Why Is a Mother Child Bond So Special

Like me, I’m sure you also agree that a mother child bond is one of the most precious relationships in a family.
This Mother’s Day is a great opportunity for reflecting on a mother’s love for her child.
I know most of you, including fathers and sons, can’t deny the bond between a mother and her child.
But do you know what makes this mother child bonding so special? According to me, it’s a mother’s love for her child. Wouldn’t you agree?
A mother’s role in child development is special because mothers feel with their hearts like no one else does in the family. Her love is selfless and true, I would say.
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” ~ Honore de Balzac
The mother child bonding is so strongly cemented with the mother’s love that the child continues to feel it even when he or she is living far apart.
As most of you know I lost my mother to cancer a few years ago. She was my pillar of strength, and though she isn’t here, yet she’s always deep within me and is my guardian angel. But I do miss her…
With Mother’s Day just round the corner, as it’s celebrated in most countries on 12th May, how could I not write about a mother’s bond with her child – because I strongly believe and feel it too.
This post is dedicated to my mother and to all you mothers out there – because YOU are special. And even if you aren’t a mother, I’m sure you can relate to it because you all have or had a mother.
Let me share a touching story of a mother child bond that I’d read years back, but it’s still fresh in my memory.
Perhaps some of you might have read it too, but for those who haven’t, here is its summarization.
Story of a Mother Child Bond of Love
Tom’s mother had just one eye. He hated her because she was an embarrassment to him. To support the family, his mother cooked for students and teachers.
Tom remembers the day when during elementary school his mother had come over to say hello to him. He was embarrassed and thought – how could she do this to me?
He ignored her, gave her a hateful look, and ran out.
The next day at school one of his classmates started teasing him and said, “Hehe…your mom has only one eye!” Hearing this, Tom just wanted to bury himself.
Tom wanted his mom to disappear somewhere. He confronted her that day and said, “If you are only going to embarrass and make me a laughing stock, why don’t you just die?”
His mom didn’t respond, nor did he stop to think for a second about all that he’d said because he was in a bad temper. He was simply oblivious to her feelings.
Tom never really valued the mother child bond of love that most children do.
He wanted to move out of the house and have nothing to do with his mother. So, he studied really hard and got a chance to pursue his education in different cities.
Thereafter, Tom got married, bought a house of his own, had kids, and was happy with his comfortable life.
One day, the mother child bond of love compelled his mother to go and visit him. She hadn’t seen him in years, nor had she ever met her grandchildren.
When she stood by the door, Tom’s children laughed at her, apparently because she had only one eye.
Tom yelled at his mother for coming over uninvited. He screamed at her and said, “How dare you come over to my house and scare my kids! Get out of here! NOW!”
To this, his mother quietly replied, “Oh, I’m so sorry – I think I might’ve gotten the wrong address.” Saying this, she went away.
This mother’s bond with her child was obviously much stronger, which the son didn’t value.
A few months later, Tom received a letter regarding a school reunion, and he decided to attend it. This required him to travel to the city where he grew up and where his mother lived.
After the reunion, just out of curiosity, Tom went to his old house – his mother’s cottage. There the neighbors told him that she had died a few days ago.
He didn’t shed a single tear – how could he as he never felt close to his mother. Nor did he ever value the mother child bond of love his mother had for him.
The neighbors handed Tom a letter that his mother wanted him to have. This is what was written within –
“My dear son,
I think of you always. I’m sorry that I came uninvited to your house and scared your kids.
I was happy when I heard you were coming over for the reunion, but I may not be able to get out of bed to meet you. I’m sorry to be a constant embarrassment to you in your growing years.
You see, when you were little, you had an accident and lost your eye. Being a mother, I couldn’t see you grow up with one eye. So, I gave you mine.
I never told you that because I didn’t want to make you feel guilty or obliged. I was always proud of my son who was able to see a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.
With all my love to you,
Your mother.”
When I read this story, I felt sad and amazed at the same time. How did you like this story of a mother’s bond with her child?
Did it move you as much as it moved me? Now, that’s what I would call a great example of a mother’s love for her child.
Lessons Learnt From the Story
A mother child bond remains powered by the mother’s love even if the child is not able to understand it. Mothers do so much for their children, which the children only realize with time.
The special thing about a mother’s love is that it never ends, lessens, vanishes, or fades away – even if there’s no reciprocation. That’s what I’d call another form of real true love – isn’t it?
This story of a mother child bond teaches us to value, love, and respect our parents because they are never going to be with us forever.
You might not know all that your mother sacrificed for you, because she might never talk of such things. But now it’s your turn to thank her for all that she’s undergone and done for you.
Here’s a lovely song for you that is sure to touch your heart, and I do hope you enjoy it. 🙂
A Mother’s Love’s A Blessing ~ Majella ~ YouTube Video
If you wish to read more about what makes your mother so important – don’t miss out on this post >> Why Mothers Are Special People.
Okay, let’s be honest and think of this – how much of time are you really able to spend with your mother, or how much do you listen to what she says?
I’m sorry if you lost your Mom just like me, but just as she’s with me – she’s also with you in spirit. I try to pay tribute to my mother by trying to be a good mother to my children.
For those of you who are fortunate to have your mothers with you, this Mother’s Day, gift and pamper your mother with all that you like, but don’t forget to gift her your time, which she will value most of all.
“A mother’s love’s a blessing, no matter where you roam.
Keep her while she’s living, you’ll miss her when she’s gone.
Love her as in childhood, though feeble, old and grey.
For you’ll never miss a mother’s love, till she’s buried beneath the clay.”
~ Thomas P. Keenan
So, if you who haven’t been able to reach out and connect with your mom, or even dad for that matter – do so NOW! It’s never too late to show them you love and care for them.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
Over to you –
What makes your mother so special? Are you planning anything for Mother’s Day, or how are you going to make it a special one for your Mom? Why do you feel that a mother child bond is special in a family? Let me know in the comments below.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos
This entire post is remarkable and I have bookmarked this post to show to my family members due to some personal problems we are lacking the bond among all. Sorry to write my emotions here publicly but I am totally fed-up with the ongoing worst situation.
However I am strong enough but all other are not as strong as me and that breaks me only.
Thanks Harleena for sharing such a wonderful and heart touching post.
Mohinder Paul Verma
BloggingFunda – A Community of Bloggers
As much as i like your story and blog but i simply disagree with your views on mother’s love.
My bio mother abandoned me when i was a kid and i was raised in an orphanage .
I don’t think mother’s love is unconditional because of my personal life experiences.
What i have learned “Any women can give birth but it takes a mother to raise her baby” and my bio mother don’t fit in this definition.
She carried me for 9 months but abandoned me when i was a kid.
The only person who has ever loved me unconditionally is my “Wife”.
She is the only person who has ever loved me without judging me. I cannot walk ( paralyzed below down the waist due to accident some years ago) but she always remain with me.I told her to go away and don’t ruin her life with me but she never did.
She take care of me without expecting anything in return and as much i loved her for it ,i feel guilty because i cannot return that same kind of love and support because of my physical disadvantages.
She always say ” I don’t want anything but love from you”
We are together for 15 years. She is a godly woman.And i don’t know how much i love her. Its indescribable
I don’t know who my mother is nor i want to know.I hate her.
I appreciate your blog but there are so many mothers who abandon their own kids daily like my mom .
I hope you don’t take my post personally. I just wanted to tell you that even though i never got love from my mother but there is a person who means to me more than anyone in this world and that is my “Wife”.
Hi Harleena,
I am a first time visitor to your site. I must say I am very much impressed by the story. Even though I had read it earlier, it brought tears in my eyes. Harleena I am a mother of two and grandmother of four teenage grand children. I can proudly say that my children and grand children are really adorable. They all love me. It is only their undiluted love which is keeping me alive. I had Breast cancer surgery ten years ago. Now I am in my late seventies, L enjoy every moment of my life because of loving care of my family. On mothers’ day they gifted me so many precious things including scents and lipsticks( they believe I must use them at even at this age)I was overwhelmed. God bless them.
Welcome to the blog Usha!
Sorry that the story moved you to tears, though my intention was only to create awareness about the mother child bond of love. I guess all of us had a touching moment reading the story 🙂
Nice to know more about you and your family. Yes indeed, there can be nothing better than to love and be loved, and being with your own loved ones is truly a blessing- isn’t it?
I strongly feel that it was the love of your dear ones that pulled you through breast cancer and is enjoy these golden years of your life. Oh yes…when we were kids, we also felt our grandma should use all the things she used to earlier – you never grown old unless you think you do 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. 🙂
Hi Mayura,
Yes, I do miss my Mom most on this day, though I know she’s always with me and guiding me right through 🙂
Such stories do touch us and make us feel more for our mothers because they do so much for us and love us unconditionally. Mothers bear a lot and the sacrifices they do for their kids cannot be compared to anyone, though sadly kids don’t value or realize these things till it’s much later in life or too late as in Tom’s case, who I wonder realized it at all or not.
I know the mother child bond of love that both you and your Mom share is a beautiful one, and I’m sure your Mom must be so proud to have you as her son. Oh yes…mothers have to keep a check on their kids and discipline them too, which gets annoying for the children, though later they realize that it was all for their good – isn’t it?
Ah…I thought you were home? Hope you are near by though, or perhaps left home for work. Yes, nothing can replace a mother’s love and the loving home where parents are there. Not missed her food even though you were away – that’s great! That’s all because she stores all those goodies for you and gives them when you return – so sweet. 🙂
It’s all of these thoughts and feelings that matter, and even if they are small, they do touch our heart and make us feel loved – isn’t it? Absolutely! Mothers are special and so is their love for their children, which is totally selfless I feel – they are awesome! I miss mine…
That’s right – just being with her and giving her your time, love, and attention is the best gift you can give her this Mother’s Day and any day in-fact, as it’s a sure way that will make her a happier person for sure. Yes, nowadays kids have their own life and remain busy in their routine work, and often neglect their parents or can’t find time for them. Parent never complain and are often understanding enough, but it’s our duty to ensure we make time for them.
I miss my Mom too, and I know she is always with me. I just hope I can be a little like her to my kids too, that would be my biggest tribute to her as such. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by leaving such a warm and lovely comment as always. Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day as well 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Sorry to hear about your mother and I believe she always looking at you and guiding you dear 🙂 Mothers will never ever leave us.
Beautiful post and indeed a touching story 🙂 I’ve heard it once before but everytime, it makes me feel about mother’s love. All the time I hear such stories, I wonder how come a person don’t feel his/her mother’s love. However in all such stories, mothers are very innocent and silent 🙂
If you ask me, my mother and father are completely different characters. Mother is always been my heroine and the role model 🙂 I don’t think there’s any love I can compare with.
Sometimes, mothers can be annoying 😀 lol… No, not at all. But that’s how a child feels when she always checking on his safety. I felt it too. But as I grow up, I got to know what’s it about.
Leaving my home is killing me 🙂 Actually the best place to be is where my mother is Harleena. I think I used to feel that way due to her love. She never express it, but I feel it 🙂
I was away from my home for few years due to my higher studies. But I come home at least once a week (I can’t miss my home :D). Can you believe that I’ve never missed any special food made by my mother though I was away for few years?
She stores my portion about 4 – 5 days and serves when I’m back home. I mean, it’s not about food 😀 lol… But it just amaze me as she could share my portion among my siblings as I was not with them when she makes it. Sometimes need more effort to preserve some food. One simple example for her love 🙂 Simple things always matters.
As you mentioned, though there is no reciprocation, she never ever give up on her children. Mothers are true givers 🙂 I know one thing for sure Harleena. Mothers sacrifice anything for their children no matter what. They are the ones existing in this World with super powers 🙂
What’s the best I can do for my mother? I believe it’s being with her all the time Harleena. I’ve seen mothers living alone where they can’t see or reach their children. I know, they never blame their children either.
My mother was with me all the time. I’m secretly happy ’cause she’s around me always. Like that, I believe she loves when I’m around her too 🙂 I hope you will agree there as a loving mother, but I know, you never expect it ’cause you value the happiness of your children.
Happy Mother’s Day and have a wonderful weekend Harleena 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thanks for sharing this special gift with us on Mother’s Day. I know that you will be remembering and honoring your mom on Mother’s Day as you do every day!
I also lost my mom, though it was when I was young. I feel, as you do, that she is still with me and is my guardian angel.
About 10 years ago, my sister and I started following a Korean tradition of having the favorite meal of our mom’s on the anniversary of her death to honor her. Somehow, having her favorite dinner seems to bring a sense of peace to the day that was missing before.
Having daughters of my own, I understand the true bond of the mother/child relationship. My mom told me before she died that I wouldn’t understand how much she loved me until I had children of my own. She was right. That bond is incredibly strong, as you said so eloquently here, Harleena!
Hi Carolyn,
Glad you liked this post, which I thought would be apt to share this Mother’s Day. Yes – I do miss my Mom that I’m sure you do too, today and everyday 🙂
I know as we share the same feelings, though we are lucky to have our Dad’s with us. Our Mom’s are so much with us, and I do feel I get better by the day because she is around me – guiding me in more ways than one. So, all the more reason to thank her – isn’t it?
That sounds like a nice tradition in honor of your Mom, and I guess such ways make us feel closer to the ones we’ve lost. We too have a small prayer ceremony at home on her death anniversary and remember her fondly.
Oh yes…the mother child bond is something we now understand being mothers ourselves. But yes…there are moments I wish my Mom was around to really guide me as I know I would have been much better as a mother. Miss you ma…
Thanks for sharing your feelings with us. Happy Mother’s Day to a wonderful Mom 🙂
Hello Harleena,
The first time i read this story on Facebook, when a friend of mine shared it, i wanna give Tom a punch in the face, now you make me hate tom more by sharing it…
i mean WTF would have happen to make you reject,ignore the one would brought you to this world….
I had to share this with my friends also
Hi Temilola,
I second that feeling too, though more than the anger it’s the sadness that I felt because Tom could never understand the mother child bond of love his mother had for him – right till the end.
Some children are truly ungrateful I would say, and I just hope this post makes them realize all that they are missing out in life by being so ungrateful to their Moms and Dads too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing it with your friends. Happy Mother’s Day 🙂
Hi Harleena,
No matter what we do, we can never repay our mothers all that she did for us from when we were small till adult hood. Its only fools that never values their mother but, when they look for her and she’s no where to be found, that is when they will understand her true worth.
I once read a story about a man that asked her mother how he can pay her for all her goodness to him and the mum told him that he can never be able to pay her. but the man insisted.
The mum now told her that the only way is for him to sleep on her bed with her till day break and the man agreed.
At night, the mum will pour water on the position that the man lies on the foam and the he will shift to another position yet, the mum will still pour another water on him.
This continued until the man wake up angrily and started asking her mum the meaning of what she was doing.
Now, the mum told him that what it means is that he cannot pay her. That, what he just experienced is what she use to experience when he was small. When he will urinate on the foam, and she will move him to another position while lying on the wet side. But now, he couldn’t bear what she use to bear then.
This story really touched my heart so, we can never repay them.
Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.
Hi Theodore,
You are so right there – we can never ever repay our parents for all that they do or have done for us lifelong. And what’s amazing is that even we become adults, our parents concern for us never ends – isn’t it?
I hope people like Tom realize their mothers sacrifices after they’re gone, and this post was written only with that one intention in mind. I loved the story you mentioned, and yes, that’s what makes a mother and no one can be as giving as them. All that she undergoes – no one can.
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. Happy Mother’s Day weekend too 🙂
Hello Harleena,
What a wonderful but sad story. Wonderful because Mother’s Day is around the corner.
As I have shared before, I lost both my parents, my mom, the day after Mother’s day seven years ago and my dad, four years ago. I can honestly say, my mother taught me many things, but she showed me unconditional love, which I learned to pass on to my children. My mother was and is my treasure. I still miss her so much.
The story about To and his mother, made me cry because of his lack of love for his mom that carried him for nine months and delivered him into this world. How could we love our kids, dads, friends, and not our mothers?
I am sorry that you do not have your mom with you, but Harleena, Happy Mothers Day. May your children rise up and call you blessed.
Hi Gladys,
It is a sad story, but a one that teaches a lesson in return I hope. 🙂
I know you shared about losing your parents, but I didn’t know it was just the day after Mother’s Day, which must be so sad for you. Like your mom, mine too was a lovely person who taught me to love unconditionally and selflessly, which I’m trying now to pass onto my kids too. As they are still young, so mine is a work in progress, but yes – I’m getting there 🙂
I miss my Mom too a lot because I know had she been around, I might have just been a better version of myself and a better Mom too as she would have been around to guide me. But I do remember her lessons and try passing them on to my kids.
I agree, how could any child be like Tom – so ungrateful to his own Mom who carried him for so long. Wonder why he never realized this simple fact? Your’e right – how can we love everyone else, except our mother or even father for that matter.
I know my Mom isn’t here, but yes I know she is – always around me. And I hope I can be a good mother to my kids too, just as my Mom was to me.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feelings with us. Happy Mother’s Day to you 🙂
Hi Harleena,
What a beautiful post just in time for Mother’s Day. Okay, I admit I cried reading it…twice! Once when I read the story of Tom and the second time listening to the beautiful song. I bet Tom felt regret for treating his mom the way he did. Nobody can be that cold-hearted, I don’t think.
Mother’s Day is usually the day when I miss my mom the most, as I can imagine you do to. But you are right, our mom’s are still with us in our hearts.
Thank you for this beautiful post, for the memories and for the tears!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Hi Ilka,
Glad you liked the post, and yes, I thought it would be perfect for Mother’s Day as well 🙂
Aww…sorry for the tears, though I know it was a moving story. Ah…I loved the song too and thought it was so apt to go with this post on the mother child bond of love. I also hope Tom regretted the way he treated his mother, and wish no one follows his footsteps ever.
I do miss my Mom just like you, though on this day it’s all the more because it’s a special day for all Mom’s. But I know she’s with me, just as your mother is with you in our hearts. They never leave us 🙂
Thanks so much for your heartfelt wishes and words. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well 🙂
The story about Tom almost made me cry. Sometimes we don’t realize what we have, until we lose it. Mother are very special and we do need to appreciate and enjoy them.Thanks for sharing this post Harleena. And have a wonderful Mothers Day.
Hi Debbie,
I’m sorry if the story made you cry, but yes, it surely did fill up my heart too as it was a touching one.
You’re right – we often don’t realize it, or know it’s meaning until it’s lost, and mother’s love is such a thing, though I wonder whether Tom realized the mother child bond of love, even after his mother passed away. Mother’s ARE especial and I wish more people would understand this and value them more.
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day as well 🙂
I’ve read that story before Harleena and have always felt such a sadness that any child would treat his mother that way.
As you know I’ve always been extremely close to both my parents. You’ve lost your mother but I lost my father. With Mom moving next door to me last August I’m able to cherish her every single day. Sometimes I kick myself because I’m only making this harder on myself for the day she does leave this earth. You’ll probably have to put me in a straight jacket.
My mother does so much for all of us all the time. I mean all the time. She’s one of the most giving ladies I’ve ever met and anyone who meets her falls instantly in love with her and want to adopt her immediately. She now has extended family after moving into this condo complex because everyone loves her.
I’m so sorry your mother is no longer with you but you know in your heart and spirit she’s hugging you with all that she has.
Thanks for sharing this and we’re all getting together for dinner on Mother’s Day. One of the great things about her moving close to me is that we can all get together more often now that she doesn’t live so far away. She’s definitely a gift to us all and I love her dearly.
Thank you for this beautiful tribute. Happy Mother’s Day Harleena!
Hi Adrienne,
I agree, it made me feel the same way, and thought it best to share it in this post – just to make people realize how important parents are and to treasure them.
I know about your fathers loss, and losing our loved ones is never easy. But I’m glad your Mom’s moved in nearby and just knowing the fact that you both are near each other, makes one feel good within. Ah…I can understand that feeling, something about which I never want to think too – love my Dad too much, more so after my Mom to even think of him not being around.
Nice to know more about your Mom, and I think most mothers are like that – giving and showering us with their unconditional love and blessings. She must be such a loving person that everyone wants to fall in love with her too 🙂
Oh yes…I do hope your get together for Mother’s Day is a nice one, more so with your Mom moving in next door – it must be a place so full of loving people.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. I know my Mom is around me – always, taking care of me still. Wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day too 🙂
Hi Harleena,
That is truly a sad story about Tom and his mother. Goes to show that we so often overlook what our parents have sacrificed for us. A mother’s bond is very close and I know I feel it with my own mother and my children as well. Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Hi Cathy – nice to you 🙂
Yes, it is a sad story but with a lesson to learn – isn’t it?
I wish Tom could’ve seen beyond his mothers physical appearance and all that she went through, and loved her for who she was. I know how it must be with your own Mom and kids, and am sure they all must treasure your love so dearly.
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Mother’s Day to you as well 🙂
Hi Di,
The story is really touching, and now I had a bitter feeling against the boy who couldn’t think beyond eye, really sad state of affairs.
The mother child bond is precious and few realize this and that too very late. She lives only for children and there are many real stories, how mothers have been made to live in the old age homes by their children. You know I lost my mother when I was very young and that too because of cancer, but I always feel that she is there with me.
Thanks Di for this great share and a lesson for others to value parents.
Hi Sapna,
I know the story is a touching one, and you’re right – he couldn’t really see beyond the one eye, or the outer looks of his mother and closed his eyes to her inner beauty.
Yes indeed, the mother child bond of love from the mothers side is always unconditional, and no matter how her kids treat her – she will always love them.
Sorry to hear about your mother – cancer is horrible! But yes, our loved ones are always with us 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day 🙂
Story was awesome Harleena,
Believe or not I used to say same kind of story to my students in school. But that story was about two friends where one donates his two eyes to the other friend. He too gives a letter to his friend stating that he is happy that he is able to see the world through his eyes.
In chemistry lesson I had to teach them about co-ordinate covalent bond where one molecule is deficient of 2 electrons and one molecule will be excess of two electrons, so one molecule donates the 2 electrons to the molecule which is deficient of electrons a bond between these atoms is called co-ordinate covalent bond. So I used to relate that story to this example.
Even my mothers mother I mean my grand mother too died of cancer like your mother, my mother misses her so much.
Ok Harleena thanks for the story and video too, I couldn’t understand the lyrics of the song can you give any link of the lyrics of that song.
“Happy Mothers Day” to you and all mothers of this world.
Hi Vijesh,
Nice to know that you could relate to the story 🙂
That’s surely a nice con-incidence, and yes, we have a few serials on TV also going on nowadays where one friend donates her heart to the other, and I feel such things only those who love unconditionally can do – isn’t it?
Ah,….I like the way you related the co-ordinate covalent bond that you taught in your class to the mother child bond here 🙂
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, and yes, mothers too miss their mothers because that is a huge loss for them too.
Oh yes…the lyrics of this song are all over the Internet though nothing comes with the song. You can check it out here – http://martindardis.com/id220.html and coincidentely even the last quote of this post is part of the song, and if you increase the volume a little, you can understand it better.
Thanks for stopping by and wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day too 🙂
Hi Harleena,
As always you are spot on with the point of discussion. Loved the story and those few words could make the entire post explained. Mothers are always special, We usually do not realize this because they are the most common for us. It is sad that you lost your mother but I understand the reasons why you can handle the topics related to emotions so well. You post has made me realize that I can have some special time and something special this Mother Day. Thanks for this excellent post.
Hi Kumar,
Nice to know that you liked the story 🙂
Absolutely! Mothers ARE special, and I don’t think anyone can replace her. Yes, we often take her for granted and feel she is always there, or would understand. In all of this, we tend to cause her a lot of hurt and pain too that we often don’t realize. I wish children could realize this and be more loving.
Yes, I am an emotional person and I feel such people feel a lot from the heart 🙂
Even though I lost my Mom, I’m all ready to celebrate it with my kids tomorrow, and I hope you too make it a good one with your Mom!
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you a very Happy Mother’s Day too 🙂
Hi Harleena,
The word Relationship, for me, starts with Mother and her child. If not for this, the word would surely have had lost in no man’s land.
This beautiful relationship molds any other relationship in this world.
Great story to add with post!
When I first read this story, our mom was with us and as we were brought up by her, we siblings always had that wonderful bonding with her.
Now, when I read this again on your blog, I am hating the character of TOM like the worst thing that can exist around.
Beautifully written post Ma’m.
Happy Mothers’ Day
Regards – Koj
Hi Koj,
That is such a nice thing to say, and am sure your Mom must be so lucky to have you as her son 🙂
I can make out that the mother child bond you share with your mother is how it should be.
Nice to know that you could resonate with the story having heard it earlier. Yes – I wish Tom wasn’t like this and were more like a loving and dutiful son. Perhaps he doesn’t know how much he must’ve missed out not caring for his mother.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Mother’s Day to you as well. Don’t forget to love and pamper your mom 🙂
What a powerful story.
And how sad for Tom that his heart is so closed to love. I feel no anger towards him, only sadness. He will never truly know a day of happiness until, if ever, he learns to be open, and caring, and kind. The love we withhold from others, we withhold from ourselves.
The love his mother had for him was the core of who she was. The pure love that comes from within can never be changed by outside circumstances. It simply is.
Hi Shelley,
Glad you liked the story 🙂
Absolutely! Though it made me wonder as to how people can live without loving their parents. The hate he had for his mother carried on right through till her death! Wish he could’ve been a better son.
I love those lines…the love we withhold from other, we withold from ourselves – so true. He did miss something in his life for sure, though I just hope and pray he realized his mistake after his mother passed away.
A mothers love IS pure, selfless, unconditional, and as you said – it simply is. She will always love her children even if they don’t treat her well – that’s what mothers are made up of – isn’t it?
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your pearls of wisdom with us. 🙂
That story touched my heart Harleena, and made me cry. I know how important a mothers child bond with her children is.
I love my mother, and she’s the most valuable person in my life. I don’t celebrate mother’s day, because I believe in making everyday special for my mother, everyday is a mothers day for me.
Hi Ehsan – nice to have you back 🙂
Sorry to know that the story brought you to tears, but that’s something common that most of us went through too. I guess it was a touching story, which I thought might be good to share – just to make people realize the importance of bonding with their parents before it’s too late.
Nice to know that you love and value your mother so much, and she too must be so proud to have you as her son. (Give her a hug from my side)
Ah…I can understand that, Ehsan – and you are right – everyday should be celebrated in loving and respecting our parents. However, such days are good for those who don’t remember to do so daily.
More so, if you don’t usually do something different for your Mom on a daily basis, such days are good to surprise Moms, or give them a break from work, or just take them out and buy them what they like – the list is endless. It’s just making them feel good, loved, and cared for. Hope you pamper your Mom too this mothers day – just to make her feel a little special 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
A very timely post, Harleena! 🙂 It warmed my heart to read it.
The month of May is especially challenging for me, because not only is it the month of celebrating Mother’s – it’s also my mother’s birthday month. Like you, my mother passed away two years ago from cancer. She was a remarkable lady! Even though she had her own battles to fight, she fought them with dignity and class.
I think the reason a child’s bond with their mother is so strong has a lot to do with the nine months he or she spends in their mother’s womb. That type of connection is a miracle in itself, and no matter how strenuous the relationship becomes over the years, the bond will never be broken.
I thoroughly enjoyed this message, along with the added touches of inspirations in videos, quotes, and poems. This was a blessing to my spirit, my friend. It really touched me, and I will certainly revert back to it in those moments that seem especially challenging for me when thinking about my mother. Thank you again for sharing it. 🙂
Hi Deone,
Nice to know that it resonated with you 🙂
Aww…I can well understand your feelings this time of the year. I know we both share this great loss to cancer, and I think it was just a few months after she had passed that you had opened your first blog where we had met – it’s very clear in my mind (hope I’m right). It always makes me question Him just for one thing though – why do bad things happen to good people – why them?
You remember her ever so fondly as I’ve read so much about your mom at your blog and the woman of substance that she was – just like my mom.
Absolutely! The mother child bond is strong because of those additional 9 months spent in the mother’s womb, though this is often forgotten by the child once they grow up. Parenting in most cases is taken for granted nowadays.
I hope such bonds of love only strengthen with time and don’t become like Tom’s case, who just went for his mothers outer beauty and not the inner one.
Ah..nice to know that you enjoyed the song, which I felt was soul stirring when I heard it too. Part of the words in the song co-incidentally are similar to the last quote in this post so it all fitted well here I thought.
I know we will miss our Moms this day more than ever, though we do miss them a little daily. But let me assure you if I may that they are always with us, and I think I can’t stop saying this as I feel her presence so often near me, when I’m troubled sometimes. Don’t you?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing more of yourself with us. Happy Mother’s Day in advance – I know our moms would have wanted us to be happy that day and everyday 🙂
I have never heard of that story and I got so choked up reading it. I’m wondering how small he felt after having read that letter….sad. But that goes to prove your point about a mother’s bond and love for her children.
Every year all my brothers and sisters gather at my parents house and we’ll cook for our mom but I think it’s important to show our mom we love her every day, not just once a year.
Unfortunately, my husband may have to work this Sunday so it may be a celebration minus one.
Wonderful post Harleena!
Hi Corina,
Sorry if the story moved you, though to be very honest it touched me too and drove me to tears.
I hope he felt small – I wonder! Yes, the mother child bond of love that the mother had all along, was never there in Tom, which is what saddens me the most.
You’re right – everyday should be celebrated as a mothers day or a fathers day – we need to make it a daily habit to love, respect and treat them well. Sadly, some people don’t and perhaps such days are reminders for them to at least show that concern on those days.
I like the idea of all of you cooking for your Mom and giving her a time out…something I would love to have too, though my girls are still too young to prepare a complete meal – but it’s the thought more than anything else that matters – isn’t it?
Ah…doesn’t matter if your hubby’s working – just as you said it should be celebrated everyday, so just do it any other day for the sake of celebrating it if you wish 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day, though in advance 🙂
This is the only relationship that is selfless, its a very special relationship. Tom’s story is really saddening. If its a true story then I am feeling bad inside. I think this whole thing is an evolutionary thing, where the mother’s survival instinct kicks in. The mother survives through their children and hence they will do anything for them.
Hi Shalu,
Absolutely! The mother child bond is special, though if it’s one sided like in the story, it can often hurt.
I don’t think this is a true story, but we hear so many cases like this where either of the parent gives up either their body parts for the sake of their child, even though the child never comes to know of it. Some love their parents and their bond grows stronger, while others just don’t care much. This does happen and it’s sad too.
I agree with you there – mothers survive through their kids and they will go all extents to do anything for them, even though they aren’t treated well by them. I wish people would learn to love and value their parents while they are still around.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂
Really touching story. I came across this story early this year when one of my friend shared it. That was so bad of Tom, I hope people respect their Mother child bond love. Moms are simply the best.
Hi Oscar,
I agree, it is a touching story but with a great lesson to take back home – isn’t it? Tom surely didn’t value the mother child bond of love his mother had for him. I wish more people would learn to love and respect their parents because they are never going to be around forever.
Oh yes…Moms are the best 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
What a touching post about mother-child bond. I loved the post. I lost my mom 15 years ago but still I cry her loss. She was a great mother and as I am remembering her this month of her death anniversary, because she passed away on May 2nd, I came across your post and I am really touched by it. She only saw my oldest child but she didn’t have the time to see all of them. I really miss her a lot and I am always trying to use what she taught us to teach to my kids as well. Mothers can’t be replaced for their unconditional love. As long as we grow and live we will still miss them.
Yes, I heard Tom’s story before and what a mother he had but he missed out on enjoying her love. He is a loser for sure.
Thanks for such a great post and song that came right on time and as I am writing my comment, my tears can’t stop. Happy Mothers Day Harleena.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
Glad you liked the post, and yes – it is a touching one 🙂
Sorry to hear about your mothers loss….I know it’s not easy, especially for those of us who were more attached to them. Tears come easy to me too, especially at times when I know she would have had solution to my problems….mothers always do – don’t they?
Oh…her death anniversary just passed by…sending you a hug because I can feel what you feel too. My Mom saw both my kids, though she didn’t have enough time to spend with my younger one too. You’re so much like me because I keep trying to remember what all she taught me and doing the same with my kids, of course, sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn’t because our times were so different and so were we. I miss her too and I know I could’ve just banked on her for all my worries and taken so many cues in raising my kids better – mothers know it all as they say 🙂
I agree, mothers are always a part of us, just as we are a part of them. This mother child bond of love can never be broken even in death. Tom missed out a lot in his life I would say, though I hope he realized all of this after her death – I wonder.
Ah…glad you heard the song, and if you hear it full volume, it’s simply soul stirring and does wet the eyes…mine too. Don’t worry Neamat, I know our Moms are always with us – we just need to close our eyes and we can feel them…try it out. 🙂
Happy Mothers Day to you as well, and thanks for sharing more of you with us 🙂
Hello Harleena,
Do you want to hear one big truth from me about that story? I almost shed tears 🙁 why would somebody even think of doing that to his mom!
My pops passed away and my mom is the only treasure i have left in the whole wide world apart from my boy 🙂 . At times we disagree but in no point have i ever disappointed or feel embarrassed when i am with her.
Moms love is unconditional and we all must put that in mind. No matter how you put it, you pops cannot treat her the way your father will because we and our moms have a special bond that is un-explainable. Thanks
Hi Babanature,
Aww…sorry for making you feel a bit upset but you know that wasn’t my intention. I agree, how can anyone be so bad to treat their Mom this ways. The mother child bond was obviously not there within Tom I would say.
Sorry to hear about your Dad – losses are always bad. Nice to know more about the love and feelings you have for your mother, she must be so happy and proud to have a son like you 🙂
Absolutely! A mothers love IS unconditional, and she will always love her children – no matter what. I pray your bond with your Mom grows stronger by the day, and seeing this I’m sure even your son’s learning many lessons and would be as attached to his mom. All of this is part of being an ideal role model for your kids too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing more about your feelings for your mother with us. 🙂
Hello Harleena,
What a shocking story to read! I never read such type of story where her own child treat mother in such a rude way in her whole life.
Mother is such kind of person who in any danger sacrifice her life rather than her child. He who doesn’t got the love & affection of mom is the most unluckiest person in the world.
Here are my wish for my dear MOM:
You’ve seen me laugh
You’ve seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
But thanks and I love you
Happy Mother’s Day.
Hi Ahsan,
Yes, it is sad and shocking I would say, but that’s how some children treat their parents. Mother’s always do so much for their kids, and they make sacrifices throughout their lives, which the children don’t notice, or even if they do, few appreciate as parenting is often taken for granted.
I agree with your words there, those who don’t feel the mother child bond are indeed unlucky people because they don’t know what they are missing in their lives.
Ah…lovely words indeed. Thanks for stopping by and sharing these special words for Mother’s Day 🙂
What a truly touching story Harleena.
Sad that he couldn’t get past the “eye”. As a child, I was slightly embarrassed of my mother because she was overweight, however, I still loved her to pieces. Sadly, I lost her at 11 years old and have missed her terribly every day since. I think back to the times I was embarrassed of her hair or her polyester pantsuit and feel ashamed. However, in those short 11 years, we formed the strongest bond ever. Did I mention I was adopted? She was my mother even though she did not carry me for 9 months or give birth to me. She nurtured and protected me for 11 years and I’ll never forget it.
I don’t do anything special for Mother’s day although, I do take a few moments during the day to meditate and connect with my Mother. We chat for a few and then that’s it. But those few moments mean so much to me.
Hugs to you Harleena as I know Mother’s Days are toughest on those who no longer have their Mothers with them, physically. They are always within.
Awesome post gf!
Hi Bren,
I know it’s a touching story and that’s why I thought it might be perfect to go with this post 🙂
We all have our little dislikes for our parents when we are young because of various reasons, but I don’t think we go to such extents nor do we carry on such feelings more than a few initial years – if at all.
I remember you mentioning about losing your mom at that young an age in one of your posts I think and I can understand it’s not easy, because you lose your best friend and guide. Nice to know about the mother child bond you shared with your mother, and that’s what you should remember and feel proud of today. 🙂
Oh…I didn’t know that, and that makes it more a reason to appreciate, value, and treasure her for doing all that she did, knowing you were adopted – yet treating you more of her own child. I’d say you were blessed and lucky to have her in your life, even though it was for a short time.
That’s a lovely way to connect with your Mom, Bren, and am sure those precious moments must be meaning so much to you too. I do that so often, and find her so close to me – almost like an aura around. Hugs back to you too, and all those who have lost their moms….we need to remember them fondly and know that they never really leave us.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing more of yourself with us. Happy Mother’s Day – we will always remember them fondly 🙂
I HAVE GOOSe BUMPS… Touching and scary story at the same time. we are all not perfect but we have to remember who gave us life and who spent sleepless night next to us…
Hi Evan,
It sure is, and it touched me too. Yes, none of us are perfect but that gives us no reason to treat our parents the way Tom did. Instead, they need to be appreciated and valued for all that they have done and keep doing for us – isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I’m sorry to hear that you lost you mum to cancer. We lost my mother-in-law to cancer as well, she was only 56.
I totally understand a mothers bond with her children. As I said before Harleena my father ran off with another woman leaving my mum to raise his children (4 boys 1 girl).
Although my mum was pushed to her limits she never deserted any of us and loved us all regardless, such was her bond.
I’m really sad to say that we lost her last month Harleena. She passed away peacefully with all of her kids around her, which is some comfort. We’re still in the process of settling her affairs and transporting her ashes back to Ireland so she can be laid to rest amongst her family…. Taking her home to her parents and siblings.
I’ve heard the story in the post before and was touched then as I am now…
Thanks Harleena,
Hi Barry – good to see you after a long time, hope you are feeling well 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of you Mom, and your mother-in-law too. Losses are always bad – aren’t the? My Mom too was young when we lost her, which makes you feel worse because they could’ve had so many more years to be with us – isn’t it?
I remember you telling me about your father leaving all of you, and that’s a major reason for the mother child bond your mom holds with all of you as she also had to compensate for your dad’s absence. What’s commendable even though things weren’t all that good for you all was that you mom didn’t leave or desert you, nor did she remarry.
I know you all must be missing her as it’s all so recent, though be assured that she is looking down at you all even today – mothers never stop loving their children, even when they are no more. I feel she must be knowing her time is near and passed away peacefully knowing you were all around her too.
Thanks for sharing more of yourself with us. Happy Mother’s Day – that’s the way our mothers would have wanted us to be – always in high spirits even with them not around 🙂
Barry, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. Did she get to meet her great=grandchild?
I know that Mother’s Day in the UK is in March, Barry. I hope that your last Mother’s Day with your mum was a special one. I know she was very blessed to have you for a son!
Hi Carolyn,
Unfortunately not, my mum passed away just 25 days before Kian was born.
She suffered a brain aneurysm back in 2009 and we were told to expect the worst as she wasn’t expected to survive more than 24hrs.
She pulled through that, and further serious health issues, and had another 3 and half years with us, during which we made magical moments on every special occasion and on regular visits we’d always make the most of what we had and make each other smile.
Thanks Carolyn 🙂
Honestly, I really respect ladies. I was in the labour room with my wife when she was having our daughter and I cant just explain the stress I went through in that room. I had no choice than to stay with her. So there MUST be a bond between a mother and her child.
What a touching story and what a WONDERFUL mother to have. Despite all these, she still compose herself to be the best mother in the world.
No matter what, my mother will always be my number one x factor :-). She is the only one I can tell my heart to.
On mother’s day I always take my sisters, my wife and mother for a special treat. Some where very special down central London. Ladies should be treated like an egg.
Thanks for sharing this with us. I better go cuddle my mum now
Hi Seun,
I so appreciate you saying that 🙂
I know the eye opening experience you had at the labor room as you did mention about it in an earlier post. Oh yes…it is as stressful for the father as it is for the mother.
There can be of course no comparison between a mother child bond because a child stays 9 months longer within the mother, yet – how the bonding with fathers takes place later in the years depends a lot on the fathers too and the way they handle their children – isn’t it?
I too was touched by the story and felt it was the right time to share with everyone here – that’s what mother’s are made up of (most of them at least).
Ah…I love it when everyone says their Moms the best, and that’s exactly how it should be too. It’s nice to see the bond between you and your Mom, and taking all these special women in your life out together on Mother’s Day and spending time with them would be the best gift you could give them too.
Oh yes…pamper and cuddle your mom and love her always 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
My mom, for me, is the best mom ever in the whole world! She raised me and my siblings as best as she could, even if it’s only by herself. She was not only a mom for us, but also she took the role of a dad as well. No matter how much we rebelled when we were teens, my mom shrugged it off and tried to comfort us whenever we needed her support. Now that my siblings have children of their own, I can see that she’s also the best grandma for my nieces and nephews. After all, they say she’s their favorite grandparent and relative ever!
Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mom, Harleena. May she be happy in heaven.
Welcome to the blog Emily!
Ah…I feel the same way about my Mom too, and isn’t that a wonderful feeling 🙂
I can understand how tough it must have been for her to raise the two of you all alone, but that’s what I would call being a mother of substance. Mother’s always Do go out of the way and take special care of their kid’s (in most of the cases)- and no matter what they might be going through – they never let their worries out. Their love and support is what we always need lifelong.
Ah…she must be as good a grandma as she was a mother, and I think both of you are indeed blessed and lucky to have such a loving mother – treasure her 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to you too. I know I will miss my mom as I always do, especially on Mother’s Day, but I also know she’s always within me.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing more of your and your Mom with us 🙂
Hey Harleena,
That story makes me almost hate Tom for treating his mom that way.
I’m 34 and the last child for my mum. You can guess her age but she’s still one of the most precious people around me. I’m supper proud of her even though she’s got lots of weaknesses. She’s just my lovely mother and no one on earth can step on that. Sweet mother, happy mother’s day.
When is father’s day though? Hope to read another of such post on that day 😉
Hi Enstine,
I agree with you there, and it amazed me too just to think how can any child treat his mother this way. I guess that mother child bond of love never existed from the son’s side. But you’d be surprised to know that there are many such kind of people who are just like Tom in the story.
Nice to know more about your Mom, and yes with age catching up fast I’m sure you must be spending a lot of time with her. Yes, weaknesses and health issues are normal at an older age, but with you around – she doesn’t have to worry. Pamper her well this Mother’s day 🙂
Ah…Father’s Day is next month – on 16th of June, and yes – there would be a special one for wonderful fathers like yourself too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with all of us 🙂