Table of Contents
Today is a happy moment – I’m experiencing triple joy!! Today is Christmas and the Blog Anniversary, with New Year just round the corner. 🙂
Aha!NOW is celebrating its 2nd anniversary. This blog has grown and wants to grow more.
YES, it’s been two years!
I guess when you’re engrossed and absorbed in doing something you love, you don’t come to know of it because the time flies so quickly.
I’ve enjoyed my journey so far, and I’d like to share its story with you.
The Santa Spirit and My Christmas Connection
I’m not a Christian, but I’ve been celebrating Christmas since my childhood. I’ve always been enchanted by the jovial atmosphere, selfless giving, and the spirit of life during Christmas.
My childhood hero was none other than Santa Claus himself. The stories of Santa filling the young hearts with excitement and their face full of happiness always fascinated me.
I often thought that even if I can’t be Santa, I can always carry his spirit and try to make a difference to somebody.
It is the spirit of Christmas that has taught me to rejoice life and celebrate it with all my heart. It’s taught me to value and nurture my family – where my heart lies.
Apart from my core and extended family, I now have my blog family – a community of wonderful bloggers and readers, where everybody is near and dear to my heart.
This post is about me, my blog, and you – all of us.
Why Christmas is Special to Me
Christmas to me always signifies that we need to be humble, simple, accepting, forgiving, giving, loving, content and happy with what we have.
Santa arrives during Christmas and teaches us that life is all about sharing and giving, whether it is money, service, gifts, facilities, good thoughts, positive feelings, or love.
There’s another reason Christmas has a special place in my heart. Not for a religious reason, but for a personal memory embedded deep in my heart.
It was on Christmas two years back that I started this blog!
My Blog Story
I’d be honest with you that my blog did not have a selfless and humble beginning.
It was on the night of December 24, 2010 that I discussed with my husband about finding an alternative earning source for the family.
Being a professional writer I get quite a many assignments and writing projects. But you know how uncertain it is with any freelancing jobs.
I had envisioned a blog where I could create interesting content for the readers and earn good passive income through affiliates and advertising.
My husband agreed and we took immediate action. But before that we had a good brain storming session because we had to decide on the name for the blog!
We were sure about the niche as we both had lot to say about family, self-development, life and its related topics.
So, after much debate and discussion on many names, we decided to have something unique.
Aha!NOW best described the blog as a place to find solutions and remove the barriers of problems with better insight and understanding.
Also, act as a reason for introspection and self-assessment to live life better and experience happiness every moment of life.
The Aha!NOW Journey
The two-year journey has been splendid. I did get more than what I expected – not in terms of money, but in terms of happiness and satisfaction.
I realized long back that I’m no affiliate or Internet marketer. However, I recognized my best ability is to help people and my aim is to reestablish family as the foundation for a peaceful and loving life.
My blog found wonderful readers ever willing to interact and discuss issues, have their say, and provide valuable words of wisdom.
I’m proud and lucky to have a blog community that closely associates with my thoughts. Together we have contributed enormous volumes on family and life related issues.
At present this blog has 16 important categories with 96 thought-provoking posts, including four wonderful guest posts, and about 4500 approved comments.
The Aha!NOW regular followers know that many comments are at such lengths that new posts could be created out of them!
You know I find it difficult to control my words when expressing my feelings.
But I’m overjoyed when my dear readers also let loose and flow in the sea of words – I love hearing ALL that they have to say.
I’m happy that the readers find the Aha!NOW blog and posts trustworthy enough to extensively share their life experiences and spill their thoughts and emotions in the comments.
My friends, fans, and connections in social media and social networking number in thousands. And I really rejoiced when I entered the under 100,000 club in Alexa ranking early this year.
During these two years many friends and strangers alike bestowed on me various awards, which I treasure. But what touches deep in my heart is when my posts make a difference to somebody’s life.
That’s what brings me utmost happiness and has leaded me to think further of how I can help people further.
Christmas Bells Ring Again!
Hey! It’s time for some good change!! 🙂
The ringing Christmas bells are a reminder that it’s time to get ready to start something anew on the well-in-sight New Year’s Eve.
As good things never remain stagnant and always change – my fellow bloggers, friends, and readers, now is the time for a new beginning.
No, there will not be any phenomenal change on this blog. I think it would be limited to scraping a few activities and starting some new ones.
I’ve already set my priorities in this order: family, work, blog. And my blog objective now is – help, teach, earn.
Making assessments and taking cues from my previous New Year’s resolutions, I set out the following targets to achieve in the New Year to come.
I’ll make the best use of my resources, which are my listening, counseling, coaching skills. I’ll plan to utilize them in the most effective way.
More than anything else, I now truly want to help people with their love, relationship, marriage, wellness, family, parenting, and life problems by having a one-to-one dialog.
So, here I’m taking a break to plan my next move and celebrate the New Year as well as the second anniversary of Aha!NOW.
The next post will be after New Year’s now. I hope you’ve subscribed to my blog so that you come to know of it when it happens.
Till then, be with your family, and have fun with your kids. Those of you who don’t have any – enjoy yourselves, take care of your parents and celebrate life!
Be ready for change. Be ready for more.
I’m thankful to all of you for being a part of my journey with this blog, and convey my best wishes to you.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to You and Yours!
Over to you –
Is Christmas special to you too? What does the Santa spirit in you make you do? How have you prepared yourself for the New Year? Are you also doing something new? Share your thoughts and plans in the comments below.
WOW…So sorry I missed this!!!! A sincere though belated happy blog anniversary to you Harleena. Cheers! Kaarina
Hi Kaarina,
Sorry to have missed replying to your comment earlier, though am glad am here now. 🙂
Thanks for your kind wishes, and have a great weekend 🙂
Hi Leena,
Congratulations! I love visiting your blog and apologize I didn’t get here as often as I did in early 2012 (Spring). I’m back now and busy at writing and blogging.
Thanks for sharing and here’s to a great new year! Sally
Hi Sally,
Welcome back after a long time and thanks for visiting my blog. I’m happy you love it.
Glad to know that you’re back in the blogosphere and I look forward to visiting your blog and reading the new posts. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and have a successful new year! 🙂
Congrats Harleena, that is an impressive story. Your blog is growing pretty well. Happy New Year.
Thanks Michael!
Story is all mine and the journey has indeed been a wonderful one. I am indeed privileged to have such a wonderful community of readers and commentators that keep encouraging and motivating me to carry on. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy New Year to you as well. 🙂
Welcome to the blog!
You are absolutely right! Blogging isn’t as easy as it seems, and does involve a lot of hard work and patience too. However, the blogging journey becomes all the more enjoyable if you are passionate about what you blog – isn’t it?
Nice to learn more about you. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I started my blog just over a year, I never imagined the work involved in keeping a blog! But I’m happier now than a year ago because I met other people with similar concerns to mine what helps me move forward in my own way.
Congratulations and keep going!
Congratulations on your blog-i-versary! I can’t believe you’ve only been doing this for 2 years. You have an amazing, inspiring blog! I’m so glad we’ve connected and thanks for all your wonderful comments at Zen Mama.
I love your description of Christmas. I think I feel the same way, our family is not too religious either. The generosity, unconditional love and selflessness that many feel on Christmas really reflect the spirit of Santa. It’s one of my favorite times of the year.
Congrats again.
Thanks Betsy!
It sure has been two years, though seems like just yesterday that I started blogging – time does fly – doesn’t it?
I’m glad we connected, and I love the inspiring posts you put up on your blog too, especially along with the wonderful pictures of yourself and your family. 🙂
I agree – Christmas means a lot more than the mere celebrations and over-spending on gifts or food that most people tend to do. I’m glad we share the same way about it.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your words of appreciation. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Congratulations on the 2nd Anniversary of your blog! 🙂
I could definitely relate to some of the experiences you’ve had with your blogging journey. The main one is the amazing amount of friends we make through blogging and the tremendous support our readers have for our work.
Thanks so much Hiten!
Glad you could relate to a few things in the post. Yes indeed, the number of friends we make through our blogging journey IS amazing, and it’s their help and constant support that pulls us through too – isn’t it? I remain ever so grateful to each one of my friends and readers for being a part, and that includes you too!
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Happy Anniversary for your blog! I can’t remember exactly when we hooked up, but I can tell you I’ve been a fan of yours ever since. Looking forward to many more years to come. All the best for your blogging future!
Thanks so much for your kind wishes Ilka!
The feeling is mutual there. 🙂 I guess we just clicked as they say. I appreciate and value your friendship as well. Here’s to many more years of friendship!
Thanks for stopping by, and for always being there. 🙂
I’m with Hajra, Harleena! I’m so sorry to have missed wishing you a Happy Anniversary! Yet, I’m so happy for you, my friend.
A new look, 2 years of AHA experience under your belt, and another fabulous Christmas being had… I’d say that’s definitely a reason to celebrate! Yippee! 🙂
You know I’m all for the celebrations! You and your website AHA-Now are definitely worthy of a celebration! It’s been a fabulous two years, eh!
Here’s wishing you many, many more of these celebrations!
Can’t wait to see what 2013 brings from you. OH YEAH, Happy and Prosperous New Year to you as well. 😉
Not a problem at all Deone – I’m just glad to have you here – anytime. 🙂
Oh yes….many reasons to celebrate – isn’t it? The journey has been wonderful, and I hope and pray to keep making many more wonderful friends like you and so many others. That’s what makes it all worth the while – isn’t it?
The past two years have just passed by and it’s only when you sit back and think, do you realize they have literally passed by so quick! Nevertheless, I am planning lots of new things with my blog this year, which I would soon be sharing with everyone – so stay tuned dear friend.
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you all the joy and success this year too. 🙂
I am so sorry I made it so late! But Congrats! And yes, I love, love the new look! 🙂
Hope you had a wonderful new year and good luck with the blog!
You know you are always welcome Hajra!
Thanks, and am happy you like the new look too, though the fine tuning is still going on. 🙂
Oh yes…the New Year was wonderful as we had family guests, so more the merrier. Hope your New Year was a great one too. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and your kind wishes. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Congrats on your two years of blogging. That is quite an accomplishment. I love your new blog. It looks really good. I had checked in earlier, but your blog was busy being reconstructed. Very nice look. Good for you. I know your articles have helped many, including myself. Thank you!
Thanks for your kind wishes Cathy!
Glad you are liking the new look of the blog, which surely is taking a lot of my time! I guess being the non-tech kind of a person, finding the exact codes takes time, though am giving things a final touch now. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and for your kind words of appreciation. 🙂
This is wonderful Harleena. You have done a lot in 2 years. And added so much to the internet with your wisdom.
looking forward to what is coming from you in the new year.
Blessings always,
Thanks Debbie!
One doesn’t really realize that it’s been two years, nor give a thought as to all that one’s done because we remain so busy – isn’t it?
I do have lots planned up that I would be sharing with everyone shortly, so stay tuned. How is your new blog coming up?
Thanks for stopping by, and for your constant support 🙂
Happy new year to you, Harleena. Congratulations on your blog.
I hadn’t realised it’s only 2 years old. One day you’ll have to teach me how to get this many comments on a young blog. This is something I’ve always struggled with – building a community.
God’s richest blessings for 2013 to you and yours!
Thanks Anne, and Happy New Year to you as well 🙂
To be honest, I too didn’t realize it’s been this long till I saw the date! Ah…the secret to getting this many comments is simple….just interact and be yourself, which you are wonderful at too. And yes, I remain thankful to each and everyone of the readers and commentators who come by to share their thoughts here with all of us.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂
Happy Birthday to your blog, Harleena – congratulations!
I feel quite a baby in comparison, my blog has been going for less than a year, and it’s great to see what you’ve achieved in just two years – it gives me something to aim at!
I know just what you mean about the reward you get just from meeting other people through the comments and visiting other people’s blogs – that’s been an unexpected pleasure I’ve discovered in the last few months. So much so that, even if I never made any money from my blog, I’d probably keep it going now anyway because I’m enjoying the social side of it so much.
As for Christmas, we spend it very quietly and I’ve been working (day job, not blogging) between the bank holidays, so it’s not been too much of a break this year.
The big change I’m looking forward to in 2013 is that I retire from my job in health care in the spring, after which I’ll be able to work full time online – so my husband, dogs and blog will all get much more attention!
Thanks for a lovely post – and all good wishes for your happiness and success in 2013
Welcome to the blog Sue!
Sorry for the late reply – just been a little caught up with revamping my blog past few days – though am glad am here now. 🙂
Thanks for your kind wishes Sue. Yes, though it’s been two years for me, it just seems like yesterday that I started blogging! Time surely does fly – doesn’t it?
Absolutely! The blogosphere is full of such wonderful people whom we meet through each others blogs. I guess it’s the comments from where the interaction and communication picks up, and often leads to great friendship too. I agree about the money part, which for me has never been important where my blog is concerned – as much as the interaction I enjoy here. Nice to know that you too feel the same way. 🙂
I can well imagine the quiet break you would so much need, as you are working too, which holidays like Christmas and New Year’s can bring. I am sure your hubby and dogs must be looking forward to the time when you are going to be home all the time!
Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂
Introspection and self-assessment to live life better and experience happiness every moment of life
That is a wonderful journey to be on. Nothing beats enlightenment.
Welcome to the blog, J.D.!
You’re right. My words exactly. 🙂
Living life every moment choosing the option of being happy, and making continuous self-improvement efforts – that’s the way to live!
Thanks for stopping by, do visit again. 🙂
HI Harleena
You have definitely come along ways in the 2 years. We all seem to start with different ideas and the best are the ones that are totally focused.
I have been at it for over 2 years, but have had interruptions a few times during that period for months at a time. So it does kind of destroy what you start to build when you can’t stick with it day in and day out.
My plans for the New Year are to stick with trying to write good content and probably get into YouTube on my major site. Have it on another site, but I am not sure how I feel about it now. Got a lot of things going in on my mind on as to what to put the most attention to. Results versus attention will probably win out in the end. I have this feeling I don’t want to dump anything I have put a lot of time and energy into. So until I figure this all out, I shall put a bit of time into what has been created, but put the bulk of the energy in where my heart is. Still trying to figure that out also! Seems like I really need to sleep on this!
Enjoyed your post and wishing you a great 2013.
Absolutely Mary!
We do start with many ideas and plans, but how much of them we can really implement is what really matters. And yes, distractions and interruptions do stop us from really achieving and doing what we really want.
Those sound like wonderful plans for the coming year Mary! You already write good content, but YouTube would be a great addition, something that I too need to get started with. Take your time to decide and follow your heart always because then you can never really go wrong. I guess doing what your heart tells you works better than what your mind says – though a blend of both is perfect. 🙂
Thanks for your kind wishes, and wishing you too have a happy and prosperous New Year. 🙂
Congratulations! You have hit the two year mark. That’s when everything seems to fall into place doesn’t it. There is a saying that it takes 2 years to have a successful business either off line or on line.
You have found your voice. You have attracted so many great followers. I am so happy for you!
May you continue to grow with love and joy
Thanks Donna – yes indeed, I have hit the two year mark!
It does take time and patience, and blogging surely isn’t easy either – isn’t it? But as you mentioned, if you find your voice and know your direction and goal – things eventually start falling in place – though I still have a long way to go. 🙂
Thanks for your warm and kind wishes, and your words of appreciation. Wishing the new year brings you much joy and success too. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words! I did a meditation to release the guilt I had around gift giving. Anyway… my nephew broke his wrist yesterday so I’ll be ‘pitching’ in by driving him to school when he goes back on Jan. 3; he’ll receive a permanent cast next week and won’t be able to drive to school. My mom doesn’t like driving in the snow so I’ll take him because my sister has to work. I may not have been able to buy presents these past few years, but I’ve been helping out since my sister and brother-in-law separated in 2011. I pray and affirm that 2013 will be a joyous and healthy year for everyone. 🙂
Sorry to hear about your nephew’s wrist Amandah!
It reminded me of a family accident we had 2 years back where my daughter too fractured her wrist and wasn’t allowed to drive for a month. I am glad however, that you are there for him and your sister’s family. These small gestures are more than present I feel, and they are truly appreciated and valued I am sure by your family.
Thanks once again for being there 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Happy Blog Anniversary! Hope you had a great Christmas. and good luck for 2013 I hope it will be another successful year 🙂
Nice to have to back Pauline!
Thanks so much for your kind wishes, and yes the holidays are going on perfectly well. Hope your Christmas was a nice one too.
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you a very Happy New Year as well. 🙂
Happy Anniversary! You have accomplished so much in just two years. Can’t wait to see what you have in store next. Congratulations!
Thanks so much Galen!
The journey has indeed been an enriching one, though there’s a lot yet to be done. I look forward to chalking out the plans and implementing them the coming year.
Thanks for stopping by, and for being a part of the blog. 🙂
I’m a little late getting by here Harleena but hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I have no doubt that you did since you love it so much. You aren’t the only one! 🙂
Wow, you started your blog on Christmas day! I’m impressed because it’s usually the only day you won’t see most people online. I didn’t get online Christmas day accept to wish my friends a happy birthday! Yeah, it was a time to be with family.
I can’t believe your blog is two years old. See, that’s that time just flying by us all. My goodness, it seems like yesterday doesn’t it. I’m looking forward to even more wonderful content that you’ll be sharing with us throughout the new year.
Thank you for always sharing such awesome subjects with us Harleena. We all love your blog so much and I love being able to call you one of my blogging friends.
Happy New Year!
You are always welcome anytime Adrienne – just happy to have you over. 🙂
Even though we don’t celebrate Christmas, we just love it for all that it teaches us and just being together for the holidays this time of the year. Hope you had a wonderful time at your brother’s place as well.
Well, when I started the blog on Christmas I really had no idea about who would be online or not. In-fact, I wasn’t even aware of the social medias and other things at all. It was just a decision to start on a nice day and Christmas was just that.
Yes indeed, time does fly – and I am happy with the way things have turned out. I also hope and pray that I can become better in more ways than one and do more to help people.
Thanks for your words of appreciation and kind words. It’s been a pleasure knowing you, not to mention the amount we all learn from your blog as well. Yes indeed, you ARE a valuable friend. 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family as well. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thanks for sharing your journey of Aha!Now …I want to congratulate from bottom of my heart because i really love your work.
You are doing a great work here, which motivate and inspire me to do something good like you. It feels good when I see someone so dedicated and love their work.
Great Work. Wish You a Great year ahead with lots of success.
Thank You
Shorya Bist
Thanks for your warm and kind wishes Shorya!
Nice to know that you are inspired and motivated in some ways through the posts I share here. I feel happy to know that and it makes my blogging worthwhile too.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your words of appreciation. Happy New Year to you as well. 🙂
Congrats on you blog anniversary Harleena!
It’s awesome to see our ideas come to life, especially when it’s something that could help someone else.
Thanks so much Ashley!
The planning is going on and it should all come together really soon, and yes, to help as many people in whatever way I can. That remains my foremost concern.
Thanks for stopping by, and for being a part as well. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Congratulations for 2nd year anniversary to Aha-now and really a wonderful journey..!
I am pretty sure, you have exceedingly performing well and your blog is well deserve for that. Your subject matter selection and writing narration are simply amazing and always great to read.
Indeed, Many of us can think subjects as what we wish to share at others. But very few people can bring into well readable format and you are doing great job in that sphere…!!
Best wishes for your wonderful effort and greetings to your blog. Thanks
Thanks for your kind wishes Manickam!
Glad you like all that I share on the blog, and I remain ever so grateful to you and everyone else for being a part of it as well. 🙂
I feel wonderful when I can share my experiences and all that I feel and learn with others, and in some way it helps them – I guess my mission is accomplished then. And being a writer the writing part comes with ease, though there are times I too feel I could have said it better – so that’s why learning never really stops. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and for your warm words of appreciation. Happy New Year to you and your family as well. 🙂
I am sure it will be great! Good luck in the planning!
Thanks for your kind wishes Jodi!
Hope and pray that the planning goes off well and I can come up with something interesting for everyone. 🙂
Have a wonderful day and joyous New year too. 🙂
Congratulations you made it 2 years! Not all bloggers can say that Harleena as I’m sure you’ve come across ones that are no longer around today. Hope you enjoyed the holiday and the upcoming year as well with your family. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous year in 2013!
Thanks Lisa – yes I did make it!
Yes indeed, there are many who leave midway or give-up too soon, not to mention that there was a time I also used to have such thoughts. Perhaps they had their own reasons for doing what they did – one can’t really be in their shoes nor experience all that they do – it’s each one to their own.
We did enjoy the holidays, more so because my kid’s are having their winter break presently and enjoying being home. Hope your Christmas was a nice one too.
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous New Year as well. 🙂
Although Christmas is not that important to us since we do not do anything at all. But nowadays, we do some decorations and buy some gifts for the children.
I think you have done a great job with your blog with good and interesting blog topics. Congratulations and best wishes for the future.
Interestingly my discovery of blogging was also around Christmas time and it was this time when I registered as domain name.
Keep up the good work.
Nice to have you back Shalu!
Yes indeed, even though Christmas isn’t all that important to us, it’s our kid’s who remain ever so excited about gifts and decorations. If they are the younger lots, they love to hear about Santa and parents go to no ends in putting up stocking filled with their gifts too – isn’t it?
Glad you like the blog topics – not to mention the wonderful way your blog too has come up. 🙂 Ah.. isn’t that interesting to have so many of us to have started blogging around the same time!
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Fantastic news and post, Harleena!
Now I know that your blog is two years old, I have to admit that I didn’t know that, so thank you for letting us, newer readers, know about this.
I think that the name of your blog is quite fit as well.
I have to admit that I have a lot in common with you. After some time spending in affiliate marketing I found that genuinely trying to help people is much more of my calling and interestingly enough I also make a living (or some of it), writing for others.
Your blog post are always full of juicy information for any family anywhere in the world!
I wish you a very happy New Year and lots and lots of success!
Glad you liked it Sylviane!
Not a problem at all, which is because I didn’t mention it earlier ever since we met I guess. Ah…the name took us time to decide, and we just wanted it to be a little different than the usual – yet somewhere related to what we wanted to share on this blog.
Nice to know that we share similar thoughts about blogging. And yes, I can see the way your blog is growing and how the coaching sessions on it would be helping many now.
Glad you like the posts on the blog and it’s wonderful friend’s like you who keep me going and doing what I plan in the future too.
Thanks for stopping by, and wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year as well. 🙂
Nice to know you’re enjoying the holidays Harleena and having fun with blogging. Happy Christmas to you and to your family and congrats for completing the 2 years of successful blogging.
It has been quite sometime I started reading your blog and I’m really enjoying yours and all the guest posts here on Aha!Now.
You’ve also given me an idea of celebrating the blog anniversary by creating a blog post that I would also have to do.
Congrats Harleena and keep rocking! 🙂
Thanks Ehsan, and I hope you had a nice Christmas if you celebrate it your end. 🙂
Glad you are enjoying the posts on the blog, as well as the guest posts, which I had recently started a few months back.
Is your blog anniversary also nearing sometime soon now, as you mentioned about celebrating it by creating a post about it. I guess it’s just a way to share your blogging journey with your readers and be open with them – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and for your words of encouragement. 🙂
Congratulations Harleena and Merry Christmas.
Two whole years is quite a milestone.
I think I read somewhere that over 50 percent of blogs fail or are let abandoned after 3 months and then another 50 percent of those are abandoned by one year.
2 years for me will be in 2013, end of March.
My new years resolution is very similar to yours. It is family first then helping others with my words and services with my blog and then earning a living through more writing and passive income, affiliate and self created products.
Less social media and more meaningful connections with a select few online.
I truly enjoyed reading about how your blog was born. I find it simply fascinating the many ways that people were propelled into the world of blogging. In the lease, it has been a huge learning tool. I have learned so much about myself.
Anyways, happy holidays from our family to yours.
Thanks Annie, and I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas too!
Yes indeed, it’s quite an achievement, for me at least. You read correctly about half of the blogs failing or being abandoned within a short duration of time, though the reasons can be many. Speaking of which, if you are slow and steady with your pace, and most importantly, enjoy your blogging journey, you won’t get those feelings. 🙂
Oh – I didn’t know you complete your 2 years end of March next year too – that’s wonderful indeed. I guess you are close to Carolyn and me in that case.
Nice to know your New Year resolutions are similar to mine. I guess being bloggers and mothers too, we really can’t devote more time than we already are – isn’t it? And it’s not that we don’t want to or can’t do it, instead, if we do spend more time than we already are or don’t spend more valuable time with our family, we loose out on their growing years and being together. I guess we need to choose our priorities wisely.
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy New Year to you and your family too. 🙂
Congratulations on the anniversary of Aha!NOW
Christmas isn’t special to me because I believe in giving throughout the year instead of one night. I also believe the holiday is too commercialized. My mom, sister, and I noticed that once Christmas Eve comes around, the advertisements thin out and it’s on to Valentine’s Day. Yes, the cards and candies are in the stores.
Maybe Christmas would be more special to me if I had happy childhood memories of Christmas’ past. But then again, that’s an excuse. I’m an adult, and I can choose to make Christmas special. I don’t know. Maybe it has to do with me loving history and knowing that most scholars agree that Jesus’ ‘real birthday’ was probably in the spring time. Who knows…
Gift Giving
This year I was able to give gifts to my mom, sister, niece, and nephew. I have a lot of catching up to do since I wasn’t able to get them anything in prior years. Christmas does have a way of making people feel ‘guilty’ when they can’t buy others presents. But then again, that’s another excuse. I don’t have to feel guilty because I couldn’t give to my loved ones. It is what it was. 🙂
New Year!
I’m looking forward to 2013. I already started my ‘focus’ list and will “focus” on the end results this time. I will believe and feel as if I’ve already received my dreams. It’s a little metaphysical and quantum science experiment I’m doing in the New Year. “)
Thanks Amandah!
I agree with you there – it shouldn’t be just on Christmas or other such occasions when we think of giving, but all through the year or whenever possible. It’s the thought they say that matters, which should be turned into action. Lol…yes indeed – Christmas ends then it’s Valentine’s and then another occasion.
I guess more than the gifts and cards we give each other, which to some people are important, isn’t it the time spend with one another that’s valued and treasured more? It’s each one to their own and how they best celebrate Christmas or New Year’s.
It’s nice that you gave gifts to your loved ones, more so as you mentioned you hadn’t earlier. However, I am sure they would have loved you as a tis even if you hadn’t – isn’t it? So, don’t feel guilty about all that now. It’s the feelings and gestures that count more than anything else I strongly feel. 🙂
Being focused in the coming year sounds wonderful, and I look forward to seeing all that you plan for the coming year too.
Thanks for stopping by, and for being a part of the blog. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year as well. 🙂
My best wishes in completion of two years of blogging.
I started following you late though…but, it’s such a pleasure reading your posts.
Keep writing.
Thanks for your kind wishes BK!
I am just so glad that you like my posts, and happy that you reached out to connect. Grateful to you for being are a part of the blog too.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Happy Blog Anniversary dear. 🙂 I had no idea that it falls on the day of Christmas. That’s very cool. 🙂 Really glad to hear your blogging story.
I’m bit late here ’cause you know Christmas is all about being offline and celebrating for me even I’m not a Christian. 🙂 My friends got time to hang out until new year, so enjoying all the way. 😉 You see, Christmas is special for me.
I always believe in quality over quantity dear. 🙂 You have been blogging 2 years, but I got to know you recently thinking of whether I can relate your posts or not ’cause first I thought it’s all for parents about parenting. 😀 But I’ve started exploring and I don’t remember a day I couldn’t relate or learn something new, since then. It’s our perspectives that matters mostly I think. 🙂 I’m grateful for meeting you and having you as such a nice friend now. 🙂
lol 😀 You are very true that you can make new posts with the help of comments you get here. I really love when people share their personal stories in comments, ’cause they are not theories but what happened to ’em after all. Experience I must say. 🙂
Well, I’ve been planning for 2013 since November and I was done with posts for this year in the first days of December. December is all about scheduling, so I can enjoy and think more about other aspects. 😉 For me, 2013 would be much more about my goal of being rich in many ways, yeah in terms of money too, while taking stuff into next level dear. 🙂 Freelancing is never easy as you mentioned and same goes for online businesses too. It’s much harder to get work for right price, no? 🙂
I’m enlightened with the friends around me especially with online friends in this year ’cause I’m now spending most of my time online. 🙂 I feel that I’ve improved my personal values through ’em including my self-esteem too dear. I’m grateful for them including you for all the priceless values and knowledge I’ve acquired.
Wishing happy holidays for you and your family with the Christmas Spirit and a very Happy New Year too 🙂
Thanks so much Mayura!
Oh yes – my first post was on Christmas. I guess just when I had given things a real – serious thought. 🙂
No problem about you coming over late because you are welcome anytime. I am glad you celebrated Christmas with your friend’s and had a nice time out too, which is one way to become stress-free too.
I am so glad that you find something of value in my posts Mayura, which gives me immense happiness and satisfaction because that’s the main aim of my blogging. Ah…I knew someone would comment on my long comments here, though I don’t think I can ever leave without writing short replies or even commenting in a few lines at other people’s blogs because I am just not made that ways. I think you too are similar in that way and yes, the main reason is because I like to express my true feelings and experiences about all that I know, which I cannot do in a few words. And I don’t think I would ever want to change that part of me too. 🙂
Planning since November for the coming year – that’s awesome indeed! I did have thoughts, but I still have to get them down on pen and paper, and that will need more time and a proper sitting, which I intend doing within a few days now. Yes indeed, working online isn’t easy, nor is it easy to get your price when you are freelancing. However, with time and patience, you can build your own reputation and that goes a long way.
I agree with you about the online friend’s made this past year, and building relationships and connecting with each other is an integral part of blogging too – isn’t it? I remain ever so grateful for the wonderful friends, including you, who keep me inspired and motivated to do what I do and help me move in the right direction. Had it not been for all the feedback I keep getting regarding my posts, I wonder how far I could have really gone. And it’s everyone’s love and support that’s helped this blog take the next step now.
Thanks for stopping by and for your warm and loving words. Wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous New Year too. 🙂
How lovely to read this post, Harleena, and congratulations! What a cozy feeling to see your blog grow in a way that makes you happy!
Wishing you many more blog anniversaries, lots of happiness and a very happy New Year!
Love, Vidya
Thanks so much Vidya for your warm wishes, and I’m glad you enjoyed the post as well. 🙂
It does make me feel wonderful to see my blog grow in this short span of time. And more than anything else it’s the relationships built that bring me immense happiness.
Thanks for stopping by and being a part. Happy New Year to you and your family as well. 🙂
Happy blogiversary, Harleena! I had no idea that you started blogging just a month before I started. I thought you had started many years before me.
Congratulations on two years of blogging, Harleena. You have accomplished so much and helped so many people, you should be proud of all you have accomplished in two short years.
Enjoy your break and we will be eagerly anticipating your return in 2013!
Thank you so much Carolyn!
Oh…I also didn’t know that you too started blogging a month after me, though you’ve achieved a lot more in this short duration, which is commendable indeed. 🙂
Yes, more than anything else, I think I’ve accomplished the everlasting gift of wonderful friends, readers, commentators like yourself. And there can be nothing more satisfying to know that I’ve been able to help someone somewhere through my posts – it just gives me my share of happiness – leaving me to ask for nothing more.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your constant support – always. Happy New Year to you and your family as well. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Congratulations! I did not know that you have been blogging for just 2 years!
Well done being in the under 100,000 club in Alexa ranking early this year!
You definitely deserve to be listed so high up! Great content. Great sharing and genuine relationship building!
Go for your BEST, Harleena! See you at the Top!
Viola The Business Mum
Thanks Viola!
It has been two years as I start on with the first day of the third year today, with new hopes and plans. 🙂
I didn’t really know about the Alexea ranking till about a few months back, and not that it really matters to me. Nevertheless, it is supposed to be good as they say to have a score below 100,000.
Glad you like all that’s shared on the blog, and I thank you for being a wonderful part of it all.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your kind wishes. 🙂
Harleena – Wow you have achieved so much in just 2 years, it is just amazing. I have always admired your style of writing and glad to know a little more about aha-now via this post.
Hope you had a good holiday and hope you achieve much more in the years to come.
Thanks Praveen for your kind words of appreciation!
There was of course a lot more I could have done, but the initial months were spent mostly in learning the way about blogging, something that was totally new to me. Even now, there isn’t a day that passes when I don’t learn something new. There’s always scope to learn something new – I guess that’s what keeps us active and alert too – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by, and for your constant support. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. 🙂
Hey Harleena,
I have been around here for long months I believe.
Happy Blog Anniversary. I bet 2 years gone by fast especially since blogging is addictive and when you love doing something time seem to fly.
Happy Holidays & Happy Blogging!
You sure have Akos – and it’s nice to see you here once again. 🙂
I agree, these 2 years have just passed by really fast and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. Blogging IS addictive and so is commenting! I love the interaction and relationships we build through them – isn’t it?
Thanks for your kind wishes. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well. 🙂
Happy Blog Anniversary to you!! ~Here’s to many more years and much success ahead! 🙂
Thanks Makeba for your warm and kind wishes!
There is surely lots in planning for the year ahead, and I just hope and pray I can get it all together for all of you here – really soon.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Harleena
Congratulations on completing 2 successful years with your blog. My Best wishes for your future endeavor as well.
For me, I will be working more on my blogging skills and try to be as consistent as possible with whatever I have planned to do, these are my New year Resolutions as well.
Priortising the work as you have mentioned in one of your post, will always be on my radar.
Thanks for sharing your joyous moments and Happy New to you and to your family.
Thanks so much Sapna!
It’s indeed been a wonderful and enriching journey for me as well. 🙂
Nice to know about your New Year Resolutions, and I’m sure with the way your blog is coming up, you are surely going to achieve success in no time.
Oh yes…we need to set our priorities right or else things become really tough for us, more so when we are full time Moms, bloggers, and have our other projects to take care of as well.
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you and your family Happy Holidays as well 🙂
Wish you many more blogaversaries, Harleena.
I am one of those who love your posts for their most positive content and vibes. God bless you and wish you a very happy year ahead!
Welcome to the blog Zephyr!
Glad you like my posts, and that’s one of the reasons I want to take it up the next level now – for the encouragement I keep receiving from wonderful people like yourself. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and for your warm wishes as well 🙂
Merry Christmas Harleena. It’s funny that your blog is 2 years old. I feel that I’ve been reading it and been friends with you for a decade 🙂
I’m planning 2013 right now, and blogging will be a major part of it. To me, Christmas is all about my family. I work every single day, but I’m doing while my family is sleeping 🙂
It sure is just 2 years Jens – though I agree seems like it’s been decades since I’ve been blogging and known all of you too!
Nice to know that you too have some plans up your sleeve for 2013. I agree – Christmas, and for that matter any such festival we celebrate should be more about our families than anything else. I think it’s a great time to bond better and rejoice together. Ah…you can spare those moments to be with us while your family sleeps – no harm done. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas as well. 🙂