7 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog without SEO

If you’re not an SEO expert, driving traffic to your blog sounds difficult. Here are ways to get blog traffic without SEO or depending on search engines.
7 Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to blog without SEO

Whether we blog for the sole purpose of knowledge sharing or to make money, we all need traffic, right?

It doesn’t matter how good we write or how useful our product is; it’s of no use if no one visits our space.

So, the main concept to make a blog successful is to drive traffic.

SEO is the most popular & widely used web traffic generation technique. However, for that, you need to rank your site to the top. And, it’s not always easy to rank a web page when there is high competition.

One can, of course, build thousands of links overnight and rank their site higher. But I don’t think it’s a wise idea to invite an option for search engine penalty.

So what are the ways to generate traffic to your blog other than SEO?

If you are wondering what the answer could be, then let me tell you that there are actually numerous such techniques which are easy to implement. In this article, I will share seven such strategies which you can use to drive a good amount of web traffic.

How to Drive Massive Traffic without SEO

What if there was no Google! Have you ever thought of such a scenario?

Well, if not, then do so now. I’m going to reveal seven ways to drive traffic to your website without being dependent on Google or any other search engine.

If you’re not SEO savvy, then this is the website traffic solution for you.

1. Blog Commenting (Wisely!)

We all know blog commenting is one of the easiest ways to build links and relationship with other fellow bloggers. But do you know it is also an awesome technique to drive traffic?

You can actually pull the traffic to your blog from those high traffic websites!

You just need to find the authority blogs in your niche and join their email list. Keep track of their blog post updates and act immediately as soon as an article is published. Read the article and drop a thoughtful comment in that. Try to be the first commenter for maximum results.

It’s always fantastic to be on the podium, and, of course, the top step is always our target.~ Romain Grosjean

You can also provide the link of any of your relevant post instead of your blog’s homepage in the comment form’s website field. So, if other people like your helpful comment, they might want to click your site and by doing this, you help them to land to another related page.

This way the chances are higher that they will spend a longer time on your site and become your repeat visitors.

2. Guest Posting

No, guest posting is not dead. It is a proven technique of increasing exposure and growing your network with people in the similar niche. And it’s also a great idea for the branding of your blog.

However, you need to work harder for that, as the standard of writing might be higher on authority blogs. So try to get your best work published there to enjoy better branding and the subsequent results.

Also, you might get a chance to become a regular contributor if you can establish relationship with the blog owner by providing high-quality content. So utilize this technique to drive a good amount of targeted traffic to your website.

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” ~ Andrew Davis

3. Interviews

Interviewing someone is a well-known technique of getting web traffic.

People are always interested to read the story of successful individuals. This gives them an opportunity to learn through the failures and learning of those who have achieved success in life.

You can take interviews of inspirational persons in your niche or of those who you think many people would be interested to know about. And you may expect vast social shares on their network, if not a mention on their site.

4. RoundUps

Roundups are also like interviews. The main difference being, you ask one or two questions to many people at a time. The efforts are less, while the impact is bigger. However, you have to plan your roundup campaign properly to get the maximum results.

Make a list of people/ influencers in your niche who would be a perfect fit to answer those questions. Send them the questionnaire (either through email/ social media) beforehand and give enough time to respond.

You can send a reminder 3 – 4 days before the deadline, in case you do not receive from few of them. Also, make sure you have a bigger list as you may not expect a response from everyone in the list.

5. Forums & QA Sites

Forum postings can be your best traffic generation strategies if done properly. It is indeed an old and well-known technique.

Join related forums in your niche, participate in discussions and contribute your valuable inputs. Also, make sure you abide by the rules of that particular forum. Gradually you will become an authority member of that community, which in turn will help you to send traffic to your site.

Question and Answer sites (Q&A sites) are another great place to generate highly targeted traffic. People mostly seek out answers for their problems in these sites. So if you can provide a practical solution to any problem, they might feel curious to visit your profile and read more answers of yours.

It’s even better if you already have an existing related post in your blog. You can mention that in your answer and directly send them to your site.

“The buyer journey is nothing more than a series of questions that must be answered.” ~ Michael Brenner

6. Quizzes & Giveaways

Quizzes & Giveaways are two extremely powerful tools to drive traffic to any blog. A well-organized quiz is always better than any static content. It encourages the visitors to engage and stay longer on your site.

If the subject of the quiz is interesting and compelling, people will be more inclined to give their answers and share the same with their friends.

In a similar way, Giveaways can also do wonders. Many times, companies & brands want to promote their products/ services by providing a couple of their stuff for free. They want to utilize your platform by sponsoring some samples to your visitors. This is an opportunity for you too.

You can arrange a Giveaway on your site and share it in different places – this way more people will be interested to visit your site to win the giveaway product. After all, who doesn’t want to get free gifts!

Giveaways are also great in terms of building your email list. You can make a rule that those who are subscribing to your newsletter can only take part in it. So it’s a win-win situation from both the sides.

7. Social Media

How can we forget about Social Networking sites! Social Media is actually the new SEO. For many people, Facebook and Twitter are the best drivers of social media traffic. However, Pinterest is also a great medium to drive targeted traffic.

The idea is quite simple. Create your profile in the top social networking sites that suit your need. Optimize your profile there with a link to your site to increase click-through. Share useful content on a regular basis (share others’ post too, along with yours).

One of the common blogging mistakes people do is, not engaging with their audience. So make sure that you reply to any comments/ queries, which are asked in your posts. Sometimes, you will find negative comments too, however, you might not want to delete them. As your reply to these will serve as a solution to many others and people will gradually understand your authority in that particular topic.

“Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of marketing. It’s becoming the way entire bicycles are built.” ~ Ryan Lilly

Also, try to keep the same profile image across networks, as this will help you to create a brand identity in the minds of people. You must understand the different schedule of people across the globe and schedule your posts accordingly for better results.

Wrapping Up

These all are indeed very effective ways to drive traffic without SEO. And the best part is, they all are free!

It’s, of course, great if you can rank a web page higher in the search engines to bring organic traffic. But don’t let your site survive only on the courtesy of big G.

You don’t need to be an SEO expert to drive traffic to your blog. Just explore the different strategies and be consistent in whatever you are doing.

Over to you –

Which traffic generation technique works best for you? Please feel free to share your ways to drive traffic to a newly started blog.

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  1. I haven’t visited here before, but I’m glad with what I have read and seen here so far, I will do visit again and put this thought into practice, may be I would reach the height I have always wanted in blogging. Thanks

    1. Hi Praveen,

      Glad to know that you liked the post.

      Thank you so much for taking time to share your comment 🙂

  2. Hi Manidipa. Its such a nice article Its very useful tips to get the traffic. I am the beginner of the seo. Its very useful to me and am very interesting about this topic. Thanks a lot for sharing this information.

    1. Hi Riya,

      I am glad to know that you liked the post. Hope you will get benefits from these techniques.

      Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts 🙂

  3. It’s important to engage with your readers. Your readers can turn into your clients if you do it the right way.
    Social sharing would improve the SEO.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Ankit,

      You are very true in saying that. Increased traffic surely implies to increase leads and hence conversion.

      Thank you so much for sharing your comment 🙂

  4. Hello mam,
    Writing a blog is not so difficult but driving traffic to blog is most important things.
    You mentioned some good steps for increasing or driving traffic to the blog.
    Thanks for sharing this post.

    1. Hi Aarti,

      Great to know that you liked the post. Hope these traffic generation techniques will come handy for you.

      Thank you so much for reading through and sharing your comment 🙂

  5. Hello, Mandipia and Harleena Ma’am.

    All the points you’ve shared are excellent to get traffic without SEO, but If you think another side, then you can say this is totally SEO-Based article. I know, you know it very well, why I’m saying this.

    Most of the tips you’ve shared automatically increase backlinks to your blog and you know it very well that backlinks are quite useful for search engine optimization of a blog.

    1 – Blog Commenting – When we comment on other blogs, then we always use our blog URL. – Backlinking Strategy.

    2 – Guest Posting – We always get backlinks just like as you (Manidipa) get from this blog post. 🙂

    3 – Interviews – Another Backlinking Strategy. 🙂 Wondering, Why I’m saying this? Check interview page of this blog you can understand why I’m saying.

    4 – Forum Posting – Biggest source to get traffic without SEO but how? because you’re putting your blog links there. – Again Backlinking. :p

    5 – Social Media – Social sharing = Getting Backlinks = Social Signals = Rank improving strategy. 🙂

    You’re right using these ways we can get massive traffic without SEO but another side, it is a backlinking SEO strategy. 😉

    Nice write up @Mandipia. Wish you a great week ahead. 🙂

    Harleena Ma’am I’m reading your blog since 4 months but today I’ve drop my first comment. I’ve learned a lot of things from your blog not only about blogging but also self improvementing techniques.

    I’m a big fan of your’s.
    Widh you a great week ahead!

    – Paramjot Singh

    1. Hi Paramjot,

      True it is. Most of these techniques help you to get backlinks while improving the website rank. However, the actual purpose of them is surely different from getting links.

      Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts 🙂

  6. Hi Manidipa,

    Glad to see your post here.

    For online marketing, the most important thing is to drive targeted traffic to your blog/website. Well I use social media more than anything. Thanks for sharing these great points. It has refreshed my memory as well as giving me new idea to increase traffic to my blog.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Saurabh,

      It sounds great that you liked the post.

      Yes, social media is an awesome platform for driving targeted traffic and well, you are one of those in my buddy list who is very active in the right social networks.

      Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts 🙂

  7. Hello Manidipa,

    My very first visit to aha-now and yours is the first article I read here. I totally agree with the strategies you have shared. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Gaurav,

      I am glad to hear that your first experience with AHA was great because of my article. Thank you for reading through and sharing your comment 🙂

  8. Hi Manidipa,

    SEO is the last thing one should worry over in my pinion.

    If we focus on delivery quality, excellent, and provide users with great satisfaction…our SEO score will improve in the process.

    This is because every methods you mentioned in the article might indirectly leads to linkback, shares, branding, guest appearance opportunities etc…if they’re done right and with sincerity.

    Don’t worry over your blog SEO, worry over giving your visitors the best of services.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Shamsudeen,

      I like the way how you said, “worry over giving your visitors the best of services.” This should surely be the mantra of every blogger.

      Thank you so much for taking time to read through and share your comment 🙂

  9. Hey Manidipa, very nice post and valuable tips for increasing traffic without SEO. True doing over SEO would lead sight to penalty. one should be careful when optimizing the site for traffic. Rounds, Interviews and giveaways are great source to generate traffic. What ever it be content and quality are key factor to be successful online.

    1. Hi Mukesh,

      Excessive use of anything is not good for any site and so is the case of SEO. We need to keep it natural. Also, one must have other sources of traffic to make sure the content gets the needed exposure.

  10. Hey Manidipa,

    You sincerely listed real and easiest ways to drive traffic to blog or website and Social media manager, helping website or blog owners to promote their Ad Copy on Social Media like facebook or Google Plus Communities, i just discovered from your post that its good to ‘engaging with their audience and reply to any comments/ queries, which are asked in my posts’.

    Also, i will work more Pinterest method you mentioned.


    1. Hey Tola,

      True it is, engagement is the key. It’s truly great that you got the points right. Would love to hear your experience with Pinterest.

      Thank you for taking time to read through and share your thoughts 🙂

  11. Hi Manidipa

    This is an awesome post and you share a great topic. Indeed there are so many techniques to drive traffic to a site without Google.

    Great insight and thanks so much for sharing. Take Care

    1. Hey Ikechi,

      I am so glad that you liked the post. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts 🙂

  12. Hello, Manidipa.
    I’m still a newbie in blogging and certainly have no clue about how to make a great blog. Currently, I am learning how to drive blog traffic, and I found your article. I definitely will try them one by one to see which way is more effective. Thank you for sharing these tips. It is really helpful to an amateur like me. 🙂

    1. Hi Neri,

      You are exploring about how to make a great blog – that is the sign that you are taking your blog seriously. Just concentrate on publishing unique, quality content on a regular basis. Engage with your audience and other bloggers in your niche.

      There are many good tutorials available over the web, you can also read them for an elaborate idea. Just keep on doing the things and you are on the right track!

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Take care and happy blogging 🙂

  13. I’ve always found that giveaways bring in a lot of traffic to my website. Never really got into the forums side, to be honest, I think that could be down to time.

    1. Hi Karen,

      Great to know that, you are able to bring some significant amount of traffic through Giveaways and you are doing it on a regular basis. Thank you for reading through.

  14. This was a good blog post as it didn’t feel like you must do all these things at once. I read a collection of suggestions to try, that can help to increase your traffic.

    1. Hi Jacqueline,

      You are right, it’s not needed to apply all the techniques at one go. However, exploring multiple ways can significantly boost the blog traffic. Thank you for your comment.

  15. Hi Manidipa,
    As being a newbie into blogging it is really frustrating to write SEO optimized articles and not able to get the article ranked high. Most of us only think of SEO traffic but I feel things are going to change in future especially Social Media, I feel it will be a more powerful source of traffic than Search engines. Well, Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Hi Ugyen,

      True it is. It’s not always possible to rank for the targeted keywords, especially when you have some biggies dominating the first page. So it becomes utterly important to explore the other opportunities. As I said earlier, Social Media is the new SEO. Therefore one must try to leverage the benefits of it. Thank you for sharing your comment here.

  16. I used social media alot and commenting on any post that i really love. Your tips are beautiful and i’m going to try others method as you have said. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Inyene,
      It’s great that you are already utilizing two of these key traffic generation techniques. Thank you for your comment.

  17. Hi Manidipa and thanks for this excellent blog post. These are some great tips. I help run the Twitter account for a local disability-related nonprofit, and we have a blog. I’m happy to report that we have done some of the things mentioned here but perhaps not all of them. I have been a screen reader user for several years, and for the most part our site works well with every screen reader I’ve used to date. This includes the program which I’m currently using. However, the backend of our site is not accessible and due to limited resources this is very unlikely to change. A former coworker sent me a link to our new half-built login page awhile back, but nothing ever came of that. It’s a sad situation indeed, but there you go. In addition to helping out with our site a bit though, I have one of my own. The hosting company calls these journals, so that’s the term I’ll use. This company has done an excellent job insuring that all sites hosted with them are as accessible as possible to a wide audience. But one thing they’re lacking in my opinion, is social media. They do have a Twitter account, but they don’t have embedded sharing options other than good old email. However, I recently learned about Missing Lettr, and I’m using that to try and increase traffic to my journal. Where did I read about Missing Lettr? You guessed it, right on this very website! So a big thank you to Harleena, Vinay and all the team here at Aha Now. This is a wonderful site and I hope it continues forever and ever!

    1. Hi Jacob,

      Sad to know about your site issue. However, it’s great that you are able to manage your own website well. True it is, Harleena & Vinay have an awesome place to share about many helpful topics. And Missinglettr is surely one of those. I am glad to read that you are able to absorb the advantages.
      Thank you for taking time to read the article and share your comment. Have a great day, everyday 🙂

  18. Thank you so much! I only started blogging in April of 2016 and these are all definitely helpful. Looking to do an interview as well as a round-up soon!

    1. Hi Katrina,

      It’s really nice to know about your blogging start-up. Hope you will see immense result in near future. Thank you for sharing your comment.

  19. Hello Mandipa,

    It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing these suggestions with us. You’re right – each one of these are effective.

    I’ve tried most of these except #5 and #6. It’s something I would definitely like to try.

    Passing this great suggstions along. I know there are plenty of new reps still learning about SEO and this will help them drive traffic to their blog while they get the hang of it.

    Hope you’re having a great week!


    1. Hey Cori,

      It’s great to meet you too, my friend. I am glad that you enjoyed reading through the article. SEO will still remain the best traffic generation technique. However, practicing other methods along with that, can multiply the results.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day, everyday 🙂

  20. Hi Manidipa,

    The places to find “your crowd” varies from niche to niche, person to person.

    It doesn’t so much matter if you connect with them on a forum, an answer site, a Facebook group or whatever. Just find them and start hanging out with them.

    SEO is a dead-end for the most part, and it’s all about engagement now.

    You’ve given some good ideas for finding places to get it going.

    Thanks for hosting this excellent article, Harleena.


    1. Hey Donna,

      You said it right. Finding the right traffic definitely depend upon the niche of that blog. But in whatever way we get them, engagement is the key to bring them back again & again.
      It feels great that you loved the article. Thank you for sharing your views. Take care and have a great day 🙂

  21. Fantastic tips Manidipa Bhaumik, additionally Q&A sites and niche relevant forums also get good traffic if used properly. And as you told, quality blog commenting is surely one of the best ways to boost traffic as well as to build relationships with fellow bloggers or marketers.

    1. Hi Soumya,

      It’s great to read that, you found these traffic generation techniques handy. Thank you so much for your appreciating comment.

  22. HI Harleenas! Are forums still a thing lol? I’ve always seen great success with blog commenting. I also enjoy the social media approach creating friends on Facebook and Twitter.

    1. Hi Brian,

      Many newbies still search forums and QA sites for their queries. And if one can become an authority member, then it’s no doubt that, they can receive some good amount of traffic through their helpful answers. Thank you for reading through.

      1. Hi Manidipa, I have to agree, I started online in 2004 ish and forums were the thing to do. I had accounts on all the top forums but after a certain amount of time you can only answer a specific style of question a million times without going crazy. Then again the same can be said about anything you do too much of.

        1. You are so true Brian. It may not be always interesting to answer those redundant questions, however, being visible can get us some new users for a period of time 🙂

  23. Hi Manidipa,
    Welcome to Harleena’s blog.
    I love blog commenting, I just don’t do enough of it latley. It is a great way to connect with others and learn about new bloggers as well. It also gives you topics to write on your blog when readers ask you questions. You can turn one post into several that way.
    Social media is great too to generate some additional traffic.
    Good old SEO has been changing so rapidly it is hard to keep up at times! I also think blogging communities and forums are another great way to generate some additional traffic as well as paid advertising.
    I had done some giveaways a while back and did not find them too helpful. The effects did not last long 🙁
    Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Thank you for the warm welcome. You have highlighted a very nice point here. Many a times we get some ideas from other people’s comments. And these are actually the queries people are looking for. So coming up with an article on that topic is a great idea.

      Thank you so much for adding value to the article. Take care and have a lovely day 🙂

    1. Hi Bindu,

      Great to know that you loved reading through. Thank you for your comment.

  24. Hi Manidipa,

    Every points you mentioned in this post is true and effective if done right. if I have to opt on only one tactic, I would go with Quiz and giveaway.

    It’s not only provide backlink but also help in building email lists.

    Thanks for sharing this nice post.
    Umesh Singh

    1. Hi Umesh,

      I am glad that you found the post helpful. Quiz & giveaways are indeed very effective to build email list and many internet marketers are opting for these techniques now. Thank you for your comment.

  25. These are all great and essential ways. I definitely always notice a bump in my Analytics whenever I comment on popular blogs. I think I need to do it more. Getting on their email list is definitely a good idea.

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      You got it right!

      Glad to know that you are commenting in the proper manner and also are seeing the results from it.

      Thank you for reading through and sharing your comment. Take care and have a great day 🙂

  26. Hi Manidipa,

    it’s nice to read your post on here.

    Although SEO plays an important factor in driving traffic, it’s not the only source to focus on. There are so many others, like the ones that you mentioned above.

    Personally I find that commenting on other blogs is one of the better options. And besides the link back to one’s site it also help to build long term relationships with other like minded people in the niche.

    Have a beautiful day,

    1. Hey Torsten,

      I agree with you on the benefits of Blog commenting.

      SEO is surely not the only factor for driving traffic to any blog. However, it still remains the most important source of organic traffic.

      Thank you for reading through and sharing your insights. You too have a wonderful day my friend 🙂

  27. I too am a fan of blog commenting and have forged some wonderful relationships with fellow bloggers in this way. I also feel it’s very important to respond to comments others leave for our posts. This a great way to keep the conversation flowing. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Hi Marquita,

      I can’t agree with you more on this. Along with commenting to others’ blogs, responding to the people who take time to read our posts is of utmost importance.

      Glad to know that you liked the article. Thank you for sharing your comment here 🙂

  28. Manidipa,

    These are some very cool and well known strategies if you ask me. I’m a very big doubter of blog commenting especially that.

    My websites are not all dependent on Google for traffic at all. In fact I’ve found tons of success with social media especially Pinterest as it drive tons of free traffic to our blog.

    Great strategies listed here as well especially the quizzes and giveaway options – Those can go viral like crazy

    Good to be here again and nice one.


    1. Hi Babs,

      Glad to know that you found the article helpful.

      Yes, Pinterest is a great source of traffic for many businesses. It’s great that you are also leveraging the benefits from it.

      Thank you for reading through and sharing your comment. Have a great day 🙂

  29. Hi Manidipa, Great ideas for getting blog traffic. Harleena certainly is the Queen of Commenting. She is amazing, usually first, leaving meaningful comment and sharing posts widely. No one is better. Period.

    You’re right, social media is another fantastic source of traffic. As you mentioned, Pinterest is a valuable source, actually my second biggest traffic source after Google.

    SEO can be tricky so it’s important not to rely too heavily on it. Thanks for sharing your inspiration here, Manidipa.

    1. Hey Carolyn,

      Harleena is surely the commenting queen and there is no doubt about it 🙂

      You said it right, that we should not rely only on the search engines, as knowing all the SEO hacks may not be always possible.

      Great to know that, You have been getting large benefits from Pinterest. Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts. Have a great day, everyday 🙂

  30. Hey Manidipa,

    It’s good to see you here.:)

    I totally agree with your points. Blog commenting is the best thing to adopt for getting the traffic. But only you know the proper way.

    Some people drop the lines just like they are fulfilling the formality of commenting. building the human bonds through blog commenting is important.

    Nowadays, people are focusing on the roundups and it’s really working.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    Enjoy the day.

    1. Hey Ravi,

      It’s true that, many people consider blog commenting as a way of building links and nothing else. It being one of the reasons though, there is no better means to build relationship with other bloggers. And you, my friend, truly know the way to do it properly.

      Thank you for taking time to share your comment. Take care & have a great day.

  31. Hi Manidipa,
    welcome over here at Aha!NOW. In today’s scenario where everyone is driving traffic with SEO and is optimised with how to make things work for Google, this post is a refreshment.

    When I was a beginner, I had o skills to do SEO and these tiny off-google things did help me to raise and maintain my growth. ABC is also a great place that helped me build many relationships with other bloggers, visit their blogs and similarly drive back traffic to my blog.

    Giveaways are also a boost to the readership, I, however, doubt the worth of the traffic from it, though. Most giveaway visitors are from referral links and they hardly stick around on the blog anymore after the giveaway’s over.

    Thanks for this well-written article.
    Have a good day.

    1. Hey Swadhin,

      I am glad that you liked my article 🙂

      True it is. SEO is complex and at the beginning, it may not be the optimum solution to drive traffic. So doing those tiny things can do wonders.

      ABC is truly awesome and great to know that it helped you in your journey. Thank you for your time to read through and share your thoughts. You too have a good day 🙂

  32. Hello Manidipa, and. Welcome to Harleena’s blog.

    Good tips to drive reasonable amount of traffic to one’s blog even without keyword research or Seo.

    I do use social media a lot. Why? Social media is the new SEO. Utilise it well and you will gain all the needed traffic to boost your post to Google’s front page.

    Nice post… Have a good weekend both of you.

    1. Hi Babanature,

      Thank you for the warm welcome 🙂

      Haunting behind keywords is not an easy job for many newbies. So one needs to explore the other different techniques to bring traffic to a blog.

      Thank you for taking time to read through and share your comment. You too have a great week 🙂

  33. Hi Vinay & Harleena,

    Thank you so much for letting me share my insights with the amazing readers of Aha-Now. Hope they will find it helpful. Take care & have a great week ahead 🙂

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