
How to Optimize Your Life for More Happiness and Success

You need to make efforts to fill your life with happiness and be successful. The best approach is to optimize your life so that you get favorable outcomes.
Image showing how to optimize your life for more happiness and success

You need to make some efforts to fill your life with happiness and be successful. The best approach is to optimize your life so that you get favorable outcomes. All you need to do is to create habits and automated systems to optimize four major aspects of your life. Know the whats and hows of optimizing your life for more happiness and success. ~ Ed.


You might not be wealthy yet, but you can learn a substantial amount from wealthy individuals about how to be successful. There are numerous smart and beneficial things wealthy people typically do that less affluent people often fail to do.

The most important key to their successful approach is creating habits and automated systems to maximize positive outcomes. These systems also reduce the likelihood that you’ll waste the resources you’ve been given.

When you put systems in place, managing each of the four most important aspects of your life becomes almost foolproof; it ensures you’ll be more intentional about how you manage your time, your relationships, your health and your wealth.


4 Ways to Optimize Your Life to be More Happy and Successful

It’s not related to money. It’s more about how to manage your life optimally. Once you create the right habits, you do not have to think much about optimizing these aspects of life. Just follow and implement these suggestions to create a better life for you and your family.

Optimize Your Time

Time is life’s most precious and unpredictable resource. If you don’t actively manage the limited time allocated to you in life, you’re likely to spend it in ways that are not consequential or meaningful.

Take the following steps to ensure you spend your time in ways that will make you happiest and most successful:

  • Decide on all the most important things you want to accomplish for yourself and your family. Write down a list of your desired accomplishments, so you can use these goals for guidance as you plan out your time management strategy.
  • Choose a format for maintaining a detailed calendar, including a daily list of tasks you need to do. Some people use their smartphones, tablets or laptops for this. Others need to maintain a visually obvious calendar on paper, or they are in danger of forgetting about it and not using it.
  • Delegate tasks on your list to others whenever it’s possible and practical to do so.
  • Update and prioritize the grouping of obligations on your calendar and to-do list at a scheduled and designated time each day. This absolutely needs to become an ingrained, habitual action that you never fail to complete.

Optimize Your Relationships

  • Make a list of all the people who are most important to you, including family members, loved ones, friends, business colleagues, potential clients and people you would like to know but don’t already have a relationship with.
  • For each person on the list, take notes about what you want to do, both now and throughout the rest of the year, to cultivate the relationship and make a meaningful difference in that person’s life. This could include calling the people on the list on their birthdays, sending greeting cards, celebrating anniversaries, inviting people to have lunch with you and any other actions you want to take to ensure that you keep in touch and maintain your crucial
  • Take the ideas you generate and add them to your calendar and to do list. Take any other actions necessary to ensure that you’ll follow through on the ideas such as setting automated email reminders.

Optimize Your Health

Staying healthy involves all of the following:

  • Getting Enough Sleep: Reserve more than 8 hours in your calendar for sleeping every night. You’ll want to allocate 8 hours of actual sleep time. Additionally, it’s beneficial to allocate another hour or more for executing a bedtime routine that includes relaxing, brushing your teeth and preparing for bed.
  • Drinking Enough Water: Create a system for ensuring you’ll consume all the water you need to drink every day. You could make notes on your calendar or set reminders on your phone. Another idea: Every morning, fill a water jug with your daily allotment of water to drink. Set the water, along with a cup, right beside your workspace. It’s easier to remember to drink the water if it’s visible to you all day.
  • Satisfying Your Nutritional Requirements: You must eat enough healthy food and nutritional supplements to get all the nutrients your body craves — without over-consuming. If you aren’t already following a nutrition plan, create one or find one designed by a knowledgeable nutritionist.
  • Exercising: Make a daily physical fitness plan. Form the habit of giving your body the exercise you need for creating optimum health.
  • Detoxifying and Avoiding Harmful Substances: Your daily living environment is filled with pollutants, chemicals, and substances that can harm your health. To stay healthy, it’s important to avoid ingesting toxins such as cigarette smoke, chemical pesticides, and environmental pollutants. If you smoke, make it an essential priority to quit. Choose to consume organic food; organics can help you significantly reduce the amount of harm your body suffers from pesticide residues and toxic environmental contaminants. Avoid using cosmetics, lotions, household deodorizers and cleaning products that contain harmful synthetic ingredients.
  • Caring Appropriately and Immediately for Any Injuries That Happen to You: If you don’t already have a first aid kit at home, create or buy one. Make sure you subscribe to a health insurance plan that offers suitable coverage for every member of your family. Compare health insurance providers and choose the plan that would be likeliest to meet your family’s healthcare needs in case of accidents or emergencies.

Optimize Your Wealth

  • Automate your financial transactions to the greatest extent possible. Most financial institutions allow you to have your employer directly deposit your paychecks into your account. Then you can enable automated payments to cover your mortgage/rent / HOA fees, car payments, student loans, credit card bills and other bills. This will save you money by eliminating late fees; it will also save you the time you would have spent on managing your finances every month.
  • Ensure you invest money on a monthly basis by automating your investment spending too. Enable your employer to deduct your 401k plan savings out of your paycheck before direct depositing your funds. Make arrangements for automated deposits to be sent to your brokerage account, or savings account after your earnings become available in your bank account.
  • Understand the services you’re paying for and consolidate them as much as possible. Do you really need to maintain a landline telephone at home if everyone in your family has smartphones? Is there overlapping coverage between your automobile insurance policy and your medical insurance policy? Determine if you can reduce your spending on unnecessary expenses.

Wrapping It Up

Taking the steps mentioned above and forming the suggested habits will help you optimize each of the four most important aspects of your life.

Systematically working your way through this list can help you succeed with managing your most valuable resources to create outcomes that will help you to live more intentionally and enjoy tremendous success.

Over to You

Are there any areas of your life that need better optimization? Which aspect will you work on optimizing first? Please be sure to share your success stories in the comments.


Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.

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  1. Nobody will ever be happy no matter what kind of blessings they have in their life. Also, it will be easier for them to make the most out of their resources once they have contentment in their hearts.

  2. i personally feel in order to optimize your life you need to be able to express yourself through any medium. for me it has been through content and academic writing which has allowed me to sustain my motivation for a considerable period of time

  3. I agree with you Andrej. Optimizing your time, health, relationship and wealth can indeed help you to become happier and more successful in life. But I believe there is still but one thing to do so one can really be in that state. And that is by appreciating what you have. Without contentment, nobody will ever be happy no matter what kind of blessings they have in their life. Also, it will be easier for them to make the most out of their resources once they have contentment in their hearts.

  4. Great tips to optimize life. Health is the most important one to maintain life in a better way. Thanks for sharing awesome article.

  5. So perfectly written and very well showed the proper ways to live a meaningful life and how to make it meaningful rather than choosing a wrong path. Wonderful Article on ways to optimize the daily life.

  6. Yes I think that these are the things we should do, Very Interesting article, I have to say.

  7. A very fruitful article i ever found on any website regarding the optimistic life scenarios. We all do same things repeatedly in our life to get a good and optimistic life style. i am very thankful to the author for giving us such good tips and good quality information. thanks again.

  8. Absolute Agree, Optimizing your daily life is all about things you mentioned in the post.

    If we start to Investing a little bit of time now to save yourself seconds and minutes every day for the rest of your life.

  9. Great tips for a better life but i think good health is the most important one because without it you cannot do anything no matter what.

  10. These are absolutely valid points;

    I realized;

    What I failed is to optimize relationships and health;

    Working hard to things to get under control;

    Thanks for sharing;

  11. Awesome that you mentioned sleep. I think it’s so underrated because it’s one of the first things people cut when they try to carve out more time to do things. When you’re tired and constantly thinking about relaxing it’s hard to be productive.


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