7 Useful Tips for Successful Weight Loss

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The secret behind losing weight is more than just exercising or following a particular diet. You also need self-monitoring, sleep and support to help you achieve your goals. Here are some practical and successful weight loss tips that can help you understand the right ways to lose weight that you should adopt in your daily life. ~ Ed.
If you want to lose weight, you need to follow some useful tips that will help you achieve this goal.
Losing weight is not an easy goal to accomplish, and it requires a lot of patience and commitment. The most crucial mistake that people make when trying to lose some extra pounds is that they give up too soon, without giving themselves a chance to see what they can accomplish when they put their mind in it.
If you want to improve your health and appearance, it is crucial to exercise, eat healthily, and not give up. Additionally, it is critical to keep in mind that you won’t be able to see the results overnight. It may take some time until you start noticing the improvement in your appearance.
Losing weight is more difficult for some people than for others, and you shouldn’t feel sad and depressed if you don’t notice the results immediately. And at any cost you must avoid falling into the trap of using unhealthy ways to achieve the weight loss goals.
7 Successful Weight Loss Tips
All you need to do is to stick to the following tips, and sooner or later you will start losing extra pounds successfully.
Eat Colorful, Healthy Food
You have probably heard about an expression that abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Exercising is very important for our health and successful weight loss. However, eating nutritionally dense foods and avoiding fast and unhealthy food is far more critical.
If you exercise regularly and don’t correct eating habits, you won’t be able to see the desired results. It is not a surprise that many people are cautious about what they eat. You should focus on consuming healthy snacks and meals.
It is the best idea to eat meals that consist of 25% protein, 50% fruit and vegetables, and 25% whole grains. Your total fiber intake should be around 30 g per day. Also, avoid saturated fats as much as you can, because they are associated with the high risk of developing coronary heart disease.
However, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid fats altogether; unsaturated fats are good for you as they can increase the level of good cholesterol and decrease the level of bad cholesterol. Some of the foods that you should include in your daily meal plan are fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, seeds, nuts, brown rice, oatmeal, chicken, and turkey.
When it comes to the foods that you should avoid, they include processed meats, sweets, white bread, added oils, and bagels. If you worry about vitamin and mineral deficiency because of the diet change, you should consult a nutritionist.
Keep a Diary
If you want to increase the chances of successful weight loss, it is essential to keep a diary. Many people find it very helpful when trying to lose weight.
Of course, it is not a regular diary where you write your feelings and what happened during the day. It is a type of diary where you keep track of your meals and weight.
Self-monitoring is a critical element for people who want to improve their appearance. It is up to you to decide whether you want to write it down or use a mobile app. The most important thing is to record everything you have eaten during the day. You should also set weekly weight goals, and try to accomplish them, if possible.
Writing these things down will help you a lot because you will be able to determine if there is something that you are doing wrong and find a way to fix it. It will help you keep track of your calorie intake, and prevent you from overeating.
Additionally, if you eat healthily during the week, and lose some weight, you will be more motivated to continue with the same diet as you will know that it has beneficial results. On the other hand, if you consume a lot of fast and unhealthy food, you will notice how detrimental it can be to your well-being.
Exercise Regularly
Physical activity is a crucial factor if you want to shed a few extra pounds, and it is vital for your overall health. Our eating habits have a greater influence on successful weight loss than exercise.
However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t engage in physical activity. These two things combined will help you achieve the best possible results; you simply need to stick with them and be persistent. No matter if you do cardio, or go for a walk, it will be beneficial to your health.
If you are not in a good enough shape for cardio, you should at least try to take 10,000 steps daily. If it sounds too much, don’t worry, follow your pace and increase the intensity gradually.
Many free mobile apps for counting steps are available, and besides telling you how many steps you took during the day, most of them will also inform you about the calories burnt, distance walked, average speed, max speed, and more. Thanks to them, you will be able to monitor your improvement.
You should also take the stairs whenever possible, go for regular walks with your dog, dance, do gardening, or any other activity that you enjoy doing and that will help you burn additional calories.
Seek Support from Friends and Family Members
If you want to succeed, having the right support can be a make or break factor. Although we can usually control ourselves and exercise regularly without someone motivating us, on some days we are not in the mood.
When people don’t see the result of their efforts immediately, they may start thinking about giving up. In these situations, having someone by your side to motivate you and tell you that you can do it is crucial.
It can also be very helpful to have friends and family members who will eat healthily when around you. That way, you will resist the temptation of breaking your diet when you see someone around you eating fast food.
If you have a friend who struggles with being overweight, you two can work out together. It is very beneficial to have someone by your side who is going through the same things that you are.
Plan Your Meals Ahead
In case you are not a fan of planning ahead, you will be more likely to order takeout when you are hungry. That’s why meal prepping is very important. It is crucial to have a fridge full of weight-loss-friendly foods and to keep your meals structured.
Meal planning is easy once you get the hang of it, and once you get used to it; it is only a bit difficult at the beginning. You should also get rid of junk food, and processed food items. It would be the best idea to create a list of groceries that you need for the week, go to the supermarket and not buy anything that is not on the list. That way, not only you will avoid buying junk food, but you will also save some money.
Eating healthily and saving money at the same time is a win-win situation. If you don’t have experience with meal prepping, the internet is full of recipe ideas that will help you.
Don’t Give Up
People often feel discouraged when they don’t lose weight as fast as they hoped for. Something like this is widespread and completely understandable.
Every human body is different, and not all people will lose weight in the same manner. Losing weight is harder for some than for the others. In these situations, some people feel like giving up because they weren’t as successful and they thought they would be.
However, something like this would be a huge mistake. It is important to be persistent, stick to your weight loss program, and not to give up. After a while, you will be very thankful to yourself because you didn’t give up even if you were seriously considering it.
Get Enough Sleep
Another very important factor that has an impact on the weight loss is the quality and duration of sleep. You should always do everything possible to get enough rest during the night. Sleeping for 4 or 5 hours per night will have an adverse impact on your weight loss results.
According to research, sleep-deprived individuals are more at risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes compared to those who sleep enough. If you want to maximize the results of your efforts, it is crucial to get a recommended number of hours of rest.
The quality of sleep is also crucial, and you can improve it by creating the proper bedroom environment. For example, you should make sure it is dark, noise-free, and that you sleep on a comfortable surface. If you don’t feel comfortable in your bed, consider getting a new mattress. It is easy to get the right model thanks to online mattress reviews.
Developing a sleep routine and sticking to it is also very important. You should go to bed at roughly the same time every day. This simple habit will have a positive impact on your weight loss.
Over to you –
What are the tips that you follow for weight loss? Have you been successful? Please share your experiences and observations in the comments.
Disclaimer: We're not offering any medical advice here. These ideas are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always seek a professional medical opinion from a physician of your choosing before making any medical decision. The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute to the advice given by your physician or another healthcare professional.
Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.
Hello. thankyou for providing this information. These tips are very useful for everyone I am also want to maintain a good weight I am regularly following these tips.
Hi Renata,
Thank you so much for so valuable tips and suggestions you have stated here. Actually I am on my weight loss journey as prescribed by a doctor and I am strictly on a diet homemade food and all outside food especially fast food is not prescribed by the doctor.
I have also struggled in the past with excessive fat on my belly and thigh area. The first step that I took was prepping my meals ahead as mentioned in your article, which really helped me in losing weight.
Hi Renata,
Great job here on weight loss topic!
I read many of the blog for weight loss but never heard like this.I love this tips and also use this tips for losing weight.
Hello, Thank You for giving me these types of tips to lose the weight. Actually, I am a man but here is not only meant that only women should be fit. I also wanted that so I started following those tips. Really helped me alot. Thank you for providing such an article.