Edible Flowers That Can Be Used in Your Recipes

Do you know you can eat some types of flowers? Yes, here are some edible flowers that you can add in your food recipes or use them for food decoration.
Edible flowers in a sandwich

Edible flowers can be useful ingredient to add color and taste to food recipes. There are a variety of edible flowers like the hibiscus, viola, the lilac, and many more. You can even use them in a refreshing drink, to garnish your cake or recipes, as toppings on desserts, and so on. Read all about the culinary and health benefits of edible flowers. ~ Ed.

A cake garnished with edible flowers

It is that time of the year again when the floral fever takes everyone by storm and people are looking for new and innovative ways to incorporate the pretty spring flowers in their day-to-day lives.

I am here to tell you that not only can you use these flowers to decorate and brighten up your living space, but you can also take some of these along with you to the kitchen to brighten up your dishes and give them that dash of color and delicate flavor that will certainly leave your guests mesmerized.

If you want to know more about the various flowers you can safely eat and how you can add them to your regular recipes, keep reading!

4 Edible Flowers You Can Use in Your Recipes

The top edible flowers that can add unique color and taste to your recipes are Hibiscus, Lilac, Elderflower, and the Viola.

The Hibiscus

Just picture this – it is a hot, sunny day and you have just come back indoors after a long morning of working on your garden. You want to have a nice cold drink to hydrate yourself, but all you have are cans of soft drinks stored at the back of your fridge.

The reason why hibiscus is first on our list of edible flowers is that it happens to be one of the healthiest edible flowers and it is also used widely for its distinct taste and vivid color. In fact, a famous drink made using this flower is the hibiscus squash which is a concentrate of the flower, mixed with syrup and lemon to get a flavorful red drink that can quench anyone’s thirst in minutes, especially when it’s served cold from the refrigerator.

The Lilac

This flower is used because of its bluish purple tinge that can complement a number of dishes when added with the right ingredients. The lilac is a flower that is very often used to garnish, or even mixed in the batter of blueberry cheesecakes.

It goes without saying that the blue shades of the flowers and berries form a lovely combination that makes the cake look like it’s straight out of a children’s picture book. If you have a tea party coming up anytime soon, then this might just be the best no-bake easy cheesecake you can make to wow your guests with some blueberry and lilac delight!

The Elderflower

This is one flower that tastes as good as it looks. If you want a flavor that isn’t overbearing but is still sweet and mild, the elderflower won’t disappoint you. These flowers are widely used in a number of recipes simply because they blend in well with a vast variety of flavors.

If you’re looking for flowers to add to your beverages, then the elderflower can be infused with just about anything as it does not overpower the flavor or smell of the food or drink it’s added to. However, these delicate-looking flowers are also perfect to garnish cakes and cupcakes, especially when you want to add a touch of color to the icing on top.

The Viola

You guessed it; I have obviously saved the best for last. The Viola happens to have a sweet and delicate taste and smell that makes them perfect for any recipe that involves baking and pastries. The best part about these flowers is that you can coat them in sugar to make them sweeter and also give them a solid structure before you use them as toppings on your cakes or cupcakes.

Additionally, the crystallized sugar-coating them often makes the flower look glassy and frosted, so if you’re looking for a flower that looks, smells, and tastes amazing to complement your baked goodies then look no further cause you couldn’t find a more perfect blossom!

Benefits of Eating Edible Flowers

Not only are edible flowers useful for adding a touch of color and freshness to your dishes and drinks, they are also packed with numerous health benefits and can elevate your overall health if eaten on a regular basis. Here are a few reasons why you should consider adding some flowers to your diet:

  • Studies show that the hibiscus flower helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, making them a great addition to your diet, especially if you do not want to end up being put on numerous medications for these health issues.
  • Dandelions are praised for their highly nutritious properties, making them a great addition to salads and teas.
  • Nasturtiums are flowers that look beautiful and can instantly make any dish look classy and colorful. Apart from this, they are also rich in minerals and are loved for their anti-inflammatory effects and the antioxidants they contain.
  • Rose petals are recommended for anyone who suffers from anxiety and stress. The scent from the flower, along with a few of its properties, helps calm nerves and is generally used for relaxation and relief.

Wrapping Up

Here is a summary of the different ways you can incorporate edible flowers in your recipes:

  • Make a sweet concentrate using the pulp of the flower and serve it with ice and a dash of lemon juice as a refreshing drink.
  • Garnish cakes, cupcakes, and other drinks with flowers that are sweet and bright.
  • Infuse it with your tea to make your tea healthier and get a distinct floral taste.
  • Glaze them with sugar and use them as sugar toppings on cakes and other desserts.

Over to you

We hope you found this article informative and useful. Do you happen to know of any other ways we can use edible flowers in recipes? If so, do post it in the comments below. Happy cooking!

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