
9 Things You Should Do For a Happy Relationship

Table of Contents The Science Behind a Happy Relationship9 Tips for a Happy Relationship1. Interact positively2. Be good…
A couple in happy relationship

Are you happy in the relationship with your partner or spouse? Do you still feel as close and comfortable with your partner as you did in your earlier days?

It’s a fact that any relationship undergoes various phases and has its shares of ups and downs. Nevertheless, you can make it a happy relationship by making some efforts.

I’ve written earlier about how to create healthy relationships. Basically, there’s one magic potion that works for all kinds of relationships.

Want to know what is that magic?

Whether its friendship, romantic, or marital relationship, they all need LUCK to make them work. Of course it’s not luck as in luck. 🙂

LUCK is love, understanding, care, and kindness!

If you want to know more about LUCK then read my post Do You Have the LUCK Factor in Your Life.

However, to make your relationship happy, you need to know the elements of a happy relationship.

People at Happify did a research and came out with their findings in the form of an infographic.

They beautifully depicted what makes a relationship happy and what are the causes of unhappiness in it.

Keep thinking while you carefully observe the infographic, and then read my analysis. 🙂

“If you want to have a happy relationship, don’t try to change the other person. Accept your differences.” ~ Unknown


The Science Behind a Happy Relationship

Infographic about happy relationship tips


9 Tips for a Happy Relationship

Now, what do you think is necessary to be happy in a relationship?

I’m sure you’ve understood everything. All you need to do now is to start implementing the suggestions.

You know the ingredients of a happy relationship and now you can create the magic potion yourself to enjoy your relationship with your partner.

However, I’m going to list out all the elements of a happy relationship from this infographic, which will help define in practical ways what a happy relationship is all about.

Remember these are tips to stay happy in a relationship and do everything that is listed below. Are you ready?

DO READ: What Makes a Healthy Relationship Work

1. Interact positively

Positive interaction is a must for a healthy and peaceful relationship. It’s no brainer to conclude that positive interaction brings happiness and negative relationships cause unhappiness.

What you can do

This infographic suggests good ways to interact positively. Additionally, try these three simple things:


Compliment, Appreciate, and Greet your partner often. Now, isn’t that a good way to begin your relationship on a positive note?

2. Be good friends

Become good friends with your partner and ensure your friendship is of quality.

Love is not enough and romance is not sufficient to bring happiness in your relationship if you and your partner are not friends.

What you can do

Simple. Just be with your partner as you are with your friends. Be casual, be free, and be open. Remember to do these three things in your relationship:

Accept your differences, respect your partner for what and how he or she is, and have fun!

3. Communicate with your partner

I’m sure you agree that good communication is the back bone of any relationship.

Keep talking no matter what. Communication acts as a bridge to connect you to your partner.

What you can do

Of course, you need to talk. Besides that – try to do these three things to build and maintain a good rapport.

Listen to your partner, share your problems, and even use the non-verbal forms of communication like hugs and kisses! How often do you do that?

4. Create personal bonds

It takes more than love for personal bonding. You need to express your love and show that you really care.

What you can do

As depicted in the infographic, sex is one aspect of keeping a relationship lively and personal. Other than that, try these three things to create a happy relationship.

Get more intimate and show your love, do the things that your partner likes, and go for outings and other recreational stuff that helps you both bond better.

5. Share experiences

Sharing experiences helps develop trust that is so crucial in a happy relationship.

You feel more close, connected, and comfortable with your partner. Of course, this also helps in enhancing your personal bonding.

What you can do

It’s reliving experiences with your partner or even revealing your secrets in these three ways:

Share your personal life experiences, your account of social experiences with your friends, and your professional experiences with colleagues – with your partner.

6. Complete each other

You and your partner should not only be complementing one another, but also completing each other.

Consider your partner as a part of you, your other half, or as they say ‘better half’. Do for your partner what you would want them to do for you or what you would do for yourself.

What you can do

When you are with your partner, you look for companionship and solidarity. You want unasked help to help you improve, grow, and excel.

Do these three things to complete your partner:

Motivate your partner to help him or her give their best. Be a positive critic to improve on aspects of progress, and give unconditional support for everything your partner does. 🙂

7. Enjoy happy moments

Who doesn’t like happy moments in life? These are more than essential to have a happy relationship. Such moments are filled with acts and experiences of sharing, caring, and loving.

What you can do

Just being together is good enough to share and enjoy happy moments in life. However, it will help if you and your partner together indulge in these three things:

Share jokes, funny incidents, and laugh together often. Celebrate events that matter to your partner, and dine or visit places together to cherish your togetherness.

8. Understand each other

No relationship works without mutual understanding.

Know the ways and habits of your partner and understand him or her inside out, to have a happy relationship.

What you can do

Try to understand your partner as much as you can. Do these three things:

Find out the likes and dislikes of your partner and that will help you take better care. Use your empathy to delve deep into your partner’s heart, and try to understand the values and life philosophy of your partner.

9. Fight right

Every couple fights, and every relationship has disputes, so there’s neither anything new or wrong in that. But what matters is how you handle it the right way.

What you can do

Keep in mind that your love is greater than your disputes and differences.

The wrinkles in a relationship can be ironed out, but if things burn, then you cannot carry on.

So, don’t let your fights make you enemies by doing these three things:

Always be reasonable with your disagreements. Never cross limits to intentionally hurt your partner, and always compromise as your fight should not be about winning a battle!

MUST READ: Rekindle Love in Marriage in 10 Practical Ways

Do implement these tips for a happy relationship to develop love, even if your relationship was not based on love.

To love your partner, you need to be happy with yourself. If you and your partner are happy with your own selves, then your relationship will be filled with happiness.

You’re then going to be kind, honest, and loyal. But remember that you always need to work on your relationship to make it better.

Spend as much time together as possible, and if you can’t, then spend quality time together.

I know how it is with working couples. Vinay and I too experience the same problems at times in our relationship.

However, you’ve to somehow take out time for your partner from your business and busyness of life, to work on the relationship and save your marriage as well! 🙂

I hope you enjoyed the infographic and the happy relationship tips as well. I’m sure you have more tips to share and add to this list.

Also do read some other articles on the web here and here if you want to know more to bring happiness into your life.

RELATED READ: How to Find Happiness in a Marriage

Share Your Thoughts: 

What do you do for a happy relationship? What are your tips to be happy in a relationship? Share in the comments.

Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos

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  1. Hi,

    Excellent post! It is very helpful to show statistical support to engage individuals like me who love research. I found the article to be extremely helpful and full of insightful information. Thanks.

  2. This is an encyclopedia for making marriage life more than better. I think most of the couples are using these tactics and I am one of those happy couple.

    But I can say that one who is feeling bitterness, must read this post in their spare time to avoid any major fraction between the two.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful and life related post dear.

    Mohinder Paul Verma
    BloggingFunda – A Community of Bloggers

  3. Hi Harleena,

    Very nice article as always.Liked it very much. The insights are very Good the explanation about a happy relationship are very good.I really enjoyed your tip on batter riletionship.

    Thanks to share this post with us:)

    Varsha Singh

  4. I especially liked the part about being good friends. My wife is my best friend and the one if I am going to do something I think of doing it with. It makes a tremendous difference in our relationship. We both have healthy friendships with other people but she is my best friend.

  5. Hi Harleena,

    Haha, loved the infographic so much. All the suggestions you given are really helpful. I think the following are a must for all:

    Exploring new places together is very important to spend some valuable time. It refreshes mind so effectively everyone things it like a new beginning.

    Another most important thing as I think is dispute as you juts explained. Only happy and normal life would become dull. Some trends are really necessary to become active on a relationship. A dispute in relationship can get back the lost passion.

  6. This is a wonderful post! I truely believe this tips would help make us all happier. And I read some things on here that I do need to work on. I’m going to talk about it with my husband too. Thank you for sharing this!

  7. Hi Harleena,

    First of all thanks for writing this wonderful blogs.
    Yes i do believe communication is the key for successful marriage.
    Infact expressing your thoughts is important for couple to establish trust and confidence.

    Keep writing
    Kapil Suri

  8. Hi, very informative and interesting way of showing how to have a happy relationship. Sometimes, being married for so long makes us forget the key factors we need to still enhance our relationship. Thanks for sharing these tips, serves as a great reminder too.

  9. Hi Harleena,

    One of the things I love about your site is how diverse the topics are. Blog tips one day, relationship advice the next. 🙂

    #3 (communication) is the big you mentioned (in my opinion). It’s often the thing couples find to be most difficult, and it’s the thing most every HAPPY couple does very well.

    I’m blessed. My wife and I communicate very well. She’s my best friend.

    Great work, Harleena. I’ll Tweet this shortly…

    – Kevin

  10. Love reading your posts and learn something every time. It’s helping me to find answers and comfort.

    trust is something I’m struggling with and never had to before. I’ve learned now that lack of trust depletes my self confidence and makes me weak. I trust myself and my intentions are honorable in my new relationship. Yet I’m challenged by situations that cause me to questin my partner’s intent.

  11. Good ones! I really enjoyed looking at this inphographic instead of havig to go through a long article.

  12. This post was pretty interesting, Harleena! I think it needs to be shared, many couples have forgotten it’s an effort of two, not only of the partner.

  13. Great infographic about Happy relationship.. I will follow every step you wrote in this post after 10 years.. 😛

  14. All topics or points discussed are true, even if you do not share the same opinion mutual respect for your spouse is a key factor when in a committed relationship.

  15. Hello Harleena Ma’am
    The points that you have stated are really true, the analytic is really impressive, this post is really helpful in building up happy relationship.
    Thanks for the awesome post!

  16. Great infographic! Love seeing all that research in one easily accessable place.
    I’ve often wondered – ever since reading about the fact that having a child statictically decreases the happpiness of couples – if there’s anything a couple can reliably do to not fall into this category. Surely some people must have found a way – but I’ve yet to read any meaningful studies.
    I think one of the core principles that governs our happiness in relationships is taking responsibility for ourselves. We can’t always cheer up our partners and we won’t always make them happy, but we can stay positive and open!

    Regard Unaiza ,

  17. I can honestly say my current relationship employees all 9 behaviors listed above and I could not be happier.

  18. Harleena Ji its my first comment over Your Blog. I am very excited about it…

    I am Newly married and I am very newbie in this relation so blogs like urs really helpful for me. I always wanted to keep my wife happy to make Our relation stronger.

    I hope your tips will be helpful to me.

  19. Hi Harleena,

    Glad to discover your blog. Loads of good posts… I am trying to learn from such blogs.

    For happy relationships, I believe first we have to envision what a happy relationship means to us.. i.e. use our imagination and create it mentally. Second we have many invisible scripts which are responsible for the mess in our lives. We need to identify and address them.

    Third, enroll the partner in the possibility of a happy relationship. Can’t clap with one hand. And then start will small things first, where you give the other person selflessly. Will be hard initially, but eventually will bring great results. My 2c.

  20. I would say that I’m in a solid relationship although, there’s always room for improvement.I think basic nature of relationship in every type of relation is same if you accept your partner with all his pluses and minuses you will never complain of anything living together

  21. Harleena: I am consistently amazed at the quality of the posts, but MORE that you make time to individually answer the people who comment. I love reading blogs but usually never expect anything from a comment, except to air it. Sometimes it feels better just letting feelings take flight after being inspired by something a person took the time to write out… but it means a lot more knowing that the poster reads the comments. Even SOME of them. Some blogs get thousands and there’s no way anyone has that kind of time to read every single one, but really… you do such a great job here, and I’m so glad to read yet another wonderful post from you. You’re one of my favorite bloggers for sure.

  22. Hello Harleena
    Very nice and lovely post on happy relationship.
    After reading the 9 things you mentioned above that one should do to ensure a happy relationship.Thank you so much for this article. I always find studies on relationships very interesting. I would say that I’m in a solid relationship — although, there’s always room for improvement.I think basic nature of relationship in every type of relation is same if you accept your partner with all his pluses and minuses you will never complain of anything living together

  23. Great infographic! Love seeing all that research in one easily accessable place.

    I’ve often wondered – ever since reading about the fact that having a child statictically decreases the happpiness of couples – if there’s anything a couple can reliably do to not fall into this category. Surely some people must have found a way – but I’ve yet to read any meaningful studies.

    I think one of the core principles that governs our happiness in relationships is taking responsibility for ourselves. We can’t always cheer up our partners and we won’t always make them happy, but we can stay positive and open!

  24. Hey Hareena, wonderful post. I would like to add one more tip to your wonderful list and that is giving space to each other. I guess giving space is very very important to maintain happy relationship. What say ?

  25. Really Nice ! These are really wonderful & Amazing Tips to be happy in Relationship ! I must say Relationship is power of life but people couldn’t handle relationship in life ! Which makes life more hell ! I go to this post to be Happy in relationship ! I will must follow all the dates of our relationship Those are important & will must take care of my Partner in relationship.

  26. It is amazingly “WOW”.
    I never thought such Even I am still single 🙁
    but I appreciate your contents.
    keep writing.:)

  27. Your post is really great to build a happy relationship but if both persons are meet with each other requirements then their relationship is best relationship in world. You really done a great job, keep it up.

  28. Hi,

    This is indeed a great find, if all those who read this article apply it, there will be more happy couples than ever before.

    In short, the desire to maintain a happy relationship should start from within. If one is not concerned, then it is bound to fail.

    Love is often a mystery, you never know how it will turn up, but taking precautions are something we can do at best. incredible post.

  29. Hey Harleena,
    Good solution for happy relationship with the life partner. But the better thing is, I am not married nor I have any girlfriend. So, I am relieved of all the headaches of bond with the better half.

  30. Hi Harleena,
    This is Great It is so easy to ignore a good relationship. When everything is going well you move your focus to business or school or other areas of life. Yet a good relationship continues to need nurturing to grow and stay balanced.
    All of your points are important, and I like the “exercises” that you provide to encourage implementation.
    Awesome And Wonderfull post!

  31. All the things are nicely explained especially the point in which you mentioned about the creation of bond and sharing things are the ones that one often lags in today’s generation. They create a short time bond and soon after they would be like that relation does not mean to them anything.

  32. These are just amazing things that you have told in the above post. But one thing that often happen with us is despite of having all these things in mind we get into trouble of getting some loose points in one’s relationship. Like one does not everytime get time to communicate properly and like if its long distance then this problem emerges too much. So can you please suggest us something for that?

  33. Thank you very much Madam for this beautiful post. All the points are awesome.

    It’s so simple to get lost in your partner’s world when you are deeply in love with the person. You can occasionally lose who you’re and adapt your life around your partner. It is extremely important to keep parts of your lives different. Even when you spend most of the time together, spend a minimum of one day with your pals or your other family members. Do an action that you love doing alone. Loving yourself despite being in a loving relationship can be one among the best gifts you can give to your relationship.

  34. Nice tips surely i think they will work for me , as it’s easy to build relationship than to maintain

  35. hey Harleena,
    very nice sharing.I love all the points given by you. Now a day stress is also factor affecting the relationships. By reading your blog any one can make the changes in his/her life.
    Thanks for such nice post.

  36. Hi Harleena,

    I must say that all you have mentioned above will lead to a happy marriage!

    I was married twice before my marriage with David. I do believe that to have a happy marriage, I had to take a good look at myself and understand my needs.

    I realized that the previous marriages were not made on a good foundation. I didn’t know “me” and that was the problem.

    Now, as I write, it has been 24 years with David and it is a happy marriage. We support one another with every “triumph” we make. The small stuff to the big stuff!

    Arguments, well the do pop up, but because we just hate it if we hurt one another, they are usually settled quickly. We are pretty quiet and will argue a point quietly. We never put in the “blame game” nor do we put one another down at all. We stick to the point until it is resolved.

    I think that having a good sense of humor is important too in a marriage. We laugh together every day. And you know that saying “Laughter is the best medicine!”

    These points you have shared above will lead to a happy marriage!


  37. Harleena, great write. For me the most important thing in relationship is love, tolerance and ability to say sorry.

    Being able to say sorry is a powerful tool to ensuring relationship last for a longtime

  38. Hiee,

    Nice Inforgraphic, I agree with your tips to keep relationship healthy.
    If both partner are fighting then they should make sure that their fight don’t last longer.

    After the fight they must take the magical medicine called as ‘SORRY’. It will make the things easier and smooth.

    Just don’t let the ego come in your relationship and enjoy your life with your partner.

    Thanks for sharing this tips.
    Happy Independence Day! 🙂

    >SK Lohar

  39. Hi Harleena,

    Nowadays, one out of two marriages end up in divorce. It’s very hard to maintain a happy relationship in this day and age. Friendship, like you said, is one of the greatest way to keep a happy relationship.

    It’s always good to be “friends” first because if there is no friendship then it’s hard to keep the communication going. If a couple fight, they can at least communicate like friends and discuss things out in the bedroom and still remain friends.

    And that’s why I think couple should abstain from sex while they are dating until they develop this friendship and communication. Most of our problems cannot be solved in the bedroom but by understanding one another, and that only can be done through communication.

    Anyway girlfriend, enjoy the rest of the week!


    1. Hi Angela,

      That’s true, and the saddest part of it all. I’m always amazed at the stats of the divorce rates, especially in the U.S., though it’s catching up all over now.

      You have to be good friends with your partner before you proceed into any further relationship, or else how do you both connect? Communication IS the key to a happy relationship too, so that you can express yourself and talk out, whether you share your joys or sorrows – talking always helps I feel. That’s why I mentioned the last point as fighting right, so that your conflicts too can be handled in a decent manner 🙂

      I agree with you there, though I wonder how many can really do that…lol…seems to the first thing that comes to their minds, at least in the case of some couples!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Have a nice week ahead as well 🙂

      1. Nowadays, the world is liberated. The word “FREE” for all is really not free but you pay for the consequences. The world has gone out to follow their ways and turn their back from God. Become more selfish and lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God. God hasn’t change. And I believe if there is a God in a couple’s relationship, it is much stronger.

        “Three cords are better than two.” Notice that when a rope is only in two cords wrapped together, the rope is NOT strong. It is loose and can fall easily. However a rope that is in “three cords” can HOLD much, much STRONGER and much, much LONGER.

        I think the key to relationship is having God in their life and believing the same thing. If the couple is bond in unequally yoke such as, one is a believer and the other is an atheist, the relationship or marriage will not last. Others (mostly the believer) continues believing while the other is an atheist, in God’s help…IN TIME that marriage *might* work only if ONE is faithful to God. Positive thinking alone in marriage doesn’t work. I know I’ve tried it and it didn’t work. There has to be some “spiritual” connection there somehow to make it work, to make it LAST.

        I don’t believe in having 50-50 in a relationship. I believe giving yourself 100% and so as vice versa. If that’s the case then relationship tend to SURVIVE better.


  40. Hi Harleena,

    Great Post and so much needed nowadays!!

    A happy relationship happens because two people who love each other enough are willing to invest time and energy into building a happy relationship. I so appreciate that you said a happy life happens by making some efforts. I get disgusted by those spouses who take their partners for granted and think that they have to accept whatever they do and whatever comes out of their mouth. No, happy relationships need work from day 1 on wards, it is a journey that both partners have to work hard to keep it healthy, if they want to be happy in it.

    I liked all your 9 suggestions and it is a great guide to follow. Learning how to be happy in a relationship can be difficult and we need reminders from time to time.

    Thanks Harleena for sharing a great topic with us and the infographic is awesome and has lots of lessons embedded. Have a great week ahead.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hi Neamat,

      Absolutely! I felt the same way and thought of writing on it as soon as I saw this infographic 🙂

      Yes indeed, the key to a happy relationship IS the effort both partners put into making things work because they want to make it work.

      I think with time, especially when the couples have been living with each other for long, they tend to take each other for granted, though I wish this wasn’t the case.

      I know it’s not easy to bring happiness in our relationships because you have two different people who are in it together, but unless you make the effort, it doesn’t really work. I hope these ways help in some ways.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Hope you have a lovely get-away break or vacation too, and see you once you are back now. 🙂

  41. Hi Harleena,

    Though I don’t have experience of any relationship like this but still I need to learn for future.

    Personally I think in a relationship friendship is necessary. If both the persons are friend then there will not be much difficulty to manage.

    Misunderstandings happen in every relationships, some may lead to divorce. People need to have patience and try to know every aspect carefully.

    Money is also an important factor. Many couples have fights due to lack of money.

    These kind of posts may help me for my future.

    Have a nice weekend.:)


    1. Hi Ravi,

      Absolutely! I think if you keep reading such articles, wherever you find them, you’d be so well prepared for your relationships in the future 🙂

      You need to be friends with your partner, no matter the kind of relationship you are into. It makes sense to form your relationship based on friendship initially, and then take it to the next level.

      Yes, misunderstandings are a part of every relationship and we need to deal with them and not let it go beyond limits or reach to the level of breakups or divorce. With time, understanding, and patience, you can overcome most conflicts in a relationship.

      Very true, money is important, at least the amount for living and if there is lack of it, it can surely cause a lot of problems in relationships. I hope these ways can help couples to achieve happiness in their relationship.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice week ahead as well 🙂

  42. Hi Harlenna,

    The infographic is really nice and simple. I can’t agree more about the 9 things especially the last one. Every relationship has conflict and fight, this is something I don’t think we can avoid. But it doesn’t mean it should break our relationships. It’s always about how you handle it with thoughtful actions instead of passively reacting to it.

    I always think couples who are in a fight should remind themselves what was the trait they were attracted to each other at the very beginning of their relationship. Is it really worth to sacrifice that thing to just let your emotion explore?

    1. Hi Anthony – good to have you back after long 🙂

      Yes it is and that’s what I liked about it as it conveyed so much in so little. That’s true, conflicts and misunderstandings are a part of life, something that we all have to accept. However, we need to make sure to handle the situation in the right way and make amends, isn’t it?

      I like your point and by doing that they’d be reminded of the good times they had, and perhaps going back in time would help them make up faster. Couples need to find ways to bond better through ways that suit them best, not distance themselves from each other, and I hope each one can learn something about being happy in their relationship from these tips.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  43. Hi Harleena!!

    I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve dropped by your blog! I’ve definitely had you on my mind though!! I’ve been busy running a live course and that’s taken up tons of my time. I’ve also dropped down to part-time at work, and I used to read blogs on my break times — now I have to select a different time. 🙂

    Thank you so much for this article. I always find studies on relationships very interesting. I would say that I’m in a solid relationship — although, there’s always room for improvement.

    What has been key has been being able to compromise, planning activities together, and spending time together without technology (t.v., phone, etc.).

    We of course have our down moments like any relationship, and I’d like to figure out tools or skills I can use so that we can limit those or better deal with each other in those situations.

    Thanks for this article! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Hi Jennifer,

      No worries at all because I feel the same way about yours and was somehow under the assumption that you were on vacation. How did I think that I wonder! Or perhaps so many of my blogging friends are taking it off for a few weeks now so I thought must be the case with you too. 🙂

      Live course! That sounds interesting and it must be keeping you so busy as well. Yes, I can understand how overwhelming it must be for you.

      I agree with you there, because the scope for improvement is there is all kinds of relationship, provided we are ready to work for it, isn’t it?

      Yes indeed, spending time together is the key factor in happy relationships as you are doing things together and that strengthens your bond. I guess down times are there in all relationships and you need a little spice off and on too, though you shouldn’t let it get overboard 😉

      Thanks for stopping by, and have a nice day as well 🙂

  44. Hi Harleena,

    Once again you have come up with an informative article:)

    All these 9 tips that you have listed above sounds like very helpful. Really it will help a lot of people to make their relation healthy and happy. Surely will execute all these tips in my own relation to make it happy and healthy.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Keep posting.

    1. Hi Smith – good to see you after long!

      Glad you liked the post and infographic 🙂

      Yes indeed, I hope it helps everyone to make their relationships happy ones, which I am sure it will once they implement these things that surely aren’t all that tough, isn’t it?

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  45. Hi Harleena, Great infographic and article! I agree with all of the points in the infographic, even though they don’t necessarily reflect my marriage.

    I think the key to a happy marriage is to try to lift up your partner. The rest of the world will try to tear you down so it’s important to support each other so your marriage is a haven from the craziness of the world. Try to understand what is going on in your partner’s life so that you realize that disappointments aren’t always within their control.

    I also like the laughing part of your article. Humor can save many situations from becoming volatile.

    Thanks for sharing this, Harleena. Many people will benefit from the secrets of success here!

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      Glad you liked the infographic and post 🙂

      You are so right in saying that and that should be the purpose of a marriage too. Be supportive and much in love. Lift and inspire each other when times are rough and be there in joy and sorrow. Oh yes…the rest of the world can create havoc but as long as both of you are together, standing with each other, no one can move your relationship. If one partner falters, it affects the marriage for sure.

      Very true…life is SO short, so why shouldn’t we make humor part of our lives. Just as Lorraine mentioned above, her Mom takes this route while fighting and I think it’s so much better to laugh things away or take them lightly. It helps to get over the relationship problems faster than usual too.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your words of wisdom with us. 🙂

  46. Hi Harleena,

    After reading the 9 things mentioned above that one should do to ensure a happy relationship, I have been battling to add at least one more to the 9 to make them 10, but the 10th one is not forth coming, signifying that you got everything covered for anyone to keep or maintain a happy relationship.

    Having a happy relationship with a partner can be liked to a wick or thread and the oil wax that keeps the candle light glowing graciously.

    1. Hi Edwin,

      Lol…that’s a good one 🙂

      I am glad you couldn’t find the 10th point to add to this list, though I am sure you can if you try, just as a few commenters mentioned earlier. However, it makes me happy to know that this post in a way was complete and covered the main points at least.

      I like your example of the candle light, very similar to what we need to make a happy relationship work too.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂

  47. I’m not in a relationship right now, and haven’t been in one for a long time. Being a single mom leaves little room for dating, and health ailments prevent me from getting out as much as I’d like to in order to meet someone special. However, my parents have a great relationship, and just celebrated their 45th anniversary last month. After reading the infographic, I must say that their fighting style is the one on the left – where humour is used. 🙂

    Oh, and my mom always jokes that her secret is because she doesn’t have a gun. 😉

    She’s hilarious!

    1. Hi Lorraine,

      Well, in many ways you are lucky being single I would say 😉

      But yes, being a single parent isn’t easy, and as you mention health ailments (I didn’t know of those!), it can get tough. However, I’m sure you can meet people online. In fact I know of online friendships turning to relationships and finally into marriages, so it does work at times. Of course, you’d have to meet before going ahead with things, at least a few times.

      45 years – wow! Had my Mom been around, my parents would be nearing the same number of married years. Lol…I’d love to see a humorous fighting style, and perhaps your Mom is the one who takes the fights lightly (in a joking manner), so the atmosphere is a light one. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂

  48. Hello madam,

    Wonderful infographic i must say. I love infographics though I think it must be a difficult one to create.

    I wonder how to choose from a plethora of designs that you might think will appeal to the readers and that might be a cause for them being too popular.This is a real scenario that parks in the relationship of every couple and it must be taken care of. I frankly have no great idea on this as I am single (though I had been in a relationship for a short span 🙁 ) and still understand that caring and mutual respect is a must.

    You gotta respect her for the efforts she puts to fit to your needs and she also should try to be amicable. Helping your spouse in the household is a big NO No in India especially rural India (No offense to anyone) but that’s where we should correct helping her a bit should be never a big deal (that’s a place to come closer for the two). I think being friends is the best thing to be done. You got to take care of each other and fight all odds in life. I really was taken aback (LOL 🙂 ) on reading the subheading FIGHT FIGHT later to realize it was Fight RIGHT. Silly me.

    1. Hi Swadhin,

      Glad you liked the infographic post 🙂

      Well, you have sites and software where creating infographic is easy, though I haven’t tried to create one myself as yet. Yes, with so many designs and choices, it must be very tough but not impossible. I know of Tribemates who have blogs that just create infographics and they are getting better with it by the day. It’s mainly a visual representation of things that are put in an appealing way – mainly in points making it easy to read, the same that you would elaborate on your blog.

      I am sure you’d be to talk about this topic better when you are into a relationship, though you were for a short span and that taught you a great deal already. Yes, respect has to be mutual in a relationship.

      Good point raised about helping your spouse, especially the wife or women, something that the men folks in India will think a 100 times before doing. However, I am glad things are changing now where both partners are working, and if the men don’t help in the household chores, how can a women do it all alone?

      Being friends with each other is essential because you are going to be living with each other for years, at least that’s what we hope for. Lol…yes, fight it the right way, in a decent and civilized way is what I meant. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  49. Hello ma’am,
    I think its very to the point what you have suggested
    A better communication is one of the success keys of a relationship.
    Communication gap may harm the relationship like anytthing

    1. Welcome to my blog Padmini!

      Glad you liked the post and could relate to it 🙂

      Yes, without communication I don’t think any relationship can move forward nor carry on for that matter. If you don’t talk, how can you relate or understand the other person? Couples who face communication problems are known to just exist under the same roof, they don’t really have a happy relationship.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      BTW – Do use a gravatar so that we know who we are talking to when you comment – just a friendly suggestion 🙂

  50. Hi Harleena,
    In my relationship, I try to always think of love as a verb. I believe that you have to actively show love, and make a choice to do it everyday…a bit like what you mentioned about showing kindness and being caring etc. Also I believe it’s very important to fight productively. By that I mean, let your fights grow you as a couple (learn from them) and always forgive each other completely after and move on.
    Thanks for the great article!

    1. Welcome to my blog Chantalle – good to have you over! 🙂

      I agree with you there, and it’s like – if you love someone, show it! You need to do that because it’s not necessary that your partner understands what you feel or vice versa. Your actions at times speak louder than your words. Sometimes words can fall short and unless you express yourself, it can become tough.

      Absolutely! Fights should help you learn more about each other, what your partner likes, dislikes, and what you can do to better yourself to reduce the misunderstandings too. Forgiving is essential or else you really cannot move on in your relationship. I see many couples who are stuck with their massive egos and just won’t start the talks, or they wait for their partner to take the initiative.

      Life is SO short to keep running around such petty issues, isn’t it? We need to rise above all of such things and just love, nothing else works.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences 🙂

  51. My first impression at your home page was WOW. This must be a popular site – look at all those articles and every one with a large number of comments.

    As for this article in particular I do have to agree whole heartedly. As someone who is on their 3rd marriage (divorced once, widowed once) and this time very happy (11 years living together and 5 years married) I can empathise with many of the points you make especially about staying close and being forever in love.

    One point I might disagree with though is that it is not luck, it is down to work by both partners and mutual respect to keep it all together. Sex can be important but I don’t see it as a vital force in happiness and togetherness.

    Thank you though for a wonderful and thought provoking article.


    Steven Lucas

    1. Welcome to my blog Steven! 🙂

      Thank you for your kind words of appreciation. Yes, it’s the reader’s of my blog who are awesome and thanks to them for all the wonderful comments this blog receives 🙂

      Glad you liked the post and could relate to it so well, and coming from someone who’s been on this path for long, it means a lot. Nothing to beat being with each other, and in love, isn’t it? If these basics are missing from your relationship, I wonder how you can carry on on be happy in your relationship.

      Ah…the meaning of luck used in this post is not what luck means as in luck. I’d written a post earlier and even specified here, it is LUCK, which means love, understanding, care, and kindness! Being new, you perhaps haven’t read that earlier post, so if you do (as the links given on top), you’d know what I meant. 🙂

      Yes indeed, you need to have respect and understanding between both sides to make a happy relationship. Sex is part and partial, not the start and end of it all as they say, though it would depend from person to person too.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  52. Hi Harleena
    Infographics is also mind blowing. Many of its info is amazing. Living together for a longer period of time in life is not so easy. One has to be so accomodative with one’s partner to make the relationship goes on.

    I think basic nature of relationship in every type of relation is same if you accept your partner with all his pluses and minuses you will never complain of anything living together.

    Your all the nine tips for happy relationship are really great and very practical. I just want to add on more here. To really know how much you love with your partner just live without him for a few days and both of you will miss each other because of the pluses of each other. It will project the positive side of your relationship. 🙂

    Thanks a lot for sharing a wonderful post on quite an interesting topic.

    1. Hi Mi Muba,

      Glad you liked it. I also thought it conveyed a lot, didn’t it? 🙂

      That’s true, and nothing really comes easy in life unless you make efforts to make it work, and the same is with relationships. I think all relationships require deep understanding and you need to make adjustments with each others likes, dislikes, and so much more.

      I wish that could really happen, but partners do have issues with each other, and while some of it is normal, if it goes beyond limits, it can affect the relationship too. Accepting each other as and how each one is – is what really matters as that’s how you give each other space to grow and evolve too.

      I agree with your additional point – distances certainly make the heart grow fonder, though I’ve heard of cases where if the gap is for too long a period of time, it breaks their relationship or each one tends to find someone else to spend their lives with. I guess we all need someone to share our feelings with, but if you really go away for a long time, you might miss out on a lot – so don’t make your trip too long. 😉

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂

  53. Love that you have a same sex photo on this post! And I LOVE that info graphic. I will have to figure out happify and see what they are up to! I like the fight part. I go right to affection and compassion when my hubby and I fight. This keeps us focused on what is important and not get distracted with name criticism or defensiveness! We end up closer after arguments.

    1. Hi Jodi,

      Wonder which photo you are referring to because the featured one on this post isn’t of the same sex. Yes, loved the infographic too, and I am sure you’d love Happify once you visit it 🙂

      Wow! How do you manage to do that because affection and compassion are nowhere close if you are really fighting, but ideally it should be dealt with in a decent manner, keeping all criticism at bay. Yes, the misunderstandings do pave the path to deeper love and understanding, though for some couples, it just seems to take them farther apart, which might be because they don’t really resolve issues, isn’t it?

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts 🙂

  54. Hello Harleena,

    What a lovely post to spice of the weekend and learn some new things 🙂

    Yes, “fighting the right way” also contribute to a stronger relationship. why? because, you’ll understand each other more and know whats good and what’s not to each other.

    Ahhh… the infograph said your relationship gets healthier if you have sex 2 to 3 times a week. my question is, what if you have sex more than 3 times a week? Just asking 🙂

    By the way, lovely infograph…

    Thanks and do have a blessed weekend ahead

    1. Hi Babnature,

      Glad you liked the spicy post 😉

      I agree with your point and the understanding only gets better, though it doesn’t mean you keep fighting either! But yes, be fair when you do, and do it in a decent manner, and don’t forget to make up as soon as you can!

      Lol…good catch there! I guess if you can manage more, all the more better 😉

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Have a nice weekend as well 🙂

  55. How very appropriate! I am in a ‘relationship’ with the love of my life. As long as what I do comes out of a basis of love, we will be fine. His well-being (mental, spiritual, emotional and physical) is more important to me than any want or need that I have, because I know I can deal with my wants and needs, and that my happiness does not depend on anything external to me. I truly enjoy talking with him, eating with him, sitting with him, just BEING with him. We don’t have to plan anything, and I still enjoy watching him sleep, and we have known each other for 31+ years.

    1. Welcome to my blog Lei! 🙂

      Nice to know about your relationship and I wish you every happiness in it as well 🙂

      Very true – anything based on love, and done with love – can never go wrong. Those are lovely words for your loved ones and I am sure he’d be thrilled if he read what you wrote here, it shows your deep love and feelings for him. I can make out how much you love him from your comment, and it’s wonderful to see two people so in love, reminds me of my good old days too.

      I agree, just being with the one you love gives you so much of happiness that you wouldn’t want anything more, isn’t it? Does he have similar feelings for you – just wondering. Wow! 31 years is a long period of time and this period must have just made your bond so much stronger.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  56. One thing I love most in any successful relationship is their ability to understand each other every time, and always. Relationship is a complex institute, it only takes understanding to have a successful one. In any successful relationship, I came to realized that they hardly manipulate their spouse, both of them are the architect of their thought, and that makes life so easy for them to live a life worth livng. I love to be loved one of this day!

    1. Hi Adesanmi,

      That’s true, though I am sure those successful relationships must be having their share of ups and downs too, but due to the deep love and understanding, they overcome the hurdles and tough times, isn’t it? 🙂

      Manipulation can never work, and sooner or later you’d be caught and that would certainly end your relationship. Yes indeed, both the partners should be in a relationship for love and they both have to keep making sincere efforts all the time. I am sure you’d find your love very soon dear friend – keep the faith!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  57. I do all of the above Harleena :). Another thing that keeps s going strong is our faith. We attend church services together when he’s not working :).

    I think your “fight right” point is very important. Those past fights of shouting,name calling and stone throwing have a way of refueling.

    Thanks for sharing the infographic with us. Great stats there! Happy Friday Harleena! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Corina,

      That’s wonderful indeed! I know you must be as I see all the lovely pictures you upload with your better half on Facebook, and you both make such a lovely couple too 🙂

      Love your addition about faith, and we do need to take out time for praying together – they work wonders, don’t they?

      Every relationship goes through ups and downs, and I think we all fight a little off and on, which IS very normal. Perhaps people know what I meant by fighting right, or fighting fair, which is fighting in a nice way 😉

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. Have a nice weekend as well 🙂

  58. All your points are awesome, Harleena.

    You covered them all very well, and i really like the action steps you provided. I would add two more things that lead to a happy relationship, “be forgiving” and “be supportive.” Being forgiving is important because in a long-term relationship there are going to be big mistakes (not talking about adultery/cheating) that rock you to the core. I know in my marriage this has certainly occurred from time to time, and you look at this person and think “Did you really do/say THAT?” Forgiveness is key. The other, being supportive, is also important. Not just in every day things, but there are times when you may disagree with your partner/spouse’s actions, goals, etc. but it’s not for me to judge. My role is to be encouraging and keep my opinion out of the picture unless I’m asked.

    1. Hi Sheryl,

      Nice to hear that, especially from a relationship expert herself 🙂

      Totally agree with your two additional points, which are important ones. I think I covered the supportive one in #6, while forgiveness is so important too. Unless you can forgive and forget, you cannot carry on with your relationship. And don’t we ALL have differences in our relationships! I guess we’d just be stuck if we didn’t let go of bygones and move ahead – good addition indeed.

      Being partners, the least one can do is support each other, even if we know our partner isn’t right at times, at least in-front of others. Yes, we are no one to judge and if we disagree on certain things, they can always be discussed behind the scenes in a loving manner, isn’t it?

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insightful comment with us 🙂

  59. Hi Harleena,
    It is so easy to ignore a good relationship. When everything is going well you move your focus to business or school or other areas of life. Yet a good relationship continues to need nurturing to grow and stay balanced.

    All of your points are important, and I like the “exercises” that you provide to encourage implementation.

    Beautiful post!

    1. Welcome to my blog Neena!

      Absolutely! I think if your relationship is going smooth or all is placed well, you start taking it for granted, or you let lose and feel why focus on what’s working right.

      We start focusing on the daily life issues or get involved in doing things that perhaps need more attention, forgetting to nurture our relationships, just as you mentioned. That’s where we go wrong, and I have been guilty of this at times too, especially when one gets busy with things. But you NEED to take out quality time to spend with your partner and keep your relationship working ALL the time.

      Glad you liked the post and the little points as well. I wish we can all make our relationships happier ones.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. 🙂

  60. Haha, Harleena this is great!

    I have my partner sitting right next to me right now and we got to go through all the points. But, I asked her to come over to see it. Why? Because I’m confident about our relationship, and I like to see her face light up when she sees that the things we do and what make us happy, are also on an infographic here on aha-now!

    This was fun. Thanks Harleena,


    1. Welcome to my blog Ken – good to see you here 🙂

      That’s lovely indeed, and I hope she agreed with all that was written, you too of course! It’s great to know that both of you are doing so well in your relationship, and all that’s mentioned in this infographic is already a part of your relationship. Awesome I would say.

      I wish you the best for your future and hope you and partner always remain content and happy 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us 🙂

  61. Hi Harleena,

    This is a topic I really enjoy, and I have a lot to learn. I’m very happy in the relationship to my wife, and we’ve been together for 23 years (I’m 42 years old). I believe the major reason for our «success» is our focus on communication and sharing happy moments. We talk about everything and try to focus on what makes us happy and what makes us move forward in our relationship.

    Happy Friday Harleena.


    1. Hi Jens,

      Nice to know that you enjoyed this topic, though being married for 23 years, you surely need to teach us, rather than learn from this post! 🙂

      You are very right…communication IS the key. You should keep talking even when you have problems – resolve the problems, even if you have to fight it out (of course fight fair and fight right, as I mentioned!)

      That’s one issue, the problem of ego that sets in when couples have misunderstandings. Who will talk first, who will start the conversation or make the effort to resolve issues, and so much of time is wasted in such petty things. I guess if we drop our egos and just talk out things, it resolves relationship problems for sure.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic, I know they work wonders. Happy weekend as well 🙂

  62. Excellent Post Harleena Mam :).

    This is my first visit on your blog and now I got realize that why you called the queen of blogging 🙂

    Relationships are like an investment. The more you put in, the more you can get back and Communication is the main key factor that contributes to a happy, healthy and successful relationship.

    Most of our communication with one another in any relationship isn’t what we say, but how we say it.

    Thank you for for sharing so great thing to us.

    Minakshi Srivastava

    1. Welcome to my blog Minakshi – good to have you over 🙂

      Ah…thanks for saying that, though I am no queen, just another blogger like you, on my own learning curve, but perhaps with a few years of blogging experience now.

      Very true, they are like investments, though we shouldn’t really take them that ways or we might always keep expecting and not getting anything back. You might just be a giver and not get anything in return, which would be bad for your relationship. I guess both sides need to invest in their relationship to turn it into a happy one, isn’t it?

      Communication IS essential, without which no relationship can really work. If you cannot be open and talk to your partner, I wonder how you can carry on in such a relationship.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views with us, and keep coming. 🙂

  63. Hello Harleena,

    This entry of yours is quite on point and I must appreciate, timely. Everywhere, couples are divorcing and this scenario isn’t the best for their children at all. Such children grow up with resentment and super negative feeling about family life in general and marriage in particular.

    However, in my estimation, a happy relationship (marriage) is the product if getting things right at the onset. If your spouse is your best friend, chances are that you’d talk more with her/him, spend more time together and ultimately have sex more!

    Sadly, many persons come together for vey wrong reasons…and sometimes, such unions become marriages!

    I must appreciate you again, Harleena!


    1. Hi Terungwa,

      Thank you for saying that 🙂

      Totally agree with you, and sad but true, that it’s the children who are affected the most. They grow up with negative feelings about getting married, while some of them take to drugs and other such kind of abuse. With the increase in divorce rates all over, I hope such posts can help couples in some way or the other.

      Friendship in a relationship IS a must, without which you don’t really have a base to carry on. You’d automatically spend more time, wanting to be with your best friend, and the rest obviously follows up 😉

      I guess it’s the physical attraction that perhaps brings people together, and though it might work for some, for the rest, unless the attraction turns to strong love, with time, the relationship doesn’t carry on for long.

      Thanks for sharing your insightful views with us. 🙂

  64. Hi Harleena,

    I like how you have turned the word ‘luck’ into a very meaningful definition of a happy relationship. I agree with all the terms that ‘luck’ contains in itself! Fantastic!! If you ask me for one word that can bring happiness in a relationship, I would say: Kindness because kindness encompasses all that we expect in a relationship. If you have a kind heart, you would never hurt with your words, with your actions, intentionally or even unintentionally. When a relationship starts degenerating, it begins with small, insignificant hurts, which seem to be hardly any issues but slowly they do contribute to change of feelings for each other.

    There is no doubt that understanding is also the major factor because we can complement each other only if we have a discerning eye, if we can read the thoughts of our spouse and if we can pick up the vibes. Relationship is a very vast and open ended topic, we can write a lot about it. Thanks for sharing the info graphic – it is really loaded!
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Hi Balroop,

      Glad you liked that part, and I am happy it struck me at the right time and I was able to talk about my meaning of LUCK, instead of the actual meaning of luck as in luck 🙂

      I love your addition of the word kindness, without which no relationship can ever flourish. Kind words hold so much more depth and meaning, and so do your actions. If you have a kind and giving heart, you are surely going to be happy in your relationship, though I hope your partner is kind enough to see your kindness too, or else sometimes a kind hearted person can go through a lot if the partner isn’t as good.

      That’s true. Small problems in a relationship can start breaking it due to the hurt caused, and if amends aren’t made in time, they can reach to quite an extent. I agree with you about understanding and even love for that matter. If the positive vibes and feelings aren’t there, it won’t work. Oh yes…the topic can carry to endless discussions, isn’t it? And I think each one of us who has been or is in a relationship has so much to share and talk about it.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your words of wisdom with us. Have a nice weekend as well 🙂

  65. Hi Harleena,

    I think I discussed this once in the past. But again, my thoughts are the same. Happy relationships are only possible when we assume 100% responsibility to make it happy.

    As long as we think that the other person must play his/her role to make a relationship work, we keep maintaining accounts and that is when the trouble comes.

    Happy relationships is about making the other person happy without keeping accounts. It is about giving selflessly. When we do that with a high self-esteem, relationships get happier and happier. There is no other way. There is no short cut 🙂

    This a great topic and as usual, you have shared a very resourceful post. By the way, the infographic is awesome!


    1. Hi Kumar,

      I don’t remember exactly, but you might have in one of the earlier relationship posts, as I write on them off and on 🙂

      You are SO right in saying that because we can take full responsibility, at least from our side. What the other person does is a kind of reflection of how we deal with things too. So, if we make full efforts to make our relationship a happy one, it does positively impact our partner too.

      Yes, there should be no tit for tat or account keeping in a relationship, but that also doesn’t mean that the efforts are always made from one person and not the other or that one partner takes the other for granted. Efforts must be made from both sides if we want a happy relationship to really work.

      Be selfless and give your relationship all you have, and I hope our partner also does the same, or else we might land up being just givers all our lives. While it works for some people, I wonder if it would really work for everyone, though if it does, it would make such happy and content couples all the time.

      Thanks for stopping by, and I am glad you liked the post and infographic. Have a nice weekend as well 🙂

  66. As always, a great post Haleena! I love the infographic, it’s very detailed. To ensure a happy relationships, I do my best to have good open communication. I simply cannot deal with the shades of gray. 🙂 Another thing I believe that makes a relationship happy is speaking the truth in love at all times – honesty and integrity. Spending quality time with each other is also another important aspect.

    Life would be a lot easier if one were to follow these guidelines. Thanks for sharing with us! Cheers! 🙂

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Thank you for your kind words. I agree, and I loved the infograhic the moment I saw it too, because of all the details mentioned so well in it.

      No relationship can work well if the channels of communication aren’t open or if the partners aren’t talking, for whatever reasons. You bet – nor me! One lesson my Grandma always gave was to make it a point to make up with your partner before sleeping at night, and I loved that point from her.

      Love your addition of honesty and integrity, which are so important to keep the transparency in a relationship. And without spending time with each other, I wonder how two people can carry on living under the same roof! Yes indeed – a lot much easier for sure.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. 🙂

  67. Great post. I think too often in relationships we are too worried about our own needs, however if both people in the relationship strived meet the other person’s needs, relationships in this world would be a heck of a lot better.

    1. Welcome to my blog Isaac 🙂

      That’s true, and I think if people were more giving and selfless in their relationships, it would make their relationships much happier ones. I hope this infographic sends across a similar message, along with the little tips given in the post.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  68. Nice post Harleena on a happy relationship. I like the tips too and the infographic. I had not heard of the Michaelangelo effect but it makes sense. If you are going to be living with somebody then it makes sense to make an effort.

    1. Hi Shalu,

      Nice to have you back, and I am glad you liked the post as well 🙂

      Absolutely! Nothing works if there is effort just from one side, and our relationships are very much like that – they need working from both partners, all the time. I wish more couples would understand this simple fact.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂

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