5 Ways to be Courageous

Do you want to be courageous? Courage is one of the most admired traits and one that can help you go through the life problems without being much affected emotionally.
When we see a brave hero in a movie, we might think that courage is all about going to war or saving people from being killed. However, the truth is that everyone can be a hero in his or her own world.
The mom who protects her kids is a hero, the guy who protects his dreams is a hero and the one who fights for what he believes in is a hero.
Some people think that courage has something to do with the genes. While the ability to worry or feel anxious can be connected to your brain chemistry, you can still learn how to develop courage and become among the bravest.
In this post I will tell you how to become really brave.
How to Be Courageous
There are five easy ways to be courageous.
1) Understand that fear and courage can coexist
A coward runs from a battle because he is scared while a brave man fights to the end even if he is scared.
The difference between courage and cowardliness is the ability to act with disregard to fear and not the ability to suppress fear altogether.
In other words, the more you understand fear the more courageous you will become.
2) Don’t run from your fears
Some people keep avoiding what they fear for the rest of their lives and that’s why they never become brave.
If you fear something then try to expose yourself to it (provided that it’s not harmful). If you fear cats, for example, then force yourself to get closer to them, or if you fear certain risks then get exposed to them more often.
The more you live with your fears the more you will get used to them and the more courageous you will become.
3) Educate yourself
Sometimes the main reason we feel afraid is that we lack important resources.
If you educate yourself and learn the skills you need on your way, you will experience less fear in your life.
It’s the same difference as that between a student who goes for an exam while being well prepared and the student who studies nothing then fears the exam.
The more you are prepared to face life, the less fear you will experience and the more courageous you will become.
4) Don’t become emotionally attached to what you have
The most powerful man on earth is the one who has nothing to lose.
The more you become attached to what you have the more you will be vulnerable to all life problems.
Stick to your dreams but don’t become attached to anything that you have simply because even if you lost your success you can rebuild it.
5) Take calculated risks
With each risk you take you will become braver and be more courageous.
Calculate your risks well and you will be able to take more risks without being hit hard. This will help you develop more courage.
Final words
Brave people feel afraid but they keep going forward, while cowards go back as soon as they feel afraid.
In order to succeed in life, you will have to take many risks and without enough courage you will live a terrible life, since fear will always cloud your mood.
Be brave, live to the fullest.
Over to you –
Are you courageous in dealing with life’s problems? What did you try or do to be courageous? Have you met any such problems in life? Do you agree with the ways to be courageous as mentioned here? Share in the comments below.
Photo Credit: Leonard John Matthews
Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.
I agree with all of these things to be courageous. You need to understand that fear will be there and that what matters is pushing through it. If you have a phobia then you have to do exposure therapy. I agree that not attaching to results is very important, but by golly it is so darn difficult. Thanks for the post.
Hi Sebastian,
Yes indeed, fear is also a part of our lives, though some people are fearless! But for those of us who have our own set of fears, it makes sense to fight those fears by facing them,and be courageous enough to move ahead. I agree, it is difficult to not get affected by the results but that’s how it should be. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂
Beautifully said, Farouk.
Most of us do certainly go through our lives with a certain amount of apprehension … call it a modest dose of fear or uncertainty.
Certainly, gaining a better understanding of the situation helps. I heard once that despite the decision anyone makes in a situation, they’ll eventually be more than satisfied with the result anyway.
Kinda makes the reason for being afraid a moot point, doesn’t it? 🙂
Hi Martin,
Sorry for the late reply, though I’m glad am taking up these now 🙂
We all do at some time or the other, and those fears are what actually hold us back from progressing further. Ah..some people are never satisfied, even if the decisions they make is in their favor, while some are content even if things don’t turn their way. I guess it all depends on the person and how they take things – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂
Nice post.Every person is different. We can index many personalities who show success path by defensive and cautious steps similar to the way bold and courageous. Indeed, to me I would like to move any decision with more caution and analysis. The level of importance and depth depends on the need.
But practically, there could be situations where we need to take bold decisions and should decide with courage. Every one will have that phase. I like the 1st point…understand your fear and your weakness and concentrate there. Thanks for sharing the post.
Hi Manickam,
Yes indeed, Farouk’s post surely was a nice one, and I’m glad you liked it too 🙂
I agree, every person is different, and just like you, I too would rather move cautiously but surely before taking any bold step. However, to be courageous doesn’t mean that you cannot be cautious or practical about your approach – isn’t it? I guess it mainly means that we take the risks and move ahead with courage, and not just hold ourselves back.
Sometimes we have to take bold or instant decisions that do require courage, or perhaps such decisions don’t give you much time to think, as then they would fall under taking cautious, sure, and bold decisions. If we can understand our fears and weaknesses and make an effort to work on them, we can achieve a lot and move ahead with courage.
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
Most people who meet me think I am outgoing, a risk taker and maybe even brave. What they don’t know is that I am an extremely shy and introverted person. I have been ever since I can remember and it was debilitating as a young girls. So much so that I HATED LUNCH. I hated going to school because i was always afraid to talk to anyone.
When I was about 14, I went to live with my aunt in Montreal and I decided that I was going to fake being a “cool” person. for lack of a better word, thats what I actually said to myself.
Result, I did something scary everyday and eventually, the things that scared me still scared me but they did not intimidate me or prevent me from living my life. In the end, i think it takes a lot of superior awareness and thoughtful action to be courageous. I once entered a pig calling contest to get over my fear of speaking in public but that is another story… :).
Great Article Farouk. I’m sure it will in the least spread some light on how anyone can be more courageous.
Hi Annie,
Sorry for being late at this one, guess I’ll go ahead and reply to a few of the pending old guest posts 🙂
Ah…that’s what we give others an impression of I think, because they don’t know the real us. While I was quite like you, but my Dad ensured that I didn’t remain like that and he would force us to go out and meet people and interact with them, or perhaps being from the Army, that’s how things normally work so he wanted to make sure those traits came into us too.
I liked the way you challenged yourself to do something scary everyday, and that is what we would call taking the risks, another way to be courageous. I guess after your visit to your aunt you learnt to do things that you wouldn’t otherwise, yet not let them affect you. I wonder how and what pig calling contest must have been as it sounds interesting.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences 🙂
I agree, very very useful tips. sometimes we don’t even realize what we are afraid of. Only deep digging on your own mind can help you to figure out the problem! To be overemotional is too bad, in this way when you are 40 you will become a real nut…
Thanks for the article, found it extremely informative!
Hi Tim,
Sorry for the late reply, though I’m glad I stopped to check on these few older comments that I’ll take up now 🙂
I agree with you there, we often don’t realize what we are scared of and tend to assume most of the things. Ah…I am overemotional in a lot of ways I would say, though still sane even though a little over 40 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Praveen,
Thanks for your comment. : )
Well, if being cautious is helping you live the life you want then its ok.
Glad to see you here, keep in touch.
Hey Corinne ,
Thank you so much for your comment and nice words.
Nice to meet you. : )
So fabulous advice here from Farouk. I especially liked the one about not being too emotionally attached to what we have. It is our insecurities that often build much fear in us.
Absolutely Corinne – he is the right person to tell us all about how to be courageous. 🙂
Ah…not to get emotionally attached is a real tough one for me to follow. Just as I was telling Praveen above – some of us are just made that ways- isn’t it? I guess we need to break those insecurities that build the walls of fear around us and break free.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Farouk – That is a an interesting post right there, I find it very hard to be brave enough to undertake a major change in life, maybe related to job or personal family front. I always tend to take a step back and review all the pros and cons of what the decision might lead to. Sometimes people might think I am being overly cautious about everything, but that is just how I am.
I like it when you say “Dont become emotionally attached”, however it is not applicable in all the scenarios of life, especially with me of course 🙂
Thanks Harleena for having him over here and publishing this awesome article.
You are not alone to feel this ways Praveen!
I guess most of us sometime or the other feel the way you do, it’s just that we might not voice it often enough though feel the same way. I feel there’s no harm in seeing the pros and cons and really giving things a serious thought before taking the big step ahead. I guess it just prepares you better to be courageous – isn’t it? I am a lot like that too, and yes, sometimes people do think I am too cautious or think too much 🙂
I agree – I too get emotionally attached. I guess it’s just the way few of us are made 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with all of us. 🙂
Hi Farouk,
Pretty straightforward and inspiring content. 🙂
I’ve been living with fear (Don’t we all?) and still I fear of spiders. 😉 lol…
Obviously there would be no need of having courage if there was nothing to fear of. I know what you mean by “not running from it”, but I had to do few times as a kid. I think sometimes it matters to know our limitations and know how worth being courageous in a situation. It will help us find alternatives too. 🙂
Well, you’re very true about having nothing to lose. I have many things to lose and love ’em. 🙂 Still we can manage and move forward, right? I see many people who lost everything but won the world and teach lessons. But what I admire most is the courage of mothers and fathers who never left her kids in dark while struggling with their lives. They never get famous but a lot of things to learn from ’em.
Actually I was fear of public appearances and speak what I have in my mind. But writing helped me always. I was a kid who always wanna avoid things coming at me. Not everytime, but mostly. At some point I had to take actions, not to kill fear but to face it even holding fear. I did few times and it built confident to face next time too. Way to go for me mate 😉 I’m happy for what I’ve become.
Have a GREAT week, Farouk and Harleena. 🙂
Hi Mayura,
Thanks for your contribution to the post, you just added a lot of useful info and made the post richer.
I agree with what you said, happy to see you here. : )
You’re right Mayura – most of us do live with fears, though don’t know how to deal with it. I guess Farouk’s given you all the solutions in his post – isn’t it?
However, he is a man of few words so I just thought to reply to a few of them (to match up with the long comments we have on the blog!). More so, there was a problem in the commenting system due to which the comments weren’t nested properly in this post. I’m glad that it’s resolved now.
I agree about the courage our parents portray and that’s what helps us kids learn about courage right from the time we are kids too. I too had the fear of public speaking Mayura, but the only way to overcome that was to go out and speak up publicly! Oh yes…even writing is a good outlet and gives you the courage to express all that you want to.
Thanks for stopping by. And I am sorry for replying late – just catching up with pending work to be submitted before the year ends – though I’m glad to be here now. 🙂
Hi Amandah, thanks for the addition.
You are right, we must learn how to not get attached to anyone or anything as much as we can.
Nice story Galen, thanks for sharing it with us, happy to see you here 🙂
Happy with your words, Lisa.
You are 100% right, thanks for the comment.
There is a wonderful story in Buddhist teaching about a young warrior having to battle fear. The young warrior is afraid, but stands her ground, bows, and asks fear how to defeat him. He thanks her for her respect, and tells her that he can be easily defeated by simply not doing what he tells her to do. The story doesn’t say that the warrior is unafraid. But she learns to make her own choices about her actions instead of doing what fear tells her to do.
That’s such a wonderful story Galen! Thanks for sharing it with all of us. 🙂
It’s true that everything depends on the choices we make, and we can even choose not to be fear. We need to be determined to never to give up, and try not to make the wrong choices.
It isn’t difficult to be courageous if one makes up one’s mind, isn’t it?
Thanks for adding more value to the post. 🙂
Hi Farouk,
Nice to see you here.
You are making an excellent point here. Courage comes with fear, and if there is no fear, then, there’s no courage either.
I like your example of the difference between a coward and a courageous person, both are scared but one chooses to flee from fear and the other chooses to confront it.
It’s true that we need to face our fears in order to beat them. No can do without doing this.
Absolutely Sylviane!
Fear and courage are related – though we need to recognize this fact and learn to overcome our fears with courage. I know it’s easier said than done, but there is no other way out I guess – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by, and glad you liked Farouk’s post as well. 🙂
I’d like to add the following to point #4 where you state, “Don’t become emotionally attached to what you have.”
I wouldn’t get too emotionally attached to the people in your life either because no one lives forever. It’s a fact that most people fear death. Unfortunately, everyone will leave their physical body for the spirit world at some point in time. Instead of focusing on ‘the end,’ enjoy the time you have with those closest to you. Remember, tomorrow may never come. You’re not guaranteed tomorrow.
I’d like to believe I’m courageous in dealing with life’s problems or ‘speed bumps.’ You can either deal with them now or later. I choose to face things, learn whatever lesson (if there is one) there is to learn, and move forward with my life.
I try not to sweat the small stuff. It’s just life. 🙂 Some take it much too seriously.
I agree Amandah!
However, for Moms like us or even otherwise – it’s really tough not to get emotionally attached, which again I think depends from one person to another and their natures.
Yes, no one lives forever but the feelings develop over time that bond us with another. One doesn’t have to fear death as you rightly mentioned, instead enjoy the treasured moments you have been given on this earth for the time you are here, and just learnt o appreciate and value one another.
I know all that you are doing as we discussed in many earlier comments on previous posts, and you are being courageous for those wonderful kids you are raising, which as I always say is commendable. I guess fighting the fears we have and moving ahead is the only way to be courageous – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. 🙂
You are right, Jodi.
Thank you so much for your comment and nice to meet you here 🙂
Thanks James.
Yes, fears grow when we avoid them, nice to meet you.
Hi Harleena,
Thank you for this insightful post, as always.
Taking calculated risk is an important point. Far too many people are afriad to take risks. Without taking risks, how could there be NEW ways of doing things?
This question has helped me with many decisions: “What is the worse scenario that could happen?”
Often, the status quote situation that people are facing is far from ‘good’. Avoiding ‘risk’ (in their own perception) keep people away from achieving greatness.
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Glad you liked Farouk’s post Viola!
Absolutely – taking risks is part of the game without which you can never really move forward. But yes, people have their fears about that which again they have to fight by being courageous and taking the first bold step.
I like the question that’s helped you that helps in a way to take things to the maximum level or the utmost level, though you need to be determined and make the first move.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi there! This is so beautifully written.
In my life, I’ve had many fears to overcome and I survived them. For each one I survived, it made me that much stronger. I am an advocate for the most feared dog in the world. The Pit Bull. I had some fear however, I conquered that by facing it, rescuing one, training him, and loving him. Now I spread awareness in hopes that others will overcome their fear of them.
Truly a great post! Glad to see you guesting on Harleena’s blog!
Farouk’s post surely is well written, and am glad you liked it too Brenda!
You seem to have undergone a lot and come out strong each time, which makes you a living example all of us can learn lessons from. 🙂
Oh…I love the pictures you share of your dog on your blog – he doesn’t look that scary, or perhaps that’s because he is with you! I guess you conquered your fears of him earlier by doing all that you did, and most of all pets never forget what you do for them. Nice to know that you are helping others now in learning to overcome their fears.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with all of us. 🙂
Sometimes what you are being courageous about is something you have. How many have been courageous during the hurricane, Sandy? And they were courageous in trying to take their homes.
Welcome to the blog Glynis!
I agree – most of us don’t know the courage we have hidden within us till we are faced with situations like Sandy. I guess we learn to fight our fears and turn out strong at such occasions, and realize the strength we have within us.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Hi Farouk,
Very nice post. Here I can relate to all of the things what you have mentioned.But here I liked two points-
First is – “Don’t run from your fears” .The biggest blunder a person does is run away from his/her fears.This is not the way they don’t think that by running away from the fears lead to more discouragement so running away is not the solution. If you want to be courageous you should not run away from fears and instead make yourself so strong and have belief in yourself so that you can fight against any fear.
Second,”Don’t become emotionally attached to what you have.” Very true it makes a person soft from inside which may lead to fear of losing.So that’s why one should try to get unnecessary things out of your life for which you have some attachments.
Thank You
Shorya Bist
Glad you could relate to the post Shorya!
Yes indeed, most of us tend to take the easy step of running away from our fears, not realizing that we need to face them instead. Fighting our fears is the only way to really be courageous – isn’t it?
I wonder whether being emotionally attached really makes us soft from inside, and even if it does – is it really that bad to be soft rather than being hard? I agree about the fear of losing, but then like Hajra mentioned above – we shouldn’t become dependent on things that stop us from being brave. I feel being attached to things does no harm – instead it makes you more compassionate and courageous too. But then, each one of us is different and takes things differently.
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
I was a little bad at gathering the courage I needed to face tasks but over time I have learnt to be brave and face the bad times. I feel the confidence and belief that things will get better will get you through tough times.
However I believe that emotionally detachment is not a good thing always. We can be emotionally attached to things but not dependent on things that stop us from being brave. I feel attachment to certain things n life will provide you the courage you need to take on. I don’t mean to offend!
Wonderfully written! Great to read your work! 🙂
Happens with the best of us Hajra!
It surely isn’t easy to be courageous all the time, nor are all of us born to be brave. We all do have our fears, and sometimes it is really tough to fight those fears and come out of the walls we build around us. I’m glad you’ve learnt to overcome your fears with confidence and belief in yourself, which again must have taken a strong will to do.
Ah…I agree with you 100%…because I too can’t really become emotionally detached, though people say it’s the way things work best. Yes indeed, we shouldn’t become dependent on things, but we can keep them apart too.
Thanks for adding more value to the post. 🙂
Hi Farouk
Fear of failure is the most common fear and we all live with it. Courage is really required to carry forward without thinking too much about failure, though it is the daunting task but it has be done on consistent basis.
You 4th and 5th points are really spot on. Calculated risk surely protect us from dead end.
That’s true Sapna! I think most of us have this common fear.
There can be no other alternative to fight our fears other than to be courageous and face it – isn’t it? Yes, it’s easier said than done and often seems like an uphill task. But if you gather your courage, and make up your mind – nothing is impossible I feel.
Thanks for your wonderful contribution. 🙂
Hi Farouk,
Very good tips on being courageous. This is my favorite,” 4) Don’t become emotionally attached to what you have”. When we are too emotionally attached to what we have, the harder we hold onto it, the more we may lose it. Fear can stop us from becoming the person we are meant to be. We all have courage, but some just do not realize it is in them, because of the fear you talk about.
I always tell myself, “feel the fear, hit it head on and you become bigger than the fear.”
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on courage. This is a very important part of life.
Glad you liked Farouk’s tips – Debbie!
I can see from the previous comments that #4 is something most of us can relate to, though it’s easier said than done! I for one, as I was mentioning to a few friend’s above, cannot help but get emotionally attached to anything and everything in-fact. I know I need to change and get out of it – though a little of it is good. 🙂
Yes indeed, fear often holds us back to be what we want to be. And you are so right that we all can be courageous if we want to be, though we don’t recognize the hidden courage each one of us has within us. I like your lines…you become bigger than the fear…that’s what each one of us needs to do too.
Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom with all of us. 🙂
This is a great post, people think Courage is the absence of fear, but we are starting to learn, that fear doesn’t have to stop us! A great lesson!
It is truly a great post, Jodi! When you do not let your fears get the better of you, you’re courageous. You’re right – fear doesn’t have to stop us!
Farouk did reply to your comment and is showing a bit further down because due to some technical reasons his comment could not come below your comment. I regret the inconvenience.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. 🙂
Facing your fear is the only way to really develop true courage. Courage isn’t the absence of fear, it is seeing it, embracing it, and choosing to not let it control your actions. Great post Farouk.
I too think the same, James! When you face the fear, it loses its power and influence. Or as Farouk says that fears empowers us if we do not face the fear.
By definition, courage means the ability to fight or face problems without showing fear. To be courageous, you need to overcome your fears. Being courageous requires controlling of fears to the extent that you have no fear at all.
Farouk did reply to you and his comment his showing up a little further down because his comment could not be threaded with your comment for some technical reasons. Sorry for this inconvenience.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. 🙂
Thanks so much for giving me such an opportunity, its my honor to see one of my posts on your blog.
Thank you so much : )
I would, perhaps, agree with some of the points here.
But,it will depend upon each individual and the situation one falls into.
No two persons would face identical situations, hence a generalized suggestion may not be the answer.
I agree with you here BK!
I think each individual is different, and the way each one of us fights our fears will also be different. I guess what matters most is the way we gather ourselves to be courageous to take that first step to fight our fears – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Interesting piece Farouk! I’ve always heard “Knowledge is power” so your point about education is understood as it relates to being courageous.
Having no fear I think sometimes come with age too although the young never seem to have fear at times either.
I think many people are afraid of taking risks and that’s where they don’t succeed at some of their goals. You just have to go for it.
Living in fear is not 100% living. Many times when you are fearful once you do what you fear, you wonder why you had not done it sooner 🙂
Absolutely Lisa! I think Farouk did make a wonderful point about educating ourselves.
It is quite a lot age related, though if you ask the young ones, they too have fears of their own kinds. However, as adults we feel their fears are not real fears. I guess what matters most is that we teach our kids to be courageous and fight any kind of fears they might be having.
I agree – fighting our fears is the best way of overcoming them, though you need to take that first step to get started – isn’t it?
Thanks for your wonderful contribution to the post. 🙂
Welcome to the blog as a guest blogger, Farouk! Your site is full of inspirational and motivational articles that are helpful to all, especially those who’re in problem or those who want to improve themselves.
It is my pleasure to have you on my blog, and I’m sure the entire Aha!NOW community will benefit by your tips to be courageous in life!
We all have some or the other fear in ourselves. I’ve always taken fear as a state of mind, and you need positive thoughts and affirmations to tackle your mind.
You’ve provided practical ways to be courageous that doesn’t need any special skill or expertise. We need to get fear out of our mind and that will open the path to success. I agree one should not run away from fears but instead always try to face them – that makes the fear concept loosen its grip and influence over your thoughts and mind.
Thank you for providing this inspirational post for all the blog readers, who I’m sure, will profit more by your expert answers to their questions. It’s all yours, Farouk! 🙂