
13 Ways to Live a Better Life for More Happiness and Success

Better life. If you’re stuck on how to live a better life, then this post is for you. Know that simple changes to the way you think about life can make your life better by bringing you more happiness and success. Read to know more about what is better living all about and how to live a better life.
13 Ways to Live a Better Life

You too want to live a better life. But you’re stuck on how to live a better life when life itself seems to be tough on you. Well, simple changes to the way you think about life can make your life better by bringing you more happiness and success. Read to know more about what is better living all about and how to live a better life. ~ Ed.


Another week has passed.

Here you are lost in your thoughts and thinking why life has become boring and seems on autopilot. Could it be any better than this? Would I ever be able to live a better life?

Is life no more than going to work, come back home, eat, sleep and then repeat?

Why some people who attended the same school as me and had similar privileges but they are way more successful and happier than I am?

You turn on TV and see people dying and you ask yourself is this world going to end soon. Why should I even bother making an effort to do something different if this world is going to collapse soon?

Wait, why do I even exist on this earth? What’s the purpose?

You think I should really find my passion and then I will be happy forever because every successful person talks about doing something you are passionate about.BS. Okay, how do I even find my passion?

Now, you are unable to do anything other than just being stuck in the busyness of life and hoping someday someone will come to rescue you and make your life better.

Do you have to be ultra-successful to live a better life? It depends on how you define a better life.


What is Better Life

Let’s define a better life for a second.

Better life …

– thinks big, cares about others and attracts positive energies towards it.

– gives best at everything it does and strongly believes in growth.

– is healthy (inside & outside), full of enthusiasm and curiosity.

– knows a way to find happiness from environment around it.

– has freedom and enough income to take deserved vacations and buy desired commodities.

Can you decide how much success you need to achieve this version of a better life?

We all have to live in this world. So, this post is about creating better life without sacrificing the comfort of beautiful world not the other way around. My version of a better life is a combination of both internal and external factors.

Now, if you are reading this post, the chances are that you already have all of the basic requirements (money to buy food, pay bills, take a vacation, etc.) fulfilled for a good life but not the life you desire – a better one.


What you are looking for is to take your life to the next level and bring more happiness and success to your life. You are looking to create a better life for you.

Your answers to how to live a better life are here.

13 Ways to Live a Better Life

Today, I am going to share thirteen ways to take your life to the next level and bring more happiness and success that you desire.

Some of these are my own discovery and some I have learned from other successful people.

Protect Your Only Asset

An ill and unfit human being can never be happy for the long term. It’s simple as that.

You want to live a better life, start taking care of your physical body first.

“Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – an image of death.” ~ Buddha

Our physical body is our primary asset to bring happiness and success.

What happens when your car is broken and needs a repair? Simply, you need to borrow a vehicle to get around.

Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury to borrow another healthy and strong physical body once it’s damaged.

What do we do then?

We need to fix this vehicle (our body) before we start our journey to a better life.

Health and fitness industry is confusing average person these days. Most companies are just selling us sexuality in the name of health.

Key Takeaway:

Start taking care of your physical body. Move your body every day and avoid foods loaded with salt, sugar, and fat.

Find Fun, Delight & Enthusiasm

We are always doing something. Working. Exercising. Cooking. Eating. Studying. Listening. Serving. Partying, etc.

We all have been told to do things that we enjoy to do. So, we are wired to pick those tasks or projects which have an instant buzz of enjoyment.

Unfortunately, we don’t find that instant buzz of enjoyment most of the time and when we don’t, we start hating our jobs, relationships, and eventually our lives.

You start new workout regimen but it becomes boring only in few weeks.

You started a new relationship but can’t deal with it after few months or sometimes even weeks.

Mostly, we start things with enthusiasm and excitement but it fades out pretty quickly because we haven’t developed the support system to add fun and delight to them.

Whenever you find yourself hating something which you really liked at some point, stop and think for a moment what you can add to bring more fun and delight into it.

It may be complimenting gym routine with outdoor sports. In relationships, it might be just being proactive and planning dates and activities which can bring back fun into your relationship.

Key Takeaway:

It doesn’t matter if you are cooking dinner or inventing a vaccine to cure a cancer, find ways to bring fun, delight and enthusiasm into it.

Experience the Magic of Thinking Big

Most of us are wired to think small. This is what our society taught us, but surprisingly it rewards big thinkers at the same time. Interesting, isn’t it?

“How big we think determines the size of our accomplishments.” ~ David J. Schwartz

You and I were taught to think inside the box.

If we want to live a better life, we need to start thinking outside of the box. Here are some of examples of big thinking.

Stepping up to help others at work (company’s success) instead of just doing enough to save your job.

Learning and developing yourself so you can help people around you instead of just wishing to change the world one day.

Understanding other person’s perspective and values instead of shoving your opinions down their throat.

Key Takeaway:

Start thinking big. Don’t always see how things are instead try to see how they can be.

Remember, It’s Not Always About You

Do you know why there’s so much misery, pain, and suffering in today’s world?

Because we have become narcissists and stopped caring about others.

Do you think Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela ever thought that life sucks? Absolutely not.

Because their whole life purpose was to serve others. You can’t lose the game where your whole purpose is to create fun and delight for the other person.

Instead of always thinking about acquiring pleasures for your own life, start thinking how you can add value to others life.

May be they are struggling with managing their finances, but it comes naturally to you. Go help them.

You want to change the world. Why not start with one person who you think can really use your help?

Happiness and joy you add to others’ lives are directly proportional to happiness in your life. When one goes up, other goes up automatically.

Key Takeaway:

Start getting out of your head and find ways to add value to someone’s life.

Is Your Love Bounded to Visible Things Only?

When was the last time you fell in love with the fresh air that touched your face in the morning?

May be never, because we are too busy to have this type of feeling.

Human beings are wired to love visible things. A shiny car, house, good looking male/female partner, etc. We need something more than that to create a life we all desire.

We also need to learn to love things we can’t see. Our universe is offering us so much which we proudly ignore every day.

We love to live longer but do we love free oxygen universe is offering us to breath? Probably not.

We love the beauty of this earth but do we love Mother Nature? Of course not, we curse her when it rains or snows.

We love to be happy and successful but do we love the feeling others get when they are happy? May be.

Key Takeaway:

Be more conscientious and present. Start to notice intangible things around you which you are getting in abundance for free. Appreciate them and sincere appreciation will lead you toward deep love and respect.

College Graduation Isn’t the End

Do you want to improve your life and take it to the next level?

Start reading, listening and writing. Remember, real education doesn’t stop at a college graduation. Unfortunately, for most people, it stops right there and so does their life.

“The education of a man is never completed until he dies.” ~ Robert E. Lee

For reading, add personal development books and articles to your list. Be selective.

For listening, start listening to personal development podcasts and tapes.

For writing, start a personal journal and write about your day in it.

You never know what that next book, article or a podcast interview you’ll encounter that can transform your life. Keep digging people and do not die intellectually.

Life presents you with plenty of opportunities to keep learning, one only needs to find what method best fits you. You can either learn by furthering your education with a Master’s in HR online, or immersing yourself in different cultures, you can always find ways to pursue the path you wish to take.

Key Takeaway:

Schedule time in your calendar for personal development. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make in your life.

Working Out is Great but ‘Working in’ is Even Much Better

We all want to be happy and successful but do we take care of the ultimate source of our happiness.

Most of us don’t.

Most of us don’t even know what that is. We think may be buying a new car will make us happy forever. It can definitely give you an instant dope of happiness, but it’s temporary and won’t stay for long.

It’s our inner self that decides how happy our lives are. You can have a luxurious car, big house, beautiful life partner but you might still not be happy.


The system (our soul), which is keeping the human body alive has become so weak that even a rainy or snowy day can steal our happiness and make us miserable these days.

No doubt that physical health has a direct impact on our soul strength but only having six pack abs aren’t enough to make us spiritually strong.

Key Takeaway:

Schedule time to work on your inner self. Feed your soul with meditation, chanting or just simple walk in nature.

Learn from Five-Year-Old

Ever wondered why life becomes boring as we age? It was pretty fun when we were kids.


We were super curious while growing up and wanted to know everything. Talk to a five-year-old and you will know what I mean. You will run out of answer but they never run out of questions.

When you and I were kids, we wanted to know everything. Why clouds and stars exist, why animals always get up without an alarm clock, why it gets dark at night, what humans are made of, what is earth, why do we exist on earth etc.

At some point in life we shut down the curious mindset and started doing whatever life asks us do.

If you want to create a better life, you need to become curious about life again. You need to start asking questions about life. More questions you ask, better you will become at asking questions and better questions will lead you to better answers.

Key Takeaway:

Become more curious about life, relationships, universe etc. Develop a list of questions you can ask yourself at the end of every day.

Your Clan is Failing You

Want sure fire way to a happier and successful life?

Start adding positive energies to your life.

We all have people in our lives who are whinny and complain about their life all the time. Just talking to them makes you think that life sucks and no way can it become any better.

A wise man Jim Rohn once said, “You are the average of five people you spend the most time with.”

Do you know why successful people keep achieving more success?

They have surrounded themselves with people who are smarter and more successful than them.

I’m not suggesting that you leave your friends, but if you really desire for a better life, you need to evaluate your current people network and decide who’s adding negative energy into your life.

You need to decide who you need to separate yourself from and who you need to bring into your life.

Key Takeaway:

Start surrounding yourself with people who are full of positive energy, optimistic about life and always ready to take onto new challenges.

Help Your Fellow Citizens to Fight a Battle

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ~ Plato

Do you think you are the only one who wants to be happy and successful in this world? If you do, then you are wrong.

Each of us craves respect, appreciation and wants to be happy.

When you start respecting people you come across in your daily life and start showing appreciation for the things they do; you are adding value to their life.

Guess what?

It comes back to you.

You think taking out your frustration at coffee shop barista felt really good this morning. Your boss might also be waiting for you to arrive at the office to take out his frustration at you. It all comes back.

Be kind to people, animal and things in life.

Remember happiness and compassion are directly proportional. You increase one, other increases automatically.

You want a better life for yourself. Help someone in building a better life for them and universe will pay you back twice the amount.

Key Takeaway:

Be strong and tough on the outside but have a spark of compassion inside you. This world needs a compassionate version of you.

You Already Have Enough

When was the last time you were grateful for being alive and healthy?

Or, when was the last time you poured a glass of water to drink and felt really privileged?


It’s disgraceful how we take a lot of things for granted in our lives. Nice warm bed, a cup of coffee, food, clothes, friends, families, etc.

“Mother Earth doesn’t mind the weight of heavy mountains, big oceans, and forests but the weight of ungrateful ones is unbearable for her.” ~ Indian Proverb

Instead of expressing gratitude, we say, what’s so special about having all of these things – everyone has them.

Wrong. NOT everyone.

Take a trip to a developing country, and you will see thousands of people are struggling for these necessities. Look carefully around you while walking in your city next time, and you will see few examples there as well.

Millions of people around the world getting bombs dropped on their heads, forcing them to leave their countries and find refuge in foreign nations.

And here instead of being thankful, what we complain excessively about is traffic, boss, bad weather, Netflix, dream car, blahblahblah.

Key Takeaway:

Start being grateful for where you are in your life and work hard and smart to get where you want to be.  Don’t be Unappeasable.

Mediocrity and Success Don’t Get Along

Why some people achieve lot more success in short period of time while most struggle at the same position for years?

Simply, because they have learned to become top performers at what they do.

Being a top performer doesn’t mean you need to be a next tech sensation. It simply means you deliver quality in everything you do – whether it’s your day job, relationship or leisure activities.

Economy awards top performers and discard mediocre performers. Business organizations around the world need top performers, and they don’t hesitate to reward their top performers with increased salaries and new titles.

Do yourself a favor and don’t be one of those people who have been doing the same job for 5, 10 or even 15 years but still produce low quality work.

Key Takeaway:

Find ways to improve your craft every day and deliver your best. Become one of the best at what you do and life will reward you with exciting opportunities.

Stop Leaving Thousands of Dollars on the Table

What’s one thing that really decides how we are going to live our life?

It’s how much income we bring home at the end of every month. Thinking about a time without any income scare most of us.

But, when was the last time you tried to increase your income?

Most people don’t do anything, because they just hope that their boss will acknowledge their hard work and pay them more.


Yes, they might give you raise based on increased living standards which is nothing in most cases. But, just imagine if you can get a raise between 5-15k every year. Though 10k is nothing for your company, it can change how you live your life.

Key Takeaway:

Follow advice in #12 and only then negotiate your salary every year.

Make 2018 Steppingstone Year to A Better Life

Feeling like that life is boring and has nothing more to offer, sucks.

But simple changes to the way you think about life can have dramatic effects on your daily life.

Just imagine taking on new challenges every day because you know that they can lead you to opportunities full of success and happiness.

Imagine going to bed and looking forward to the morning ahead because you can’t wait to have another successful day.

Just imagine loosing extra 20 pounds or finding your dream job because you now have a dream and a plan to get it done.

To start, choose one of the 13 ways listed above, and implement it in your life starting tomorrow, because implementation is the key.

Keep those that work and lose those that don’t. You just got the best tips on how to live a better life. Now implement them!

Better life is waiting for you and 2018 is the year to make it happen. Don’t wait anymore and start taking small steps!

Over to you

So, are you ready to make it happen? Let’s talk in the comments.


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.

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  1. Hi Taj,
    I’m really interesed in your article. I agree with your tips and I have some ideas.
    Firstly, Challenges have many and many problems lead people to be stress if they dont have strong energies. So I think It should not change too fast, It may be each steps in order to collect effective result.
    Secondly, Healthy is the most asset people possess so anyway people should not exceeding in order to do their plans. Anything needs time to success, It will be excellent if people have an detailed plans.
    I try to implement your tips and I hope I can success.
    Besides, I’m really excited in the way you explain your ideas. It’s attractive.
    Hope you will have more and more useful articles.

  2. Hey, Taj!
    These are awesome tips, and I like how there are key takeaways per item. One I resonated with the most was the first one where we should protect our only asset, our health.
    I got so into work that I forgot to take care of my physical body.
    I felt so unhappy, and I was having pains in different parts of my body.
    I started changing that a week ago, and started eating healthier and getting more sleep at night.
    I didn’t only feel better, it reflected with others as well!
    We should never take our bodies for granted. 🙂

    1. Thanks Nicah. Yea it’s just easy to fall into work trap and forget about our health. I’m glad you decided to make health one of your priority along with building awesome blog of course.


  3. Thank you Taj, this is such a comprehensive and upbeat post, packed with exceptional advice. I’m totally with you on so many things you’ve included, especially taking care of our physical health, being kind and making everything fun. I have a different opinion to “we have become narcissists and stopped caring about others.” I find people are people, just as they always have been – fantastically helpful. The world keeps spinning because people are kind, caring and considerate – just to add my tuppence.
    Thanks again Taj.

    1. Thanks Laura! I am with you that generally people are nice and helpful but I have also learned that most of our pain originates from living only for ourselves.

  4. Hello Taj,

    Couldn’t agree more with all the points you mentioned in this article. Indeed we are wired with small thinking and it take more than we think to come out of our comfort level. We never appreciate what we have, we keep lusting for things in lure of a better and comfortable life. We are the only reason why most of us are not happy. The day we will take responsibility of our happiness, that day we will free ourself from all the burdens. BTW, not everybody hates rains and snow, there are indeed some people like me who enjoys the rain more than anything. 🙂

    1. Harsh, thanks for kind words. Finally, I found someone who doesn’t complain about rain. Keep it up. 🙂


  5. Hey Taj,

    Great post indeed!

    I really like #7 about working in. I believe this is where we should all start!

    One way I started was through meditation, but that didn’t last too long. So I started reading more personal development books which has helped a lot. It helped to give me a more positive outlook on life as oppose to before and a better outlook on myself.

    Also I believe we should become more curious. I can remember as a 5 year old asking all of those questions. I still do, despite the fact some people may look at me strange LOL, but the curiosity is definitely still there. It makes life less boring and you come to find out there’s a plethora of ways at looking at one thing.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a good one!

  6. Hi Taj,

    Wonderful tips and truly all point to the ways to live a better life.

    I especially appreciate the suggestions to think big because, as you say, most of us are programmed to think small… and so that’s how we live our lives.

    There is so much more to attain, achieve and enjoy.

    Thanks for the great ideas to keep us focused on what’s most important in our lives.


    1. Donna, thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Much appreciated. I was definitely a victim of small thinking for long time and it prevented me from taking onto number of exciting and wonderful opportunities. I agree with you that “There is so much more to attain, achieve and enjoy.” World is full of opportunities and learning.


  7. Thanks for this great post Taj!

    I especially liked #7 where you write about “working in”. We all need to exercise and eat healthily for a healthy body but so many of us neglect our inner selves and equate happiness with “things” – a bigger house, better car, more money etc.

    We need to realise the spirit is the key to much of us happiness and not forget to give it regular exercise and nourishment too!

    Thank you for sharing!

    1. KJ, thanks for taking the time to read and leave a thoughtful comment. Healthy spirit is a key to happy and successful life.

  8. Superb post Taj. A much needed wake up call for us all.

    Point #5 resonated the most with me. It also reminded me of the quote: “People were meant to be loved and things were meant to be used. But today, things are loved and people are used.”

    We often ignore the intangible which is present because we’ve lost touch with our feelings and rely solely on what we see and hear. Your post encourages me to go deeper within myself and get in touch with what really matters.

    1. Vishal, thanks for reading and leaving a thoughtful comment. Loved the quote. I am glad my post was helpful to you and encourage you to go deeper within yourself.

      We can make our lives so much easier by loving things we are getting in abundance for free. We don’t always need a shiny object to be happy.

  9. This is a beautiful post, Taj. Thank you for the reminder and the suggestions. As well, I love the quotes you’ve included here. The Indian proverb on Mother nature really hits home. One of the things I often pause and give thanks for is cold clean water from the tap as well as a hot shower at the ready. These are life’s necessities and luxuries. Looking to children for inspiration in happiness? What a great and evergreen idea! Awesome post.

  10. Hi Taj,

    I focus heavily on #1. Secret of my happiness and fun-loving nature.

    Now in Thailand it is 102 degrees. But I will workout for 30 minutes. At least. Rain or shine or hot or cold, I exercise to take care of my meat suit. This temporary home functions awesome when you care for it and functions terribly when you abuse it. I have learned to not push myself when exercising; walking, light jogging and chill workouts when it is super hot, or when I feel tuckered out.

    I rest a bunch more too. Exercise, play, have fun, then get 8 to 10 hours of sleep and rest to recover.

    Thanks for sharing 🙂


    1. Ryan, thanks for reading the post and leaving a comment. Btw, I loved the word “meat suite”. I’ll steal it.

      We have really complicated health and wellness these days. Health and fitness industry made us to believe that we really need fancy workouts and nutrition programs to stay healthy and fit.

      I disagree. For most people eating right and light jog, walk or run is enough.

      Keep protecting your meat suite my friend 🙂


  11. Hi Taj

    Trying to live a better and happy life needs regular efforts and it does not have any ending point. Yes, one can be contented on what he has and this is the biggest secret of happiness. Be happy on what you have and keep struggling to get more without making it a now-or-never kind of thing.

    You well pointed very effective ways and that seem to be so common but people don’t have much idea about them.

    Working in is indeed very important because we are not a simply physical being and our inner self equally requires our care and attention.

    Many thanks for sharing.

    1. Mi, thanks for reading the post and leaving a thoughtful comment.

      “Start being grateful for where you are in your life and work hard and smart to get where you want to be. Simply be grateful.”

      This is what I try to practice everyday in my life and it has served me very well so far.

  12. Hey Taj
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful words with us. Everyone needs a good life where they are living happily but very few of them actually living that life. This is not because of their failures, lack of money or skills but because of their never ending thoughts of getting MORE. Self Satisfaction is what everyone should develop in them but it is not easy or say next to impossible.

    1. Jayant, thanks for reading the post and leaving a comment. I know it’s hard to develop sense of self satisfaction as we always need more of everything in our lives. This behaviour leads us to pain and misery eventually. But if we practice it everyday in our live and learn to say stop at some point, we can make massive changes in our lives.

  13. Taj, a very wise post indeed. I’ve had some health issues over the years and once recovered I’ve tended to forget – health should come first. We can’t do anything without it. We can’t help others, we can’t work and provided for ourselves. So that should be #1 for all of us daily. Thanks for that reminder.
    I have learned about surrounding yourself with positive people, if you hang out with negative people all the time – you eventually fall into that negativity.
    Fun is key to happiness I believe, we just have to make time for it!

    1. Lisa, thanks for reading the post and leaving a comment.

      Health is vital to a better life. Even though we have tons of health advice available and have made some great inventions in medical science, world is getting sicker and sicker each day.

      People really need to stick to basic of health and wellness. Just eat right and move your body enough times a day. Fitness industry really made it super complicated these days.

  14. Hello Taj,

    A very well thought out article. You have touched upon the most vital aspects in one’s life to make it better.

    I especially liked the takeaway of adding fun to whatever we do in life, even when it is as serious as finding a cure for cancer. Easier said than done, but I think one should seriously consider this thought and give it a try.

    1. Praveen, thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I agree with you that finding fun and enthusiasm is not easy. This is something I try to improve on everyday. For example, sometimes I hate cooking but have learned ways to add fun to it. I add podcasts and favourite music as a fun activity to do while cooking.

  15. Hey Taj and Harleena,

    Everyone craves to live a happy life but only a few people accomplish this goal. I totally agree with your point of saving your only asset.

    It’s all about your health. No one can deny the saying “Health is Wealth”. I work out daily to maintain my body and mind healthy.

    Negotiation is a part of our life and it’s important to keep the balance.

    I believe in consistency. To live a better life, you need to follow a routine. Whether you’re a 9-5 does or stay at home business owner. It’s important to schedule your work.

    Thanks for this wonderful article.


    1. Ravi, thanks for reading the article and leaving a thoughtful comment. 100% agree with you on routine. Having a consistent routine is key to success in all areas of our lives.


  16. Hi Taj,
    Awesome and in-depth post my friend!

    A better life is everyone’s goal but most of us get strangled in the process of achieving it and get inside the world of illusions from where we never come back again.

    I am glad you came up with this post. Thinking big is always a great way to rise above the current situation and getting analysed life from a bird’s eye view while planning for the future.

    Thinking big also activates the Law Of Attraction and I am a big believer of it.

    Helping others fight a battle, come out of a rut and see the sunshine again is indeed a noble job. It also helps you re-see your strengths and the satisfaction it gives is a whole different story.

    Loved your article. keep writing.


    1. Swadhin, thanks for your kind and thoughtful words. I loved how you said, “Helping others fight a battle, come out of a rut and see the sunshine again is indeed a noble job”.

  17. I am happy to be part of a great community here and share my content with you guys. I am looking forward to engage in conversation with all of you who just finished reading this post. Thanks for 12 minute of your precious time.

    These are lessons I have learned in life. As I said, some I borrowed from other successful people and implemented them in my life and others are my own invention. You might already know them. I am confident that if you put these ideas into practice, you will start noticing changes in couple of months.

    If you have any follow up question or something isn’t clear enough in the post, please let me know here and I will do my best to provide explanation for it.

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