Easy Ways To Relieve Stress That You Should Adopt

Table of Contents
What are your ways to relieve stress? Have you ever analysed if they are good or bad?
Believe me – it’s really important to know if the stress relieving ways you adopt really help you or not.
I wrote a post sometime back on the bad ways to reduce stress, which revealed that not all methods to relieve stress are really good.
Many were really amazed to know the extent some people go to, just to lower their stress levels.
Well, there are many good ways to deal with stress too. Some require you to bring personal changes to cope with them.
While there are others like special stress relief techniques that you can use in specific stressful conditions.
In this post, I’m going to tell you about some rather natural ways to cope with stress that you should adopt in your life.
You can use them anywhere, anytime, and need not worry about their after effects. 🙂
“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” ~ Lee Iacocca
Difference Between Good and Bad Ways To Relieve Stress
Getting relief from stress is not the only concern. You need to adopt only those ways to relieve stress that have no harmful impact on you or others.
The stress relieving methods you use should not be:
Addictive – eg. alcoholism
Weird – eg. trichotrichalmania
Harmful – eg. self-hitting
Risky – eg. sex with strangers
Unhealthy – eg. pornography
Expensive – eg. compulsive spending
And so on.
If a stress coping mechanism has any or all of these qualities, you should know that it’s a bad choice.
A good way to relieve stress would always be accessible, easy, and economical. It’ll be healthy, non-addictive, and safe.
While you must be aware of the various good ways of relieving stress like meditation, massage, walking, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga, here are some really different and effortless means to reduce your stress levels.
“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” ~ Steve Maraboli
What Does Stress Do
Before you proceed any further, you need to know exactly what happens during stress.
In my post >> What Stress Signs Do You Have << I’d written about what stress is and what does it do.
Here is a brief recap to gain an understanding about what you should particularly do to relieve stress.
Stress is a physical response that puts you into a “fight-or-flight” mode. During this process your blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, and muscles tighten.
You feel nervous and have bouts of breathlessness. There’s also release of a stress-producing hormone called cortisol.
Mentally and emotionally you experience fatigue, mood swings, and lack of concentration. Your mind also becomes restless and uncontrolled.
Obviously if you wish to seek relief from stress, you need to consider these signs and symptoms, and take appropriate steps to normalize them.
Good and Natural Ways To Relieve Stress
Your first option should always be to adopt natural and unconventional ways to get rid of stress.
They can be those that don’t conform to any rules, standards, expectations, or the ones that you sometimes ignore as useless.
For example, things like sleeping, resting, and having food at regular intervals.
These might be quite normal activities that you don’t pay much attention to, but they’re instrumental in helping you to cope with stress.
Others are exercising, playing games, sex, and living a healthy lifestyle, etcetera. However, you should be careful not to overindulge in these activities or ways as that can affect you adversely too.
I’m listing a few unconventional ways to relieve stress that make use of your body senses and Earth’s nature.
Ways to Use Your Senses as Stress Relievers
You’ve all got five senses – visual (eyes), auditory (ears), olfactory (nose), taste (tongue), and touch (skin).
You also might know that the mind is called the controller or ruler of these senses.
If your mind is not in control, you’d go rampant in the misuse of these senses, and overindulgence in them might be a cause of your stress.
But you can also use the senses as an antidote and use them as stress relievers. If you control your senses, then you would be able to control your mind!
If you cannot change the stressful conditions, you can change your attitude and reaction towards it.
The trick to relieve stress is to take the mind out of the situations that create stress, and engage it in other creative and useful purposes.
Here’s how you do that by using your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. These sense organs not only help you relax and minimize stress, but also indirectly carry-out mindful meditation.
Of course, I’d also like you to jot down your views and add them to this list by mentioning them in the comments!
“Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” ~ Hans Selye
If you’re visually-able, then eyes are the window to your world. Whatever you see – affects you.
Whenever there’s stress or tension, you may feel pain or pressure on your eyes. Even if not, you sure can try to release the existing pressure through your eyes.
An expansive view will make you feel relaxed. How do you feel when you climb atop a hill or visit a hill station and look down and view the scenic beauty?
Don’t you feel relaxed and elated?
Similarly, you can even spend some time looking at the wide open sky during the day, or the colorful and mesmerizing sunset or sunrise at other times.
Try gazing at the clouds that form shapes and move in the sky, and keep witnessing the process. Not only do you feel relaxed, but you’re also able to engage your mind.
If you have ever tired to fix your gaze at a far off placed thing and observed your breathing, you’ll notice that you’re in control – this is also a part of meditation.
My favorite time is when I’m one-to-one with nature during my morning walks. It’s a delight to see the birds chirp, puppies playing alongside, and the awesome sunrise and overall view!
Surround yourself with colorful images that soothe and uplift your spirits. Bring nature in and around your house or office, by placing plants and flowers in pots.
Lastly, leave everything to your imagination – just close your eyes and picture the thing or place that makes you feel peaceful and rejuvenating. It always works!
Hear it and heal yourself – one of the best ways to reduce stress.
Music opens your mind, lets it flow with the rhythm, and helps it escape the stressful conditions.
If you love music, then let it become the reins of your mind, so it can be controlled.
Listen to your favorite piece of music and it will soothe your nerves. It’ll help you release the negative emotions and feel relieved.
I do a lot of that though only when I am not working, or else it distracts me. However, it IS a great stress reliever for sure!
If you haven’t got your own audio or don’t like listening to music, then nature has it for you everywhere you look.
You can find natural music in – the sound of waterfall, wind rustling through the trees, waves crashing on the beach, or birds chirping all around you.
Nature’s music has the most soothing and relaxing impact on your mind. In case you live in a place where you can’t access the sound of nature, then listen to its recorded audio media.
Close your eyes, sit comfortably, or preferably lie down and listen to the music. It will take off your mind from the issues that trouble you and stabilize body’s sympathetic nerve activities.
You can even place decorative indoor pieces inside your house that have a small working fountain or waterfall so you can hear the sound of water falling down.
Also, you can have wind chimes or artifacts with artificial chirping birds built into them.
Not to mention that you can even sing yourself a song, or hum your favorite tune. That’s good music for your ears. 🙂
Did you know that smell has the capability to change your moods? It does to quite an extent!
Haven’t you seen the perfume and deodorant ads on TV and how these impress people?
There are even nostalgic smells that bring up memories of the past. Your olfactory sense is closely associated with the part of the brain that deals with emotions and memories.
In fact, it is said that only smell has the ability to reach the part of the brain called the “emotional brain”.
These smells induce the brain to release hormones and neurochemicals that mitigate stress that changes your mood.
You may’ve heard of aromatherapy or fragrance therapy. These use essential oils and fragrances from flowers and plants that are known to have profound physiological and psychological impact on you.
You can use these oils to massage your body, add it in your bath, or to apply it all over your body.
One good way is to use them is as air fresheners, candles, perfumes, and in soaps laden with perfume.
I’ve not used all of these, other than a few perfumes and deodorants, incense sticks and candles too. How about you?
Aromatic oils can not only relax you but they also improve your skin condition, promote better sleep, and treat common health issues like skin inflammations, indigestion, cold and flu.
Some of the popular scents are lavender, peppermint, chamomile, geranium, ylang ylang, and others.
There is actually a way of eating, such that it makes the eating process enjoyable and relaxing.
The secret is to be mindful while eating. Eat slowly, watch and feel every bite, and savor its taste to the last bite.
It is recommended that you chew a single bite at least 20 times before taking the next one. I’ve somehow tried it, but never managed to chew so many times! Do you do that?
Focus on the feel of the food in your mouth, and you’ll be able to enjoy its taste much better on your tongue. Good food will always bring out the good feelings in you.
Do you remember watching food commercials that show people munching their food with their eyes closed, and they look so immersed in eating and tasting the food that it brings a smile to their faces?
It really does happen. Do you wonder why?
Well, eating is a process where you use all your senses. Eating is an activity that can engage your mind, so that it’s diverted from stressful situations so that you feel happy while eating.
Try chewing a sugar-free gum when in stress – you’ve must’ve seen many sportspersons do that. Instead of helping you to concentrate on the stressful situation, you use it to take your mind away from it.
How can I forget to mention the lingering dark chocolates, herbal teas, and your favorite ice creams and all? They are all great ways to relieve stress, aren’t they?
You’re used to the sensory experience of touch ever since you were born.
As a child too, whenever you’re stressed and tensed, you’re hugged and consoled through touch by your parents, family members, and friend’s.
As an adult you can try massage therapy either from a massage therapist or try self massage.
Touch can even include wrapping yourself in a warm blanket or wearing clothes that feel soft against your skin.
You can even hold a comforting object in your hand such as a stuffed animal, your favorite key ring, or a smooth piece of stone that makes you feel good as you roll your fingers over it.
Such special touch stones and even stress balls are available in the market that you can touch or squeeze to relieve stress.
You know that the touch therapy works well when you hold, pat, or touch the pets, either a cat or a dog. Such pets are also used to provide comfort to people in trauma through touch or even otherwise.
My dog is a great stress reliever for me and my family. He might not know it, but he works like a magic charm in our lives. 🙂
There’s a healing power in touch. People are advised to touch themselves when in stress, or even give someone a hug or a kiss.
You might even find people grooming themselves more than often, because grooming is a touch sensory experience that has de-stressing effects. You didn’t know that, did you?
“Give your stress wings and let it fly away.” ~ Terri Guillemets
All senses are wired through the nerves to your brain. They affect, control, and regulate specific parts of the brain that are associated with awareness, behavior, emotions, memories, and so on.
To relieve stress it is important that you choose a sensory experience that can relax and energize you, and that you enjoy so that it makes you feel good.
Eventually, you need to figure out what works for you and what soothes you.
Whatever you choose to do, you need to make efforts to apply mindfulness to it. If you’re not able to rein in the mind, then your exercise is futile as the mind will still be engaged in stressful conditions.
If you’re able to be completely present in the ‘NOW’ and be non-judgmental as well, then it becomes mindful meditation, no matter what activity you’re engaged in.
Once you know and learn how to effectively use sensory experiences as the way for stress relief, you’ll always be clear-headed and in control, and have the confidence to face the challenges.
So, are you ready to use these ways to relieve stress and lead a happier life? 🙂
“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” ~ George F. Burns
Over to You –
Have you ever used any of these sensory experience to relieve stress? Which are the ways to relieve stress that you’d prefer? Share in the comments below.
Photo Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Disclaimer: We're not offering any medical advice here. These ideas are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always seek a professional medical opinion from a physician of your choosing before making any medical decision. The information provided here is not intended to be a substitute to the advice given by your physician or another healthcare professional.
I love how you’ve explored how we can use our senses to relieve stress, particularly as these so often compliment each other. For example, I find drinking chamomile tea to have a superbly calming effect and all the while it’s cooling down I inhale the wonderful aroma, then sip it slowly once it’s cool enough. It’s a wonderful 5 minute time-out all in itself.
Thank you for this great set of tips Harleena.
Hi Harleena I really enjoyed reading your blog today. It’s full of fabulous practical ideas for dealing with stress. Music is very close to my heart and so when I play my violin I immediately feel happy and relaxed. I couldn’t agree more that animals can help enormously! Whenever i’m feeling overwhelmed my cat instinctively sits with me and the stress just melts away. However the one thing that has helped me the most is tai chi. Tai Chi is an amazing system that can take you from stressed out to stress free! Thanks for a great blog
Very impressive article. I find being around friends and loved to be the best remedy for stress! You can always count on them to crack a smile 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I like the part about those unhealthy ways for de-stress! It is sad to see that some people do turn to those strategies for the short term relief!
Absolutely loving the way that your organise the strategies using the senses. WE are so uniquely different that one form or de-stress may be quite stressful for others. For example, whilst some of my friends vow that gardening is their way of regaining ‘peace of mind’, to me, it is a stressful activity! I rather listen to light music. To some people, however, light music are unbearably boring….
Excellent sharing, Harleena! Thank you!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Hi Viola,
Oh yes…some people DO follow such ways to reduce their stress levels, and I’d written a post earlier too elaborating the bad ways to reduce stress that we need to avoid, just for such people 🙂
I agree with you there, no one way of relieving stress would suit two people as they are both different and would react differently. Gardening would be stressful for me too, and I’d rather lay back and listen to music. It’s just like Reginald mentioned about that he de-stresses when he blogs, while for some that might cause stress if it’s something they have to do and not want to do. That’s indeed a good point!
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Thank you for sharing this. I faces stress … daily; both work and off work. At work = full time work. Off work = blogging.
Let me see, how do I release stress?
1. Be with family <– best remedy EVER!
2. Coffee
3. Some alcohol (light drinking) with friends after hours etc
4. Music (not too loud and my type of genre only)
5. Blogging 🙂
Oh wait … #5 is blogging. Haha! But yes, I feel at piece when I blog, write or type. Guess this makes me pretty weird huh?
*p/s Please don't drink and drive 🙂 <– sorry just got to emphasize this!
Hi Reginald,
You are certainly not alone because we ALL face it too 🙂
I know you are already working at a full time job and when you aren’t, you are blogging full time! I wonder what will happen once you get married ;)(if you aren’t already, which I doubt!)
I agree with your ways of relieving stress. Being with your loved ones, and music I can well relate to. I don’t drink too much of coffee, which again isn’t good for health, and absolutely no alcohol, but I do know that these are ways people reduce their stress levels.
Ah..blogging…at times it gives me stress, instead of removing it for me!! Or perhaps when I really go over-board with it. But if you are really loving what you write, then it does remove stress and that happens with me too, while at other times, if I have other priorities lined up and I know I have my blog to take care of, besides the comments and social medai – it does become stressful.
I’m glad you added the drink and drive bit 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, and have a nice stress-free weekend 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Music is one way that i release stress. I have my favorite tune that i play and listen too. Also I relax. Just lay down and let go and be still.
I do have a tape of listen to water like a stream running and sometimes when on the PC I listen to it when trying to write. It is very relaxing and help the words just come out.
You have a good day,
Hi Debbie,
I think music is the most common stress reliever that most people have mentioned here, and it does help a great deal. I agree, just doing nothing and really listening to your favorites works wonders.
I think those are sound effects in the tape and there are various other kinds, like those of birds twittering softly and others as I’ve heard others mention it – soothing indeed.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences. 🙂
BTW – Why don’t you use a Gravatar like you have on your blog so that everyone can see your picture here 🙂
I love peace and quiet when I’m stressed and like to get away from any kind of loud noise. My favorite stress reliever is to take a walk along the sea shore out of season when the beach is quiet and watch the waves. Very therapeutic and I guess the exercise helps too. I’d do it more if I lived on the beach – but we can all dream, right?
Hi Ana – nice to see you after a long time 🙂
I agree with you there, though for some people if things are too quiet they tend to think more and get stressed. I guess a lot depends from person to person and their preferences, isn’t it?
Beach walks are so refreshing I think and just to see the waves rise and fall brings in a feeling of serenity. Oh yes…we lose nothing my dreaming, I agree 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Very informative post! Like you, my favorite is too my morning walk. Being one with nature is just so serene. I often even find myself smiling as I walk and observe what’s going on around me. It not only calms me but also energizes me to take on whatever the day may bring.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
Hi Ilka – nice to have you back after a long time 🙂
Ah…I know now that you’ve been on a health drive for the past few months so there must be a lot you’re doing besides the morning walks, which of course do relieve stress.
I agree with you, and I think when we walk, if we don’t have our music with us in the form or iPods or other such device, we have our mind running in all directions, and to be in nature with such thoughts is so refreshing and yes, it does energize you too.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Thanks for nice article. Reducing stress is also a part of our business and if we ignore it, it could be harmful for us.
Everyone has its own method to reduce stress and get relaxation. Whenever i feel stress, i hear music But the method i use a lot is ” sleep “. Because after sleeping i get that much relaxation and freshment that much i can’t take from any another method.
Welcome to the blog Bilal!
Nice to know that you liked this article, and you are right – if stress is ignored, it could harm us in more ways than one.
Yes, music is a great stress-buster, and so is sleep for some people, though I’ve always wondered how people can sleep when they are stressed! In-fact they should be unable to sleep, but each one is different and so are their ways of dealing with stress.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂
Hi Harleena
Such a great topic. I too loved the quote “Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” ~ Hans Selye
For me I have a combination of senses and ways to let stress go. I have always used exercise and do a variety of things like walking, swimming, gym work out, yoga. When I was younger and working in a stressful environment I went to the gym twice a day – now that was extreme!
I love music, a walk along the beach, being in nature and I think my very favorite is massage. Oh I love a massage. I also meditate but I am not as regular as I would like to be with that.
Reading something uplifting is also one I like or watching comedy.
Another great post thanks Harleena.
Have a great week.
Hi Sue,
Glad you liked the topic, and yes, that quote I thought would fit in well with this post too 🙂
That’s wonderful indeed! I guess you are already doing all that’s mentioned in the post to relieve stress, and I’m sure you must be seeing the difference it makes to you and your life. Going to the gym twice! Gosh! How did you find so much of time and energy I wonder?
Walking on the beach is another nice idea, though works for those who are living close to one! Being in nature and walking early morning is something I love, but the days I don’t, those days are lazy ones for me. I wish I could have had more of massages too, because I think they are very relaxing and a great way of relieving stress. Meditation and yoga are well known of course and I’ve mentioned most of these ways in my earlier post that’s different from this one focusing on the senses helping in reducing our stress levels. Oh yes…reading or watching something you like does take your mind away from any worry that might be disturbing you.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Hi Harleena and everyone,
The best thing you can ever do is to think positively.
Everything is energy, everything breaks down to atoms and atoms are made up of Energy!
Stress is holding on to negative energy, which in turn can cause illness and disease in the body because negative energy suppresses our immune system and makes us weaker and more susceptible to infections, germs, bacteria and viruses.
That’s why Stress is the Silent killer, and that’s why the placebo effect works, and faith and believing in yourself with thinking positively heals.
Many thanks and Best Wishes!
Hi Mitch,
Absolutely! I agree with the way you describe it well in the form of everything around us made of energy, which is very true. Stress will remain whether we like it or not, but we need to find ways to change this negative energy to a more positive one by following the easy ways mentioned in the post.
If we don’t do that, we are surely going to feel stressed out, which will result in other health issues, just as you mentioned. I agree, stress IS a silent killer, that’s why prevention in this case is better than cure, which we might never get a chance for really.
Thanks for stopping by and adding more value to the post. I appreciate your comment 🙂
Hi, Harleena mam,
Indeed, Our sensory organs play a vital role to make ourselves stress free. Stress can lead one to depression which is very bad where we stop enjoying ourselves. I have experience reducing stress by these methods:
When I feel stressful one common thing I do, I shut my eyes and try to recall the days with happiness. I flash-backed to my college days when we had done lots of fun, leg-pulling and teasing with friends.
Even I recall scenery of my beautiful village, now I miss it. 🙁
I remember the goals scored by me in football matches. 🙂
I put my light off and tuned to some beautiful songs and music (A.R.Rahman, Kishore Da). This take me out from stress in fraction of second. 🙂
When I wander in my garden which have collection of magnificent flowers, the smells of these take me another level of happiness. 🙂
I didn’t try it yet but going to try it.:)
Yes, it is also play a good role. Keyring make the magic for me. I put it in my finger and rotate.
These are natural and genuine ways to make ourselves stress free but people go after alcoholism and smoking. I wonder how these make them stress free??
Thank you for sharing another beautiful and helpful post. 🙂
Hi Kumar,
Ah…love your long comment 🙂
I agree with you there – the harm stress can do to us cannot be ignored and I wish more people would understand this simple fact and take timely action.
I like what you do when in a stressful situation, and yes, recalling the past days of happiness by closing your eyes is making use of sight, which is nice. I do that sometimes too, or then it’s getting lost in nature, which is my favorite.
Ah…music is an all time favorite for most of us I think to relieve stress too. And yes, being in nature and smelling the flowers can take you away from any stressful situation. Do try the taste options and let me know what you experienced. I liked the key-ring rotation because one of my uncle does that too, but that’s just as a time pass or for joy more than anything else I think.
People tend to choose the bad or wrong ways to reduce stress because that gives them temporary pleasure only, not the permanent one like these. They realize their mistakes soon enough, if they aren’t too late already.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Long commenting learned from you!! 🙂
I will definitely share my feedback on taste but it take some time because I always try to avoid stress by doing some good things what make me happy. So there is very narrow chance to get my self stressful. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Well, thank you for saying that and it makes me happy that you learned something from me 🙂
I agree with you, you should do things that bring you happiness only, and if anything else doesn’t work for you, then you should just leave that aside, even if it’s suggested by someone else. Do what works for you and brings you happiness because you matter most at the end of the day – isn’t it?
Thanks once again 🙂
I have one word for stress relief:
Hi Darlene,
I like your one word for stress relief and wish I could get more of that too. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Stress is the most dangerous and also major problem now a days, people are not getting proper time to live their life happily. Thanks for sharing this awesome article.
Welcome to the blog Tanisha!
You are absolutely right! Stress is a part of our life and that’s one reason we never get to know the stressed lives we lead and the harm it causes us. I hope with this post they can learn how to easily relieve their stress.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Great post always enjoyed your way of writing. I thing there is never place like Himachal Pardesh where you feel stress free and enjoy the real valley view a lot.
You have added here great tips that surely help to relieve stress. Please visit on my blog a wonderful post wait for your suggestion.
Hi Manu,
Nice to know that you like my writing 🙂
Oh yes…any hill station is a great place to relieve your stress, or even the beaches, or just any getaway place that is away from the normal rut of life works.
Thanks for stopping by, and yes, I shall soon visit your blog too. 🙂
Hi Harleena,
My first reaction to stress is to reach for food. It’s worse than chocolate, it’s pastries! There are times I cave in but lately I’ve changed my habit and started walking on my treadmill. The best way for me to stay away from pastries is to not buy them so I keep them out of the house. 🙂
There are days life gets in the way and I’m unable to work out but I can feel the difference right away when I don’t walk out my day’s stress.
There are always going to be stressors in our lives, it’s how we handle them that counts.
Great post Harleena! Happy new week my friend!
Hi Corina,
Ah…is that so! I’ve heard people do that but never really thought it happened for real because how could anyone eat when one is stressed, but that’s what even the studies indicate and the very reason why we put on weight 😉
I think walking on your treadmill is a better and healthier option but it must have taken you a while to get used to that too because you were earlier used to something entirely different like preferring to eat down your worries kind of thing. I agree with you there, and that’s exactly what happens with me too if I cook something sweet!
Walking and exercising are known to release the stress hormones in our bodies, and like you, I feel rather stressed and lethargic when I don’t walk either. I agree with you there – stress IS and will always remain a part of our lives because our life is such. What matters is how you learn to deal with this stress in the best possible way.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hi Harleena,
I enjoy getting out in nature. You’re right, surrounding yourself with the sounds and sights of nature can make a big impact on your mood. I also like aromatherapy. When I take a shower, I light a scented candle for the “spa experience.” Lavender is my favorite scent for relaxation.
My favorite relaxation taste is chamomile tea. If I can sit down with a cup of chamomile, tea then all is good in the world.
You’re right though. The opportunities for harming yourself with the bad reactions to stress are scary. All of the ones you mentioned are very harmful. But by reacting to stress in the ways you suggest, we can not only reduce our stress but also set an example for our children about how to react to stress effectively.
Hi Carolyn,
I know you do as I could make that out from your recent trip to Alaska! Oh yes…your mood gets better and once that happens, everything seems so good and positive.
I’ve yet to try aromatherapy and the spa treatment as such, though I know they have a positive impact on our senses. They too are on my to-do list like so many other things. I haven’t tried Chamomile as much, but green tea that I have for it’s antioxidant properties and other benefits, though you do need to develop a taste for all these, so that’s where your taste comes in too. 🙂
Yes indeed, there are so many wrong ways to deal with stress that people adopt, just as I’d written in an earlier post if you remember, which were just a few. I hope instead they choose these easy and natural ways to reduce stress, and as you rightly mentioned, it’s even a lesson for our kids and would help them right through their growing years, especially if they see their parents coping well with it.
Thanks for stopping by and adding so much more to the post. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Well done Harleena!
You have said much and I don’t think I really have something different to add. Apart from your write up, some of the commenters have also added their own points too.
I support the fact that we need to be in charge of our minds. Once you can control your mind, everything about you is put under check. But the moment we let our minds out of our grips, there would be trouble.
It is obvious that the biggest challenges we have come from our senses – sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. But these senses themselves are subject to the control of the mind; and the mind is subject to our own control. So once we handle the mind, every other ones are put under check.
Hi Joseph,
Glad you liked the post, and yes, many people have added their views here, which I always appreciate as that makes the post more lively and interactive I think.
I agree with you there – the power to control our mind lies within us, this is exactly what I’ve written about in my latest post, so it’s all fresh in my mind too. Oh yes…senses are a major part of the mind, and you need to control them or keep a check on them or there’s bound to trouble on all fronts. I wish more people would understand this simple fact because this isn’t all that tough a way to relieve stress, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
I was on your blog-zine just to leave a vague comment and you know why. But I thought of asking a real question and so if you could please show me the way out of this or how to cope up with it. My problem is I am fed up of my job due to attitude issues and the way they treat we employees in my company. They exploit us under the tag of policy and rules. There is much more to say but I am running out of time. So basically this is going on and someone suggested me of blogging as a good substitute if I succeed as a blogger, I can get rid of my job gradually. But I don’t get time for blogging since I work full time, which makes me more frustrated.
Hi Kundan, and nice to see you after a long time 🙂
Ah…I’m glad you didn’t leave a vague comments, and instead thought of asking a worthwhile question – let me see if I can help you with this one 🙂
The first thing you should do is to believe in yourself. Have faith in your self, abilities, and God, if you believe in Him.
Do not react if others try to press the triggers to problems. If others are having an attitude issue – it’s their problem and don’t be bothered about that. If you’ve a personal attitude problem, sort it out.
Be concerned about yourself and be good. You’re mistreated only if you allow others to mistreat you. No one can actually make you feel inferior other than yourself, so the controls lie within you – not others. Ignore all nuisances. Have self-respect, and let people know how you want to be treated.
If there are certain rules of a place, then you need to follow them. If you think these rules are not just, then voice against them, else leave that job (after securing a new one).
Try to look from an employer’s perspective – you might reach to a better understanding and might not feel as bad as you do now. Most of the employers want more than the worth of the money they pay to their employees. If you run your own business, you might end up doing the same.
Just do your work and job with perfection. You should enjoy doing that, and then probably you’ll feel better placed than before. If you experience work stress, communicate and convey it directly to your superiors or your boss at the workplace. Don’t have negative assumptions – they might really try to help you if your problems are genuine.
Blogging as a part time solution is good, but if you want to become a full-time blogger, make sure you know it inside out well enough before making the final switch. Make this move only when you’re confident of yourself, because blogging does not come with financial guarantee and security, that you might’ve with your other job – unless you know the right ways.
Hope this helped in easing out your frustration a little bit. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing a part of your with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hey Harleeena Mam,
This is nice post on easy-ways-to-relieve-stress.
Put in simple words you can stress free easily by becoming:
*Laugh more
*Connect with others
*Assert yourself
*Try yoga
*Get enough sleep
I have just collected this from your blog and i think these can be effective in simple ways.
Welcome to the blog Christopher!
Glad you liked the post, and yes to lead a stress free life, you need to do all the things you mentioned, though none of them are from this post but another post perhaps. However, if you use your five senses, you’d be able to cope with it in a much better and easier way, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
So happy that you addressed this issue. As your quote says “Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” This puts it all in a nutshell.
We all experience stress. Sometimes low levels and sometimes such high levels, we need to take action.
I like to use a stress reducer by smell. Lavender has been one of my favorites for years. I carry it around all the time. Once I was on line in a grocery store with screaming babies…I sniffed my Lavender and yes, people looked at me strangely but I did calm down he he.
I also find that exercise is so important. When I’m not exercising I notice that my stress levels are higher.
Food is also important. When I’m in a stressful situation, I automatically go for comfort foods and drinks. Then I have to stop and remind myself that coffee will do me no good! So I switch to water. Chocolate is another thing I run to but I replaced that with natural organic licorice.
As long as we have the tools you mentioned above, we can take control of stress in our lives.
Hi Donna,
Glad you liked it, and yes, that quote really says it all 🙂
Absolutely! And I think stress has become such a normal part of our life – all we need to do is learn how to deal with it in a proper way, isn’t it?
Ah…nice to one that you DO use the power of smell to relieve stress, and yes, I’ve heard Lavender is the right one for that though never tried it as yet. I think it must be used my most Moms with small kid’s, though parents like us with teens too could use a bit of it 😉
I agree with you about exercise and walks, and we do release the stress-hormones when we do that, so it’s medically proven and something that all of us must do.
Oh yes…I think when we are stressed, we really don’t see what and how we are eating, and anything that comes in hand goes straight to the mouth, unless we remind ourselves and concentrate by eating mindfully. Chocolates and all the wrong things find their ways to our tummies…stress or no stress 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
You’ve given us loads of great tips for dealing with stress here, Harleena.
I use a lot of them myself. My favourites are dogs and exercise (though my collie can be a source of stress when she’s misbehaving!) I jog most mornings and find that’s a great stress buster – I also try to go swimming once a week. Like you, I get a lot of joy and relaxation from my early morning walks.
You’ve reminded me that I eat much too quickly – I’m not sure if I can manage 20 chews between mouthfuls, but I must try to slow down.
I play the piano very badly, for my ears and the dogs’ ears only, but find that’s a great relaxant – I occasionally get an anxiety-related breathlessness (a horrible feeling that I just can’t catch my breath – had it since I was a teenager) and playing the piano is the one thing that’s almost guaranteed to get me out of a really bad attack.
I’ve also just recently started to do some simple Tai Chi exercises, which includes self-massage, and that’s very effective.
Could say loads more, but I’m going to stop there, Harleena – thanks so much for a great post and I’ll try to eat my dinner more meditatively this evening 🙂
Sweet dreams 😉
Hi Sue,
So glad you liked these tips, which I felt were a little different from the ones we usually read everywhere. 🙂
Ah…I know what you mean about dogs and the time when they get into one of their not-so-good moods. Mine tends to run-off once in a while and has us running after him, yes, that does cause stress, rather than relieving it! But overall I think they are great friends that help you relieve stress, aren’t they?
I’m not really the workout or exercising kind of person, and prefer my early morning brisk walks. Jogging is great, though it’s recommended that you shouldn’t after 50 because of the impact it can have on your knees, spine, and low back etc., so do be careful about that, but I’m sure you already are!
I can never chew my food 20 times either, and I think most of us are in a bit of a rush and really not mindful while we eat. Makes me wonder how Hiten manages to do that as he mentioned in his comment above! With us, it’s a family meal, so there is no question of really eating slow because we chat and talk and eat most of the time as such times are to be treasured I feel.
Playing the piano is so lovely! I always wished I knew how to, but never got to learn it, and I’m sure you must be good at it, that’s why your dogs hear you out or else they’d be barking 😉 Yes, playing any musical instrument or creative things like painting, sketching (which I used to do!) are great stress relievers.
Getting that feeling of not being able to catch your breath must be pretty bad, almost like how an asthmatic feels as I’ve seen one of my friend’s get such an attack, but it’s good yours is not so bad and you find relief when you play the piano.
Tai Chi is great too, though never tried it but one of my cousins practices it. Ah…where is the time for self-massage…I wish there was 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, though you never have to stop and limit your words when you are, as I value your feedback and all that you share. Sweet dream and have a lovely new week when you wake up 🙂
Thanks for your reply, Harleena,
It’s reassuring to hear your dog misbehaves sometimes, too 🙂
Looks like I shouldn’t really be jogging, but I’d find it hard to give up, I enjoy it too much – I go very gently, probably not much faster than a very brisk walk, and it’s just a really efficient way to keep fit. I love it!
I did eat my tea much more slowly last night and managed some 20-chew mouthfuls! Will try to keep it up.
Oh yes…he surely does and it’s tough at times to control him 🙂
That’s what I’ve read and I might be wrong. I think if you are going slow and enjoying it, you should carry on – anything that you love doing, should be done – age no bar!
You meant dinner – gosh! It must have taken you double the time to finish your meal too then. I think I should try it out myself one day to see the time my meal takes me. 🙂
Thanks once again for letting me know. 🙂
Because of the nature of my work, I almost daily feel stress. I only use two ways to release my stress and both work fine.
1: I use to go out with my friends in restaurants, hotels or some markets and talk them so much and also share my problems with them; they guide me what should I do and when I come to the home! I am normal.
2: This way is a little bit different, I go to parks alone, just close my eyes and forget all the tensions running in my life.
Try these methods, really good.
Hi Maddy,
Ah…you are certainly NOT the only one to feel stressed out because stress is a part of everyone’s life nowadays. 🙂
I agree with you that sharing your problems with your friend’s or close ones works best and when you are stressed you should talk to people too as that helps you feel much better. But this post isn’t about anything other than relieving stress through your senses, for which your second option fits well. I think sitting in a quiet place is a nice way, almost like meditation where you can close your eyes and feel good. Yes, do try out the other ways and see the difference 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
Hello Mam.
Another great article. Well If you ask me the best way to relieve is music. I listen music and I feel good.
Beside that talking to someone can actually bring you back to life. So I believe in talking and sharing my problems with friends.
Hi Ashi,
I agree with you there, as music works well as a stress reliever for me too. I think more than anything else, it cools and soothers you down, which on its own lessens the stress levels. Oh yes…talks help a great deal, and when you are stressed or worried, sharing your feelings with others always make you feel better. I’ve covered all that in my earlier post and this post was mainly related to how our senses can help us relieve stress, something that we can so easily do ourselves, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views 🙂
You are so right about stress and to start with with the 5 senses. What comes to mind a couple of weeks ago I was very stressed out. Trust me nothing would have worked. My husband knew the lock to the garage door wasn’t working but he sprayed it and thought it would be fine. He was gone and I am ready to leave for a dog trial and I can’t get out. My car is in the garage and the electric garage door opener is in the car. I took at screwdriver took the whole lock apart and was kind enough to leave all the parts on the floor for my husband. I drove an hour and half to the trial and I was struggling to calm down. My son called while I was driving and he said, try laughing. It will lower your blood pressure and you will calm down. Sure enough it worked. So laughter is another stress reliever
Hi Arleen,
I’m happy that you could relate so well to it 🙂
Oh yes…just as you mentioned in this little incident…what your son said was so true – laughter does help a great deal and so do many other factors, though in this post I wanted to specify about how our senses can help us in relieving stress. I can well imagine how you must have felt when you were getting late and the lock wasn’t just opening! Breaking it was the only thing I too would have done 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Great stress relieving tips.
I am a great fan of classical music and I listen to it when I have time. I listen to all sorts from Western classical but mostly Indian and its great. So soothing and uplifting. It helps me sleep as well. I have also heard that sounds such as bird chirping can also help but not tried it. I have a parrot at home and it chirps all the time and they sound lovely in very early hours of the mornings.
Hi Shalu,
Glad you liked these stress-busting tips 🙂
Ah…classical sounds nice, while I prefer the old classic numbers, all kinds – any day better than the new numbers! I agree, they are soothing, and the instrumental ones are great stress relievers too. Birds chirping all the time can cause stress if you want a quiet and peaceful time away to yourself, but the early morning chirping of birds far away is nice I feel.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Stress is common for everyone & for marriage person it is day to day life. But I think the best medicine will be to be tense free as much as possible. The points you mentioned to relieve stress seems very fruitful for everyone.
I think everyone must read the article for once.
Hi Ahsan,
I agree with you there..lol.. 🙂
Being tension free isn’t easy unless we make some efforts to evade stress, because it’s so much part of our lives. But if we can make use of the resources that lie within us like our senses, we might be able to lessen the stress levels to quite an extent.
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
Hi Harleena,
This was a brilliant article about how we can use our senses to help relieve stress.
Out of the ones you mentioned, I consciously use taste as a way to keep my mind clear through mindful eating, and also sound in the form of listening to music.
I really enjoyed reading what you wrote about our sense of smell and how we can use this to help us deal with stress. I never considered this before and will be paying more attention to how I can change the way I feel through different smells.
Thank you.
Hi Hiten,
Nice to know that you liked the post and could relate to it 🙂
That’s interesting because many really don’t do that one – mindful eating is not all that easy, unless you are really concentrating only on your food when you eat and nothing else. I tried it once but it’s so tough with kid’s around and their never ending talks!
Music of course, I think is an all time favorite stress-buster for most people. Different smells in the form or perfumes, deo’s, oils, aromatherapy etc., all do work well in relieving stress, though I also have to explore some of them myself as yet.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. 🙂
When it comes to stress, i always agree that everyone has that particular thing that just would not let the mind feel at rest. I get surprise when wealthy citizens get to say they are stress. It blows my mind and tinkles my imagination that even the rich get that stress. Sometimes i wonder if that could be the truth, but the fact that everyone gets stress at every time simply makes the whole suspected fallacy told by them to be true. Today i have learnt the various ways i can relieve my self of this stress and i hope i get to see results immediately. Thanks Harleena for sharing this tips. Hope to get it work for me
Hi Robinson,
Yes indeed, stress can be of any and many types, and none of the types can really make you feel at rest. Oh yes…the rich face different kinds of stresses, perhaps because they have too much of money and don’t know how to use it, or other such reasons.
I too hope that these easy ways to relieve stress work for you in your life, and I think they will because they all ways within you, isn’t it?
Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the post 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Excellent subject. I hope my comment will go through this time 🙂
There are definitely two ways to relieve success, a good way and a bad way.
Ways such as drinking or smoking are not the way to go as they are only really “masking” stress to come back with a vengeance, no relieve it for real.
My tow best ways for relieving stress are walking or jogging in beautiful environments such as a quite park, with no car and no noise, and listening to some of my holosync sound recordings. These two are healthy stress relievers that I would recommend to anyone.
Thank you for always finding such valuable topics for your readers.
Hi Sylviane,
Glad you liked the post, and yes it came through well this time. I wonder it happens with your comment alone? I hope you tried commenting this same time on the earlier relationship post too that you weren’t able to earlier, so we’d know if it works 🙂
I agree with you there, and I was amazed how people didn’t know that there are bad ways to relieve stress too just as I’d mentioned in an earlier post of mine.
I love to walk too and the early mornings or late evenings are the perfect ones for me. Oh yes…I remember you’d written about holosync sound recordings and they must be really soothing you down – meditative state!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experiences with us 🙂
Harleena, I love the quote that it’s not the stress that kills us, but our REACTION to it, – great food for thought this morning! I love the smell of being outdoors and walking to relieve stress. Especially near where there is fresh cut grass or at the ocean. I’ve relied too much on food though, carbs – not that best way to reduce stress. Music helps too – I used to listen to more news and talk radio but of late I’m listening to music to unwind from it all.
Have a great weekend Harleena and I hope it’s stress free.
Hi Lisa,
It’s true, isn’t it? You always have stress in your life, and it’s all around you. Some we can handle, and some we can’t. Things go bad at times when we’re not able to react in the right and balanced way.
I like the way you deal with stress and use nature to do so. I love doing a lot in nature too and wish at times I had more time in hand to spend outdoor. I agree, carbs are bad and munching on food or snacking is worse! Music IS a great stress-buster for me.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your views. Hope you too had a stress-free weekend 🙂
Excellent post Harleena !
Sight and Sound are the best stress relievers for me and many other people .When i’m stressed , i often visit nearby farms or listen music …this helps me to clear the thoughts that make me stressed and yes i agree with you , its very difficult to chew a bite around 30 times ..when i was in the school , our teachers used to tell us the importance of chewing food before swallowing ..I practiced it for few months with frustration and i stopped it until i discovered that stomach acids are responsible to dissolve the food we eat .Anyways , thanks for sharing .
Hi Pramod,
Eyes and ears are really two important sense organs. They provide us with sight and sound, which are definitely one of the best stress relievers for everyone.
It’s true that the acids in stomach will play their role in breaking the food, and chewing does really help in this process. However, chewing slowly and for longer time helps us to feel the sensations while we eat, and keep the mind engaged. Digestion is obviously not the main concern here, which I know you’re well aware of.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. I appreciate it. 🙂
This is a great list of ways to relieve stress. Most people don’t realize that stress is a silent killer and can creep up on you. 🙂
Hi Christy,
I’m glad you like the tips and ways to deal with stress.
You’re right – we need to be aware and beware of stress, as it can really hurt us. Researchers have evidence that stress can cause diseases and illnesses on the quiet.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing this important message. 🙂
Hello Harleena,
What an excellent post about how to relieve our stress, we all need it or don’t we? 🙂
You positive tips on how to relieve stress are spot on. I love music very much, infact i was suppose to be a hip-hop artist till blogging take my life 🙂 . When i am super angry, or nervous or a deep stress state, music indeed eases me and calm my mind. Music has indeed helped me in this area of my life and i know it also works for many people too.
Music i say is the best medicine for music lovers to calm their stress. Ohhh… massage is also a great way to reduce ones stress. Thanks for this lovely post my dear friend, do have a good weekend ahead…
Hi Babanature,
Yes, I think this post should relate to everyone – stress is a burden that we all carry with us. 🙂
I’m glad you like the tips to relieve stress. Ah, now we know a new side of your personality – a hip hop artist at heart! 🙂
Your choice of music to deal with your stress and anger is definitely very good. Music is a perfect carrier for emotions, whether negative or positive. The ability to channelize emotions makes music a great healing agent – or the best medicine, as you say.
You should try out the other ways to relieve stress too, and let us know what works for you.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences about the ways to cope with stress. I appreciate it, my friend. 🙂
Another awesome article Harleena!
I agree with you on the sound and sight senses. It is one of the best ways to relieve stress. When I’m feeling a little stressed and overworked, what I’ll do is stop everything and go to YouTube and start watching videos. Funny videos are what I’ll usually go for. Definitely relieves my stress and puts me in a good mood. I’m for the most part easy going and I don’t get stressed out a lot but when I do, Youtube helps. I’ll even listen to some of my favorite songs on there as well. As always, you hit it home with this article.
Thank you so much! Have a great weekend!
Hi Nate,
I’m glad you like the post. Yes, sight and sound are the two sensory experiences that are most common and easiest to use for most of the people for stress relief purposes.
Thanks for sharing your choice of ways to relieve stress. It’s great that you’ve found your easy way to cope with stress. These choices differ from person to person.
As I speak of myself, I’m sometimes worried that I may be tempted to watch few more videos and then end up feeling frustrated and guilty of having wasted my time. So, I resort to use nature’s resources.
I guess whatever be your choice, you need control of your mind and determination to keep yourself limited to achieving your purpose, and then move on.
Thank for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experiences. 🙂
Here is another excellent tips Harleena, those unnatural stress relieve methods like getting addictive and expensive needs be avoided as they tends to be the first ones to think about by young persons like myself.
Also your pointing out natural ways to relieve stress sure helps a great deal, I honestly did learn a lot from this very one.
Thanks for sharing! Wishing you many more good blogging days ahead
Hi Obasi,
Yes, that’s very true. Some young people tend to choose the wrong ways to deal with stress may be because they aren’t really much aware of the good ones. Other reason is that the negative ways are always tempting!
I’m glad you were able to take some good lessons from this post, and I wish they help you cope with stress in your life.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Love these ideas that you gave. Stress relief is such a personal experience, but it’s a good idea to start with the 5 senses.
I use sight a lot! Looking at puppy pictures melts any stress away! Ha. How could you be stressed with little dogs running around. 🙂
Outside of that, I try to walk and at times just sit still and do nothing.
I’m also trying to work on my stress triggers so I can avoid them! I know it’s not 100% possible, but at least recognizing it!
Welcome to my blog, Jennifer!
I’m happy that you love the ideas to relieve stress.
I believe that we should start from and work with ourselves first. We should use all the resources that we’ve got, rather than depend on others and look out for something that we already possess!
You’d probably need no stress pills if you effectively work with your senses to help you engage your mind.
I guess sight is the most common sense medium used by everyone to release their stress. Ah! You too like puppies; my younger one is crazy about them and makes their pics as wallpaper on her mobile. 🙂
Doing nothing also works with some people – it helps you to be with yourself, in these times of rushing through life.
I think you’re doing great by making the efforts to recognize your stress triggers, and I’m sure that will help you a lot.
Wish you all the best and thank you for stopping by and sharing your views about the post. 🙂
Great read Indeed!!!
If you ask me, my way to relieve stress is to listen to very loud music…
Welcome to the blog, Shanker!
I’m glad you like the post.
If your choice to seek relief from stress works for you and it isn’t harmful to you or others in any way, then probably it’s a good choice!
Thanks for stopping by, and see you around. 🙂