8 Ways to Create More Love in Your Relationship

Table of Contents
- 8 Ways To Make Your Relationship More Loving
- 1) Be with yourself and let your partner have personal time and space too
- 2) Think of your partner as a part of yourself – care and love your partner as yourself
- 3) Give respect to your partner – expressing it in private and public
- 4) Understand the emotions of your partner – empathize, support, and be positive
- 5) Think about your partner and always put them first
- 6) Share everything and communicate with your partner
- 7) Enjoy the good times but always be there for your partner in the bad times
- 8) Believe that your partner is your soulmate and express that often
- Wrapping Up
Love in your relationship can grow beyond bounds. You can nurture and create more love, with love.
That’s right, love begets love and love breeds love. Love is the core and cure of everything in your life.
Haven’t you heard of it so many times? Now, it’s the time to accept and believe in it.
Love is the potion that you want to use as an antidote to remove differences, dislikes, and hate in a person.
You can make your relationship more loving by creating new ways to express your love.
What is love?
Love is a powerful positive emotion that drives you, and binds you with your partner.
So, the question you may have in mind is how to use love to create more love in your relationship with your partner?
Well, you take the spiritual approach. It does not require you to become religious. Spirituality is more about you and your inner self.
It’s about channeling the benevolent force and love that you’ve within you.
The spiritual approach is about the aspects of your life that make you feel good about yourself, and others begin to like you for that.
They are the elements of love, positivity, and understanding in you.
You need to use them for yourself and your partner in all the stages of your love relationship.
8 Ways To Make Your Relationship More Loving
You probably know the “what” to do to make your relationship better, but get stuck on the “how” of getting it done. Here are some ways to create more love in your relationship with your partner:
1) Be with yourself and let your partner have personal time and space too
Your individuality and privacy is very important. You first need to understand yourself and then go on to understand someone else.
You need to have time to spend with yourself and work on your personal growth. The more you work on yourself positively; you’ll experience the change and feel that your relationships get better.
You should give time to your partner and let him or her develop and enrich by working on themselves too.
The spiritual approach is to grow yourself and let your partner grow such that you both grow and complement yourselves.
Do these things:
a) Love yourself
b) Care for yourself
c) Do things that make you happy
d) Expect love and happiness
Know that if you take this step, you’ve already come more than half way of creating more love in your relationship!
2) Think of your partner as a part of yourself – care and love your partner as yourself
The best way to nurture a relationship is to love your partner as you love yourself. When the love between two people is true and unconditional, there is happiness.
Try to create more happiness in your lives, which will result in more mutual care and happiness.
Do things like these:
a) Pamper your partner and do unasked favors
b) Surprise your partner by small acts of kindness
c) Be caring and loving even when your partner is not
d) Have more intimate moments and fulfill your partner’s needs
If you need to go out of the way or force yourself to do these, then do it. You’ll experience reciprocity, and your actions will be rewarded with love from your partner.
3) Give respect to your partner – expressing it in private and public
Mutual acts of love and kindness are the best way to build up your love relationship just as a mason builds a wall brick by brick.
Show respect towards your partner in more ways than one. Respect builds up a good rapport and facilitates the flow of love in your relationship.
You can do these:
a) Appreciate your partner
b) Compliment your partner
c) Credit your partner
d) Give value to the views of your partner
Respect is one of the pillars of a strong and loving relationship. Mutual respect is the key to success in marriage and long lasting relationships.
4) Understand the emotions of your partner – empathize, support, and be positive
Emotions are the soul of a relationship and heart is the seat of emotions. Also, emotions are powerful feelings that need to be handled carefully, delicately, lovingly, and positively.
Emotions of your partner are important, and you must understand them. They are the direct pathway to the heart of your partner. Put yourself in your partner’s place and show your support.
Conduct yourself in these ways:
a) Help your partner express their feelings
b) Listen to your partner’s catharsis
c) Suggest positive ways to deal with emotions
d) Celebrate the positive emotions with your partner
Do not discard or ignore your partner’s emotions. If you value them, your partner would have a special place for you in their heart and love you for that.
5) Think about your partner and always put them first
It’s always a good feeling to be cared for and given importance. Remember that your intentions matter.
The thought and act of putting your partner first will nurture the love in your relationship.
This is a move from being selfish to selfless by putting aside of your ego, which is the major obstacle in developing true love.
Try to do these:
a) Remember the important life events of your partner and celebrate them
b) Ask your partner about how the day was
c) Think about your partner’s choice while shopping
d) Visit places or go for movies that you partner likes
Your partner would understand the importance of what all you do and appreciate the kind gestures. Caring for each other will strengthen the bond in your relationship.
6) Share everything and communicate with your partner
Lack of communication is one of the major causes of relationship failures. When there is no communication or miscommunication, love stops flowing.
As partners, you increase the love in the relationship by sharing your life. Connect to feel closer.
Here‘s what you can do:
a) Whenever there is a misunderstanding, make it a point to talk it out and clear issues
b) Never assume, but straightforwardly ask to clear your doubts
c) Talk every day and night, share your daily thoughts and experiences
d) Curb your instant negative reactions and avoid criticisms
The way you communicate matters to your partner – one mistake in communication can jeopardize many of your good deeds. Always communicate and be true to build strong trust in the relationship.
7) Enjoy the good times but always be there for your partner in the bad times
Life is a roller-coaster ride full of ups and downs. If there are good times, there may be bad times. Show your solidarity and support when your partner needs it the most.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Be a true friend to your partner and lend your shoulder to lean upon at all the times.
Take some of these steps:
a) Lift the spirit of your partner by inducing hope through positive talks
b) Make your partner believe that the difficult times will pass, but your relationship will remain intact
c) Express happiness in the good times and love in the bad times. Let go of anger and grudges.
d) Never blame your partner, instead, help find ways to resolve issues.
Facing the upheavals of life together strengthens the bond of love and creates confidence in your partner.
When you are always there for each other, you learn to be happy and loving in all circumstances.
8) Believe that your partner is your soulmate and express that often
You get what you believe and expect. This is the law of nature as expressed by the principles of Law Of Attraction (LOA).
Fill your mind and heart with positive thoughts and emotions, imagine and visualize how you expect your partner to be – and strongly believe that it will happen.
One of the ways to know about your soulmate is by taking the help of free love psychic reading by chat. The spiritual approach to love will take your relationship to the next level.
Whenever you can, and as often as you can, express your love to your partner and say the three golden words – “I love you.”
Wrapping Up
A relationship depends on the pillars of love, understanding, communication, respect, and trust.
By developing a good understanding, great communication, real respect, and deep trust, you create more ways to have peaceful love in your relationship with your partner.
If the partners are caring, encouraging, supporting, positive, selfless, they are more loving, and their relationship lasts for a long time.
It takes your mind, body, and spirit to make your relationship more loving by becoming completely involved with your partner.
It is important that you spend some good time together, and give time to your relationship to get to know each other.
Fill your relationship with loving actions, acceptance, gratitude, patience, and compassion.
However, there are times when things fail to move forward as one of the partners is not cooperative and participatory.
If a partner refuses to love and denies all opportunities to create more love through the ways mentioned in the post, then probably it is time for you to move on.
Over To You –
What are the ways you use to create more love in your relationship? Please share your tips and thoughts about the spiritual approach for loving relationships.
Well, love really grows. You just have to take steps and take in charge on how to keep the fire burning even if you’ve been together for a long time
Good points, Vinay. For me, I think #3 is one of the most important, if not the most. Partners can tend to embarrass or belittle their mates in public, even unintentionally. So when we make a conscious effort to praise and build them up in public, it really fortifies the relationship, making our bond stronger.
I’m not the best at remembering to praise in private, though I’ve gotten worlds better in recent years. I do always make it a point to tell others how amazing my partner and my child are in public, so they know that even though I may not say it often enough, I feel it very strongly. (Indeed, some of these tips also very much resonate with me as a parent.)
Hi Harleena mam, Wonderful tips about how to create more love in relationship. Today life is so fast and busy and we are able to give very less time to family. Very useful tips for all. Thanks for sharing
I love your post, especially the first advice. I once felt uneasy about myself and looking to please other people just to be loved. But man, how much a burden it is. Once I decided to spend some times for myself in silence, I gradually fall in love with myself, again.
That’s kind of strange, it’s just like being born again, I feel peaceful with myself. It takes a long time, but it’s worth it.
Hi Vinay,
This is a wonderful post for everyone. In the modern times partners fail to understand the needs and emotions of each other. Supporting each other during bad times defines the relationship truly.
Thank you for sharing all these wonderful tips.
Its a great article. Got to know a lot about relationship now. Its the time to apply in real life now. Thanks !
nice post
Hello Vinay sir,
You have mentioned so many important points for a better relationship. A good understanding between the two sides are very important to have a life long relationship. Trust is another key factor in my opinion.
Thank you for these lovely tips.
Hi Vinay !
Its a great post on Love and Relationship ! Because in life first relationship matters than other things, If relationship is good then everything in life, runs in a happy way ! whether you are in a bad situation or good!
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Hi Vinay and Harleena,
This is a great post and I agree each point can create a loving relationship. In addition to doing these things we also encourage each other and celebrate our successes for example like getting a promotion at work or getting a new client.
I think it’s important we’re each other’s cheerleader. 🙂
Thank you for sharing. I hope you two are having a great week!
With how high the divorce rate is nowadays, more people really need to see this post and heed these words! It seems like people just don’t even know how to express their love anymore… or maybe there’s just no love there to express in the first place… :/
Thanks Vinay for sharing these great way to create lovely relationship , I love it, Words of affirmation are one of the five basic languages of love within the languages of this world life,however, there are many themes and more theories in love
Hey Vinay,
I really enjoyed your first point. The one thing I need is time by myself. If am requesting this and it goes unnoticed communication could get a little wonky.
There is nothing more wonderful when you can’t wait to get home and chill out with your partner. Or you have some good news and your partner is the first person you think of when you want to share this news.
And the most secure feeling is when you disagree or have a tiff and work through it to come out stronger. But you are so right Vinay before you have a relationship with someone else you must love yourself first.
Your post is full over love and support. The one thing I have found with relationships is we all communicate differently. I have seen couples who may not communicate the words but their actions certainly showed how loved up and united they were. I have also seen couples who use words of ‘I love you’ and their actions towards each other were cause for concern.
Thanks for a great read.
Hi Vinay,
I really enjoyed reading this post. I love how you said that a relationship involves the mind, body, and spirit. Sometimes I feel that the qualities people look for are looks or intelligence, or other qualities that involve the mind or body, but sometimes the spirit gets glossed over. I feel as though these are ways in which we can live by example, and even in the times where we or our partners aren’t quite as loving, there would be so many other loving times to fall back on to get through the tough times.
I’m also glad you mentioned individual space. We can’t love another if we don’t already love ourselves in a spiritual sense. This is why every person continues to grow and change as we expand.
Communication is key, so another super good point. When we’re feeling upset or angry with our partners, there can be times where we want to be passive aggressive and not let our partners in on what’s wrong. This is a detrimental approach, and it’s not loving. Open and honest communication is always the way to go.
Again, wonderful post, and I hope you’re having a wonderful week.
Be blessed,
Hi Vinay, These are wonderful ways to make sure that you don’t take your partner for granted and continue to grow your relationship over the years. You’re right, you should always cherish and respect your partner, even during the toughest times.
I try to do something nice for my husband every day. Whether it’s running an errand to save him time, getting his favorite food or putting a note on his pillow, I try to bring a smile to his face every day.
Hi Vinay,
Loved #1 and #2! To me, they basically mean that sometimes we also don’t know ourselves, we don’t know what we want … so taking a breather would come in handy from time to time.
Respect, among other things you said, is very important in any relationship.
I’d just like to add that in many cases, your partner will see (new) things in you that you wouldn’t notice yourself. Striking a balance between compassion and criticism must be observed—I’d say this could be difficult at times! Your partner has a great “pair of eyes” that would see you in unimaginable ways. You should be thankful for that.
Great post. Thank you!
Hi Vinay,
When someone is in a relationship then it’s like butterflies are flying around you. But due to some misunderstanding people ruin their relationship.
You have listed some great points here. People need to give the space to their partner. I mean we all have our separate life to handle.
Caring is the best you can give to your partner. Always try to understand the point of view of your partner about everything.
Great post indeed.
Enjoy your weekend.
I love this! Well done!
These elements of keeping and building love are perfect, Vinay. Especially respect. Without respect, it’s hard to move forward. Some people can do without affection (not me) but I don’t think there’s a relationship in the world that can survive without respect. Great post!
Hi Vinay
Great post!
I like all of your points
For sure it’s important to have some alone time but for me, at least just a little goes a long way.
Communication is so important. One of the reasons for the longevity of my marriage (I was married for 37 years) was due to an active communication ethos. If my wife or myself had a problem we always talked about it. In most case a swift resolution quickly followed.
I love your last point too. Everyone needs a soulmate – that special someone with whom we can share everything. And what better person to do it with than our significant other.
Other ingredients for a successful union? Lots of love, passion, common interests, shared values, much laughter – and great sex!
Thanks, Vinay!
Hello Vinay sir,
This is a wonderful post that I think everyone should follow. Love is the water that nourishes the relationship plant. Caring for each other is a nice feeling but I like what you told about giving space. One should have enough air to breath in a relation.
Being there is what defines a REAL relationship.One should have that trust and hope that thee other half is going to stand with you no matter how worse the storm. This is where we can separate out the grains and the chaff.
Thank you sir for writing this one, because I hope it’ll help many to better their relationship and add more love in the coming year.
Have a great weekend sir.
Hi Swadhin,
That’s a nice analogy between love, relationship, water, and plant. So true.
Relationships get hurt most when either of the partners gets very possessive about the other. Such obsessions create problems. So, it’s best to give each other some space and time.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen so and a blame game starts when the partner or relationship goes under a bad phase. That creates a dent in the relationship, which though can be repaired, but at times it’s not easy.
I’d be happy if readers benefit from this post. Thank you for your suggestions and thoughts. Do enjoy your weekend!
Thank you sir. After writing the comment I too thought I had mixed too much of agriculture into the copy but then again left it as it is since it came as a first response. 🙂
I will. Thank you again sir 🙂
Hi Vinay,
This is a wonderful post for all to read and re-read. In the modern times when partners fail to understand the needs and emotions of each other, your tips could prove to be lighthouses for them.
Most importantly standing by each other during bad times defines the relationship truly.
Thank you for sharing all the tips, which strengthen a relationship. Patience and compassion surely play a significant role. Stay blessed and have a nice weekend.
Hi Balroop,
You’re right that understanding is the key to many relationship problems – understanding yourself and your partner.
I guess we all appreciate those who stands by with us in our bad times, and that’s the way to get direct admission into the heart of the other person. If the partner doesn’t do that, it’s too bad.
Yes, relationship building takes time and that is the reason you need to have patience.
I’m glad that you like the post and thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts. You too have a great weekend!
Hello Vinay,
These are all great ways to create a loving relationship. On top of doing these things, my husband and I like to get away for the weekend to reconnect. That’s kept us in sync. 🙂
Thank you for sharing these suggestions.
Hi Corina,
Glad you like these ways of making a relationship more loving.
It’s so important to keep connected and you find the right way to do so. That keeps you synced, the love flowing, and be in each other’s mind and thought always!
Thanks for commenting and sharing your experiences.