helping others and that’s what I like most about blogging and what really encourages me to continue.
Lovely Post Harleena and I am sure many bloggers new and seasoned will find it useful and informative. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!!!
Be Blessed,
Hey Harleena,
I really enjoy these type of post. So many of them out there make it seem like blogging is easy. Blogging take a lot of work!
When I first start trying out blogging years ago. I didn’t last long. It was nothing like I was reading online. Coming up with content, all the work behind the scenes and so on wiped me out fast 🙂
Your first tip was spot on. You do much better when you reach out and lend a helping hand. This was also another thing I had to learn the hard way. It may seem counter productive but its so effective.
I remember when I first heard the rule of Share others stuff 80% of the time and yours 20%. I thought that was insane lol but it works so well because it shows that you are sharing good content and it’s not all about you.
Excellent post Harleena! Have a good rest of the week!
Hi, Harleena,
What a phenomenal post! Love that you said ‘realities,’ because that’s exactly what they are, I couldn’t agree more!
You’re right, there is no end to learning. The more I know, the more I understand I don’t really know much… 😉
I absolutely love your number one and think that’s exactly right. Learning to put “you” and “your” in an email or blogpost is extremely important as focusing on others is where it’s at.
Your second point is very interesting and well taken. I hadn’t really thought of this before, so thank you for clarifying in detail what you meant – so true!
Blogging really IS about becoming social, and not a sole person on an island, giving out information… For me, I know that I definitely cannot do this alone.
Yes, by facilitating a great user experience and keeping this in the forefront of our mind, then our blog is naturally optimized for the search engines.
I’ve never started a blog post with a keyword in mind, but always seek to provide solutions to the problems my readers have. It’s worked for me so far.
Your point about blogging being difficult and not as easy as it might appear, and the fact that there’re no shortcuts to success in blogging, is absolutely accurate and spot on.
I will be sharing your awesome article because I really think it’s going to help a lot of beginners and intermediate bloggers as well.
Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a wonderful evening.
– Carol
Hi Carol,
Glad you liked this one and yes, these ARE the realities, just as we can all so well relate to them, isn’t it?
You bet! We ALL sail in the same boat I would say. We think we know a little of something and before we know it, there comes a new lesson to learn…lol…:)
I think when we write our posts and mention more of ‘you’ and ‘your’, we are able to relate so much better with our readers – they feel the post is written for them.
I agree with your, we cannot really stay in our own shells as bloggers – we need to socialize and move around, that’s how others are going to visit our blogs too, isn’t it?
Yes, providing solutions to problems and helping your readers should always be foremost things on our minds, and if you can tweak your posts to add a little bit of keywords to it, you are able to make it reach a wider audience (search engines) – so it works well both ways.
Blogging certainly isn’t easy as it seems, if you take it as a profession, or want to make it your career and make money from it – there is a LOT that goes into it. I guess we know best 🙂
Thanks for stopping by – much appreciate the shares, and have a lovely weekend too 🙂
BTW – Sorry for the late reply – just got a little free from the festivities our end 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Well I definitely agree with all of these, people do get confused about them don’t they! I don’t blame them really, it depends on who you are learning from or listening to.
I think though that it’s also not a one size fits all type scenario either. For instance what I might be doing over at my blog isn’t appealing to you and you want to go a different direction. Who am I to say that won’t work, only you can be the judge of that through trial and error.
I do agree with number six though as you very well know. But I guess then again it depends on what niche you’re in and what you’re using your blog for. I’ve definitely had plenty of people argue with me about that one.
The overall gist of it is though that what we share on our blogs if we’re building a business or community can’t be about us, it has to be about our readers. They are the reason we do what we do so it’s our job to help them in any way possible. Just like you’ve done here by dispelling some myths that can really hurt them down the road.
Great share Harleena and as always you’re keeping us on our toes! Enjoy your week now.
Hi Harleena,
Yet again another great post for bloggers, newbie and seasoned :).
I am so glad you put #5 because that one is very important. One must know exactly what they’re gettting into because it’s not about writing something and posting it.
That was the one lesson I have learned. There’s the technical side, building relationships and let’s not forget optimization. I learn something new everyday.
Even with all the hard work that’s involved I would not change a thing. I love this path I’m on and where it’s taking me.
If I have anything to share it would be to stay encouraged. Lots of bloggers quit after several years because their blog isn’t where they’d like it to be. As a matter of fact, that’s me right now but what keeps me going is thinking about how far I’ve come.
Great post Harleena! Gladly sharing this one. I hope you’re having a great week so far!
Hi Harleena,
Wow! This one is superb. I am not going to add to what has already been said. There is no doubt this one is a classic and belongs in any blogging Bible.
I have been frustrated by almost two days of heavy rain and heavy lightning, hence have had to disconnect all internet cables.
Things are slowly limping back to normal and this post has been sitting on top of my reading list and staring at me on Safari browser for days now.
One thing that makes you different, and comes through clearly on every post and comment is your giving heart. Your kind replies to comments are most encouraging.
Yes! When you have something so good to offer, who could resist coming back to your posts.
I for one, cannot.
Thanks again
Hello Harleena,
This is indeed a nice blog post for all new bloggers to learn something from 🙂
I have seen many bloggers who came to the blogging world thinking that blogging is way easy as they read on some other blogs or ebook. but at the end, they fail.
for me, i feel that blogging is a tool to help others… and when helping others, you get a positive reward… and i can see that that is what you do as well 🙂
Anyways, the 7 tips are excellent and can’t be argued…
Thanks for dropping such a post for all. Do have a wonderful week ahead.
Harleena you have made us know the harsh realities of blogging in the best way…According to me, blogging is all about making the readers happy…Even after writing the most informational content, we may not be able to make the blog readers and that may be because of the writing style.
The success your blog has got is all because of your writing style…Everyone may not be able to write the way you do Harleena, this is the reason that your blog stands out…Bloggers should never try to copy each other as being unique is very necessary to become a successful blogger.
I can not agree more than what have been written. Blogging is harder than I thought but it is also interesting and exciting.
Hi Harleena,
Long time no see on your blog. Nice to see you here 🙂
Very true points. To start with, we can’t keep on blogging for ourselves. For that we can keep blogging journals, but if we want our blog to become successful and popular we need it to serve others, not our own.
It’s very important that we build our blog for search engines as well, so our blog can actually be found by potential readers.
We need to use common sense and not use offensive language, bad grammar, too many errors, offensive colors and design and so forth. That’s very important to have common sense when we create our blog.
I agree, success blogging is NOT a piece of cake. It takes learning, efforts, strategy and a bunch of stuff 🙂 Blogging is not for everyone.
Thanks for those wonderful and true points about blogging.
Harleena I’m not embarrassed to admit that I have experienced most of these. One day I just up and started me a blog not knowing what I was getting myself into. My wife read my first post and warned me about how serious grammar is to people. She said I’m going to need to improve my writing. Well, lets just say if I had listened to Nicole and read this post before jumping into the blogosphere, I could have saved myself some pain. But luckily for me I learn fast. Another point you made was how much work it involves. Sometimes it seems as if my whole life is centered around my blog. I have come into my own with a healthy balance between blogging and my personal life. It amazes me to see how my blog has taken on my personality. This is such a well stated article and I’m grateful to be a member of this amazing team!
Hi Harleena,
Yes, blogging is very different than most people imagine it to be. I wonder if there has ever been a blogger who wasn’t surprised about what they found blogging to be after they started one.
You cover all of the important points here, Harleena. Yes, some people blog as a hobby but to be successful they have to take it seriously. Some people can have a hit blog if all they write about is their own life but most of us just aren’t that interesting!
You’re right, the key to success is to give the reader value. If the reader has learned something from reading the article then you have been successful in your efforts. If not, well then perhaps you have entertained them. Either way, you want them to leave wanting more.
The social part of blogging was a very pleasant surprise for me. Again, you’re right. It’s difficult to be a successful blogger on your own. You need support of other bloggers and the best way to get that is to be supportive of their blogs.
Great guide for bloggers, Harleena!
Hi Harleena,
Just to let you know, I have been locked out of community login page.
Okay, you hit the nail hard here.
It all starts with a wish to earn money easily, but those who realize the harsh realities, will have to make choice whether to put in the hard work or to quit.
The two best point is to have informational content which people wish to consume and an attitude to help others.
Superb post. Have a great day. 🙂
Hi Rohan,
Sorry about that, though if you use the right username you registered with, it should work. Let me know if it still doesn’t, so that I can un-lock you from this end. Happens sometimes when you visit after long 😉
Thank you for saying that, though I am just another learner I would say 🙂
Yes, be it any profession, we need to learn the skills and find ways to make progress, which happens only with time, effort, and complete dedication. Nothing else really works.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us – Happy Weekend 🙂
Hi Harleena,
what a fabolous post.
It summarizes the main points of blogging.
Since 2010, I’ve seen many people starting a website with the goal of becoming a professional and making a huge revenue online.
Some of them left very soon without earning a single dime and some others made something, but ended being frustrated and quitting after a while.
Finally, few of them are still here.
I believe that the difference is just perseverance, but the truth is that you will need much more than patience to become a full time blogger.
Organization, discipline, passion, hard work.
You listed some important points.
Thanks for sharing Harleena,
have a great and productive week. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Very well written and much needed post for all, including myself.
I’ve been a spokesperson for constantly saying that blogging is a business, but you’re right. Blogging is a tool that you an and should use to help build your business. It’s an addition to your business.
Also, one thing that was really eye opening for me was that blogging is also for search engines not just for humans. I think, finding that common balance is key. I know for myself there have been a few posts that I’ve written that wasn’t really for SEO because I wanted it to be about solely for those that are reading it, but what you’ve written makes sense.
When I take some time off in December, I’ll definitely be going through each of my posts and adding little modifications here and there to optimize it better.
Lastly, to all that think blogging is easy, you’re sadly mistaken. I’ve been officially blogging for 1 year and 3 months now (15 months) and I basically struggled for 11 of those 15 months. This is a very hard profession and you really have to be mentally prepared as well as keep up to date on what your readers want. Otherwise you won’t survive.
Thanks for this great post, Harleena. 7 awesome tips for sure.
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.
– Andrew
Hi Harleena,
I couldn’t agree more with you on all points. There are a lot of people who get started blogging knowing not where they want to go. Not having a goal itself is the first seed of failure no matter what you set out to do.
Well, first of all, CONGRATULATIONS on the growth of the ABC! I am so very happy for you!
Blogging, like any other career choice, requires hard work, consistency and perseverance. You can’t make overnight wonders and as you rightly said, it is a means to an end, not the end itself.
Thank you for these tips and I’m sure it is going to help way more people (especially newbies) to understand what it takes to be successful in blogging.
Happy Diwali and a prosperous new year ahead to you and your loved ones!
Even I’m not a blogger I’ve been following successful bloggers like Aha-Now 😛 and many others and I’ve been reading “blogging tips” like crazy, for blogging to become a business. the passion must be huge, if you are in for money you end up like most bloggers that fails to earn their very first dollar.
Blogging takes time and self-sacrifice, and having any type of online business requires self-sacrifice, that’s what I’m seeing.
Great post Harleena, I’ll share it on G+ to show my appreciation along with this comment. Kind regards!
PS: I found much easier those sharing buttons that don’t need to open new window. Ask others and see what they think, I guess there’s other options, better social sharing buttons than ones you have. my 2c 😀
I too get put off my blogs with grammatical mistakes but if it has good info I continue to visit. I have noticed on some blogs now that readers will call out writing errors in the comments and talk about how hard the post was to read. Which can be discouraging and insulting (in the manner is which some do it) for the writer. So I think writing well is important in order to get your message across.
I must admit that I have to agree with all of your points. I loved the 2nd point where you have mentioned that blogging is not just about writing great writing rather it is about informational content as well. Its true. People don’t just need great write up but they want information as well which help them when they need.
Enjoy the week ahead!
Thank you Harleena for these wonderful tips! I’ve been blogging for 3 years almost to the day 🙂 and a few of your tips are new to me and now I’m excited to try them. The thing about blogging is meeting so many wonderful people (many of them other bloggers) and building that community on your site. That’s something you have done here at Aha, with great success!! Great post, Harleena.
Hi Harleena,
This is really a wonderful post that should be bookmarked as an archive to refresh bloggers memory as to what blogging is all about. One thing I have come to learn about blogging is that “blogging is like a novel” You can really say you have read the whole story until you have read and flipped to the last page.
As we blog, so many things unfold. The mistake most of us bloggers make is that at some point we fail to tell ourselves the truth that there are somethings which are really core to blogging. I don’t really know how every other defines or see blogging, but the all 7 harsh realities of blogging are the key to keeping a strong feet in blogging.
“Blogging is about information” I totally agree with you on this Harleena. They say information is life. I can’t think of any man or woman would live and succeed without being informed. Same is applicable in blogging. People who as a matter of fact forms the major ingredient a blog needs to bring about engagement will not stop at reading and following you when you furnish them with the much needed information they require.
I really do hope this post gets across every blogger stepping into the industry and to those already in the industry.
I had a great read today and have something to take home down to my blog for a greater change in blogging. It was indeed a great read!
Have a lovely weekend Harleena.
Hi Harleena!
Great Post. Your presentation is really fabulous!!! I always loved your quotes. And now you added the tips and they are priceless. I also need to find out how to use the ‘tweet’ in the post. I have seen it before and I think it’s great!
You are, of course, right about all your blogging tips. And you are very aware of how blogging ‘works’ at the moment. Of course this can change in the future, and the ‘rules’ might change as well. But it will always need time and effort. And like you said, the best writing style can be boring if the content is boring 🙂
Boy Harleena, don’t we know it!
These are all spot on things that a new blogger often doesn’t understand as they should. I attribute that to all the internet marketers out there that try to lure people into blogging and buying their so called ‘miracle’ products.
Hopefully new bloggers doing their due diligence in research find sites like this so they know what’s ahead of them if they truly want to be successful.
Hi Harleena,
Now this is one of the best articles I’ve read yet on the foundational principles of blogging. It’s unfortunate that the majority of bloggers, especially those who blog for business, will not see this must read post!
Where do I start?
It’s not about me, it’s about you! If I may I would like to take it one step farther.
If you can’t make it about others until you know what business you’re “really” in, what problems you “really” solve, and who you “specifically” solve them for!
Too many are just jumping in writing like it’s a press release about their current events or sales promotions.
So what? Who cares?
You have to learn to see your business and the perceptions of your business through your readers eyes and perspective. It’s not as easy as it looks and less than 1% can do this without help in my experience and opinion.
I’m also coming to the conclusion that we have content all wrong. If I take my own thoughts to the next logical conclusion that I have to realize that content is not the answer.
The answer is CONTEXT! Context will replace content as king.
Content for the sake of creating content is meaningless. Context is where we find our voice, opinions and share meaningful experiences. Context is where people identify with what we are writing and are inspired to to take action.
That’s why blogging is a full-time job. There is a lot of upfront work that is required and ongoing maintenance to ensure that our audiences are always getting our best.
I have to COMPLETELY agree with you on sharing!!! If blogging is not about me and it’s about others, then include others in your blog articles when it makes sense to the context. It’s so much easier to build our audiences when network the right way than when we are lone rangers.
Harleena, there is so much more I feel I could say but I’m stopping here. I love what you are doing and I can’t wait to meet more in your community and connect with everyone.
I hope you are having an awesome weekend!
~ Don Purdum
Thanks for sharing..! Actually, I have been blogging almost three years but I just learnt from that..! Sure..! Blogging is the help of writing and learning, it is the best to build the community and help each other to grow the business. We could do that alone…! Oh, anyway sister..! I have register Aha-now community but I was a bit business thus I keep inactive but when I am ready back to the community I was blocked..!
Morning Harleena. Great post. Both informative, and challenging. When I started blogging, I had no inkling as to what this medium was about. Gradually, I began to understand why writers blog. It has been a good ride. I truly enjoy it, but I do need to be more persistent. Thank you so much, as this post has awaken a greater desire within me respect to blogging. Blessings.
Hello Harleena,
This is indeed a nice blog post for all new bloggers to learn something from 🙂
I have seen many bloggers who came to the blogging world thinking that blogging is way easy as they read on some other blogs or ebook. but at the end, they fail.
for me, i feel that blogging is a tool to help others… and when helping others, you get a positive reward… and i can see that that is what you do as well 🙂
Anyways, the 7 tips are excellent and can’t be argued…
Thanks for dropping such a post for all. Do have a wonderful week ahead.
Hi Harleena,
Just one word for this post “Fantastic”. Yes I do agree with all your points. Also, I say one thing that If you’ve motivation to do blogging then no one on earth can beat you. If you’re promoting your self it’s bad act. If you have guts to help others then it’s a wonderful act to motivate or inspire newbies in this community.
Once again great stuff (Y)
Good Morning Harleena, What a great article with some powerful points, Oh yeh when I first got started blogging I was told just write keyword rich articles and people will be flocking to read it..HEHE
Wow did I learn a lesson, that is not at all how it works HUH? I really struggled with this for sometime, that was until I started following some great bloggers such as yourself and learning the right way to blog.
I do agree it is all about building those relationships! You do need to get yourself out there.. The Harsh Realities.. Love It.. Have an Awesome Weekend and Thanks for sharing my friend.. Chery :))
Hey Harleena Maa’m,
Quite an engrossing post it is. Blogging is definitely an art. If I were to extend it a bit, I would mention writing is an art. Here I do not just mean writing but there is a silent adjective that precedes to writing. Yes, you got it right! It is “creative writing”. Some are innate to this art while others acquire it over a time with their dedication coupled with interest.
I will little disagree on two of your 2 harsh realities.You have pointed those out right, but I need to go deeper a bit. And when I go deep, there is a difference of opinion.
Your 1st mentioned reality: Blogging is about helping others instead of self-promotion. There are many business firms whose sole objective is to expand their business.
Doing so, they knowingly or unknowingly help others or their customers on their path to attain that very objective. Some do touch the emotions of people to see a positive growth in business too. They keep open their sister blogs only to influence people about their services or products.
Th reality as you’ve mentioned holds really true for exclusive bloggers who cannot succeed if their efforts lack the smell of a helping hand to other people or readers.
Now,the 5th reality: Blogging is a serious job, not a time pass act
Well, blogging was not a serious job. It only started from time pass acts, like, 15 years back, people did it only to share their feelings or just to open up themselves to the virtual world.
So, I would correct you, if you did not mind! Blogging has become a serious job instead of a time pass act.
Open to discussion please!
Best Regards,
Hi Harleena, what a great post to show to someone who is thinking about blogging. I didn’t think it would be as hard as it is too when I started. For a while I got stuck on technical issues that really got me down but not out. I met other bloggers who helped me along the way and learned as much as I could each day.
I haven’t taken my blog as far as I wanted to yet, life sort of got in the way this past year. I hope to gear up for the new year. I’m not looking to get rich via my blog but extra money, yes – that would be wonderful.
The part I enjoy the most is the connections and friends I’ve made over the years. I also love when someone learns something from my blog or that I’ve helped them in some way.
It is amazing how many processes a blogger must know and do on a consistent basis to have success. It sure is not for whimps!
Have a great weekend Harleena.
Interesting perective.
Hi Harleena,
The post looked as though it was written for me. Initially I thought that if I write good articles, viewers will pour in. It is now I realize that blogging is tough and relentless work. My strong point is that I post with consistency. The rest of the aspects I need to improvise more and more. Learn more and more. Work harder till I achieve my goal. Inspiring as always.
Hi Harleena
What an objective analysis of blogging with seven eye-opening realities and each one is the harsher than others. While scrolling down in first go I just thought each one the harshest one but after getting the next I had to change my mind.
You conveyed a great message while explaining the background of first reality. Helping others itself is a big self-promotion if someone considers it with business approach. The entire concept of corporate social responsibility bases upon this rule to help others and be promoted more than paid promotion.
We read to know. We love to read those contents that give us maximum information and we call it great content. They may be devoid of poetic beauty and literary perfection but in online contents the benchmark of great content is quite different.
Flipping over a page of a book takes more time than clicking a mouse on a page in website. So the most relevant info without much verbosity, emotional blending and artistic twists is called great content in our field. Vow how impressively you narrated this reality which made me write this paragraph taking its one angle quite differently. Credit goes to you as always.
Man is social animal and blogger is social wild animal. A man can make the things do without being social in many cases but a blogger can hardly achieve his multiple blogging goals without being social.
Both are inter-linked. If we don’t write for humans howsoever search engines promote our post including with AdWords but people won’t like it. On the contrary if we write wonderful contents for human beings but don’t follow basic rules of search engine optimization they would be just like an anonymous martyr whose only identity is his grave because his struggle was not branded though he had sacrificed his life for a give cause.
Blogging can be a time pass hobby but those who just take it as a time pass ultimately blogging pass them from the competition zone and they just blog for themselves and create an online soliloquy.
The study of economics is a mean to achieve a higher end that is called prosperity and economic wellbeing. It means everything in this world is a mean to achieve an ultimate end. So blogging is no doubt a tool to achieve your business goals either you earn directly through it or indirectly.
Real entrepreneurs love to do difficult task more than the easy one. Those with acute shortage of bravery and risk-taking abilities always run after easy chores and spend their whole life to make others dream come true and never give serious attention to their own dreams.
Thanks a lot for such a debate-igniting post which forced me to express my views a little in detail and this credit also directly goes to you.
Hi Harleena,
I like that expression — blogging is an art. 🙂 I have never seen it that way before but now I have contemplated about this, you’re right.
I couldn’t agree more that blogging is not all about me but it’s all about you.
You know first time I blog my business, I felt like I was writing a research paper. Now that I reminisce the time then, I sounded like a robot. haha…the beauty of blogging is its informality. Write as you speak. It’s your own unique voice.
I agree with you. Reciprocation is one of the secret to successful blogging. Also, it’s also good to read other niche besides your own. I tend to diversify my blog reading. So long as I’m not reading about geometry and mathematics *LOL* I’m fine reading other niches that really interest me.
Yes, I preferred quality post over punctuality. Me too, I haven’t been punctual. That’s why I change my posting to once-a-week with “any day” that week. Before I used to stick strictly just every Wednesday. But I believe as long as I post once-a-week, it shouldn’t matter so long as I’m keeping it up-to-date.
I used to say “blogging is easy” but not anymore. After what I have been through and experience some of the technicality, it is like a “baby” that needs constant care on a daily basis. Isn’t it true that babies needs your patience, your strength, your dedication for his/her growth?
You cannot write your post then gone fishing and expect your blog to get tons of fish in the sea! It just doesn’t work that way.
• your determination
• your consistency
• your motivation
• your persistence
• your patience
…these are all great ingredients.
You are the master of your own domain. When the little nitty gritty things in life comes your way, you cannnot say, “This is it. I’m giving up.” You must continue.
It’s tough. That’s why blogging is not for the weak-minded. It sure takes a lot of will power and discipline.
That’s right. There are no shortcuts in blogging. Didn’t they say…great things happens to those who wait? I really think there is good moral and right conduct to this statement.
Blogging is a character shaper. 😉
“Tough times don’t last, tough people do, and it’s a matter of time before you enjoy the seeds of success.” Beautiful phrase from you, Harleena. <3
Anyway, I love your community abbreviation –ABC. I just have this bulb light up on top of my head — "Learn Your ABC to Becoming a Better Blogger." Hehe…
Well dear, it's pass midnight and so I better sleep before I turned into a pumpkin. Goodnight. Have a nice weekend.
Just me,
Such a good thing to be on one of my favorite blogs this Saturday morning Harleena. I have missed a lot here but I won’t be completely left behind 😉
This is such a real post and I love the formatting with the tweet buttons on each point. You’ve got a great introduction to this post Harleena.
Blogging is no longer what it used to be. Because people do it for different reasons, it has different meanings too. I therefore say the meaning of blogging is simply why you blog. If you can clearly identify why you blog, then you have the meaning of blogging.
I totally agree with the 7 points. I have constantly been blogging for over 2 years now and I can tell you I know what’s inside. It’s no joke. And to succeed, make it about others not about you.
I love the point on blogging being a real job. That’s because of the income generating aspect of it. The satisfaction and the freedom makes it an exciting job 😉
Yesterday I was going through my earnings from my 1 year old blog and it hits $5k. I think if I take it more seriously, like others, I’ll be quite fine doing it full time. It’s a job that pays if you dedicate resources to it.
Happy weekend dear friend and my regards to Vinay.
Hello Harleena,
A realistic post!
Blogging certainly is not what one hears about before starting e.g. easy money making system. Write and get rich or at least be recognized.
Afterwards, some persists and some don’t. Some maybe also leave as they are not sure what they want to blog about.
No 1: resonates with me a lot. Once in a while we all come across blogs that are all personal. I’m not sure about the adding value part in such cases.
These blogs usually leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling. 0_o
If they are motivational, then good. Otherwise, I don’t know the reasons for keeping such a public journal of one’s life.
As you said “How does your personal blabbering help the readers of your blog?”
I could be wrong, but i feel one should take blogging seriously, whether blogging for fun, part-time or full-time as a business. It takes time to write even a personal post. Why blog if one is not serious?
But each to his/her own.
Thank you for this informative post! 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Excellent stuffs. I got to agree that blogging is about information. If you are thinking to just write great things, you are definitely losing out.
You got to be informatic and that’s how people will be coming over to you for more information.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Reginald,
Sorry for the late reply – just been so involved with the festivities all around, though glad I’m getting to the comments slowly now 🙂
Nothing works better than sharing knowledge with people, and gaining information as well, and one doesn’t have to be a great reader or writer for that. Anything people will gain from, will click with them and they’d keep coming in for more – nothing works better.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena!
Your post reminded me of the statement I heard once about being a writer….it was something like “only be a writer if there is nothing else you can do.” I think blogging is very similar in that it is a lot of work and requires a lot of dedication. Maybe to others it looks like something easy and fun but once you get into it you find out most of the things you list in your post. This is another wonderful resource for ALL bloggers. Thanks Harleena! ~Kathy
I think 7 is definitely the biggesto ne for me. It is very difficult and it takes a lot of time for most people. Success doesn’t happen overnight and it is easy to get discouraged. You are right that you have to be consistent while also maintaining the quality of your posts and keeping up with being social. It is hard work.
The harshest reality I have faced as a blogger is that no one really cares. You have to make them care by, like you said, offering something valuable in your posts. Unless they are your family, no one is going to take the time to read a personalized journal of your life unless you, like you said, are a celebrity.
Hi Harleena,
What a wonderful and accurate post! I remember when I first started blogging, I also thought that it would be easy to get people to come to by site. I took me about 1½ years before I got my first comment. It was pretty daunting! But like you said in your third point, I was a pretty solitary blogger and I didn’t connect enough on social media. I did some research and discover that you need to connect with people, visit blogs, comment and share their content so people know you exist.
One thing I should try and do more is write for search engines. I am learning slowly! Another thing I agree with you is that blogging is hard work and requires a lot of discipline. Also, there are so many rules that you don’t know about when you first start to blog, it’s crazy! I am completing my 2nd year now and I try to be consistent and deliver useful info to my readers. Lately, I also try to incorporate some personal information that I blend into my posts. Learning how to blog is a long and complicated process, I can tell you!
Anyway, I am really glad to have found your site and to be able to learn as well as meet new people. I am sharing this for sure!
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Hi Harleena
This a very comprehensive and well written post. It has cleared up a lot of the misconceptions. Many of us as bloggers have had to face these realities and may have experienced a wake up call from one if not all of them.
Sadly for some when they get the wake up call and reality sets in they abandon their blog and that’s where the journey ends for them. Blogging is good, but like anything else it is not easy especially if you have a full time job elsewhere and must make the time to attend to your blog.
I agree with being reciprocal. It took me a while to learn that. The reason for blogging must be clear also which speaks to MVG (mission, vision, goal). We can never get the formula mixed up ie. start blogging for one reason and because the next door neighbor is doing something then it becomes automatic that I do it too.
I would say too writing great content takes a lot of time. And these days, my focus is more on quality rather than quantity.
Have a great weekend and thank you for this post.
Hey Harleena,
As I was reading the post and scrolling down, I was thinking “Oh I LOVE this myth – its SO true – this is the BEST myth I’ve heard ever that’s true”. And I was doing this for every one of the myths you’ve listed here!
Well, you’ve nailed it and all the myths turn out to be SO true – it is bitter, but so real.
I particularly like 2 myths #5, #6 – most bloggers think setting up a blog and publishing a few posts is going to make them a full time business man/woman. While a blog can earn money just via its content, it is not a business that would earn a consistent amount of income. There should be a solid business in the background for which the blog will act as a marketing tool.
And oh ya! Working a few hours here and there and expecting a full time income is a joke. There is not money without smart work! Thanks for the eye-opening post Harleena.
Have a great weekend 🙂
Thanks for a interesting and helpful article. I am new to this world and these tips can only help develop my work.
Hey Harleena,
This is the reality of blogging!
I love that you pointed out these realities because a lot of newbies do not really have the slightest clue of how blogging is. The tips you provided here lets newbie know what habits to form that will be beneficial and what to avoid.
But one thing that really needed to get across is the point you made in #6. It is definitely a tool. It is one of the choices of means for you to get to where you want to go. It helps you build rapport with other bloggers and customers, as well as a place for your audience to go to in order to get into your subscriber list and purchase products and services.
This post is definitely a great share and I’m glad that not only you brought it to the attentions to newbies but also as a reminder for the rest of us that have been blogging for a while!
Thanks for sharing and you have a great weekend!
Hi Harleena,
I like the convincing tone, the energy that this article exudes and the message it gives out clear and loud. So many bloggers say that blogging is not easy yet blogs are mushrooming all around the blogosphere, some are just very ordinary, very personal and some are so intellectual that they provide an experience of lifetime. Recently I came across a blog, which doesn’t even show the author’s picture. I visited just out of curiosity and found the content too intellectual, too loaded with words in every paragraph that I needed to look up many words. I thought who could be reading this stuff! I was absolutely wrong! When I saw the number of comments and the length of those comments, I was shocked!!
Sorry for a long story but the point I am trying to make is that there are all sorts of people and blogs, successful and extremely successful. Some of them are so popular yet I don’t see anything worthwhile which they share. They continue to enjoy that popularity despite being slapped by SEOs. So it becomes quite confusing and I sometimes feel that there may not be any hard and fast rule for being successful as a blogger. Yes, I agree with you, everybody has his own definition of success and what may be good for one may seem uninteresting to others. One point is surely right, we have to devote a lot of time but then if you devote all your time to any venture, success eventually descends down to crown you!
You have done a wonderful job and you ARE the shining example to show what is real blogging, exploding all the myths, taking care of all those aspects, which are essential for being a leader. Thanks for putting together all these points so well. Have a blessed weekend.
hey harleena
i do agree with all of your points,well to say actually blogging is not about you or me its about learning and sharing about new things or you know “you can learn many things while writing post than you would have read a book of 200pages” i think blogging is not an option its the destiny we are in we should be able to withstand all means of diffivulties, and not get carried away by immense traffic orearnings i think this sis the post i have been looking for ages on your blog i am glad you made it, it will help me a ton in my career as i am still 14 (not to mention) well i am impressed
thanks harleena mam
regards, looking forward to more blogging posts!
Helo Ma’am Herleena,
It feels nice to be on your blog once more.
I got a great time here, probably one shouldn’t see this as a discouragment, rather as a motivating article.
You said it all when you made mention of writing for your readers and not always about yourself, it’s a “must do” for every blogger. Following these realities of blogging I guess we all should be on the right path.
Thanks for the BIG share. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Blogging inculcates many harsh realities we really must not ignore. Whether we take it as a hobby or business the truth remains that “value creation” must form the basis of our actions.
Helping others, creating value, and building relationships are key realities I have marked out in this post. Every blogger must make the most of these if success is planned for.
Blogging is difficult, and the level with which we embrace this reality determines the success we would attain. In this vein, we should also put to heart that realities of blogging include patience, hard work, goal setting, and consistency of valuable purpose.
Your piece is reflective and presents the TRUTH about blogging to anyone who wants to walk/run the road!
I left this comment after reading this post in kingged.com
Hi Sunday,
Absolutely! There are many harsh realities of blogging that most new bloggers aren’t aware of, so I hope this post helps them in more ways than one 🙂
Yes indeed, writing quality content that helps your readers is the key, followed by building relationships with fellow bloggers, and working your way up the ladder where social media is concerned are things we cannot ignore.
We need to be patient and keep the faith, and move ahead with our blogs. Blogging, just like any other career or profession, requires our full time and dedication – certainly not easy I would say, but nothing is tough for those who believe, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Definitely a great list of myths and debunks Harleena!
When I first got into blogging, I thought it was going to be so easy. Now 4 years later, I realize how hard it can be at times. I never realized how many people there were trying to make money blogging. It’s very competitive out there. I quickly found out that although the sound of money is fabulous, I neither have the time nor committment to put forth into it. However, I’m being content being a hobby blogger. My voice is still being hear and I am helping others via my posts. To me, I’m not out to make money, I’m out to network and build a community.
Gladly passing this along Harleena.
They say truth is bitter but these tips are true even if they seem hard. Blogging is really difficult but only in the initial stage. People who enter the blogosphere with a get quick rich mentality will be tired in 6 months. No strategy and No blog friends and you be all alone.
Hello Harleena Ma’am
First thing I want to say is your writing style and in-depth articles attracted me towards here and I am your new reader and hoping for long term relation.
Also you hit the nail with those misconceptions and mistakes , also agree with nitin that not only content is important but also SEO and marketing is important. I am still having difficulty in SERPs though having good experiance.
Hope to see another great article revealing some secrets regarding your success and hard work for achieving this milestone.
Parth Patel
One of the easiest things about blogging? Avoiding lengthy, repetitive introductions to get to the meat of the thing.
Welcome to my blog Eduardo!
I’d say that’s where books and blogs are different. You’re an author where you meticulously and methodologically craft the books, whereas blogger try to express their thoughts and in views in whatever less time they have in hand, and some errors and oversight are obvious. Maybe unintentionally I did repeat a few things, though I’m generally careful not to do so, but it seems the bloggers have taken this post well because they could relate to it. Having said that, I totally agree with your statement. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Really nice informative post. This is for all those who think they can make quick money out of blogging. You have to work day and night for every single well researched blog post. And obviously, just a copy-pasted article is of no use. All bloggers need to understand this very clearly that Blogging is all about originality and you have to have to be original in order to succeed.
Welcome to my blog Rajat!
Glad you liked the post and yes, this is for all those who have a lot of misconceptions about blogging, especially new bloggers 🙂
Yes indeed, your hard work is paid off well when you get the positive feedback from your readers, the social shares, comments, and it helps people, isn’t it? Being original and writing from your own experience, in your own voice is what connects you to people.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thank you for writing this post! It is the truth and nothing but the truth!
Blogging is a business and it is not a personal diary about oneself, but rather a place where one shares valuable information. Even if one is new to the blogosphere, they can read a book and take something out of that in their niche and write about it.
It doesn’t have to be perfect…that will only hold you back. As long as one is writing original content for people, their blog will start taking off.
But the blog just doesn’t stop there, it is about reaching out to others, reading their blogs and commenting and sharing it on the social media plane.
The one pet peeve of mine is that people are still telling others that you can instantly make money with a blog. Not at all, it takes time to build readership, relationships, and when it gets to that point, a person can sell on their blog. As long as they always follow the 80/20 rule.
I call Blogging as part of your business because once a person is at the point of marketing something, the buyer will check out who you are. Your blog is your social proof that you are practicing what you preach.
Thanks for this Harleena, I will pass it on, especially for new bloggers I know. It will reinforce what I’ve been telling them.
Be blessed,
Hi Donna,
You are most welcome, and I am glad you agree with all that I’ve written. 🙂
Absolutely! However, those who don’t take blogging as a business, nor want to make money out of it, do blog for the sheer pleasure of it and many just love writing about their personal ramblings too. Yes, I’ve read a few blogs of such kinds that get many comments too, so I guess each to their own. I personally feel that if we are in the blogosphere, it should be with an aim or purpose to help others and if we can earn a little from it too, then why not. It’s one way to showcase your work, and like you said, it’s a marketing tool for your business.
Yes indeed, blogging doesn’t have to be perfect, not initially at least when you are new in the blogosphere, and there are many ways you can go about writing content, just as you mentioned. Just don’t hold yourself back or feel you cannot blog, nor run after making quick money, or it just leads you to feel frustrated and many new bloggers simply give up within a month or two of blogging!
That’s just it – blogging IS all about being social, helping and being with people, writing for them, visiting their blogs, commenting and sharing. I know you believe in it, just like me and so many of our other blogging friends, which makes the blogosphere such a lovely place to be in, isn’t it?
You can make money, but you need to be patient and play your part to reach that level, which happens when you build the trust through your relationships, and once your blog reaches a certain level too. Once your blog becomes your brand where you share your voice and relate to the people, have your social proof, things will happen – but just hold on to reach to that place!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us, and I appreciate the share as well. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Again an informative post.:)
I agree with your all the points about blogging. Many bloggers think that if they provide great content then it would be the best to boost up their blog. But whats the use of that content if its useless for readers. People come to your blog to learn more about what they don’t know.
Blogging is not an easy job. I have heard from many of my friends that whats the use of wasting time if you are not making money. They say that anyone can do this thing. Its only about writing. But they don’t the real meaning of blogging and how much efforts are required to do that.
Many people write just for fun or may be blogging is their hobby. But for the people who want to build their career in this field its an amazing job to do.
As we all know that in every field if we want to get success then hard work is required.
Frequently asked question from beginners is how can they make instant money? I mean why are they so curious? They should have some patience.
Thanks for writing this wonderful article.
Hope you are enjoying your day.:)
Hi Ravi,
Thank you for saying that and glad you liked it 🙂
I agree with you and that’s just what makes you and your blog different from the rest – your voice and all that you write to help your readers. It’s not just about writing content, but writing helpful content for your readers, isn’t it?
You are absolutely right, most of the people have no idea about blogging, and I know because some of my friends and family fall into this category. They cannot believe the kind of hard work we’ve to put in, the number of hours we have to work and be online – it’s not easy! Hobby bloggers don’t have to worry much because they perhaps are working offline or have other ways of earning and purely write for the pleasure they get out of it, which is good and I too was once doing that. But those who want to become professional bloggers, or earn/make money from their blogs, really need to target the right audience and work differently, though if they can combine work with pleasure, it’s the best option. 🙂
I don’t think a blogger can start making money the moment they start blogging. It’s just like any business or career, where you need to spend time working to reach a certain level, where you learn and gain knowledge – before reaping the benefits, isn’t it? Money comes eventually, provided you work your way with dedication.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us. Happy weekend 🙂
I still have the itch to “be a solitary blogger” – because let’s face it, most of us bloggers are introverts lol
But the reality, as you pointed out is that we need to be social. We need to interact.
I’m trying my best now and hopefully, it’ll pay off in the future 🙂
Welcome to my blog Dennis – good to have you over! 🙂
I agree with you there, most bloggers are solitary ones or introverts because blogging is a lonely profession, if you just sit and blog or write – you don’t really meet around nor mix with ‘real’ people.
However, blogosphere is also the place where you need to socialize and mingle with other bloggers. I have more online friends than offline ones because I am here ALL the time now! And I don’t think you are an introvert at all, not now, especially being on Kingged…lol…:)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hey Harleena,
Here is another interesting article on the harsh realities Of blogging. I’m aware many bloggers still fall into these.
Sure, blogging is all about helping others. Its a win-win situation, if you can help others, they would return the help. People usually say that Respect is reciprocal. This means if you are ready to help others, they would also be willing to do the same if you are in their shoes.
Just like Adrienne Smith wrote in her latest article : Helping others is the key ingredient of blogging.
Since blogging is a business as well as a tool of promotion, its not easy to become a successful blogger like you. Many newbies think its easy to write the kind of content people and search engines love. They might not know that blogging is not about scrapping other people’s content.
I like the way you put in the tweet buttons in between the article, i was able to tweet the article even before getting to the end of the article.
How did you do this?
Thank you and have a nice weekend ahead.
-Oloyede Jamiu
Hi Oloyede,
You bet they do! And I am glad you liked the post as well 🙂
I agree with you there, though I also feel that if they don’t help you (some don’t), at least you know you are doing your bit – helping and doing good for others only adds to your karma score, isn’t it? But yes, when you help, the other side also usually reciprocates. She was very right in that post of hers and I am glad we think alike there.
I wouldn’t call myself successful in all the terms of the word as yet, because I believe I am still a learner, but surely getting there, and it’s the journey, the path, which is the most enjoyable.
Yes indeed, writing for the search engines is what new bloggers learn to do from other bloggers, but that doesn’t always work, unless you know the right ways. Even then, I wonder what such posts would look like when they don’t relate to people and aren’t written to help them.
Glad you liked the tweet buttons, and that is Vinay’s, work as he’s used some code for it. We didn’t want to use another plugin just for tweets, but I can see it’s worked very well, and it also adds a lot more variety to your usual tweet.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Happy weekend as well 🙂
Thank you Harleena.
Hi Harleena,
Thanks a lot for a wonderful post!
I agree that everyone should know the practical aspects of blogging and this post provides many ideas to do that. Having clear expectations and purpose is very important as you mention in the #7 tip.
I believe that the reason many blogs do not make it or become discouraged is because they have not set the expectations and do not nave a clear “why” outlined. When the reasons to plunge into blogging are very clear, it creates the intrinsic motivation to get beyond hard problems and periods of quiet and lull. The having noone or just a few people visit a blog and not getting enough social confirmation are difficult for bloggers and it has been well addressed by you in tip #1 and tip#3. Writing content for others and connecting with others are great ways to invite people and others bloggers into one’s realm and hopefully provide them with something useful.
Becoming a regular and successful blogger is difficult. But I think that the very process of learning to stick to a schedule and write clear content that is useful and implementable is a learning experience in itself. Many will find this process of learning to be difficult and expect easy results. But as you mention, blogging is not easy. I could not agree more. There are some days when blogging seems to flow and is much easier. But there are some days when I struggle for words and ideas and stare at the blank screen, But if a blogger has made a commitment to a schedule, the process of digging inside for perseverance and finding the strength and creativity to write up a new post is a wonderful learning experience.
Thanks for a great post!
Hi Harish,
I’m glad you like the post. 🙂
I know there can be lot many other practical aspects of blogging that can be added to the list in this post, but I’m sure this is good enough for the new bloggers to be aware and get smart.
I must confess that I myself have gone through most of these aspects and phases of blogging and made many mistakes too. But then that’s how you learn and grow, right? However, if I knew everything before hand, I could have saved my valuable time. So, every blogger should know the purpose of blogging from day one and develop a blogging plan.
I’d say why many bloggers fail to go beyond a certain level is that they live in a bubble created by their misconceptions and lack of awareness. But their bubble bursts when the reality strikes them that they can’t become successful or earn big money soon, and they become disappointed and frustrated with blogging.
Actually, blogging has a very innocent and simple image, and most people see it as a form of social networking and a simple way of earning by writing content and displaying some links.
You’re right that the blogging motives should be defined, the aim clear, and the path chalked out. I feel blogging has lot more human aspect than many other professions. And its one of the most social careers that delves on relationships.
May be blogging is not difficult in itself, but its difficult for blogger to cope up with the tasks involved in blogging. Yes, a routine or schedule does help and you need to be as serious as you are in any other career or profession. But successful blogging is not impossible, its possible only if you take the right approach and path.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and they add to the value of the post. Have a great Sunday! 🙂
Hello Harleena mam,
I landed on this blog because of Swadhin’s post on Google+. Thank you Swadhin 🙂
And to be honest the time I started reading this blog I just got engrossed in it which shows how interesting this blog is! Apart from being interesting it was really very informative and helpful to a newbie like me. I have just started blogging as a hobby but reading this I realized its more than just a hobby.
Thank you for an amazing blog like this. Have a great weekend 🙂
Welcome to my blog Rohan!
I shouldv’e welcomed you earlier, sorry about that, but so glad you are part of ABC now 🙂
I guess we need to thank Swadhin for your visit, though if you’d have logged in to the community, you would have seen this post sooner of later. Glad you liked the post, and yes, it was written keeping new bloggers in mind mostly, knowing the problems they face.
I also started blogging as a hobby, just like you Rohan, but was quick to know that I wanted to make it my profession. So, started working towards it, and this was just 3 years back. I guess once you know if it’s the right thing you want to do, you might just want to go a step further with it. I have so many young blogging friends, who are studying and blogging. A good way to learn all about blogging before you take it up as a profession, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by, and have a nice weekend too 🙂
Hi Rohan,
Its good to see that you are taking part in this community and learning from blog posts. You will come to know about many things about your life, inspiration, personal development and much more.
I am glad that Vinay has approved your image here and understood your concern about privacy. As we have talked before about Aha community to share your thoughts. You can learn a lot from all the members here.
And also from blog you will come to know about many articles which will be rocking for you to read.
Hope you will keep connecting with us.
Have a nice day.:)
Thank you Ravi. Yes, These blogs are helping me a lot. Have a nice day you too 🙂
Hey Rohan! You’ve become faceless again!! 🙂
Please do put back your image even if you don’t want to put your own picture here. Thanks 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This is a wonderfully comprehensive post on the realities of blogging.
I think anyone who has been blogging for at least a few months has come face to face with all of these realities, and for many it’s sadly the end of their blogging journey.
As you say, people start to blog thinking riches will be guaranteed within a short space of time but this is far from reality. Blogging in a business sense requires as much work and dedication as any offline business pursuit.
However, riches are certainly possible but often not directly from the blog and certainly not within a year or two. There are steps to take, lessons to learn, strategies to digest, and connections to cultivate.
Successful blogging also comes easier to some people than others. I think those who naturally want to help others, teach others new skills, and relay information in an insightful and often entertaining way will do much better than people who are naturally more interested in their own gain.
Reciprocation, as you mention, is a big part of being a highly regarded blogger. This isn’t a business for social hermits.
Patience is also a vital aspect of a blogger’s mind-set. When at first you see very few visitors and hardly any engagement it can be easy to stop posting and give up altogether. The consistency is a virtue lesson gets lost in the recycling bin somewhere.
I loved what Brian Clack says, which you have quoted, regarding creating great content for your readers, rather than focussing on a great blog per se. When you give your desired audience exactly what it wants and in an entertaining way, then you are going to be successful in your blogging.
One of the lessons I found most important when learning how to blog successfully was that quality is better than quantity. Great content takes time to complete, and, as I read on a blog somewhere today, if it’s difficult to create then it often means it’s going to be damn good. Blogging is sometimes easy, but often it’s a hard slog.
But it’s great fun. It’s also rewarding. And it can also be very lucrative when done right.
Excellent post Harleena. I enjoyed reading.
Welcome to my blog Edward!
I know I had to welcome you earlier, but just got the chance now 🙂
Glad you like the post. Yes, it’s really sad that some people drop off from blogging just because of either lack of awareness, proper information or misconceptions.
You’re right, if you look at blogging as a business or money making tool, then you ought to give it as much time as you would give to any other business. Nothing happens overnight or quickly in blogging, it’s not everybody’s cup of tea to reach the heights like Pat Flynn and John Chow – they too must’ve worked the hard way.
Yes, sure, money making from blogging is certainly possible, but as you suggest, there’s a whole system to it and process to follow. You’ve observed one of the right reasons why some bloggers achieve success more easier and quicker. The social skills and personality does play a big role, along with creativity, business sense, and the go-getter attitude, among many other qualities. But most important is helping others, giving, and doing good. Blogging goes the karma way!
Though some term reciprocation as selfishness, but I term it as supportive-ness that has to be mutual. One thing is for sure that social hermits can’e be successful in blogging, unless they are already popular and start blogging.
I remember my early days of blogging and wonder if I hadn’t held on and had patience, I wouldn’t have been where I’m now. Every blogger rises from the ground, and generally the entire blogging journey is tough and tiring, but those who persevere reach their targets.
I too liked what Brian has to say and every blog and blogger is different, including their niches, audiences, and their liking’s. As a blogger, you have to assess your own situation and build your own way and version of blogging.
Oh yes, quality matters. I know that I slog a lot but I do get the results. In my three and half years of blogging, I haven’t even written 300 posts, but I meet other blogger who write 600 posts in just two years, and I wonder what kind of posts those would be. I’d say that one long super quality post a week is equal to three average short posts a week. What do you say?
I’m glad you enjoyed reading this post, and this is the real reward that I get when people find the post helpful, useful, and enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and have a great weekend! 🙂
Yes, I think for a single-author blog, one great quality blog post a week is more than fine. If it blows people’s socks off and they are desperate to click on the social share buttons then that does a lot more for the blog than 3 mediocre weekly posts.
Although if you have 3 separate bloggers on one blog, each creating one ‘epic’ post a week, then, wow, Houston, we have major lift off. 😀
Hello Harleena madam, wish I am the first commenter here. I had been trying to grab this position since long.
This is the real face of blogging. I think everyone; especially new bloggers should have a look at this mirror post on the reality of blogging.
I totally agree with you on all the seven points and wish I had known these when I started.
Blogging is not a hobby at least. And even if it is it will kick the enjoyment in the process if you are not being honest in your perspective. You can’t write anything and expect your readers to accept that. The content has to be top notch and more important, it should provide value to the readers.
And this one line should be placed in the Bible of blogging. “Blogging is about being social not being a solitary blogger.”
I know how much difficulty I faced because of my miserable social skills. I really did not know how to approach people and what to talk, but gradually I am doing better and there is room for more excellence.
Thanks for bringing this post live. It will help many. 🙂
Have a beautiful weekend. 🙂
Hi Swadhin,
Well, I’m sorry you couldn’t be the first, but you sure are a valued commentator here at Aha!NOW. 🙂
I hope this doesn’t seem like a Halloween post as the mirror image or reality of blogging isn’t that bad! Hardships, problems, rough times exist in all professions and careers. The only difference is that some people take blogging very lightly and develop a misconception that it is very easy to make money blogging. I just wanted to help those people to be aware and take the right way.
Swadhin, blogging can be a hobby too. Just in the previous comment reply I stated that I too started as a hobby blogger and there’s nothing wrong in that. However, if you’ve big blogging ambitions and you work as a hobby blogger, that’s where the things go wrong.
Yes, quality content is good but then hobby bloggers are free to do and write as they like. Sometimes, their experiences and ideas are good and you still value them even if they are not perfectly laid out. But if you’re blogging for money, popularity, and authority, you’ve to tread a different path. These kind of bloggers surely can’t afford to be solitary bloggers.
You certainly learn with experiences, and practice does make you perfect. Of course, there’s always room for improvement and learning for everybody at all levels. Glad that you’ve picked up the line regarding social media and are doing better.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and you too have a great weekend! 🙂
Hi Harleena, being the owner of Blog Engage since 2007 I’ve seen a lot of bloggers come, and a lot of bloggers go. Many think it’s an easy thing to do, like you say in your post, a hobby. It’s really not and most learn it the hard way. With that said I do know a lot of people who really just blog for the fun of it. A good friend of mine here in the city I live is a photographer and he loves to blog about events he goes to and things he’s learning. One of the rare people who still blog… not for money.
Hi Brian, nice to see you here!
Thanks so much for sharing your observations and experiences. I’ve seen Blog Engage grow from its initial stages and I know you’ve seen it all!
Of course, one can always blog for fun and take it as a hobby. There’s nothing wrong with that. But this post was catered especially for those bloggers who want to earn some money through blogging, gain popularity and authority, and possibly make it their career.
Having said that, not every body has to blog for money – I didn’t and I started just as a hobby blogger myself. But gradually with time I realized that I could be a full-time blogger and thus shared my experiences of blogging journey.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and once again, good to see you on the blog after a long time. Enjoy your weekend! 🙂
You’re right according to your first paragraph, every blogger faces too many problems during there starting days but they can make sure not to do such mistakes again by reading this post. All points are quite clear.
I often find many bloggers saying in their post, Content is king, write for readers not for search engines(Don’t do SEO) and much more like this but when I analyzed their blog and I found that they’re having too many self made links and they’re over optimizing for SEO. 🙂 I don’t like to do over SEO but I like the points included by you, that is optimize with a long tail keyword. (Thanks)
Blogging is really a serious job and much time consuming if a person wants to make it full time. Maybe by luck the person will succeed(Which is Ideal condition 😛 ). Isn’t it? (Just got this thought of saying Ideal from today’s chemistry class…Ah, that mean I remind the notes.)
I will never forget these myths and will try not to follow each and every one, the tip listed at the end of every sub topic is really good(helped me to get a clear decision of what to do).
Thanks for writing and I hope that you’ll have a happy weekend.
~Nitin Singh
Hi Nitin,
I’m glad that you feel this post offers some useful solutions.
Well, the content is still the king, but then you can’t ignore the other aspects, especially SEO. In the present times, enhancing the user experience is the greatest and most important SEO element, and that involves the content too.
I’ll say that you still need to write for the readers, but no harm making the search engines happy too. Link building is one thing that I never did intentionally. I only believe in on-page SEO and you can read all about that in the linkbuilding post on this blog.
I’ll disagree with you a bit – you don’t need luck to succeed in blogging. All you need is the right aim, attitude, and approach. Be smart and do hardwork. But yes, blogging is time consuming if you want to be popular and gain authority.
Glad you like the tips and that the post really helped you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and have a great weekend yourself. 🙂
Hi Harleena.
That was nicely written. As you said, we need to know the purpose of our blog, and learn from the experiences of others.
I especially liked point #6: “Blogging is a tool, not just your business.” I have never looked at it that way before, at least not in words. But it’s an important point to remember. Tools require skill and experience for the best results. But they also require innovation. These qualities are perfect for blogs.
I really enjoyed your post, and look forward to reading many more.
Hi Nathan,
Glad you liked it 🙂
Without a purpose or aim, I wonder how we can proceed further, whether in life, blogging, or anything else we do. If your aim is clearly defined, the path to achieving your goal becomes much easier.
Yes indeed, we often find bloggers running after money because they feel opening a blog means we can make quick money, and when that doesn’t happen, it disheartens them. Sometimes they even give up blogging altogether because of such feelings. They need to realize that blogging is way, a path, to making money – not the end result. So, it will take time as you learn the right ways to do so.
Thanks for stopping by, and I am so glad you enjoyed this one. 🙂
Hello Madam Harleena,
That was an educative piece. It may sound discouraging but truely it is inspirational and informative as well. Blogging is not as easy as it seems and as such; one needs to dedicate a lot of time and hardwork, keeping in mind the do’s and dont’s so as to achieve success.
Your facts are right on track. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hi Ngwu,
Thank you for saying that and I hope it helps bloggers, especially the new ones 🙂
Absolutely! If taken seriously, blogging is no easy task, and for most of us it’s literally full-time, just like any other job we take up. You do need to give it your best. There is no compromise to hard work, no matter what kind of work you do, and that’s exactly what leads you to success.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend too 🙂