7 Health Benefits Of Music That Can Transform Your Life
You know how relaxing and soothing music can be.
We know instinctively that it is beneficial for our health.
Most of us know that music can help our mood, sleep, and help us go the extra mile when we are running or training.
I have always had a strange relationship with music. It started badly with my piano teacher who refused to let me take the exam because I had not practiced enough!
After slamming the door, I started to take it seriously, passed the exam and went on to study the organ for four years. Things were beginning to look up.
Over the years, I realized that music was beneficial to my health in so many ways. It began to be an integral part of my life.
It helped me with insomnia, with recovering from anxiety attacks and also in lifting my mood when things got really tough.
If you read on, you too can discover how music can be a boon to your health and way of life, and the various health benefits of music therapy.
You will learn how your memory, fitness, mood, pain relief, and studying can all benefit when you take music more seriously. That’s what I should have done when I was a teenager.
“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!” ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
7 Ways Music Can Help You Live a Happier and Healthier Life
Here are seven lesser-known health benefits when you listen to or play more music.
You will be inspired and will reach for your earphones more often during the day. Let the music play!
1. Music Can Relieve Pain
Imagine not having to take as many painkillers when you wrestle with those aches and pains.
There is now research which shows that music can indeed help us do that.
But how can music actually relieve pain or, at least, take our minds off it, which is half the battle?
We all have different levels of threshold when it comes to pain. It is partially a subjective sensation.
The interesting thing is that researchers now know that the brain uses the same pathways to process music and pain.
To put it simply, if we can divert some of the painful sensations by occupying them with music, the pain will be relieved.
The more we are engaged and distracted by the music, the lesser will be the pain we would normally experience.
Whenever I have a headache, I switch on Vivaldi or Mozart and listen. It usually helps to lessen the pain.
Researchers are also recommending that more active listening, such as identifying a change in a familiar tune or melody is very helpful.
Dr. David Bradshaw of the Pain Research Center, at the University of Utah, found that there was a reduction of pain levels of up to 17% when subjects had to identify changes in the a familiar childhood song, Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Useful tip: The next time you have to endure a dental visit or minor operation, take along your iPod and earphones. It might be better to choose your favorite tracks but ones which are new recordings or versions. Can you spot any differences? You can also listen to more music in the post-operative phase instead of taking those painkillers.
Do Read: 10 Stress Headache Relief Techniques That Work
“Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” ~ Johnny Depp
2. Music Can Help With Restoring Memory
What is going on in the brain when you listen to your favorite music?
Think of rhythm, melody, pitch, and beat. These are all lighting up different areas of the brain to help us enjoy the experience. Add in the words of a song and even more complex functions are happening.
The motor cortex in the brain gets involved if we tap our fingers or feet to the rhythm.
When the brain is damaged by dementia or Alzheimer’s, a lot of these functions are still intact, and that is why music can re-awaken them and help patients to regain their memory.
It is also the reason why Dr. Oliver Sacks, the author of Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, often sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to his patients who had lost the power of speech. They were able to reconnect through the music.
“The past, which is not recoverable in any other way, is embedded, as if in amber, in the music, and people can regain a sense of identity.” – Oliver Sacks, M.D.
Watch the video here where the moving story of Henry shows how playing the music he loved brought him back to life and made him more sociable.
Man In Nursing Home Reacts To Hearing Music From His Era ~ YouTube video
It certainly resonates with me as my grandmother always cheered up and was brighter when she heard her favorite music.
Useful tip: If you have a loved one who has dementia or Alzheimer’s, make a point of playing them their favorite songs and music from their youth. You will be surprised how a personalized playlist can help patients escape the loneliness of dementia.
Related Read: How To Take Care Of Your Mind And Memory
“Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.” ~ Robert Fripp
3. Music Can Help You Lose Weight
If you listen to pop music or other fast beat music while eating, you are likely to eat more and in a shorter time. This will certainly not help you with your weight loss program!
This is what researchers from Purdue University found when they investigated the eating habits of people in restaurants.
Their study showed that if you eat with more relaxing classical music in the background, the whole experience becomes a much more enjoyable one.
You eat more slowly, and this is a big factor while controlling your calorie intake. You also tend to take smaller mouthfuls.
Now I know why background music in restaurants is such an important part of the surroundings.
However, I always remember not to have music on in the background when a friend of mine comes to dinner. She is one of the very few people who really dislikes music.
They are called music anhedonics. They just do not respond to music at all – in fact, my friend has told me it really gets on her nerves.
Useful tip: Avoid restaurants with loud music. It’s a ploy they use to get people to eat faster and increase their turnaround times!
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“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” ~ Plato
4. Music Can Help You Study And Learn Better
Did you know that lifelong learning will help you to live a longer and healthier life?
A Mayo Clinic survey of over 2,000 seniors in the USA found that those who used their brains in reading, studying, doing quizzes, or other mental activities may be at less risk of developing dementia. Can music help?
There is lots of controversy about whether listening to music can really help you to remember, focus, and generally study more effectively.
I am in the group that cannot concentrate while music is playing. It distracts me, and I cannot get anything done nor can I concentrate at all.
This has been borne out by a study done by Dr. John Perham of the University of Wales who found that music seems to inhibit learning by rote or memory.
He also found that reading comprehension was negatively affected when listening to song lyrics. He maintains that there is a semantic overload from the words on the page and the words you hear in the song.
However, there are lots of studies that show music may actually help you to focus and concentrate when learning.
The Johns Hopkins School of Education has published a very comprehensive review of how and when music can be used in the classroom and more informal settings.
Useful tip: Try it when you are learning. If music helps, go for it. Some experts recommend Baroque music to help with attention while others such as Celtic Fantasy by Daniel Kobialka can be useful for better focus. Try Brian Eno’s Music for Airports if your flight is delayed or if you have to study really hard. I know some people who love it.
5. Music May Lower Your Blood Pressure
Are you worried about your blood pressure? If you are, maybe you are trying to reduce your salt intake.
A much easier and more enjoyable way is to try listening to music while breathing properly for about half an hour a day.
This was the good news from a joint Italian/UK study. Researchers showed that the patients were able to lower their blood pressure by listening to various types of music.
Slower classical music such as Verdi, Puccini, Beethoven, and Schubert was more beneficial for the patients. Rock and pop music had a little beneficial effect and in some cases, actually increased the blood pressure.
Useful tip: Listen to some more classical music every day but don’t give up your blood pressure pills as more studies need to be done. My doctor still needs to be convinced, but she says that it can do me no harm. She says that about most things, anyway!
Must Read: 6 Steps To Relieve Stress Using The STRESS Formula
“Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.” ~ Ludwig van Beethoven
6. Music Fuels The Feel Good Factor
You know how we seek pleasure in food, exercise, drugs, and sex. All these activities will release the dopamine chemical, which gives us that pleasant and rewarding feeling.
But these pastimes are costly in terms of time, effort and money, not to mention side effects when drugs and overeating are involved.
Dr. Robert Zatorre is a neuroscientist at McGill University. His work on how music helps to release more dopamine is fascinating. His team used brain imaging, and they found that while subjects listened, they experienced those chill moments, and that was when more dopamine was released.
Useful tip: If you want to feel better because you are a little down, use the following list of music passages to decide which ones work for you and then make your own play list. These are the pieces which were most popular among Zatorre’s research participants. They are listed here. You can get a 30-second sample of each one by clicking on the title.
Do Read: 6 Bad Ways To Reduce Stress You Should Avoid
“I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” ~ Billy Joel
7. Singing May Help You To Bond
Mental health depends a lot on how socially involved we are. Social inclusion and making friends will be crucial. We all look for ways of bonding with potential friends.
One great way is to join a choir or a singing class. From my own personal experience of singing in church choirs, I certainly found that this helped to forge friendships.
Researchers at Oxford University found that this was indeed the case.
They collaborated with the Workers’ Educational Association in the UK. They asked them to set up four classes in singing, and three others in crafts and creative writing.
After the surveys had been finished at the end of the seven-month course, they found that those in the singing classes were able to bond much more quickly, and they felt this from the very beginning. Singing was the great ice-breaker.
Staying connected on Facebook is not nearly as effective as a real live face-to-face connection, which you can get when singing in a class or choir.
Researchers were convinced that playing, dancing, and singing together have always bonded people in a special way. Their study proved this very well.
There are lots of studies that show singing will benefit your health overall, and you will live a longer and happier life.
Useful tip: Even if you cannot sing very well, get involved with a sing-along or karaoke group. Failing those, there is always the shower at home! Or you can sing in the car like I do. Nobody will hear you unless you have the windows open.
Wrapping it up
As we have seen, music, singing and also playing a musical instrument has enormous benefits for our physical and mental health. Remind yourself to do the following more often:
- Listen to more music and sing more
- Select the best music for you
- Make your favorite playlists for working out, winding down, and for lifting your mood
- Think seriously about taking music lessons or joining a choir
- Encourage your loved ones to do the same
MUST READ: Guide To Healthy Living – The MEN Approach
Over to you –
Let us know in the comments about your views on the health benefits of music what kind of music keeps you happy and healthy. Could you live without it? I doubt it!
Disclaimer: We're not offering any medical advice here. These ideas are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always seek a professional medical opinion from a physician of your choosing before making any medical decision. The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute to the advice given by your physician or another healthcare professional.
Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.
I definitely agree that music fuels the feel good factor. I usually maintain a playlist intended for different situations. It adds spice to life. Just imagine if you are on a long drive without music. How boring is that? But if you are listening to your favorite playlist during travel, it makes the long drive enjoyable, especially if you will also sing together with your family and friends.
Thank you for this revealing article!
I have long suspected that music played in the solfeggio tones has an absolutely profound healing effect on all living beings, and am utterly fascinated by ancient writings on the subject of sound patterns on matter and life….
In many of these works, it is stated that the whole universe was created through sound, through resonance.
Following this thought, I have many ideas for projects involving singing and instrumental music, especially in groups, that I will be exploring in future, and it is so exciting to be reinforced through these studies, experience and information about the effects of music!
Thanks for your work on this…..
I always listen to music whenever I feel sad or depressed. It completely changes your mood. Listening to your favorite tracks especially your childhood favorites makes you feel awesome.
Interesting article. The benefits you mentioned here sounds very true.
Thanks Tauseef for joining the discussion and glad that you also benefit from music. I hope to investigate some more health benefits of music and maybe write another post.
Watch this space!
Hi Robert,
A great article, well researched and presented.
Music has always formed an important part of my life. It touches us in so many different ways and on so many levels (both consciously and subconsciously); even for many who would say they are not particularly interested in music.
And, of course, music is a truly international language.
Many thanks for such a valuable piece of writing.
Malcolm 🙂
Thanks very much Malcolm and really happy you enjoyed the post.
Hello Robert,
I have been away for a while but your post caught my attention immediately I logged in.
You see, I love music a whole lot. I remember three years ago, I didn’t have any music player and I always knew something was wrong. One day, I got it and I played one of my cool songs, and I was like “wow, where have you been mehn”. lol
I love your fourth point because it works for me a lot. Presently I have music playing in the background as I read/work and I can’t imagine not having it. Some people complain that it distracts them, well, that’s them.
I am glad about the other points you wrote about. I never knew music helps with pain or with memories and the other stuff. But it is good to know. Now you have converted me to a die-hard ‘music player’. By the way, I am a chorister, and being a good singer means that you really have to listen to a lot of music, so you can see, I can’t really help it.
Music is life y’all.
Thanks for writing this
Thnaks so much Toby for joining in and really glad this post resonated with you. As for being a chorister, I can relate to that so maybe I should join a choir again. Happy music to you!
Hey Robert,
I agree with you 100% and it’s not because I play instruments and dance either 😉
Music definitely helps with changing your emotions. Especially when your depressed and down and out. The right music can be very uplifting and get you back in balance.
I also believe that music can heal physical ailments. Last year I watched a video on the Moors and how they use the a medieval guitar called the lute to heal certain diseases which was quite interesting. They would hit certain cards to rejuvenate the body and get it to heal itself.
Thanks for sharing Robert! Have a great upcoming weekend!
Thanks to Sherman and Abhishek for joining the discussion and also their encouraging remarks. Hope you are going to have a great weekend too.
Music is the best companion in the world who helps you, soothes you and keeps you focused for your work. There is no doubt that music increases your productivity.
Thanks for sharing this awesomse piece of article!
Music is the best, when there is something happen songs are there to release stress, when I pick up the guitar playing for a while and looking at the clock, one hour is already passed and didn’t even notice.
Thanks Ih.louis for joining in and telling us how you use music to relieve stress. There is nothing like it – as you know!
Yes, music over the years has been known for its soothing relief. I recall a story in the Bible where David had to periodically play his harp to drive away evil spirits bothering King Saul. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Obinna for reminding us that music is indeed an integral part of all religions. As regards the Bible itself, there are loads of references
“with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19).
They say that the earliest musical reference in the Bible is in Genesis Chapter 4, v.21 where Jubal was “the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe.”
Hi sir Robert,
I really love to listen songs. A maximum time when I stay free at home out of office work I do listen to a song that I love. I feel very relax and my day goes very happy.
I never knew music can also make our day giving us benefits. Thanks for sharing such informative article.
I will share this to my office mates because they always stay disturbed by the office work.
Hi Robert and Harleena,
I love this article. I am a huge music lover but will admit I have really not taken full advantage of it over the last few years. I used to listen to music daily but now I tend to forget to turn the tunes on with my busy lifestyle. I have slowed down a lot but really need to use music more as a healing tool after reading what you had to share about helping with pain and mindset. That is awesome. I have heard music is good for a person before but never really learned what all it could do.
Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic weekend.
Thanks to Irish and Babnature for letting us have your comments. It is great to hear how music is motivating and helping you to move ahead and that is an inspiration also for me.
Thanks and have a great weekend,
Hello Robert,
I am a lover of music. Music heals the body, mind and soul.
Music relieve you from anger, sadness and feels your heart when you are lonely.
You have shared here some good ways music can help someone.
Thanks for dropping such a motivational post, it was indeed helpful.
Have a blessed week both of you.
Hello Robert,
Permit me to say, SILENCE is SILVER, MUSIC is GOLD.
What can i do without music? I’m yet to find out. I eat with Music, sleep with music, do my laundry with music, read with music, drive with music, just name it… i do it all with music.
From the strum of my acoustic to the blast of the sound system to my ever dear headphones, i can barely live without music.
I totally agree with all the points you made in this article, and i enjoyed reading through it with my headphones on:)
Thanks for sharing this!
Hi Raphael,
Great that you enjoyed the post – thanks for the comments! I hope the reading did not disturb your musical enjoyment too much! LOL!
Hi Robert
Wow! I was smiling so much when I watched the video. It was like magic. He just came alive. Music does wonders to the soul. I am not surprised that this has been proven with science.
Yeah it is great to read these insights about music. I never knew that it can help in losing weight. I have experience music helping me when I am stressed.
Thanks for sharing this info.
Take Care
Hi Ikechi,
Thanks so much for stopping by and telling us your reactions. Yes, that video is really something and also the videos with Oliver Sacks are very moving too. Such a pity that he is no longer with us.
Hi Robert
Good to see you here and nice to read a post on a very unique topic. Never heard before health benefits of music like weight lose and lowering blood pressure.
This world was created with everything in harmony with each other and it is we the human beings that disturbed its harmony and after several millenniums we need to call music as a form of art though it is base of the functioning of this universe.
I observed there are two types of people in this world one is of those who likes noise and that is why they quit listening music once they get busy in their life while the other type is the real admirer of music and they never quit listening it and enjoy it whenever they have time.
The way you narrated the seven amazing benefits of music loudly tells us how much you must have researched on it to surprise many how it can bring so many good things in our life apart from relaxing for a few moments.
Many thanks for sharing this incredible post
Thanks very much Vi for the kind words about the post and glad it resonated with you so much. Let’s hope that music therapy will become more important in treating all sorts of ailments and problems in our lives.
Hi Mi,
Sorry for getting your name wrong in the last comment!
Hi Robert
Very well researched post.
I must say I get immense benefit from music during the time of distress and anxiety. Often I have found music as an antidote to mental stress. I feel refresh after listening music.
Thanks for this cool article !!
Thanks very much Vaibhav- glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, it would be great if more people listened to music when stressed out.
I listen to music on two distinct occasion. Firstly when am in a bad mood, I listen to music to pull off from whatsoever that caused my depression and secondary, I listen to music when I need to read, learn and assimilate because I tend to learn more when I am listening to the sound of music
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for commenting. You have the best of both worlds in being able to listen to music while learning – Lucky you!
Yea. Thanks
Music plays a very important role in my life. There was a time when I only enjoyed soft instrumental music that helped keep the blood pressure in control and think deeply. But nowadays I am into hardcore metal and battle music that rushes out adrenaline like crazy. Either way, music is my all time best friend.
I can relate to the points you have mentioned here though I was not aware of actual reasons as to why and how music does good to the mind and the body.
Although I cannot study with my earphones plugged in, I do get immense benefit from music during the time of distress and anxiety. Often I have found music as an antidote to mental stress.
My only regret is that I did not learn any instrument, even though I got opportunities to do so in my childhood!
I see you have studied a number of aspects of music and I can understand from this post how deeply you are in love with music. Way to go Robert!
Hi Tuhin,
Thanks very much for telling us about your relationship with music.
As kids we never realize that our parents are right in getting us to study music – maybe they sometimes know best! On the other hand, some kids are not musically inclined so it is better not to force them.
Hello Robert sir,
Nice meeting you here.. 🙂
Great beneficial post indeed.. You have written an important knowledge on listening music. I was really unaware about the benefits of listening music, you know.
But reading this article It was great beneficial for me. I only felt that the first one can honestly say also that music relieves pain. We can forget our bad work or day by just listening music.
I agree with your all point of views on this topic. Each and every points are great interesting. I appreciate you for your beautiful idea to share this article..
Thanks a lot..
Have a great day ahead..
– Ravi.
Hi Ravi,
Glad you found the post really useful. I think I was extremely lucky to have been given the chance to learn music at a young age. I hated it at the time but it was a really great investment for my future health and happiness!
Hey Robert and Harleena,
I am glad to come back after a gap.
Music is an amazing source to get rid of tension. People feel free after going through the phase of tones and clouds of songs.
Robert has explained some great points here. All have their specific benefits. When we listen any song then we go to a different world.
Losing weight is something I didn’t know. Maybe it will be great for many people.
Great post.
Hope you both are doing great.
Hi Ravi,
Welcome back and glad you liked the post – that encourages me a lot!
Hope you are making progress with all the SEO and WordPress stuff.
Hey Robert
I always knew the value of music because it has always seemed to take me away. I was not aware of all the points you make. But as soon as I read them they made sense. Especially loud music in a restaurant. I have been to a couple and they are never enjoyable. Its hard to hear while I have enjoyed myself it felt kind of stressful. I probably did eat more, but I would never be able to know, I eat lots and fast.
I bring out the big guns when I need to concentrate. Mozart, Beethoven or any classical when I want to focus and write, that with a sniff of spearmint oil and my focus won’t be broken.
At the moment I am going through a stage of instrumentals of all my old favorites. Really lapping up the music without the lyrics, but every now and again, not knowing the words plays on my mind.
When I look back on my life, (while I don’t regret) I wish I had of learnt a musical instrument, I know nothing is to stop me now. I did try guitar but lost interest. May go back to it, who knows.
Thanks for the reminder of what a blessing music is. I deeply feel for your friend who can become annoyed by tunes. My how she misses out.
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your comments. I must say that while I can still play the piano, I still don’t do it as often as I should and I must change that. Making music (I improvise a lot) is really therapeutic. Learning an instrument later in life is a real challenge. But go for it!
Thanks for this post Robert, I’d forgotten how much music influences our lives and it’s good to be reminded every now and then.
You are welcome Louise – glad you found it useful.
Hi Harleena and Robert,
What a very interesting post, thanks. I knew music made me “feel better” but didn’t know the reasons why.
I’m also in the group of people who don’t benefit from having music playing while studying or reading. It completely distracts me – which is odd, because as a child I would always have music playing while I did my homework, and I still got pretty good grades.
Probably no great surprise for you to hear that I often use music to help me get to sleep when the stresses of the day won’t let me switch off.
The section on music and weight loss was particularly interestins!
Joy – Blogging After Dark
Thanks very much Joy for telling us about your relationship with music. We seem to be very similar in that music is not an option when writing or studying.
As regards eating, anything that makes me slow down is a really valuable tool. Music fits the bill perfectly!
Hey Robert,
Loved reading a well-researched piece that discusses what also happens to be a favorite thing of mine–music 🙂
I’m grateful to be able to play some instruments. Can’t live without music! Although I’m generally inclined to the Rock genre, I appreciate a wide variety of music’s forms/genres, like those of orchestras and choirs … especially if I like the lyrics. (I’m a “words” kinda guy when it comes to music. Sometimes I’ll dislike a song even if it sounds really good–if the words aren’t right.) I can get goosebumps from listening to any good song or piece, regardless of its kind.
What I only *wish* I can do with music playing are, focus on anything I’m on, and sleep. But don’t you worry–if you’re the easily-distracted type (by other things, too, besides music), there’s also research that shows that, as far as creativity is concerned, it can be a good thing 🙂 (The two premises seem to complement each other, don’t they?)
Thanks, Robert!
PS: Your blog looks great. Kids rule! (Cos someday they just will.)
Thanks very much Ethan for joining in on the discussion and also your remarks on my post. Great to hear from a rock enthusiast as classical music was getting the upperhand! LOL!
Had a good look at your site too (very nice clear layout!)and will be reading some of the anxiety posts as I am preparing a post on that.
Hi Robert,
I’m in awe after reading this! My goodness, no wonder why I turn on Vivaldi when I start getting a headache. Guess my body knows more than my mind does lol. I have it on my playlist and when I’m on the computer too long my head starts hurting and just realized what I’ve be doing intuitively. Wow!
The best here is playing music to Alzheimers patients. When my grandmother was in the nursing home with that, she always responded to old music of her time. There was a therapist there that did exactly that. It was wonderful seeing the different responses.
Most of all singing! When my husband and I are on road trips, all we do is sing old songs very loud..it is bonding. I also like to sing softly to my dogs. It kind of lulls them or sometimes one of them will howl along with me. lol
Thanks for an amazing post.
Thanks so much Donna for those encouraging remarks. It really helps me to go on- maybe listening to some music on the way.
I know exactly what you mean about singing in the car. My partner used to love me singing Anglican hymns on long trips- you cannot erase your childhood upbringing. We were even thinking of keeping a Church Hymnal in the car at one point!
As regards Alzheimer’s, that was also an eye opener for me as I had perhaps underestimated the power of music.
Hi Harleena and Robert,
I’ve heard a lot about music being able to help with learning. I’ve even tried the technique myself at one point in the past.
There have also been case studies about how music can help in a therapeutic way, like music therapy during rehab.
In the end I think it’s much more than a form of entertainment and a form of art. Like many things in the world it serves a number of purposes.
Thanks Lea for stopping by and commenting. I think music therapy will become more important for all sorts of ailments and illnesses
Let’s hope so!
Hello Robert Locke,
This is great information on music. I am die hard music fan. MY headphones are always there inside my ears.
Seriously, is that so, the restaurants play out fast tracks and tend to gain more weight.
Wonder why am I getting to much of over weight. Thanks for letting me aware of this fact.
These steps are really fantastic for better health issues. Music can make us sound well and helps in
releasing out the pain.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
Shantanu sinha
Thanks very much Shantanu and really happy you found the post useful. Wishing you luck in avoiding all the wrong restaurants! Robert
Hi robert; what a well researched and written post. I love to sing and stopped singing for many years thans to some nasty criticism in my teen years. I started up again a few years ago when i needed to record an intro for a video. now i sing often and share on yutube. Judging by my stats people enjoy hearing me sing more than they like hearing me talk. 🙂 I am hoping to do some live events in the near future and most people believe I should use a format that combines singing and speaking. thanks for sharing, max
Thanks Max – really glad this post resonated with you in more ways than one! I like the idea of talking and singing on a video because that will vary the experience on YouTube – people talk far too much! Robert
hi robert; well i was thinking about in person, but for now video will have to do. as a blind person living in a community with very little mass transit doing things online is my best option. this is why i do so much with guest blogging, interviews, podcasts, radio shows, contributions to round up posts, etc. my intro video that is on my home page is a combination of singing and talking. I’ve been told its too long and that newcomers to my site probably won’t spend that kind of time. but any time i forward the site to people and ask them to check me out, they play the video and have great comments about it. this video plus the line in my media kit page that mentions how much i love to sing has resulted in my being asked to sing live during two of the radio show interviews. its funny i know people who make their livings as mucisians singers and entertainers who tell me how courageous it is to sing acapello and to do it live without any preparation or anything. I like to tell people if it were up to me I’d sing every time. I think it helps me center myself prior to recording a podcast of my own. so music can help in a lot of aspects of our life. great work, max
Thanks Max – a truly inspiring story, yours. I loved your comment on the video of “people sleepwalking through their lives.”
Hi Robert; Glad you liked the video. It could be better but until I can make it better I’m not going to worry about it. I’ve actually had a crazy idea for a new service but so far no one else sees my vision. Given the quality available via Skype or a private google hangout why couldn’t there be something called a virtual recording session. Why couldn’t me and someone else get on Skype have them coach me through the presentation, then edit it on their end; and then either post the final video or send it to me to be uploaded. Same with music. why couldn’t they play the instrumental tracks or play the music live on their end and me sing on this end and then put it all together. would it be studio quality? no but it could be pretty darn close. For example I see my intro in three parts with each part starting with a few bars of the river then I talk for a couple minutes then I sing that verse of the river with the next button up so they can click it right away if they don’t want to hear me sing. I don’t think they will because my youtube numbers say people listen to me sing more than they listen to me talk. Probably a good case for not checking numbers like those. 🙂 thanks again. have a happy easter. blessings, max
Thanks Max and great to hear your plans for using Skype. I use it myself for teaching English sometimes and it works really well. I also have a musician friend, a harpsichordist,who gives lessons to his student in Hong Kong. But it does depend a bit on the quality of the sound line so music is sometimes problematic.
Hello Robert,
Thank you so much for the great information on music!! I love music. I love singing to it, dancing to it, and of course, listening to it. I used to dance flamenco and used to play the piano and the saxophone. I can totally understand that the more you engage, the more benefits you get.
I always play classical music or relaxing/epic movie soundtracks when I draw mandalas. The music helps me be creative, focus and stay in the zone.
I also heard that singing uses the same muscles as when you do some yoga poses and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. That’s why I sing loud while I’m driving. It was the dopamine that helped me relax in traffic.
Thank you again, Robert, for sharing your great information! I will stay away from the restaurants with loud and fast beat music.
In love & gratitude,
Thnaks very much Keiko for your insightful comments-really appreciate that!
Interesting point about how music uses the same muscles as we do when singing – maybe somebody could write an article on that?
It’s great to have my first post published on Aha!Now and especially on a subject which has been so important in my life for various reasons. I think my piano teacher would be proud!
Hi Robert,
Welcome to Aha!NOW. 🙂
Your post is very informative and helpful. I’m sure my blog audience will benefit from it. Definitely, your piano teacher will be very happy for you for the way you transformed yourself. Some events or lessons in life are truly transformational and I hope this post will help people to change for the better.
Thanks, and I hope you’ll enjoy interacting with the readers. 🙂
Thanks Harleena – great to see such an interactive community.