Why and How to Self Publish a Book on Amazon

Table of Contents
If you want to self publish your book online, then do it on Amazon. Online book publishing is a bit different than traditional publishing. Here is some information on the reasons why you should go for Amazon Kindle Publishing and how to self publish a book on Amazon’s KDP. ~ Ed.
What is the one thing that most people have on their bucket list?
They all want to write a book and become a published author.
Well, I agree that getting a book published with traditional publishers is not an easy task.
Have you thought of self-publishing a book on Amazon?
Without any doubt, if you haven’t written a book yet, then Kindle self-publishing is what you should go for.
Amazon Kindle publishing is just amazing. It makes becoming an author so easy. It’s what you should try this year.
While searching for information on how to self-publish a book, I discovered a golden self-publishing resource that I’m going to share with you. It can make you go from “blank” to a “bestseller” within no time.
Self-publishing a book on Amazon is not so hard a task to achieve. Nothing should stop you from becoming a published author once you read this post. Here’s all about how to self publish a book on Amazon.
But first, let’s be clear and understand why you want to go for online book publishing.
Why Amazon Kindle Publishing is the Best Option for You
I recommend self-publishing your book online on Amazon because it is easy, quick, and more rewarding than doing so with a traditional publisher.
If you think you’re not a writer, not experienced in publishing, and this is the first time you are going to write and publish a book, then there is all the more reasons to go with Amazon’s wonderful Kindle platform and use Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Does it bring you money?
Yes, Amazon is the place to go for to publish your book if you want to earn a passive income. And, here’s why.
The AuthorEarnings website reports that there is a progressive decline in ebook sales of the traditional publishers, while the Amazon ebook sales are surging.
Amazon self-publishing was never on such a high. This is the right time for you to ride the self-publishing wave and make your bucket list lighter.
Look at Mark Dawson – Forbes reports that Amazon pays him $450,000 a year as royalties for his self-published books on Amazon.
According to this report, the share of self-published authors has become more than 31% of the total ebook sales on Amazon. This share is continually increasing as you read this post.
These self-published authors are earning more royalties than the published authors with the traditional publishers.
With the trends supporting self-published authors, increasing market share, more Amazon ebook sales and higher royalties, do you still doubt that Amazon Kindle publishing is the right choice for you?
The success of self-published authors has given birth to a new breed of business persons – Kindle entrepreneurs or Kindlepreneurs.
Here’s the list of the United Kingdom Kindlepreneurs, the Amazon self-published bestseller authors. The one thing common to them is that they are all millionaires.
There are more self publishing success stories, you can search for and find them on the web.
So what is stopping you from taking the plunge into the self-publishing market and getting your book published on Amazon?
I think I can read your mind and hear your doubts, so here are my answers to put them to rest.
What Stops People From Writing a Book and Publishing It
Not everybody wants to become a published author for money. Some just want to write for the fun of writing or because they like to write.
However, do you know why most people want to write and publish a book?
They want to impress somebody, grow their business, or perhaps multiply their income. But the majority of people want to help and inspire others by sharing their knowledge and experience.
Is that you?
Do you know what is stopping you from self-publishing a book on Amazon?
You don’t know where to start. Am I right?
Even if you know now that the Amazon self-publishing platform is the place to start, you do not know how to start.
We have a post on Aha!NOW about getting your book self-published that you can go through. In fact, you’ll find many such posts and articles about self-publishing.
But you still do not get the complete information on how to start and how to successfully publish a book in them.
Most importantly, many do not feel as qualified and lack the confidence.
Or if you are like me, you feel you do not have the time to write a book!
I know I can write, I know I’ve a book in me, and I know where to start.
But yet I’m not able to start because I do not know the exact way of self-publishing a book on Amazon, and I think it is going to take too much of time.
Not anymore. (I’ve a savior, you’ll know more about it ahead.)
True, there are many self-published authors who fail to make their book a success.
Many do not reach their expected level of revenue and sales. That’s because though anybody can publish a book on Kindle, it requires the right knowledge and its application to make it big.
If you do not write, launch, and market your book in a certain way, then your fears might come true.
How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon Kindle Publishing Platform
It’s a simple process filled with common sense that saves you from the tedious process of searching for the right information, making trials and errors, experiencing painful failures, and wasting your precious time.
The wise thing is to learn from the experts, take heart from those who have successfully self-published ebooks on Amazon, and look out for someone who would reveal the secret insider tricks to you.
You may have the talent and the skills, but if you learn the right techniques, you increase the chances of becoming a successful self-published author in no time.
I mean from the point of view of earning a name, fame, authority, reputation, and money.
Is that what you want?
Then you should go for this course on self-publishing a book on Amazon and learn from Chandler Bolt about how to do that.
Learn from Chandler Bolt of the Self Publishing School
Yes, Chandler is the go-to-person. He is a 5-time bestselling author on Amazon, an entrepreneur, and a self-published millionaire.
He has gone through all the ordeals of self-publishing, knows exactly what should be done when and how regarding publishing a book on Amazon.
Chandler is the undisputed ultimate authority in self-publishing books on Amazon.
He just studied what thousands of top authors before him spent decades pioneering, then tested, refined, and build a system based on the most effective strategies and systems that worked.
He created a compression course that reveals the system that took him there.
I’ve seen his videos, and I want you to watch them too.
In fact, Chandler has come up with a free mini course of three videos for first-time authors, where he will tell you all the whys, whats, and hows of self-publishing on Amazon.
The best thing is that this mini-course is FREE.
No charges, no credit card information – nothing at all. Three completely free video lessons.
Here is the link to Chandler’s free video course on how to become a bestseller.
If I were you, I would make a wise choice (like I did) – grab this precious opportunity that comes for free.
What’s Inside the Best Self Publishing Course
• In this free mini course, Chandler tells you the EXACT blueprint to go from blank page to bestselling author in just 90 days — even if you’re busy, bad at writing, or don’t know where to start.
• Not only that, he would teach you how to turn your book into a bestseller, including Amazon’s “Rule of 3” Secret that maximizes sales.
You don’t need a book idea, writing talent, or lots of time to start.
You just need the will and the courage to take action.
Watch the free video on why and how to self-publish on Amazon.
You should not limit your goal to be a self-published author, but make it a high priority to become a bestseller in 2018.
Equipped with Chandler’s Amazon self-publishing lessons, you’ll realize that becoming a bestseller author is no longer a dream.
Is there anything that is still stopping you from self-publishing a book on Amazon?
Listen to Chandler here, and you’ll free your mind of all the doubts and fears.
Do not miss this chance because the video stays online only for a few days.
Missing out this free opportunity can cost you a lot – achieving your dream, earning that handsome passive income, and that coveted bestseller author tag!
As I always say, you do not lose anything by taking free lessons, in fact, you only stand to gain.
You may get the idea of what to do and how to go about, or discover the clue or missing piece of the self-publishing puzzle, or find out what about your misconceptions.
• Chandler is revealing how you can become a published author in 2016 – including the exact system that took him from college dropout to bestselling author and 6-figure business owner in just a year.
• This free video course contains the exact, step-by-step video course that tons of ordinary people have used to write, publish, and market their first books.
If you are a blogger, writer, coach, speaker, marketer, or a consultant, this is your ticket to success.
Do not stop yourself from self-publishing your book on Amazon, start the process with this free mini video lessons series.(and also get few fabulous freebies…errrr I was not supposed to tell you, just keep it to yourself. 😉 )
Here is the link to watch the first free video – this is your chance to avail a golden opportunity!
“A man who misses his opportunity, and monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved.” ~ Indian Proverb
Over to you –
Do you want to self-publish your book on Amazon? Do you still have any doubts or questions about self-publishing? Are you going to take an action and become an author this year?
Disclaimer: I’m an affiliate of Chandler’s course and will earn a commission if you make any purchase at no extra cost to you. However, this video course is free and does not require a purchase and the opinions expressed in the post are my own.
Read This Review of Best Self-Publishing on Amazon Online Course.
Thanks for the motivation Vinay…I am thinking pretty much of writing a book and publish it using Amazon.com
Can you tell me the total cost involved in all these tasks?
Hi vinay; I did listen to chandler’s video and he made a lot of sense. He got to talking about his paid course and I must have missed the free one. Just tried the link and got a 404 error message. Could you or harleena please email it to me. and for anyone still thinking they can’t write a book just remember the blind blogger just finished the writing part of his second book. I am not confidence in my ability to do the editing formatting and submitting so I hired someone to do that for me. if i can do it then what is your excuse? thanks vinay, max
Hey Vinay,
I had seen this post around and have been avoiding it I think. I knew it would fire me up. I have June penciled in to start something small. I have just book marked this post as its a wealth of information.
My motivation is to get it crossed off the bucket list. One published book. I have written a book some time ago and did send it to a number of publishers, but I did not have it edited and was only half hearted about it. So this time when I write something I will give it my all and have an editor. While I do it completely to challenge myself – I do intend for it to make its mark, other wise there is just no point.
I find the market flooded with books at the moment. So I want to make sure that anyone who reads my book is interested the whole way through. I’m excited. Thanks for lighting the book fire spark again Vinay.
Hello Vinay,
I’m really glad that you shared this information with us! Plus, the timing was so perfect. I was thinking of publishing a book vaguely, but I didn’t know how at all.
Thank you so much for the great info and encouragement!
In love & gratitude,
Hi Keiko,
Glad you like the post and hope this information really helps you to get your book published. I hope you are watching the videos, if not, watch the third video that’s released today. They are free, but you gain much information from them without having to make any purchase. At least, you’ll get some basic idea of what’s in store for you in regards to self-publishing a book.
Thanks for visiting and hope you are having a great weekend!
Self publshing book is what i am thinking next.Yes i want to write book and looking for resouces which would help in my way of writing.
Hi Ravinder,
If you want to self-publish a book, then go for this free video series. You’ll gain a lot of information without having to purchase anything. Hope it helps.
Hello Vinay sir,
I’ll start by thanking you for this post. It was interesting and the stats you mentioned about eBook selling on Amazon are pretty adrenaline mixing.
I too had been thinking to publish my own eBook but procrastination and some more commitments in the writing career of mine put it in the background!
I think this post will help me to revisit the enthusiasm I had at that time. I have known Chandler from the days I have been researching abpout my eBook and I think his example in this post is so apt.
Thanks for this post sir.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Swadhin,
If you want my unasked advice, just watch Chandler’s free videos and they will help you a lot. There are few good things that come in life for free, and one of them is this mini video course. 🙂
The majority of people have the same common reason for not writing a book, procrastination due to some or the other reason. Me included. This video series is going to change that.
I’m happy that you like the post and find it helpful. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. You too have a wonderful coming weekend.
I want and appreciate every advice that comes my way. Thanks a ton for the advice sir!
Hello Vinay,
This is a very informative blog post. I, too would like to write a book but I just don’t know what about yet. I will definitely be checking out the videos. You mentioned that you and Harleena are going to write a book. What kind of book will you all be writing? I know it will be good. You both are such great writers. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Hi Maketta,
Glad you like the post. If you really want to write a book, this free video mini-course will be very helpful to you. Harleena and I plan to write a book on our blog niche, which is personal growth, self-improvement, and self-help. We want to help people and hope all will like it. 🙂
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Hello Vinay,
What a nice and detailed post on how we can publish our books and be better.
Sincerely, i have been trying to write a book since two years now. But i just can’t seem to finish it… I’d say laziness and lack of time are my major obstacle here. 😉
Thanks for such an informative post. Have an awesome week both of you
Hi Babanature,
I share the same story as yours. I really got pumped up after watching Chandler’s video. I’d suggest you watch it, it’s free. There are three more videos and they’ve got enough meat in them to get you charged up to finish your book.
Let me know your feedback after watching it. I’m glad you like the post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience. You too have a great rest of the week!
I will write a book series on tea. I have watched Chandler Bolt’s free video training and I was close to jump on his course. I have purchased Chris Brogan’s course, Write Your Book Already.
My first book will be published on December 16. Please check out my crowdfunding campaign.
All the Best,
Martin Lindeskog
Hi Martin,
Congrats in advance for completing your book and all the best wishes for its success! I hope the guidance through the course helped you and I like your determination.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your views.
Vinay, Thanks for a great post. I just quickly read through but I will be coming back to read in detail. Publishing a book on Amazon has been a back-burner goal of mine for the last couple of years. I would love to make this happen!
Bri Campbell
One Bite At A Time
Hi Brianna,
I’d simply say that this is the best time for you to take action. Take out 20 mins and watch the video. I’m sure you’ll be a different person after watching it. There are more videos coming up – do not miss them (they are free too). I’m in the same boat as you’re but I’ve resolved to take action.
I look forward to your feedback. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Do have a great day!
Hi Vinay
Very informative post with a lot of disclosures that actually remain in our mind but hardly we be serious about them
You are right everyone related to online marketing be it blogging or social media has the plan to publish an ebook but so many ifs and buts keep his plan either in his mind or once in a blue moon he gets serious to act upon the idea but mostly leaves it half done or sometime before starting it practically.
The resources you mentioned in this post are more than awesome and I have bookmarked them to read in free time because I think I am one of the worst victims of just thinking about publishing an ebook but shelve the ideas with several lame excuses. With these resources I hope I would come up with success in this field very soon
Many thanks for sharing and have a wonderful rest of the week
Hi Mi Muba,
I’m glad you like the post.
Most of us fall prey to procrastination and the illusion that there’s no time. That’s me. But no longer now, once I know and realize this. You got to beat the blocking and dragging habits and Chandler tells you all the ways to do that in the videos. I’d suggest that you watch the free videos, you don’t lose anything. You’ll feel good that you took some action.
It’s not only you but it happens with many (including me), so what we need to do is stop blaming self or others and just get started and do it. Watch the video and tell me, and you’ll find more valuable lessons there than the resources in this post.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it. You too have a great day ahead!
Hi Vinay, I self published my book in 2012 including an ebook that’s on Amazon. It was a little confusing but like Balroop, I followed the instructions on the Amazon site. Plus, I had someone help with the formatting. I will be publishing a new book in the Spring, so I’ll definitely watch these videos. One thing I would mention is to always get professional editing before publication. I did and it was well worth the cost. I hope you and Harleena get your book published! I would love to read it. Thanks for the wonderful share today!
Hi Lisa,
That’s great to know! With a book and an ebook under your belt, you’re really poised to be an expert. I’m sure the free video series would help you refine your skills.
Doing it all on your own is the best way to go if you have the time. But it doesn’t hurt to get some professional advice and suggestions from those who’ve made it to the top. Rich experience is valuable and that makes the difference from being a published author and a bestseller.
I agree that it is better to hire someone for formatting, editing, and proofreading. It is always good to spare your time for other important aspects of writing and publishing.
Thanks so much for sharing your pieces of wisdom gained from your experience. Harleena and I thank you for your best wishes. Have a great day!
Happy New Year Vinay!
I have had no idea what it means to publish on amazon. that’s simply because it’s something I have never worked on.
But having published a book earlier this year, I started thinking towards Amazon and your post is a great resource. I’m heading over to the recommended video right after this comment.
Your introduction and review of the video makes it very exciting.
Thanks for this post as it helps point me to the right path.
Do have a wonderful week ahead.
Hi Enstine,
You’ve already written an ebook so you know the game of book writing. Yes, publishing on Amazon is bit different but you got to do the same things for your book to be successful, write good and market it well.
I’m sure the free video series would help you get a good idea about going on your own if you want. I hope it is really helpful to you.
I’m glad you like the post. Thanks for visiting and sharing your mind. You too have a great week and year ahead!
Hi Vinay
It is my goal this year to publish a book and I have been getting my hands on every resource to publish a book this year.
Although, I assisted a friend in publishing a book on Amazon, that experience showed me that I needed to learn more.
Thanks for sharing this post and I am off to check out the video.
Hi Ikechi,
My best wishes to you to write and publish the book this year. I’m sure the free mini video series will help you get nearer to your goal.
I guess that’s with everybody, you always need to learn more and keep learning to become better and perfect. With some hands-on experience, you already have a jump start.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Thanks for checking out the video too!
Hi Vinay
Thanks for a wonderful post on self-publishing. When I entered this arena, I didn’t have any knowledge but my inner voice kept telling me…go step by step and you would be there. So I followed my intuitive power, read all the tutorials of Kindle, which are very helpful and now I self-publish one book each year.
I wish you and Harleena a great success in your goal of publishing your book this year. You both are so prolific and would surely be successful. Have a blessed week.
Hi Balroop,
I totally agree with you. If you keep tuned to your inner core, you’ll find the way and things start to unfold in your favor to make it easy for you.
It’s great that you could just do it following the Kindle tutorials. Yes, they are really helpful. However, there are people who want to save on time and get expert help to make their book successful and there’s no harm taking help. At least, watching a free video is totally harmless and I hope you’ve done that.
Thanks so much for your wishes and that means a lot for both of us. We really want to get this done and it’s just a matter of time.
Thanks for visiting and you too take care and have a great week!
Hi Vinay,
This is really an informative piece. 🙂
I just went thru the process and i appreciate you that you put everything in a wonderful way to follow,. Though I have an account on Amazon, I never thought of doing one thinking that it is a cumbersome process. But your write-up shows me the way to do it, of course the video of Chandler Bolt speaks volume within the short span of 16 minutes 22 seconds! I am doubly sure that it will prompt one to get into this process of self-publishing books. 🙂
Indeed, this post is a motivating one to jump into self-publishing.
Thanks Harleena for the pin i received today about this information. 🙂
I am sure i can publish one or two books this year. 🙂
Thanks again for telling about this process.
Keep up the good work of sharing and caring for others.
Best Regards
Have a great week ahead with lots of sharing and caring 🙂
Hi Phil,
I’m glad you liked the post.
Chandler’s video is certainly impressive and it filled me with confidence as I watched it. Do follow up his entire free video course and you’ll be pumped up to publish your book and become a self-published author!
Of course, being a blogger and writer, you can easily publish two ebooks a year and that would become another stream of passive income.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your views. You too have a wonderful week ahead!
Thanks Vinay for the encouraging words,
Yes, I am sure i can do it for that matter any blogger can!
Keep up the good work.
Best Regards
You can. Watch the webinar today to get pumped with passion and make it happen in 2016. 🙂
Yes, Vinay, I just registered and getting ready for the event!!! 🙂
Good day
Great, will meet you there. 🙂
Thanks for sharing all this information! I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing a memoir on Amazon for a couple of years now but was put off by the tax requirements and 30% withholding fee.
I’m definitely going to take advantage of this free offer you are presenting here.
Hi Debbie,
It’s great that you want to publish your memoir on Amazon and I think Chandler’s course is just the right one for you. You’ll realize this when you watch his free videos.
Regarding the tax requirements and the withholding fee, I’m sure you can ask these questions to Chandler directly when you are through with the free video series, you never know that he might offer you a workable suggestion that’ll remove this obstacle to becoming a published author.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Yes, I hope it will lead to something. Three of my stories were published in an anthology book a couple of years ago, but someone else did all the formatting, etc. and it was for charity. Thanks again for presenting this opportunity!
Hello Vinay,
Thank you for sharing these tips. I published my first ebook on Amazon Kindle and it was a little confusing for me but I finally got it. I wish I had something like to guide me, it would have saved me a lot of time. 🙂
I’m bookmarking this since my goal is to publish my second eBook this year. I’m off to check out Chandler’s course. 🙂
Have a great week ahead!
Hi Corina,
First, congrats for being a published author! Harleena and I are also looking forward to achieving this feat too. Thanks for sharing your publishing experience and I feel we’re really lucky to find someone like Chandler to help us get our first book published.
I’m sure you’ll find Chandler’s free video course very helpful. You can even subscribe to the “publishing” channel of our subscription to get the latest updates on Chandler’s course as and when it happens.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your experiences, I really appreciate it. You too have a wonderful week!
Thanks for this Vinay! I’m preparing the marketing for my second (self-published) book now so Chandler’s video help seems timely.
Looking forward to what I can learn from him!
Hi Lori,
I’m so happy that this post was timely for you. I wish you make the best use of the free video series. Even if you’re an already published author, I’m sure you’ll find that Chandler’s suggestions and tips are something you never heard before; he is full of surprises. 🙂 I hope you’ll find the course very helpful in making your second book a success.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
After watching the first video, (and taking a few notes) Must agree that this is a wonderful opportunity.
Thanks Harleena Singh for the tip.
My friend Kristine Pierce has been publishing for several years and keeps telling me that my Blog is loaded with information that others could use.
Even offered to help.
Stop the procrastination,it will never happen until you get rid of the scared and take that first step.
Hi Carata,
I’m glad that this post could help you and that you found the video worth watching.
The entire free video series is really valuable and empowering. I strongly feel that anyone going to be a first-time author should not miss it.
I agree with your friend Kristine and this is what many have told Harleena too. We are definitely going to use Chandler’s suggestions and tips. I hope they prove helpful to you too.
You’re absolutely right – you just need to get started and get it done. Waiting for the perfect time is not going to help.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your wise views. Have a great day ahead!