Interview with John Paul Aguiar: Blogging Entrepreneur and Twitter Expert

I hope you had a great start to the New Year!
I’m back from my blogging break and all geared up for achieving the goals for this year.
I’m sure you also have your goals to achieve, don’t you? One of them might be to grow your blog or business.
People use different ways to accomplish success, which of course is subjective to every individual.
One of the ways to be successful is to leverage the social media such that your blog or business benefits from it.
It’s true that social media has not only become an important part of our lifestyle but even an integral component of how we do business.
We use social media to spread our word like fire, attract visitors to our sites, develop relationships with people, whether colleagues or customers, and to increase sales.
Talking of social media, one of the most potential yet untapped networks is Twitter.
Yes, there’s much ado about politicians using Twitter trying to connect to larger audience with immediate reactions on events.
For someone like Tom Hanks, “Tweeting is like sending out cool telegrams to your friends once a week.”
Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of Twitter says that “Twitter is the future of communications”.
Well, it is indeed. And there’s more to it.
That’s where John Paul Aguiar comes into picture.
In 2001, he was told he would need a Kidney Transplant. and would be put on Disability. His struggle and rise to online success started since then.
John has been using Twitter for the last nine years and mastered all its depths and expanse.
He has successfully leveraged Twitter to be listed as one of the top social influencers by Forbes and BuzzSumo.
John uses his knowledge and experience to help other bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve similar success.
Therefore, I take this opportunity to introduce you to John and to ask him the questions that you might want to know to help grow your blog or business.
If you’ve been following Aha!NOW for a long time, you know that I had monthly interviews some time back. Well, the interviews are back and they are going to be just as helpful.
Use Twitter to its full potential. Join the Free Twitter Training by John Paul Aguiar.
Here’s my chat with John Paul Augiar, blogging entrepreneur and Twitter expert.
Q1. John, first tell us something about yourself – where do you live and what do you do? How can you help other bloggers, entrepreneurs, and marketers?
John: I live in South Eastern Massachusetts. Basically I am A Blogging Entrepreneur. I have used my blog to build an online business that covers consulting for Blogging, Social Media and Twitter.
I help bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs and small business owners by showing them how to use Blogging, Social Media and Twitter to get more leads, more subscribers and more customers.
Q2. Let’s start from the very beginning – what did you used to do before your online ventures, and what all did you do offline?
John: Right before I came online to look for ways to make money, I was a wheel chair van driver, I had 3 kids I would pick up each day and drive them to a Special Needs school and to doctor appointments.
I did that for 2 years then I decided to drive a school bus, full size school bus that fits 60 kids. 🙂 I had an elementary school run and a high school run.
I drove a school bus year round for a total of 6 years.
Q3. You transformed your disability into super ability – do you think others can also follow in your footsteps? What is your one golden advice for people wanting to make a mark and earn online?
John: TY for that Harleena, It didn’t feel like “super” in the beginning, but in time it worked out pretty well. 🙂
I think my best advice would be two things:
- Stay focused on ONE thing, one way to make money and then learn all you can about that ONE thing.
- Stay consistent, success won’t come fast but it WILL come if you stay focused, work hard and keep at it.
Q4. When did you start blogging? Did it make a difference to your online income? What did you do to leverage blogging?
John: I started blogging about 8 years ago; it was a way to show people what I was doing online to make money.
At first blogging didn’t work, it took a lot of my time away from the things I was doing online to make money at the time. But in time, about 11 months my blog was starting to grow nicely and get more and more attention.
My main way to leverage that attention was to do affiliate marketing, I would write a blog post about a service or product that I was an affiliate for and when people read, clicked and bought the product I would make a nice commission.
I also sold banner advertising, since my blog was getting more attention and traffic, people wanted to pay me to add their banner on my blogs sidebar.
Finally I started to offer consulting on how to grow a blog, use email marketing, how to use Twitter marketing, and Social Media in general.
Q5. You’re all upbeat about Twitter. Why do you prefer Twitter? How is it better? What is the best way to create a big following on Twitter?
John: Twitter is the only platform that I can put you on today and you will see traffic going to your blog in 1 – 2 days.
Add to that, you can ACTIVELY get new people to come to you see your profile and hopefully follow you each and every day for FREE.
Q6. You acquired a following of 110,000 on Twitter in less than 2 years. Could you share your best secret tip with us?
John: There is no secret, it took hard work each day, sharing helpful, targeted content with my followers, I was available and helpful to anyone that asked a question or made a comment.
I think to have success on Twitter and see your followers grow you have to do all that CONSISTENTLY combined with actively finding new people to follow each day.
My stream became a resource that people would come to for help or to find great content they could read, learn from and re-share.
Q7. I was intrigued to know why you said that we use Twitter all wrong. So, I attended your free webinar on January 4th and I found it really helpful. Tell us something about your “Chunky Sharing System” and how can the readers know more details about it?
John: Haha when I say “you’re using Twitter wrong” what I mean is from a marketing standpoint. If you are trying to promote a blog, a product or service or a business, then yes MANY people use Twitter all wrong.
They waste so much time being “BUSY” but with no real results.
If you’re going to use Twitter for marketing then you need to stop just being busy and get focused, have a plan in place, learn how to spend less time on Twitter yet see BETTER results.
My Chunky Sharing System basically helps you tweet in chunks, so you are more efficient and targeted with your time on Twitter.
That way you have say 3 hours on content (Tweets) going out but you PHYSICALLY only went on Twitter for say 20 – 30 minutes total.
Q8. John, tell us something about you family. How do you balance life and work? Bloggers, entrepreneurs and marketers have a hard time doing that.
John: In the beginning there was no balance, it was all work. Probably why I saw success pretty quickly.
But I wouldn’t recommend that for new bloggers or online entrepreneurs.
You have to find balance, you have to be able to stop work and focus on LIFE.
For me, the past 5 years I walk away from using Social Media more… I take off Sundays and most nights and Saturday is a half day for me.
Also when I leave work, I focus on what I’m doing to have fun or relax. Lol, it’s hard because as a blogger, things in life will inspire new blog posts ideas… so I send a reminder and get refocused on fun or relaxing quickly.
Best thing to do in the beginning is treat your blog or online business like a job. Set the hours of the day you want to do work, and stick to those hours. Once you leave, leave work 100% so you can focus on LIFE.
Thanks John for answering those questions and sharing your thoughts with us. To know more about John, visit his blog.
Winding it up
John and I have been Twitter acquaintances, Triberr mates, and blogging friends for many years. Of what I know of him, he’s a Twitter pro, incredibly helpful, real honest, and delivers what he promises.
He’s giving free training to anyone who is interested in learning about how to leverage Twitter and to get more attention, retweets, traffic and influence.
Click here to join John’s free Twitter training
I highly recommend registering for this three video Twitter training series and check out how it could help you grow your blog or business.
That’s all in this interview. Do let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Hi Harleena,
What an amazing interview! Thanks for sharing this with us the Ahaians.
Well knitted questions and the Apt answers!
Yes, I know John since a few years and am glad that he participated in few of my Roundup posts too.
In fact, our history is filled with a lot of people who encountered disability but with their hard work and stability, they conquered all. And there is no doubt that John too will include in this list of people who proved “Disability is not a liability” He is the best example to this.
I liked the answer he gave for question #3 You transformed your disability into super ability – do you think others can also follow in your footsteps? What is your one golden advice for people wanting to make a mark and earn online?
He said to this:
“Stay focused on ONE thing, one way to make money and then learn all you can about that ONE thing.
Stay consistent, success won’t come fast but it WILL come if you stay focused, work hard and keep at it.”
this is indeed an amazing approach/concept to succeed in whatever we do.
Indeed John’s thinking and activities are worth notable and worth following
I wish him good health and be more active in this world of blogging
Keep going my dear friend John,
Keep sharing
~ Phil
Very informative interview, I think John Paul has shared some tips in this interview and I would certainly bookmark this post.
Learning tips from experts would surely help to make an action plan.
Hey Harleena,
It is really very interesting interview with John and he has scattered many significant facts regarding social media and Twitter. You have asked many important question pertaning to social media and I have noticed he simply answered all the questions in very effective manner.
Social media is a powerful tool for content distribution, but the truth is that most of us aren’t taking advantage of its full power. Each social network has unique features, options and user behaviors that affect how content is published.
Social media is more about relationship building than straight-up promotion. This is actually good for us because it can get new people looking at our social channels.
Twitter is considered incredible weapon for blogging, it helps our blog to get popularity. Twitter is best platform in social media where we can share our videos as well as content to maximize our traffic and productivity level. Twitter has the potential to drive traffic to our blog, get more eye-balls on our content, promote our products/services and increase our influence on the social web. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy thought with us.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Welcome back from your blogging break Harleena. I’m really excited bout it. And what a great start with a fantastic interview.
I’m touched by your story, John. We always have so many excuses for basically everything. To hear your story shows how foolish this is. You are a real inspiration.
I think the strongest point for me was to hear that I need to focus. I try to fit everything into Twitter I’m slightly interested in. I guess If you don’t focus, you do everything a little and nothing outstanding. Thanks for this message.
All the best and thanks for the interview. – Ilka
Hi Ilka,
Thanks so much for the warm welcome – always good to take it off for a while and return with more goodies, isn’t it? 🙂
So glad you liked the interview with John. Yes, he sure is an inspiration to many of us, and the more you know about him, the more inspired you become.
You are right, focus is the key, no matter what you are doing. I know it becomes a little tough for working moms, but it does work best if we manage to do it right.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Great read. It was very encouraging to read and see the possibility to grow as a blogger. I found the information on investing in Twitter to share blog posts extremely helpful. I am trying to work on being more consistent on Twitter. I have definitely found I have more interactions and built a more loyal community on Twitter by participating in Twitter chats. Thanks for the great information.
Hi Keisha,
Glad you liked the interview and could relate to it 🙂
Just as John suggested, Twitter has a lot of potential, and I have also seen that over these past few years. Yes, Twitter chats are wonderful and they do bring in targeted followers to your profile as well.
Hope you join John’s program and get to learn lots more from it.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. 🙂
Nice interview.
I’ve interacted with John briefly (very briefly) on Facebook.
I’m curious to know which scheduling tool he recommends using.
Hi Lorraine,
So glad you liked the interview with John 🙂
I’m sure you’d love to learn more about his scheduling system – from the given link – do check it out.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hello John & Harleena Mam,
Great to see you here John Paul ! Yes I read somewhere about you and year works Great sir.
Specially we all Bloggers love to use Twitter , because this is not only social media to share content after publishing . This is an great platform to connect with mates and expert in your field as i found Harleena Mam on Twitter and following her tweets & blogs from last 3 years .
Hashtag in twitter is play major role , and here in interview i learnt lot of more tips related to Twitter.
Thanks 🙂
Hi Sanu,
Good to see after long 🙂
So glad you know about John, as he’s a well-known person, especially on Twitter and elsewhere.
Yes, we met on Twitter, and then later on Facebook and other social networks as well.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. 🙂
Hi John,
Nice to see you here on Harleena’s place. Wow what a wonderful interview!
I almost jumped out of my seat when you stated that you were using Twitter all wrong. Me Too! Well until pretty recently. Now I can understand it and how to market on that platform. It took me long enough lol.
I love interviews because we not only get to know what you do but who you are and you are amazing!
Hi Harleena and John. Nice interview! This Chunky Sharing System sounds great. I’m one of those who probably uses twitter all wrong. I don’t have the time to be on everyday but when I’m on, I try to share relevant posts. My stats have grown but very slowly. I don’t look for new people to follow very often. Sounds like I need a little twitter refresh. I’ll take a look at your videos, John. Thank you for the inspiration. I like that you have started up the interview series, Harleena.
Hi Lisa,
So glad you liked the interview with John 🙂
Yes, the chunky sharing system is really full of chunks of knowledge I’d say! I can understand how it can all get, and even though we try our best to be there as much as we can, I wonder how many of us are really progressing in the right direction. I’m sure you’d love John’s video and his course. He’s surely a pro when it comes to Twitter!
Yes, the interview series were overdue and glad they are back with a bang now! Stay tuned for another one next month.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Lisa in the 3 part video series. Video 2 coming in a few days will share the chunky system.. so make sure to use Harleenas link to opt into that.
My system will save u a lot of time yet make u look very busy 😉
Hi Harleena! Hey John! Good seeing you here!
I have to say, fabulous interview. Twitter is by far my favorite source for networking and second for sending traffic to my sites. I like to thank Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive for a lot of that. She is the Queen of Twitter. So, I guess you are King, John? 🙂 Find the right methods to network on Twitter and market our businesses has been trail and error for me. I remember back in the day when my sole focus was chatting people up on Twitter. I’ve made quite a few friends that way. Now, the magic needs to happen. Get them from Twitter to my website and become a Client. This is part of my 2017 mission. With help from people like Lisa and yourself, we’re bound to amp up our Twitter resources and bring in new business.
Thanks for having such a wonderful guest, Harleena! See ya around on the webby, John!
Hi Bren,
So glad you liked this interview with John 🙂
Oh yes! I agree with you about Lisa – she surely knows all the ins and outs of Twitter, and we do learn a lot from her posts about Twitter.
Just as I was telling Don, I think most of us have moved ahead with Twitter through hits and trials, and taken up the best ways that worked for us. However, either it takes too long or perhaps it’s not the right direction, which is where John’s course would help – as he has taken years to study and experiment with his own experiences on Twitter, and then come up with it all.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. 🙂
Hey Bren
It is all about moving them from Twitter to your blog and then get them through a process.. new reader, subscriber, client.
I hope this plan kicks butt for you in 2017 😉
Hi John, Hi Harleena,
It’s great to meet you John. I have seen you around Twitter and LinkedIn. Thank you for sharing a little about yourself. It’s always good to read how other bloggers got started.
I’m definitely checking out your Twitter course. I have a pretty decent following but I know there is more I can do.
Wish you much success and hope we can connect!
Hi Cori,
So glad you know John through Twitter and LinkedIn, and more now through this inspiring interview. 🙂
Yes indeed, reading about the stories of how a blogger or entrepreneur started off, motivates us, isn’t it? I guess being bloggers, we can easily relate.
I’m sure you’d love the course. True – learning has no limits, and if we can all benefit from John’s course, nothing like it.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it. 🙂
Hey Cori.. i see you around too 😉
Glad you are doing well on Twitter. But like you said.. there is always more we can do.. try, tweak… haha never ending learning
Hi Harleena,
Thanks so for introducing us to John Paul’s story. What an inspiring journey and it reminds me that his story is what the journey of entrepreneur is all about!
I’ve always been active on Twitter, and next to LinkedIn, it’s my top social media “go to” site.
For years, I just didn’t get it.
Today, I have conversations with people all the time. When you think about communication, it’s the little stuff that can be so important. From a “Thank You” to a “How are you?” to complimenting someone’s work.
The exposure that Twitter provides is massive. In a short-time, my audience on Twitter continues to explode as does the traffic from it.
I agree with John Paul, there is no secret formula. Just common sense, engagement, and relationship building opportunities that come from it that lead to traffic through more social shares.
Thanks for sharing his inspiring story!!!
~ Don
Hi Don,
Good to have you back 🙂
So glad you liked this interview with John, which I agree is very inspiring. True – most solo entrepreneur’s start from scratch, don’t they?
I agree with you there – I think when we started using Twitter, way back, most of us were novices. It’s only with time and knowledge that we begin learning the real way to leverage Twitter or any other social media platform. Of course, it’s not easy being all over, but whatever works best for each of us, should be tapped.
That is exactly what John is so good at – he builds relationships over Twitter, and is the one person I’ve known for years, who will ALWAYS reply and thank, even for a single like (leave alone a comment!) – and I am seeing him do the same on other social networks as well.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Happy to connect Don and I’m glad my story has inspired or motivated you.
Also love hearing that Twitter is working for you and things are growing nicely 😉
Hey John and Harleena,
I have met John around two years ago he listed me in one of his posts. I was so thrilled to see me at John’s blog.
I didn’t know the story behind his success. He really pushed the limits and proved it.
I like how John has explained the use of Twitter. From the marketing point of view, it’s important to make a plan, spend a plenty of time on Twitter.
Thanks Harleena so such an inspirational interview with John.
Hope you both are enjoying the day.
Hi Ravi,
Good to know that you already know John 🙂
He’s all over the web I feel, as he’s been online for years now. Yes, I think none of us knew more about him, till we asked him through this interview, and his answers do inspire us, don’t they?
So glad you liked the little Twitter takeaways John’s shared with us here. Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Good to see you here Ravi and I Appreciate the kinds words man.
I see working hard and having success as well.. so congrats on your rise up man.
Hey Harleena and John,
Great interview here!
One major thing that holds a lot of people back is the they try to do too many things at one time. This was my problem as well.
The answer you gave in Question 3 is vital. You want to stay focus on one thing, learn everything you need and be patient with the results.
Once you figure it all out you can move on to the next strategy. This may seem like it wouldn’t be productive, but ironically it is.
Thanks for the share! Have a great week!
Hi Sherman,
So glad you liked the interview 🙂
I agree with you there, though multi-tasking is something that work from home moms cannot do without either!
Being focused and productive is what matters, and I am sure John’s course is all about how to achieve that.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hey Sherman.. glad you enjoyed the interview.
And you are 100% right man.. trying to many things with half as effort will get you nowhere
Hey JP and Harleena!
Long time no chat! Good to see you both, and love the interview. Looking forward to the new video training tomorrow! I think it’s tomorrow LOL my brain’s all fried from a new schedule at the “real” job. Great to see some familiar faces!
Hi Jennifer,
Good to have you back, and so glad you liked the interview with John 🙂
Yes, it’s coming up today, and we hope to see you there! I’m sure you are going to enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Thanks Harleena for the interview.
I hope you readers enjoy the information 😉
Hi John,
Welcome to Aha!NOW, and thanks for taking the interview. 🙂
It’s good to know more about you and learn from your struggles and success. With almost a decade spent in exploring and leveraging Twitter, I’m sure you’re a treasure of knowledge on how to use it in the right way to achieve success. I love your offline to online transformation, that I also underwent and many people out there want to follow too. I also like your advice of focusing on one thing. I value your views on the work-life balance. I hope the readers take a leaf from your experiences and find your suggestions helpful. And I’d be attending your free twitter training too! I’m excited to learn some tips to improve my tweeting – there’s no end to improvisation, isn’t it?
Thanks again for your time and have a great rest of the week! Enjoy yourself interacting with the Aha!NOW audience 🙂
I hope they see value in my advice and experience.
Take and apply it to their life and business.
We are all still learning so i hope you get some nuggets from my videos 😉
I am sure everyone is going to find great value from your experience. As for me, I’m anxiously waiting for videos! 🙂