11 Powerful Blogging Tips To Help You Become A Successful Blogger

Table of Contents
This is a guest post by Erik Emanuelli, who is a successful professional blogger and an active ABC member. He is sharing the knowledge and experience he gained during his five years of blogging journey. ~ Editor
With more than 1 billion websites out there (data updated to February 2014), it is clear that a lot of people are aware the Internet is full of possibilities.
Today, it only takes a few minutes to get a new domain name and build a website.
All this is very attractive and tempting, raising our hopes to be a successful blogger.
However, achieving success as a blogger isn’t that easy.
During the latest 5 years, since I started my online journey, I saw many bloggers quitting.
It was not because they were not good enough, but because they could not reach a full-time income working with Internet (or at least, enough to live with).
You want to receive a good monetary compensation for your efforts (Jon Morrow is making $100k per month).
So the question is: “How to Become a Successful Blogger and Make Money Online?”
Tips to Become a Successful Blogger and Make Money Online
Here are 11 blogging tips you need to consider if you want to take blogging seriously, with mention of resources and tips I found useful during my online experience.
1. Passion
All the most popular bloggers have a great passion for what they do, and you can feel it reading their content.
Without that, you cannot go very far.
Internet is full of blogs with ten or twenty posts (or even less), with thin content (most of the times created with automatic software), just with the purpose to make a few bucks with Google Adsense.
However, the time has changed. Search engines are constantly being updated to ensure a positive experience for their users.
Tip: If you want to make money with your blog and be a successful blogger, my suggestion is thinking about a topic that you would like to write about every free moment of your day (in this way, you should be able to find the right subject for your site).
2. Niche and Keywords
Choosing the right niche, together with your keywords, already affects half of your success as a blogger.
Recently, thanks to a great tool named LongTailPRO, I started a site niche project (to be monetized with Amazon and Adsense later on), for a long tail keyword I found with low competition and a decent amount of monthly searches.
After finding your niche, understanding your audience is the next most important step, in order to be able to create useful articles only for those specific users (e.g. creating content that satisfy their needs or problems).
Tip: SearchMetrics is a tool you can use for SEO purposes, with many features. You can analyze specific websites, and gather interesting data, such as visibility, back links and more. I like the social ranking option, and the keywords ranking tool is great to find interesting opportunities.
3. Constancy
As many other businesses offline, also in the case of blogging, you will see the fruits of your work over time.
It took me more than 3 years to start creating a solid income online, while still working full time at another job (I believe that 12-18 months could be enough to create a steady monthly revenue if you can dedicate all your time).
Try to publish your posts with constancy, and you will be rewarded by search engines, receiving a traffic increase.
It is very important that you decide the timing to publish your content.
Think about your duties and commitments, and choose between posting everyday, two or three times or just one article a week. Then stick with this program.
This is very important, in order to respect your readers and build a solid base of fans.
Think for example of a blogger that publishes a post everyday for two weeks and then disappears for a month. This attitude, rather than retain visitors, will make them runaway.
Tip: I use tools like ViralContentBuzz and Triberr to reach more people and amplify my audience. You do not want just to get more shares for your content, but also build more connections.
4. Personality
As a good blogger, you should have the courage to show your personality and not be afraid of it.
It took me three months when I started my first website, before displaying my picture with my face.
People need to know who you are.
You should explain what YOU think, expose yourself, and assume your responsibility for what you write.
We may even say that a good blogger is brave.
Tip: You can learn a lot from experienced people in your niche. Seeing how, you can prove your personality and transfer it in the content of your blog.
Don’t be afraid of guest posting, it is still a great way to increase your audience and improve your authority (creating links through guest blogging should be the last benefit to consider).
5. Connections
Connections are everything. Both online or offline.
As a successful blogger, you should be able to establish a productive dialog with the public on your site.
Involve your visitors within the content, push the comments, ask questions from your visitors, you may even ask them for some help!
Try to respond to all comments, even the critical ones.
As a good blogger, you should share your knowledge with your readers. It is a fundamental thing. Don’t be greedy.
You should give away at first.
Also, take some time to create connections outside your website.
Share other bloggers content, comment to awesome posts, help some people.
From time to time, you should share some of your secrets, or personal tips, something that you have learned with years of experience.
Tip: I use MyBlogU, to find opportunities to showcase my knowledge. Through the interview section, you can find relevant topics and submit your answers, to be then featured on the blogs of other users. It is great to increase your online reputation and authority as a blogger (and to build new connections too).
6. Quality Content
It is always the same suggestion, the first and most important one.
In a few words, if you want to become a famous blogger, it is essential to know how to create quality content for your audience.
We can say that the content is of quality when it solves a real problem for people in your niche.
Content is the king!
If you keep writing fantastic content, your visibility and popularity around the web will increase, along with the traffic to your site.
Tip: You should build a mailing list from the day one of your blogging careers. GetResponse is a great tool to use for email marketing. Give your subscribers the best of your knowledge and content, and don’t be afraid to show your personality.
7. SEO
As a successful blogger, you should master the SEO techniques.
You need to know how to optimize the content of your blog, while writing for your readers.
After all, it is pointless to have a blog full of high-quality content, which nobody reads (because they cannot find you!).
Be sure to respect the most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization (on-page and off-page).
Even today, getting links to your blog is very effective.
The more frequently your site appears on the search engines, the more visitors you will receive.
Tip: Try to write long, detailed posts that mesmerize your readers. This way, they will mention and link to your site naturally (this is called, link baiting).
What are some effective techniques for building links? Check out Matt Cutt’s video for it.
8. Correct Writing
Your authority or web reputation, also pass through an impeccable spelling, grammar and syntax in your articles.
Writing skills also means knowing how to involve your audience, through a personal and lively prose.
Keep writing, and you will learn how to do it better.
In essence: your authority on the web depends on the quality of your writing and style of communication.
Tip: I use Grammarly to improve my content.
9. Multimedia
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Adding images to a post makes your communication more effective.
Remember to optimize the images with SEO techniques. For that you need to use your keywords in the description and take care of the alt text or tags.
Be sure to choose pictures that match your content.
Moreover, remember to use not only images, but also try audio and video files to enhance your posts.
Tip: Consider using podcasting as an alternative method to communicate with your readers.
10. Design
“There is not a second chance to make a good first impression.”
Design is the dress of your blog. In other words, your theme.
I use Genesis framework for my main sites (plus, some other professional and good looking themes for my niche blogs).
It is your responsibility to find an artwork that expresses your taste, and which, at a glance, perceives the type of communication that you want to create between yourself and your audience.
Tip: Avoid any unnecessary coding on your blog pages, or Java Scripts in the content area, or even worse flash objects.
11. Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
This is one of the most basic rules for a good investor.
And since you’re investing your time to become a full time and successful blogger, you cannot focus all your resources on one single project or source of income.
I own several websites and I earn through different revenue streams.
Of course, you need to maintain your “main blog”, which identifies you and know where to focus the most of your efforts. This will be also the place where people can find you.
But having different projects, websites, products or services, will give you more chance to be successful.
This year, I want to build 2-3 niche sites (I have already achieved excellent results with the first project) and monetize them with Amazon affiliate program (and eventually Adsense), in order to make at least 500$/month for each of them (stay tuned on NoPassiveIncome blog as I’ll reveal the exact steps which led me reaching success with my first niche site).
Also, since the last few months I’ve built my personal website (domain with my name), where I offer my freelance writing services.
I’m aware, I’m very far from becoming a good writer (I am very picky and I do just enough), but as far as I am concerned, I have accomplished many things in the last 5 years.
My first language is Italian, and I speak Spanish much better than English (even though in the last few months I have improved a lot).
What I want you to understand is that you need to have a plan if you want to earn online (and make it for life).
Think out of the box, be different, and always try something new. If you fail, you would simply have found another way to not be successful.
In fact, I have failed a lot and learned so many lessons until today.
I want to conclude with the motto that has accompanied me during these years online:
Be Real, Be Honest, Be Yourself!
I hope these insights could help you improve your site or your blogging journey.
Remember, using the right web tools also influence your chances to become a successful blogger.
Over To You –
Do you have any other blogging tip or information to add or any other suggestion, based on your blogging experience?
Please, share your views in the comments below, thanks!
Photo Credits: FreeDigitalPhotos.Net
Disclaimer: Though the views expressed are of the author’s own, this article has been checked for its authenticity of information and resource links provided for a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter. However, you're suggested to make your diligent research and consult subject experts to decide what is best for you. If you spot any factual errors, spelling, or grammatical mistakes in the article, please report at [email protected]. Thanks.
Hi Eric…!!!
I think this article is really good written by you… actually you shared a wide guideline which helps for those bloggers whom think that they didn’t do a great work in blogging field and they can’t be a successful blogger 🙂 i really appreciate to your work which is a great social help for blogger community
Hello Mani,
good to hear you enjoyed the reading of my contribution.
It’s not easy to succeed online, right? 😉
Thanks for commenting, and best of luck!
I loved this post. The best thing is, you share great tools. I adopted this strategy from Neil Patel, and it really worked for me. I’m going to keep an eye on your content now.
Thanks for spending time on creating this post. I know it takes days to create a high-quality blog post.
Hi Hassaan,
I always try to share something “useful” in my content.
A resource, some “secret” tips or really interesting suggestions…
In a few words, I try to add that extra value to the posts I write.
Glad you noticed.
Thanks for the kind comment, and have a great week ahead.
Yes, I try to learn, adopt, focus and study about’Content Marketing’…
Keep working and studying hard, Hassann!
Good luck!
Thanks a ton buddy Erik 🙂
Really helpful and a complete guideline for new bloggers.
I hope, you will continue inspiring us !
Hi Amber,
thanks for the kind comment.
Hope you found the post useful.
Good luck with your site! 🙂
Hi Harleena and Erik
Thanks for a great and encouraging post that’s come at just the right time for me as I was feeling a bit discouraged.
But to read that it took Erik over 3 years to create a solid income online actually makes me feel LOTS better. I was starting to beat myself up because it hadn’t happened in a year 🙂
I’ve actually been online longer than that, but my first few years were a disaster because I’d no idea what I was doing and made tons of mistakes, before seeking advice from good bloggers.
I (hope) I’ve done, or in progress of doing, many of the tips and the only one that I won’t be following blogging-wise is about working on more than one blog. I HAVE more than one blog, but found I was spreading myself too thinly. So I’m concentrating on my main one for the moment.
Thanks for an encouraging and helpful article.
Hi Joy,
good to see you here!
A timely post, then!
Well, I think is normal having ups and downs.
And yes, it took me 3 years to creating a solid earning.
I was taking a look at my income during my first year online, and it was ZERO!
Pretty discouraging, right?
Well, I was doing a full (offline) time job at that time, and I could dedicate just a few hours weekly to my online activities.
I’m sure you are doing pretty good now, Joy! 🙂
I appreciate your visit and comment.
Have a good weekend!
Hi Joy,
Glad you could relate so well to Erik’s post and it came at the right time for you 🙂
Things take time and we often lose hope or expect to make it in the first year itself. I think anything new, whether it’s your business or blogging, takes a while to seep in, and once it does, you are good to go.
You’re surely not alone because only once you realize what’s lacking do you start working on it. Look at us, we’ve started now to think on the lines of business etc! That’s the right thing to do I think – so that your focus remains on the present one.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hi Erik,
It was a pleasure to see you at Aha! Now.
This is an article that motivates. I love it. 🙂
I agree with you about passion. If we do our passion, then we will do it with pleasure and without burden. I think, it will increase our productivity in doing something.
Oh yes, I could not agree more with consistent. There is no hard work in vain. The hard work will definitely have fruit. I believe it.
Build good relationships with other bloggers also be essential if we are serious about blogging, of course, quality content is a must.
Thanks for sharing this, Erik.
It’s really great and informative post!
Hope you have a great day!
Hi Nanda,
my pleasure!
It’s really exciting to be here as a contributor.
And glad to hear you enjoyed the reading of my post.
Passion, hard work, building connections with people in your niche,
are all ingredients of success.
I appreciate you visiting and commenting, Nanda.
Have a good weekend!
Hi Erik,
I think all your points are relevant,like your way of including tips with all the points :).You’re right that in order to be successful in any field we have to have proper planning and so as with blogging.I would just say this is post which i find most helpful in terms of getting success in blogging among all the posts I have read so far so a big congratulations to you for this wonderful post. 🙂
Hi Priyanka,
thnaks for the kind words.
Happy to hear you enjoyed the post,
I’m so excited to be featured as a contributor at Aha-Now.
Good luck with your blog! 🙂
And thanks for commenting.
Hi Erik, very late to the party I know, but just wanted to thank you for the insights, I am very new to this game and hope to be very successful in the future, I don’t have a particular niche at the moment I hope I find that on my journey, but I did find all of your tips a big help to me so thank you.
Hi Craig,
it’s not too late to get into the party! 😉
I hope these tips will somehow help you finding the right way to become successful.
Blogging is not a sprint, is a marathon.
So is business online.
Good luck, hope to talk to you soon!
Welcome to the blog Craig, and to the ABC as well – good to have you over 🙂
You are never late on Aha!NOW, as the doors of this blog are always open or anyone, anytime 🙂
I am sure if you follow all the tips mentioned in this post, you’re bound to achieve success, it’s just a matter of time, so keep the faith! Yes, when we start off, most of us don’t usually have a specific niche (some do), though it develops with time and then you keep making it stronger by working on it.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us, and we look forward to reading your posts at the ABC too 🙂
Hi, Harleena and Erik,
Erik: Wonderful to see you here on Aha-NOW! 🙂
This is a wonderful topic because everybody wants to gobble up tips that will help them to be a successful blogger, so well done!
You’re absolutely right, it is not that easy to be a successful blogger. I see bloggers quitting left and right because they had “Pie in the sky” ideas about what it takes to succeed online.
I liked all of your tips, and number four really resonated with me because in the beginning of my business – I was a little shy to show my real personality. Your device is spot on.
Your fifth point is relevant because we definitely cannot do this alone. I like your point about giving first as this principle is foundational to success, in my opinion.
It amazes me the number of bloggers who do not do anything to check their grammar or syntax in their articles. There are errors everywhere, and it makes it extremely difficult to read.
I usually do not go back once I stumble upon an article that has multiple errors because I do not feel valued. If they didn’t take the time to make sure it was legible and actually pleasurable to read, then I don’t think they deserve my presence on their blog. It’s that simple.
Even if English is their second language, as you so well pointed out, they could use Grammarly to help them be more professional and show their readers they care.
I couldn’t agree more with your points nine and ten. In the latter part of 2014 during my business planning session, I determined to use as many rich media types as possible on my blog. People consume information in different ways, and we need to cater to those preferences and be willing to be flexible.
Thanks for sharing this thought-provoking article, and I appreciate you inviting him, Harleena. I hope you both have a lovely day.
Hello Carol,
pleasure to see you.
So excited to be here as a contributor! 🙂
You’re right.
Daily, a lot of people are joining the business online, with the hope to become successful right away, only to realize later on the harsh truth.
It’s really hard to make a steady income with internet!
It’s a mixture of many things.
Passion, perseverance, planning, hard work, reputation, authority, etc.
Yes, Carol.
I think that many bloggers simply do not check for grammar or spelling mistakes.
I’m guilty too. I remember at the beginning of my blogging journey, I published posts with many errors.
I did not even use any tool to automate the process of proofreading (like Grammarly, for example).
I have to say that with time, I improved my skills.
Still far away to what I’d to become as a writer but step by step I feel I’m improving.
Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable comment, Carol.
I really appreciate your presence at my post today,
and have a great rest of this week! 🙂
Hi Carol,
I agree with you there – everyone does want to take the best from these tips shared by Erik, as they’re so well written 🙂
I think it takes a while to come out in the open and let your personality shine right through, and when you do, you certainly see the difference.
Oh yes…the grammatical errors are a put off, though I’m glad bloggers have started realizing the importance of editing and formatting their posts before publishing it straightaway. Yes, it’s tough to stay long on such sites, but if it’s a known one, I usually message and let them know of the errors, and if it’s a new blog, I may or may not read through, depends on my time in hand. However, I rarely come across such posts nowadays.
Grammarly is a wonderful tool and we also highly recommend it to our readers, thus the review and giveaway we’d had earlier on this blog.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hi Erik,
Very nice post. Sorry for being so late here, but it’s hard to keep it up with it all at times.
Blog commenting do take so much time, and it’s a job that doesn’t pay 🙂
All your points are excellent. Success is never just the result of on thing, but many things put together. Everything you’ve mentioned here is vital for success in blogging.
Great job!
what a pleasure to see you! 🙂
You’re right.
Blog commenting takes much time, and it does pay, in the long period, in terms of visibility and connections (which can be turned later into opportunities to make money).
Glad you confirm the points mentioned in my article.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment at my post today,
really appreciated.
Have a fantastic rest of this week! 🙂
Hello Erik,
It’s so nice to meet you. Welcome to Harleena’s blog.
I agree with all your points here. I’m so glad you listed passion as your first tip. Without passion, blogging can start to feel like a job and cause people to want to give up.
It’s been my experience taking time out to rejuvenate helps me come up with ideas like what to write about and other ways to add to my income stream.
I really appreciate you sharing these important blogging tips. And thank you for sharing this video. I watched it and got some great tips from it as well.
Hello Harleena,
Thank you for introducing us to Erik and letting him share his blogging tips with us here.
I hope you both have a great week ahead!
Hello Corina,
nice to meet you too! 🙂
Thanks to Harleena and Vinay for giving me the chance to contribute to Aha-Now and interact with the several members of this awesome community.
Glad to hear you confirm the points mentioned in this post.
You’re right.
Passion at first!
Unlike writing or doing proper SEO, we can’t learn how to have passion.
It’s something inside us.
Those videos from Matt Cutts are quite interesting, even if you have to understand the lesson trough the lines, as he does not tell the exact thing to do to rank well on search engines.
I really wish to meet a Google employee, someday, who is going to share with me the secrets of the ranking algorithm (a utopia).
Thanks for the nice comment,
have a great rest of this week! 🙂
Hi Corina,
Just replying to my bit of comment – I am so glad you liked Erik’s post, and happy both of you could meet here too
Have a nice week ahead as well, and I hope your Mom’s feeling better too 🙂
Hey Erik,
Its great to see you in Harleena ma’am’s blog. Really a great post. From 1 to 11 all the points are extremely relevant.
However according to me the two most important points that make a huge difference are quality content and SEO.
If the content quality is poor, nothing can help the blog for sure, and similarly if the SEO is poor your content, however great will not have any visibility.
Thanks for the extremely informative post. Have a nice day!
Hello Nisha,
thanks for the positive feedback.
It’s really exciting to be here at Harleena’s place as a contributor! 🙂
Together with quality content and SEO, I should add reputation and authority too (which, by the way, goes hand in hand with the first two mentioned).
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment,
have a good one!
Hey Erik,
Great post here.
I think constancy is very underrated. Many people feel that publishing their content anytime is sufficient, but it does a disservice to the readers. It leaves them constantly wondering what day to expect new content, and doing that enough times will ultimately make them decide to no longer care.
Also, great point on design. May people take that for granted as well. But it’s plays a huge role in the amount of readers you get, how many of them sign up for your list, if they decide to share your posts, etc.
Lastly, eggs in one basket, I have another site that I’m planning to make mostof my money in for the moment. At least until I monetize my blog. But even when that happens, I still plan to try to make money else where.
Great post here, Erik.
– Andrew
Hi Andrew,
good to see you here! 🙂
I’ve been guilty of publishing without a constant schedule for much time,
now I always post on Monday on NoPassiveIncome, which is my main website.
Talking about design,
I noticed that since when I changed theme on NPI blog, the income and the work opportunities have dramatically increased.
So yes, having a professional design is indeed very important.
At first glance, the visitor will decide whether the “level” of the blogger, from the layout of his site (of course also from rankings, number of comments, content, etc).
I plan to add more projects to my basket later this year, although is quite hard managing more than 10 sites!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Andrew.
I really appreciated your shares, too.
Have a great rest of this week!
Great to see you everywhere writing great posts Erik. Well done my friend!
Passion is indeed the most important thing for any kind of work. If you do what you are not passionate about then chances of success are very less. In other words, You should enjoy what you do then only the passion will be there.
Other tips which you shared over here about SEO, Constancy are indeed important.
Writing great & killer content is just the best and the most basic things you need to do if you are writing for people.
Great write up mate. Keep up the good work.
Hi Atish,
what a pleasure to see you here at Aha-Now! 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, it’s good to be a contributor on different websites around the web.
You mentioned passion in your comment, which is the most important thing, in my opinion, to reach success in any field.
Also good writing skills and SEO are needed, but they can be learnt over time (and with practice).
But you can’t learn to have passion, right? 😉
Thank you for taking the time to read and share your views, mate.
Have a great week!
Exactly Erik,
Passion doesn’t come with practice. It is something you get naturally thus always choose the work you are passionate about.
That’s right, Atish.
It’s something you have inside, as a strong will to succeed, or to accomplish something.
It’s a positive attitude, that makes you work even harder!
Thanks for your reply, mate.
Have a good one!
Indeed one of the best thing I’ve read till date. From the given tips, I’d like to focus on my Passion of blogging. Without Passion, one can not kickstart anything. Passion can be considered as the very first step for most of the newbies and after getting punctual on this, we can start focusing on other things as well.
Thanks for letting us aware about all these tips and points which would help every single person to build up a whole new environment in the digital world.
Thanks once again!
Hello Aakash ,
wow, thanks for the kind words!
Hope these tips will help you improving your blog.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment my post at Aha-Now,
have a good one!
Welcome to the blog Aakash 🙂
Glad you liked Erik’s wonderful post and could relate to it. Yes, passion is what works best, and it’s struck a chord with many of us, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hi Erik
I am very much impressed with this post and I love the way you easily discussed the ways to be successful in one’s blog and make money,
Each point was so important and I must say that you are spot on. As bloggers we need passion to be able to be persistent with blogging. Niches and keywords help make bloggers so focused.
Personality makes one stand out and connections area most to succeed. Quality content attracts readers and if you content isn’t readable then it can cause stress for readers.
I do love the last point about not putting your egg in one basket and I agree with you 🙂 totally. You said everything that needs to be said to create a successful blog. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ikechi,
it’s great to see your comment at my contribution here.
You are always giving me a fantastic support, and I thank you for this.
It’s good to hear you enjoyed the reading.
I hope the tips mentioned in this post are going to help you improve your blogging journey.
You listed important steps to be successful in your comment.
Passion, keyword research, showing personality, writing great content are all part of this big “blogging game”.
Thank you so much for your continuos support, Ikechi.
Do have a wonderful week ahead.
Hi Eric!
Congratulations on a great guest post 🙂
This is great blogging advice! You really covered your own years of blogging experience. And that is the best advice of course. I wish I would have had more advice when I started but I am happy to have found so much help and encouragement now.
All the best for your continued blogging success 🙂
Hi Ilka,
thanks for your kind words. 🙂
I really appreciate your feedback.
Good to hear you enjoyed the reading.
I do share the same feelings of yours.
I’d have loved someone to help me find the right path since the beginning of my blogging journey.
But I’m glad I found it myself.
It’s a great achievement!
I wish you the best too and do enjoy your week. 🙂
Your article is impressive. I found you in the Google communities. I offer blogging advice too. Perhaps check out my blog when you get a chance. Thanks.
Hi Janice,
great to here you landed here from a share on Google communities.
I visited your blog and I noticed is kinda new.
You’re doing pretty well, for having just 5 months of experience.
I find the content very interesting.
If I may give you a suggestion, it to changing the blog theme, trying to switch to a more “professional” layout.
Are you still blogging with WordPress.com or a self-hosted website?
This also would make a difference.
Welcome to the blog Janice 🙂
Good to have you over from the G+ communities, though I wonder which one as I share my posts on lots of them 🙂
I am glad Erik checked out your blog and following his suggestion would surely help you as well. I saw it too and loved your About Me page, hats-off to moms who are managing their homes and blogging alongside, a lot like me! I guess going in for a professional look for your blog would help, if you are sure you want to keep blogging.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
hi erik; thanks for sharing with us. this was a solid post that would be great for new or relatively new bloggers. its also a good reminder to those of us who have been at it a while that regardless of all the shiny new tools widgets plug ins etc it still comes down to sharing yourself and your knowledge with your readers. you mentioned new projects. i have been struggling with recording music. i can record my own voice just fine. I have even done videos for youtube. but what i want to do is to find some software so i can record myself with background music and video. not turning out to be an easy one to solve especially being a totally blind computer user. maybe you have a suggestion or know someone who could help me out. thanks again and good luck, max
Hi Max,
what a pleasure to have your comment on my post! 🙂
I hope the content may help not just new bloggers, but also experienced ones.
I noticed you are into new projects.
I still need to dig into “podcasts” or “YouTube videos”.
I may suggest you to contact Ileane Smith, of Basic Blog Tips.
She has a wide experience in this field.
She’s also very kind, I’m sure she’s going to help you.
Thanks for taking the time to read and share your views,
have a magnificent week, Max!
Hi Erik (as you look young, not mentioning sir, lolz)
You’ve nailed the topic. Yes, bloggers who wanna get succeed in blogging should follow all these 11 tips which you’ve well-explained here. The most thing I like in your post is your personal touch.
Thanks for showing some good resources to gain credibility in the blogosphere. Out of these 11 points, quality content, SEO and consistency sound great as they would help us to standout from the crowd.
Glad you’re using LongTailPro, I’ve recently bought it. But still for the ways to use it in an effective manner. If possible, do write a good post on LTP by sharing your experience, so that the novice tool users can learn some good stuff from your knowledge.
I’d say that it is an amazing post as usual, thanks Harleena for publishing it. Have a happy Sunday both of you 🙂
Hi Nirmala,
no problem of not mentioning anymore “Sir”.
You don’t need to!
I’m so glad to see you here at my first contribution to Aha-Now blog community.
I appreciate your support.
Thanks for sharing your views on my content, it’s good to hear you like my personal touch.
I always try to share some useful tips or suggestions, even some “secrets” from time to time.
I find popular bloggers being a little “selfish”, when it’s their chance to give away for free really useful tips.
I think they keep it for their premium products, as eBooks or courses.
Also, sharing resources is an effective way to help people.
As I mentioned in my previous comment,
using the right tools will make the difference while working online.
What a coincidence, Nirmala.
I’m in the process of writing a post about LongTailPRO, not just a review, but a guide where I share my experience with it.
So keep following NoPassiveIncome blog! 😉
Once again, thanks for your support and the social shares.
Really appreciated!
Have a phenomenal week!
Agree with you Erik that some bloggers never give valuable tips for free. But I feel good to connect with some amazing bloggers like you who would like to offer their priceless tips without any fee.
Really? I can’t wait for your post on LTP, would love to read it now 🙂
My pleasure to share your helpful post for my social followers will do it forever 🙂
Thanks a lot for your support, Nirmala.
It means REALLY a lot to me.
Working on that LTP post right now! 😉
Hi Erik,
Nice to see you on Halreena’s place, and congratulations on being first active ABC member to guest post mate. You must be so excited 🙂
Quite an insightful post, indeed. Speaking through your own experiences and like I’ve said the last time, you’re good at enriching your content with relevant and helpful resources.
I find this post as a helpful guide for all of us bloggers and wannabes to view blogging from a different point of view too. And for those who think that serious bloggers are making money without doing much online 😉
I’m with you on being passionate about what we do, and often it’s the key to keep us going. Sometimes bloggers are solely focused on the outcome. Aren’t they? Now they don’t have to learn the lesson hard way.
You have covered some vital points that have been on debate as well – Relationships, Quality, SEO and Constancy. Guess it’s time for bloggers to proceed beyond debating and experiment themselves to learn what works for them best. Then I hope they can write their own version of this post. Don’t you think? 🙂
Thanks for your insightful write up and hopefully it will take bloggers to a new level mate 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend, Erik!
Hi Mayura,
good to see you too! 🙂
I’m really excited to be a contributor at Harleena’s place.
Thanks for the kind feedback.
I always try to add something of “value” for the readers of my posts.
I think resources are the best way to enrich the content, as the tools you use dramatically improve your success.
Also, an explanation of “how to” accomplish a task, or simply a suggestion on solving a problem or issue, is another way to create value.
As you said, I hope this post will be seen as a useful guide to becoming a successful blogger and make money online.
Well, if you just focus on earning “fast cash”, then I doubt you will remain in the blogosphere for a long time.
If you don’t have a passion, your audience will notice it, and even yourself, you’ll lose the will soon to keep working with the internet if results won’t come overnight.
And believe me, you are going to need a lot of time and efforts to see those results! 😉
Thanks a lot for sharing your views here, Mayura.
I wish you an amazing week!
Hello Erik,
Thanks for giving such wonderful post, your 11 tips for blogging is excellent to read and i am sure i will follow all these tips to drive visitors and improve the engagement. I like your advice on making multiple blogs..
Hello Mukesh,
glad you liked my contribution.
I hope these tips will help you improve your blog.
Well, having multiple blogs works for me, as I cover different niches.
This turns into several making money opportunities.
Thanks for commenting, I wish you a wonderful week!
Welcome to the blog Mukesh 🙂
Glad you liked Erik’s powerful tips to become a successful blogger, which are apt, especially for those who are wanting to achieve success with their blogs. I am sure by implementing them, you’d achieve your goals too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hello Erik,
Welcome to Harlenas’ blog as a guest blogger. 🙂
This is indeed a nice and interesting post every new blogger should read if they want to become a “success” in the blogging world.
As Reginald, I strongly believe that creating a community around you and making/ building relationship will sky rocket you to success.
I sincerely did enjoy the read buddy…
Do have a blessed weekend both of you…
Hello Babanature,
thanks for the warm welcome.
It’s great to be here as a contributor, feeling excited! 🙂
As you said, I hope this post is going to help some bloggers turn their online passion into a full time income.
You’re right.
Building a community around your blog is a wise investment of your time.
Your readers will be your base of fans!
Also, improving your audience by working on social media is another good strategy.
Glad you enjoyed the post, thanks for your comment.
Have a terrific week!
Hey Erik & Harleena!
Excellent article! For me, successful in blogging requires just ONE thing: Relationship building.
You can’t go wrong with that and you need to build a community. A community is vital for any success.
So make no mistake with it!
Top notch and keep it up!
Hi Reginald,
mate, how are you?
So glad to see you! 🙂
Thanks for the positive feedback, it means a lot coming from you.
You’re right.
Building connections is soooo important.
Both for business and for personal life.
Harleena and Vinay did a fantastic job with Aha-Now.
A great example on how to build a well engaged community.
Thank you so much for your support and comment here.
Have a beautiful weekend! 🙂
Hi Reginald,
Sorry for being late, though glad to be here now 🙂
I totally agree with you here – nothing works better than building relationships with fellow bloggers. After all, that’s how we met, and so many other blogging friend’s too, isn’t it? It’s this community of people around us that keeps us going.
Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it 🙂
Hello Erik,
So nice to meet you here o n Harleenas blg I love your insights that you have shared with us to improve your sites blogging journey,especially the little tips on the bottom of each one. Great Job!
I do have one thing to add and do feel this is important, Juts be yourself, so many people, like myself get started blogging and don’t really know how to act. CThey feel they have to be someone else to get noticed.
NOT SO! if people follow your advice here and just Be Real they will become Successful Blogger in no time at all..
Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))
Hi Chery,
that’s exciting to be here as a contributor at Harleena’s place.
Thanks for the kind feedback, it’s great to hear you enjoyed my post.
I shared my motto, which includes your suggestion:
Be Honest, Be Real, Be Yourself.
I think it’s very important!
And it worked for me during all my life.
Thank you so much for being here reading and commenting.
Have an exceptional weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Nice to see you on Aha-Now, well you’re not new to many here only but this time…..as a guest contributor of the blog.
My favorite line in this post is:
“Think out of the box, be different, and always try something new. If you fail, you would simply have found another way to not be successful”
This reminds me of the great inventor “Thomas Edison”, if he had quit trying at 9,999, “maybe” you and I won’t have had the luxury we’re enjoying today of the incandescent lamp.
And I like that you already practice what you preach by not giving up on blogging even at when it took you almost 3 years to make something good out of it.
This is something most people who dabbled into blogging get wrong and just throw in the towel before they even get half way.
Thanks for sharing your vast experience with us.
Hello Adeshokan,
good to hear you liked my contribution at Aha-Now.
You’re right.
I know that Thomas Edison quote too.
I failed many times in life, sometimes it’s hard to accept it.
But if you are able to stand up with renewed passion and strength, then you will be already a winner.
After all, failures teach us how to improve ourselves and not to make the same mistakes.
It serves as experience!
That’s right.
It took me a lot before seeing any results online.
Maybe because I was working full-time and dedicating just a few hours at a time at my blog.
Well, I’m glad I did not give up.
I’m proud of my achievements!
Thank you for commenting.
Have a fantastic weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
You have got me on your first tips “Passion”. I can’t really express in words how important it is for blogging.
One may have very good knowledge, but without passion it’s sure he can not deliver his 100%.
I think, passion is not less than a skill. Who is intended to be a successful blogger should come by this skill.
The other tips are so important as you explained. Thanks for a great and surprising writeup for Aha!Now. 🙂
Hello Abrar,
it’s great you confirm my point about “passion”.
It’s really important for anything you do in life.
If you add your efforts and passion in the things you do,
I bet they will be successful.
Do keep up the enthusiasm with your blog and results will come!
Thank you for commenting.
Have an incredible weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
As always your post is excellent. Enjoyed reading it.
I agree with all the points you have mentioned. Especially love the last one. My father used to tell this point all the time. I have built a new business under his mentorship. Once it grows, I will reveal about it.
I love the tips and tools you mentioned you mentioned after each points.
Have a great weekend ahead 😉
Hi Umapathy,
thanks for the kind words.
I’m really happy you liked the post. 🙂
Godo to hear your father used to suggest the same as my latest point.
Not putting all your eggs in one basket is a wise move.
I’m curious to hear about your project.
Is that a new website?
Thank you for commenting.
Have a productive weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Congratulation for getting featured on Aha!Now and Nice post as always. Your tips are really valuable and realistic.
In any field its most important to plan the things accordingly and work on that. Your these tips are really valuable. And yes Myblogu is really an awesome platform.
Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend.
Hello Ashutosh,
good to see you here.
Thanks for the greetings, I’m so excited to be featured here at Aha-Now 🙂
Glad to hear you are using MyBlogU too.
It’s a useful tool to increase your reputation, by sharing your knowledge for the topics you are expert about.
Thank you for commenting.
Have a sspectacular weekend! 🙂
Thanks for a great post such as this one Erik. I do not blog for money, well at least not yet, but there are excellent points and so much that I can take away from this post. I will bookmark for future reference.
I love the idea of having a blogging plan and not to put all of your eggs in one basket. It makes sense for good business best practice not to do both.
Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
Hi Yvonne,
good to hear you liked the article!
And it’s great to find someone who does not blog for money.
You are one of the few ones, I met until today.
I’m pleased you are going to bookmark the post for future reference,
this is awesome.
Well, having a plan and not putting all your eggs in one basket works if you want to build a business online.
I guess if you want to blog just for passion, you simply need to follow your heart.
Thank you for commenting.
Have a stupendous weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Welcome to Harleena’s blog, great guest post topic. If you blog, who doesn’t want to learn more about it right!
So I agree with all of your points here. I think the reason I was so slow in getting started is because everything I was doing I was just going through the motions. I certainly wasn’t passionate about it, not until about three years ago. I think really enjoying what you’re doing while helping others, well it doesn’t get much better than that.
I can’t really elaborate on anything you’ve shared here, you have pretty much given what you believe is what it takes having done that already. That’s who we all would prefer to learn from anyway right? Someone who has been there and done that, now is sharing what it took.
Blogging and making money online is not easy but it’s worth it if you’re willing to do the work. I’ve learned that the hard way too. 😉
Great share and you did good Harleena with your choice of guests. Thank you both and hope you’re enjoying spring.
Hello Adrienne,
good to see your smile here. 🙂
Thanks for the warm welcome,
it’s exciting to be here contributing to this powerful community,
which is Aha-Now.
It’s good to hear about your experience.
You have a great success right now, and it’s important for new bloggers to understand your difficulties during the path.
I think what it works for me, maybe not working for someone else.
This is why it’s very important for everyone to make a plan and choose the right niche.
Working hard is the common thing, tough.
Thank you for sharing your views and experience here.
Have a terrific weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik
Your post is just awesome. I am sure your post will serve as a fantastic guide for newcomers in blogging arena and a great revision for professional bloggers.
Keep up with the excellent stuff.
Hello Anoop,
thank you for the awesome feedback!
I really hope the post will help some new bloggers finding the right way to become successful.
I did my best to share important points to follow, as these have worked for me.
Thank you for sharing your views and experience here.
Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Nice to meet you here! This is an extremely useful post for all bloggers. I loved reading it and I am glad I happened to come in so late to have read many more extra points being discussed by experienced bloggers.
I started my blog without any plan, just with a passion for writing and keeping my creativity alive but i am quite satisfied with whatever connections I have made…so many wonderful friends! I have no idea about the technical aspects of blogging and therefore SEOs don’t hold any importance for me. With paucity of time, one learns slowly and I am trying to pick up, that’s why posts like this are so beneficial.
I agree with the age-old wisdom of not keeping all your eggs in one basket. All tips shared in the post resonate with me. Thanks for sharing. Thanks to Harleena too for inviting you to share your wisdom. Stay blessed.
Hello Balroop,
good to hear you enjoyed the reading.
Definitely, if you start blogging without having a plan and just for passion of your niche, I think that you keep learning many things during your journey.
If you have not the rush to make money with your blog (or if it’s simply not your aim), you can focus on just creating relationships with your audience and building interesting content for them.
Thank you for sharing your views and experience here.
Have a great weekend! 🙂
That’s a really nice demonstration! In the blogging fild it’s the only your contents can make you successful. But, content is not the king here, only usefulness is the king. So, content + usefulness + uniqueness = Success!
Hello Majharul,
you are spot on!
After all, writing good articles means producing content that solves your audience needs or problems.
If you are able to do so, you are right on your way to build a solid base of followers, and to become successful in your field.
Thanks for adding your views,
have a great rest of this week.
Hi there. Nice post, specially agree with point 11 not to put all your eggs in one basket. I am having different e projects – but fully avare that my same busket in that case is Google. Wouldn’t bet all my blogging efforts also only on Google, SEO and similar stuff. Regards, Matija
Hi Matija,
glad you confirmed the last point in this article.
I think it’s the most basic rule for wise investments.
I don’t completely agree with you on having all the projects in the Google basket.
Search engines are not the only way to get awesome traffic for our websites.
There are so many alternatives you should look into.
Thanks for commenting, Matija.
Have a good one!
Welcome to the blog Matija 🙂
That was the most important point I think, and we could all relate to that one. I am glad you are already aware of this one, though as Erik mentioned, it’s good to diversify and choose other options too. Wishing you the best for all your e projects.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Its amazing tips you have shared here in this article perfect important tips to start blogging and to get well in Search engine optimization.
Hello Humayun Khan,
glad you enjoyed the content! 🙂
Hope they are going to help you improving your blog!
Thanks for commenting.
Welcome to the blog Humayun 🙂
Glad you liked the tips shared by Erik, and if followed, they’re sure to help you become a successful blogger.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
BTW- Do use your Gravatar so we all know who we are talking to, just a friendly suggestion 🙂
Hi Erik,
Awesome to see you here and that too as a guest author this time. You have really shared a terrific post or I can say a guide that for sure will help new bloggers and also the ones who are diverted from the basics of the blogging game.
I think Passion is the fuel for running any engine, and “blogging engine” is a real fuel hungry engine. If you want to go long have an extra jar of passion in you.
Niche is something not every blogger is careful with while starting. I have seen many (even myself)switching niches until they find the best one. I think keyword research is great but you also have to be careful of what interests you.
Without consistency we cannot do anything.
Connections is very very essential in blogging and who else than you can be a better example. You are seen everywhere, interacting, sharing your views and yet you find so much time for your other passion blogging and sports. Awesome you are in terms of building connections.
Writing long, quality content is something that can really take a blog from the ashes to the masses.
SEO as you said must not be ignored too.
I loved the whole of your post Erik, so much full of actionable tips. On your niche site; congratulations n the success. Is it the one on some city (I had seen a related project of yours). anyways waiting for your case study to be out because I really have no success in terms of niche sites. 🙂
Thanks for this wonderful post Erik 🙂
Hello Swadhin,
good to see you too! 🙂
I really hope the post is going to help some new bloggers, and the ones, as you stated, who diverged from the right blogging path.
Blogging is like a marathon, not a sprint.
We really need to have a strong passion in what we do,
otherwise, we are going to give up very soon.
I think keyword research is effective when combined with the topics that interest you.
In fact, my first suggestion to people who are going to start a niche site, would be to start writing some subjects among their passions or hobbies, and then digging in for specific long tail keywords.
Connections are very important, Swadhin.
People you are in touch with can help you can teach you and the relationship could become a friendship.
If you want to read about the case study of my successful niche site, keep following NoPassiveIncome! 🙂
Thanks for reading my contribution at Aha-Now blog,
have a good day!
You have given some good tips here. All your points are very valid, and lets face it without passion there cannot be a good/great blog. I think so many people are being told that blogging is an easy way to get rich so they are jumping at the chance to make their millions. If only they knew the dedication us bloggers need. I am now in year 4, blog number 3 and only just now getting the trust and building a following. My current blog is my keeper the rest were practice I say. I found you on #awesomeblogger on Google+
Hello Jennifer,
glad to hear you landed here from “awesomeblogger” hashtag on Google+.
You’re right on passion and perseverance.
It really takes time to build a solid base of fans and to reach a fair success with a blog.
I think it depends from the niche, the time dedicated and several other factors.
But one thing in common is the passion we need to put into our projects to make them successful.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my post at Aha-Now blog today.
Have an excellent rest of this week!
Welcome to the blog Jennifer – good to have you over 🙂
Glad you came in from the Awesome Blogger Community at G+, as I do share my posts there, and Traci is another dear friend there 🙂
Absolutely! Without passion, nothing really works, whether it’s our personal or professional lives. Blogging is certainly not an easy job, in fact, it does take a LOT of your time, especially if you are all into it.
Just like you, I too just completed four years recently, though now my full focus is on this blog and the ABC (Aha!NOW Blog Community) that we have alongside. One just keeps going and learning, nothing works better 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Valid pointers which are evergreen for a blogger to be successful.
Quality content, constancy and good knowledge of SEO are really the key points and takeaways. Said that we cant omit the other ones too.
Hi Sangeetha,
thanks for the positive comment.
I’m glad you liked my suggestions.
Which one did you enjoy more?
Hi Erik. Good to see you again. 🙂
As a freelance writer and editor, I have to say I LOVE tip #8! Correct writing is soooo important if you want to make a great impression on others and be seen as an authority by Google.
Your other tips are spot-on, too.
How many sites earn you income, and through what channels, if you don’t mind me asking? (A short answer will suffice. You don’t need to reveal all of your secrets!)
Hi Lorraine,
good to see you too! 🙂
Glad you confirm the importance of a proper writing.
Coming to your question, I own 12 blogs (more niche sites to come during this year), and 2-3 of them are making the 70% of my online income.
I earn via different streams, mainly from:
– selling banners (via BuySellAds.com);
– sponsored posts (direct booking or via different networks – I’ve recently written an article about this at my blog);
– ongoing collaboration with a content marketing agency (specific assignments);
– affiliate marketing, eBooks sale, other minor ways.
Last year, I started offering freelance writing services, via ErikEmanuelli.com and it’s going pretty well.
Also, since a couple of months, I’m working on a niche sites project, to be monetized via Amazon affiliate program and Adsense.
Hope my answer is satisfactory, if not, please ask.
Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to make you a question.
As a freelance writer yourself, can you give me suggestions on how to improve my English skills?
I’m already doing some things, like reading, watching TV in English and, of course, practicing the writing, but I’d love to get your suggestions.
Thanks in advance Lorraine! 🙂
Thanks dear for sharing such wonderful tips. I am also running a blog about blog and blogging tips & tricks. If you have some spare time would you like to write a guest post for my blog. I will give backlink as a credit in my next post or introductory post about you and your guest post for my blog.
Hello Mohinder,
glad to know you liked my post!
I appreciate your invite to contribute at your blog,
I’ll hit you, as soon as I’ve some new post ideas.
Thanks for your comment,
have a good one!
Thanks dear for spending time in reading and replying to my comment. It would be my pleasure to get a post from you to publish on my blog.
Alright I am waiting for your post.
My pleasure, Mohinder!
Thank you!
Welcome to the blog Mohinder 🙂
Good you liked Erik’s tips and I wish you’d have left a comment about the post more than the guest post offer…lol…as such things are best discussed through emails or contact forms. Nevertheless, we approved your comment so that it reaches Erik.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
BTW – Do add your Gravatar so that we know who we are talking to, as I see your picture on your blog. Use that if you’d like. Thanks 🙂
Der Harleena, can you guide me how to add my image while commenting? I really don’t know about this.
You just need to use your Gravatar email while commenting, and if you don’t have an account, then create one at the Gravatar site. Hope this helps 🙂
Thanks for this help dear and I did the same as you guided above
Most welcome Mohinder, glad it worked for you 🙂
I complete agree to your points and loved that you put PASSION in first place.
Specifically on what you mentioned: “All the most popular bloggers have a great passion for what they do, and you can feel it reading their content.”
Passion is the oxygen of all bloggers, they breathe it in and out.
Louie Sison
Hello Lousie,
glad to hear you confirm my points.
After all, it’s passion that let us doing better things.
Like Anthony J. D’Angelo said:
“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
I’m always eager to learn more about blogging and internet marketing,
I think is passion that helps me in this matter.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my post, Louie.
Have an incredible rest of this week! 🙂
Welcome to the blog Louie 🙂
Glad you liked Erik’s post and could relate to it – and I loved your lines about passion being the oxygen of all bloggers, which is SO true. Nothing works without passion, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Excellent primer on what it takes to succeed as a blogger. I really like that you made a point of how many bloggers quit too soon.
Hi George,
glad you enjoyed reading my post.
I just visited your site, excellent content and I like the design too.
I hope these tips can help you a bit improving your blogging journey.
Thanks for reading my contribution at Aha-Now blog,
sending you all my best wishes!
Welcome to the blog George – good to have another Tribesmate here 🙂
Glad you liked Erik’s post, and yes, bloggers tend to give up very soon – seen so many do that, and one wishes that they’d waited a while, isn’t it? Rome was never built in a day, nor any business or your blog – it’s all a process that takes time.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Hey Erik,
You got to be doing something right if you landed a guest post on aha now. Congratulations to you!
I highly agree with all of your points here to become a successful blogger. It does to work, a lot of studying and implementation to become a successful blogger! God knows I spent long hours after work trying to figure this out.
One thing I like to add to number eleven is also try not to focus on too many things at once. If you do you’ll end up not going no where with your business. The key is to put focus on one thing at a time!
Great share Erik! I hope you have a good one!
Hi Sherman,
thank you!
I’m really excited to be featured here at Aha-Now as contributor.
I started as a part-time blogger for the first 2-3 years,
as it took me a lot to understand how “things work”
(well, still being into it).
But if I could go back, I would hire a professional to teach me everything, sharing his experience.
This would have saved me a lot of money and, most of all, time!
Thanks for pointing that, Sherman.
You’re right about focusing on one thing at a time.
This is important.
We don’t want to leave work done in half unless we are going to notice that it’s not going to be a productive project.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment my post, Sherman.
Have a stupendous rest of this week! 🙂
Thanks for a great post. I don’t blog to make money but the tips here are amazing
Hi Kryssie,
good to read you!
So you are blogging just for passion, right?
Is your website a personal diary where you share your life?
I need to visit your profile link, I’m curious! 🙂
Thanks for your positive feedback, really appreciated.
Welcome to the blog Kryssie – good to have you over from Triberr 🙂
Glad you liked the post and could related to it. I guess we sail in the same boat, though we’ve started to make the shift now as we spend so much of time blogging, so I guess it makes sense if we do, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us. 🙂
BTW – Do use your Gravatar so that we can see who we are talking to- just a friendly suggestion, as I know you have a nice one on Triberr and your blog 🙂
HI Eric,
First of all congrats on your Guest post. Its a great and useful post you have posted here. Everyone wants to get success in his field but they mostly fail. Because they have no proper guide or resources. You have give a great path to get success in blogging career. As we all know blogging needs to have passions and skill.
Thanks for providing the tips as well.
Have a great day 🙂
Hello Naveen,
thank you so much.
I feel really excited for being a contributor at Aha-Now.
I hope these tips are going to help you.
Which one do you think is more appropriate to your journey?
I appreciate you sharing your views with us.
Have a superb day, you too! 🙂
Hi, Erik..What a motivating post for all the bloggers.
I really feel that passion is the main ingredient for making a healthy blog. And, we all know that health is wealth. So, if we concentrate on our passion only, we can achieve a lot from our blog.
Ya, you are right about the consistency part. Right now, I am not consistent with my blog post. But, I will keep this thing in my mind definitely. There must be consistency in planning out our post. I really want to thank Triberr because, through that platform, I came to know about ABC community.
Through this community, I came to know about how to make interaction with bloggers. Connections are really important. By helping each other, we can create a lovely environment. My blogU is completely new to me. I will have a look at that site.
SEO is an important factor, but Content is always the king. You must be having problem because Spanish is your first language. Your story is very motivating because now you are providing freelance writing services.
Thanks, Harleena Mam for this guest post. I am taking a bucket full of information with me.
Hello Yatin,
appreciate your great feedback. 🙂
“Health is wealth”, I really like this statement.
Well, yes, readers can perceive the positivity and efforts you put into your blog.
You see, I tried to post every day with my very first website.
But I found impossible to keeping the quality high.
It’s really challenging to produce fantastic and useful content each day.
Aside the fact, that you really need to produce money on it, to make a living.
I’m glad you mentioned Triberr.
I was an early user, and I’m really enjoying the platform since then.
It’s a great tool to have your audience amplified and your content shared by multiple and powerful bloggers in your niche.
I’m also happy to read you understand the importance of good connections.
A real relationship is worth a lot!
You should take a look at MyBlogu.
It can help you build new friendships with people in your niche and be featured around the web, getting you to know new blogs.
You misread that, Yatin.
Italian is my first language (I live in north of Italy), and I said I can speak Spanish much better than my English.
Even if I’m equalizing that level lately.
Thanks for leaving your views here,
have a terrific rest of this week!
Hi Erik,
Great to see you here. I have to say you are spot on with every tip you have given. My best take-aways are: Number 1. grabs me because we need passion to sustain our blogging venture. It keeps us going and hungering for new learning experiences we can share in the content of our blogs. It is the prime motivator.
Also Number 4 because we have to be ourselves. We all have unique personalities and we need to express that in our blogs. Some will be attracted to us, some won’t. We need to have that mindset because there are plenty of people online and if we can grab the attention of just a few of them, we are doing fine.
Thanks again for these tips…I will be sharing.
Hello Donna,
good to see you too! 🙂
I find sometimes difficult to continue having the same passion I had when I started my blog.
But I find useful taking a pause, dedicating some time to myself.
Like going to the gym, spending hours with my family or friends, or even having fun with my bike or my latest favorite sport: skydiving.
I think finding the right balance between working (blogging, writing, etc) and your hobbies is the key.
This helps me keeping my motivation at high levels.
You’re right about being yourself.
You can’t please everyone in the world.
Showing your personality, also means facing some people contrary to you, and also a few negative comments, sometimes.
I believe that this really helps standing out from the crowd.
A blogger that pretend to be someone else, just to emulate his success, won’t never “be a name to remember”.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read, comment and share this post, Donna.
Thanks for all your support and have a spectacular rest of this week! 🙂
Hey Erik,
A lot’s of thanks for your Guide line . Really helpful and a complete guideline for new blogger such as me. I hope, you will continue inspiring us !
Hello Tonmoy,
I hope these tips helped you improving your blogging journey! 🙂
Thanks for commenting,
and my best wishes for success.
Welcome to the blog Tonmoy – good to see you here 🙂
Absolutely! As a new blogger, who’s just started off, as I’ve visited your blog once we met on Facebook earlier, you can never go wrong with Erik’s apt tips to help you become a successful blogger.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Oh and thanks for mentioning Viral Content Buzz too! 😉
I love Viral Content Buzz too, Ann! 😉
Thanks for your presence here,
and have a phenomenal rest of this week.
Thanks for mentioning MyBlogU, Erik!
Definitely my pleasure, Ann.
You have a big fan of MyBlogU here! 🙂
Thanks for visiting and leaving your comment today.
Welcome to the blog Ann – so good to have you over 🙂
Erik sure is a fan of MyBlogU and Viral Content Buzz as well, and I am so glad he mentioned it in this post.
Thanks for stopping by – we appreciate it 🙂
Hi Erik,
What a great post ! You are always spot on with your articles. In my opinion, niche and keywords are the two most important factor for the success of a blog. A niche can contribute a lot to the success of a blog.
For example, a technology blogger will find it very difficult to stand out because the competition is too much in the technology niche. Whenever, you have more competition, you don’t have a lot of option of much keywords.
Hello Brian,
thank you!
I appreciate your kind words.
Well, targeting the right keywords may influence at least for 70% of your blog success.
Like I mentioned in the post and in one of my previous comments,
I recently started a niche project (which is already giving positive results),
with a long tail keyword I found in the “pets” niche, specifically “cats”.
Like “technology” topic, there is also a wide competition in the “blogging” and “internet marketing” niche.
It’s really difficult to stand out!
Hope these tips will help somehow.
Thanks for sharing your views here,
have a mind-blowing rest of this week! 🙂
Hi Erik! Great to see you here!
You are sharing some wonderful tips on how to become successful and might I add, it has definitely worked for you! I’m glad you mentioned my favorite too, Grammarly! I don’t know how I lasted so long without it! Personality is definitely a big one as well. I’d like to mention that although someone may be popular and successful, I hope that they don’t get “too big for their britches” and single out the smaller bloggers. Definitely turn off no matter how popular the blogger is.
Thank you for the tips! I’m definitely passing it along.
Great guest Harleena and Vinay!
Hello Brenda,
thanks for the warm welcome.
I’m so excited to be a contributor at Aha-Now community.
Harleena and Vinay are doing an exceptional work here.
Yes, these tips worked for me!
I’m proud of the results achieved until today,
and like a friend keep saying, “better days are ahead”! 🙂
I’m glad you confirm that you are using Grammarly too, Brenda.
I really like this tool and I’m thinking about trying the upgrade.
Do you have some experience with the premium version of it?
You’re right about the personality and I agree with you.
When you reach a certain level of “popularity”, what makes you a “BIG” person, is still remaining yourself, and very modest.
In a few words, down-to-earth.
Thanks a lot for commenting my post, Brenda.
I also appreciated your shares!
Hi Erik and thank you for your kind response. Yes I’ve been using Premium Grammar and will never be without it again. I used out to edit 3 of my self published short stories and was amazed at the errors I had. 🙁 Definitely recommend it.
Thanks for your reply, Brenda.
I was looking for feedbacks like yours.
It looks like I’m going to try the premium version of Grammarly, then.
And I’ll let you know how it goes.
Thank you so much for reporting that! 🙂
Erik this is a perfect post from you and this is going to motivate all the bloggers who think that they are not yet able to become a successful blogger.
According to me, becoming a successful blogger is not as easy as some people think. One needs to do lot of hard work and at the same time one needs to have lot of patience.
Erik the most important point is the last one. One mistake which many new bloggers make is that they concentrate on single project only. By having multiple sources, one can definitely earn regularly. It also reduces the pressure.
Erik at my blog I had written a post about why full time blogging can be the best option. Any part time blogger who wants to become a full time blogger should definitely check out this post of yours as then he will be definitely be able to get some success with his blogs.
Hello Mohit,
thanks for the wonderful comment.
This was the aim of this post, helping new and experienced bloggers improving their journey.
You see, you realized that becoming a successful blogger is not easy, at all.
Patience, perseverance, passion, hard work are needed!
I’m glad you confirm the last point I wrote in the post.
I think having multiple projects is a wise strategy to minimize the risks.
Mohit, thanks for mentioning your latest article.
I’m heading right now to your blog to read it!
Thanks for commenting,
and wishing you a phenomenal rest of this week.
Hi Erik,
Congratulations on having a guest post here at Harleena’s place. I was so excited when I saw your name, I knew that this would be a valuable article and I was right.
I especially related to the first point you made about passion. That’s exactly how I feel about tech, I can’t get enough of it! So I do blog about my passion, which is why I think so many bloggers fall by the wayside. If you don’t enjoy the topic then blogging will seem like a chore.
Passion also comes through in your writing. If you’re enthusiastic about the topic, then your readers will gain your enthusiasm. If you’re bored with the topic, chances are your readers will be too.
Thanks so much for sharing your insights with us, Erik!
Hi Carolyn,
thanks a lot!
It’s such a big pleasure to contribute to this impressive community.
Kudos to Harleena and Vinay for building this powerful site, full of phenomenal bloggers.
I really appreciate your kind words.
I did my best, trying to really provide value to this post.
I’m passionate about tech too, but no more than I’m enthusiast for cats! 🙂
I love my kitten and he makes me laugh multiple times every day.
In fact, the niche site I mentioned in the post, is about “cats”.
A specific keyword, I’m focusing in, but the wider subject is my feline friend.
I’ll reveal more within some weeks at my blog.
You’re right about enjoying what you do.
If you like your work, then it’s not anymore a job.
It becomes a pleasure! 🙂
And blessed are the people who reach this goal.
I agree also with your last point.
Readers can “feel” the passion you put into your writing.
This helps you standing out from the crowd.
I appreciate your kind comment, Carolyn.
Wishing you a simply divine rest of this week. 🙂
I enjoyed reading your article very much. Great tips and sound advice, especially about not putting all of your eggs in one basket.
Have a great day.
Hello Monna,
thanks for the positive feedback.
I hope some of these tips are going to help you somehow to improve your journey.
Appreciate you reading my contribution here at Aha-Now today,
and do have a wonderful rest of this week! 🙂
Hi Erik warm welcome to you at Harleena’s blog
From #1 to #11, all the tips are most relevant, practical and do not need any lengthy training to follow them regularly.
The last one is the gist of the entire business strategy of a blog and those who stick to one option hardly succeed in their venture.
This rule now applies to all blogging chores. For creating contents it is unwise to stick to just text posts; for blog promotion reliance on one source may irritate Google as we saw a lot of changes recently with regard to significance of guest posting for getting back links.
Yes, for blog monetizing this rule is of utmost importance. Those who rely on simply one source of earning money on their blog remain under big risk of “what if that sources fails for a reason”.
For example earlier it was so easy to earn money with Google adsense but now it is not possible to earn with it beyond a limit. That is why a good mix of several earning options is the best strategy.
Rest of the ten tips are also so cool and well tested by many great bloggers. Most of them just require a little care and attention while quality contents creation needs regular practice because it is the practice only that makes a human being perfect.
Thanks a lot for sharing this very useful and helpful post.
Hello Mi Muba,
what a pleasure to see you.
I always appreciate your kind support and meaningful comments.
You’re right.
The last tip is the juice on how to invest in the right way.
You need to have a plan A, then also B, or even C.
You must focus on writing for your readers.
With time, you will learn how to do this, while optimizing the content for search engines.
We all want more organic traffic! 🙂
I see many bloggers who left this career just because they did not receive an adequate monetary compensation.
Soon the enthusiasm turns off if you are not able to pay the bills with all your work online.
That’s why you need a plan!
Adsense is just the first and most popular method to make money.
It really works for niche sites, for example.
But you need to receive a lot of organic visits.
Thanks for sharing your point of view, Mi Muba.
Have an awesome day!
Hi Erik sir,
Great to see you as a guest author at Aha!NOW. Congrats, I guess, no need for any welcome note as you are already an amazing member at Aha!NOW ABC community. I was wondering whos gonna be the guest author today coz my recent conversation with Harleena ma’am was a cliffhanger. 😛
Coming to the post, Wow! Blogging tips I never miss reading them anywhere I get to read. You never know what can help you out. 😉
I didn’t knew that automated tools/softwares can be used to create posts. Sounds shocking. Loved your first tip of thinking about a topic whenever we get time or break maybe.
Loved the point you mentioned about creating connections rather than focusing on getting shares.
In my opinion, Just having a picture doesn’t prove you are brave! Having pictures here and there is worthless if someone is not able to stand for what he/she believes in. Firstly having a spine is more important!
Yes, guest posts are amazing and I love doing them. It helps me go beyond my skills and explore and collaborate with amazing people.
Commenting is something very important to connect to the readers as well as with the fellow bloggers. I comment on every post I read, if I have no knowledge about the topic, I ask questions and wait for an answer. 🙂
Oh, I will have to wait to watch Matt Cutt’s video, have some plug-in problems used for displaying video in my browser. 😛
I love the message you share everywhere – “Be Real, Be Honest, Be Yourself!” I found you writing this at many places. 🙂
Since I am a newbie, I am always open to receive blogging tips. This will surely help me. Thanks for sharing insights from your blogging experience with us. Thank you Harleena ma’am for having Erik sir at Aha!NOW.
– Rohan Chaubey.
Hi Rohan,
thanks for the kind words.
It’s such a pleasure to have the opportunity to share my experience with Ahaians with this post.
You see, I do the same.
The articles about improving blogging skills or, even better, making money online, always attract my curiosity.
Most of the times, are the same content you find elsewhere, but like you mentioned, you never know if you are going to read a precious tip or an interesting resource (you can even discover a new network to earn with, for example).
Well, yes, software to automatic create blog posts exists since when “blogs” were created.
They are basically bots, and use to work time ago, before all those Google updates.
Now, they are less effective.
You see Rohan.
It’s all about having good connections.
Not just because you can get help/share from them, but also because you are going to learn a lot!
A real relationship is worth much more than 10,000 fake followers.
Also agreed on “having a spine”.
You need to show your personality, only in that way you can stand out from the 1,2 billion sites out there (yes, there are so many).
I still love to guest post, it’s an evergreen method to increase my audience and improve my reputation.
Also, blog commenting is another effective method to build connections.
If you leave meaningful comments, you can even improve your authority online.
Matt Cutt’s videos are, let me find the word…ambiguous.
He never says completely how exactly you should do the things.
You should understand between the lines. But still, his videos are interesting to watch.
About my motto, yes. I do share it a lot because I believe in those words.
“Be Real, Be Honest, Be Yourself”.
It means a lot to me and it has accompanied me in life!
Thanks for sharing your views today, Rohan.
I really appreciate it! 🙂
Hi Erik,
Welcome to Aha!NOW as a guest blogger! This is a surprise for all, even the ABC members. 🙂
We have a change in our guest post policy on Aha!NOW and we will be revealing that soon. As a part of this new change, you’re the first active ABC member to get the opportunity to guest post. And what a post, I say!
This is pure gold for all bloggers, novice or seasoned. Even I can take away practical tips from this post and implement in my blogging.
All the tips are superb and I think the point you mentioned in the end that you need to have a blogging plan is a golden advice. Many bloggers, including myself, started without a plan or target or even a strategy. Though some get lucky, but not all.
Also, the last tip seems so apt for me too, as I’ve all my eggs in Aha!NOW. 😉 Hmm, I need to do something about that!
So, in the end, its the right plan, right strategy, right tools, right way, and the right attitude that helps you to become a successful blogger. I’d say persistence and patience do pay up.
Thank you for sharing all your blogging wisdom and I’m sure this would help many bloggers. Have a good time chit-chatting through the comments, while I take a back seat and will hop in only to welcome newbies or comments also addressed to me. So, it’s all your show, and I hope you have a nice time interacting with our readers 🙂
Hi Harleena,
thanks for the warm welcome! 🙂
I’m so excited to be a contributor at Aha-Now blog, it’s such a pleasure and honour.
Really glad to hear your positive feedback on this post.
I wanted to share the essentials points that helped me become a professional blogger.
You see, “professional” seems a strong word, but to me it means simply I make a living with my online activities.
I started blogging without having a plan.
Obviously at beginning the thing that attracted me was the “easy money” you can make online, thus to understand later there are no “simple or fast” ways to earn with internet.
Of course, there are the micro-jobs sites, with which you can make a few cents in a matter of minutes. Even a few dollars may be, in an hour. But that’s it.
Another way to make “fast cash” is the popular Clicksense, Neobux (and so on), that I tried, of course, 5 years ago.
But just for a few days, as I realized you can get just few cents from it (unless you build a big network of affiliates who are going to work for you).
Only with time you may understand the efforts and hard work you need to put into your projects online.
Whether is your blog, a niche site, a membership website or an online course, you have to work really hard to get awesome results.
And you want to build an income the more solid and the more productive in the future you can.
You see, when writing about not “putting all your eggs in one basket”, I wanted to add:
“unless you have a solid project that you are 100% sure of the results”.
But in any case, this brings higher risks than having multiple projects.
Like you said, in the end it’s all part of a big “game”.
Like Tony Robbins latest book: “Money: Master the Game”.
If you are able to reach a certain level of prosperity, you really understand that is a game (if you are good enough to get to know its rules).
I’m still far away from that, but I’m getting closer each day. I feel it! 🙂
So yes, you need to have the right attitude (positivity), using the right tools, working the right way in order to reach success.
Well, that’s the same in every field of life, I think.
Then, some have large capacities, some one less, but still, you can improve your skills with time and hard work.
I feel I’m improving my writing capabilities each day I keep practicing.
I’m sure with time I’m going to reach the level to which I aspire.
Again, it was a big pleasure contributing at Aha-Now blog and sharing my insights with Ahaians.
I really hope the content is going to help some new bloggers (or even experienced ones).
Thanks for giving me this opportunity and keep doing a fantastic job with this community.
It’s marvelous!