
The Right Time For a Change

Do you feel it’s time for a change in your life or in the way you work? Or…
Just like the seasons, there is a time for a change in life too.

Do you feel it’s time for a change in your life or in the way you work? Or are you working towards making those changes really happen, and are you happy with them?

Some people are happy with their lives and don’t feel the need to change. However, for others, change seems inevitable.

I guess it would largely depend on the individual and what about themselves would they really like to change.

Speaking of myself, I believe if we change for the better, or try to improve things by changing them a little – it leads us towards self-improvement and brings us happiness.

Coming to this, I just thought that it was time for a change here at Aha-NOW, and wanted to share the changes with all of you.

“They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself” ~ Andy Warhol


Why the Time For a Change

We often think that things need to be changed in our life, though seldom get down to doing them. Why? Well, because we get caught up in our daily routines and keep doing the things we do every single day.

I guess we tend to stagnate over time and not really progress.

We don’t grow, we don’t evolve, we don’t learn, and we don’t develop. It leaves us with no inspiration or motivation to keep carrying one from one day to the other.

Instead, we keep going through the rut of life over and over – isn’t it? It happens with me, and I wonder if it happens with you too.

However, it’s not tough to get out of this rut of life, provided we are willing to accept the changes that come our way.

All one needs is a positive attitude, and a will to keep going ahead and adapting those changes.

You need to keep in mind that it is time for changing, and all that you will incorporate will benefit everyone.

This is exactly what I’ve been thinking of where changing a few things on this blog are concerned. I feel this is one way to find the purpose of life.

“There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction” ~ Winston Churchill

When is The Right Time For a Change

The right time for a change is NOW – the present!

Without waiting further, I would like to let all of you wonderful readers and commentators of the blog know about the changes that would soon be showing up on this blog.

Guest Posts

As most of you must have noticed, guest posts started here two weeks back with Carolyn’s wonderful post. So, now the doors are open to anyone who wishes to guest post on this blog.

But, preference would be given to those commentators who have been with this blog since a long time. This is because they have been regular and always shown their support.

So, if you are interested in guest blogging at Aha-NOW – please do read the guest posting guidelines and contact me.

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, we would be having guest posts once a month. So now there would be posts on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. Thus, there would be 8 posts a month on the blog! Isn’t that wonderful?



When I was thinking that it was time for changes here, I also gave thought to the matter I share with my readers.

So, now there would be lots more than the usual like short stories, just like the one you must have read about in finding inner peace – something with a lesson to learn.

Also, I was thinking about starting with polls, tips, ways, ideas, and perhaps reviews. All this would happen gradually though, and things would remain flexible too.

What do you think – isn’t it time for a change here?

Length of the Post

I bet you’re all smiling at this one! Well, when I thought that the time for changing had come, I did think about shortening the length of my posts – though only a little!

But, old habits die-hard! So, it might take some time for me, though I’ve already started working on it.

Design and Style

I also thought it was time to change the design and style of the blog – but not too much. Because I love it just the way it is and hope you do too.

There might be a few more changes you would be seeing over time, so don’t get alarmed. All for the better!

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” ~ Gail Sheehy

That’s it for now. I just wanted to let all of you know about the changes that are planned and thought this was the right time.

Just like it’s said if you want to change your life, change your thoughts, I think it’s the right time to take this blog to the next level. For this, I need all your support and suggestions.

Over to you

Do you believe that it’s time for a change here? What more would you like to see on Aha-NOW? I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the comments below.

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  1. Change is the basic law of nature that never changes. Sometimes, these changes are motivated due to internal factors and sometimes external. Whatever is the reason, I believe change is a part of our life and if we don’t adapt ourselves to the changes going around us, then we would be left behind.

    Thanks for sharing your insights about change and I believe that a change always brings some positive energy and a high level of enthusiasm with it.

    1. Welcome to the blog Ashutosh,

      Yes indeed, change is inevitable and will happen whether we like it or not. Accepting and adapting ourselves to change is the key, and just as in this post about the right time for a change, we need to be ready to take on new challenges and change ourselves according to the situation, rather than remain rigid about things.

      Change for the good and positive builds our self-confidence, and when we see that our aim or goals are achieved – it’s all worthwhile too.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  2. Hi Harleena

    Change has a way of waking us up. Sometimes we want to change and other times we are forced into a change.

    Have had to do a lot of changing over the past two years. The changes haven’t been easy, but things weren’t so great before, so the change was good. Would like some stability for sure though, it would make me feel a little more grounded.

    I have found that when things are just okay, we become reluctant to making a change. When our backs are against the wall we have to get with the change to make things better. Change is progress. Even if all it does is wipe the cobwebs from our mind.

    I am sure whatever you have planned will be wonderful.


    1. Absolutely Mary!

      Change is inevitable and will happen sooner or later, sometimes because we want it, while at other times even when we don’t like or want it – just as you mentioned.

      I guess most of us go in for a change when we want to try something new to improve what exists, especially when we know it’s going to help us reach better goals. Change is never easy, but then we never really know whether the change will be good or not till we try it out – isn’t it?

      Yes indeed, when things are going well why would we want a change. I guess the right time for a change is when we feel we need one or when we are forced to change. It’s best to accept the changes that come our way and try them out because you always have an option of going back if the changes you bring about don’t suit you – so giving things a try might just do you good.

      Thanks for stopping by and your kinds wishes. 🙂

  3. I look forward to the changes that are to come on Aha NOW!

    I watched Pastor’s Joel Osteen and Rick Warren on Oprah’s Lifeclass, and they touched upon ‘change’ in their teachings. We can’t change the past, but we can move forward. And…Sometimes change is good, but we won’t know until we try.

    1. Thank you for your good wishes Amandah!

      I like the way you watch these motivational clips and yes, each one of them has a lesson to take back home. They are so right in saying that we really can’t change the past, and what’s done and gone is gone forever. However, what can be changed is our present to make it a better and brighter future. We can never really know till we try it out, that’s just it.

      Thanks once again for all your support. 🙂

  4. I love the way that you are announcing your upcoming changes ahead of time and I can tell that you really thought everything out, I’m looking forward to the changes and the guest posts — sounds very exciting! Like they say: the only thing that is constant is change. Here’s to the wonderful new chapter ahead! 🙂

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement and appreciation Makeba!

      Yes indeed, once I knew that it was time for a change now, I planned out a few things and thought it best to share them with everyone. I guess then you become responsible and make sure you carry out those things – isn’t it?

      I hope you do like the guest posts and the other changes planned for the blog!

      Thanks for stopping by, and showing your support. 🙂

  5. I think if you’re feeling and hearing (inner) the call to change things up on the Aha-NOW, it’s probably time for a change.

    As far as changes, I’m a reader who gravitates to blogs and news sites that push the envelope so to speak. I think some people just need to hear (or read) the real hard truth, which isn’t always pretty. If you’re thinking about adding polls, surveys, reviews, etc., start incorporating them and see how your audience reacts. Makes adjustments where necessary.

    Good luck with your changes! 🙂

    1. Absolutely Amandah!

      I just thought and had that inner feeling that the time had come, and just as they say, nothing really works unless that inner-voice tells you to move 🙂

      You are absolutely right about making the changes and the adjustments where needed, after trying out with things. Either ways, those will be coming up in rotation and not as a regular feature and mainly for a change from the normal.

      Thanks for stopping by, and your suggestions. 🙂

  6. Harleena,

    Congrats on the change! “Aha-Now” is such a refreshing and welcoming website name where you made it a place just like that with your beautiful and upbeat writing. You have built such an amazing network of people that I am sure they will write articles for “Aha-Now” that suit that same feeling we all love when we visit here. 🙂

    I am looking forward to reading the articles that others write. Enjoy the journey!!

    1. Nice to have you back Joanne!

      Thank you for your warm and kind words of appreciation about the blog and my writing. Yes indeed, it’s the wonderful readers of the blog who have really been so supportive and made it what it is today, for which I remain ever so thankful.:)

      I hope you like the guest posts by the readers as well as those who had contacted me long back too.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  7. Well aren’t you up for some changing Harleena!

    I’ve always told people that if you want something bad enough you’ll do something about it. That involves changing and that’s something that a lot of people are very uncomfortable with doing. I know for me I was never comfortable with change but knew it was inevitable. Looking back, that wasn’t so bad and so much good has come from it too.

    I’m glad you’ve decided to accept some guest posts here and I did enjoy Carolyn’s post. You know how I feel about letting your readers have first shot. I think it’s just helping them shine and get in front of some new faces.

    I like your site and I know what you mean about making small changes. I’m doing a few myself although to most they aren’t noticeable. I guess we’ll see soon if they make any difference at all.

    Thank you for sharing this and I was shocked about the length. Surprise right!

    Enjoy what’s left of your week Harleena.


    1. Yes indeed, Adrienne! I just thought it was time.

      Absolutely right! We move really when we want something really bad or if we are tired and want a change. But yes, everyone isn’t comfortable with change, which includes me too. I prefer being my old cozy self, but I know if I need to take this blog to the next level then I need to change my thoughts as well as things around here.

      Oh yes! When you thought about making the changes at your blog, it mustn’t have been easy for you either, as I think you’re also a lot like me. However, we all are seeing where you blog has reached with those very changes, which is commendable indeed. 🙂

      Carolyn was kind enough to come forward and start off with guest blogging here, which was something I was wanting to do since a long time. I also think the readers need to be given preference, and it’s one way of expressing our gratitude to them for their constant support – isn’t it?

      Thank you for those words of appreciation, and yes, the changes aren’t really going to be major ones as of now. Ah…I didn’t know there were changes going on at your blog too, or perhaps they aren’t really noticeable as yet.

      Still trying to work at the length part! But yes, a combination of both kinds of posts – long and short ones might work. I really don’t like to keep things measured where writing is concerned, and prefer to go with the flow and give complete information to the readers. However, I know that some people don’t like lengthy posts too.

      Thanks for stopping by and always being supportive. 🙂

  8. Ah, time for change 😉

    The time is always here, always will be 😀

    I am glad that you decided to change things here at Aha Now, Harleena! It was getting a bit boring (Just kidding! :D).

    I love changes (well, I always try to put some kind of change everyday, on my own). Day before yesterday I decided to spend time on reading books (it has been long!) and yesterday I started and it felt good (like in a long time!)

    A lot of change happens without our consent (someone we can’t even change, even if we don’t like the changes).

    But, beyond all we learn most from the changes that we actively work on 😉

    Good luck with the changes, Harleena (I think you should even put some more changes into your upcoming changes; adding more flexibility and uncertainty 😀 Maybe instead of fixing a day for guest posting, just a week :D).

    Anyways, good luck 😉

    1. Absolutely Jeevan!

      The time for change is always here and NOW, and if we don’t make the required moves now, we may never get down to them too – isn’t it? 🙂

      Ah…you must’ve been getting bored – that’s the reason I thought of changing things here (Kidding too!)

      I know you believe in changes and that’s why you are planning something great for your own blog, which is what we all are looking forward to seeing now. I guess with that last post of yours, it must be feeling nice to have some more time to yourself and yes, reading is a wonderful way to rejuvenate yourself too. 🙂

      You are absolutely right! Many changes take place without our consent or without us knowing about them either. I guess in such cases it’s best to accept and adjust to those changes, because everything happens for a reason that sooner or later we realize. And each change we adapt to is a learning lesson in itself.

      I knew you were going to add more of uncertainty into the change schedule! But I really can’t work that ways, though it should be tried sometimes – must be keeping you on your nerves. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. 🙂

      1. Yes, I am visiting more blogs and analyzing their ideas (I am improvising them and mixing them with my own ideas to from my blogging strategy :D).

        Yes, it is. When I started reading, I didn’t believe that I could keep up with it (but, I am already). Reading bit by bit daily.

        Some changes can happen without any reason, right? (That’s another topic right there! :D).

        I actually enjoy it 😉

        No problem!

        1. I’m sure you are going to come up with something wonderful Jeevan, especially with all the blogs you are visiting and the ideas you are assimilating. 🙂

          Yes indeed…you gave me a new topic to think about – might just make a new post..thanks for that 🙂

          Thanks once again for your contribution, and wishing you all the very best with your new blog – can’t wait to be there. 🙂

  9. You have accomplished so much on your blog. It’s a big step to evolve and change as the spirit moves you. You will no doubt find just the right balance. Looking forward to seeing what happens!

    1. Thank you so much for those kind words Galen!

      It’s not me alone, but all the wonderful readers like you who encourage and inspire me to carry on. Yes, it is a big step for me, but I know with everyone’s support and love the journey would worthwhile.

      Thanks for stopping by, and for your words of appreciation. 🙂

  10. Change is good.

    It hasn’t been to long ago that I found your blog, when Jon Morrow said something to me about it. I am sure glad he did bring it to my attention. What you write is always very refreshing. As for the length, no worries when it is good you do want to keep reading.

    I have to say when it comes to this new pop up for sharing this can be a little bother some. It always gets in my way of reading and it just keeps popping up.

    For me change is the best thing that can happen it our lives. It does make you grow as you say. We all want to be the best we can be (most of us) and change helps us to be the best we can be.

    Good for you and I look forward to watching the changes you make. Just keep the wisdom coming,


    1. I am glad you agree Debbie!

      Yes indeed, it’s not been long since we got acquainted and I find myself lucky to have met you too!

      That’s a big surprise to me about Jon Marrow mentioning my blog! He IS an awesome writer and a true inspiration and I’ve read and commented on a few of his posts, but never knew he really took notice of this blog too. I guess we need to thank him then for having connected us to each other 🙂

      Nice to know that like me, you really don’t bother much about the post length if the matter is of interest. I didn’t quite follow about the pop up for sharing. Is it the left side bar that has the social sharing buttons on it, or some other? If this is it, then let me know if it still bothers you because I recently changed the DiggDigg one that had this problem, and if it’s some other, do let me know about it. Sorry for the trouble, but would get it sorted out once I know of it. 🙂

      Yes indeed, change is what helps us grow into a better person. And any change for the better is always welcome – isn’t it?

      Thanks for stopping by, and for your constant support. 🙂

      1. Thanks Harleena. It is the pop up on the left side. It says, Share this with friends,” has your emial, tweet, facebook google+ etc. When reading it gets in the way and when commenting it can get in the way. You X it out and it comes right back. No worries I have learned to work around it. It is kind of fun trying to out smart it. LOL A bite of a challenge.
        Have a great day.

        1. I think you are talking about the “Share” button on the floating left side-bar. It pops up only when you hover your mouse over the button, otherwise it doesn’t (if that is the one). And when we X it – it does close. Wonder why it doesn’t in your case? Try not placing your mouse anywhere near or on it while reading or commenting, perhaps it works. Not heard this problem from anyone else so far Debbie. Hope it gets alright.

          Thanks once again for your feedback. 🙂

  11. Hi Harleena,

    That’s really cool 🙂

    I like changes whether our decisions are based on intuition or logical aspects. But liking is not enough, so gotta follow ’em if they make us a better person while keeping our best qualities. Changes should be focused on a goal and unless it’s just nothing but some changes, right dear? 🙂 Once I landed here today I noticed your header style changed and pink everywhere. (Or am I just having a vision? :O) Anyway I noted it and wanted to mention in my comment, but whoa… This post itself is about your blog changes 😉

    Here what I feel about your changes:

    Guest Posts: I do like that you are having guest posts on this blog 🙂 It’s a great way to build relationships and you can know others better than ever. Not ever… But more than you knew 😉 I loved Carolyn’s post about dealing with youngsters.

    Content: You are thinking ahead Harleena 🙂 Nice move. I love polls and waiting to see what kind of polls will be here.

    Length: You were right. I was smiling at it 😉 I like the way you are using quotes in between paragraphs and enjoy all of ’em. I can say it’s never easy unless you memorize ’em all. Some days I stop by here and read your post. But when I’m gonna comment… My time is off 😉 I’m taking more time to write my comments though… Gotta go back. Finish my work, come back again, read again and write comment 😉 Don’t worry. It’s just some days I have limited time and I can’t help writing long comments sometimes 😉

    Except for these changes, I hope you will start to create your own videos and I remember you are thinking of a supporting community too 🙂 Well, I’m hoping for that. Alright 😉 Wish you all the best with your changes Harleena.


    1. Glad you liked this post about changes Mayura!

      You are absolutely right – I need to implement and follow these changes too, and by writing them down about it here, I’m sure I’m going to.

      Ah…caught you there! No, the header and the color of the blog aren’t touched as yet – yes, I think you ARE having a vision, though it might just come true some day. Perhaps you noticed it as I had mentioned it within the post. As of now, I think I just like it the way it is. I just might be making a few minor changes around or some major ones if something really good comes up and touches my heart (that part is most important to me).

      I’m happy to know that you like the changes coming up on the blog. Yes, guest posts are a great way to build relationships and they give a wider horizon of scope to share each other’s knowledge with everyone. Oh yes! Polls are interesting too I think, and I hope you like when they come up.

      I can see you smile all the way through your comment, not just at the mention of the post length Mayura! I guess I love quotes and feel they add more value to the content, which is what makes them a little lenghty. I am sorry that you find the post lengthy and need to come again to comment, but am glad you visit again for doing that, and hopefully the posts ahead would save you the trouble. 🙂

      Videos – hmm…you caught me there for sure! Yes, I know I need to start and you never know I just might someday really soon! The blog readers and wonderful commentators like you ARE all so very supportive, and I need to thank each one of them for being a part of this blog.

      Thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate you for sharing your valuable suggestions with all of us. 🙂

      1. Really? :O I MUST have had a vision 😀 Once I land here noticed header and thought header text style has changed, and felt pink background was more lighter now 😉 As I read through your post I thought “Ah! I got it now” and confirmed… OMG… lol 😀


        1. Not a problem Mayura – having visions is a wonderful as you get to see things that aren’t actually there, but they might come true some day. 🙂

          I haven’t yet made any changes on the blog or the header, but yes, when I shifted to WordPress, the initial design has small grey and pink roses on the background, in place of the present plain pink background. I had to make the change to fasten the speed or loading time of the blog. That was the only change as such and other minor changes are hardly noticeable. 🙂

          Thanks 🙂

  12. Change in life is good. Too many baby-boomers are stuck in the rut they have created over the past 30 to 40 years. Less than two years ago we made a major change in our lives that has changed our health, thinking and finances. Do I believe change is good? Absolutely and everyone should try to improve their lives one step at a time.

    1. Welcome to the blog Carla – nice to see you here!

      You are absolutely right – change is good, though most of us tend to get stuck in the rut for years and don’t really wish to change ourselves or the way things are around us.

      Nice to know that the changes you made have made a positive impact in your lives in all ways. Change will happen, whether we want it or not. It works best if we accept the fact and start working towards it to make our lives better.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  13. I am not sure if there is a right time for change.

    To me, it’s been something I just did when I felt like it. I started my business, just because I wanted to. I didn’t do any research. I know a lot of people do all sorts of research and planning before they make a change. I do tests, and that’s what I’ve been doing with guest posts as well. I’m currently not accepting any, but in a few weeks I might accept them again. I’m changing from time to time 🙂

    1. I agree to a certain extent Jens!

      The right time for a change for one person would be different from another person. Or just as you mentioned, there might not be a right time at all, which is because you believe in change and keep trying out new things often – and that is wonderful indeed. 🙂

      I guess you follow your heart more than the mind, which is how it should be. And it’s said that you can never really go wrong then. It’s good that you keep trying out and testing new ways to better your blog, and you never know perhaps we would start seeing guest posts there too.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing more about yourself with all of us. 🙂

  14. As a writer or in personal life some changes come on own in a person. Sometimes certain situations and certain incidents make us understand the importance of getting changed. I really loved reading this post regarding whether it is the correct time to get changed….

    1. Welcome to the blog Rocky!

      Yes indeed, all of us undergo changes, whether we like it or not. What really matters is that we learn to accept the change and learn something new and better from it.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  15. Good things happening for your blog! I am so happy for you!

    A blog needs work and recently, I went for a little change with mine – domain name! As for calling people in to guest post, I did it a once or twice and it didn’t really go down very well. So I am thinking as of focusing on my blogging becoming a lot more regular! 🙂

    But I am looking forward to the changes you bring to your blog and I am so glad you are going for it! Hope all goes well! Good Luck! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your good wishes Hajra!

      Yes indeed, a blog does need a lot of work and a great deal of attention as well. Oh yes! I liked the changes you recently made to your blog, which I think was a wise and timely one too.

      There are various pros and cons about guest posts, and each one of us have our own experiences. Sorry to hear that they didn’t go off too well with you. I guess calling in people whom we know or those who have been with our blog for long makes a lot of difference, which is one reason I would be giving them preference over the others. This way you know the person, which is better than allowing a stranger or newcomer to be your guest author. However, if things have to misfire, they can do so either ways. We just have to take our chances. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. 🙂

  16. Sorry for being a little behind on your blog, Harleena.

    I love the variety you are introducing to your blog and I wish you good luck with it.

    Coming to my change story. Change is something that is a constant part of my being . However, there’s one area in which I struggle to make lasting change – that’s exercising. I made a big move towards it last year and the results were obvious. But then, this year I slackened off again. Now, I’m back on. What stayed with me from last year though is much healthier food habits and more consciousness about what I eat.

    With my blog, I keep experimenting – too much at times! 😉

    1. You are never late, and always welcome Corinne!

      Thank you so much for your good wishes and support – I sure need all of that. 🙂

      Nice to know that you take change in the positive way too. Ah…exercising! Well, I have my share of ups and downs with that one. I am another one like you who takes up walking but then drops it off too. I guess we do have our own reasons, but exercising and keeping fit should be a part of those excuses too – isn’t it? I am back with my walks too after a few months of looking after my MIL, and it sure feels good and refreshing once again.

      Healthier food habits help a great deal to lose weight naturally, though if you combine it with your exercises – we would all be in for a surprise look!

      It’s good to keep experimenting and trying out new things I feel, because that’s how you learn what’s really working for your blog and how you can get better. I enjoy your posts and the variety of writing you bring about in your writing as well. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with everyone. 🙂

  17. Hi Harleena,

    Change is inevitable whether we want it or not, so in my book, it’s better to take the lead in this regard.

    Congratulations on your blog changes and all the good stuff you have in store. I am not surprised that you have tons of guest blog requests already. I hope to be able to guest post here if you’d like in the future and would love to have you on my personal development blog as guest as well.

    I know how hard it is to write short posts when it’s not you. It’s very hard for me too :), but we are not the only ones. As a matter of fact, some of the best posts that I read are long, even though a good post doesn’t have to necessarily be long.

    Thank you for letting us know about all your upcoming changes for your blog and looking forward to enjoy them!

    1. Absolutely Sylviane!

      Change is bound to happen, whether we want it or not. So, it’s better to learn to accept and adjust to the changes, and find your happiness within that.

      Thank you for your kind wishes. Ah…yes, there have been some readers and commentators of the blog who had contacted me long back because they wanted to guest post here. Somehow, things didn’t start, though I’m glad that now it’s all taking shape. It would be my absolute pleasure to have you over as a guest author, and I shall get in touch with you about it too. I haven’t started guest blogging yet, for which again many people have been contacting me. I know I have to, and would let you know when I’m ready for it. 🙂

      I guess the length of the post shouldn’t really be an issue if you have something good to share. Your posts aren’t that long, or perhaps the matter shared is easy to read, so one tends to flow with the words. However, some people prefer shorter posts and that’s what I am trying to aim for, though would keep them for the Tuesday posts.

      Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. 🙂

  18. Change is always good imo. I haven’t been around your blog enough but I do like what I see and the content. The design is easy on the eyes and flows very well. Whatever you decided, I’ll still be sticking around. 🙂

    1. Glad you agree Brenda!

      I know we’ve recently connected, though it seems like we’ve known each other since long. 🙂

      Nice to know that you like the design, so I guess I shouldn’t really change much of that as most people like it already. And of course, it’s a pleasure to have you around.

      Thanks for stopping by and being here. 🙂

  19. Congratulations, Harleena!

    What a lovely time of the year to make the change! Indeed, change is great to shake things up and bring on a fresh new flavor.

    It will be just wonderful to see the changes you described. All the very best to you. Your blog is already pretty much amazing, Harleena!

    I am always happy to support you, I enjoy coming over.

    Your friend – Vidya

    1. Ah…you noticed the autumn leaves Vidya!

      I love this time of the year too when every leaf looks like a flower. Just felt that like these leaves change each year – so must we. 🙂

      I also felt that the time had come to bring about some changes here at the blog, and thank you so much for all your support. I need most of that Vidya. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  20. I LOVE the design of your site but yeah, I do agree that change can bring some renewed energy… good on you – the guest blog post thing sounds great!!!

    1. Nice to hear that Martina!

      Most people like the design of the blog, which makes me happy too. I guess it’s just a little different from the rest – look-wise. But yes, I thought it was now time to start with guest posting and introduce some other things as well.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  21. Harleena,

    I really like what you’ve done with your changes here. I like changes myself. I get too bored if everything always stays the same and I enjoy learning new things.

    I really like your cleaner look and choice of colors here. Makes me want to stay around longer 🙂

    1. Glad you like the changes Lisa!

      I just thought that the blog could now do with some good changes and that’s what I shared with everyone today. I guess there is a time for a change, which I felt had come now.

      I used to love the grey-pink rose background I had initially got on the background if you remember. But I had to remove that to this cleaner background to reduce the loading time. All for the better. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by, and am happy you feel like staying here longer. 🙂

  22. Hi Harleena,

    Change is often difficult at least the concept of ‘change’ is. However, if things aren’t going the way that you would like then change is an extremely viable option…take it!

    Be good to yourself,

    1. Welcome to the blog David- nice to see you here!

      Change is never easy, and it does need a lot of will-power and determination to change ourselves too. But just as you mentioned, if things really aren’t going the way you want them to and you want to make them better – then change is the only option.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  23. Is it time for change? I have never met anyone who is fully satisfied with his professional , personal or family life! This perhaps shows that we must keep changing at all times! And even after this we will perhaps never be fully satisfied. Change need need not be of your profession, spouse or girl/boyfriend, maybe the change is required in your attitude only. But change we must and that to the direction that we want to -or we will stagnate.

    1. Welcome to the blog Amit!

      Some people are satisfied with the lives they lead. Perhaps they have been through all the ups and downs, and finally settled down living a content and happy life. But yes, most of us who are wanting to get better and improve ourselves would surely want to change. I feel any kind of change that brings about happiness within us and in the lives of others, should be welcomed.

      You’re absolutely right about the change being in our attitude more than in anything else, which is what keeps helps us grow in better humans.

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

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